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Help Wanted

Jan 28, 2003, 7:23pm
I believe she said she wanted a friend, not a groupie. ;P

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Chiana for President... of the Seiya Fan Club!!

If there is a Goober King...

Jan 29, 2003, 1:02am
Actually, that's not entirely true. *I* still have custody of the
kids... and the family pet :P

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Proof that Goobers ARE as dumb as they look.
gooberking at


Jan 30, 2003, 6:15pm
Happy Birthday Flagg! I was going to give you an article praising your
work at AWI as a birthday present, but since you didn't want an
interview, I have nothing to go on! :P

[View Quote] --
Goober King
It's all he's got...
gooberking at

Gate Tourist Names

Feb 6, 2003, 7:22pm
I believe she was referring to "urinals"...

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Spell it out any farther, and the joke's not funny :P


Feb 8, 2003, 6:58pm
Actually, according to ENZO, the reason he kicked tourists back out of
AW was because some of them were posting porn pictures at these memorial
sites. Nice way to show their thanks for letting them back in, eh? :P

[View Quote]
Goober King
Just keep telling yourself "tourists are good... tourists are good..."
gooberking at

A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 10, 2003, 6:21pm
In case Grimble's jab was too subtle, he's referring to Technozeus.
Apparently, he seems to think TZ's head is getting inflated over the 3.4
beta. :P

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Over-inflated for your protection
gooberking at

A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 11, 2003, 12:55am
Way to keep with the times, Brock. This issue has long since been
resolved. :P

[View Quote]
Goober King
Stirring the shit long after it's gone stale
gooberking at

A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 13, 2003, 7:27pm
*smack* Pay attention to other threads! :P

[View Quote]
Goober King
Always wanted to do that...
gooberking at

A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 13, 2003, 10:11pm
Lazy bastard. :P

Basically, A!!CT is open under new management.

[View Quote]
Goober King
All the news that's fit to pimp
gooberking at

The Problem With Tourists

Feb 12, 2003, 3:02pm
The problem is that these morons do it just to get attention, and by
posting the cit names, that's exactly what they get.

How do I know? Well, while I was at the AWTeen Memorial working on my
AWNews article, the very same citizen who had put up the porn (which had
since been cleaned up) suddenly showed up as a tourist and yelled out
something to the effect of "goober, don't write anything about the porn
or people will laugh at me!" and then immediately disappeared.
Obviously, it was a sad attempt at reverse psychology, but since I had
no intention of mentioning the porn in the first place, it only
reinforced my reasons for not writing about it.

The more attention these fools get, the more likely they'll keep doing
what they're doing. If they get ignored, then they'll eventually move on
to greener and more gullible pastures.

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Wouldn't want them feeling too important...

The Problem With Tourists

Feb 14, 2003, 2:51pm
He could always grant an exclusive interview with AWNews on the
subject... ;D

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Stranger things have happened...
gooberking at


Feb 12, 2003, 8:39pm
How about updating AW's features, for starters? Add a skybox, terrain w/
Demeter, move/rotate, and 3-axis rotation! What's the point of adding
all these cool features to AW if you can't even use them in AW's most
popular world? :P

[View Quote]
Goober King
Wait... is ENZO actually *listening*?
gooberking at


Feb 12, 2003, 11:41pm
How about you put a little more thought into those responses, eh Mr.
Noll? Getting pissy with your customers is generally not considered good
business practice. :P

And while we're on the subject of thinking, think about this: We are
merely builders. We are building in a world which has been here since
the beginning, and some of us feel that it needs to stay with the times.
Others may feel that it's fine the way it is. I do not speak for anyone
but myself, just as everyone else in here speaks for themselves.

You want to find out what we think? Perhaps *you* could do something
about it. Post an official poll on the ActiveWorlds website and find out
what everyone thinks should be added to AlphaWorld (just like you did
with the Feature Vote). Advertise it in the AlphaWorld welcome message
and in about a month or so, tally the results. I could even run the poll
concurrently on AWNews, if you think it would help.

The point is, if you really want to find out what we think, all you
gotta do is ask.

[View Quote]
Goober King
Customer Relations 101 is now in session
gooberking at

Alpha World Mystery Info

Feb 21, 2003, 1:37am
Mystery #1 Solved: Perhaps both of your computers couldn't handle a
densely filled area that may have been nearby, so you both crashed when
it loaded. Or, as normal people like to call it, a "coincidence".

Mystery #2 Solved: The guy obviously have a really strange way of typing

Mystery #3 Solved: We've been over this ground already. He, much like
many other builders in AW, managed to find a loophole in the move/rotate
code and exploited it until AWI "fixed" it. Check the dates on the
objects and you'll see that they probably haven't changed since AW was

Mystery #4 Solved: Hu apparently is also a loner.

Now, I've got a mystery for ya: How is it that you seem to take
everything as a conspiracy? First, you think there's some sort of elite
class of citizens who can use move/rotate. Then you think AWI is trying
to evoke communism by putting a Great Wall clone around AWGate. And now
you seem to think Hu is out to get you, and everyone else is in on it.

You hear that sound off in the distance? No, it's not the black
helicopters coming to get you. It's the men with the nice big white coats...

[View Quote]
Goober King
Hu on the brain...
gooberking at

Alpha World Mystery Info

Feb 22, 2003, 5:03pm
Well then, here's a tip for ya: Don't bother. We don't care about your
personal dealings with Hu or anyone else. If you got a problem with
someone, take it to them directly.

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Hu is on first
gooberking at

Fw: Bingo Bot

Feb 24, 2003, 7:08pm
For those of you in the back of the class who weren't paying attention,
yanst is having trouble posting (or at least, seeing his posts) in the
bots NG.

[View Quote] --
Goober King
A Head in the Class
gooberking at

[AWNews] AlphaWorld Poll

Feb 25, 2003, 2:53pm
Just to let you all know, I've put up a poll about adding new features
to AlphaWorld up at AWNews ( This is by no means
an official poll, but it'd be nice to get a consensus of what everyone
thinks about the issue.

I'll leave it up until the end of March, and then send the results to
Rick & JP. Whether they do anything about it after that remains to be
seen, but it couldn't hurt to try! So tell all your friends and be sure
to vote, because the more people we can get to participate in this, the
more accurate the results will be!

BTW, you need to be a registered member of AWNews in order to vote.
Registering is quick and painless, and I promise you won't get any spam
because of it. :)

Goober King
AWNews Editor in Chief
gooberking at

[AWNews] AlphaWorld Poll

Mar 1, 2003, 3:35pm
Actually, I visited your AWTeen map using the beta, and for some reason
the pictures showed up fine. Do you have Tripod Premium or something?

[View Quote]
Goober King
Kind of an oxymoron if you think about it... :P
gooberking at

The-World Bingo world

Mar 1, 2003, 3:34pm
*blink* What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

[View Quote]
Goober King
Tea's expensive these days...
gooberking at

The-World Bingo world

Mar 2, 2003, 1:25am
Maybe so they can send the prizes to your house? Kinda hard for them to
mail you a DVD if they don't know your name and address. :P

[View Quote]
Goober King
Think it through, people...
gooberking at

The Mountain Project

Mar 13, 2003, 10:21am
Not sure about the other two, but I know Blue Green Gem let his cit
expire several months ago.

But don't worry about it. Pretty soon, you'll have a brand new Mountain
Project to work on... ;D

[View Quote]
Goober King
And so it begins...
gooberking at

Gate Censorship Totally Unnescessary

Mar 14, 2003, 2:14am
You never answered his question: Why do you need to have these
discussions in AWGate? Isn't that what AWDebate world is for? :P

[View Quote]
Goober King
Take it outside!
gooberking at

Gate Censorship Totally Unnescessary

Mar 15, 2003, 1:29am
Umm, no. What they need to do is tell the GKs that, if they can tell a
heated debate is about to get started, they tell the people to move it
to AWDebate, and eject them if they refuse. That way, you keep people in
AWGate sane, and AWDebate starts to get visitors! :)

[View Quote]
Goober King
The best of both worlds
gooberking at

Gate Censorship Totally Unnescessary

Mar 17, 2003, 11:03am
Saddam Hussein was doing that long before Bush came around. ;P

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Who *hasn't* ignored the UN? :P
gooberking at

$6.95 Per Month

Mar 25, 2003, 10:24am
*blink* Umm, Brock didn't say anything about the war in that post...
Perhaps you replied to the wrong thread?

[View Quote]
Goober King
Maybe Wings *is* crazy ;)
gooberking at

E N Z O 's World

Mar 26, 2003, 8:04pm
Puh-leaze! The only people who couldn't afford $20/year are the kiddies
who couldn't con their parents into using their credit cards. :P If you
can't afford $20/year, then how can you pay for an Internet connection,
much less a citizenship?

At any rate, I do agree that AWI shot itself in the foot after the whole
price hike fiasco (which went beyond just raising prices).
Unfortunately, the company is (apparently) in such dire financial
straits, that it really has no alternative, unless it can find some
magical solution to make AW profitable. Until that happens, I don't
think you'll be seeing the prices come back down any time soon. :-/

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Your reality check is in the mail
gooberking at

E N Z O 's World

Mar 26, 2003, 8:07pm
You would think that would be the case, but then it doesn't seem Rick or
JP majored in Economics. :P

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Majored in Reality
gooberking at

E N Z O 's World

Apr 9, 2003, 7:06pm
Umm, this thread is referring to ENZO's personal world, not COFMeta. I
don't think ENZO has even looked at COFMeta in years. :P

[View Quote] --
Goober King
ENZO's baby
gooberking at

[AWNews] AW Features Poll

Mar 27, 2003, 7:18pm
Just a reminder that the end of March is fast approaching and the
AlphaWorld Features Poll over at AWNews is still going. If you haven't
voted yet, head over to and cast your vote!
Remember, at the end of the month, we'll be sending the complete results
to AWI, so make your voice heard! And don't forget to tell your friends!

NOTE: In order to vote in AWNews polls, you must become a registered
member. To register, go to
Registration is quick and painless, and we promise we won't share your
information with any lame spam lists. :)

Goober King
AWNews Editor in Chief
awnews at

The Game

Mar 28, 2003, 10:25am
Umm, he's only posted about once a week. And since he isn't getting any
responses, I guess he feels he has to refresh everyone's memory. :P

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Goober King
From one advertiser to another
gooberking at

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