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Alphaworld from space

Jan 21, 2005, 3:14pm
BTW Tunablues has a PSP tutorial in AW ....coords.
13987.07S 4954.69E 0.00a 180...theres a separate part fot these globr things
just like the one you did:)))) Have fun
[View Quote] > wowwwwww I can see SW City:)))))))))) Great work :))))
[View Quote]

Invisible Wall Is Around AWGate

Jan 29, 2005, 3:56pm
I guess she means..... You can't build pass this point.

[View Quote] > I can travel past those cordinates... not in AWGate though, but i can in
> alphaworld or any other world
[View Quote]

Coming To The Cy's :))

Feb 2, 2005, 3:00am
heheh Bit's like I believe you......:))))

[View Quote] > You are very welcome Lady TeaL:)
> Thank YOU for adopting a VERY hard project and giving sooo much to our
> Community!:)
> *Stretches out on the lounge chair sipping lemonade in the sun*
> Right:)
[View Quote]

Coming To The Cy's :))

Feb 2, 2005, 4:18pm
I was talking about this last comment she made....... I know that she will be
behind Lady Teal ..and working hard for our community :)))).......
*Stretches out on the lounge chair sipping lemonade in the sun*
[View Quote] > You are very welcome Lady TeaL:)
> Thank YOU for adopting a VERY hard project and giving sooo much to our
> Community!:)
> *Stretches out on the lounge chair sipping lemonade in the sun*
> Right:)
[View Quote]

Arden SeaMaster

Feb 2, 2005, 4:24pm
I agree with you Lioness:(((( He will be missed like all the others we
lost......My way to remember him will be still going to hes jpg's yard in AW
with so many beautiful stuff......Hugs to LostTear and all hes friends and

[View Quote] > OMG!!! I had nooooooooooooo idea he was even sick!
> (((((((((((((((((((((((((((LostTear and all of the online people that have
> come to know and love him)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
> ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Any of Arden's RL family if they see
> this)))))))))))))))))))))))))) I had the (literally) once in a lifetime
> opportunity to meet him about a year ago. We had such a delightful
> conversation about our families. He was a very down to earth person, full of
> wit, charm, humor and integrity. You can't ask for more than that in a
> friend. I, myself, am truly sad over this, in addition to being shocked
> since nobody mentioned to me that he was ill to begin with. Funny how we all
> plunder along in AW not even thinking there are seriously ill people there
> too and that one day we may lose some dear friends along the way. He will be
> sorely missed. AW has lost another of their "Great" ones. ;-"<
[View Quote]

AW Website is down

Feb 6, 2005, 4:07pm
Please change back AlphaWorld settings like was before???? It's terrible to
build this way....

[View Quote] > It is Saturday afternoon PST and website isn't working
> for me and another person. I hope they fix it soon.
> -Kenneth

Lighting in Alphaworld

Feb 6, 2005, 6:12pm
try build with this ambient light dark like it' can't do a

[View Quote] > I log in and its all dark in AW. At first I was like "omg they screwed up
> the lighting!", but then I noticed it was gradually getting brighter...a day
> night cycle perhaps? If so, pretty sweet! I was walking around the city
> and some other places and it's kinda interesting to see what it's like at
> "night". And it gives the light command a real purpose.
> Sooo if that is what your up to, AWI, keep it up. Change is always welcome
> ;D
> Just need a dynamic backdrop now, and a fix to the 8 light limit for
> Direct3D rendering so we can better light up the places.
> *pictures setting up big ol' stadium lights for construction sites at night*
> :P

Lighting in Alphaworld

Feb 6, 2005, 8:17pm
Thanks Syn can I borrow your glasses??? lol

[View Quote] > Hmm sounds like the monitor to me, nothing to do with the computer itself.
> I been there before with my old crappy Envision monitor =\
> But on second though, a day night cycle with more backdrop changes and less
> ambient light changes would be better I guess.
[View Quote]

Light radius is back on 0 again:((((

Feb 8, 2005, 2:48am
Why ENZO???????

Customs Aide

Feb 9, 2005, 4:33pm
no no no.....CA had a huge fight with BI and she left.......BI is alone
now and we can get him for good.........cause CA was complaining just
the other day that BI is been unfaithfull to her.......shhh dont tell no
one about it......:)))))

[View Quote] > Hates us all, therefore has left every AWI World :(
> AWGate, Yellow, AW - NO CA :(
> --
> Ryan

Customs Aide

Feb 10, 2005, 1:14am
Hugs Lady NH.......sorry to tell you this......but CA is a SHE:)))))))))) LOL

[View Quote] > LOL Vera ... Imma marry CA one of these days so I hope CA is a he cause it
> would be complicated if it's not. Hahaha
> --
[View Quote]

Customs Aide

Feb 10, 2005, 4:00pm
rotfl at Lioness:)))))))))))))))))

[View Quote] > <----makes mental note never to wear a sexy av in LNH's presence and NEVER
> EVER give her smooooooooochies. hehehe ;-"D
[View Quote]


Mar 3, 2005, 4:37pm guys are great builders:)))))) What secret

[View Quote] > - 15.jpg


Mar 3, 2005, 4:58pm
We have a new MASK YARD in AlphaWorld since Jan/05.......Was built by
17000.00N 11000.00E 0.01a 270 ....... incredible work....Thanks MollyCatz:)
[View Quote] [View Quote]


Mar 3, 2005, 5:45pm
wowwwwww Kennnnnnn thankss sooooo much:)))))))))))

[View Quote] > In 2002, when I made the Corona Yard in AW, I made a VERY large section with
> all the known masks. The only difference is, all the masks are turned into
> coronas instead of a regular opaque object. Here is the coordinates if you
> want to check it out: 12733s 28441e facing East in AW world.
> -Kenneth
[View Quote]


Mar 3, 2005, 5:46pm
wowwwwww Kennnnnnn thankss sooooo much:)))))))))))

[View Quote] > In 2002, when I made the Corona Yard in AW, I made a VERY large section with
> all the known masks. The only difference is, all the masks are turned into
> coronas instead of a regular opaque object. Here is the coordinates if you
> want to check it out: 12733s 28441e facing East in AW world.
> -Kenneth
[View Quote]

Complains lol

Mar 10, 2005, 5:12pm
Why are you asking??? You are not old enough to be a GK............:)

[View Quote] > Does anyone know what the age requirement is for GKs?
> E
> :)
[View Quote]

Ferru and Taun's Hard Work Copied

Mar 11, 2005, 6:52pm
No matter where the copy is at......It's wrong to copy others work.... Please
make sure that you at least add a sign next to your copy saying that this was
Tauntauns' and Ferr's creation.

[View Quote] > What a terrible thing LtBrenton omfg dude. Ferru and Taun worked really
> hard on this thing and now he goes and bot-copies it >_<
> See for yourself.
> Coords to original Ship: 2643.36S 5530.36E 9.78a 351
> Coords to copied Ship: 2462.24S 1722.76E 10.87a 29
> -Jag
> [Image]

The Cy Awards

Mar 11, 2005, 6:47pm
I'm very sad to hear all this:((( But I know you girls must have a reason....So
I will never judge ...All I have to say is thank you Bits for all those years
you have given us .....Was a great great experience to go and see the
CY's...Thanks sooo much for every little thing you have done to all of us in
AW....... And thanks to my dear Lady Teal for having the courage to
try....Thanks again girls......A Huge hug to both of you from the bottom of my

[View Quote] > Dear Activeworlds Community,
> Lady TeaL and I have been on the phone all morning regarding our
> personal lives and the Cys.
> In the past I have tried to hand the Cys over, to no avail.
> This past year Lady TeaL graciously offered to take them on, with my
> guidance.
> Unfortunately, we will not be able to spend any time in "virtual"
> because of real life challenges.
> There is no way Lady TeaL could possibly do all that is needed to see
> the Cys through with no training etc. She's fantastic, but not superwoman:)
> The Cy Awards nominations this year were very weak in participation.
> I think it's time they were laid to rest:) KNOW it.
> Many times folks have told me that the Cys are linked to the AlphaBit
> Phalpha citizen. I think I finally realize that.
> Lady TeaL and I are both in agreement, that the Cys will end as of this
> posting.
> Now folks, for those of you that have wanted to start an awards event,
> the door is now open:)
> I would highly recommend selecting a new name for them though.
> Over the next months we will be getting the pages and world updated to
> current winners etc. And then we will ask AWI to let the world and pages
> exist as a historical event. Lady TeaL and I might even put our retirement
> houses in there somewhere if we can find a nice teal victorian house and a
> purple
> Anyways, ya'll have been the most wonderful people and CommunitY, and I
> am hoping you will agree to our decisions.
> If not, I'm not sure who to send you to to discuss them, since as of
> this posting Lady TeaL and I are no longer involved.
> Please don't gram or email us regarding the Cys. It's hard enough just
> having the time to post this.
> Thank you all ever so much for all your help and support, and God
> Bless:)
> Sincerely,
> Lady TeaL and AlphaBit Phalpha

The Cys Can No Longer Exist

Mar 12, 2005, 4:02pm
Ok....let's see......typonese translator on hands please.....Here i go........
#1 For the guys that are saying that AW needs to renew is
time for them to take charge and create a new Awards program........#2 I would
like to ask the ones that are already bad mouthing Bits to put themselfs on her
place for 1 sec. and realize that what she did for the past 7 years was really a
GREAT GREAT job.....And at least say thanks to her for pull all of us together
once a years and work for an ideal......#3 I dont care who owns the CY.....All I
care is for ppl to keeped together....our community is very small for all these
greed....Hugs you all.....And if any of you need help let me know:)))))...close
typonese translators please:)

[View Quote] > Hey Everyone,
> Since our post yesterday, Lady TeaL and I have received an onslaught of
> negative telegrams regarding the Cys.
> The Cys have always been a positive thing for the Community, yet are now
> turning VERY negative on it's departure.
> The Cys (as The Cys) should and can NOT continue to exist.
> I have received numerous emails of folks interested in taking them over, but
> I feel if anyone wants to organize an awards event, it can not be called the
> Cys.
> I personally own the Cys, and will be making it a historical rememberance,
> thus they cannot continue.
> Please refrain from telegrams any longer to Lady TeaL and myself.
> Use all that energy to create something new!:)
> We have been accused in grams of failing, and by gosh that hurts not only
> our feelings but also our reputation.
> PLEASE, let's exit on a positive not?
> The Cys are now a memory as of my post yesterday.
> Thank you all for understanding this post.
> Those of you doing the negative (and you know who you are:)...please cease.
> Thank you:)
> AlphaBit Phalpha

Alphaworld servers lately....

Mar 23, 2005, 2:01am
Im glad to know that Im not the only one having problems..... just yesterday
all the objects I had delted came back again....:(

[View Quote] > I have noticed some poor performance as of late as well. Things do cache
> very slowly, and I often partially lose connection with the uniserver, thus
> clearing my contacts and worlds list. I have to reconnect whenever that
> happens. Never happened before until just a few months ago (like 2...)
> -CMM
[View Quote]

GO PKs!!

Mar 30, 2005, 3:16pm
Hi everyone....... I just like to add my opinion on this matter because latelly
I am seeing a lot of "personal bussiness" get involved in the vollunteer
bussiness. We need to stop all this..... You guys that are doing a favor to the
program and helping make things better need to remember that everytime you dress
as a PK or GK or AWSchool Teacher or whatever.... The old clothes need to be in
the CLOSET......LOL... please... we should never never mix personal to the work
we are doing in AW.... It's a question of respect....No matter what the other
citizens are. We can make mistakes just like them......So please stop using the
so called "POWER" to take care your personal matters here. Thanks:))). And sorry
for the bad english:))))

[View Quote] > I too have a similar problem. It's an employer who does not like me because
> of something that I have not done but that she perceives to be real. I'm
> finding that the best way to handle this is to do pretty much what you're
> doing, with the exception of venting about it in a place like the newsgroups
> where Class 3 can see what you're typing. Not smart for you. :)
> Your best bet seems to be to go above Class 3's head and talk to a core
> member who will be sympathetic to your problem. Or have you alienated them
> too? :P This would be my next move. I would go above my employer's head
> and appeal to her and ask that person if they had any advice for dealing
> with the situation without coming off as complaining.
> If you can't get anywhere and this harassing behavior continues, have a
> phone call with JP or Enzo. Enzo seems to be looking in on this problem
> too, so you don't have to worry too much about it. He might help you out as
> long as you don't make your self look bad.
> Chris
> p.s. Turning your privacy function on might help you to also avoid further
> harassment. I don't think PKs can see through that to tell whether or not
> you're online.
[View Quote]

We Need a Court System

Mar 31, 2005, 5:56am
wait wait ........court house ...judges.........lawyers......and who's
going to pay the lawyers????

[View Quote] > lol that's funny you mention Ferruccio...I tried to get him to build a
> courthouse for SW City forever. Just not interested though him X_X
> On a side note, if you want to see my courthouse... AW 1672S 4786E 270
> It's a lil' small, but, that was sorta the intention :P
> - SW Comit

To our community catholics...

Apr 8, 2005, 8:26pm
Hi SWE......there is a saying.............. Do not judge the book by its
cover.... One should not impose religon to others......We need to respect others
choices in life including religion choices. If I pray by myself and dont ask you
to join me...... It's only in respect of your choices in life:))

[View Quote] > "This does not happen in everyones lifetime so it should be
> interesting."
> emm, yes it does? i mean, unless you die early, then chances are very high
> that you will witness. i remember reading an extract from "the prince" by
> machiavelli (sp?) that the average lifespan of a pope is 10 years, so would
> mea that everyone would see it happen, about, emm, 7 times.
> the average may have changed over the years, seeing that the book was
> written like, emm, 500 years ago(apparently, it was written exactly 500 yrs
> ago this year, remember that, because that was the reason i decided to check
> it out).
> Well anyway, just kind of strange how alot of you guys spend you're entire
> life not caring about religion, until someone dies, and then, a month later,
> forget all about it again.
> i mean, i'm not even catholic and have a general understanding of how the
> pope is chosen, and by the looks of some of these posts, i'm one of the few
> who do.
> Well i just personally think it's kind of sad how quiet afew people (media
> especially) only care when someone dies..
> -SWE
[View Quote]

To our community catholics...

Apr 8, 2005, 9:00pm
read this part please......:)

[View Quote]

> "This does not happen in everyones lifetime so it should be
> interesting."
> emm, yes it does? i mean, unless you die early, then chances are very high
> that you will witness. i remember reading an extract from "the prince" by
> machiavelli (sp?) that the average lifespan of a pope is 10 years, so would
> mea that everyone would see it happen, about, emm, 7 times.
> the average may have changed over the years, seeing that the book was
> written like, emm, 500 years ago(apparently, it was written exactly 500 yrs
> ago this year, remember that, because that was the reason i decided to check
> it out).
> Well anyway, just kind of strange how alot of you guys spend you're entire
> life not caring about religion, until someone dies, and then, a month later,
> forget all about it again.
> i mean, i'm not even catholic and have a general understanding of how the
> pope is chosen, and by the looks of some of these posts, i'm one of the few
> who do.
> Well i just personally think it's kind of sad how quiet afew people (media
> especially) only care when someone dies..
> -SWE
[View Quote]

To our community catholics...

Apr 8, 2005, 10:16pm
I guess you missed the point...... thing is....... no one is pretending......the
4 million ppl that showed up was not pretending. But I respect your point of
view..... and this is my last post on this matter.

[View Quote] > "This does not happen in everyones lifetime so it should be
> interesting."
> emm, yes it does? i mean, unless you die early, then chances are very high
> that you will witness. i remember reading an extract from "the prince" by
> machiavelli (sp?) that the average lifespan of a pope is 10 years, so would
> mea that everyone would see it happen, about, emm, 7 times.
> the average may have changed over the years, seeing that the book was
> written like, emm, 500 years ago(apparently, it was written exactly 500 yrs
> ago this year, remember that, because that was the reason i decided to check
> it out).
> Well anyway, just kind of strange how alot of you guys spend you're entire
> life not caring about religion, until someone dies, and then, a month later,
> forget all about it again.
> i mean, i'm not even catholic and have a general understanding of how the
> pope is chosen, and by the looks of some of these posts, i'm one of the few
> who do.
> Well i just personally think it's kind of sad how quiet afew people (media
> especially) only care when someone dies..
> -SWE
[View Quote]

Leaving AW Soon

Apr 10, 2005, 8:51pm
I told once that CA is a girl right??? And BI is her boyfriend.......:))))

[View Quote] > Yes, thus badass, as pointed out, is a compound word ... bad and ass ... ass
> being yer backside for which CA ejects for. Had he of said bad ass CA
> would have ejected, but for a space it's the same thing. If you were to say
> class or bass or even carcass, or behind, backside ... you would not be
> ejected because there is no indication of swearing there. You can play on
> words all you like but if CA would eject for ass alone then any combination
> including it in a swearing context would be cause for ejection.
> I would think, unless you are a known troublemaker, that you would first be
> asked nicely to not *mask* swearwords. Personally I prefer to let CA do all
> the work :o} I wanna marry *him* some day ...
> --
[View Quote]

OpenGL light radius control is screwed...

Apr 12, 2005, 5:02pm
Try this one without the led1 texture.......
create light color=red brightness=30 fx=flash time=1 ..... the brightness at 100
is toooo muchhhhh:))))
[View Quote] > I use OpenGL video mode (because directx mode is absolutely atrocious on
> this laptop) and have recently been fixing up some old areas of mine in
> Alphaworld. I stumbled across a old building that a friend of mine made and
> he has two light sources with the following code:
> 1. create animate me led1. 1 1 0, light color=red brightness=100 radius=10
> fx=blink
> and
> 2. create animate me led1. 1 1 0, light color=red brightness=100 radius=10
> fx=fire
> In OpenGL mode, these lights are not restricted by max world light radius or
> the radius=10 command. The brightness on these lights stretch as far as max
> visibility can stretch. These lights ruin the area I have been fixing up.
> If you want to check this out, go into OpenGL mode and head to AW 2153.07S
> 3763.34E 0.40a 101. Blinkin' lights every-which-way.
> The GET could not modify the light sources because the GET member on duty at
> the time was in DirectX mode (which this light bug is not affected by) and
> could not see the problem.
> --
> Syntax
> SW City at AW 2217s 3610e

New Pope

May 9, 2005, 2:56pm
And yet you call yourself Count go figure:)))

[View Quote] > Yet another old man to lead the brainless, who cannot think for themsleves.
> Dont use a condom, because...yes why? Because some 80 years old bitter guy
> who has not gotten much action himslef say so.
> They should just join the vatican to Italy, no logic one branch of belivers
> need a country of their own. Just doing damage with their concervative ways
> of telling ppl how to live their lives. People should use logic and not some
> old BS from 2000 years ago in their daily decissions.
> "Gnu32" <simplaza at> kirjoitti viestiss
> news:4265438e$1 at

AW TV Stations

May 12, 2005, 6:03pm
Actually the first "so called TV now" was an esperiment Doc1 was doing back in
99 in AWSchool. ...And Doc was in hes 40s by then..........rotfl:)

[View Quote] > Elyk............two words....first one begins with F....second is You
> have a nice day
> sweets
[View Quote]

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