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Cy Resignation

Aug 30, 2002, 10:46pm
Preposterous, since when did anyone in ActiveWorlds get a real life?? Those
genetically engineered pigs must really be getting some air time.

She's a weird one, that Bit. The force is strong with that woman. :))

Have a great RL, god knows someone in AW has to. :) And send us the coords
to your the Cy Pastures, sounds like a fun quiet place. :)
From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

hot cloud?

Sep 1, 2002, 12:10am
You know, this reminds me of Sartre's interpretation of hell in his play, No
Exit. lol. Maybe this newsgroup IS hell, because we sure are being tortured
on a daily basis by everyone else. Existentionalism lives! ;)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] The past does hurt

Sep 1, 2002, 11:26pm

The pressure is on for these 10 poor poor souls, as the heat in the
newsgroup turns up a few hundred degrees.

When last we met, BinaryBud narrowly escaped his castoff thanks to Builderz
and the public. Maki tried his best to save his friend, and server host,
JerMe from being whisked off the newsgroup cliffs, but in the end, JerMe was
the victim of old Tribal Lines. Maki is in danger of backlash from his
tribemates as he breaks loyalties. And the public seems to be rooting for
the remaining 7 original Robego members more so than the dwindling 3 Nebewi

This week, our survivors are told that they will NOT merge yet, as been done
in past Survivor series. it is in fact next week that they will become 1
tribe. So far, Robego and Tiveac are down one member, while Nebewi stays
strong with 4, if somewhat disconnected and bitter between themselves from
all those Reckonings.

And they are told that this week's Reward Challenge holds something special
in store for the winning tribe. The challenge was for each tribe to control
their monkeys enough and each other. The highest scorer and the lowest
scorer in each tribe will be compared, and the tribe with the least
difference over 0 would win Immunity. All it could've taken was one person
scoring 1 point and the rest of the tribe doing nothing to win. But alas, a
teeshirt for the highest scorer is also at stake.

So, most of our survivors are too worn and rugged to even bother to
participate in this challenge, even with hidden incentive. But a few of them
did churn out scores.

Lioness, a consistently phenominal scorer (and threat), managed to pull out
147 points for Nebewi. Ambient managed a 109. Mod blows both away with a
301. So, let's tally up the score. :))

Robego's members didn't participate at all, meaning their difference is 0,
so they are disqualified.

For Nebewi, Mod's score of 301 is subtracted from Eric's or Mongo's score of
0, meaning they have an excrutiatingly high difference of 301. :)) Mod does
receive a tee shirt for his high score, however.

It's Tiveac who manages to pull out another win, with a difference of 147.

So, at this week's Immunity Challenge, held last night, Ambient Spirit, the
representative for Tiveac (the person from the tribe that showed up for the
challenge), was faced with their reward, a choice.

I presented them with two options:

1) Participate in the Immunity Challenge and try to win Immunity.

2) DON'T participate in the Challenge, and automatically advance to the
Merge, at a price. They would have to face Tribal Reckoning.

Basically, it was try for first and possibly fail or settle for second
place. Should she choose the second choice, she would leave Nebewi and
Robego members fighting out one last battle for Immunity as Tiveac members
fight within themselves. A reckoning means they will cast votes against each
other that could hurt them later on. if they choose choice one, they risk
going to Council, but could also win Immunity and breeze through this week

Ambient, after much inner torment, and to the anxiousness of Mongo, Lioness,
and maki, who attended the challenge, chose to go ahead and choose to face
Reckoning to save her tribemates.

So, Robego and Nebewi had to face off in a one on one battle to save their
tribe. Since there were two Nebewi members and one Robego member, Mongo
chose to sit out of the challenge and cheer Lioness on. The challenge was a
giant maze built in the southern part of the world. Halfway through the
maze, are survival trivia questions, with answers posted on the walls. Going
through the correct wall means the answer is correct, and the survivor will
find another question. If he/she goes through the wrong wall, he/she must
figure that out and retrace his/her steps and/or get very very lost. :) The
race was off, with Lioness bolting out in front. But as Lioness lost herself
in the first half of the maze, maki managed to quickly get to the trivia
area of the maze. He answered the first two questions correctly before
getting lost on the last question. As he got lost in the trivia area of the
maze, Lioness had a chance to catch up, as maki had brought himself all the
way back to the begining of the maze. However, he recovered. And back at the
last question which was "What color are mosquitoes attracted to", he
correctly guess his tribe's color of blue and made it out the exit. Nebewi
faces their first Tribal Council as a new tribe for the first and last time,
as Robego bounces back from last week's lost and goes on to the merge.

After this Tribal Council, three members from each of the three tribes will
advance to the merge, so it's pretty even. However, by old lines, it's not.
Old Nebewi is outnumbered greatly 3-7. And, with Mongo on the chopping
block, the odds could be go farther away.

Let's first go to Reckoning. Gandalf did not fill out his form, so a vote is
automatically casted towards himself unless he gives it to me before the
merge tommorow (more on that below).

Gamecube feels that Ambient has done a lot to the tribe while Gandalf
hasn't. Ambie adds that "what we have here is a lack of communication."

Gamecube feels that his position in his tribe is "ok", and adds again that
Ambient is doing ALL the work.

As for Ambient's choice, Ambie defends her decision. "I made the choice to
go to Tribal Reckoning because, not being good at mazes at all...i would
either have ended up facing Tribal Council again.. and I have faced that
enough times for now. This was the best option available!"

Who do they think will be voted off Nebewi tonight? Ambie and Gamecube both
hope that Eric will. They both don't feel Eric's castoff would affect the
outcome of their games. "My strategy is to be myself...nothing can affect
that," Ambie states.

As for the Tribal Lines question, Ambient is also going against her current
tribe and past tribe and will try to get with opposing members (Lioness,
Eric, maki, Builderz, Binary). Gamecube is sticking to Robego lines. :) Is
Ambie wise to switch sides? Is she leaving Gandalf and Mongo out as sitting

Anyways, let's see who these two voted for. Gandalf, as you know, votes for
himself. Gamecube also votes for Gandalf. Ambie votes for Gamecube.

So that's 2 Gandalf, 1 Gamecube. Will this affect the two later on as we get
into the merge? How about other votes casted during D a n's castoff? We'll
have to watch and see.

Now onto the big show. :) Tribal Council.

We've followed Nebewi for two weeks now and we see that no one in there is
safe. Eric and Mongo have their differences between each other. Lioness has
consistently voted against her old Robego ties. And Mod is seems like the
swinger when it comes to voting. So what's going on? Everyone is on pins and

"My nails are all gone," exclaimed Mod.

Mongo notes that the tribe has been a little vague to him, which makes him

Let's just get straight to voting, shall we?

Lioness is up first: (draws a name out of a bowl to be
fair)...(cringes)...sorry ;-"<

Mod goes next: first time at tribal council is tough, but its better to wit
the devil I know, then the devil I don't. I wish I didn't have to vote
anyone out, we are all strong together. I vote ...

Eric votes.

Then Mongo: I vote off... - I've hardly seen him around to help the tribe at

Okay...I'll go tally the votes.

First vote...Mongo.

Second vote...Mongo.


Mod. That's two votes Mongo, one vote Mod.





Mongo, you have the most votes, please hand me your torch. :( The tribe has
spoken...*extinguishes flame* *tribal council climax* Unfortunately, you do
not move on to the merge. Please grace us with your final words on the game
and so forth. You can say ANYTHING you'd like to the players, the newsgroup,

And with that, we're down to the Final 9.

Builderz - the quiet, under-the-radar threat.

BinaryBud - the disgruntled, semi-blind, oldie.

Ambient Spirit - the breadgiving gardener.

maki - the 50/50 competitor.

Gamecube - the lazy, invisible one.

Lioness e - the sassy, wild one.

Gandalf - the wizard with no magic (or strategy).

Eric - all-talk, no action.

Mod - the annoying, watchful birdie.

On Monday, at 3:30 VRT (15:30), the remaining members of the three tribes,
Robego, Nebewi, and Tiveac will merge into one tribe. And from now on, it's
one avatar for itself. Reward and Immunity challenges are played for
personal gain, not for the good of the tribe. And the public, that's you,
the average reader, will play a larger role in the fate of these nine.
September is just starting, and we only have two months left, before someone
will emerge as Ultimate Survivor!

Join us Monday for the merging ceremony, and for the tribe's first Immunity
Challenge! And join us again midweek for another update and recap of the
first half of the game (don't you just love retrospectives?), and this
weekend for the results of this new tribe's first Tribal Council.

Will the ladies team up? Are the lazy AWTeeners inactive, or strategic. Will
the strongest fall first? Can Nebewi get Robego members to change sides? Is
it 3 vs 3 vs 3? How will past actions hurt these lying, deceptive, posters?
All your questions will be answered as we officially kick off the second
half of the game!! YAY!!!!! 8 will fall, 1 will win a P-50 world! More
surprises to come, kids. :)

PRODUCTION NOTE: Website is slowly being updated. :) Please check back on it
often, as profiles and pages are constantly changing. And don't forget the

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[NG Survivor 2] The past does hurt

Sep 5, 2002, 12:09am
Hey guys, sorry for the late post, but here's Gandalf's Reckoning form for
anyone who's interested. :)

He says of Ambi, "Ambi as always is a great team member, and both her and I
are in constant contact about the tribe. I can't find fault in her.

He says of Gamecube "Gamecube is everything Ambi isn't. I have received no
answer from any telegrams I send, and I have rarely seen him.

He believed he was safe, having a "strong alliance with one of them."

He thinks Gamecube is the weakest link and that Ambi made the right choice
in choosing to go to Reckoning. He will try to align himself with people
from the opposing tribe, almost everyone from Robego left.

Because he did not pick a person to vote for, he casts a vote for himself.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] Cheating, yelling, and i don't mean the Cys!

Sep 3, 2002, 5:46pm
Sorry for another posting in one week, but there's too much news to wait for
the weekend. :)

Colors are changing as the month of September slowly begins the fall season.
Kids are back in school, disgruntled as ever, adults are praying for holiday
breaks, and the leaves and television seasons are slowly coming through.

With that, hurricanes. ;)

And the newsgroup isn't much different. You thought the flames in here are
bad, just wait and see the fire erupting within NG Survivor. Read on.

Week 8 finally came on aptly titled "Merger Monday." Our survivors met once
again at gz, the site of unexpected turns and twists. There was the fateful
tribe choosing, one that created a stronger Robego and an unlucky Nebewi.
Shorah and pixelot were quickly scapegoated and voted off for choosing or
being chosen by one another. Maka soon resigned, and Joeman was surprisingly
voted off during his strongest weeks by a formed alliance.

Then came the switch at gz one month later. 10 doors, and one person to seal
your fate. And outnumbered but tightly bonded Nebewi were broken apart into
Robego-dominated tribes. It almost seemed that they would fare well, as
Tiveac's tribe subsequently failed two challenges. With 2 Nebewi's and 2
Robego's on each side of Tiveac, Gamecube broke the dead split and swing
voted against D a n. But Tiveac bounced back, and managed to win immunity
the week after, thanks to Ambi's drive, determination, and decent building
skills, leaving Robego to council and Nebewi to another Reckoning. Tiveac
again managed a second place in the last Immunity Challenge also, this time
leaving Nebewi behind and Robego to win. The old Nebewi alliance was
shattered, as JerMe and Mongo couldn't match up against Robego loyalties.
But this wasn't too cut and dry. Lioness and maki showed signs of betrayal
against their tribe, and Mod teetered on the edge also. No one knows the
plan that Gamecube is exhibiting. BinaryBud, Builderz, and Eric, though
loyal to their origins, are proving more and more that they are threats to
all members.

The tides can change in a flash...yup...any minute now...

Anywho, back to the gz and the merge. Survivors were told that the merging
ceremony would commence. The five that were there all grouped together
(maki, Eric, Ambient Spirit, Lioness, Mod) and went back to Robego and
Nebewi camps to gather their belongings quickly. They took down the old
Tribal Flags and burned them away in the cauldron used in their very first
Immunity Challenge </symbolism>. A new tan-colored flag appeared, with the
aboriginal drawing of one warrier holding up a spear. It would be their new
flag, and the symbol for the new tribe. Ambient announced the new name of
the tribe, Onondago, meaning "people on the hill," and together, all five
members moved into Tiveac's campsite, which is on top of a hill. These
contestants, so original. :)

As they began building camp, they were called back to gz a half an hour
later. They were greeted with 9 vertical poles, pointing up towards the sky.
They were to stand on a pole, and stay there. The person that stayed there
the longest would win Immunity. Also, right below them was an invisible walk
object that would teleport them out of NGS2002 should they move and fall.

Fly and shift and build were turned off, but not ED, being the ingenius
one-man machine that I am. Lioness had to celebrate her birthday soon, Eric
had to leave the world in a few minutes. But no one was willing to give up
just yet. They began deciding what they would do, and agreed that they would
all fall and vote off one of the four that couldn't attend. As they were
picking numbers, they all suddenly poofed, Lioness being the last. And with
only 2 minutes elapsed, Lioness had won Immunity. They came back screaming
at each other, and instantly fighting (which I love), and accused Lioness of
cheating. Lion growled back and said she had been on the phone and afk.
Someone had moved the walk up enough to teleport everyone out of the world.

Can you people sense the "Mongo incident" yet? :) Well, blame was quickly
thrown at maki, the only one uninnocent enough to NOT do such a thing, but
it all blew over. Eric, however, congratulated maki, saying it was "better
than deleting the sign." What he means was, maki deleted the sign that
caused Nebewi to lose that caused Mongo into a an angry uproar that
eventually got him voted off by none other than Eric.

Oh, such power plays. :))

And that's where we leave off. :) Lioness has Immunity amd maki's plan
backfired. Builderz, Binary, Gandalf, and Gamecube are in danger, if they
were at fault or not. Ambi has struck a great friendship with Lioness, and
Eric realizes he and Ambi knew each other from a past life. The tribe still
has 4-5 AWTeeners, the oldies could be in trouble. But Tribal Council will
happen at the end of this week, on Saturday, and anything can happen until
then. For now, it's time for a Reward Challenge. :)

This week, and subsequent weeks afterwards, our contestants are playing
solely for themselves. :)) The winner of each challenge will receive a
tee-shirt, unless YOU, the public, can score better. :) There's no camp
supplies, nothing. Let's see your the challenge. :)

In honor of your new tribe's symbol, you're going to be a warrier tossing a
spear. :) It's a simple game of spear toss. Log onto and try to get the
longest distance possible. Once you do, take a screenshot and email me it at
nornny1 at Longest toss wins a tee-shirt. Of the 9 contestants left
in the game, the survivor with the longest toss will win the challenge,
which would mean nothing if you don't win the tee-shirt. :)

Get ready for a fun-filled week, and an intense Tribal Council. There's
still more twists to come. Only 1 person can win the whole shebang! Stay

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[NG Survivor 2] Cheating, yelling, and i don't mean the Cys!

Sep 4, 2002, 7:16pm
lol, let me clear some things up. :))

The reward challenge will be due by the end of Friday. :) People are already
getting some top notch scores so you should all step it up a notch.

Secondly, as for making everyone look bad, it's my job. What goes on in the
newsgroup and what goes on inworld are two totally different entities, yet
both are crucial to winning this game. :) Basically, if you're not providing
the drama for me, I'll do it for you. ;) I never claimed that my stories are
the full truth, or that they haven't been taken out of context. The solution
is in your diaries, and replies such as this. As long as my posts are, I'm
skimpy on the details, and it's to everyone's benefit to reply with your
side of the story, what REALLY happened, or what really DIDN'T, and appeal
to the public. You do so through your diaries. If you don't defend yourself,
you'll end up looking like Hitler if you make it to the Final Two. lol. I
can turn a butterfly into a dangerous, poisonous, icky, bug, and I'm not
afraid to. You guys ALL are great people, and extremely nice, but it's my
job to create the environment you signed up for. If you're going to win this
world, you're going to have to face mental, social, and physical (computer)
abuse. This is, after all, an attempt at a simulation of what would happen
in real survivor. Each week, you'll be put under the microscope, and
producers will stereotype you into a character, good or bad. I'm doing just
the same. With NG Survivor, however, at least you can bend your character
any way. Diaries are MUCH easier for me to extract quotes from than chat
logs, if you write a diary, I'll most likely go along with that story more
than I would making one up for you. Write up the week's event, lie a little,
it's all in the context of the game, you don't have to insult anyone,
really. But I'm a norn out for drama!! So make some! :) Couldn't you see a
possible diary entry as "Ambi and I got into a huge catfight! She almost
tore me to limbs, but I quickly scratched out her ugly brown eyes and the
tribe ate her for dinner." I mean, there's SOO much I can do with that! And
it's obviously fake. :)

I'm quite excited you guys are finally understanding the game and the crazy
politics to it, even if you're complaining about it. :)) Anyone from the
first season can attest I was equally harsh on them, and the more
interesting the diaries got, the more i just told the facts.

As for the betrayal thing, you guys voted against your original tribe.
That's betrayal of the tribe in my book, at least the original one. It might
be loyalty to another, which is PERFECTLY fine, I could care less who you
vote for, I want you to win just as bad as you do. I like surprising votes.
:) They're very climactic and leave a lot of mystery.

The public only has 1 vote... :)
From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] There's no such thing as safety in numbers

Sep 10, 2002, 5:47pm
========SNIPPIT! SNIPPIT GOOD!==========

When last we met up, our nine surviving survivors met up and merged into one
tribe, Onondago. They didn't believe in packing lightly, and cluttered their
camp up with various objects as they tried to rebuild the small Tiveac camp
to accomodate a full tribe.

Meanwhile, controversy stirred at the first Individual Immunity Challenge,
when Lioness received her Immunity necklace for staying on her pole the
longest. Blame and bravos alike were sent to maki, who was scapegoated for
fixing the incident.

Builderz loses his connection and Binary loses an eye. Gamecube loses
respect for missing another important event. The females strike up a

Was it really maki, and will he take the blame? Will Gamecube finally fall
in his absense? Can BB or Builderz survive another week? Is there a female
alliance? Find out, on this week's post of NG Survivor 2...

*cues theme song*

And here we are, Week 8. ;) There sure has been a LOT going on, especially
in camp. The dynamics of the tribe is constantly changing.

But first, we start off with last week's reward challenge. I made the
unfortunate mistake of giving our survivors a beer bellied tribal character
and a spear, and set them loose to get the farthest distance possible with
that spear. The survivors are playing only for a tee-shirt this round. They
gain nothing if a member of the public wins the reward.

BinaryBud perfected his tossing skills and managed an impressive 534.824
distance. Lioness said she had gotten a 538, but forgot to save it, and was
stuck with a distance of 521, missing the mark. Ambi was the last up, but
could only get 332.995 distance. No one else participated in this

BinaryBud wins the challenge from his tribe. However, he does not win the
challenge. Born-again member of the "public" since he was casted off by his
Robego tribemates, JerMe JUST snatched BB's teeshirt with a 535.019. Karma
does seem to get around these days.

JerMe wins a tee-shirt, complimentary of AWI. I'll be in contact JerMe. :)

Well, with a disappointing reward challenge, the rest of the week was all
spent strategizing. Lioness, wearing the Immunity necklace, is safe from
losing this week, however, she too, must align herself to save her in the
long run.

Mod, the wait-he's-still-in-the-game birdie, had little to say about
camplife. "good. No complaints yet :P"

Gandalf, meanwhile had a lot to say. "Camplife is good. I have struck up new
alliances, and kept the old ones...I am a firm believer in the strength of
women, and so Lioness and I have become closer..."

Wait, there's more from this resident blabber-mouth. ;)

"Agrivating me? Well, there's that damn "alpha male", and a few others...Mr.
AWTeen himself"

I'll leave you guessing as to who it is. *cough* RICE *cough*

And then, we get to the good stuff.

"Not much really...I have heard from a few people on their idea's for
tomorrow's council...Well, two names have reached my ears...Gamecube and

Can you guys just see our survivors clap their forehead?? But I digress...

"Well, to be honest with you, Gamecube, as far as I can tell, has never been
popular with the awteen crowd..."
"And maki with his NG comments always seem to cause a flame or two...maki is
a threat to some of my alliances, or so I have, this
cheating thing, whether it be true or not, has made him unpopular"

In just two simple statements, Gandalf acknowledged not only a budding
AWTeen alliance, a battle between the lazy one and the threat, the fact that
the newsgroup DOES play a role in this game, and millions of other juicy
info into the secret lives of Onondago. :) QUICK, EVERYONE, GET OUT YOUR

Of course, these all could be bold face lies, but they didn't come from my
mouth, it's right out of Gandalf's.

Meanwhile, Builderz is also having great insecurities.

Ambient Spirit: How you doing?
Builderz: To be honest, I've been better.
Builderz: I know I haven't been around as much as I used to.
Ambient Spirit: it happens.. happened to me too.. i was too sick to come
Ambient Spirit: its living in the jungle that did it lol
Builderz: I heard about BinaryBud's eye problem, too...I guess we all have
had our off days

Obviously, survivor life is not only giving our survivors much unneeded
stress and scheduling issues, it's wearing on the physically too.

Well, there's not much more to say on this subject matter. No one seems to
be safe except Lioness. Ambi also feels oddly relaxed for the big night.

We meet four of our survivors up on Tribal Council Plateau in NGS2002. maki,
Ambi, Builderz, and a special appearence by Gamecube. :)

Up on Tribal Plateau, the contestants are told of the next weeks to come.
Currently, there are nine players in the game. Two of whom will make it all
the way to the end of the game. The SIX people voted off before them becomes
the members of the jury. That jury will decide who wins the Million Dollar
Prize out of the two. However, it's obvious that you need an odd number of
players to make a majority, and so, the seventh vote will be The Dreaded
Public Vote. ;) Whichever of the Final Two gets the most voted casted FOR
them by the public will get a vote casted for him/her to win the world. This
could be a crucial swing vote or not. This also means that this week's
castaway will also have missed the jury by one week. Lioness e.
automatically advances because of her Immunity, and is guaranteed a spot in
the jury.

And speaking of immunity and the public, next week, Week 9, is a "third
week," meaning the public has a vote on who they want to see casted off
Onondago. But there's a twist to stop the public short. Anyone who holds
Immunity on a third week can choose to give up the immunity necklace to void
the public vote, meaning it will not be tallied. However, this also means
that this contestant can now be casted off by his/her tribe. The decision of
giving up Immunity will be made at Tribal Council, and no sooner.

And now onto the questioning. The revelations speak for themselves. ;)

Nornny11: Ambient, you've been a pretty hard worker, how have things been
going around camp?
Ambient Spirit: Great... its very exciting having a 'new family''' and
Ambient Spirit: ihavent done much in the new campsite cos.. it being my
home anyway.. I thought it would be nice to give everyone new to that site a
chance to make it there home too
Ambient Spirit: so i havent been very active with building

Nornny11: Builderz, is it strange going from a tribe of 3-4 to a tribe of
9? how's the adjustment?
Builderz: Well, there were some disagreements with fellow Robego members of
what to do with camp and who should do what. I think it might be even a bit
harder now that there are more people to deal with.

Nornny11: maki, do you agree?

Nornny11: Gamecube, you've been pretty invisible in this game, what's the
Gamecube: well, i am in school.. and havent been on.. just do stuff when i
can.. but i am ging to try to do everything now on to try to win ;)
Ambient Spirit: you go hon!
maki: o_o

Well then, some interesting things have come about in less than 5 minutes,
but unfortunately, these survivors must make up their minds now. :)) Half of
them, however, have not read these testimonials until now. The votes have
been replaced with "..." but everything else has been exactly copied and

Mod goes first..."This is a tough choice to vote someone right at the
beginning so, I took a page from lionesses book, and pulled out of a Hat, I
know it is a terrible thing to do, but I had no choice. I vote ..."

Lioness votes next..."Its painful to vote off anybody but since we have to
lower the hatchet down on somebody, my vote is for .... He's the only one
that hasn't made any effort to talk to me or get to know me. He doesn't show
up for very many events and from what I've seen he doesn't help much with
building the camp either. Sorry .... ;-"<"

Eric follows..."i vote ...... too much of a threat"

Gandalf then casts his vote...

Next up comes Builderz..."... because I have not seen him very much
throughout the game and I wish to remain true to my fellow Robego members."

Gamecube then votes... "... He hasn't been on like me and just isn't doin

Ambient Spirit follows..."... because he scares me. He came up behind me
once night in the old Nebewi camp and i nearly had a heart attack.. When i
said hi.. he poofed! "

maki then votes...

BinaryBud finishes off the voting.

Okay, I'll go tally the votes. Our survivors are NOT aware of the votes yet
themselves, this will be the first time they've been told also. I know
you're all anxious, so let's see how you guys voted. Remember, the person
voted off will be kicked off the edge of the newsgroup, and the rest will
create the jury and Final Two.

First vote...


Second vote...maki.




Gamecube. That's 1 vote Gamecube, 2 votes maki, 1 vote Mod.


Next vote...




Gamecube. 2 for Gamecube, 2 for Gandalf, 3 for maki, 1 for Mod.

The last vote...





*tribal music climaxes*

Gamecube and maki. You are tied, with three votes each. So let's explain the
tie. In the event of the tie, your tribemates vote again between you two.
They cannot vote for anyone else. But before Ambi, Lioness, Eric, Mod, BB,
Builderz, and Gandalf decide your fates, you will have the oppurtunity to
plead your case in the newsgroup. :) After I see BOTH replies below this
post, I will then ask for each of the survivors to telegram me their vote.
You must do so ASAP, I will only give you until Wednesday night to state
your case.

There is NO way you can tie again, as there are seven members safe in the
tribe at this point, so I will not need to explain the rules any farther.

So please, get on your knees and grovel you two. You can say WHATEVER you
feel the need to say, ANYTHING. The fate of the game depends on it.
Survivors, listen closely. Everyone else, just watch the drama unfold. :)

I will be back on Thursday or sooner to reveal the results of the revote.
Stay tuned.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[NG Survivor 2] There's no such thing as safety in numbers

Sep 10, 2002, 7:57pm
This is Gamecube's plea. :) For some reason, he didn't post it in the
newsgroup, so I will. :))

"I really wanted to place in this game.. and have tried to be on.. heh and
just am wishing that i will survive.. atleast for a while.. I've been
working a long time.. made an alliance and am trying to make friends with
everyone and don't want to go out early..This isn't as good as maki's plea..
but i rewally want to stay and survive through it all..(mabye, probally
not). So.... Bye..."

Okay, that's all. :) Survivors, you may vote. Please tgram me your vote and
reason. Remember, you are voting on who you do NOT want to join the jury.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[NG Survivor 2] There's no such thing as safety in numbers

Sep 10, 2002, 11:36pm
Anyone can take place in the public voting BS. :)) Obviously, my votecaster
or minipoll cannot differentiate between a contestant and a public viewer.
What happened last season was that our own survivors were contributing
hundreds of votes against others they wanted out. Obviously though, if you
got friends, it'll be a lot easier and efficient too. ;) Which is why I
still defend the fact that people can vote as many times as they'd like, and
that survivors can vote too. In the end, if a public person also votes
equally as many times as a contestant against someone, the person in danger
gets 2x the votes.

As for picking which tribe wins the challenge, that would've gone in effect
BEFORE the merge, when there was more than one tribe. lol. :) Unfortunately,
no one outside the game won a challenge, and now there's only one merged
tribe. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] There's no such thing as safety in numbers

Sep 11, 2002, 9:15am
You mean...

You HAVEN'T been faking those images?? Oh gosh, you poor souls...

That must take millions of hours then. lol.

As long as I receive a score that isn't OBVIOUSLY been forged (I mean, you
gotta spend some time on your PSP if you wanna get past me), then I'll take
it as your score. :))

I was pretty sure I told my anecdote of Wing from NGS1 forging some of his
scores (where he could actually do it) and in turn winning a lot of his
challenges. :))) It's not cheating under the rules of this game, nothing is,
so please use the rules to your advantage folks.

You can spend hours forging or hours getting a really high score. :) It's
all the same to me.

Play dirty folks. :)
From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] There's no such thing as safety in numbers

Sep 12, 2002, 5:22pm
Oh, I'm not doubting that he played fouled. lol. :) I still can't make out
much of anything bad other than the score. I guess I don't have the eyes for
it. I do see a little airbrushing now that you mention it, but I'd really
have to be trying to look for it. And I'm not about to, to be honest. If you
want to bend the rules, I've never stopped anyone before, I won't do it now.
Send in a screenshot of your longest toss and win a tee-shirt. I don't
defend JerMe for doing what he did, but I personally don't mind it either.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] There's no such thing as safety in numbers

Sep 12, 2002, 7:02pm
Survivor is always a touchy subject, because it plays on people's morals and
beliefs. :)

First, in response to the question about what to do, just simply follow what
I say. :) For example, this one was get the highest score and send in a
screenshot. To me, you can always stretch what a screenshot is, whether it's
a full screenshot or part of one, edited or unedited. :) Get the highest
score is quite obvious. Do whatever you want to do, I don't condone or
encourage editing, you do what it takes for you to win comfortably.

If people want to play the game honestly, then play it honestly. I live for
dirty play, but the game is dirty enough on its own merit. :) this is an
individual game in the end, and you play to keep yourself in the game. Some
will do whatever it takes, and others will never lose their morals, even if
it means losing. Good for them.In the game, there's no concept of morals,
it's created from the players and viewers, which is what really draws me to
this reality show. :)

I don't think anyone is cheating, because you can't really cheat in this
game. lol. Everyone is playing by the rules given to them, some are just
stretching farther than others. Where it gets touchy is in the community's
involvement, as you guys mentioned. This has NEVER been a part of any
survivors, except with the exception of the second season of UK Survivor,
where the public helped deciding the winner. It wouldn't be justifiable to
put any of my NG Survivor posts in the community newsgroup if the community
didn't have a chance to see the show, play the challenges, and so forth, and
this is my oppurtunity to bring the game to them. :)) I mean, if you're
kicked out, you can still win a tee-shirt, and you can also exact a lot of
revenge. Rules apply to them equally as it does to you. :) I will never
accept a score of 200,000, but I can accept a 525. :) I can't say "You don't
get a tee-shirt because it's obvious you're cheating." I can't prove
anything except that I know that a 200,000 can't exist because the maximum
score on the high score list is 600. Anything I sat will be rebutted back,
I'm forced to trust what the games tell me. lol. In the end, they can't
decide who wins Immunity, who gets voted off (most of the time) anymore, and
what the players themselves will do. It's all about presenting yourself.
There's a lot of socialogy to it that even I don't quite understand, but you
can believe that your fate is controlled or not. :)

I can't really say anything to change anyone's mind about this game,
especially yours BB's. We're just working on two different levels. :) I'm
just trying to say this is quite fair in my book. Call it a shotty book, but
I think what JerMe did really exemplifies the lack of integrity this game
has, which would usually be a bad thing, but it's great for Survivor. :))
There are still players in the game with GREAT morals, that almost break
down each week for voting someone off, and then there are players who have
no remorse, just an eye on the prize. And neither has a true advantage.
Lioness obviously showed she can beat an edited score without editing, and
I'm sure she'll continue to do so. And I'm sure others will continue to edit
scores. There's no guidelines to follow on how to emulate Survivor, these
are the things that I see fit as acceptable. :/

Anywho, AWI, or at least Flagg, knew very well what they got themselves into
(those poor things). They were directed to see the first season, controversy
and all, and knew what I wanted out of this game (which are things like
this). All they asked was a little more community involvement, and I gave it
to them. It might seem a bit empty community-wise, but I've done as much as
I can to integrate the game into the community, if anything, I hope they get
a good read once or twice a week. lol. But there's so much they can do, and
this is one aspect of them.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] There's no such thing as safety in numbers

Sep 12, 2002, 8:35pm
I know. :)) I wasn't trying to change your mind, just explaining myself in
response to your posts. It's been a fun game though with you in it. :) Best
of luck.

*kicks BB off the face of the Plateau*

Darnit, the last time i'll ever get to do that. Stupid jury having to be

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] Hang the jury! :)

Sep 12, 2002, 9:12pm
Well, Week 8 ended with a bang, didn't it folks? :) Let's recap the end of
the last week for anyone who missed the inciting drama.

It started off as a regular Tribal Council, as regular as one can be, as the
9 new members of the Onondago tribe faced their first Council together.
Lioness held Immunity and couldn't be voted for. But, she and her tribemates
brought along with them some TOUGH decisions and tons of conflicts. With
that said, it was time to vote.

The AWTeeners voted suspiciously for the same person, fellow semi-AWTeener
maki. Mod, Gandalf, and Eric proved what seemed to be a pact, citing maki as
a serious threat to themselves and their alliance.

Meanwhile, the oldies also teamed up against young'un Gamecube. Lioness, BB,
and maki voted against Gamecube for his laziness and lack of appearence,
even after his heartfelt apology and promise to come on more.

Builderz remained strong to his Robego ties, even in the face of his others'
betrayal, and voted against member Gandalf. Gamecube also did the same.

Ambi chooses a dangerous strategy, voting for Mod, knowing he would never be
voted off, taking any guilty conscience away from herself, but leaving Mod
with a vote that could end him later on.

And in the end, there was a tie. maki and Gamecube made their pleas. maki
explained that he has never cheated, but made an accident while testing on
the last Immunity challenge. Gamecube again makes a heartfelt plea to his
tribemates, whom he considers friends and hopes to "survive it all."

Ahh, the tension. It seemed like the Robego bond was broken, as the two
extremes, maki the power player and Gamecube the lazy do-nothing both
presented threats to the tribe.

And the results of the tiebreaker vote would come in equally split. The
AWTeeners, Mod, Eric, and Gandalf again voted for maki. While the rest voted
for Gamecube. Many based their decision random pickings.

But as the torch nearly fell on Gamecube, it would be the results of the
Reward Challenge that would send BinaryBud standing up and leaving the game.

And, coincidentally, it would be JerMe, voted off by BB and the public, who
would ignite his downfall. After JerMe joined the regular public, he ended
up winning the prized weekly tee-shirt, although with some apparent editing.
BB, who won the reward challenge but lost the tee-shirt by a mere point, was
furious over JerMe's dirty tactics.

And with that, BB up and left, leaving many in total shock, not only about
his departure, but about the rules (or lack thereof) of the game.

Lioness stood firm on playing this game morally right, for her kids and for
herself, while Mod barely saw any fault in JerMe's win.

Again, Onondago is split on their own personal strategies and how far they
want to play the game. What is for certain is that all 8 members are at
LEAST in the jury, and will help decide who will win the game. :) They have
a 1 in 4 chance of making the final two also, and get closer to winning the
Million Dollar Prize each day.

Week 9 is sure to turn everything upside down, as I'm sure more of the
unexpected is to come.

First, it's time for a Reward Challenge for our 8. :) This is a week is
dedicated to strategic puzzles. :) Your Immunity Challenge inworld will also
be a strategic puzzle (when you get good at planning challenges, you gotta
rely on cheesy themes. lol).

Log onto
eID=30 and play GoGo. It's difficult. :) You will also have to sign up for a
Gameland pass if you don't already have one, but the info they require is
very minimal, don't worry. :))

It's a strategic game where you try to clear the board by moving a Go box
around depending on the direction and number. Don't eat yourself or fall off
an edge or else you're done. Highest scorer wins a teeshirt! :)) Just submit
a screenshot of your score to nornny1 at attbi, as usual. Don't worry about
snipping pics or anything, I can handle the file size. :))

Immunity Challenge will occur on Saturday at 6pm VRT! :) Survivors, write
that time down, it's important that a lot of you show up, it's a group
challenge. :) If you can't please tell me. :) Anyone else, you're also
invited to watch the drama unfold. :)

Good luck everyone, and watch the website for an update, FINALLY! :) (school
sure takes your boredom time away)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[NG Survivor 2] Hang the jury! :)

Sep 13, 2002, 9:13am
Try just logging on to and finding the game GoGo
under the Puzzle and Strategy category. :) My line width is too short, so
part of the url got cut off. Sorry about that. Good luck

Oh, and scores are due...Sunday before Tribal Council. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] Cast your vote!

Sep 14, 2002, 9:29pm
Sorry for the multiple posts in one week, the timing has once again been a
bit off. :(( This one will be really short though.

Week 9 is almost over, folks! Did you know 9 was a multiple of 3? If you
didn't, well, now you know! And what this means in Survivor is that YOU get
to help vote off one of our remaining 8 survivors!! Isn't that cool?
Knowledge you can use. :))

Here's the deal, today, our survivors pitted themselves in an Immunity
Challenge of wits and strategy. :) They stood on an elevated gameboard with
9 walks all linked together (they were arranged in a 3x3 square). They all
started on the center walk, and answered a survival trivia question. Whoever
got the question right would be the first to move to any adjacent walk, or
choose to stay. But they would also get to pick a number designating one of
the walks to be deleted, and for any survivor on that walk to lose the
Challenge. If no one got a question right, a random walk would be deleted.

Lioness and Builderz answered the first question right, and coincidentally
picked the walks that Ambient Spirit and Mod walked right into.

Lioness and Builderz went head to head, and dodged landing on a deleted
walk. Centerwalk, was deleted in an earlier question, but Lioness began to
move towards it, and fell off the platform halfway. Builderz, being the last
survivor standing, got the Immunity Necklace and cannot be voted for this

Which leaves 7 people to pick between.

Will maki and Gamecube again be up as targets as the AWTeen and Oldie
alliance become even?

Will Ambient or Lioness come up as femme fatales after Gandalf's revelation
of a female alliance (although he did not follow them)?

Or is Gandalf going to be ousted for his big mouth?

Will Eric or Mod, other members of the AWTeen alliance, be voted off next
for their bonds?

It's partially in your hands this week, public. :)


The contestant with the most votes will have a vote casted against him/her
at Tribal Council. You can vote as MANY times as you like for as many
survivors. You will not see the results of votes or anything. You'll have to
look on our website to see who the public voted for under Tribal Council.

So, have yourselves a blast! And ome and watch Tribal Council tommorow at
5pm VRT in the world NGS2002. :)

Otherwise, here's your chance to foil a survivor's master plan! I wouldn't
give this up. :) This is a 1 in 3 oppurtunity. :))

8 will become 7, as the first member of jury is decided. Tune in the
begining of next week to see who's fate fell short.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

iCandy Cy Nominations Withdrawn

Sep 15, 2002, 8:42pm
I agree with the last statement. They're trying to do their job, I'm sure,
but it's not the easiest thing to fill a creator's shoe. I'm sure they're
enthusiastic and all, but the workload that Bit carried was overwhelming, no
doubt. And it's been acquired over a couple of years. Bit started the Cys
when there was barely 100 people in one world was extrodinary. The Cy Team
is now trying to do the same thing over again, but with MUCH more people.
It's like creating a million dollar business over time, and then giving it
to a homeless beggar. I mean, where does he start?

This has nothing to do with Ambivalent's or Wizard's situation at all, I
might add, because I'm not aware of it. :) I'm just agreeing with jardine,
the best you can do is to support the team and be patient with them. REALLY
patient. :))

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] No shades of grey

Sep 16, 2002, 7:58pm

There's only 8 people left and things are getting serious. It's down to the
halfway point, and all our remaining contestants are lucky to escape the
first 8 weeks with only serious injuries. ;)

Shall we take a small trip down memory lane? :)

pixelot, Shorah, Joeman, Maka, D a n, JerMe, and Mongo all bit the dust
before the merge. Remember them?BinaryBud resigned last week from the game,
saving Gamecube from leaving just as things were getting good.

Now, out of the remaining eight, 6 will join you, the public, in the jury
box. Together, they will decide who is the ULTIMATE SURVIVOR between the
last two avatars standing. The possibilities are endless as to who will make
it to the top (after all, how would you explain Gamecube making it so far?

First, the Reard Challenge. :) It was a game of strategy and wits, also.
Survivors had to move a Go block around by picking a box (with a number on
it) surrounding the Go box. The number on the box chosen would move that
many spaces in that direction, deleting boxes in its path. The goal is to
delete as many boxes as possible without landing on an empty space or going
over the edge. :)

Anywho, after the recent scare of last week on Reward Challenges, only
Ambient Spirit, our trusty gardener, sent in a score. :)

With a decent score of 235 out of 500 blocks, she wins a tee shirt! :))
Proving once and for all, that you'll win a teeshirt eventually if you do
every challenge. :) I'll be in touch Ambi.

Anywho, just scroll up the newsgroup to be recapped on this week's events,
I'll be heading straight to Tribal Council.

Let me just say, I still get shivers watching this Council and the immediate
aftermath. Last night, almost all our survivors made the trek up to Tribal
Plateau. Ambient Spirit had other obligations online, and Gamecube, although
inworld, was not actually on his account. However, the six that did come (a
record number), managed for some good drama and shocking revelations.

Our survivors quickly climbed the plateau and sat down in their seats,
nervous as usual. Mod felt weird making his first trek up to the top of
Council. It was also Eric's first time.

Nornny11: anyways, let's talk about the week.
Nornny11: maki, you were in obvious danger last week, what did you make of
maki: fear O_O
Eric: i love you maki =/
Lioness.: LOL
maki: lol
Eric: and if im voted off
Eric: i want to have youre baby

okay...we'll move on.

Nornny11: Lioness, you seem to have a good grasp of flying under the radar,
how have you managed to escape being voted upon?
Lioness.: flying under the radar????
Lioness.: hmmmmmmm......well........
Lioness.: luck so far i guess
Lioness.: did a LOT of praying

Nornny11: Builderz, how important is it to have Immunity this week?
Builderz: I don't think it is as important as it would have been last week
or next week...but once it get's down to the fourth or third week...then it
would matter more.

Nornny11: if you guys were here last week, I told you all that the winner
of the Immunity challenge would have a choice.
Nornny11: Either keep Immunity.
Nornny11: or give it up to void the public vote. :)
Nornny11: Now, before I let Builderz decide, is there anyone who would like
to plead either way?

Eric: yeah
Eric: kill the public vote
Eric: it wont do any of us any good

Mod: Keep it man, you earned it :)
Mod: but then again, you can do what you want with it

Lioness.: builderz........keep the public vote hon

Eric: get rid of the public vote
Eric: you dont need immunity man, youre safe
Mod: Thats probably cause the vote is for you eric lol j/k
Eric: pshh shut up :P

Nornny11: well, okay. Builderz, the decision lays ahead of you. :)
Nornny11: What would you like to do?
Builderz: Well, since the majority of you still wish to keep the public
vote, I will let it stay and keep my immunity. Sorry, Eric.

Ouch. Builderz decides to follow his tribemates and keep himself safe,
although one wonders if he already was. Taking out the Immunity necklace
would've possibly saved the tribe more, but not alliances. However, should
Builderz had taken off his necklace, Eric would've been assured to owe him
later on. After all, the guy is possibly in an AWTeen alliance, and would
they REALLY vote off the girls before him?

The chitter chatter ends here, and it's time to vote amigos.

Ambient went up first.

Gamecube then went up and voted.

Gandalf followed.

maki put down a name, and said "...clearly a threat...forming little clans
against me -_-"

Eric follows and also says something "I'm voting ... cause he's a huge
threat, and is too good of friends with mod"

Mod follows. "I don't like having immunity challanges ruined, I believe in
fair play, sorry man..."

Builderz also goes up "I have not seen him around the game very often, he
was late to this week's council, and I want to try to remain true to my
Robego ties as long as possible."

Lioness votes last.

Okay then, I'll go tally the vote, remember that the survivor with the most
votes from the Public Votecaster will also have a vote cast against him.

First vote...Eric

Second vote, Gamecube.



Gandalf. That's two maki, one Eric, Gamecube and Gandalf.

Next vote...



And the 9th person leaving NG Survivor 2...maki.

*tribal council music climaxes* I'm sorry maki, but the tribe has spoken.
*extinguishes torch* Please leave the Plateau, but before you go, reply to
this thread with your Final Words. :) You will be back every Tribal Council
(if you can make it), to see how the tribe votes. :)

As for you seven, you all have made it past the halfway mark. Congrats. Plan
carefully. :) Lioness and Eric have written excellent diaries on the game so
far, leaving us to believe NO one is safe. maki, a semi-AWTeener and oldie
alike, couldn't follow one of his paths. His activeness made him a threat,
and the AWTeeners took the gun and shot him first before the Oldies. I'll go
more on that next post.

Well, now its time for a Reward Challenge!! :)

This Reward Challenge is none like the rest. It will be played IN THE
NEWSGROUP! It's the reflection challenge, made SOLELY for you seven. No one
else can win a tee-shirt this week except one of you, granted you

The challenge is simple, write a diary, an extra long and informative one,
on your experiences since Week 1 til now. :) You will be graded by myself,
on certain criteria. The more criteria you meet, the more points you get,
and the better chance you have of winning a tee-shirt. Like any other diary,
you are welcome to lie about any events to save your skin and so forth. :)

I will give you guys up to 9 points for each survivor you write about that's
been voted off. By this, you have to talk about the vote, the council, or
their participation, etc. I will not accept "maki was voted off" as an
acceptable mention. You must spill some feeling.

I'll give you up to seven points, if you write about each of the survivors
that are STILL in the game. You MUST mention an alliance or pact with at
least one other survivor!

8 points for writing about your strategy for each coming week. You must
mention in at least one of the weeks who you'll be voting off, and MUST
mention who will be in the Final Two with you.

2 points each for events (fictional or non) that happened this week. Yes,
being eaten by rabid hippos count.

For each individual survivor, I will give you 5 points if you address what I
have typed below for you (yes, it's cruel):

Gandalf - Being a swing voter. Will you vote with the AWTeeners or with the
oldies next week?

Builderz - Possibly being the next target in the alliance and how you plan
on escaping from it.

Gamecube - If the AWTeen alliance has any plans on keeping you for a few
more weeks before ditching you.

Ambient Spirit - If you believe that you will be voted off before Lioness or
not, and how you plan to prevent that from happening. If you believe you two
will make it to the Final Two, how will you win the game (ie, how will you
get enough votes)?

Lioness e. - Same as above.

Eric - If you really are the mastermind behind the AWTeen alliance and when
do you plan on voting off each of the AWTeeners

Mod - Have you considered going with Lioness e (your Robego/Nebewi
tribemates) to the end instead of the lazier AWTeeners? How much of a role
do tribal lines play in your strategy?

I will give you more points on creativity, and X factors. :) The rest of the
diary is for you to write. However, you MUST reply to this thread and cut
off this post to be considered. :) Have fun.

PRODUCTION NOTE: The website is constantly being updated, even if a few
weeks behind. :) Keep checking up on the pages. Find out how the tribe voted
this week and who the public voted for and much much more!

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[NG Survivor 2] No shades of grey

Sep 17, 2002, 10:53pm
Whoopsy, forgot once again to tell you when you should write your reflection
by! This is due BEFORE the Immunity Challenge on Saturday at 5pm VRT. :) Get
writing folks. :))

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
> This Reward Challenge is none like the rest. It will be played IN THE
> NEWSGROUP! It's the reflection challenge, made SOLELY for you seven. No
> else can win a tee-shirt this week except one of you, granted you
> participate.
> The challenge is simple, write a diary, an extra long and informative one,
> on your experiences since Week 1 til now. :) You will be graded by myself,
> on certain criteria. The more criteria you meet, the more points you get,
> and the better chance you have of winning a tee-shirt. Like any other
> you are welcome to lie about any events to save your skin and so forth. :)


Sep 17, 2002, 9:52pm
Correct me if I'm wrong, because I'm not aware of how the voting works this
session, but I think all the sites are there as an option. :) If you vote
fairly, you WOULD visit all the sites in the category you're searching for,
but I don't think they'd require it. Again, I'm not sure of this fact as I
haven't voted this session yet, but it'd be pretty hard to keep track of
whether you visited everything before voting. :))

So, simple answer to your question, you don't even HAVE to visit sites to
vote, I don't believe. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

I can't wait

Sep 18, 2002, 9:20am
Wait, I don't understand what's going on. lol. Sorry, there seems to be a
LOT of private affairs going on that goes far beyond the newsgroup, none of
which I'm aware about, so if at all possible, may you clarify my
understanding to what's really happening, anyone?

We have to vote for new executive members of the Cy Team now? Can anyone
explain the whole structure of the Cy Team first? :) What does the Executive
Committee do in the first place? Everything? Some things? And there was also
mention of a vote to cancel this year's Cys, is that true?

I understand the decision, whatever it is, because you'd have to be blind
and mildy retarded not to see all the bickering and snide remarks people
have been making, but is this a majority? A powerful minority? or APB or MM
that's making you come to this decision? I doubt it is APB or anyone above
you guys.

I still want the Cys to go on. :) I marked it in my calendar and everything.
The people who will win will deserve it, even if more deserving don't get it
as have been in the past. But I can live with that controversy, I can't live
with this one. lol.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote] Domain Name

Sep 19, 2002, 9:20am
Well, maybe not everyone agrees, but I do. :))

The community is really pulling together on this issue, and I have NEVER
once doubted that the pen and paper are strong weapons. Maybe we can't sue
the company (except for Alphabit), but boy can we write. If we send letter
around, to other domain owners who've also lost their domain unjustly, we
can at least get eyes on this company, at best a lawsuit. But we're too much
of a society based on suing as it is, let's just hurt them with online
lynching, sorta. Word of mouth is all it takes to ruin a company, squatting
or not.

Maybe I'm a bit biased, Cybor and I went into this project
together, and I'm forever in debt to Goober King for taking a project that
takes a LOT of time and effort (and initiative, writing news stories isn't
the funnest thing to do on a Saturday night). As a former reporter of
awnews, I have to say might be practical (and I don't mind having
it as our domain), but I'm rooting for our old domain, it's history,
sentimentalality, and etc. We're the AW Community folks! ;) Nothing can face
our wrath.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

opinions and flaming and stuff

Sep 22, 2002, 1:37pm
I agree with Facter. This is the kindest newsgroup I've seen in months and
years. We're all very traditionalists, and stubborn too. The issues that
arrive out of the newsgroups are really issues that affect 2% of the AW
population and you'd have to be struck by lightning to be facing such
issues. In AW, most of us are just happy builders, pleasant
conversationalists, and so forth. In the newsgroup, I think showing our
extremes is more effective in solving extreme problems. But the people
oldies get angered at tend to be the people that DRAG things out to
eternity. And most people don't back out from a fight, and it always becomes
a war of the final words. And people get desperate, that's where flame wars

Add in a dash of stupidity, a sprinkle of sensitivity, and two teaspoons of
history, and voila, a flamewar. :) It's always about proving yourself in
here, I think. We are a family, and its hard to constantly accept new
members. They'll love you or hate you, or both. I don't think you can get
away of jumping right into this newsgroup and start putting people down,
starting your own thread with complaints about how AW or even this newsgroup
runs things, or immediately putting yourself up as an "experienced member of
AW society." None of your experiences in AW really affect our opinion of you
in AW. As evidence, AWI members, the people that keep this program running,
ar ethe most trashed about people in the newsgroup. If you start off from
the wrong foot, it's going to be TOUGH to get the right one in because
you'll constantly be kicked. But people do it, I like to think we're very
tolerant of mistakes, but the people who make the mistakes aren't patient
enough to let the sand settle.

I dunno, I guess I'm trying to say, it's tough to come in and change the
rules around here, at least immediately. You're going to have to prove
yourself a competent newsgroup poster first, and then the person you really
are later. :) The two really go hand in hand though, you can't post a post
without showing your personality a little.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

opinions and flaming and stuff

Sep 22, 2002, 9:06pm
I thought "you know who" was Eep. lol. In which case, Eep is a he (which is
shocking because of his uttermost feminine gracefulness and sympathy :P),
and he has no power of taking your freedom of speech away. :) In fact, he
stretches that freedom more than rubber band can, compared to any of us. In
fact, he sometimes makes me feel ashamed to have freedom of speech the way
he uses it. lol. He just barks though, no bite, don't worry. :)) Insult him
away, just be prepared to take the senseless heat.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

Aw Video 4 Almost coming out

Sep 23, 2002, 10:10pm
Your movies are awe-inspiring really. :) If I saw those videos, I'd dish out
hundreds of dollars on the spot just to use AW, because you play right into
my sappy side! :)) They're great, I love them, and you have to give me tips
on how to make such awesome movies for my own. It looks like a fun hobby
(besides, I need one for NG Survivor 2 </shameless plug>)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

just so you know

Sep 26, 2002, 11:42pm
*blink* Excuse my confusion, but what am I looking at? The disclaimer looks
fine to me, although less professional than a real disclaimer, but I see
nothing wrong with the content. I've read the thread, but I still can't
understand what's the big deal with the disclaimer. It has nothing to do
with people being cheated out of anything.

I know this is a BAD example, but if any American watches tv, they would've
heard of the show American Idol, like it or not. The contract contestants
signed was that producers, in extreme cases, could bend the rules to their
liking, although they would never do so unless an outright emergency called
for it.

The Cy Awards disclaimer gives me that same feeling, and there's nothing
wrong with that. It just prevents any liability in the worst case scenerio.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] Surprise! It's Survivor! :)

Sep 26, 2002, 6:53pm

Well, sorry for the extended long week, but production trouble with the cast
have made Week 10 an especially long one for everyone.

Anywho, back on the gamefront, whence last we met, maki bit the dust hard as
him and "the others" couldn't focus their votes, leaving the AWTeeners to
strategically bond together and vote off a perceived threat. Gamecube, once
in danger for his laziness, could be riding the wave up to the Final 4 if
this keeps up.

Meanwhile, we had a special Reward Challenge, a reflection challenge, on
weeks past and weeks ahead. And from there, we got 4 extremely provocative
confessionals from Ambi, Lioness, Eric, and Mod. Life isn't all that great
for our survivors, as plans backfire, alliances shift, and danger approaches
all. If you want to read any of these diaries, they're in the last NG
Survivor 2 thread titled "[NG Survivor 2] No shades of grey."

Now, to win the challenge, sucking up to me won't cut it. :) I only count
the criteria met in each diary. However, there is someone else who will
assist me in determining the winner of a tee-shirt, ressurected NG Survivor
1 castaway, Tony M. He's the one that lost, along with 14 other people. ;)

I picked Tony because he wrote extraordinary diary entries with intricate
plots (although I died every 4 out of 5 entries), pictures (posted on an
HTML page and linked through a post of course), and so forth. :) He made
these diaries look like kindergarten memoirs. And so, I set him loose to
grade by whatever criteria he likes. He ranked each diary, and first place
winner of Tony's opinion will get 5 extra points to criteria met. :)

First off, for anyone who'd like to see Tony's careful dissection of each
person's diary, head on over to (note
the capital "NGS"!).

What'd he think of the diaries overall?

"I personally found no real [exciting] drama in these entries, so I decided
to just attack the [lack of] proper English usage"

He musta had a field day with that trip. :)

Anyways, I'll announce everyone's score.

MOD: I gave him 7 points. :) Tony gave him 70 out of 100 points, leaving him
in 4th place on his list. 8 points total.

LIONESS E: 9 points. :) Tony gave her a perfect score, and she was the top
finisher on his list, which means she ends up with 14 points.

AMBIENT SPIRIT: 11 points for me. :) Tony gave her an 87 out of 100,
including extra credit for her ingenius backstabbing. She managed a third
place, meaning she ends up als owith 14 points.

ERIC: 11 points for me. Tony gave him a 98 out of a 100. He came in second
and collectively ends with 15 points.

Well, it was a CLOSE race but Eric is taking home his first Reward Challenge
win. :)) Lioness and Ambi came behind a close second.

Back at camp...Lioness was no where to be seen. ;( Some suspect she was
taken by the hippos at night, but then realized there are no hippos in
NGS2002. ;) So where could she be? I'll explain later. ;)

Immunity Challenge time. In the darkest of dark, our survivors were told a
story around the campfire. It's called Australian Survivor, and told the
story of the 16 Australians who competed in Survivor in the most remote part
of their backyard. The story started from the begining and ended at the
Final Two. Our survivors then were brought to the south challenge field,
where only the cauldron provided light. They would have to run around in the
dark to find 6 questions. If they answered correctly, they would be given
the name of one of the Final Two Australian Survivors. If they answered
incorrectly, they were warped back to the cauldron and had to renavigate
back to the question.

If they answered all 6 questions, the winner of Australian Survivor would be
revealed, and the survivor must climb the cauldron and say who won
Australian Survivor first. :) The game was close, as Builderz, Gamecube,
Mod, and Ambient Spirit raced around the paths answering questions. Builderz
continually got warped, and Ambi went a bit too slow. Gamecube and Mod were

In the end, Gamecube called the winner first, but was not atop the cauldron.
Less than a second later, Mod called the winner from atop the cauldron and
took home his first individual immunity necklace.

Immediately after that was Tribal Council this week, due to a cold I caught
and many postponements. Gandalf already submitted his vote that day. :)
Everyone at the Immunity Challenge voted, leaving Eric and Lioness offline
when Council took place. Eric handed in his vote the next day, and Lioness
just submitted her vote today. She's suffering from citizenship problems as
well as personal issues at home. How will this play out in the game? Who
knows. ;) I'll just get to it and tally the votes. maki is also at Tribal
Council, and will receive your votes.

First vote...Lioness.

Second vote...




That's two Lioness, 1 Gandalf.



Gandalf. Three each for Gandalf and Lioness.


....The next person to leave NG Survivor.

*holds out vote* Gandalf.

*snuffs out torch* I'm sorry Gandalf, but the tribe has spoken. *tribal
council music climaxes* You will be joining maki in the Jury, but before you
go, please grace us with some Final Words on the game. Thanks and good game.

Well, we're down to our Final 6. Lioness barely escaped a surprising Council
as the oldies came together. But who was the swing vote from AWTeen's side?
Was it Gandalf, who paid the price immediately by the oldies? Or was it one
of the remaining AWTeener's own?

Check out the website tommorow and see how the tribe voted. ;)

Now, this week is going to fly by, hopefully. :) Here's your next Reward
Challenge. Since we're on the subject of Australian Survivor, let's go rock
climbing! Doesn't make sense? :) Log onto and find the Rock
Climbing game to make some sense. :)) Anyone is welcome to play, just email
me a screenshot of your score (no need to snip). :)) Highest scorer wins a

Immunity Challenge will be this Saturday still at 5pm VRT, unless otherwise
stated. Be there or be voted off. hehehe. Oh, and write some diaries!
From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[NG Survivor 2] Surprise! It's Survivor! :)

Sep 27, 2002, 5:28pm
Oh! Forgot to mention! :)) Reward Challenge results are due BEFORE Tribal
Council, whenever that may be (most likely Sunday 5pm). And thanks a bunch
guys for some GREAT dishing. I guess all it took was one castaway for you
all to clean out your closets. ;) Keep em coming, truth or nontruth!

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] TIE-d by little bonds

Sep 30, 2002, 9:19pm

If that isn't enough foreshadowing for ya, you'll have to read on. MUAHAHA!

Well, Week 11 has been pretty short huh? But once again, a weekend has
passed and another survivor must go.

Our tribe has been wreaking havoc on themselves, as their mental game is
becoming unstable, and their physical game even worse. No one managed enough
energy to complete the rock climb, meaning I have another prize for whoever
shows up in NGS2002 for the Season Finale, October 26th!!! For those that
didn't hear, SEASON FINALE OCTOBER 26th!!!! More information coming if you
check the front page of the minimally updated website. ;)

Anyways, after such a nice segue from one topic to another, I'm fresh outta
ideas, so let's skip on over to Immunity Flats, where the real drama is

Jutting out of one tranquil vast southern plains of NGS2002 is an extremely
ugly and unstable rock rubble. The task? On the mini-mountain of rocks and
lag are 25 treasure chests, one of whom holds Immunity. The survivor that
climbs the rock, and finds the hidden chest, wins. There's a catch however,
as our survivors were equipped with guns, and could shoot each other back to
the start of the course (gz). The game started out with a bang, as our
survivors barely touched a rock before being zapped back to start. They made
the long dash to the mountain countless times, and for the times they were
there, they spent forever looking for the unbeaten track that would get
themselves at least off the ground. Our survivors, desperate, even went
under the mountain and such but to no avail, as the treasure chests in sight
held nothing. Mod, however, did manage to climb the rock, and find Immunity
near the top of the rubble, giving him assurance he won't have jury duty for
at least one more week.

Now council. :)

For those of you who have been living under a filter, there are only six
sickly survivors left in this newsgroup competition. They are:

Ambient Spirit, who's good-girl gardener charm and dedication has managed to
hide her secret, sneaky, and surprisingly deceptive side. Yes, this girl can
cause trouble, just read her diaries! ;)

And there's Lioness, the hard-talking, take-no-crap yet affectionate, loving
mommy of the bunch. Together, they round out the surviving (and only) female

For the guys, there's Builderz, someone who I can't really comment on
because the guy not only goes under the radar, but under my watchful eyes

And Gamecube, who's been TOTALLY inactive until the merge, and then he was
everywhere with his position more threatened. Even though he loses out at
most Immunity Challenges, this guy just knows when to be there and when not
to be, because he's made it this far already.

Mod, the birdie who constantly gets his wings clipped by inworld gravity. He
can't be too disgruntled about resorting to waddling, because he's managed
to win two immunity challenges in a row now, and has been flying free (so to
speak) these past two weeks.

And lastly, Eric. Not much can be said about Eric, because not of Eric is
really said. It would help if he came to inworld events every once in a
while. But unlike Builderz who flies under the radar by being there when
he's supposed to be, and not when he's not, this guy's just never there!
Strategy? I wouldn't put it past him.

And that's your Motley Crew of the remaining six survivors. On the jury
seats tonight is maki and Gandalf and YOU, the public.

All the survivors and jury members made the long trek to Council Plateau
except for Eric. Let's start the questioning:

Nornny11: As the weeks go on Gamecube, how much of factor is it when people
consistently don't show up to events and councils?
Gamecube: It's bad to have to wait and all that stuff..
Gamecube: not much to say..
Nornny11: does it affect your voting at all?
Gamecube: not really

Nornny11: Ambient Spirit, you've had a LOT to say this week in your
Ambient Spirit: lol
Nornny11: ...first, let's address your female bond with Lioness.
Lioness.: female bond??????
Ambient Spirit: the bond is purely that we are both female.. we have no
Lioness.: you make it sound like we're married ;-"/
Ambient Spirit: and
Ambient Spirit: I feel it my duty to protect my sis if I feel she is being
Lioness.: me too ;-")
Ambient Spirit: :)
Lioness.: only cus there's bullies here

Nornny11: Builderz, do you feel threatened by what was just said?
Builderz: Not really, Nornny. Everyone has to outlast and outflame each
other. Just because a certain tribe member is male or female doesn't make
them any stronger or weaker.
Lioness.: i agree ;-"D
Ambient Spirit: well said Builderz :)
Gamecube: :)
Builderz: Thank you. ;)

Nornny11: okay, Mod, you've won two Immunity challenges in a row, what do
you make of your performance thus far?
Mod: My performance in immunity challanges I believe are well, I mean as we
get further into the game they become much more important, So I step it up a
notch for them challanges, as for in the game, I believe All of us here
performed well, and I hate
Mod: to see anyone go
Ambient Spirit: :)
Lioness.: (nods) ;-")
Gamecube: yep
Mod: :)
Ambient Spirit: It has not been easy since we became one tribe :(
Nornny11: Will you feel more vulnerable without Immunity after this winning
streak? You're obviously a big threat if you continue to be safe.
Mod: Of course, Immunity for Me is very important, as I feel that I will be
targeted in the weeks to come, so yes It is like have a 500 pound weight put
on your back for someone in my position when you loose immunity, hopefully I
can keep me streak going

Nornny11: Now, one last question, gender might not play a factor, but AW age
seems to be affecting the votes. Will anyone comment on that before we vote?
Ambient Spirit: yes!
Lioness.: age has nothing to do with it
Ambient Spirit: Age is a state of mind.. and im still in diapers :)
Lioness.: i vote the way i want to vote

Nornny11: Well, I won't say anymore and let the votes speak for themselves.
Nornny11: By now, you guys know the routine, this will be a tough council.
Nornny11: Mod, you can start. :)

(certain votes have been replaced with "..." )

Mod: ... you know why...

Gamecube then votes.

Ambient Spirit: Eric.. because I dont think he is playing the game by not
being here for Challenges and Councils

Builderz: ... because I don't think they take the game very seriously and
have not been participating as much as the others.

Lioness.: I vote for ... because he betrayed me when I was being honest with
him. Sorry .... ;-"<

Eric voted through tgram.

Okay guys, I'll reveal the votes...

First vote...Gamecube.


Third vote...Gamecube.

Eric. That's three Gamecube, one Eric.



Last vote...



Onondago, we once again have a tie. This time between Eric and Gamecube. To
go over the procedure once again, Gamecube and Eric, you each MUST reply to
this post within 24 hours (Tommorow by 9pm VRT). After receiving your pleas,
Ambient Spirit, Builderz, Mod, and Lioness will vote between you two. They
MUST come to a majority vote. If it comes down to another tie, past votes
will determine who will leave. If that also ends in a tie, one person from
the WHOLE tribe, including those that are now safe, including Mod, will be
randomly voted off.

Survivors, as soon as you see both pleas, or anytime after 9pm VRT tommorow,
you may begin to tgram me your vote. Do so IMMEDIATELY!

And that's it, I'll be joining the newsgroup within a few days to announce
who the tribe has voted for, and possibly more details and contests as we
head into the finale. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[NG Survivor 2] TIE-d by little bonds

Oct 2, 2002, 5:38pm
I'm going to finish this week off in one thread and one thread alone.

We're still in Tribal Council midway through the week (surprise surprise),
but this time, it's worth it, because we're in a stalemate between Eric and
Gamecube, and no one seems to be resigning at this point so let's move on.

All four survivors that are safe have voted again. Remember, if they do NOT
come to a majority decision, past votes in Reckonings and Councils will
determine who will leave. If that proves to also come to a tie, the
survivors will have one more chance to come to a unanimous decision, or else
one survivor will randomly be voted off (including Mod, who's holding

I'll go tally the votes.

First vote...Eric.

Second vote...Gamecube.

Third vote...Gamecube again. That's two Gamecube, one Eric.

Fourth vote...




Unfortunately, the tribe has not come to a decision. Which means, we face an
unideal situation. Now, the past comes to haunt both you, Eric, and you,
Gamecube. You've managed to survive at the expense of others, and now, their
votes, as well as the votes of the people within the game still, will hurt
you. The procedure is simple, whoever has the most votes will be forced to
leave the newsgroup game and join maki and Gandalf in the jury. If past
votes also come to a tie, then your whole tribe suffers the consequences, as
any one person will randomly be "voted off" by fate.

Because BinaryBud chose to sacrifice himself and resign from the game, the
votes made during that week's Tribal Council will NOT be counted, as they
are now unofficial. This was established immediately after BB's resignation,
and even mentioned in one of the posts, as I remember it. Public votes DO
count, however. I'll go tally the past votes.

Within the merging weeks, Eric has received 2 votes, Gamecube received 1.



During the switched weeks, which includes Reckoning, Gamecube received 3
votes. Eric received 5. That's 7 Eric, 4 Gamecube.




During the initial weeks, Robego tribe did not go to Tribal Council. Which
means, Eric, with seven votes previously casted before you...

The tribe has spoken. *extinguishes flame* Please grace us with your Final
Words and I'll see you on the jury box next week. :(

Gamecube escapes yet another Council, this time, extremely bruised. Can he
handle another week?

Ambient Spirit and Builderz remain the only survivors without a vote cast
against them. Will their luck run through to the Final Two?

Mod has been safe for two weeks, can he keep his winning record going?

With Eric gone, will Lioness let her defense down and suffer the

Obviously, the game has taken on a new intensity, as everything is coming
together for a few survivors, while falling apart for others. You have made
the Top Five. Just remember though, nothing is ever what you expect. One
thing you can expect at the next Tribal Council, however, is that a public
vote could help determine the Final Four. You guys can head back to camp.

EVERYONE: Join us Saturday at 5:30pm VRT in NGS2002 for the Reward/Immunity
Challenge! :) As things go down to the wire, our survivors can't afford any
mistakes (or can they?).

Then on Sunday, join us for our live weekly Tribal Council, time TBA. Will
the Immunity winner take his chances with the tribe or the public? Will
there be another tie that shakes up the whole game (again)? Who will remain
strong and who will break down? As the days get shorter, the game gets
longer, stay tuned. ;)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

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