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jerme // User Search

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Lister Version 1

Aug 25, 2002, 6:21pm
561kb is only half a meg.... at 128kb sec... that's not huge

You download more than that just by surfing the internet every day.... chill

Jeremy Booker - Owner
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34
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xelag age verification script

Jan 16, 2003, 5:59pm
umm... why even bother? Why would anyone tell you their age when they know
you're going to kick them out if they're under 21? (or 18, whichever your
case may be) All you're really accomplishing is ejecting the little kiddies
who are too dumb to know to lie. I go into a gor world, they demand to know
my age (like it really matters anyway)... I tell them I'm a 34 year old
male, when I'm really only a 16 year old guy who was just checking out
random worlds. Did they ever know the difference? Did they ever find out the
truth? Does it really matter if they, or if they don't, find out my true
age? Does it matter how old I am in the first place?

I wouldn't write any script of this kind because it is downright



Jeremy Booker - Owner
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for
tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day
has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34
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World stops running

Aug 6, 2003, 3:35pm
This is interesting...

You can cause the world to go offline for about 10 mins by wipeing the world
with an Xelagot?

I have had a long standing problem with the larger world's that I host going
offline for random lengths of time (5-15 mins at a time). The world server
is still running and appears to be fine, but the server stops responding to
client requests, and everyone get the "waiting for server" message.

I always got the idea that this problem was related to having lots of users
in a world at a time. I have expirecned the problem in world's like Broadway
during the New Year's party. But it also occured a lot when I hosted a!!ct,
and there could just be 5 users in the world.

I have never been able to determine *exactly* how to reproduce this bug and
the circumstances required. Thus, the dev deam hasn't been able to help
much. I have made them aware of them problem, but I understand that there's
not much that they can do until the cause is determined.

What is your world's name? dlp anne says your world is hosted by AWI, is
that true? Which Xelagot are you using and what version? What are the
*exact* steps that you have to take from within the Xelagot to reporduce the

Thanks for your help!


Jeremy Booker - Owner / Webmaster
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34

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World stops running

Aug 7, 2003, 2:17am
Ok, so... now that we have established this as a real, reproducable,
problem.... (and no one can say it's just *my* server that's being weird)...

Shouldn't there be a solution to the problem? Some sort of sytem to throttle
the number of commands the server will accept?

What causes it to go down in the first place? Why can't it handle such a
heavy load? Basicaly, what part of the server breaks when under that much
stress? What determines how long the server is down and how long it takes to
"catch up"?

I imagine the solution is a multi-threaded server model (much like the
Apache model, with the parent control process and children that process
requests), powered by a real database like MySQL.


Jeremy Booker - Owner / Webmaster
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34

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World stops running

Aug 7, 2003, 12:03pm
I don't think it's that simple. If it's a buffer overflow the whole world
server process/thread *should* die completely. Buffer overflows are fatal
errors, as far as I know.

So, if this is a buffer overflow, why does the process not die and why does
the server wait some (random) period of time before coming back online?


Jeremy Booker - Owner / Webmaster
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34

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World stops running

Aug 8, 2003, 12:46pm
>I found that too fast
> messaging is an effective way to bring down a server.

That would explain why 50 people at a New Year's Eve party could bring down
the server, especially if they're all talking at once.

Jeremy Booker - Owner / Webmaster
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34

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World stops running

Aug 8, 2003, 5:28pm
> naww - that wouldn't bring the server down - maybe congest the pipe it is
connected. I had 80 users clicking and chatting like crazy for 36 hours on
a P2 300MHz with not a single hickup.

That's odd. My server is a Dell PowerEdge PIII 800Mhz (running Red Hat Linux
7.2, what OS are you using?). So if that's the case then it should have
plenty of processing power.

The server is also co-located in a data center. It shares a 5Mb/s line with
3-5 other systems in the same rack. However, the Cisco switch there is
carefully monitered. If anyone should be hogging the line (and thereby
cutting off service to my server) the people in the control center will know
about it right away. So, I doubt bandwidth is the problem here.

> OTOH I can bring down the server with a single bot (if it is on the LAN!)
simply building too fast.

What bot do you use to do this? Approximitly how fast do you have to build?
I'd like to be able to reproduce this with a linux test machine I have on my

> The problem lies on the database management IMHO.

I whole-heartedly agree. The world server design should be moved to a
multi-threaded model. If done properly, this would allow for much higher
loads. (Though I realize the problems this raises). Each child process then
could become a client to a full-blown RDBMS (like MySQL, for example).

A database system like MySQL can handle an *insane* number of queries. It
would also make administration much simpler. (i.e. issue SELECT, DELETE,
INSERT statements directly to the database, rather than having to worry with
the world server.)

This would open up the doors to many neat web applications, with PHP, PERL
and other programing languages that can interface with MySQL.


Jeremy Booker - Owner / Webmaster
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34

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World stops running

Aug 8, 2003, 8:38pm
> And if the worlddatabase was the issue here, how come you can bring down
> a world by merely sending a lot of messages?

It could be either... Whether it's building commands or chat events, it's
all the same stuff. Sending enough commands fast enough will kill the

Jeremy Booker - Owner / Webmaster
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34

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Apr 28, 2004, 6:35pm
Maybe I should spill the beans... But during some chat with Will (999),
he mentioned a new linux world server that was a total rewrite of the
first, including support for MySQL. I'm not sure about any of the
details, or any estimated release date. He just said he had been working
on rewriting the server and that it supported MySQL.


Jeremy Booker - Owner / Webmaster
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34

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Apr 28, 2004, 10:24pm
dude... ease up a little... take a step down off the pedestal.

I had relevant information about the server...

It's being rewritten. Maybe they'll fix your ghost bug in the rewrite??


Jeremy Booker - Owner / Webmaster
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34

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Xelagot 3.600 with SQL

Jun 20, 2004, 1:41am

While I can't claim to readily use your bots, or even know the first
thing about scripting for them... I have to agree that this is a huge
step forward. Having the power of MySQL (or any SQL database) as a
backend open myrid doors for new applications.

I almost want to congratulate you on your accomplishment, but I don't
think those are the words I'm looking for. I guess I just want to say
thanks for continuing to further the development of bots for AW. Your
work definitly sets the (high) standard for everyone else out there.
Your dedication and time spent working on the project, when AW seems to
be all but ready for the final nail in its coffin, also says a lot.

On the MySQL enabled server... I've heard stuff about this too from 999
(Will), however, I have no idea when (or even *if*) they'll release this
new feature. Personally, I think we need to fix the linux problems
before we go crazy with MySQL. Hopefully this total rewrite (if that's
what it is) will fix the problems.


Jeremy Booker - Owner / Webmaster
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34

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SDK for LINUX - Beta testers required

Jul 18, 2004, 2:47am

I realized this a long time ago when I began posting about the benifits
of creating a linux SDK.

Linux machines are just so much more powerful when it comes to server
side tasks. Integrating the web server, a MySQL database, and a but
running on a linux machine can be a very powerful (and useful) solution.


Jeremy Booker - Owner / Webmaster
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34

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Oct 29, 2004, 2:58pm
Why not just take the bot off the universe CT (to an un-privlidged
account) and just let it search the open worlds?

The point of the search tab is to help users find a specific world they
are looking for (with minimal previous knowledge about the world), and
to help users locate worlds of interest to them based on a
keyword/catagory. Would you agree with that statement?

Why, then, would you want to include closed worlds in the search
database anyways? It's not going to be very helpful to return search
results including closed worlds. The people using the search tab are
generally looking for public worlds that match a given interest they have.

If a person has enter rights to a closed world, they're probably not
going to be searching for that world...

So, just set the bot to a normal account and let it run though the world
list. If it can't enter a world, then just skip it and move on to the
next. This would allow the the people with closed worlds to keep their
privacy. The people with open worlds obviously aren't too concerned with
their privacy (otherwise their world wouldn't be public), so they
shouldn't mind the bot coming in to index the world.

Sounds like a compramise to me...


[View Quote] > We wrote ours in response to WO and citizens requesting a searchable DB. We
> thought it was a good idea so we wrote our bot. Then some WO realized that
> a bot would come into a "closed" world and decided they didn't like it. We
> stopped. There is no legal issue involved and the use of the world server
> software does come with a license.
> IMO it was a loss, the searchtab would have been a much more usable feature.
> What OTHER Universe owners or caretakers decide to do with THEIR Universe
> caretaker rights is entirely up to them and the agreement you have with
> them. If you do not like the way they operate there are a lot of other
> Universes who would love to add your world.
> E
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Bot hosting...

Jan 11, 2005, 2:48am
All we'd really is a daemon process that can load/run (interpret) the
scripting language XelaG came up with....

I'm not looking for a full fledged GUI or anything, just something to
run the scripts.


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Xelagot 3.608 available

Feb 22, 2005, 6:35pm
You obviously haven't been around very long then. :-P


[View Quote] > Wackiest thing on AW I've seen yet. =P

Eclipse Evoluton BETA

Mar 21, 2005, 1:35am
Is this the C++ or VB version?


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Java SDK on linux

Sep 20, 2005, 7:17pm
I know there's a Java SDK out there somewhere... but I can't find it.
Anyone have the URL?

Secondly, how up to date is this SDK?

Third, will it work under linux?

And fourth, is it even worth my time to bother since 4.1 will supposedly
make whatever I create useless?


Eclipse Evolution [v2] Beta

Dec 7, 2005, 5:36am
Looks sweet. Nice work :-)


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World Backup Bot, Anyone?

Jan 28, 2006, 2:29pm
Since Andras hasn't said anything yet..

Try his AW Tools page:

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Demeter 2.0 Alpha Testing

Feb 10, 2006, 3:01am
It doesn't take a programmer to know that VB sucks.....


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AWI Jobs, any takers?

Mar 22, 2006, 11:19pm
I'm still working on that Bachelor's degree...... give it another 2
years?? :-)

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Question about bots and web aplications

Apr 26, 2006, 8:27pm
What you want to use is a MySQL database backend to store whatever
information you're interested in (the virtual money account balances,
for example)....

Then, use a bot to do the in-world interface. An Xelagot will do, as it
can connect to the database easily.

For the web interface, you can use several PHP scripts to pull data from
the database and display it on web pages.

The idea is that the database is were both the bots and the web
interface get their information. That way, they share the information
and changes from the bot (for example when someone gets money from
winning a game) will be reflected in the web interface.

Unfortunately, you will need some programming skills and knowledge of
relational databases to implement all of this, or you will need to find
someone who does have the knowledge/skills.

Hope that helps...


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Aug 7, 2001, 2:46am
Hmm... wonder if Eep will bitch about the previous post (and this one) being
off topic.... lol

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
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Better GZ.......

Aug 10, 2001, 2:42am
The AW GZ has look the same for years... Although it would be horrible for
them to build a completly new GZ. The current GZ should be teeked a little.
Change isn't all bad, you know.... I'm talking about the removel of old
teleports, some newever versions of objects, tweeked textures.... A few
other additoins and subtractions. But mainly just to keep it looking up to
date and give the *appearance* that someone maintains it.....


Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)

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A Perl Interface to AW

Dec 5, 2001, 1:02am
I agree here.. Yes, PHP *will* work. However it has to be run from a
Microsoft OS, because of the AW.dll and .lib files. They need to be
recompiled for linx/unix enviroment. However, the standard reply from AWCOM
is "We don't have the necessasry man power to take on a project like that"
:-/ Wait and see...

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
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Hey Roland

Jan 6, 2002, 6:24pm
From your message....

>AW does not want to block tourists out becuase those are future
> citezins

It's quite ironic how you stated this just days before they disable trouist
mode. "...tourists...are future citezins.." ...Yeah, that's what I *thought*
too. Seems AW believes otherwise...

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
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This would be cool

Jan 7, 2002, 5:03am
"In your wildest dreams will AWC take the ideas of this ng" probably
describes it best... ;-P

Although, I do hold out some hope. With 5 programmers and a *lot* more of my
money I'm going to expect some of these anyoing little obviously necesary
features to roll out soon rather than later....


Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
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activate url addition

Jan 7, 2002, 5:04am
Yes, this method will work. I used it when i was a tourist about 3 years ago
;-P Pretty nifty too.

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
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reprogram the tab's

Jan 6, 2002, 5:56pm
Why not make use of directories? Each time a user logs in the browser could
create a directory (if it doesn't already exist) with that user's name
inside the activeworlds directory. For example, when I log in the directory
C:\ActiveWorlds\JerMe\ would be created. When my friend John Viper comes
over and uses my computer to log in the directory c:\ActiveWorlds\John
Viper\ would be created. Each directory would then contain that user's
telegram, contact list, and teleport files. When and *if* inter-universal
teleports become available each user directory could have a sub directory
for each universe, as the contacts list may be different. Each user could
have seperate teleport lists for each univ. but, that's what inter-universe
teleports are for :-)


Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
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AW why?

Jan 6, 2002, 6:21pm
(1. Realize you posted that twice??

>write on napkins...steal napkins from Dunkin Donuts, etc.

You've been in some desperate situations....

(3. I agree.. I would be willing to pay 20-30 bucks a year, or even every 6
months. Every six months would be twice the cash! I'm no economy major, but
looking at the arcayic reports filed with the NASDAQ they have a bunch of
money. (`&selected=AWLD)

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
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