Better GZ....... (Wishlist)

Better GZ....... // Wishlist

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the derek

Aug 10, 2001, 2:34am
ok first off you broke 2 important rules:
number 1 you inserted a picture and it took me
forever to download... not only that it was GIF!
ive been there and its a nice place but i dojnt
think aw should change their gz thatmuch
it has been that way for as far as i can remember
and i dont think it should be changed even if it
is not all that good... if i remember right though
awgate didnt always look the way it did but my
memories way back then are pretty vague but if aw
would change their gz i think for abuildingworld
it should still be an "open air" area unlike that
picture next time make it a url i dont think
newsreaders can attach files so they dont appear
(ive tried attaching txt files and it did
samething yours did just made it part of the body)


Aug 10, 2001, 2:42am
The AW GZ has look the same for years... Although it would be horrible for
them to build a completly new GZ. The current GZ should be teeked a little.
Change isn't all bad, you know.... I'm talking about the removel of old
teleports, some newever versions of objects, tweeked textures.... A few
other additoins and subtractions. But mainly just to keep it looking up to
date and give the *appearance* that someone maintains it.....


Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)

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Aug 10, 2001, 5:37am
F-ING SICK OH U PEOPLE F-ING SHUT UP (its ok rattlman there jsut ean
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Aug 10, 2001, 7:17am
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Aug 10, 2001, 9:05am
*Sigh* When will they learn. . .
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Aug 10, 2001, 2:40pm
Too flat really... You've sparked my interests in revitalizing GZ, I'm gonna pop a copy of it somewhere in Alphaworld and fix it up
all nice. Take some suggestions from visitors. Probably just for fun though.
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Aug 10, 2001, 4:17pm
personaly i dont care if people posted a 1 meg post......ok so if you were
56k that like 56 k a second right? so it takes about....3 second right? WOW
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Aug 10, 2001, 7:09pm
actually, 56k is NOT 56kb a second. Divide by eight for kilobyte rating.
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the derek

Aug 10, 2001, 7:22pm
wellnto allof us are on top end computers for
example imon a 28k

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captain mad mike

Aug 10, 2001, 7:59pm
yeah, just because my connection is 500kbps doesn't mean that I can download
at 500kbps (normally I can only get 100 or so max unaccelerated)
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sw comit

Aug 10, 2001, 8:01pm
Why would any of you want the old GZ to stay for? It has z buffering out
the ***. The ground cover doesn't match, it's sloppy and not very
organized, etc etc. AW GZ is always full of tourists and total newbies, so
it only makes sense to make a good semi-first impression (with AWGate behing
the first). No offense, but maybe you complainers are just use to sloppy
building? I dunno, but it can be soooo much better. AW GZ is historic, but
that's irelevant to newbies. I see all sorts of major r/l business
rearanging the style and locations of their stores to better suite the
public. AW is a r/l business, so why shouldn't they?

Besides, I got offical word that they are revamping the AW GZ as we speak.

j b e l l

Aug 10, 2001, 8:36pm
I can't stand the GZ.. maybe keeping it the same but more realistic objects/textures in place of the old would help, I think that AW
doesn't seem feasible as a true 3D environment is simply because many of the objects and textures aren't very well realistically
designed, when have you ever seen things so exact and precise angles & corners, i understand it helps to make them fit, but you
could always create an aditional object with a paint splat on it or something to throw in occasionally to ad realism. Every object
in AWGZ is so unreleastic it's no wonder to me at all that people don't find the program as a very good image renderer, I've seen
amazingly realistic objects and those as opposed to the ones in AWGZ, it looks like you are using a completeley different program,
just because of the objects & textures there..

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Aug 10, 2001, 9:37pm
ill post html,pics as mutch as i need to :)
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the derek

Aug 10, 2001, 9:46pm
i think i just found the first guy to filter geez
i didn't even filter eep lol

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Aug 11, 2001, 2:35am
[View Quote] No, no, no, you little jerk!
You do it a few more times and your can kiss good by to your internet connection. I promise!


Aug 11, 2001, 2:39am
[View Quote] I don't know if someone is so ignorant or just want to troll. 1 Megabytes = 8 Megabits + overhead (count 1 bit pro byte is a conservative measure). 56k modems are not allowed to transfer data faster than 51k (FCC regulation) and that is Bits/second!
So how much is in time (in the best case) ???????

176 seconds = almost 3 MINUTES!!!!! damn it!



Aug 11, 2001, 5:00pm
I personally think he's just illiterate. Some people can only understand one definition of the acronym "kb" and not understand that
caps have somthing to do with it. KB is kilobyte, since a byte is larger. Kb or kb is kilobit. The K and k difference is a bit more
difficult to notice in writing, but is still simple to catch. Also, according to Digicom Systems, the FCC limit is 53k, though I've
only ever seen a connection that fast once :)
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