strike rapier // User Search

strike rapier // User Search

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Euro Descriptions

Apr 4, 2003, 8:22pm
Existing propdumps are crap, its easy to design a much better 1.

- Mark

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Euro Descriptions

Apr 5, 2003, 6:52am
Try this:

[0 ELSE Number] [Owner] [Timestamp] [X] [Y] [Z] [YAW] [Tilt] [Roll] [MODLEN]

Then we could use this....


All line feed characters are changed to '//' and their positions indexed in
string format with a comma delim for example.


Would become this//fine//day with a index string of [5,11] im sure you can
see where I got those numbers from.

and finally you finish with the [ENHANCED_MOD/DESC/ACT]

All in all giving you:

[0 ELSE Number] [Owner] [Timestamp] [X] [Y] [Z] [YAW] [Tilt] [Roll] [MODLEN]

And nothing to worry about but say a function change to tokenize the index
string, no line feeds while its in text form.

Im aware there could be some small errors in my typing it up, but the theory
is sound.

- Mark

Euro Descriptions

Apr 5, 2003, 9:18pm
no, because the // in the http:// wouldent be identified...

for example:

create sign active

would end up as 'create sign active//worlds//'

with the identification string... '18,26' because 33 is omitted it isnt
- Mark
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Euro Descriptions

Apr 5, 2003, 9:24pm
the else is if you wish to forget the object number and save space.

- Mark

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Euro Descriptions

Apr 6, 2003, 8:42am
[0 ELSE Number] [Owner] [Timestamp] [X] [Y] [Z] [YAW] [Tilt] [Roll] [MODLEN]


- Mark

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Cache to propdump

Apr 7, 2003, 5:17pm
There as as im sure Ananas will shortly jump up and tell you, until then,
stick tight :)

- Mark

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Cache to propdump

Apr 9, 2003, 4:21pm
Tried a dependancy viewer?

- Mark

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I wish for another bit, dear sir!

Apr 8, 2003, 5:25pm
I wish that AWI would add another bit to the Avatar gesture and Avatar type
protocal so we can have 512+ avatars instead of the current 255. Considering
we are begining to use bots to switch avatars there really is no point to
limit it, especially when each AV may need say 3 differnt forms.

- Mark

I wish for another bit, dear sir!

Apr 9, 2003, 4:20pm
I was aware TZ, I just wanted to give the impression of how much more a
single bit could do for us AV Wise.

- Mark

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Wish or Idea?

Apr 14, 2003, 12:21am
Similar to being an official AW distributor, each time you bring someone
into AW you recieve a share of the profits made. At least thats what its
like in some sections of AW.

- Mark

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Change default chat color

Apr 17, 2003, 4:36pm
Or.... we could just ignore it?

- Mark

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[Request] Administrative Ratings

Apr 18, 2003, 8:08pm
oh come on now, DSEden is a fun family environment! lol

- Mark

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[Request] Administrative Ratings

Apr 18, 2003, 8:09pm
Note that the ratings are guides only, ive visited X rated worlds
repeatedly, as long as some kid dosent go in there without knowing that
there may be unsuitable material then there is really no problem.

- Mark

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[Request] Administrative Ratings

Apr 18, 2003, 11:14pm
most likely not, theyre probably already / have created a plan already.

- Mark

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world user list

Apr 18, 2003, 8:11pm
Global mode is really the only suitable way of doing this other than
reporting a huge list each time you click on a world. You have to consider
that not everyone configs their browser to start with, they could be giving
their position away for ages before they realised, perhaps world owners dont
want people to know whom is in their worlds etc etc??

- Mark

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command line shortcuts

Apr 23, 2003, 5:39pm
Think about it... after the first create it actually takes more space.

- mark

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command line shortcuts

Apr 23, 2003, 7:57pm
Exactly, but would need to maintain current 1s for it to work :)

- Mark

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Suggestion: eject by browser id (install id)

Apr 23, 2003, 7:58pm
impossible really, and pointless, AWorld.exe is not a cell.

- Mark

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A lil indicator called 'Join Pending'

Apr 25, 2003, 7:24pm
that lights up when you have a join pending, so you wont say 'y' in public
if you dont mean to.

- Mark

A lil indicator called 'Join Pending'

Apr 26, 2003, 11:31am
Oh gawd no not another sound....

Next sound I wanna hear in AW is the 1 that comes out of the end of the MS
Speech SDK telling me the io or something

- Mark
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A lil indicator called 'Join Pending'

Apr 28, 2003, 4:04pm

- Mark

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Apr 29, 2003, 4:29pm
I really wish we could have this, a way of telling the browser to play a
sound regardless of an object or area event. For example when I click on
someone in paintball we both hear gunfire.

- Mark

Auto-Hide online status

Apr 30, 2003, 4:20pm
I personally hide my status because I wish to choose when I wish to be
bugged by people etc, not them choose for me. Overused... perhaps not.

- Mark

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Auto-Hide online status

Apr 30, 2003, 5:56pm
Egh... the point is if you everyone can see you dont know who is stalking
you :o

- Mark

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Privilege Passwords

May 9, 2003, 4:08am
egh... then I want someone to log in with My Bot rights AND Build Rights,
but no world rights... Go Figure.

- Mark

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standalone mode

May 20, 2003, 3:24pm
I think this is a pretty pointless waste of time, if people want to go
flying and shifting around in your world, theres bugger all you can do to
stop em if they put enough effort in.

- Mark

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major security problem

May 23, 2003, 8:30pm
Oh for gawd sakes we just have to live with things like this. Appart from
Andras and Annanas coming in and biting our heads off.

Its a standard database, unless you would like everything cyphered which
Sleepy would probably break in 20 seconds and give to the An<Somethings>
peoples its kinda pointless.

Its a risk with everything, hey whats to stop someone driving a proxy'd bot
in and scanning it, or using citSDK?

- Mark

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Accidentally blocked join requests

May 25, 2003, 3:39pm
Excuse me Techno..


- Mark

voice chat would be nice :-)

May 26, 2003, 4:35pm
SAPI would be nice for just text to speech

- Mark

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voice chat would be nice :-)

Jun 5, 2003, 4:54am
But then again with a remap on 3.4 you can change that so it shouldent be a

- Mark

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