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AWCom Advertisement

Feb 23, 2002, 5:07pm
I think PC is trying to say that advertising IN AW would also help advertise
FOR AW. Because, advertisements are a two way street.rwx, being that if AW
is putting ads in AW for other companies, other companies are putting ads in
their advertising places for AW. Thus, an affiliate program. However, I
don't see millions of AW users clicking on the ads already placed in gz. To
put them elsewhere throughout the universe might be risky. But, a random
newbie DOES click on those ads, and placed in the right worlds (game sites
in AWBingo, teen or clothing sites in AWTeen, etc), advertising in such a
manner wouldn't be too bad of an idea, even if it is an eyesore.


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everything is bad

Feb 24, 2002, 2:02pm
Well, it certainly isn't you. lol. Did you try to read between the lines or
did you just totally not see the part where macb said

"What makes the threads irritating to me are the people who's names appear
dozens of time and who's posts often
consist of quoting someone else's post entirely and then adding: "Well
said" or "That's baloney", or "Its JUST a bot". Those are true
bandwidth, and time wasters."

Excuse the bad line lengths. Once of the points he was trying to make was
that whether you support him or don't, make an argument out of it or else
the post is useless.


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everything is bad

Feb 24, 2002, 3:03pm
While we're on the subject (and this whole "problem with the newsgroup" that
everyone is imagining can't get any worse), should I give you a cookie for
all that you've done?

The way I see it, if age doesn't matter, why are you trying to prove it
otherwise? Your ignorance towards adults is the same thing as their
ignorance towards yourself. Don't like stereotypes, anymore, do you? Well,
we all have to live with it. Here's a thought, let them think whatever they
want of you, you know how old you are, just leave it at that. Proving your
age just turns out so bratty (as it did) and judgemental. You can't talk for
all the teenagers out there, I'm sorry to say, so get off the high horse.
Adults too. Let them think you're only 12, if you don't like it, then grow
up to their standards. If you don't want to, then who says you have to?


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everything is bad

Feb 24, 2002, 9:19pm
Don't slobber all over your shirt.rwx. ;) And make sure you chew it 21 times
so you don't choke, the taste will last longer too. :)


[View Quote] > Wow... the irony levels in this thread are just off the charts. So
> delicious! I love it!

ATTN: All those who are here for a NG, and not a circus

Mar 3, 2002, 9:45pm
All I have to say is...

This is what you get for kicking Eep out. ;)

Well, actually, I have a little more to say. I don't understand any of this
to tell you the truth. Amazingly, this whole sunofsolaris thing has happened
almost overnight (which is statistically amazing according to macb's stats)
and I'm at a lost of words where to start on forming my own personal

I must say kudos for such oblivious persistence. But boy, I thought this
newsgroup was all about me. I guess some people are more selfless than I am,
excuse my sarcasm.

I truly contribute this massive amount of...trash, pardon my french, to a
lack of any technical guidance by any newbies in this newsgroup. I would
MUCH MUCH rather spend all of my days answering the same old newbie
questions like "How do you move" "My AW keeps on crashing" "What does
Direct3d mean?" than look at this (I'm lying for the sake of making me look
morally right, but just go along with me). If we HAD newbies, than I don't
think any of this would happen, don't you? So, the solution, get some
newbies!!! Then, we'll all have a funner dumber crowd to lynch all day.


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ATTN: All those who are here for a NG, and not a circus

Mar 4, 2002, 10:10am
I thought so. ;)

Satirically yours,

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Mar 4, 2002, 8:10pm
Does that include weird-ass disturbed and frankly quite annoying posters
such as those that begin with sun? Or did the trash get left behind from the
newsgroup explosion (those darn selective-targeting and
explody-when-you-trip-on-them wires)?

*sigh* I never thought I had to say it here but *takes out bear costume*...

"WeLcOmE tO iNsAnItY!!!"
-From my previous newsgroup life.


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Pricing Scheme

Mar 5, 2002, 10:20pm
I wouldn't put it past anyone...

But, he WAS joking, you know.


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Mar 5, 2002, 10:19pm
Hopefully, my wits hasn't offended anyone to the point of kicking me out of
the newsgroup (how Survivor'ish). :) Kicking me physically and emotionally
could be another story. In all honesty, I barely read the newsgroups
anymore. :P


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Press Conference

Mar 7, 2002, 7:53pm
Well, it has to do with SW Chris, since only a week ago, he posted a thread
looking for volunteers to head an AW Olympics committee. lol. I was thinking
the same thing, dion. ;)


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Mar 16, 2002, 2:29pm
Nah, they'd probably charge you 6.50 a month for exlusive rights to use that
name. ;) Cross your fingers, they might throw you a free one month
citizenship. lol.


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Tourist Build DELETED In Hamsterville

Mar 23, 2002, 7:34pm
lol. Did you read the Help files or did you forget tourist builds can be
deleted by ANYONE. Why would AWC waste your time deleting tourist builds?

*plonk* :P


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Tourist Build DELETED In Hamsterville

Mar 26, 2002, 8:47pm
Is this your first time running a town? It strikes me weird that you're
saying all these things that an unexperienced newbie would. The solution to
your vandalism problem by that unknown cit is that you should've covered ALL
your land. There's nothing you can do now but plead with your life, because
its no fault of anyone beside your own. Good luck.


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looking for citizens

Apr 7, 2002, 6:55pm
lol, wow, spooky. If you build them back up, maybe the Twin Towers will come
back. lol. Just don't destroy anything else in the world. lol. *crosses
finger he doesn't delete the world and cause mass destruction IRL*


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I Assume you've all...

Apr 8, 2002, 10:49pm
I know a lot of people have at least heard rumors at mumbling sometimes with
Luc. But here's a woman that's been in AWC, bad goose or not, and has pushed
her way into the front of the company to get things done for this community.
I've had the honor to work with herself and her personality and I truly
respect the woman. I wish her the best in her future endeavors, I'm sure
she's moving on to bigger and better (and probably more lucrative) things.

I hope this isn't a foreshadowing of the community's future, gone. If Luc
was a regular citizen, she would've recieved MILLIONS of Cys for all that
she's created and supported in the community. I know though that there will
be others to live on Luc's legacy. :)


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[NG Survivor 2] New Game, New Era, Wanna play?

Apr 14, 2002, 4:56pm
As an individual ActiveWorldsophile, I don't have much to contribute to the
community except my love for replicating reality-television series.
Sorry, I've been cursed with bad genetics. :P There's been so much change
and chaos to
the AW community in just the past months, I really wanted to bring back
some semi-old times. That, my friends, would be Newsgroup Survivor, where
all the contestants are loony, and flaming is required! >:) I know some
are leaving very soon, and some newbies are joining the community ranks, and
then there's my pile of people who were unfortunately not casted for the
first season, who all have seen the game and are ready to make this second
cast and win THE BIG PRIZE...

Yes, there will be a big prize (*makes mental note to get big prize*), or at
least a very expensive one, considering how much citizenships sell for these
days. :) The location
for this season will be in the infamously off-topic general.disscussion
newsgroup. Where anything goes, and bashing someone else's momma will only
bring you praise. I know some of you are saying "Hey, this is cool, but
I don't think I'll last a minute." You'd be surprised how lucky this game
can get, just ride the waves. :)

This Newsgroup Survivor, most likely, will be my last. My citizenship
expires next January early in the month, and I'll be moving on with my real
life through a torturously challenging senior year as I head into the home
stretch to another virtual life, college. :) So, as you are slowly wiping
away your tears of sympathy, I urge you to apply for this game. You're
almost guaranteed a spot in the Sweet 16 that will compete in the same old
Survivor, with PLENTY of new twists (I can name at least three that will
blow everyone away). In the proccess, you might be eligible to win a variety
of rewards throughout the game besides the big prize.

Everyone here has a unique personality and attitude that I want for the
game. Almost all of you have the level of commitment (yes, it's that
minimal) to play the game. If you're going to be here over the summer for 16
weeks in front of the computer reading the newsgroup, on the web playing
games, and in Activeworlds doing something, then you're qualified!!! Sign
up!! :)) This season, the game will take place on all aspects of the web,
survivors will compete in real time, in fake time, even in VRT time. ;)
Tribal councils will be held live (to spark better drive in winning
competitions so you don't have to waste an hour of your weekend in AW being
voted off). Challenges will be web based games like the first season, but
also new games in AW itself, providing actual avatarian contact. And don't
get me started on what will happen to the game itself.

I've created a signup page at
Yes, that is a preview of the new Survivor site too (thanks to Elated, no
more basic HTML stuff). It's totally preliminary and will only take 1 minute
(it's only 3 questions). More questions will come later. :))

So, get ready for the adventure of an AW lifetime. The competition for
Newsgroup Survivor 2: General.Discussion is about to begin! *blows the
opening theme to Survivor in a conch shell*


PS. If anyone is willing to share some webspace that are pop-up ads-less,
it'd be much appreciated. Banners, to me, are no problem at all, but pop-up
ads are the worse (especially on my IE browser which can't even display
opened new windows in the first place). They tend to hurt people from
visiting the site, and in this game, the website is really crucial. :) Thnx
in advance.

[NG Survivor 2] New Game, New Era, Wanna play?

Apr 14, 2002, 8:11pm
Thnx for the offer swe, but unfortunately, the Survivor site needs constant
update to keep up with the game and plus, you'll be spoiled early, and we
can't let secrets leak out before we want it to. lol.

However, I forgot all about easyspace, I think it will be close to perfect.
Thanks for your suggestion. :))

*Btw, FYI, I got your form submission*


[View Quote] >

[NG Survivor 2] New Game, New Era, Wanna play?

Apr 16, 2002, 9:44pm
Thank you for your kind offer KAH, Count Dracula has graciously shared some
of his space on his server with me so I'm good for now. :)

Anyways, thanks to CD, the website will be moved to when it's completed, so check
back there often. But, more importantly, you can sign up even more quickly
and efficiently at
:)) Please sign up today before I resort to beggin. :)


[View Quote] only
> real
> variety
> 16
> being
> minute
> pop-up
> Thnx

Ban Cyclone Cit#340396

Apr 18, 2002, 11:33pm
I'm hoping that at least the community and the smaller community of
worldowners itself can have a bit of integrity and personal trust in each
other to whatever each of its members have to say for the good of the
community. I can understand being lied to by AWC, but obviously, if you guys
can't put trust on the company that created this program, you should at
least put it into the community. His accusations are a bit angry, perfectly
understandable, but how does one back up such an accusation? With chat and
world logs? Aren't those supposed to be private, as they are extremely
personal, except with AWC and the world owner itself. I'm not saying you
have to do anything the accuser says to, but mrbruce rarely posts here
unless its something important, I guess, unless he's new, in which case, he
doesn't have any bad newsgroup track record. I think you can safely assume
that what he says is somewhat credible. It's not like you have to take
action, especially never hearing from the other side. :)


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New Cy Pages!!!!!

Apr 27, 2002, 12:56am
I saw the site this morning (it seems to be down now), but my god, a Cy
Awards page with no purple AND gold? Blashemous!!! Burn him at the stake!!!
:)) How will the Bits live after seeing such a travesty!!! j/k. :)

Actually, your sample page looks a lot like your main site, which screams
subliminal messaging to me. lol. It's not that its a bad design, but my
conservativeness wins over your well presented web design. :) I can't see
the Cys without its simple elegence, and I think the new webmaster gets that
out better with just a few minor tweaks to get the whole site more
organized. :) I like them both, but I think Alphabit made a good decision,
not that if she chose you, it would be a bad decision either, you're both
very talented, and should work on MY site. lol.


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A1CTtourist5 Videos

Apr 27, 2002, 5:41pm
Hey a1, your videos are great, how did you get those wonderful screen
captures of AW? What kind of screen capture program do you use? Or did you
just tape your computer screen? Inquiring minds want to know. :))


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May 3, 2002, 9:00am
It's been carried live, at least the last ceremony was. :) I don't know if
it was life on the web, but there were different viewing stations throughout
the CyAwards world that broadcasted the show for people who needed to escape
the lag. :)


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May 5, 2002, 1:17pm
Well, he kind of is. lol. Off-topic posts to some newsgroup users means that
the posters aren't taking the newsgroup seriously and using it for personal
ambitions. I think Agent wasn't trying to humiliate him, but rather just
state the rules out in the newsgroups so others can learn from the mistake.


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CobToRwx problems.

May 28, 2002, 8:48am
Well, I thought we were talking about CobToRwx. lol. In which case, you need
to dos prompt it.


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Sequences in 3.3

Jun 1, 2002, 3:47pm
Try emailing Roland, or 9 9 9, I'm sure they'll have more information. Gand
might also be a help since he's the resident object and avatar creator. He
might be able to help you out on how to alter seqs for 3.3. You have to
understand all of this is new to everyone, we've only had it for a day. As
for their email address, I don't know it, to be honest. Search around the
website, or give them a telegram. :) They're all willing to help.


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Is It True?

Jun 8, 2002, 12:18pm
You do realize "soon" in AWC terms is not for another few months, if that.
:)) There's always some nice features in new versions, that's a given. We'll
just have to see what they are. They've never implemented a bad thing in a
numbered version. (To my knowledge, no more tourists feature was added
before 3.3, really). I'm looking at January, hehe, but in any case, there's
just so muc hyou can do with 3.3, why are you looking so far ahead? :)


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Don't Look Now! It's...

Jun 11, 2002, 6:22pm
Most of them were mentioned in the first edition, the rest, he just forgot
(he's old, you'll have to excuse him. ;) ). You can take one of mine. :)
I've been unwillingly published twice (what can I say, Goobers love me.
:)) ).


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Don't Look Now! It's...

Jun 11, 2002, 6:27pm
And so, with one sentence, my hidden secret of actually knowing NOTHING
about ActiveWorlds is revealed. :))

ROTFL, Goob, where do you come up with your material. :) Great job. :))
Please please, post the original Guide too if you still have it, we can't
get enough.


PS, I'm going to have to use your description in my signature. :)

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[NG Survivor 2] Win "the Million" Please read. :)

Jun 13, 2002, 1:00pm
Thanks to what has become the most generous Flagg in years (quick folks,
milk him for all AWC's worth), he kindly gave me a cornicopia of things for
NG Survivor 2, after much begging and puppy eyes (he's a sucker for

Okay, first, let me say the usual, NG Survivor is a 16 week game that occurs
in the newsgroup, in ActiveWorlds, and on the web, where 16 of you newsgroup
posters try to become the Ultimate Survivor and win the "Million Dollar
Prize." What is the Million Dollar Prize?? Well, let me quote what Flagg

"a grand prize of one P-50 w/ hosting & FTP for the ultimate Survivor"

God, I'm drooling...and I'm sure many of you are too, even the ones that own
worlds. I mean, who couldn't use another? :) This is MUCH better than a
stupid tee-shirt from the first season,
but thanks to AWC sponsership, we've got those too! Each week, a reward
challenge or web challenge will give EVERYONE a chance to win a tee-shirt,
not just the Survivors. Survivors will also get little rewards for their
long journey if they survive long enough. The dogs usually get to them
within a week. ;)

For all you old Survivor remnants, this new season has plenty of twists and
turns to make your viewing pleasure even more enhanced. Besides the
surprises I have for the Survivor themselves, the biggest change in
Newsgroup Survivor 2 is that a lot of the game will be played in
Activeworlds! :) That's right, Flagg loaned me a world, and thanks to the
kind contribution of Robbie, a former contestant, we have a custom OP to
play with. Each week, the immunity challenge, and the tribal council, along
with other important events in the game, will take place live in the world,
for all to view. After Tribal Council, the person "kicked off the newsgroup"
will also be available for a live Town Meeting type chat with viewers and
any one else who cares to watch. They'll be able to ask questions and get
honest answers, as none of the remaining contestants will be present to
listen in.

So, if you have an hour or two every week to log into AW, and you keep up
with the general.discussion or community (lurkers are more than allowed to
play) newsgroup, PLEASE PLEASE sign up! :) I don't want just overzealous
pre-teens, I want manipulative trash-talking adults, drunk and wasted
college kids, and kind old tech-savvy grannies and grandpies. All you have
to do to be considered is fill out a small form at Who knows, for your
little effort, you could win a world. :) Doesn't that sound nice? People who
have already signed up, I still have your application, so there's no need to
sign up again.

Please please please, let me go out of AW with a bang, and bring back NG
Survivor. I only have a few applicants at the moment, and I need 16. :))
Everyone wins in the end (except the 15 people who will lose). Here's a few
list of people I'd personally like to see play, if you guys are interested,
please sign up along with anyone else I didn't mention (they're just being
listed because they posted or were mentioned recently). I know a lot are too
busy to play, but still, never hurts to ask? :)

Anduin Lothario
Lady Murasaki
Goober King
PC Hamster
Johnny B
Glitter Bug
Zeo Toxin
Anyone else... :)

Wow, never knew there were so many people in the newsgroups. :) Surely, I
can force 16 of ya to play my sadistic game, right? Or, scout around for
some other AW users to join the newsgroup and play, we can raise the
population and flame each other at the same time, it'll be fun. The game
will start in July, the earlier, the better. :) But I can't play until I get
16, so sign up! :)

AND FOR THE ORIGINAL 16, tell them how fun and evil this game is. :))

Special thanks to AWC, especially Flagg, Robbie for the OP, and Count
Dracula for the webspace, wouldn't be able to do it without ya.

You will go to
You will go to
You will go to
You will go to
You will go to

[NG Survivor 2] Win "the Million" Please read. :)

Jun 13, 2002, 7:14pm
As Alphabit attested, you don't need any advance computer knowledge. All you
need to know what to do is:

1) view websites

2) log onto Activeworlds (no building skills neccessary, but if you want to
help your tribe build the camp, basic skills never hurt, no other skills
whatsoever is needed except choosing an avatar, clicking, using gestures,
and walking around)

3) Post in this newsgroup (which obviously, you know how to)

4) Follow me as if I was Jesus. :))

The fourth one is kind of mandatory. :D Other than that, I'm looking for
dumb people, smart people, literate people, illiterate people, small people,
big people, it's all about variety. Whatever skills you don't possess could
hurt you in the game, but there's always something every contestant has that
others don't, and there's other ways of making you important to the tribe
and game.

As for whether you'll be able to play the game or not if you're computer
illiterate, there's NO WAY I would decline anyone who can do the 4 things up
above because they don't know how to create a rollercoaster.rwx through
handcoding. :) I only decline people if there's more than 16 applicants
(which I doubt highly) and its not on the basis of anything technical, but
their internet personality.

Btw, I HIGHLY encourage females to sign up, if you experienced the first
season, there were only 3 females. All three did quite well, making it to
the merger. I'm hoping I can even up the demographics and get a few more.
:)) I try to make the contestant pool as close to the newsgroup as possible.
Which means, there will be more males, but there's definately more than
3/16th of the newsgroup population that are female. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

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