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AW TV Stations

May 13, 2005, 2:55pm
wowwww hey Chris... TOUCHE:)))

[View Quote] > *(non-legitimate comments on subject matter - insert standard response for
> flamers that have no reason to flame other than to hear their own flaming.)*
> Kathryn.....two words.....first begins with an F....second is You
> have a nice day
> sweets
[View Quote]

PeaceKeepers: A Modest Proposal (rant)

May 10, 2005, 3:28pm
Hey Facter good to see you around:)))))) And just reading your post makes me go
back to the old times...... Thanks for the memories:)))))

[View Quote] > Hear hear. Let's remember the old times, but let's make the best of what we
> got and try to make it better. Even if it wasn't what we were expecting.
> Coming to the reunion in Boston, Fac?
> Chris

wb NGs!! 7000s 7000w

May 25, 2005, 5:05pm
hey Dusk pretty cool place.....and besides it's always good to know we have
another tports place to go.... great work and thanks for include some of my
buildings in there;)))

[View Quote] > Thats not the attitude to take here in the newsgroups Rodent.
> Thanks for the post Dusk I always like to explore new places in Aw and a
> teleports is an excellent way of doing it- especially as I know you as a
> builder whos been here for a long time and is bound to have a great
> selection of interesting and varied teles- which is what I found when I
> visited there- and I might just take the chance to reitterate that I liked
> the spider tele, very original.
> I would say give it a look first and find out why it is different instead of
> tryin to make pointless jibes that are just detrimental and negative Rodent.
> Where is Hampsterville anyways? Id never heard of it before and would like
> to come see sometime..
> Cheers :)
[View Quote]

Re: I Can't hear Midi With Midi On in Settings

May 27, 2005, 2:22pm
heheh upgrade your media player......that's all

[View Quote] > Plug your speakers in.
> Turn the volume up.
> Wait for one of AWI to see you still have BETA rights...
> --
> - Mark Randall
[View Quote]

Streaming Media

May 28, 2005, 2:49pm
You are right.......we really need one....So if anyone wants to write it and
let AWSchool use please let us know:)))))) Thanks

[View Quote] > There really should be a tutorial on how to record a video in aw and how u
> can make it so its not all scrunched up.

AlphaWorld Enhanced 1.0 released

Jun 6, 2005, 2:54pm
wowwwwww SW Comit the AWE is incredible.... I love it:)))) thanks:)))))

[View Quote] > Alphaworld
> Enhanced
> A visual enhancement mod for AW
> Alphaworld Enhanced (AWE) is a mod that utilizes the the "local path" option
> within the Active Worlds settings. What this basically does is override a
> part of Alphaworld's object path with the mod. To see what is included
> within this mod package, read the sections below.
> :: Benefits of Alphaworld Enhanced
> 1.. A better travel experience through Alphaworld. See the world in a
> whole new light.
> 2.. One-time install! AWE can survive the sometimes-frequent Active Worlds
> program crashes.
> 3.. See original textures the way they were meant to be seen; in high
> resolution.
> 4.. Additional content such as avatars and gestures.
> 5.. Potential to add textures and modify models & avatars.
> =======
> For more information about AWE, visit our website at
> Or view our discussion thread about it, which has a few more comparative
> screenshots -
> See the link at the bottom of the post for an archive of user feedback for
> the previous versions. So far, everyone has loved it :D


Jun 24, 2005, 2:45pm
Yes it's an old thing... i dont know if it's a glitch.... i guess it's
what happens when we use mask on top of a masked object... some objects
(like in this case a wk01h.rwx) tends to disapear..... Look at inside
the top window in this house I did around 2002or 03......
[View Quote] > this 'feature' is OLD .... dating back to the days or Roland
[View Quote]


Jun 24, 2005, 2:52pm
errrr:((( I guess this page can't be open here... sorry:( In case anyone
wants to take a look at the house here are the coords. AW at
6555.37N 6645.31W 0.51a 180
[View Quote] > Yes it's an old thing... i dont know if it's a glitch.... i guess it's
> what happens when we use mask on top of a masked object... some objects
> (like in this case a wk01h.rwx) tends to disapear..... Look at inside
> the top window in this house I did around 2002or 03......
> --------------------------------------------------
[View Quote]


Jun 25, 2005, 12:59pm
yesssss Andrasssss... thanks sooo much..... But about the DirectX and Open GL.... What I have noticed is that in DirectX the buffering is terrible.....

[View Quote] [View Quote]

Time to stop?

Jun 24, 2005, 2:56pm
I like to help you with some tricks.... Can I see your building????

[View Quote] > I have always worked hard at building, aiming at realism inside and out.
> For months I have been trying to make realistic hills by using the
> basic hill shape at a lot of different angles. It looks very Toytown if
> you just juxtapose four. However, I am reaching the edges of
> frustration. Every time something looks right from one angle, something
> sticks out from another. Am I attempting the impossible, or is there
> another way to do it?

Contacts online list not behaving

Jun 25, 2005, 12:53pm
SW Comit don't tell the secrets here........ I guess I am going to sent one of
my clones after you....rotfl

[View Quote] > It's called ghosting...long time, common problem. Some people ghost on
> purpose :P
[View Quote]

Happy Birthday!

Jun 28, 2005, 3:23pm
Happy 10th AWI .... And manyyyyyyy moreeeeee:)))) . I came in when COF was
starting Active Worlds:)))))... I remember the gateway entrance as a spaceship
and we all a bunch of aliens looking around... Was incredibleeeeeee;))))

[View Quote] > I think it's pretty funny and cool that AW came out BEFORE Windows 95.
> Windows 3.11 wasn't even geared to the Internet and you needed a special
> login program to get online. LOL
> -Kenneth
[View Quote]

AW Fireworks This Year?

Jun 30, 2005, 2:59pm
I remember kenn.... we could click stuff and we could see beautiful fireworks
around the edge of the beach.... was beautiful:)))

[View Quote] > Ahh I found it on an old AW Newsletter on the web, from 2000. They used to
> have it in A`tuin2 world. You can read about what it used to be like here:
> I see A`tuin world still exists with the same dark serene dock and ocean,
> but nothing on signs or anything about a Fireworks show this year, so maybe
> not this year.
> -Kenneth
[View Quote]

So how about those clouds?

Jul 1, 2005, 1:57pm
claps for the clouds...;))))) vivaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!

[View Quote] > Pretty nice eh? Thanks for putting them in Alphaworld, AWI, they rock ^_^
> Really makes the environments more immersive.
> - Com


Jul 11, 2005, 2:07pm
and mine??????

[View Quote] [View Quote]


Jul 21, 2005, 5:17pm
Ops I am the "BRASILIAN ONE" kid... and whats the problem??? Are you going to
tell me that I am ignorant and such just because I was born in
BRASIL??????....Or because my english is not perfect????? bring it on:)))))))))

[View Quote] > Telegram from Gnu32, sent just now:
> Oh shut the fuck up you brazilian, he's calming the situation, your not,
> attention whore

<no subject>

Aug 1, 2005, 12:45am
Who was the guy giving cookies?????........... I deserve some:)

[View Quote] [View Quote]

<no subject>

Aug 2, 2005, 1:51pm
I agree... but if you want some cookies just ask ....:)

[View Quote] > The worst NG thread in history this :P
[View Quote]

The discoveries...

Aug 5, 2005, 2:43pm
wonders about the encroach on this ZONE thing?????? Maybe it's my broken
english ...but looks like this is only for caretakers to use right????

[View Quote] > Wow this changes everything...just reread the zone features.
> You know this could really put AW on the sounds like you can make
> some pretty good quality games with these features. My mind is totally
> racing right now with ideas ^_^
> Sheesh, 12:30 here...won't be able to sleep now :P
> On a side note, I predict it being a good time to be an avatar designer.
> Everyone is going to want a personal avatar $_$
[View Quote]

CY Update

Aug 10, 2005, 12:09am
Got my vote Dusk:)))

[View Quote] > I'll vote for all your wonderful work Dusk :)
> Imagine

you like ?

Aug 10, 2005, 8:15pm
ROTFL:)))))))))) You guys are sooo funny:)))

[View Quote] > Those wedding avatars are great, im sure many women in Activeworlds,
> actually teenage girls, that get married will love them.
> However if your up for suggestions, might i ask you lower the
> transparency on the dress? so that it is still transparent but not as much.
> :-\
> -C P

AW Reunion 2005

Aug 16, 2005, 2:10am
hehehe CP....I told you to let me talk to your mom;)
Gooooooooobieeeeee thanks for let us see all the picts ... was so good
to see you all having a good time .. and soooo nice to meet you guys.
[View Quote] > BORF
> ncie pics...i wish you would have gotten more pics of you all...but
> thats coming from me lol i live clsoe to boston and considered coming
> by...but idk i just didnt feel like i would be welcoemd (no idea why)
> looks like you had fun though!

C P's bday

Aug 19, 2005, 7:01pm
wowwww partyyyyyyyyyyyy.... Do I have to bring food???? Can I bring the

[View Quote] > See ya there C P !

[HTML] Who Wants To Be A Millionaire - First Video Completed

Sep 4, 2005, 2:54pm
Those people who think they know better than everyone does......... Know
nothing at all:)))))
VERA....The one that "knows nothing"

[View Quote] > Get sued?
> --
> - Mark Randall
> "Those people that think they know everything
> are a great annoyance to those of us who do"
> Isaac Asimov
[View Quote]

wanna hear a funny?

Sep 4, 2005, 10:27pm

[View Quote] > This is hilarious guys ya gotta hear it,


Sep 9, 2005, 3:35pm
Titanic By Omega is in AW coords. 2344.9N 1925.2W 0.0a 0 ...Incredible

[View Quote] > there is a reproduction of the titanic somewhere in alpha but I would have
> to look and dig for coords to it because I haven't marked it on my new comps
> aw browser yet
[View Quote]


Sep 9, 2005, 11:29pm
ummmmmmm look again maybe you can find Leo di Caprio:))))))

[View Quote] > Incredible... but empty! :o
> --
> - Syntax -
[View Quote]

Gate Network System: New Objects, New Website

Sep 17, 2005, 2:54pm
SR ... SG1 is not the longest running serial on TV... I am not sure but I guess
Bonanza was the longest one. But I have to agree with you.. It's one of the

[View Quote] > The point of the egyptions is that the Goa'ould were actually their Gods,
> and came with technology that made them advance. In the film they thought
> that the stargate only travelled to one world (abados), so they have an
> adventure there killing either Ra or Apophis.
> At the start of the SG1 series Earth is attacked through the stargate, they
> travel back to Abados and Daniel (whom stayed behind in the film) tells them
> that he thinks that the huge walls of symbols are actually coordinates; but
> in order to work their position must be re-targetted to take into account
> the distance between planets expanding (Earth lacks what is called a DHD, a
> dial home device, this is what opens the stargate and it does automatically
> adjust for the planets moving, the Star Gate Command SGC).
> Anyway, they start calculating new addresses and there the adventure begins,
> aquiring Tealk along the way.
> The best long running series I have seen.
> --
> - Mark Randall
> "Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
> of us who do"
> Isaac Asimov
[View Quote]

Virus Warning

Sep 17, 2005, 3:13pm
ummmmmm Now I know why you are so cold and calculative towards ppl.... It's the
"no mirror" complex... Have you ever heard of it???? Well, since you know
everything I guess you must be well acquainted with it..... does all this
knowledge flow from 17 vodkas a night?.... How can someone so intelligent can be
so self-destructive????

[View Quote] > I drank 16 or 17 vodkas last night, 10 more and you may have got your wish.
> Although, if I do die, please promise me that you will at least attempt to
> make your communications correctly spelt in such a way that conforms to the
> standards of the English language.
> This does not include typing like an 13 year old child whos email address
> ends in at as I am sure you will find that the significant majority of
> people here will take one look at it and think one of the following:
> * How Lazy of her
> * Maybe she is drunk
> * Hey, Comcast is AOL now? Why was I not informed!
> * Newbie
> * How very careless
> As a general piece of information to everyone, there are only 2 ways you
> represent yourselves on this newsgroup (or other text based comm); what you
> type and how you type it. The first doesnt particually come into play unless
> how you type it is of a reasonable quallity.
> 10 year olds could be forgiven for typing like it, bc0s u n0 th3y w0nt no
> b3tt3r. But they will learn. If you are above the age of 10 then the only
> thing it does it make you look like a COMPLETE IDIOT.
> Why did I mention my somewhat high alcohol consumption last night? Because
> when I got back I could still type several hundred times better than you! :)
> --
> - Mark Randall
> "Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
> of us who do"
> Isaac Asimov
[View Quote]

Virus Warning

Sep 20, 2005, 8:08pm
Yes I do... So go ahead and put this marvelous brain of yours to work on it...
and you must be fast with the results cause I dont have much time:)))))))

[View Quote] > Do you want to live forever.
> --
> - Mark Randall
> "Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
> of us who do"
> Isaac Asimov
[View Quote]

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