Podcasting Community Into 3D Chatting - But IS NOT Doing It On ActiveWorlds... (Community)

Podcasting Community Into 3D Chatting - But IS NOT Doing It On ActiveWorlds... // Community

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May 11, 2006, 4:07am
PC Hamster asked me to post it here:

Hi everyone:


Of the entire podcasting community, I am THE ONLY one who chats in 3D via ActiveWorlds. Everyone else seems to like Second Life.

I'm doing EVERYTHING I can to promote ActiveWorlds within the podcasting community. But with the majority of them being Mac users, I need YOUR help in convincing those who are on the PC who, for one reason or another, can't or won't, use Second Life, to use ActiveWorlds instead.

But I'm only one tiny voice in a sea of other voices. It's like me going to the Black Hole better known as Oakland, CA and cheering for the Broncos (Yes I'm in Denver and I am a Bronco fan - A very loyal one, thank you very much :) ).

I've even reposted my interview with OneSummer in an effort to use that as a means of promoting AW and hopefully getting some podcasters to get citizenships so they can build THEIR OWN little town or palace or whatever.

There's a discussion taking place on the Podcast Pickle Message Board at http://www.podcastpickle.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7026 I can also start another thread over there too if there's enough interest in the AW community to promote AW to the MANY MANY uncoverted podcasters out there.

Please take the time to log on and do your part to promote AW within the podcasting community. LET THEM KNOW AW EXISTS!!! Let them know how big and influential the AW community is. My posts alone have by and large gone ignored. But if MANY of us started posting on there about AW, people WILL pay attentiion and some will even wanna download the AW Browser and do a little exploring. ;)

I'd post this on the AW groups, but my cit. is expired (This whole thing with podcasters being on SL is now getting me inspired to consider the ANNUAL citizenship as opposed to a monthly one when I go to renew). Andras, if you could pass this along, it'd be MUCHO appreciated dude! :)

Cheers :)

PC Hamster
Mayor - City of Hamsterville


May 11, 2006, 9:21pm
I put my 2 cents in. SL is horrible.


May 11, 2006, 11:08pm
"I've even reposted my interview with OneSummer in an effort to use that as
a means of promoting AW and hopefully getting some podcasters to get
citizenships so they can build THEIR OWN little town or palace or whatever."

ok THAT may have been your mistake LMAO



May 12, 2006, 7:32am
At least SL is ACTIVELY developing and so far ahead of AW in most ways it puts AW to shame multiple times. AW is better than SL in
SOME respects, but not enough to make it better than SL overall. http://tnlc.com/eep/sl/ to learn more.

SL is known more because its developers, Linden Lab, advertise and promote it, while AW sits stagnant and dormant like the obscure,
outdated application it, unfortunately, is.

[View Quote]


May 12, 2006, 8:26pm
People go to SL .. try it .. find out it stinks and leave.. You haven't
changed in forever.. anyone reading your posts will want to stay in AW even
longer considering that you're the one who always complains no matter how
good things get. It's a shame that you're the disrespectful unloyal maniac
in AW.


May 12, 2006, 8:31pm
shut up eep... I hope this was RUDE enough for you to understand.. since thats the language you understand very well
right???????.......Sorry everyone... the ones who knows me must be surprise but this guy has no manners and he can only understand this
kind language....

[View Quote] > At least SL is ACTIVELY developing and so far ahead of AW in most ways it puts AW to shame multiple times. AW is better than SL in
> SOME respects, but not enough to make it better than SL overall. http://tnlc.com/eep/sl/ to learn more.
> SL is known more because its developers, Linden Lab, advertise and promote it, while AW sits stagnant and dormant like the obscure,
> outdated application it, unfortunately, is.
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May 12, 2006, 8:38pm
i been there and it does suck. ppl there r very unfriendly too. aw still is
the best.
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sw comit

May 12, 2006, 9:27pm
I haven't personally used SL but I've heard enough about it to make this
verdict - the concepts of the programs are too different to even compare
them side by side.

With SL you got design and scripting of things. Things like vehicles and
equipment. And then ultimately the concept is money - selling them, or
selling real estate. I haven't heard of any town communities there like you
have around AW. Would be ridiculous due to how hard and expensive it is to
get permanent land all in one area. I heard there's basically no
infrastructure either. Everything is just scattered about and floating.

Because of those hard limitations, SL offers nothing to a builder like me.

- Com

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May 12, 2006, 9:41pm
Land in SL, is at first quite cheap, you can get a starter lot of 512
meters... and that's tiny compared to the size of the smallest AW world. If
you have a yearly membership, that first land is included. If you want more
land the price starts jumping higher, and you get monthly instead of just an
annual bill. There are communities, but they are different than AW's. You
create group land in SL, and within certain limits, anyone in the group can
use and build on the land that is group owned. However I do believe their is
a heirachy within the group. I have never been in a group, so I don't know
the exact structure.

I've been a member of SL since Oct 05... not long, but I aquired some land
and made my attempts at a homestead. Now, I have sold off all my land and
canceled my membership which will expire this coming October. I have no
desire to spend another linden dollar on anything, and I hope that by next
October that the currency exchange for linden dollars has not tanked, since
they are taking away all of the incentives for making money in the community
except pure buy and sell. e.g. you used to be able to make a dwell bonus'
when people visited your land and your builds, this is going away. The
popular places made good linden dollars from mass traffic. I already know
that the linden dollar has gone from 250 lindens to 1 dollar to now being
over 300 lindens to 1 dollar... so I am glad I already cashed out. If it
gets worse, it will be like the peso!


May 13, 2006, 1:41am
[View Quote] That's not the case with the ever-increasing resident count: http://planet0.planet-zero.org/~chromal/slpop/

> You haven't changed in forever.. anyone reading your posts will want to stay in AW even longer considering that you're the one who
> always complains no matter how good things get. It's a shame that you're the disrespectful unloyal maniac in AW.

Huh? Disrespectful? Unloyal? Maniac? You're on crack, Jack. I don't owe AW ANYTHING. I'm free to criticize anything and anyone I
feel like. Don't like it? Tough tits, champ.

Learn to quote, too.


May 13, 2006, 1:43am
Gee, aren't YOU touchy about AW? I don't know how you think I was rude in that post but, whatever. You have issues, Vera. <shrug>

It's obvious you, ORB, and others are severely attached to AW and can't stand the thought of something being better than it. Sorry
to burst your bubble, but SL IS better than AW in most every respect. But, hey, you can go on living in your delusion. I'll be
moving onto better pastures.

[View Quote]


May 13, 2006, 1:44am
I'm not the one who got restricted from using this NewsGroup you mouthy pig.


May 13, 2006, 1:45am
No great loss . Burst !


May 13, 2006, 1:49am
[View Quote] Hardly: http://oz.slinked.net/compare.php

Tip: don't make a verdict until you get the facts and experience.

> With SL you got design and scripting of things. Things like vehicles and equipment.

And a whole lot more.

> And then ultimately the concept is money - selling them, or selling real estate.

No, that's not the ultimate concept; making money is just ONE thing you can do in SL. I've barely sold anything--and only when
people approach ME about buying something I've made (usually when I'm working on it, annoyingly). I prefer to just make things and
give/trade them to/with others.m Making money is hardly the only or even ultimate concept in SL.

> I haven't heard of any town communities there like you have around AW. Would be ridiculous due to how hard and expensive it is to
> get permanent land all in one area.

While I agree with how ridiculously expensive SL land is, there are some community-themed sims.

> I heard there's basically no infrastructure either. Everything is just scattered about and floating.

There is some Linden-built infrastructure (if you mean roads, bridges, etc), but not much. It's up to the landowners to build
whatever infrastructure they want--if any. It's kind of funny to talk about infrastructure in AW yet it doesn't even have vehicles,
yet the little infrastructure there is in SL despite it HAVING vehicles. Go figure. Just shows that roads aren't that important in
an environment where instant teleportation is possible...

> Because of those hard limitations, SL offers nothing to a builder like me.

Then you're obviously not much of a builder.

Get your facts straight before passing verdict on something you know little about.


May 13, 2006, 2:04am
Eep, I have a love hate relationship with you. :) I have tried SL, and I
have jumped in full force and with the full power of my CC... luckily I
didn't get too far in. I built my houses both free and puchased, I have
purchased hair, skins, and you name it for my AV and been disappointed right
and left. I have been to PG and mature areas. The PG areas being stupid and
the mature areas being full of T&A all over the place, not to mention porn
pics between AV's all over the place. I am glad I don't have kids and have
to contend with that crap. YES, SL is constantly growing, but they better
grow a conscience over there really quick. Not only that, SL is offline so
often now because of hacker attacks I am getting sick of it. In order to
prevent the hacker attacks, certain illusions of SL's superiority in
scripting are going to have to be given up or restricted in order to prevent
them in the future. I am tired of being told I can not enter SL because of
these attacks and only Lindens can enter. It was happening monthly, but now
weekly. Although AW may not be growing, it does not have the problems that
SL has... and that may also be why AW 4.1 is so delayed BTW... they may
actually be "testing" the software to make sure it's not like SL :P


May 13, 2006, 2:21am
Who says AW isn't growing I meet new people everyday.


May 13, 2006, 2:30am
I am in SL at this very moment... I am at a "yard sale" ROFL... and there is
this sprite "av" with the words "Left Click me to see my Boobs" and "Right
Click Pay to buy a Drink"! WHO THE Effiing hell is stupid enough to do
this??? Someone must be... is it you EEP?! If you are not for AW, get the
heck out of our NG's... I have been trying to be objective about SL since I
joined, but it is the worst the internet has to offer. You are a sick MF'r
if you approve of it.


May 13, 2006, 7:32am
It's people like you who make me want to leave, ORB.

[View Quote]

strike rapier

May 13, 2006, 8:11am
[View Quote]

strike rapier

May 13, 2006, 8:12am
[View Quote] Quote:
>I am in SL at this very moment...

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."


May 13, 2006, 1:02pm
Then leave who's stopping you.


May 13, 2006, 3:43pm
Do you know what the word "Realism" means?
You're a tad defensive are you not? You've visited SWCity and seen some
of his builds, Have you not?

[View Quote] >There is some Linden-built infrastructure (if you mean roads, bridges, etc), but not much. It's up to the landowners to build
>whatever infrastructure they want--if any. It's kind of funny to talk about infrastructure in AW yet it doesn't even have vehicles,
>yet the little infrastructure there is in SL despite it HAVING vehicles. Go figure. Just shows that roads aren't that important in
>an environment where instant teleportation is possible...
>Then you're obviously not much of a builder.
>Get your facts straight before passing verdict on something you know little about.


May 14, 2006, 7:42am
And people wonder why people are leaving.

[View Quote]


May 14, 2006, 9:35am
What a great community AW is.


May 15, 2006, 2:56am

I still like AW. Maybe it is or isn't better then SL for whatever reasons.
But like anything else, there's pros and cons. My reasons are less about the
software and more about the people who run and made it, the ups and downs it
has had, and where it appears to stand.

I bet more then once in its history AW could have sold out to a huge
corporate entity, or taken huge chunks of cash to develop bigger things
while selling out the dream and principles that most likely way back got
exchanged between some guys in a basement somewhere.

They hit it big once or twice, were ahead of their time once or twice, fell
of the NASDAQ, restructured keeping what they considered important, yet they
still are here, and I bet they still love doing it. Isn't that the job we
all dream about? The one we can go to and like LOL.

I bet too, that though they aren't, "Big box corp...a division of Medium
corp..in affiliation with Huge corp." they also aren't up to their eyeballs
in other peoples money worrying about how they are going to woo those
investors long enough to break even. Good for SL, big bucks, big hands, and
deep pockets in Sharp Suits.

AW got cheesed I think, publicity wise, I don't know why. Maybe it was their
marketing at times. I have no idea to form an opinion. They made a 3D chat
program before even regular chat was cool. They never gave up, that means a
lot to me, because in the cut throat world of software its easy to do.

Maybe others will get huge and take over the world, I'm not a fortune
teller, but If the fact that they don't throw in the towel and just give up,
or that they seem to be running a little slower at times with development,
is a reason to say they have failed, I say, I guess its all in what you call

Another note, for me anyway its important, AW is a family environment to an
extent. To each their own, and sure there's "adult" orientated environments
but I don't need to "click here to see boobs" myself. And In my experience
in SL it seemed a bit racy to enjoy with my son.

I've been There...done that..,and also to SL...who needs a SL when I'm
already a Citizen :P

Anyway, That's my two copper pieces..
back under my bridge...



May 15, 2006, 3:33am
Heh, well, SR, I canceled my account a month ago after I sold off everything
I had. I still have until October to roam around, so since I paid for a
year, I might as well roam around for a year. I didn't click on her by the
way... would you have? I've deliberately experienced SL to see what it was
like and whether it had more to offer than AW... and the answer was yes and
no. SL does have a great deal to offer. It has superior modeling and the
ability to share it with others easily and without much complication. You do
not have to have your own OP. You are welcome to buy, make and sell any
object imaginable and never have to pay for webspace to keep them.
Unfortunately their land prices are very steep, and you can not have your
own seperate world or universe. Also, it seems to me that comparing an equal
scene in SL vs AW will never be possible... you can pretty much distinguish
a screen shot taken of each and know right off which is which. Personally I
like AW a whole heck of a lot more. I enjoy the interface, I enjoy the
ability to create my models outside of AW and import them via the OP. I
enjoy the ability to have a seperate world from others... but at the same
time wish we could join worlds into a larger more unified structure. Guess
thats a wish list item :) In a world like SL however, there really is no
concrete way to distinguish a G to X rated area except to self police it,a
nd I don't see any of that happening there.


May 20, 2006, 4:00am
[View Quote] Huh? While it's true a lot of mature areas in SL are, just that: mature, if you think AW's Gor worlds are no different, you're
smoking crack, Jack. As for kids, well, that's why SL has a teen grid and only allows 18+-year-olds on the main grid. You obviously
haven't explored enough if you mindlessly generalize all PG areas as being "stupid" and the mature areas "being full of T&A all over
the place".

> Not only that, SL is offline so often now because of hacker attacks I am getting sick of it. In order to prevent the hacker
> attacks, certain illusions of SL's superiority in scripting are going to have to be given up or restricted in order to prevent
> them in the future. I am tired of being told I can not enter SL because of these attacks and only Lindens can enter. It was
> happening monthly, but now weekly.

Um...no. SL is hardly down that often from "hacker attacks"--in fact, I only recall it being down TWICE since 12/04 (when I joined
SL) because of a "hacker attack" (which is just a dramatic way of saying some idiot spawned a self-replicating object). Linden Lab
is taking steps to deal with these "attacks" more and more.

> Although AW may not be growing, it does not have the problems that SL has... and that may also be why AW 4.1 is so delayed BTW...
> they may actually be "testing" the software to make sure it's not like SL :P

You can believe that if you like, but I suspect, in actuality, it's because of the lack of developers and their abilities...


May 20, 2006, 4:08am
You're an idiot if you think AW hasn't sold out. Perhaps you don't know the details about when aW tried to go public and sold out to
some hole-in-the-wall company named Vanguard that had NOTHING to do with computer software, let alone VR online environments.

Who the hell do you think funded AW 4's development? Did you forget about Stagecoach Island already? Hello, Wells Fargo! Why the
hell do you think it's taking YEARS to even GET AW 4 (4.1 now, no less)?

If working on AW is such a "dream job", why did its ORIGINAL developer, Ron Britvich (Protagonist) leave it YEARS ago? And why did
another longtime developer, Roland Vilette, also leave a couple years ago?

SL has venture capital but it has its own agenda, unlike AW which has continually added features its buyers have asked for (ala
Stagecoach Island).

Stop being so oblivious and wake up to the facts. http://tnlc.com/eep/aw/history.html to get a clue or 8 about AW's history.

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May 23, 2006, 1:07am
Actually I did briefly mention in vague terms that exact endeavor. I said:

"They hit it big once or twice, were ahead of their time once or twice, fell
of the NASDAQ, restructured keeping what they
considered important"

Being in accounting I have an extremely complex understanding and view of
that I thought Id spare everyone. The bottom line is in the end, they didn't
just give up and walk away. And there's a difference between selling out and
going public. In that time period Internet startups going public and the
..com bubble were all the rage.

What you said about Stagecoach isn't true from what I can see either. I
believe that the concept of the next version of AW was around long before
that. All I can say is, from what I've seen posted in various discussion
groups elsewhere, Seems people from SL was involved before them and for some
reason they aren't anymore. Maybe the huge security issues and the excessive
downtime that SL has experienced. Maybe not. Either way, in that whole deal
AW is what its based on and SL isn't. That's not my business sense talking,
that's common sense. Someone with some money found AW to be better then SL
for their needs.

A far as working for, and owning a business, well sure, working for them may
not be the ultimate job, but that's not what I implied. I implied for them
as owners that like their job, its a dream job.

I'm sure there's boatloads of better things then AW out there, if you look
at one area of what it offers or even several.
I like AW. That's all I was saying initially, and I like it for reasons that
are somewhat different then most others.

I'm familiar with your site, for years now in fact. But I don't generally
agree with some of your observations and perceptions as to the
interpretation of certain legal documents you scavenged up, and a few
disgruntled employees perhaps. I see what I initially posted. Regardless of
the trials, tribulations, and accusations, they are still here. And they
never went to jail for anything or lost in some of the various litigations
you detail.

Lastly, Nice to meet you Eep, In the years I've spent in AW I at times
looked to your sites and various information you provided over the years,
for answers that helped me to achieve many projects that I have come to be
involved in here in AW. The first time something I said initiates a response
from you, You call me an idiot. Thanks, That means a lot to me and my
perception of your credibility.


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May 23, 2006, 3:26am
figured i'd comment, anyway:

Well yes, ofcourse they didn't just walk away and give up, it's a business,
you don't give up on a business that's making you money.

As for stagecoach and such, from what i can see, AW did pretty much sell
out. it switched it's priorities, it is now based completely on pleasing
businesses, not the normal private customers, but then again, it's a
business, please whoever makes you money. But fact is, they did change.
And why, in my opinion atleast, stagecoach moved to the AW platform? well,
it's more flexible. not in the sense of the client itself, but in the sense
that any features they might require, AW is willing to program for them.

But seriously, look at all the features, it really is very business user

But yes, it's a business, to stay afloat, you've got to simply do what makes
the most profit, otherwise you're just being an idiot. so, who can blame AW
for wanting to make higher profits?


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