CY Update (Community)

CY Update // Community

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strike rapier

Aug 9, 2005, 9:06pm
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Firstly, let me thank you all for the support you have all shown to the CYs
and Myself. Regrettably however, I find myself in a situation that is quite
impossible to deal with; one of needing to assume an operational control to
carry out a task (in this case, the CYs), to in essence take up the
responsibilities of someone whom will not, or cannot carry them out

I have now invested a significant amount of time in the CY's this year, from
the creation of a team, to the mapping of prospective features we could use.
I believe that most of you consider me to be the forward face of the CY's
and the reasons why are clear.

I do however feel that while I can deal with a great many things, being
consistently targeted and balled at by Lady Teal for my efforts to get
things up and running is not one of them, as I have come under intense
bombardment with each member I appoint, and each decision I make. I find it
most disheartening.

For this reason I no longer wish to be involved with the CYs when, in my
opinion, the 'current management' is unable to perform to a suitable level
to even come close to success.

I encourage the team I have put together to make up their own minds if they
wish to stay with the CYs or not, you know my decision. Thankyou to everyone
who took the time to apply, I personally do appreciate it.

- Mark Randall


Aug 9, 2005, 11:16pm
ok i will take over
this year i will win something! for all my nice work in aw

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tart sugar

Aug 9, 2005, 11:33pm
FIRST of all - you were FIRED, Mark. You did not "resign".

Second - this crack you made about Bit ..... "Its bloody good to know
Alpha[Bit Phalpha] failed to kill them," Strike states proudly... as posted
in AWNews, is TOTALLY out of line.
(and why Maki chose to repeat that is beyond me)

Third - the CYs are about "COMMUNITY", not "Strike Rapier".

You had a good thing going with Lady TeaL letting you help her with CYs. Too
bad you couldn't put your enormous ego aside and actually do something for
the better of the community, rather than try to satisfy your delusions of

How dare you castigate Lady TeaL in this manner. You were no more than a
Technical Adviser to CYs. You tried to make yourself more important than you
really were. Get over yourself. Everybody else has.


Aug 10, 2005, 12:05am
I'll vote for all your wonderful work Dusk :)



Aug 10, 2005, 12:09am
Got my vote Dusk:)))

[View Quote] > I'll vote for all your wonderful work Dusk :)
> Imagine


Aug 10, 2005, 12:23am
Welp the CYs are over folks been a great year
i won!!
see yall next time!

[View Quote]


Aug 10, 2005, 1:43am
Oh shut up, woman.

Anyway, I was Accepted into the CY'S as a Technical Adviser, however as you
put it to Strike: "You where no more than a technical advisor" I find myself
not required.

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Aug 10, 2005, 3:40am
[View Quote] I'm confused. This whole time that Strike has seemingly been "running"
the CY Awards, he was actually a technical advisor? *boggle*


strike rapier

Aug 10, 2005, 3:41am
How rude 0_0

Not to mention factually incorrect. o_0

- Mark Randall

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Aug 10, 2005, 7:04am
PLEASE don't tell me you're gonna start another ORB situation.


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Aug 10, 2005, 8:03am
Cop-out Strike. Its not about you, its not about Lady Teal, its not
about some stupid assholes making the task unpleasant and you throwing
in the towel.

Its about the community - put your reservations and politikin' aside and
jsut get on with the damn job.


[View Quote]


Aug 10, 2005, 8:05am
I cant believe that all Bits hard work over the last few years has now
just turned into a pack of petty bickering.

Get over it guys. Work together and solve your problems - this bullsht
isnt what the Cy's are about.

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strike rapier

Aug 10, 2005, 9:39am
Good god man I tried!!!

I spent ages making web pages, and sifting through people who would be
suitable to get the very best, and then when Teal did come on (which would
be for about twice a week for 1 hour a time) and I would find myself with 10
telegrams complaining about doing this, or doing that to the extent I ended
up spending more time dealing with those than

I am a person who will dive in head first, get down and dirty, and not stop
until the job is done and for all the PITA people I have worked with in my
time in AW / AWTeen I have never, ever, EVER had to work with someone whom
is so much of a brick wall, there is one way to get past a wall that thick,
and thats by taking it out completely, should I have made every attempt to
get rid of Teal? Hell yes, Did I think it would lose a lot of support for
the CY's? Absolutely, I for one wasnt sure if it was worthy goal.

You want these CY's done? Then get me someone who actually knows what they
are doing; a tip from MY supervisor at work a month or so ago (I am / was
also a supervisor while I worked there) 'I managed restuarnts, and we went
on a training day, and we were made to clean floors. Do you know why?
Because one you know how to clean a floor better than another person, you
are fit to manage them to do it'

- Mark Randall

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tart sugar

Aug 10, 2005, 10:34am
[View Quote] Exactly. And SR gave himself that title. : )
Lady TeaL ran the CYs. Or rather, tried to.
Running the CYs is hard enough as it is without constantly trying to UNDO
everything SR was specifically told to NOT do.

tart sugar

Aug 10, 2005, 10:36am
I was RUDE??? How about what you said about Lady TeaL???

and since you seem to think I have some facts wrong, why don't you set the
record straight?
(if you can)

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Aug 10, 2005, 11:11am
What do you think they were back then? Except for at the beginning,
they've never really been anymore than a bickering contest crossed with
a popularity contest. Why do you think Alpha quit?


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tart sugar

Aug 10, 2005, 11:41am
My sincerest apology, Ry. I did not mean to imply that a technical advisor
was not important.
In my anger at SR, I did not weigh my words properly. I was only trying to
say that SR was elevating himself to a position he did not have with CYs.

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strike rapier

Aug 10, 2005, 12:30pm
With pleasure.

<rant rating="PG13">

Lady Teal is 'CYO' a title she is quite happy about, as though it actually
means something without doing anything.

Lady Teals online time is at a maximum, 3 or 4 hours a week from what I
have seen from my (near rediculous) online time watching my contacts.

To the end from day once since capaigning to do the CY awards Teal and I
said we would WORK together.

When Rick Noll first gave me the CT passwords for CYAwards I decided to hold
a party, 2 days later I was faced by an irate LT on Yahoo IM, who would not,
or could not get on AW. Blaitantly attacking me holding the said party
(average user count: 30) without telling her, all without her actually
logging on to AW to check her telegrams or herself being online at all for
several days before.

During said party Maki asked me some questions for

Teal and Myself then spent 2 days arguing, the most hillarious of which was
when I said that a meeting room served 'no functional purpose' and Teal went
crazy as if I had it selected ready to delete. I also maneged to get her to
agree to 'Technical Director'

A few odd discussions with Rick in the alpha uni turns up that he wants the
2005 CY's to be around the time of 4.1 to take advantage of its new
features. I relay this information to Teal, along with a list of 4.1
features that we could use (this is before the entire feature list got

I then set up the CY email and used my website to create the update pages,
as for some reason, Alphabit refused to ever hand over those passwords to
Teal. I then waited several days for Teal to 'ok' them. Personally I think
the respective pictures show it all. By this time I was in a 'just keep her
in a bubble and out the way' frame of mind.

I recruited the best AW has to offer, people like world CTs, expert
modellers, technical staff... Exactly the kind of people who are good at
what they do. I even managed to get professional film producers like SW
Chris to help with graphics.

Despite explicitly checking/informing Teal, 2 weeks later she has no idea
who they are and has never heard of them before, and goes on the offensive
when I give them sufficent rights to enter CY world for discussing ideas.

During this, I find out, via misswhisper, that Teal is extreemly happy to
have me there because I am able and willing to do everything. Teal talking
to 2 different people, and 2 different stories. Come on.

There are 3 CY accounts, Rick gave me one, the other 2 are unaccounted for,
Teals 'CYO' role meant that she was do this form of liason with AWI and get
this information, weeks later, and she had still not acomplished this, or
even come close.

By this time I have created potentially the strongest team I have ever seen
in AW, had received pages of feedback on the CY's from these newsgroups,
hell Andras even stopped slating my ego for long enough to offer to help.

AWNews then publishes an article naming me as the leader, whoopy do and holy
Mary I am. I manage the content, the recruitment, the design, the PR, the
communication, therefore, for all intensive purposes and as many of you
rightly think, I was acting as the manager, the 'Guy who gets things done'
as Teal said. I should point out here that I asked Maki to hold off on
posting the article, but hell its his news website.

I come online, and Teal is IRATE, accusing me of WRITING the article myself,
despite being marked 'By Maki' and quoting me and referring to me in the 3rd
person, and immediately starts spamming the entire universe with messages
saying, and I quote.

Telegram from Lady TeaL, sent Tue Aug 9, 2005 6:52 PM:
This is to inform anyone who is working with the Cy awarrds. That Strike
Rapier is just a tech with the Cy awards nothing more. Lady TeaL is the CYO
and if you have any problems please let me know. Thank You

Does anyone except the obvious flamers really care what she claims to be if
she doesnt do anything to warrant it? I think not.

At this point I was writing the origional post of this thread, and having it
checked over by a few people for wording, at this point, despite teal having
no idea about me being in process of writing this, she resets CY world
rights, removing all access for anyone but herself and 2 people she wanted,
I of course still could enter because I have the CT account.

At this point I am being flooded by telegrams asking what the hell is going
on. I then post the origional message of this thread and tell Teal she is on
her own, instructing her to contact Rick for the CY passwords I held.

I woke up this morning, caught a glimpse of the bot I left there to monitor
the situation and make a backup, to see a nice little conversation where
Teal is trying to identify an invisble bot, and Tart Sugar is running around
calling me an idiot.

How very fun.

--- The CYs on Closure, in terms of periods contributed to CY related
activities. ---
Teal Contribution: < 1 hour
Mark Contribution: > 40 hours

So folks, if you do want your CYs this year, you better get on and start
deciding if you feel a person who is online for a miniscule amount of time a
week, does not check telegrams before starting an argument about
communication, has so far failed in ALL of her 'CYO' related activities and
believes that '»§«*´`*»§«*´`*» GROUP HUG «*´`*»§«*´`*:»§«' is a more
effective medium of getting an awards show done that will take hundreds of
man hours, as opposed to getting down, and working on something...

Teal decided to accuse me of hurting 'Rick, JP, and the Community', yet has
not once said any comment on the CYs, contributed anything to the CYs, and
as far as I can see the only thing she has done is this telegram bombardment
of everyone which is negative and harmful to the cause.

As far as I am concerned the only thing I have harmed here is my reptuation
of managing to pull off events.

Now how about LT says something, instead of having TS bark. I am sure you
would all like some comments on the CYs from the CYO, wouldent you?


- Mark Randall
XML Compliant.

[View Quote]

alphabit phalpha

Aug 10, 2005, 12:31pm
Hi Everyone:)

I was sitting back and watching the posts for a while before I was going to
post. But some things are being stated that are a misunderstanding. I might
have caused the misunderstandings, and I appologize if I did.

Let me help clear the misunderstandings:)

The reason I couldn't organize the Cys anymore was and is my schooling.
Since Alpha's death, I have been totally unfocused and getting a job that
was something I enjoyed (while being decent paying), just wasn't happening.
I have started the process for a degree to teach MS Apps and Graphic Apps as
an online instructor. I just finished my first term, and have quite a ways
to go. I knew I could not continue the Cys and learn full time.

Yes there were negative comments that took some of my time, but those
comments were constructive also, so I have to sum them up as constructive
criticism instead.

Thank you for the comment about my hard work Facter:) It was the hard work
of many also:)

Jerme, thank you also for the support, but the bickering caused those
bickering more trouble than me:)

The reason I attempted to shut the Cys down completely was and is proven
with what has happened in the given time since I attempted it.

One of the reasons I wanted them to become history, (and you will see it in
past posts from me), was that my name is attached to the Cys. It always has
been and always will be. I am still getting emails and phone calls from
folks that are or were concerned for the way they were and are being

I use my time spent on the Cys as references. The seven years that I handled
them is a great reference. But if a potential employer was to see that they
actually were a negative unproductive mess, that would be a silly thing to
list eh?:)

Anyways, there is a great opportunity for someone out there to start an
entire new awards ceremony, but as long as the Cys exist, no one will
attempt it.

King Tex and I are in the process of painting and cleaning and selling our
house to move to Arizona.

If the Cys can rest until we get settled I can probably take them on again,
if ya'll want me to:) I am finding idle time between assignments...yayyyyy!

Otherwise maybe a community vote for a representative should be done?

Good luck on whatever ya'll decide, but please let the Cys go into AW
History, if they can't continue in the vision we all had for them since
their beginning.

Thank you,



Aug 10, 2005, 12:51pm
Apology Excepted. :D

Jumped to conclusions me.,

However, SR was doing a good job on the CYs IMO, however each to his own
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Aug 10, 2005, 1:19pm
[View Quote] were they? and you were around back when they started?

That is what it became at the end maybe, and I am sure there are other
reasons Bits quit - shed been doing it for a very long time, but thats
not how it was at the start.

> -Jeremy
[View Quote]


Aug 10, 2005, 1:23pm
Great to see you again Bit's - I hope you've been well, it sounds like
you've been doin good!

I think your suggestion is a good one - something new needs to be
created - I;'d hate for all the hard work by you and others to go the
way of all this bickering and in-fighting - it was a wonderful thing (I
remember getting one of the first awards and the gold cy model! hehe),
but everything has its day as well, and,a s you say, best to history
than sullied.

Take care hon, and say hi to that 'Tex bastard for me :)

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c p

Aug 10, 2005, 2:19pm




*hug times ten*

i miss you!!!!

its been forever!

your like my aw err mother...!!!!

=c p


Aug 10, 2005, 3:31pm
As much as this has gone far already, I can understand letting people
who, well, don't have enough idle time as Stirke pointed out, aren't
able to do their hobby (aw) and fulfill what they pout themselves for.
You know, after reading all of this picking and bickering, it's pretty
showable that Lady TeaL isn't fit for a job that Bit did a gfeat job
doing for several(right?) years. I would like to see a nice change but
all these people with stupid views always interfear.. It was worth a
start, and I'm sure if Bit comes back again there will be a surprise in
it knowing the fact she is "coming" back type of deal.

After all that, I do feel a little better, yet I havent' made my message
quite clear. I do assume the fact, and believe, Strike did do more work
knowing his reputation and ego (hehe). Lady TeaL is a person I've never
heard of nor who the hell is, nor even know where she came from, but hse
sounds like a person who hasn't been here enough in AW to take a leading
roll of a big event like the CY's. That's my current 2 cents.

sw chris

Aug 10, 2005, 5:30pm
While I appreciate the work you've done in the past, if you take anything on
again it's going to be because you want to. And it looks like you want the
CYs to rest in peace. So there's really no point in getting back up in the
saddle of a dead horse is there? :)


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tart sugar

Aug 10, 2005, 6:21pm
Anything else you want to say, Ry?

lol ; )

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tart sugar

Aug 10, 2005, 6:25pm
[View Quote] ROTFLMAO
You did not disappoint me, SR.
I knew, I just KNEW, that part of the conversation would make it to this
thread. Why do you think I said it in open chat? Why do you think there was
such little conversation said in open chat? We all knew you had a bot there,
recording chat.

Yer quite the little eavesdropper, ain'tcha? heeheeee

btw - "context" is everything. A question was put into chat as to just why
SR would put a CY Award statue object 55 meters up in the air.
LOL I said, "Because he's an idiot." ; )
You have to admit, that IS a pretty idiotic thing to do.

And I don't believe I was running around saying it. I was also 55 meters in
the air, hovering.

I am never ever afraid of saying something that "might" get repeated. BUT -
if you DO repeat anything I've said, plz get it right and in the correct

: )

tart sugar

Aug 10, 2005, 6:30pm
[View Quote] Lady TeaL has been in AW well over 5 years. She is one of the best TLs in
the GK org. She is my TL.
If I am not mistaken, Bit asked Lady TeaL personally to take over the CYs.

strike rapier

Aug 10, 2005, 6:35pm
Leading a GK team which involves going through an odd log is one thing, as
the GK's dont particually have any distinct skills worth noting.

Leading a large team of _extremely_ skilled people in AW, when you have no
experience of doing so, and no actual contributed skills yourself to know
how to do these things is quite another. It has been a fact shown time and
time again that for effective management you must posses at least one of the
skills required for the group, and that you must put in as much time as is
needed, not just as much as you want to.

- Mark Randall

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goober king

Aug 10, 2005, 8:13pm
Glad to see you alive and kicking, Bits! Hope those classes work out for
you! :)

On the subject: Not to split hairs, but didn't Lucrezia Borgia start the
CY Awards? Granted, after you took over, everyone pretty much equated
"AlphaBit Phalpha" with "CY Awards", but I would think it inaccurate to
say that "your name has always been attached to the CYs". Not only that,
but that doesn't necessarily preclude someone else from picking up where
you left off. You were able to pick up Lucrezia's work, and I would
think someone else could do the same for you.

Still, I know the CYs became your "baby", and I know exactly where
you're coming from. When I was "given" control of AWNews, I dived into
it headfirst, much like Strike, until it eventually seemed like I was
the only person putting any energy into the endeavor, which resulted in
people associating AWNews with me (to this day, people still try to send
me news stories). I came to see AWNews as my "baby" and when the time
came for me to put down the virtual stirrer due to burnout and other
obligations, a part of me just wanted AWNews become frozen in time,
since I didn't believe anyone else could have the same amount of
interest and energy in it that I had come to have.

But ultimately, I decided that AWNews was far too integral to the
community's survival to just disappear, so I handed it over to someone
else. And all things considered, I think maki has done a bang-up job so
far! And while he has done things that I wouldn't have done, he's also
done things that I never would have thought of to make it better.

The point of all that horn-blowing is, while you know that no one could
ever do the CYs like you did, that doesn't mean someone else's vision
for it can't be just as good. In the end, I would think that the CY
Awards have become such an integral part of AW's "culture", that to
simply kill it off would not only put all of your hard work to waste,
but it would make the community that much emptier (which we can ill
afford these days). Sure, there's going to be bickering and arguing, but
that just demonstrates how much everyone cares about seeing the CYs
continue on. Whoever takes up the mantle of CY Coordinator should be
someone who can take forge ahead with the project, despite all the
naysayers, and maybe even accommodate their complaints when possible.
Ultimately, it's the CY Awards that matter, not the person who's running it.

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Your baby

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