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vera // User Search

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Oct 4, 2005, 7:34pm

[View Quote] > Whooooaaavakill.
> --
> - Mark Randall
> "Those people that think they know everything are a great annoyance to those
> of us who do"
> Isaac Asimov
[View Quote]


Oct 8, 2005, 3:49pm
I strated having this problem with the midi when the 3.4 come out... So I
wrote to support and MM answer me and told me to upgrade my Media
Player........ This was back then........ so I have no idea what kind media
player version your friend has now... but I guess she can try this and see if

[View Quote] > That should have been that she CAN hear mp3s and wavs. Cannot hear midis.
> Sorry for the error.

Locations of builds in AW

Oct 14, 2005, 2:45pm
Go to Lara's Interesting Sites in Alpha World coords.
23621.20N 23562.10W 0.00a 0 ........ where you will find a lot builidngs
coords. Maybe the ppl you looking for is listed there with hes or hers

Young Phalpha wrote

> I remember citizen IcyDee (I assume expired sometime around 2002) made
> massive builds in Alphaworld using automated building programs, and appears
> as having built the most objects there as well, yet I can't get any location
> to his builds (does not appear on Mauz search, and AWPS requires priv pass
> to search for work), so, I am wondering if anyone would know where some of
> his builds might be (they look really cool), or had a faster connection than
> a 56k that could search for it... :)

Locations of builds in AW

Oct 14, 2005, 3:05pm
wowwwww I was walking around the bridges and found these incredible
domes......... coords. AW
2379.93N 6766.55W 2.03a 27...beautiful work:)))))

[View Quote] > I remember citizen IcyDee (I assume expired sometime around 2002) made
> massive builds in Alphaworld using automated building programs, and appears
> as having built the most objects there as well, yet I can't get any location
> to his builds (does not appear on Mauz search, and AWPS requires priv pass
> to search for work), so, I am wondering if anyone would know where some of
> his builds might be (they look really cool), or had a faster connection than
> a 56k that could search for it... :)


Oct 25, 2005, 2:26pm
lol.. this happens everytime T R Borealis is boring... he brings in hes

[View Quote] > Also,
> They where:
> Not actually talking in conversation, just random sentances, and at 50 past
> the hour, they all just, stopped talking....
[View Quote]

Off World tidbits

Oct 29, 2005, 8:36pm
hey Ciena looks like the lead singer finally jump off the terrace:))))) I
loveeee this band:)))))))

[View Quote] > I didn't see a band there. those coords land me at club trance
[View Quote]

New World - Now Hiring Lead Programmer(s)!

Oct 31, 2005, 8:32pm
You are saying that you are an old citizen?..... But your citizen # is
new.... What was your old name and citi # in AW before?????

[View Quote] [View Quote]

New World - Now Hiring Lead Programmer(s)!

Nov 1, 2005, 5:36pm
ummmmm I still like to know if i know you from before.... like when you
first come into years ago:))))) who are you??? lol ..... I would
like to know......I am not a programer ... just a simple nousy citizen
builder:))) Miss typonese... And my real name is Vera:)))))

[View Quote] [View Quote]

SW City launches new quest game for Halloween.

Nov 1, 2005, 5:42pm
I loveeeeeeeee the night mode...... Buttttt I can't build... I am not so good
with my vision...and build in a night mode is terrible...... But I really
love the night in Alpha World sky.... So maybe they can change sometimes ...
just so we can have some fun for a while......uuuummmmmmm looking for my 2
cents..... ahhh I dont have money at the momment...:)

[View Quote] > Today is SW City's Halloween event where we'll be launching a new
> PHP-scripted game. Set for the holiday, the event takes place in blighted
> valley of Grimmwood Forest. Players can participate on a mid-sized quest
> there where they must recover an ancient artifact for an excavation
> crew...Throughout the quest you'll come across a number of puzzles and
> clues, while exploring ruins, tombs, and other settings.
> ...and possibly also a mini-quest that unlocks once you finish :P
> To play, teleport to AW 2333S 3985E
> Come today to check it out while AW is in nightmode and there's fog.
> - Com

Goober Zone on the Intarweb

Nov 17, 2005, 2:41pm

[View Quote] > There goes the weekly porno material
[View Quote]


Nov 16, 2005, 1:22am
Google BORF... It's like this guy is everywhere:))))

[View Quote] >

I love AWSupport..

Nov 18, 2005, 3:04pm
I agreeeeeeee with you:)))))) Looks like these ppl have no idea what they are
talking about....

[View Quote] > o_O at that list. Eight people on that list really shouldn't be there, for
> reasons of obsoleteness, inaccuracy, or not qualifying (Active builder !=
> community leader, or else that list would be pretty long :P).
[View Quote]

AWI Answers

Nov 18, 2005, 3:18pm
I really think that we should have a new Alpha World GZ...... We need something
new... And I was thinking. AWI could start a contest for an new Alpha World
GZ... Best building wins and they can add as a new GZ.. this could be like every
year... or every 2 years...... It's an insentive for the old citis as for the
new comers. And since we have some kind of attachment to this GZ...... AWI can
open a world... same as they did with the Gate and others........this is
my...ummmmm 1 cent.... looks like I lost the other one......still

[View Quote] > As found on AskAW on
> ====
> Light Form Asks: "With the release of AW 4.1 will we see updates in AWI
> public worlds, such as updated GZs and Objects?"
> AWI Answers: "That is a tough question. While we would certainly like to
> revamp all our current building worlds, many users would like to leave these
> current worlds in their present format for historical purposes. So we will
> most likely just open new building worlds with new objects and
> capabilities."
> ====
> I post on the whole Alphaworld topic a lot, I beating a dead
> horse. But I can't ignore this >_<
> I'd just like to bring up two points...
> 1. The "conservatists" are not against all forms of updating. From what
> I've heard over the years, updates which are not forced on them, such as new
> available objects, are perfectly fine. Adding new building features also
> fall into this realm so long as such changes aren't forced upon them and
> their builds look the same as before.
> 2. Besides that, these "many users" also make up a small minority in AW and
> I don't recall seeing more than 5 or 6 on these NGs. AWI once said they
> don't want to upset users, but I think you'll be upsetting even more users
> by keeping public worlds obsolete. The problem is that like in most
> industries, they only hear the complaints, rarely the praises. I dare AWI
> to open an official poll :P
> I am definantly NOT looking forward to the day AWI opens a new public
> building world with all the bells and whistles. That would spell serious
> disaster on Alphaworld's population.
> - Com

AWI Answers

Nov 21, 2005, 3:02pm
OK do whatever... but the STREET object that was like a fundation.... the one
built in 1995... leave there... so you can have some kind of (treasure piece)
and at the same time a form of prove of when the first object was made.,,, and
you can do like a glass thing all around... lol. My other 1 i need
2 more...

[View Quote] > The following is from Ferruccio, who's been having some technically
> difficulties posting in the NGs for the longest time. He asked me to relay
> this:
> ======
> Their childlike obsession with the "historical" elements in Alpha World is
> quite misplaced. It's analogous to a little kid picking up some random
> object down the street, like a rusted nail, and developing an attachment to
> it after possessing it for a long period of time. This kid now wishes to
> preserve this object, even though it has absolutely no redeeming qualities.
> The only reason things are so historical now is because the company
> neglected to make routine changes to the world in the first place. If they
> routinely made changes, their obsession with the historical aspects of Alpha
> World would not be found in limiting features and improvements for everyone
> else. :P Time to start.
> I think those interested in preserving Alpha World are very few in number,
> and of those people, pretty much every one of them is more concerned with is
> keeping features away that might change the condition of what's already
> there. Thus, features like an increased cell limit, increased light radius,
> adding more objects and textures, and enabling version-related features that
> allow for more possible, would not change things that are already there.
> I don't see the point of AWI making new public building worlds. They are
> apparently already working around the clock on 4.1. Why spread their time
> and resources out even thinner across more worlds? That just makes it more
> likely for each individual world to receive less attention. AWTeen already
> has all the features maxed out, plus, likely many more objects and textures
> that the new world would have. The community is small as it is. Why split up
> even more? We don't need a new world. I had these same thoughts about NewAW
> (and look what happened there); these thoughts are much more defined now.
> Set up a poll, AWI. Post it on the website. Make this another feature vote.
> I think you should let us, as a whole, tell you what the majority of users
> think in regards to whether changes in Alpha World should be implemented. I
> think you'll find that a vast majority wants change.

AWI Answers

Nov 25, 2005, 1:03am
My vision for the new GZ has a lot new trees in it.. and a beautiful land
scaping....with water and waterfalls:))))

[View Quote] [View Quote]

Wireless Connction Woes

Dec 1, 2005, 4:47pm
hhehehe... dont mess with Andras.......rotfl

[View Quote] > Sorry. I think it's twice I've done that :D
[View Quote]

Happy Holidays

Dec 24, 2005, 3:01pm
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all..... with lots of love, peace
and happiness....Thanks Chris for all the help :))))....Susan can I have
some of those relaxed days too????:))))

[View Quote] > .........grabs an armload of those relaxed days and runs.
> Merry Christmas, and a happy and prosperous new year to all!
> Lady Murasaki and Family
[View Quote]

The Death of Aiken Drum

Dec 30, 2005, 12:58am
Mark I never thought that you could make me cry... but you just did:(((( I know
dear Aiken for so long in AW... him and flynn were always together and such
great friends.... I will miss him too... I wish I could express through words
the sadness I feel....just spoke to him a few weeks ago....Very sad :(( rest in
peace Aiken.

[View Quote] > Dear Friends,
> It is my most profound displeasure to announce the death of my good friend
> Aiken Drum, a long time user of Active Worlds, one of the original
> Gatekeepers, funny, engaging, skilful and well liked; he was one heck of a
> bloke.
> Aiken was sadly found dead this Christmas morning, his death is a great loss
> us all, the wider world, and especially his family; Aiken was expecting his
> first grandchild soon.
> I would like to pay special consideration to one of Aikens closest friends
> in both AW and RL, Flynn1, now a tourist, who is at this time trying to come
> to terms with the loss of her dearest friend and I invite everyone to give
> her the support of friendship.
> A memorial build has been created for Aiken in AW at 8857.05S 2047.09E 0.30a
> Wish you were still here uncle Aiken dude {:¬(
> - Mark Randall

Happy New Year everyone :o} Hugzzz

Dec 31, 2005, 2:58pm
Happy New Year... with a lot love, peace and happiness.......and MONEY
HONEY:))))) To all AW Community:))))))))

[View Quote] > oº°ºo,(¯`'·.¸¸¸.-»» ¤ (¯`·.¸¸.-»» ¤ (¯`·.¸¸.-»» Happy New Year ««-.¸¸.·´¯)
> ««-.¸¸.·´¯) ¤ ««-.¸¸¸.·'´¯),oº°ºo
[View Quote]

I See Weird Things!

Jan 5, 2006, 2:45am
dump your cache just in case...

[View Quote] > I did, I was, then it didn't! lol I always use Direct3D and tick T&L
> support. But I checked just to make sure and hmmmmm.....there I was on Open
> GL : / Must have been in a hurry when I set up the settings after
> redownloading the browswer not to long ago. Happy that someone had such
> insight and it was an easy fix, I changed it, restarted, entered my world
> and *Flash!!* :( Back to the drawing board. Still looking for an
> answer. Thanks for taking my attention to my video settings, though :) At
> least that got fixed!
[View Quote]

I See Weird Things!

Jan 7, 2006, 4:07pm
uncheck T&L hardware support and see if it goes way..... this T&L support
sometimes do strange things with some video cards....

[View Quote] > Maybe try updating your video card drivers? Sounds wierd, I know.
> Chris
[View Quote]

4 1 Release update

Mar 30, 2006, 9:22pm
I dont believe you:)))))))......this smells like a huge april fools day for

[View Quote] > Awwww. Any chance of an open beta?
> -Lt
[View Quote]

pole commands help

Apr 13, 2006, 7:56pm
This # is for the texture Ciena... it wont matter much cause the command works
without it... some ppl ask us to add a number there just so they dont get the
wrong code texture message when they get into some worlds.... But the command
works ok without the texture #. create animate me . 1 1
0,astart;adone.........or the way some ppl do is like this.....create animate me
1. (when you add a # here the texture code is present and the message that some
ppl gets about a wrong texture thing does not appear when they get into the
world. We have a post about this somewhere in this NG.. and Stacee is talking
about it....problem is to find it:)))))) I wish my english was better so I could
make myself

[View Quote] > well the number that was in question all along is the one between the me and
> the dot. can u give me some input on that one
[View Quote]

[AW Reunion 2006] Under 18?

Apr 13, 2006, 2:21pm
ohhhhhhhhhhh shootttttttt.. do I have to take my mom too?????????????

[View Quote] > Just a reminder that if you are under 18, you'll need to have an adult
> come with you. We've added a box to the Registration page where you can
> enter the name of the adult that's coming with you. Don't forget that
> they'll need to register on the site too! You'll find more information
> about this on the Registration page.
> See you in Chicago! :D
> P.S. If you've already registered and are under 18, please let us know
> the name of your chaperon so we can add them to the database!
> --
> Goober King
> Barely (mentally) legal
> gooberking at

AW Messenger

Apr 19, 2006, 2:52pm
try to join .. so you can see the avatars coordinates........LOL

[View Quote] > it doesnt show your avatar and from what i can tell it doesnt raise the user
> count anywhere.
[View Quote]

5 days left on world is it worth me renewing?

Apr 24, 2006, 2:16pm
I am NOT a BETA TESTER..................OMG I've just discover that I am
insignificant.......and I thought I was someone........ rotfl.....I need the
list of the ppl that are doing the BETA TEST.....may I can hang around with them
and be significant:)))))))))))) Love you Ciena:)

[View Quote] > Well u can complain all u want but hows that working for ya? Do u stop to
> think maybe they have a good reason for not telling? Again they do not know
> when its gonna be realeased. When all the bigs r found and fixed. We just
> found a bug the other day ( this insignificant person and another one found
> it ). We still have to test the world servers yet too. Havent even started
> that yet, so chill out and wait like u r gonna have to do anyway. I may be
> insignificant to u but then again u r even more insignificant to me. I dont
> see u testing beta.
[View Quote]


Apr 30, 2006, 2:46pm
a lot objects can encroach in AW... me and Lara found that out years ago....It
happens only in some places.....

[View Quote] > I have a build in AW where my roade8.rwx overlaps Chata's roade8.rwx by 10
> clicks!!!!!
> AW 32673.44N 398.65E 0.56a 166
> Has this ever happened to anybody else?
> Is the BI on vacation??
> btw - it ain't staying that way. I hate the shimmer under my road.

CY nominations SOON!

May 9, 2006, 4:58pm
We have children involved in the Cy's voting......I dont think they should be
exposed to adult material.....please lets keep the values here....thanks:))))))

[View Quote] > sweet.
> If you claim that world is't pornograpic or has offensive nature, maybe you
> should read
> and then maybe change your world rating.
> And I tottaly agree FlyYukon answer as well.
> You dont see porn movies at Oscar, same as you not gonna see it at Cy.
> Teng
[View Quote]

Podcasting Community Into 3D Chatting - But IS NOT Doing It On ActiveWorlds...

May 12, 2006, 8:31pm
shut up eep... I hope this was RUDE enough for you to understand.. since thats the language you understand very well
right???????.......Sorry everyone... the ones who knows me must be surprise but this guy has no manners and he can only understand this
kind language....

[View Quote] > At least SL is ACTIVELY developing and so far ahead of AW in most ways it puts AW to shame multiple times. AW is better than SL in
> SOME respects, but not enough to make it better than SL overall. to learn more.
> SL is known more because its developers, Linden Lab, advertise and promote it, while AW sits stagnant and dormant like the obscure,
> outdated application it, unfortunately, is.
[View Quote]

MY Award

Jul 6, 2006, 7:31pm
I agree with tuna......and I like to say that I am not the kind of ppl who
goes around kissing guys know what...but the CY came back with full
force and we have to at least say thanks to these ppl for do it.. cause no
one wants to touched... and they did it just because they want us to have
some fun and motivation..... Now I think that the R and X community can try
to put it together an award avent too..... It's sad that we can't do it all
together... but it will be more sad if we have no respect for the kids that
we have around us...:)

[View Quote]

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