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strike rapier // User Search
strike rapier // User Search[awgate] gamesNov 28, 2004, 5:36pm
I disagree,
It is important to demonstrate possibilities without the need for the user to know very much about the product you are showing off, and one of the most simple ways of doing that is a few very simple point-and-click games. New users should not have to 'work' to experience a working example of at least some of the possibilities, and should not have to leave range of the support staff during that time. - Mark R Trust me, Im a professional [View Quote] [awgate] gamesNov 28, 2004, 10:39pm
They could just go to AW world and play there,
But then they are out of range of support. - MR [View Quote] [awgate] gamesNov 28, 2004, 11:20pm
I doubt a PK wants to teach an absolute newbie or the 100 or so of them a
week about using AW. [View Quote] [awgate] flagsNov 30, 2004, 10:33am
I request, nay demand that a Union Jack be placed in AWGate.
God damned USA only rubbish. - MR [awgate] flagsDec 2, 2004, 4:29pm
Thats correct, it is.
However, the AWGate is made up mainly of UK / USA persons, so it would seem fair that everyone is represented. A great many people dislike having the USA flag shoved in their face with no possibility of them being represented also. - MR [View Quote] Optional Tourist In BlackNov 30, 2004, 10:40pm
I would like to see an optional 'tourists appear black' option, this would
be much better for people who can not see their screens very well. For example, partially blind people, or more importantly; me sitting on my bed 2 meters away from my screen with text size up +300x zoom. - MR Optional Tourist In BlackDec 1, 2004, 6:09pm
Yup, thats what I do, hence the 300x zoom comment on the rich text box.
But still doesnt help that much for tourist text. - MR [View Quote] Falling Snow around Christmas in AWGateDec 5, 2004, 10:47pm
ZIP will crush a set of repeated bytes such as 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
255 255 255 255 255 x 100 or so down to near nothing. - MR [View Quote] SDK: 8 Byte Unique Login IDDec 23, 2004, 12:06am
I would like to see some large (2x 4 Byte Long || double?) identifiers that
is unique to each login and given to the sdk on avatar enter. I feel this is important to coordinate between logs of various bots at different times. - MR SDK: Unique Login IDDec 24, 2004, 1:09am
I would very much like a Unique Login ID (4 byte long or perhaps an __int64)
to be assigned to each user when they log in and that is only used once (ie: incremented each time). This would allow bots to syncronise the avatars that they see by logs for example: aw-12345 would be the same to one bot as aw-12345 would be to another bot. Very very handy for security purposes. - MR SDK: Unique Login IDDec 24, 2004, 2:32am
I already made one about this?? Pah.
Thats what happens when you delete the newsgroup and post at 4am in the morning >_< - Mark R [View Quote] SDK: Unique Login IDDec 24, 2004, 8:45am
[View Quote]
Right, 4 bytes probably would be enough.
> 2. Session number. I submit this to you: If every bot can only enter one > world, then every instance of that bot in the world would have navigated > through the login, and received its own session number. So, each bot, > regardless of the naming similarities, would have a different session > number. This number is about as unique as you're going to get, and the > world server used it as a unique point of reference for a while. > Currently, you have more luck of bleeding jello from your eyes than > finding a session number collision. If this happens, save some for me, > watermelon flavor is my favorite. Session number counter is reset when > uniserver server is restarted, happens a lot now though ;) ; but quite > necessary from time to time as we don't want to exhaust the session number > pool (or it could just return to its default value when it gets out of > bounds, don't know, or care). Session # is reset as soon as it his 16 bit integer limit, hence why I wanted something a little more fixed. > 3. As for logging, logging the session number, time frame of the login, > name, sip, anything else would be sufficient. You could even hash these > things together into a crazy long unreadable number! Bot A will see Bot B > just the same as Bot C sees Bot B, both A and C will get the same session > number returned to them when Bot B joins their vision. Thats what I am doing at the moment, however crazy long unreadable numbers are not liked by my DBMS. > 4. As for AW secutiry purposes... BAHAHAHAH... I mean, whats the point? Because all your base are belong to us. > Hugs! Hugs 2 you too Joe! > -Joe - Mark > [View Quote] Sky Gradient RotationDec 27, 2004, 6:40pm
I would like to see some way of rotating the sky gradient around by an
angle, So instead of having it aligned red to the north for example, you could align the red to the northwest easily. - MR Save Screen OptionDec 30, 2004, 1:58am
Regarding Voice, and WebcamsDec 30, 2004, 1:36pm
AFAIK the VoIP feature is placed on the tabs (with contacts etc, and it
shows all the users, when they speak / broadcast everyone gets it, or they can select a private confence with someone) - MR [View Quote] Regarding Voice, and WebcamsDec 30, 2004, 8:40pm
[View Quote]
This is only ever done one way (ie: letting you hear other people) no
environment I know of will enable your microphone remotly. You still have to enable it at the time manually nomatter what. - MR Minimal Graphics ModeJan 4, 2005, 1:40pm
I would like to see an inbuilt push button to switch the rendering process
to minimal (1 frame a second or so - or maybe just paused) so that for when you just need the AW chat you can stop huge amounts of CPU power being needed to swap data in / out of the aworld.exe's paging sectors. Will be a big help where chat is all that counts. - Mark R Minimal Graphics ModeJan 20, 2005, 12:21pm
Folders in the Teleports ListJan 5, 2005, 10:50pm
Piss easy - Should they decide to (they know what) I will even write it for
them. - Mark R [View Quote] Folders in the Teleports ListJan 6, 2005, 2:41am
Ahhh that's ok then..
The bot im working on at the moment is closing on 20,000 lines of C++ :) - Mark R [View Quote] Folders in the Teleports ListJan 6, 2005, 6:39am
Probably, i need an operations per line counter, as its pretty heavily
commented in some parts. Would probably only end up at about 11,000 with comments stripped. - Mark R [View Quote] open whisper listJan 15, 2005, 4:30am
Stop The Enter Key From Sending TelegramsJan 15, 2005, 4:26am
Yes it would, the entire idea of a default button is to be default - Ensure
you do not slip up. - MR [View Quote] Sectioned Drop Down AV list...Jan 30, 2005, 9:30pm
Easy as pie, you could simply have the avatar parser so it adds a Seps
instead of a Text when it spots the av name as 'seperator' - MR [View Quote] Drop Menu Sequences?Feb 1, 2005, 8:14am
Drop Menu Sequences?Feb 2, 2005, 1:22pm
ZIP passwords are not the actual passwords, the password produces a set of
keys - comparing a zip with a password and one without is called plain text comparison / comparing the keys - it gives the a password. But proxy > Decoder > read is the easiest way, but only a few people have access to that, 2 or 3. - MR [View Quote] SDK: aw_createFeb 4, 2005, 8:57am
I wish that aw_create was none blocking - to stop bots from freezing up if
they arnt MThread'ed GUI. - Mark R Html support in Tag 200?Feb 13, 2005, 9:58am
The issue is rendering the webpages in such a way that they can then have
that image taken and put on the face of the object. - MR [View Quote] |