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[NG Survivor 2] The fierce five battle it out!

Oct 9, 2002, 10:27pm
Well, it's Week 12, and with less than 4 weeks away, the final Tribal
Council will decide which one of our Fiersome Five will win the P-50 world!
And you're going to help, loyal readers!

Ambient Spirit has floated her way up, while Lioness came roaring up
alongside. Builderz built a strong foundation among his allies, and ended up
building his way up here too. Gamecube isn't looking for any console-lation,
he wants to win it all. And Mod...well...yeah.

With the remaining weeks coming, my hibernation period has set in, and the
survivors are truly left on their own for the final weeks. Less challenges,
except for reaching the Final Two, awaits and now, it's purely strategy and

Gamecube had an untimely weekend vacation planned for the weekend, and
Lioness plum didn't show up on Saturday for this week's Immunity Challenge,
most likely because she is busy mothering her own lion cub IRL. Great
brownie points, but no good in the game of NGS2, such is life. :( More
unfortunate fate twists to come.

Builderz, Ambi, and Mod did arrive, all desperate for an Immunity win, and
maybe a tee-shirt also for good luck.

Ambient Spirit: Mod... my aim was to make it to the merge... from now on...
im game for whatever happens!

Builderz: my goal was to be not voted off first...I guess I passed that with
flying colors ;)

Mod: I set my hopes bit higher to the final four :P but final five isnt bad

Different takes on the same mindset, "I'm going to win, really, but once I
do, people will think I'm humble."

Mod said during the pre-game interview, "Actually the game is going very
well, but as of now I am in danger, if you read my diary you will see why.
This immunity is very important to me..."

Ambi echoed the same sentiment. "the only dirt I can think of is....i think
im about to eat it... lOL"
Ambient Spirit: call it female intuition :)

Builderz feels just because he hasn't received any votes yet doesn't mean
he's out of danger. "Well, you said in your last post that Ambi didn't have
any votes yet, just like myself. I'm not saying I'm for or against her, I'm
just restating what you said in your other post."

Anywho, let's get on with the game. It's a simple game of Memory. The
southern Immunity field is covered with 36 crates, in a 6x6 square. In each
crate is an item found in the world. There are 18 pairs of items underneath,
and the objective is to match an item with the same item. Under 4 of the
crates however are unlit torches. Make a match of unlit torches and the
game is over for that contestant. After all the boxes have been cleared, the
survivor with the most matches wins the game.

Mod started off with a quick lead, leading with 2 pairs in under 5 turns.
Ambi was close behind with 1, and Builderz still struggled to find one. Ambi
then found the teeshirt pair on her second match, and wins an AW Teeshirt as
a reward. The game continued, with all three finding multiple pairs. Ambi
got wfs in the middle of her turn, however, and lost her concentration and
memory, leaving her making many mismatches.

After a dozen or two turns, the game was still tight. Mod kept his lead with
6 pairs. Builderz is close behind with 4 pairs. And Ambi trails them both
with only 2, but at least she got a teeshirt. No one has managed to match
the unlit torches, although all three have gotten close calls.

How will this dramatic challenge finish? A lot is on the line for all
Onondago members. With 4 pairs of items left, and 2 pairs of torches, Ambi
can still pull out a tie, in which case, the survivor who matched the unlit
torches first would lose Immunity to the other. Or maybe Mod will keep his
lead, and leave his competition merciless? Or maybe Builderz will take the
Immunity necklace.

Out of the three challenge players, Ambi has been the only person NOT to win
a personal Immunity Challenge. Mod has won the past two, while Builderz has
won one.

And let's not forget Tribal Council!!! That's where YOU, the public can
help. This week, being a third week, the public votecaster has been updated
and put up again for you to vote. All five members have been put on the
votecaster, located at! Again, it's at

Get the point? VOTE!!! :) Make these survivors paranoid! You can vote as
many times as you like, and final tallies will be kept hidden, so the
secret's safe with me. Vote freely. The only thing that will be revealed is
the survivor who got the most votes, ONLY if the Immunity Challenge winner
keeps immunity.

Has fate put Lioness and Gamecube at a disadvantage? Who's next? There's 3
on the jury, by the end of this week, there'll be an equal amount of people
in the game, and people in the jury. Save your survivor! It's the only
chance you'll have, public, until the Final Vote!

Things are heating up, stay tuned. *blows conch shell*

PRODUCTION NOTE: Oh, and about the website, keep an eye out on the council
page and survivor profiles. Updates are a bit difficult to maintain, and
prolly will be months behind schedule, so don't bother. :)) And the movie is
coming along!

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[NG Survivor 2] The Final Four! And Season Finale info!

Oct 14, 2002, 12:09am
Previously, on NG Survivor...

*shots of deserted camp*

Although our survivors had started to wander the world aimlessly, Lioness
was noticeably missing.

*cut to shot of open air*

Gamecube, struggling to become more active, has to take an untimely weekend
getaway, missing the week's Immunity/Reward Challenge.

*cut to shot of open air*

*fade in Box Memory Challenge*

And so, Builderz, Ambient Spirit, and Mod battled it out at Challenge Field
to secure their spot in the final four. Ambient took home another teeshirt,
but she trailed Mod and Builderz in points.

*cut to pick of discouraged Ambient*

Who will take home Immunity? How will the public vote this week? And who's
moving into the jury box, find out today, on NG Survivor 2!

*plays Ancient Voices theme*

Okay, back to the Memory Challenge. :) Ambient went up first, and almsot
ended her chances right then and there, as she picked open an unlit torch.
Fortunately, she didn't match. Unfortunately, she didn't match, meaning she
couldn't catch up to Mod's lead of 6 points. Mod continued his matching
streak with another pair, and so did Builderz. But Builderz slipped away
from his matches, and Mod's memory proved stronger as he won the game with 9
points in the end. His secret? He used an Excel sheet to map out the objects
people found. Builderz did the same, but apparently not to his effect.
Ambient used rote memory. Everyone give out a laugh for such tomfoolery. :)

Anyways, Sunday night finally came, and the remaining guys came up to Tribal
Council Plateau. Lioness e. hadn't been online the past week and a half, and
still no word on what's going on with her. Could this absence do her in?
Gamecube also missed an important Immunity, but managed to show up to the
Plateau, as always. Ambient had a PK meeting and was not in attendence.

So let's talk about the week:

Nornny11: Gamecube, how much are you at a disadvantage for missing the
Challenge this week?
Gamecube: i really don't kniow.. I will be probally voted off this week.. or
thatws twhat i think.. and i probally know..

Nornny11: okay. Builderz, you were so close to winning Immunity, did you
need it? I heard the other tribemates say you don't. How do you feel about
Builderz: I feel the same as Gamecube -- I just don't really know. It is up
to the tribe mates to decide if I am the next one to go or not. I think as
it draws nearer to the end, it is anyone's game.

Nornny11: Well, let's talk about the ladies then. :)
Nornny11: Lioness, also, has been absent this whole week, at least to me, I
have received no contact from her. Has she spoken to any of you? Is it
dangerous to her position in the game?
Gamecube: no
Gamecube: well eyes
Gamecube: yes
Mod: I haven't heard from her at all
Builderz: No, she has spoken to me whatsoever this week.
Builderz: oops...has=hasn't
Gamecube: it is dangerous for her
Gamecube: and i havent talked to er

Nornny11: okay, well, this week is an especially tense week...
Nornny11: ...not only because we're deciding the Final Four...
Nornny11: ...but so is the public.
Nornny11: Mod, you now hold Immunity around your birde once again.
Nornny11: how do you feel right now?
Mod: I feel relieved, but thats just like a drug, its a temporary feeling,
because now I know that I am safe this week, but also have to focus on next

Nornny11: Is there anyone who would like to state a case for Mod to give up
immunity? As you know, Mod can give up Immunity to void the public vote.
Nornny11: Builderz, you were in this position 3 weeks ago, what do you
Builderz: I think that Mod earned his immunity and he should keep it if he
Nornny11: GC, any words?
Gamecube: personally i wish i had immunity but i'/d rathyer nobody have
immunity ..... o

Nornny11: okay, the decision is purely Mod. Mod, what would you like to do?
Mod: Sorry, but Immunity is staying with this birdie :)
Gamecube: :(

Well then, it's time to vote.

Ambient Spirit voted through telegram. Mod voted. Then Gamecube "lioness she
hasnt been here alll this week". Then Builderz "Gamecube because I honestly
think they still don't take the game seriously and, in my opinion, should
not be the winner of the game." Lioness did not vote.

I'll go tally the votes. If it comes to the possibility of a tie, we would
have to wait for Lioness. The public this week also voted between all five
of the survivors, and the survivor with the most votes will get a vote here.

First vote..






Second vote, Gamecube.

Third vote, Gamecube. That's three Gamecube.





....And the next person leaving NG Survivor 2, Gamecube. :(( I'm sorry, but
the tribe has spoken. *Gamecube exits* *extinguishes torch*

Gamecube, if you could reply with your Final WOrds, it would be most
appreciated. :)

Well, now the Onondago tribe is split. Four members, Gandalf, maki, Eric,
and Gamecube, are now sitting in the jury box. Builderz, Ambient Spirit,
Mod, and Lioness are still sitting in the game. But only two can stay there
until the end! So let's start Week 13, shall we?

Is it ladies versus men?

Can Ambi, the last of the Nebewis, be sitting in the last two benches?

Or will Lioness and Mod, the two former new Nebewis, strengthen their bonds
and go up?

Can Builderz, Robego member all the way, be sitting on the last bench?

Who will make it, watch for an indepth analysis of these Final Four midweek,
as I recap the game and my opinions in a newsgroup Nornny's Notes!

First, our last Reward Challenge. :((( Well, it seems the survivor stock of
sheep are trying to escape. I'm going to need everyone's help to corale
these sheep back to their pens so they can be mercilessly slaughtered and
sacrificed to the gods. :)

Log onto and click the link to play the
sheep game. When the game loads, select Roundup. The objective is simple,
corral the most sheep into the pen in the least amount of time. The MINIMUM
number of sheep you have to corral is 7. If you can get 7 in the fastest
time, you will win an AW Teeshirt. If there's a tie, the survivor who
gathers the most sheep in the fastest time will win. Remember, anyone can
play, readers, survivors, anyone. :) So go ahead, just email me the
screenshot of your score to nornny1 at Good luck

This week, the Immunity Challenge will occur on Saturday, as usual, and
Tribal Council will be on Sunday. Both will be at 5:30 PM VRT (17:30) unless
changed. Watch as the Final Four try to control their destiny, as we see who
will be just two councils shy of the Final Two.

On Thursday, the 24th, The Final Three will battle it out in the most
intense and final Immunity Challenge ever. Whoever wins Immunity will be
ensured to have a 50-50 chance of winning the P-50 world! And on Saturday,
the 26th, the Season Finale will be held in the world NGS2002!!! Be there,
as the jury members grill the Final Two, and then vote on the winner. You
too, will vote for who you want to win, because, don't forget, the 7th jury
member is YOU, the public! The winner will be revealed that night, and 16
long weeks of intense competition will come to an end. More teeshirts will
be given out, as contests and parties follow! It's going to be a great
night, so mark your calendars and tell your friends!!! You won't want to
miss this!

Otherwise, stay tuned. *blows conch shell*
From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[NG Survivor 2] Radar tracking

Oct 21, 2002, 9:15pm
Last time on NG Survivor 2...

*cut to shot of Memory Challenge*

Mod reigned supreme once again by winning another Immunity Challenge.

*cut to shot of Tribal Council*

And the tribe and public unanimously disposed of lazy Gamecube at a live
tribal council after missing another weeks worth of events.

*cut to Lioness*

Lioness was absent most of last week, and struggled to hang on to her
internet connection.

*cut to final four*

How will the Final Four vote this week? Week 13 is upon us, and the drama
has only gotten more intense. Find out what happens this week, on NG
Survivor 2...

*cue Ancient Voices theme and intro video*

Week 13, only one more week to go before the ultimate survivor is decided
upon (October 16th 3pm!!!). And it's going to be between Ambient Spirit,
Lioness, Builderz, and Mod. For mroe in depth analysis on how these four
came to power and how awfully wrong my predictions were, go check out my
reply to this thread for a newsgroup Nornny's Notes.

First, let's begin with our last Reward Challenge. :((( Well, out of many
people that participated in this challenge (yay!),
former-survivor-turned-public-poster BinaryBud stood out having rounded up 8
sheep in 4.96 seconds. Congrats on the teeshirt, and I'll be in touch, BB!

Luckily, for those who just missed the mark, join us on the 26th at 3pm VRT
for more oppurtunities to win teeshirts as we end our NG Survivor season
with a bang!

Speaking of banging endings, our survivors were playing for keeps at the
second to last Immunity Challenge. The challenge was called Fallen Comrades.
Our survivors were whisked up to the top of Tribal Council Plateau, behind
the Council area on the edge of the cliff. There, surrounding a giant rock,
were four "graveyards," pictures of the past 12 castoffs (pixelot, Shorah,
Maka, Joeman, D a n, JerMe, Mongo, BinaryBud, maki, Gandalf, Eric, and
Gamecube). Our remaining survivors had to use their knowledge and friendship
they've acquired from all 12 banished posters to win a crucial Immunity. Ten
statements were read aloud, each dealing with a specific castoff, in which
the survivors had to identify the castaway and delete him. After the ten
statements, only two castoff pictures should remain, in which one of them is
hopefully the only castaway NOT mentioned. BinaryBud was that castoff, and
Ambient Spirit was the only survivor to manage to put him in her Final Two
castoffs. She then guessed BB correctly after one last statement was read
and won Immunity.

But this challenge had more drama then mentioned. Lioness e, who recovered
from her week's absence due to bad modem connection, faltered again at this
Immunity Challenge. She lost internet connection right before the challenge
started and missed the whole thing. Is this unfortunate twist of fate do her

Back at camp, Ambient Spirit is scared stiffed with her Immunity Necklace.
"i am so thrilled to have one Immunity.. but im even thinking of giving it
up to someone else.."

Builderz and Ambient Spirit attended Tribal Council while Mod and Lioness
were not able to attend. Is this another possible division or just plain

Builderz said "I think anything could happen during these last councils,
Nornny. However, I doubt that the other members will base their votes solely
on old tribal ties. They will need to take other factors into account."

Ambient went up first...

"My vote this week is purely for strategic purposes. I am going to vote for
a person I have really grown fond of and who is a great person..." she

"but there may be an alliance so my strategy comes into play here..
Lioness.... *hugs* hun.. I hope you understand and have no hard feelings
*luv ya*"

Lioness then voted.

"It's getting harder and harder to decide who to vote for. Now I have no
choice but to get strategic. Mod has tons of votes against him, like I do.
Ambie only has a few but she now has immunity. My vote therefore goes to
Builderz (with a heavy heart) cus he doesn't have very many votes against
him and he doesn't have immunity. Sorry Builderz
((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugz)))))))))))))))))))))))).....still wuv ya hon.

Mod casted his vote.

Builderz then voted. "It was not an easy decision, so I randomly picked
between the other members and this is the person that turned up. Sorry if I
have offend you -- nothing personal. Remember, it is only a game!"

Our survivors are probably waiting on pins and needles now. :) Obviously,
all four have flown under the radar for the past weeks, doing just enough
playing to get here, but it seems some people are sticking out more than
other among the small Onondago tribe. I'll go tally the votes.

First vote...

Lioness e.

Second vote Lioness e.

Builderz. That's two Lioness, one Builderz.

Last vote...




Survivors, we have a tie. Builderz, Lioness, both of you each have two votes
casted against yourselves.

Here's how a tiebreaker works. Lioness and Builderz, you have 24 hours to
make your plea to Mod and Ambient Spirit. When both of you have plead your
case or 24 hours have gone up, Ambi and Mod will revote. Both MUST come to a
unanimous decision between the two for one of you to be voted off. However,
in the event that the second vote ends up tied, past votes will determine
who will leave the newsgroup. Good luck.

On Thursday, only three will remain in the game. Come to a live Immunity
Challenge and Tribal Council at 5:30 VRT! It's going to be our last event
inworld before the grand season finale! Cheer your favorites on, and get the
inside scoop on what's happening before it gets published here. :)

Most importantly, stay tuned!
From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[NG Survivor 2] Radar tracking

Oct 22, 2002, 6:11pm
Both Lioness and Builderz have made their pleas in this thread, so I won't
leave you in suspence anymore. I'll go tally the votes.

First vote...






Last vote...



I'm sorry Lioness, but if you'll hand me your torch. The tribe has spoken.
*extinguishes flame* *tribal council music climaxes* Please grace us with
your Final Words, and I'll see you and someone else from the Top Three on
Saturday, sitting on the jury box.

Well, we're down to the Final Three.

Did Mod make the right move in voting off his long-time tribemate and
friend? (They've been on the same tribes the whole game)

Is Ambient Spirit and Builderz in an alliance?

Who will win immunity on Thursday at 5:30pm VRT?

And who will the Immunity winner take with him/her to the Final Two?

Find out on Thursday at 5:30pm VRT in the world NGS2002!

the Cys, so bring all your friends to the world CyAwards where our grand
finale will take place!

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

NG Survivor 2 - The Finale!

Oct 25, 2002, 5:46pm
It's the end of an era folks, as Newsgroup Survivor wraps up its second and
(probably) final season. :) It started with 16 newsgroup posters from all
parts of AW, and now it has ended with only the two strongest players.

==The last chapter (just scroll down for info on the finale)==
Yesterday, Builderz, Ambient Spirit, and Mod faced the final Immunity
Challenge. It was called Outwit, Outflame, Outlast. After 16 looong weeks, I
wanted to test our survivors on their perception of time. Our survivors
stood atop a pole in a confined block. They could not see their tribemates.
In front of them was a sign that they had to click when three hours. The
survivor who can stay on their pole the full three hours, and click their
sign CLOSEST to when 3 hours had gone up, won. Along the way, our survivors
had to deal with pitch blackness, proposals by myself, and other tortures.
Everyone punched in their time within 30 seconds of each other, but Ambient
Spirit clicked closest.

And with that, she had the decision of her life, whether to take Mod or
Builderz to the Final Two. Good woman that she is, she played her final move
fairly rather than strategically, asking both Mod and Builderz to pick a
number. Builderz guessed 4, Mod guessed 8, and the answer was 5. Ambient
therefore sent Mod packing to join the jury.

Did Ambient Spirit make the right choice? Does she stand a chance against
Builderz? How will the jury of six vote? How will YOU vote???

Well, everything will culminate tommorow, Saturday, at 3:30pm VRT in the
world Cyawards! I've set up a special tribal council set behind one of the
CyAwards off-stages, and if you're bored on the purple carpet, come west 30
coordinates and join us. :)

We're pulling out all the stops for you guys. Join me and the Jury of six
(maki, Gandalf, Eric, Gamecube, Lioness, and Mod) as we grill Ambient Spirit
and Builderz until they're just about burnt. Find out who still has
lingering grudges, who cheated and lied, and who was just too nice and still
is. Even you, the audience, gets to ask our Final Two a question! Just log
on to and fill out the poll on the
front page. :) The most popular question will be asked to Ambient Spirit and

And then, what you've all been waiting for, the final vote! Each of our six
jury members voted off will vote between Ambient Spirit and Builderz. But
they're not voting for who they want to see leave, they're voting on who
they want to win the P-50 world!

Who do you want to see? Have a favorite? Well, don't just sit here, VOTE!
Because the survivor with the highest amount of votes from the public will
get a vote in the Final Tribal Council. Just go to and cast your
vote. You can do it as many times as you'd like.

Again, the address is,,!!

Hehe, anyways, after the winner has been decided, join us for a cast
reunion, with all the gang of 16! :) Ask them anything you've been dying to
know, I know I will. :) And for staying around, I'll be giving out leftover
AW teeshirts jsut for attending (well, you might have to work a little
harder). :) But come on out! My experiment in virtual social darwinistic
survival has come to an end once again. Be there, or miss out.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

AWteen Maturity

Oct 29, 2002, 5:20pm
And this is somehow more mature? The people that get insulted for their
immaturity deserve it, I think. It's not a response to age or whatever,
although it happens to be that the more-prone-to-mouth-off posters are in
fact younger, but that's not the entire case. I don't believe there's a
physical age difference in the AW universe, you're mature if you say much
with very little, and you're not if you say little too much. Someone who
curses off their mouth and complains and insults everyone at the sight of a
newsgroup post is saying too much (even though ironically, their posts are
two sentences long and are mostly expletives) and is immature, no matter
what world they inhabit. I think AWTeeners create the anti-AWTeen stereotype
among regular cits because there's really no concrete evidence here that
most people in this newsgroup hate AWTeeners and have expressed that
(especially since a lot of the posters here are AWTeeners, so how would that
work? *boggle*).

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] The ULTIMATE Survivor

Nov 3, 2002, 12:25am
===PLEASE SNIP!!=======PLEASE SNIP!!!======

The rough, rugged, and poorly built world of NGS2002 was replaced with the
beautiful, extravagent, ornate, but still poorly built stage of Cyawards,
where Builderz, Ambient Spirit, and the jury of six prepared for the last
Tribal Council of the game.

First off, sorry for no one getting to see this final council. The world was
closed at 3:30, and wasn't able to be opened during that time. :(( But
luckily, you have me, your wonderful host to fill you up on the juicy

Ambient Spirit and Builderz had quite a long and seemingly endless journey
to get to the top. Starting on two different tribes, Nebewi and Robego, each
one made their niche among their 7 tribemates. Ambient Spirit did so by
caretaking her campsite, gardening whenever possible. Builderz stayed
hidden, coming to most challenges, performed for his tribe, and said little
in the proccess.

At first, things looked bleak for Nebewi, as three immunity challenge losses
and Maka's resignation left half the tribe off the NGS2002 cliffs before any
merge, but Ambient Spirit managed to get through with plenty of activeness
during challenges, and a crucial voting alliance with the more active
members of her tribe.

Builderz had little to worry about, until a 5th week merge that transformed
his tribe of 8 into a tribe of 4. Ambient was switched from her comfortable
alliance in Nebewi to her new "third tribe" Tiveac.

Ambient's luck didn't give up, as Tiveac faced the next Tribal Council. But
luckily, Gamecube grew fonder of Ambi than tribemate D a n, as he, along
with Ambi and Gandalf booted D a n.

Ambient soon was flying easy, as Robego faced their first Council after the
effects of vandalism and the switch left their camp deserted. Plus, it was a
public vote. But Builderz strong tribal ties kicked off new member JerMe

Then came the merge. Builderz emerged as a strong contender for immunity
after winning the first one. Ambient Spirit meanwhile managed to stay under
the radar, although her Nebewi numbers were 2-7 in the new Onondago tribe
(and Gandalf teetered on the edge of inactiveness). Ambi and Gandalf would
managed to escape two Councils, BB's resignation and clear-threat maki's
castoff. Gandalf's number was up, however, and Ambi was odd woman out.

Or was she? She quickly connected with Lioness e, watching her backs in
return that Lioness watched hers. It seemed to work, as council after
council, the girls escaped (if by close calls) being thrown into jury duty.

It came down to the Final Four, and Ambient Spirit grabbed two key
immunities for herself. She broke her pact with Lioness, who became
increasingly tired and unable to log on. At the last Immunity Challenge, she
showed once and for all who was in control of the game, and took along
Builderz with a guess of a number. Mod clearly was phased by such an action,
but was forced to fill the last seat in the jury box.

And here we are. :) Builderz the introvert, and Ambient Spirit angel-devil.
I won't hold the suspense, let's go straight to Tribal Council.

Five of the six jury members came to the Live Final Council (Gandalf
unfortunately was unable to attend, but voted afterwards).

Nornny11: First, let's talk to you two, Builderz, did you ever imagine you
would be up here?
Builderz: To be honest, Nornny, I thought I would be cast off first. I never
thought I would make it to the merge, let alone the Final Four or even to be
standing here today. I am truly amazed I have gotten this far and I salute
the survivors who were voted off before me.

Nornny11: Ambient, was there ever a time that you thought "Oh god, I'm gone
Ambient Spirit: yes Nornny! often, those AWTeeners were strong players and
I feared them lol

Nornny11: lol, well fear is a funny thing because today in the jury are the
people you've voted off to get to the top. The first part of this gathering
is a Tribal Reckoning of sorts. Each of the jury will have a few minutes to
speak their mind and ask each of you a question.

Nornny11: after everyone has said their peace, you will go to stage left to
the podium and cast your vote for who you want to WIN NG Survivor 2.

Nornny11: Okay, Gamecube, why don't you begin.

(mysterious background voice of NG Survivor past: Gamecube might've been the
best player of all, even though he fell short. He was inactive most of the
early part of the game, but luck came through to GC who managed to survive
under the Robego winning streak. When it came to the switch, Gamecube
changed face on D a n, possibly his best move, and voted with Nebewi. At the
merge, Gamecube struck hard, coming to challenges, and putting himself out
as a crucial swing voter after facing a close call on Onondago's first
council. Luckily, BB walked, and GC was still in the game. Unfortunately,
his inactivity caught up when the small Onondago (at 5 members) had no other
choice but to eliminate the most useless player, which was Gamecube.)

Gamecube: ok :)
Gamecube: Ambient- What do you feel has been your finest moment durign
these games and why do you think you have made it to the end?
Ambient Spirit: GC, i was becoming desperate at not having won one immunity
and really thought i was a gonner when it came down to 4 tribemates... my
finest moment was winning the last two.. crucial, Immunity Challenges :)

Gamecube: ok
Gamecube: Builderz - How successful do you think these games have been and
would you recommend them to others? What role did alliances play in the
Builderz: Obviously, the game has had sparked in interest in many people. I
would certainly recommend them to others as the Newsgroup Survivor I
survivors have recommended NGS II to me. As for alliances, yes, they do play
a role in the game. For me, it wasn't a large role, but they can either
break or make you throughout the course of the game.

Nornny11: is that all GC?
Gamecube: Both- If you won what type of world would you have? Public or
Nornny11: um, that's enough questions GC. lol.
Nornny11: you only have one per survivor.
Builderz: So we shouldn't answer the last question, Nornny?
Nornny11: well, go ahead, i don't care. lol.
Builderz: Alright, I'll answer it.
Builderz: If I win Newsgroup Survivor and the P-50 world, I would (for at
least a certain amount of time) give build and public speaker rights to
*all* survivors that participated in the game. Each survivor would have the
option to build in any portion of the world they would like to. I couldn't
possibly fill up the world all by myself. ;)
Gamecube: ok thanks for your time
Ambient Spirit: :)
Ambient Spirit: Thank you GC

Nornny11: Mod, you're up

(Mod had a case of horrible luck. He played his cards right throughout the
game, and his Immunity wins at the merge made all the difference. But he
lost his control over the game within 30 seconds. At the final council, he
faultered by arriving late, but managed to get the time from his tribemates.
However, he couldn't perform enough to rebound from his last Immunity loss
(Fallen Comrades) and was therefore a victim of fate. He chose 8, Builderz
chose 4, Ambient's number was 5, and with that, Mod was the last survivor
voted off Onondago)

Mod: k
Mod: First of all, I would like to congratulate both of you for making it to
the final two! :)
Ambient Spirit: Thank you :)
Builderz: Thank you very much, Mod.
Mod: Both of you know how much this game means to me, and that I took the
game very seriously...,and I in turn know that this vote is just as
important as the last vote was to me...So, if it was good enough for me,
then I believe it is good enough to decide your fate also...

Mod: Builderz, Ambient. Please pick a number between 1, and 10.
Ambient Spirit: LOL
Builderz: Okay
Ambient Spirit: 9
Builderz: 8
Mod: Thank you.
Mod: and good luck :)
Builderz: You're welcome Mod.
Ambient Spirit: Thank you Mod ;) lol

Nornny11: Lioness, please head on down.

(Lioness has struggled throughout this game. Wherever she goes, a fair share
of NG Survivor trouble ensues around her. And yet, she made it to the Final
Four with the pride and dignity and verocity of her name. Although a random
voter, she knew her enemies. She escaped a close call with the younger mates
of Onondago by rallying her allies to vote off Gandalf. From then on, it was
easy pickings with the AWTeeners. But ill-fate stuck its ugly head in as she
faced connection problems that left her off AW for a week and a half. Her
last attempt was to hang in with Mod, another underdog, but Mod turned on
her during a tiebreaker and she was gone)

Lioness.: ;-"/ nervous
Lioness.: hmmmmm well......
Lioness.: i came a bit unprepared today
Builderz: Take your time, Lioness. :)
Lioness.: thank goodness nornny put some questions on the website
Lioness.: ;-")
Lioness.: thank you nornny

Lioness.: ambie....
Ambient Spirit: :)
Lioness.: please tell us one good thing and one bad thing about builderz
Ambient Spirit: Ok.. the good thing first :)
Ambient Spirit: I have found Builderz to be the same right throughout the
game, always friendly and very trusting and polite.. a super person
Ambient Spirit: the bad thing...The bad thing is that i cannot find out
anything wrong with him :(
Lioness.: lol
Builderz: I'm shocked! LOL

Lioness.: builderz...
Builderz: Yes, Lioness?
Lioness.: why do you deserve to win the world? ;-")
Builderz: I believe I should win the world for the following reasons: I have
played fairly throughout most (if not all) of the game, I took the game
seriously, came to all of the challenges and tribal councils I could, and
tried to help around at camp whenever possible. I tried my best, got this
far, and I hope to share the world with the other survivors if I win.

Lioness.: thank you and congratulations to both of you for making it thus
far ;-"D
Builderz: Thank you very much, Lioness.
Ambient Spirit: Thank you Lioness :))

Nornny11: maki, you're up.

(maki had the case of playing the game a bit TOO hard. He was clearly a
threat, the strongest member of Robego. He was manipulative, won many tribal
challenges without the help of his mates, and was online all the time. How
stupid! If he had won immunity, which he betted his game on, he would've had
limitless control. However, he didn't win Immunity, and the AWTeeners took
him down hard)

Nornny11: maki, you're up.
maki: Alright. I wasn't very prepared for this, and I was going to ask both
of you basically what lioness just asked builderz I'll just ask ambie
instead .. ;)
maki: Ambie... Why do you think YOU should win newsgroup survivor 2 and the
"million dollar prize"?
Ambient Spirit: My answer is similar to Builderz', I have played the game
to the best of my ability, attended all challenges and councils unless ill
or other on line duties, i planted the veggies and fruit that kept you all
healthy and spent as much time in camp as i oculd ;)

maki: And Builderz, did you really enjoy playing ng survivor? What were
some things you liked, and didn't like about it?
Builderz: Overall, I enjoyed the experience of playing NGS. I liked winning
immunity (who wouldn't? ;) and when Robego kept winning challenges early on
in the game. I must say that some of Nornny's challenges were extremely
rigorous (such as the one with the floating platform and the pole). That,
and some of the tensions between tribe mates, were the things I did not like
in the game.

maki: ok :) thank you, good luck to you both.
Builderz: Thank you, maki.
Ambient Spirit: Thank you maki :)

Nornny11: Eric, last but not least.

(Eric has been the scapegoat to many cases of "rule stretching." Lest we all
not forget the Mongo incident? Unfortunately, Eric teetered on the cliff of
inactiveness as did many of his Robego members. The solution? Team up with
them, of course. However, when it came down to it, Eric was just another
member of the AWTeen alliance, and his number eventually came up. At his
council, he was tied with Gamecube, and the odds seemed pretty good for him.
But the girls of Onondago didn't give up on their relentless efforts to rid
the morally inept, and Eric was voted off on past votes. Ironically, most of
them came from Mongo during Tribal Reckonings and Councils during the three
switch weeks)

Eric: the first is one on the website, who helped you the most through this?
Ambient Spirit: The voting? Im not sure i understand the question?
Builderz: I have to say that it wasn't one particular person who helped me
throughout the game, but it was the overall Robego tribe that helped me the
most. If they haven't won all of those challenges and got tribe immunity
again and again, I would probably have been off of the game by now.
Eric: ambi the question was "who do you feel helped you the most throughout
the game?"
Ambient Spirit: Just getting to know all the tribemates and being friendly
is, I think what has kept me in the game. I also feel that maybe because I
didnt know anyone when the game started, I was an 'unknown quantity' and
not considered much of a threat...learning to be sneaky and cheat a little..
from fellow tribemates helped too ;)

Eric: ok then, onto my second juicy question of my own devise. whom
throughout the game, but mostly after the merger, were you most trying to
get voted off?
Eric: and im an excellent judge of character, so dont lie to me :P
Ambient Spirit: Gandalf, I felt i was being manipulated by him
Builderz: I was trying to vote off whoever I thought was the biggest threat
to me. I tried to evaluate what I heard through the "grapevine" each and
every week, looked at how the other tribe mates were doing in world, and
incorporated other factors to try and and guess who could cause the most
damage to my status in the game.
Eric: but that didnt answer my question :P
Builderz: Want me to be more specific?
Eric: yes, if you will
Builderz: I have the same answer as Ambient: Gandalf. If I recall correctly,
the first time I voted for him was because I didn't want to vote for any of
my old Robego tribe mates when the tribes changed. Then I got a telegram
from both Ambient Spirit and Lioness saying that he called me "weak" and was
that I was in an alliance with him -- which was untrue. I don't know what
prompted him to say those things in the first place (if indeed he did say
them at all). Gandalf later asked me who told me that information, but I
said I wouldn't reveal that until the finale.

Eric: thats all i've got
Ambient Spirit: Thanks Eric :)

(Well, Gandalf wasn't here in person to ask a question, but he deserves a
recap nonetheless. As you can see, Gandalf is quite the enigma. Maybe he was
a case of too much pride and too little numbers? He clearly had the power to
destroy all with the girls, if only he had played nicely.

Nornny11: Well, before we vote, the public has a question to ask you all.

(ahh yes, the public of death. The public changed the game every single time
it went up to vote. They sent JerMe out of the game, leaving Nebewi
outnumbered and scrambling for new bonds. But most importantly, it caused
great suspicion and paranoia among the tribe. Good job guys!)

Nornny11: Both of you, which survivor was your favorite and why?
Builderz: I really don't want to play the favorites game, but I guess I'll
have to. I know that there were some "clashes" with those that were from the
AW Teen crowd and those that were not. Nevertheless, there were certain
survivors that made me laugh more than others, some that I felt like I could
bond with very well, and others that I considered a major threat. I guess
you could say that Ambient, Lioness, Mod, BinaryBud, and Maki were my
Ambient Spirit: My favourite was Lioness, I loved her common sense.. and
she was my partner in crime and she was my soul mate being the other female
in the game.. She made me feel secure :)

Nornny11: Well, it's going to be a tough vote. Remember, you are voting for
who you want to WIN NG Survivor 2. No more voting survivors off.

Nornny11: Eric, you can start.

*Eric votes*

Nornny11: Thank you Eric, maki, you're up.

*maki votes and says "...because ...I felt like I knew her more through the
game, ack I dont know what to say, lol."*

Nornny11: Lioness.

*Lioness says "picked a name from the "Bowl of Indecision" again.... cus i
can't decide...they both deserve this prize ........." and holds up a vote*

Nornny11: Gamecube, you're next.

*Gamecube casts his vote*

Nornny11: Mod, you're up.

*Mod holds up his vote and says "I vote builderz, I believe the number which
kicked me outta the game, should be the very same number someone wins with,
the number was 8, builderz got it..."*

Nornny11: Gandalf.

*Gandalf casts his vote*

Well, the votes are in, here's the result of 16 weeks of intense gameplay.

But before we reveal the votes, is there anything any of you jury members
would like to get off your chest?

Lioness.: yes i would...please
Lioness.: the past coupla weeks have been very trying for me
Lioness.: and ironically it worked out in my favor that i was voted off
Lioness.: i want everyone to know i hold no grudges and i consider it a
pleasure to have been able to do this with ya'll and i am honored to have
had the chance to get to know you all better ;-"D

Eric: yes!
Eric: WHY AMBI?! WHY?!
Eric: *cries*
Eric: actually i just wanna say good job
Eric: and that I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!
Eric: *wipes tear*

Nornny11: Okay, so, enough with the mushy stuff, what have you guys been
hiding from me?

Eric: ok
Eric: i have a confession to make
Eric: though i might have already made it
Eric: i lit mongo's tent on fire!
Eric: it was me *breaks down*
Lioness.: YOU DID IT?????!!!!!
Eric: but i didnt delete anything
maki: lol
Ambient Spirit: lol
Lioness.: hmmmmmmm
Eric: i just lit the flame and used ed to switch the name around

Mod: Norn, never have a memory game put on hold, stand alone mode is a
birdies best friend :P

Anywho, enough with the corruption, this is the moment of truth. I'll go
count the votes.

*pulls out voting pot*

Remember, the survivor with the most votes tonight will be the Ultimate
Survivor of the Newsgroup and win a P-50 world, courtesy of AWI. The
runner-up will receive a free six-month cit extension from AWI also.

First vote...


Second vote...Ambient Spirit.


Ambient Spirit. That's two for Ambi, 1 for Builderz.


Builderz. Three Builderz, two Ambient Spirit.



Ambient Spirit. That's three votes each.


The winner and Ultimate Survivor of NG Survivor 2...



Builderz: *faints*
Ambient Spirit: Congrats Builderz!!!!!! :)))
Gamecube: WTGG
Nornny11: congratulations. :)
Gamecube: YAYAY
Lioness.: <----- falls off chair
Mod: :)
Eric: congrats!!1
Ambient Spirit: whooohooo!!!!! :)))
Gamecube: LOL
Eric: wooooooooooooot
Nornny11: yayy!
Mod: Congrats man :)
Eric: it's over, it's all over!
Gamecube: LOL\
Ambient Spirit: Im sooo happy for you Builderz!! :) well done!
maki: lol
Lioness.: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((builderz)))))))))))))))))))))
Builderz: *hugs Ambient Spirit*
Gamecube: LOL
Gamecube: LOL

Nornny11: Ambient Spirit, i'm sorry, but the tribe has spoken.

Well, this crazy season is finally over, folks! :) Website to be updated
slowly and surely for anyone who missed a minute of this madness. And thank
YOU everyone for all your support and acceptance of this game of mine. :) I
couldn't have done it without you and I hope I provided enough entertainment
for the bandwith I wasted. :)

Survivors, it's your turn to churn out some final diaries! :) You guys can
say WHATEVER you like, just make sure you snip this thread please. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

MAFIA RPG - Jobs open

Nov 5, 2002, 12:12pm
#4 That is the stupidest excuse for flaming a community advertisement in the
whole entire universe.

#5 Stop spamming the newsgroup. Lesson in PR, don't attack other RPGs, it
only makes yours look worse when you have to compare it to others.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

Close the newsgroups

Nov 5, 2002, 11:24pm
Meh, let them tarnish some reputations, it's not mine. :) I'm happily
sitting back and enjoying the flame throwing, as many others are too. You
have to realize, you're all in the heat of the moment (moment being days to
weeks, of course) and you shouldn't be making such hasty decisions and
indecisions. :)

This community newsgroup has A LOT to offer. :) What I don't understand is,
Eep creates a million of flame threads and he gets banned from the
newsgroup. You guys create a million flame threads and all of the sudden the
whole newsgroup has to be closed. lol.

I mean, eventually, this will come to a point where no one would WANT to
bother to post their idea for the 50,000th time and we'll get back to real
matters. If not, there's always 3.4 in two months.

You all worry too much about image. Loosen up guys, there are communities
much worse than this. :) Embrace the infighting. What would we be without
the community newsgroup, there's so much history and life in here to throw
it all away on a few threads.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

So, Christmas, a time of joy...

Nov 6, 2002, 9:19am
I know we're all trying to relieve ourselves of chaos and everything by
trying to divert the topic, but shouldn't this be in general discussion? :)
Unless you're talking about what we're doing for Christmas in AW, in which
case, I'll be planning a blowout Christmas party with as many contacts I can
grab. :))

Who's with me?
From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

A non-inflammatory post for you.

Nov 7, 2002, 9:32am
You applaud his vocabulary? People people, in a self-proclaimed
"intelligent" community such as ours, this should be nothing more than 8th
grade English. Really folks, I'm sure you all have it in you. Any high
school graduate could use the vocabulary of Byte Me's if you tried a little.

Not that Byte isn't intelligent, I'm sure he is, but we all should be. :) I
mean, in his diction, he sounds wise, intelligent, mature, etc. And notice
how people look foolish to flame or criticize him when they respond and its
not up to his level? Meanwhile, if some stereotypical pre-teen 13-year-old
brat boy decides to flame the community (which is essentially what Byte Me
is doing in a more civilized manner), you'd rip a new one. If you want
control of anything in this community, you have to start with perceived
intelligence. :)

And you wonder why you hate Eep so much...
From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

MrBruce drops A1CT world

Nov 7, 2002, 9:20am
Well, from my perspective, A!CT has received little to no criticism. You're
a great model of what a privately-owned public world should be. I truly
don't know what is going on in the AWuniverse, if people are much harsher
towards your worlds there, but what I know is that your worlds have been
nothing but praised by the community, or at the very least, indifferent by

Maybe there were one or two spam attacks by certain members once in a while,
but we all get that, and trust me in saying you did nothing wrong.

If it's about the Cys, which I think you're insinuating, I don't see at all
where A!CT fits into the whole scheme. I don't see what's wrong with having
a G rated world in the universe, there's a LOT of G rated people looking for
things to do, and a lot of them find it in your world. I don't think any of
the Cy flames here have personally attacked your world in any way, quite
possibly your opinions, but not your world. In which case, all you have to
do is NOT subscribe to the newsgroup. :)

But hey, I'm quite the radicalist too. :) If you want to shut down your
world, I have no right to stop you. I'm probably really ignorant to the
situation, but with the info I have, I don't think you should be doing it
for the reasons you stated. I think if people are going to be mean to you,
you shouldn't let them win.

On the other hand, I see your point. People need to be more civil and kind
or else more worlds are going to drop and NO one will have Cys, 3.4, or even
AW to fight about. In which case, you make a great martyr for the whole

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

Stop reindexing!

Nov 8, 2002, 6:56pm
I don't think there is a way of doing it without re-indexing. :) I've never
owned a newsgroup so I wouldn't know, but I think ENZO mentioned that one of
the consequences for deleting entire threads (or even lots of posts, I
guess) is that the server would have to reindex. Again, just a rumor. But
that's what you pay for fighting so much. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

Would like to know where Lahra's Post went

Nov 10, 2002, 10:58pm
Eep is banned from the newsgroup. :) Maybe you should try to read the
current posts first to find out all the chaos that's going on. We're kinda
in a state of disarray at the moment. And if you want to see more subtle yet
overly cruel and frustrating rudeness, the recent posts will also give your
mind plenty to talk about. :))

Welcome to the newsgroup. :))
From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

World Ratings-Guideline request

Nov 13, 2002, 10:22am
I'm glad you're going towards specifics now and looking to prevent a
conflict like this from happening again by laying down what we all should
perceive. :) You know how different perceptions are here, after all. lol.

I think what really separates a G and PG world are the RPGs. I think when it
comes to anything closely related to violence, even in the minimalist of
senses (a knight av weilding a sword for example), it should be PG (hence
the PG in RPG. lol, jk). :) As violence or sexual acts become less alluded
to and more directly visible, you're topping R. And X is just full out
extremes. Really, there are huge spectrums in all 4 categories and it
shouldn't be hard for worlds to realize their ratings. :)
From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

new face cam in AW 3.4

Nov 14, 2002, 7:39pm
You know in the Wizard of Oz how you can make out a little munchkin hanging
himself in the background (or was it a purple flying monkey?)?

Well, after seeing the first pic E N Z O took, I get that same funny uneasy

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote] Oh and mappable keys too...


new face cam in AW 3.4

Nov 14, 2002, 10:46pm
At first I heard it was coming out in little stages, and then I heard it's
coming out in January. Much likely it will be out much sooner. :) But good
things come to those who wait?

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

Reporters & Commentators Needed

Nov 22, 2002, 7:01pm
I disagree, what ELSE should they be filled with? Debates and flamewars?
Game Master posting every day or so with new events and changes might be
annoying, but it's a very good sign for people just joining the newsgroup
that there are events out there and things they have yet to discover. if
this newsgroup was FILLED with this stuff, and everyone advertised events
for the community every day, in large bulks, I don't think I'd complain.
It's what this newsgroup is here for. Community topics and community
advertising both have their place here. Discussions on other topics should
be in general.discussion. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

Reporters & Commentators Needed

Nov 23, 2002, 2:01pm
Meh, he's just having a good week. :) I'm looking at past posts and The Game
Master doesn't post all that much. :) He doesn't post everyday like some
would assume. Before the 18th, I don't think he posted for at least a few
days between the 18th and his last post (at least i don't recall).

I mean, all of us post in a daily fashion, he should be able to too. Just
because he's using his Post-In-The-Newsgroup-For-Free card to advertise an
event from his world or look for helpers is nothing that can't be ignored.

If you look at other newsgroups, it's really a daily occurance that people
post updates to their sites, advertise events, and even write daily
newsletter posts. it's something this newsgroup doesn't have a lot of, but I
think its healthy and it should. SPAM can noticeably be identified in the
newsgroup for its flashy headers, and subjects that have NOTHING to do with
the newsgroup like "~~~Make money quick from home!!~~~"

Game Master's posts are nothing of that sort, I think. :) XelaG from time to
time posts updates to Xelagot very often, and he rarely gets flamed for such
an offense. Give Game Master and others the same respect. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

Newbie Guide to the Newsgroups (4th Edition)

Nov 28, 2002, 11:27am
Hey Goober, didn't I tell you to get out more?

Whoever can remember newsgroup trolls from pre-millenium truly has talent.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

Newbie Guide to the Newsgroups (4th Edition)

Nov 28, 2002, 5:55pm
I agree with Brant. :) You're a satirical genius, Goob. :) You manage to get
EVERYONE'S perception of all the posters (except maybe themselves) you
mentioned in one neat little witty sentence, that's talent.

As for anyone who's slightly offended, realize people do think about you in
a such a way, and rather than get mad about it, perpetuate it, because it
wouldn't be the AW newsgroup without ya!

</end useless post that was here only to show off new sig!>
From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG v. 4.0:

"Nornny - Creator of the LSD-enduced trip known as Newsgroup Survivor, this
guy's another one that can be filed under the "Tries Too Hard" category,
except instead of getting people to hate him, he apparently wants people to
think he's insane. So far, it appears to be working."

[View Quote]

Merry Christmas to all aw

Dec 14, 2002, 2:08pm
I just enjoy the days off from school. ;) I "enjoy" my family's company
enough as it is, just as I do buggy products which are rushed out of
production just for the holiday sale.

Although, the classic holiday songs are definately enjoyable, no matter who
sings them. :)
From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG v. 4.0:

"Nornny - Creator of the LSD-enduced trip known as Newsgroup Survivor, this
guy's another one that can be filed under the "Tries Too Hard" category,
except instead of getting people to hate him, he apparently wants people to
think he's insane. So far, it appears to be working."
[View Quote]

Merry Christmas to all aw

Dec 15, 2002, 1:49am
Well, NOW it is the celebration of Jesus' birthday. :) But I tihnk Count
Dracula is trying to say that originally, it was a variety of different
things to different people (as it sorta is now). It was later adopted by the
Christians as a Christian holiday.

That's when they probably started to call it Christmas. :)

He's just trying to disprove the notion that Christians invented Christmas.
:)) No Jesus knocking on his part.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG v. 4.0:

"Nornny - Creator of the LSD-enduced trip known as Newsgroup Survivor, this
guy's another one that can be filed under the "Tries Too Hard" category,
except instead of getting people to hate him, he apparently wants people to
think he's insane. So far, it appears to be working."

[View Quote]

A Discussion Regarding new 3.4 Movement Changes. And stuff.

Dec 18, 2002, 12:22am
I sorta agree. Yes, I don't think there should be more features implemented
(no "feature creeps" by ENZO's lingo). But I don't think 3.4 is quite ready
to come out either, even realistically within a month. Shamus is inundated
with real bugs, not just opinions, as evident in the beta newsgroups. I do
however would like to see 3.4 out asap.

If anyone is looking for my .02 cents, I think an open beta would be nice
for the build 450 release. There's still a lot of inconsistencies with the
newer features, but I think the older features need to be seen and

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG v. 4.0:

"Nornny - Creator of the LSD-enduced trip known as Newsgroup Survivor, this
guy's another one that can be filed under the "Tries Too Hard" category,
except instead of getting people to hate him, he apparently wants people to
think he's insane. So far, it appears to be working."
[View Quote]

Vigilante Justice - Please keep this debate courteous

Dec 22, 2002, 12:36am
I agree. It's ironic that the few who consistently flame and insult
mistakes, intentional attention-seeking attacks, and/or professions of
beliefs or opinions are always using the excuse that "most" the people in
the newsgroup are not like the people they attack. But most people in the
newsgroup aren't attacking either.

It's minority against minority many times in a flame war. I hope the people
on the other end of the flaming spectrum will get their just desserts too.
It takes two to tango, afterall.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG v. 4.0:

"Nornny - Creator of the LSD-enduced trip known as Newsgroup Survivor, this
guy's another one that can be filed under the "Tries Too Hard" category,
except instead of getting people to hate him, he apparently wants people to
think he's insane. So far, it appears to be working."
[View Quote]

Here we go again.

Jan 16, 2003, 9:48am
In which case, it should be pulled off the air immediately because the
suspense is weak, the plots aren't even interesting, and the main character
role doesn't even have a love interest.

Whatever in the world Seiya is rambling on about, I've yet to find it
anything but annoying and confusing, and in which case, I would rather see
you do crazy capitolizations like Agent Fox Mulder or other trolls have done
because they're funner to decipher. Looking on the bright side, I found it
amusing that Seiya apologized for an apology of an apology.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG v. 4.0:

"Nornny - Creator of the LSD-enduced trip known as Newsgroup Survivor, this
guy's another one that can be filed under the "Tries Too Hard" category,
except instead of getting people to hate him, he apparently wants people to
think he's insane. So far, it appears to be working."
[View Quote]


Jan 17, 2003, 8:00pm
It's difficult to put an all day event into a VRT day when you're starting
the day at around 6pm VRT to satisfy Americans. lol. It's a fair tradeoff
because Europeans and Africans (which make up a LARGE amount of AW also)
will be staying up to extreme if they want to catch events at the end of the
day. Don't get me started on those poor Aussies.

Or...the event organizers are from a different time zone and you can't have
a party if the host is passed out in bed. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG v. 4.0:

"Nornny - Creator of the LSD-enduced trip known as Newsgroup Survivor, this
guy's another one that can be filed under the "Tries Too Hard" category,
except instead of getting people to hate him, he apparently wants people to
think he's insane. So far, it appears to be working."
[View Quote]

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