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A.W. 2004 Economic Report (Final Revised Edition)

Sep 16, 2004, 7:52pm
ROTFL:)))))) you guys are something!!!!!!!!!!!

[View Quote] > From my perspective. ;) But really, this isn't meant to be an official
> source for these kinds of information. Basically, it would be either AWI's
> or community's responsibilities. These are not official reports, once again.
> Please do not rely on these information for ANYTHING except to use for
> interests or discussion (debate, anyone?). I'm not OFFICIALLY responsible
> for economic reporting. It's rather my opinon anyway. But again, reports are
> bound to be opinon-based along with accurate information so I just choose to
> follow the general trends (from my perspective anyway) and make an opinon.
> It may not be accurate so I will tell you all: please do not use these
> information above for any purpose except for interests/discussion for they
> are solely my opinon. In this respects, I'm not responsible for anything
> that occurs from my report.
> Thanks.
> --
> Legion
> Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
[View Quote]


Sep 22, 2004, 8:41pm
hehehe Bits i notice that but i though that i was the wrong
one......:)))) thanks GK

[View Quote] > Ok...I tested this one (java) in mozilla browser and it worked.
> And thanks to Goober King Bille is misspelled in there as Billee

info you find when bored..

Sep 23, 2004, 11:37am
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Hey legion you are doing your home work huh!!!!!!!!!!!!! mamma mia:)

[View Quote] > Um, it was the shareholder who WANTED the Activeworlds Corporation to sell
> off their Active Worlds business to Rick Noll and JP McCormick simply
> because they didn't think Active Worlds business is good for making money.
> So it's pretty much that the shareholders are far more GREEDY than Rick and
> JP, thus prompting them to sell off Activeworlds business off and forget
> about it because it doesn't just make lot of money. It's good thing Active
> Worlds are back in Rick and JP's hand since Rick has been in AW since 1995
> and JP in 1998 and they knew exactly how much Active Worlds has to offer
> whereas shareholders has no clue what the hell Active Worlds is. In other
> word, it's back in hands of our folks. Besides, wasn't the shareholder the
> reason Maxis, the maker of SimCity and The Sims games, sold to Electronic
> Arts simply because they were good business but failing because of bad
> managment pressured by shareholders to make more money which resulted in
> productions of various games that failed to generate significant profits and
> et cetera. See for more
> information about Maxis history. Shareholders are the worst ones in the
> company. ;)
> --
> Legion
> Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
[View Quote] --------------6756F33EB167319C5BB2A453
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Hey legion you are doing your home work huh!!!!!!!!!!!!! mamma mia:)
[View Quote] --------------6756F33EB167319C5BB2A453--

new aw objects can't be found??

Sep 23, 2004, 3:21am
I cant see the new objects since like 2 hours ago all the new objects
disapear...and i cant upgrade to 3.6:((( dont have to say that im very

[View Quote] > someone please explian why only 6 trees work.. and the rest:
> (this is from the object yard mentioned in the AWNews article.. and i open
> them in my browser i get 404)
> Warning: unable to download
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> (file not found)
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> (file not found)
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> (file not found)
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> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> (file not found)
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> (file not found)
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> (file not found)
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> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> (file not found)
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> (file not found)
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> (file not found)
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> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
> (file not found)
> Warning: unable to download
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> Warning: unable to download
> (file not found)
> Warning unable to download
> (file not found)
> Warning unable to download
> (file not found)

new aw objects can't be found??

Sep 23, 2004, 11:24am
thanks Andras dearrrrrrrrrr:)))))))))))

[View Quote] [View Quote]

new aw objects can't be found??

Sep 23, 2004, 11:25am
It's not that Eep, but thanks for the help:((((

[View Quote] > Mayhaps your ISP is using a older cached version...
[View Quote]

new aw objects can't be found??

Sep 23, 2004, 11:29pm
can anyone tell me why im not able to upgrade to 3.6 anymore???

[View Quote] > THEY ARE BACK!
[View Quote]

new aw objects can't be found??

Sep 25, 2004, 2:15am
AW is having problems with the upgrade .....but the the one on the webpage is ok
to load.

[View Quote] > 3.6 can be downloaded at
> now if you download it this way be sure to backup what you want to keep then
> move it back after, like teleport.txt, telegram.dat/idx, etc...
[View Quote]

Events confirmed so far....

Sep 23, 2004, 11:27pm
Im sad to remember about AWInfo:(((( I have created like 6 or 8 beautiful
buildings:(((( and no one can see it.......very sad....cause was like labor of
love from me to the program:((((( And no one even cares to let me know about

[View Quote] > 1.) Alphaworld object path closed to public.
> 2.) Alphaworld's new objects removed.
> 3.) Alphaworld Games Bots removed.
> 4.) Alphaworld went down for brief time.
> 5.) Customs Aide vanished for a few hours.
> 6.) Price hikes back in 2002 (Worlds and Citizens)
> 7.) AWSales world vandalized.
> 8.) Various worlds either abandoned or dead.
> 9.) Lack of business contracts lately.
> 10.) Ejection by Customs Aide of the folks mentioning certain urls of the
> AW's competitors.
> 11.) Allegations of Gatekeeper abuse scandal (Actually I wasn't able to
> strongly confirm it but it appeared more and more abuses were alleged.
> Again, I wasn't able to confirm it).
> 12.) M A T T situation
> 13.) Decline of various community organizations such as Alphaworld
> Historical Society (An impression made on myself after my request for
> OneSummer to keep me informed of AWHS goings-on have resulted in no updates,
> from her anyway) and others. Universal Town Network closed up. Active Worlds
> Community Register (AWComReg) and Active Worlds Info Square (AWInfo) closed
> up.
> 14.) Certain major towns and villages such as Pink Village no longer
> operates after their long-time existance.
> 15.) Beta newsgroup closed to public reading, thereby cutting off access to
> beta information. cutting off access
> to beta information. All attempts to stonewall attempts to gain information
> about next version was made.
> 16.) Numbers of worlds/users is indeterminate in terms of its decline or
> growth (recovery). Various conflicting accounts suggests growth (recovery)
> or decline.
> 17.) Numbers of well-known worlds such as Discover by Hal 9000 and Varnia by
> Lord Chadd and others are no longer existed.
> 18.) Partnership between Activeworlds Inc. (then as part of Activeworlds
> Corporation) and Juno failed to generate significant revenues (among the
> strong factors in failing to generate interests among Juno users are lack of
> powerful features that came too late and et cetera). Caligari Corporation no
> longer has a valid partnership with Activeworlds Inc., as the Activeworlds
> Inc. is still offering Truespace 4 on its website, whereas Caligari
> Corporation is currently offering Truespace 6. Criterion Software Limited
> (CSL) did not mention any partnership with Activeworlds Inc. on its partners
> page.
> That's all I can think of. Mr. President, you may take opportunities to
> provide any rebuttal for it, or even better, to offer an explanation for
> latest events. Besides, press releases on the website of Activeworlds Inc.
> has been outdated and no September newsletter has been released. We would
> like an explanation. I do not want to get in trouble with Activeworlds Inc.
> as Eep did but rather to ask for explanation and to show a growing concerns
> for our beloved Active Worlds universe. Let's have all reasons.
> --
> Legion
> Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

Events confirmed so far....

Sep 24, 2004, 2:56pm
I don't know if you wrote this to me.....If so this is a prove that you don't
know what i do for the AW Community. Im an old citizen in AW and i loveeeee to
build and help ppl when i can. But when they close a world without even tell
you why.....and you have a lot to do with it.....its like this nose up
attitude......and this will not help the program grow. I hope you can
understand what i am trying to say.(sorry about the broken english).

[View Quote] > Lol, Rick doesn't owe us any explanations... we are paying him money, if
> we don't like what he does, or what happens, we stop paying him money,
> simple as that :-) What I've said, is that if you don't like what's
> happening, do something about it. Casting blame on the CEO of the company
> is a very easy thing to do, but let's face it, few people actually work to
> make AW a better place (awesome job to those who are!), what I suggest, is
> that you go out and start a citizen project or two :-) not something that
> is newgroup oriented, or where you have to address Rick, because when you
> do that, I'm noticing a certain lack of... shall we say... tact.. but why
> not get involved in one of the community organizations? they need all the
> help they can get :-) do something to make this place better, hehe. And
> once you start doing that, you'll see that you can count the good things
> that have happened in here much more than you can count the bad things :-)
> J
[View Quote]

Events confirmed so far....

Sep 25, 2004, 2:26pm
Let me see...... 200678 taking a note to play the lotto:))))

[View Quote] > What on earth?
> I just read that as "Vera is an awesome number"
> John
[View Quote]

Alpha World OP is gone

Sep 26, 2004, 1:21pm
I was trying to upgrade (AGAIN) yesterday and the downloads are gone
from the webpage again:((((( RAYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyy help please:((((((

[View Quote] >
> click the link.. at the time this was posted, I no longer got an
> "authorization required" message, but simply a 404.


Sep 26, 2004, 1:26pm
And they have decided that should not have access to the programs download too????
Something is very wrong there.....guys wake up please!!!!!

[View Quote] > Yes, they obviously deleted the AlphaWorld OP on purpose. They decided
> to do it at their last staff meeting. I think it was a very sound
> business decision, actually, no matter what you think. So there.
[View Quote]


Sep 26, 2004, 1:55pm
Network Status

Sunday, September 26, 2004

All systems are operational and functioning normally.

If you are experiencing difficulty connecting to any of our
services, please send a
detailed email to support at

Activeworlds Inc.

Liar Liar pants on fire......L O L....... I WANT MY AW BACK:(((((

Hey Jaguar I spoke with RAY at the office friday and he told me that they are
having problems with the auto upgrade....and just a while ago i tried to
download 3.4 or 3.6 from the webpage and nothing is working.

[View Quote] > No I don't think so. I think they did this on purpose. I can no longer
> download 3.6. They haven't responded to any emails and the AW OP is missing.
> If these (and everything else Legion has mentioned in a couple topics down)
> are all just accidental and not on purpose, then I'm claiming that I'm an
> Alien.
> Jaguar Hahn
[View Quote]


Sep 26, 2004, 2:16pm
mamma mia:((( I'm sooooo sooooo sad without my AW........crying
Thanks strike!!!
[View Quote] > Program downloads and the autoupdate is also hosted on
> - Mark R
[View Quote]

Gaps in latest Alphaworld objects... (WARNING: A PNG images files attached)

Sep 30, 2004, 6:34pm
Since 3.1 we are having problems in stay paralel to the axes.....did anyone notice that the coordinates are not perfect anymore??? Then its impossible to place the object correct...Thats why so many gaps around.

[View Quote] > I doubt it since the cell database is, according to Andras anyway, written only to a certain accuracy (1cm-translation and .1-degree rotation). Basically, changing the object positioning would require a complete world server rewrite...or something.
[View Quote]

AW Cell Date Limit Increase

Oct 6, 2004, 11:15pm
Enzinhooooooo are you ok dear??????? LOL thanks dear i can fix my
Fallingwater:)))) God bless you dear:))))))) May god grant you whatever you

[View Quote] > We increased the cell data limit in AlphaWorld today. The new setting is
> LARGE! Use it wisely :)
> E

Potentially MAJOR Problem At AW GZ

Nov 8, 2004, 8:11pm
These signs have a move command in it right???? They do the signs on the space
between the roads and the's a little bit space but they do the
signs there with a move command to the area that you see the signs in it. Please
remember to get the TYPONESE translator in order to understand this message:))))

[View Quote] > If someone managed to get AWLD's ppw, I suspect we'll have much much bigger
> things to worry about than some petty vandalism at the GZ lol.
> The signs you saw underground were prolly put in during a window of time
> when the 112m restriction was lifted.
> But this isn't really a problem though while that restriction is in place.
[View Quote]

New Cy Awards Organizer:)

Nov 7, 2004, 12:35am
Clapssssssssssssssss and more clapsssssssssssss for the new CYO:)))))))))
Gooooooooooooo Teal girlllllll:))))) hugssssss you and we will be there to help
and cheerssssssssss:)))))))))))))))))))

[View Quote] > I would like to congratulate Lady TeaL for accepting the crown of CYO. You
> will do a great job i'm sure. What is good for the CommunitY is good for the
> CY.
> Looks like you're off to a great start. Good Luck and wish you well.
> Weebo
[View Quote]

Ethics When Applying to Organizations

Nov 7, 2004, 12:52am
Hey Samuel maybe you would like to volunter your time and be a teacher too huh????
And who knows maybe you will stay alone at AWSchool GZ all day and night helping
ppl.....And BTW....I will go to AWSchool anytime someone tgram me and ask for help
....Now Josh if you still a teachers aide in AWSchool please show up and
help.....or then stay hanging in AWNewbie with the others. What I dont think is
fair is ppl going around saying that AWSchool is empty and theres no one there so
we dont exist......I the teachers (with their names at the wall) show up to do
some duty time maybe we can reverse this talking about AWSchool. The names on the
wall means nothing if you dont help.

[View Quote] [View Quote]

Any news on New AW?

Dec 6, 2004, 6:46pm
heheh ......Time to ask Enzinho!!!!! Do I need to go and get me one of
those new (fractal retinal) glasses????;))))

[View Quote] > LOL enzo sure has a good sense of sarcasm O__O
> -Matt
[View Quote]

images and textures

Dec 11, 2004, 8:03pm
Okies!!!!!! Thanks Dusk:)))))

[View Quote] > Hi
> for anyone who uses my server images and textures they will be down for
> a few days while the server is being moved to a new office. hopefully
> this week they will be back up. sorry : )
> duskbat

Merry Christmas Everyone :)

Dec 24, 2004, 12:33am
Same to you Kenn and to all our dear AW community!!!!......And we will be
watching Santas thru NORAD:))))

[View Quote] > I want to wish everyone a great Christmas. NORAD will be tracking Santa
> Christmas Eve, which they do every year, at
> Thank you Andras and Diane and others
> for the Christmas Hunt. I had a blast. I hope everyone has a fun and safe
> holidays. Dick Clark won't be doing New Years because of a stroke he had
> recently, so Regis Philbin will be doing that this year. Hopefully 2005 will
> be a prosperious and exciting year for all of us.
> -Kenneth

New Build called Off World

Dec 26, 2004, 4:14pm
Hey Tuna......when 3 MASTER BUILDERS get together......This is what
happens......One of the most incredible buildings I have ever seen in ALpha
World:)))) congratz to you d2 and RED:)))).....A site to see..come all and see
what we can do with dreams and imagination:)

[View Quote] > Hello gang, recently Dreamer2, Redoubt and I opened a new project in AW (the
> main world) that is a little different from the usual. It evolves around a
> futuristic planet called Off World. The build encompasses as large area with
> builds that use the more muted textures and various movement commands. Those
> who have seen the area seem to like the new concept as it shows strong
> variation of what can be done with standard AW objects. We hope everyone
> will get a chance to drop by. There is a guestbook at the welcome center and
> one can send post cards from the build at the Post Office. Teleport kiosks
> are provided through out the site. The coordinates are aw 31554.07N
> 31554.02E 0.80a 360 Several movies are provided at the builds to add to
> enjoyment of the journey. Here is a link to a promo movie made by Redoubt
> about the build. and one
> from tunablues The web site for the
> build is Thanks for your time.

Could Lighting in AW be brought back?

Jan 8, 2005, 1:19am
E N Z O........I have seen coronas lag much more than lights......and you
never remove the coronas from AW......sometimes my puter even crash cause of
the abuse with coronas in AW. Why not get like a time out for the citizen
that its doing the vandalism??? Like 1 month ejected from alpha world???

[View Quote] > Please just bring the 10m back, all my buildings were made on the 10m
> lighting. Now all the party halls that were bathed in lovely light just
> looks dull and grey. Light never lagged me, I never noticed a difference
> from when it was at 10m and then turned off. So whats the big deal?
> -ryn

Could Lighting in AW be brought back?

Jan 8, 2005, 4:18pm
please please?????????

[View Quote] > Please* >_<
[View Quote]


Jan 9, 2005, 3:31pm
Thanks for all you did for the AW community m0e.......And I refuse to say bye to
you.......Im sure you will be there even if the avatar is in a tourist form:)))))
See you around my friend.

[View Quote] > what a long strange tip its been ... nov 23 of 96 to jan 11 05
> after 12000 hours of use, I have decided to become a tourist for awhile.
> I shall still be around ... mostly lurking the gate, but until I can work out
> a way of making this pay its own way, i shall do so as a tourist.
> maybe doing accent pieces for world owners on their own object path will be my
> means of returning [see Cablecar, world ... SFGate], but until I sort out all
> the files I have collected in my 8+ years here, I will likely be putting my
> object building on hold as well.
> its been grand :-)

AW Light Feature

Jan 11, 2005, 2:50am
yeah Thanks Enzinho:))))

[View Quote] > Enzo,
> Thank You! This is wonderful! now that the light feature is back to 10m
> I can use it again!
> Sincerely,
> Pamela
> CoLor
> :)


Jan 11, 2005, 11:46pm
OMG m0e you are opening a Pandora's

[View Quote] > seeing as I am the sort of fool that trys to get through life on my own, I now
> find myself in a strange place.
> after expecting to be a tourist on monday last, I came to find that an AWangel
> had extended my citizenship for 6 months.
> I had planned to devote this time to making objects, with hopes of selling a
> few to defere the cost of being a citizen, and when 'blocked', spend time
> sorting all the files I have archived in my past 8+ years in the AWUniverse.
> because the AWangel haasnt made themself known to me, I shall then go to the
> community with the hopes of giving back something for the extra time I have
> had granted to me.
> what objected is needed in the community?

Alphaworld from space

Jan 21, 2005, 3:09pm
wowwwwww I can see SW City:)))))))))) Great work :))))

[View Quote] > Was having some fun in paintshop pro today and maybe this'll interest the
> Alphaworld people :D
> Still praticing getting the lighting right. Pretty tricky getting night
> mode and sunlight to blend together. Anybody else have some photoshoppin'
> skills? Make some special map effects like this and post em' here, cause
> they make for great wall pictures in-world ^_^
> More enhanced maps -
> - SW Comit

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