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[NG Survivor 2] Win "the Million" Please read. :)

Jun 17, 2002, 4:21pm
I asked Flagg and he said it'd be good for 1 year. :) So yay! That's a long
time. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

AW@War Open...But Closed

Jun 18, 2002, 7:57pm
Well, it does, as a matter of fact. :) Plus, it's an AWC world, not a
private paintball thing. The rules are sort of different, I think. This was
last year (or close to it) when they were just beta testing the world. :)
It's unique, don't worry, AWC couldn't just do the norm.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] Oh yes, it begins...

Jul 1, 2002, 11:33pm
Ahh, it's that wonderful season of summer here in the newsgroups. Where the
newbies rush in, the flames are hotter than ever, and your computer is dying
from overheating. And now, it's time for Newsgroup Survivor 2! <blows into
the conch shell> *huff puff* I've GOT to get a drum or something...

Anywho, it's a brand new season, and definately a brand new game for all.
The base is still the same, take 16 newsgroup posters from across the
uniserver, lurkers and active ones, young and old, stupid and all-knowing,
and force them to subject themselves in 16 weeks of intense, zany
competition. One by one, a tribe will cast off one of its own until there is
only one left remaining, The Ultimate Survivor. Come on people, ooh and ahh
with me...

You already know this if you've been in the newsgroup this month, and you
know all 16 players are looking to win the Million Dollar Prize, a brand new
1-year P-50 world w/ hosting and FTP!!! If that isn't worth a million
dollars IRL, it gets pretty close. Also, I'd like to announce to you all
that each week, there will be a web challenge in which the best scorer of
the game (survivor or not) will receive a tee-shirt also complimentary of
Flagg and the folks at AWC. AND!!!! I KNOW I didn't mention this to our
fellow contestants yet, but for the Final Four castaways left in the game,
the runner-up and the two that end up jury members will get a 6-month cit
extension. Now, back a few months ago, this would've been worth $10, it's
now worth $41.70. Oh yes, I'm sure even Bill Gates would play this game for
that deal! :)

Anyways, LET THE GAME BEGIN!! Most of you oldies know the drill, but for you
NG Survivor newbies, each week, I'll berade you with a bunch of newsgorup
Survivor posts, they will ALL have one of these two headers [NG Survivor 2]
or [NGS2] depending on how lazy I am. If you are uninterested or offended in
reading these threads for the next 16 weeks, you just simply filter them.
Just to help my innocence a little, I don't post on of these threads every
day, only 2-3 times a week at most, which is still a lot, but even Eep never
complained (I think he even kind of enjoyed it *single scream of "Take that
back!" from is heard in the distance*). Some contestants
who forget or don't follow my directions might post an occasional diary or
reply thread that you probably won't want to read (or get it since you had
all my NG Survivor posts filtered), please feel free to flame them or just
ignore them, they're VERY occasional.

Okay, well let's get down to business. :) . First, let me introduce you to
the 16 posters and lurkers that VOLUNTARILY (I had to force half of the
first cast), decided to play my sadistic NG Survivor and win a P-50 world.

Ambient Spirit - Bodacious babe 1
Lioness e - Bodacious babe 2 (sorry folks, there's no other females than
these two)
Maki - I thought it was Maka...
Maka - Oh, there's two of them??
Builderz - He doesn't really build.
Mongo - he has the head the size of a mango
JerMe - cute name spelling, awful hosting. jk.
Gandalf - yup, the wizard turned AWTeener
Joeman - he's so plain, I can't explain.
Gamecube - Figures the kid would name himself after a bad Nintendo console
pixelot - If you could name the NGS website images, you would name it after
Mod - the avatar formerly known as Dark Mod
BinaryBud - He hates ASCII
D a n - He's A!!CT's M A N
Eric - Another AWTeener??
Shorah - He's Shorah to win. AHA!

And our resident Syko is a backup in case any of these 16 chicken out on

Oh, did someone segue into Wednesday?? He sure did.

Confused newsgroup reader: Why Nornny, what's on Wednesday?

Well, I'm glad you asked, because on Wednesday July 3rd at 5pm VRT, you guys
are all invited to come to the world NGS2002, the world where all the live
drama will unfold. NGS2002, donated by Flagg and AWC to me for use, is the
playing world of this game. At the end of each week, a live immunity
challenge will happen in NGS2002 in which all (or at least a lot of them)
will desperately compete for you in an attempt to win immunity. The losers,
however, will have to waste MORE of their time by coming back the next night
(VRT time of course) to Tribal Plateau, where Tribal Council occurs (go
figure). The plateau is great, btw, you just HAVE to see it. Tribal Council
will be private, but you can watch from NGSTV if you like. But after the
tribe has spoken, the castaway of the game won't be kicked off a large
mountain like the first cast, he/she will actually have to face YOU GUYS, in
a public town-hall late-night chat show with your two favorite NG Survivor 1
contestants, SW Chris and Syntax. The rest of the remaining players will be
ejected out of the world, and you can talk candidly about the alliances, the
chaos, and the backstabbing with the person voted off. THEN, we'll kick the
loser off the rock. :D I know, I aim to please.

But on WEDNESDAY JULY 3RD AT 5PM VRT, all 16 survivors will meet faceclump
to faceclump (minus Lioness and D a n who unfortunately can't attend) and
chitchat with you all, take some publicity photos, and participate in their
first event. It's NOT a challenge or a council, but it has a VERY important
affect on the game. Just think Survivor Thailand... :)

Anyway, viewers, the website is only an hour or two from being PARTIALLY
COMPLETED! YAY!!! For now, if you head to you'll find that the Survivors
section of the site is almost complete, most of the survivor profiles are
up, but there's still 4 or 5 I still have to upload. In a few hours, you'll
also find a new feature, Nornny's Notes, where I spout off on each week's
happenings. :) And also, each week on the front page, I'll have a contestant
poll of as much of the survivors as I can and their various actions. :) This
week, it's going to be Lioness. :)

You can rate ALL of the castaways on starting Wednesday in NGS2002. A bot
will be there, and all you have to do is say "rate <survivor>" to cast a
vote for that survivor. You're voting on WHICH SURVIVOR DO YOU LIKE THE
MOST. :) Each week, I'll take all the votes, divide them by the total number
of votes, and show the percentage popularity in each survivor's profile.
They'll be on the ratings bot until 1 week after they're voted off, so they
can still be popular afterwards. If there is a tie at Tribal Council, and on
certain tribal councils, the survivor with the lowest popularity percentage
will receive the Public Vote.

For now, --NG SURVIVOR CONTESTANTS! READ THIS!!!-- Welcome officially to the
game. :)) If you guys read the last season, you'll know that all the
survivors have a special weapon. No, not a flame thrower, a diary! Diaries
are suggested, but they're not required, just a fun and sneaky thing to do.
:) Diaries work like this, after ANY of my NG Survivor 2 postings, you can
spout off on the event that just took place, the future, made-up alliances
and events, whatever. Just be dramatic and blame names! I REQUIRE that all
of you insult at least another tribe member or tribe or else I'll insult YOU
in my Notes, my postings, or anywhere else I can play God. :) "What Nornny
Says" in your profile is only the begining, folks, so I suggest you insult
away. It doesn't have to be a big insult, just "Sarah's feet stink" is
sufficient. People know it's a diary because you'll ALWAYS ALWAYS reply
underneath this thread and you'll have it say "Dear Diary" in the text
(DON'T change the subject line, it sometimes shows up as a new thread). I'll
post all diaries (as much as I can handle) in the diary section of the
website. Remember, you're welcome to lie about anything that happened, make
up events to tarnish a fellow contestant, or anything, because the public
reads it and so do your curious castaways, so you can ruin any enemies with
the keyboard in a matter of minutes. I suggest you write about your first
impressions of your fellow fifteen, who you hope to be paired up with, what
your strategy is, whatever. :) See you all on Wednesday.

Nornny Probst

[NG Survivor 2] Oh yes, it begins...

Jul 3, 2002, 11:17am
What do you want from me, blood??? It's July 3rd, you're not on vacation
yet, you mindless corporate peons. :) Okay, it's not the best sense of
timing, but it will do, you have 16 weeks with me, no one's getting voted
off this week or anything yet, so you're only mildly missing all the fun if
you'd rather see explosives in the sky or Grandma Jemima. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] The tribe has chosen...

Jul 3, 2002, 9:38pm

Hey guys, last NG Survivor post for this week, I promise. :)

Well, it's finally Wednesday, and the anxious survivors rush in early to
NGS2002, the playing world of this game. It's totally quiet, as I've turned
off speak until everyone comes in. With the absense of Mongo, Maka, Shorah,
Lioness, and Jerme, the other 11 enter the world.

It's all nerves, lag, and a slow OP, as the 11 look around the world. Now,
onto an edited chat log. :) *blows conch shell and throws sand around for
flashback's sake*

Nornny11: okay, well, here's how the tribes work. :)

In front of you are 16 orangered colored discs. Each of you will stand on
top of one of the discs and remain put. These discs, when I tell them to,
will change to the color of your tribe, which are behind you. The two tribes
are Robego and Nebewi.

Nornny11: The blue tribe is Robego, derived from the word "goober," and what
better symbol to represent a goober than an aboriginal symbol for the guy
from Footloose. :)

Builderz: lol
Joeman: It looks like a monkey :O
Nornny11: Don't tell goober I said that. ;)
D a n: lol

Nornny11: Eep Probst tell me who is on the Robego Tribe
[Eep Probst]: The Robego discs have been turned over...
Mod: Blue W00t
Gamecube: blue
D a n: YAY

Builderz, Mod, D a n, Eric, Gamecube, and BinaryBud, your discs tell me that
your are now members of the Robego tribe. Please step to your mat.

Nornny11: You guys are six of eight, you will choose two more in a minute.
Nornny11: everyone else stay put. :)

Nornny11: now, on to Nebewi. :)
Nornny11: Nebewi is named after al lthe newbies out there, and is
represented by a deer about to be run over. :)
Ambient Spirit: very appropriate! lol
Builderz: hehe
Joeman: :OOO
Mod: LOL
Nornny11: thanks Ambient. :) I thought so. :)
Nornny11: Okay, Eep Probst, tell me who is on the Nebewi Tribe.
Nornny11: grr, give me a miunte. :)
Nornny11: who is on the Nebewi Tribe.
Nornny11: Probst, you listening to me?? lol.
BinaryBud: looks like the Bot has a litle Eep in
Nornny11: who is on the Nebewi tribe
[Eep Probst]: The Nebewi discs have been turned over...

Gandalf, pixelot, and Joeman, you guys are members of the Nebewi tribe.
Through a random picking, Mongo, Jerme, and Maka will join you also to make

Now, as you can see tribes, there are four people still on orangered discs.
They are looking for a tribe, and you get to pick. I'll give you a minute to
think it over as the decision could have an affect on the whole game.
Nornny11: I will ask ONE of you to pick the next tribesmate...
pixelot: Shorah
Nornny11: never mind, pixelot chose Shorah. lol.
Nornny11: Shorah's yours. :)

Now, let's go to Robego, I will pick.
D a n: maki?
*sigh* Oh never mind. Maki goes to Robego. :)
D a n: lol
Gamecube: :\
maki: lol
D a n: :-)

Nornny11: Now Joeman, pick between Lioness and Ambient. :)
Ambient Spirit: sheesh... *checks deodorant*
Joeman: Which one will give me more money? :)
D a n: lol
maki: :O
Ambient Spirit: i cook nicely :))
Joeman: Your in :D
Nornny11: Ambient, join Nebewi. :)
Nornny11: Lioness will now join Robego. :)

So there you have, in the first major event of NG Survivor, we picked
tribes. One mystery solved, and I leave the sixteen on their own. Already,
the wind of whispers are underway as members look to get their alliances in
early. Will the absent players be at a disadvantage? Did the two tribes make
the right choices in picking their two tribemates? Are the girls at a
disadvantage separated? Who knows, but one will fall by the end of this week
(or the begining of next, whichever's good for me). But first, there's so
much to do!

SURVIVORS READ - Survivors, starting Friday morning, your camps will be
open. You will find your two camp locations already inworld. One is to the
west of gz, the other to the east. Follow the beaten track and you'll find
your tribal flag flying above you. Now, before you start building monstrous
houses and caves on Friday, you must first note this. You MUST keep to a
rugged, camping or tropical theme firstly. But here's the next twist. I,
NORNNY, will provide you with your materials, and they won't be much. Each
of your materials will be tagged with a "create name" in the action and be
monitored by my bot. You're welcome to move and manipulate the object any
way you like, but you CANNOT duplicate any objects, or add any of your own,
and just tag a name. :) I will be keeping inventory and basically destroy
your camp if I catch you. :)) Feel free to try, I'm pretty oblivious though.
Now, your objects become more valuable to you. You each will be given your
luxury item too. :) You can win MORE supplies by winning weekly web
challenges that I will post (which also has the bonus of winning a tee-shirt
if you get the highest score) at the begining of each survivor week. Also,
if you write decent diary entries below this thread and others, I'm inclined
to give you AW presents. :)) All of your objects and your camp is important,
because an important immunity challenge later on in the game will depend on
your objects and the look of your camp. :)) If you delete any objects,
they're gone for good. So think of it as a good way of threatening your
tribemates if you feel you're being targeted also.

Now, on Saturday at 5pm VRT (17:00), and this could still be subject to
change, there will be the first immunity challenge. You will be notified
through the NGS2002 TreeMail of what the challenge is that day, earlier.
This is optional, but the more tribemates that are able to attend, the
afterwards, everyone can play for fun too.

Should you win immunity, your tribe is safe for this week, and all make it
to the second week. :) The losing tribe, however, will have to come back the
next day (who knows what time yet), and take the hike to Tribal Plateau,
where Tribal Council is. The place is spectacular, with a huge waterfall,
and dangerous cliffs, but I'm sure none of you will be enjoying the scenery,
because the tribe will have to vote off one of its own. And that unfortunate
person, will be thrown off the plateau, and off the game. His/her chances of
winning the P-50 is 0% with a error range of NONE. Sorry. :) After you
recover from your fall, however, Syntax and SW Chris, your two lovable
hosts, will join you below the plateau along with the viewing public
(whoever's there, in other wards) for your post-castoff interview. The
public can ask ANY question they want, without the other survivors inworld,
so ask away. :)

That's all the excitement this little norn can handle. :) Be there Saturday
if you can. :) Otherwise, keep checking the newsgroup and website for more
information. The website will have a pictured HTML version of this recent
update, so come take a look in a few hours when it's ready. Also, NGS2002
will be going through some renovations (basically, we're moving to our own
OP, a faster OP, thanks to contestant Builderz) so please bear with us on
that, it will look the same old self afterwards though. :))


[NG Survivor 2] The tribe has chosen...

Jul 4, 2002, 11:10am
No, it wasn't any attempt, I just thought of the two stupidest and lowest
people on the newsgroup food chains, goobers and newbies, and just switched
their names around. lol. Besides, your name had a lot of vowels, and plus,
sucking up to the big powers in the newsgroup means they won't flame me
later for too many NG Survivor posts. lol. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] The tribe has chosen...

Jul 4, 2002, 11:14am
umm...tribe identity mistake. :) Koolcat to my knowledge was just a visitor
watching. lol. Your 7th member is actually jerme. I updated the survivors
index since you guys get confused very easily. :))

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote] > Gandalf, Mongo, Shorah, Maka, pixelot, Joeman and Koolcat hope you don't
> mind me putting you all on my contact list.. please put me on yours.. my
> name in worlds is Ambient Spirit.
> PS: Mongo, look at it this way, your newly acquired plumbing skills are
> going to come in very handy for our tribe! :)

[NG Survivor 2] The tribe has chosen...

Jul 7, 2002, 8:56pm
Whoopsy, my mistake, I'm still getting to know you guys just as much as you
guys. lol. I tend to get tribes mixed up still, lol. I fixed the update
page, thanks for pointing it out.

As for the survivor poll, you're on the poll for a whole week before I
change it. :) It's not my laziness, it just gives more people time to vote
for ya. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote] > Nornny need to do some revision of the website. First
> off,.......why am I the only target for the popularity poll for the past 5
> days?????? We have 16 members. Time for someone else to get the negative
> attention for once. Also ....the latest entry you made featured this
> sentence:
> "Thanks to Lioness, her luxury item has given Nebewi a single flame to
> light their camp when it's dark."
> Excuse me hon....but my luxury item was a lake, not a flame. And how can a
> lake illuminate the other camp???? I belong to "Robego", not "Nebewi".
> Binary is the one who chose a flame as a luxury item in our camp,
> Nuff said for now I think. ~ ;-"/

[NG Survivor 2] 1st to go.../2nd week challenge

Jul 8, 2002, 1:22pm

Disclaimer: The episode you are about to view contains edited scenes in
order to make most of the contestants look bad and fit into stereotypical
online molds. Please feel free in flaming any or all of them.

Okay folks, sorry about yet another post this week. You know first weeks,
there's just so much to talk about. ;) Anyways, after this posting, there
will basically be one or two at the begining and/or at the end of each week,
no more, no less. :)

Anyways, first off, catch up on the latest developments on the NG Survivor 2
website at The latest update
details the misadventures of two tribes trying to build camp, and trying to
win a much needed immunity challenge. Camp items are being stolen,
sabotaged, and our survivors are silly over it. Not to mention some early
power plays, alliance formations, and backstabbing in the works.

From last we left off, Robego won their first immunity challenge, Fire for
Life, and Nebewi faced a tough one-torch loss. Unfortunately for them, one
more torch will be extinguished by the end of this post, and this time,
there'll be a person behind it (yes, I like sticking things in). Morale in
Nebewi has dropped off the face of Tribal Plateau, as the downtrodden tribe
hasn't bothered to even come to their campsite ever since their loss. Of
course, half of them have been missing since Day 1, but still, Nebewi camp
is still withering away in spider webs.

Ambient and Gandalf, awaiting for nightfall for Tribal Council, wonder how
everyone else is voting. Their discussion also arises rumors on how the
other camp is holding with their new flames.

Ambient Spirit: I heard.. via the grapevine.. that there has been some
sabotage in Robegos camp too
Gandalf: Hmmm...most interesting...
Gandalf: It seems to me that whoever did it is from Rodego's (Nornny's
Notes: it's ROBEGO!!!)
Ambient Spirit: Not in here.. no
Ambient Spirit: we are not allowed to delete another tribes goodies
Ambient Spirit: i dont know who did... and it doesnt particularly bother
me... I will just move int with someone lol
Ambient Spirit: do you think i did it?
Gandalf: NO!!!
Ambient Spirit: good.. and thanks.. cos i didnt!

Ambient Spirit: I wonder how many of our tribe have voted by gram
Gandalf: Hmmm...interesting thought...
Ambient Spirit: yeah.. will be interesting to see how many turn up

Yes, the madness goes on. Let's head on over to the equally confused Robego
camp and see what's cooking.

Lioness e: turns out D a n and gamecube started building something before
i came along ;-"<
Lioness e: wish they had left some kind of note about that
Lioness e: i messed up their build i guess
maki: .....
Lioness e: well how the heck was i supposed to know someone else started
building in here?
Lioness e: i didn't bring my ESP with me...........shoot
Lioness e: nice of mod to leave us a sign with a note
maki: interesting (Nornny's notes Oh look, a Gandalf impersonation.)
Lioness e: but i wanna know where the sleeping bags got to
maki: found everything, lol
maki: under this hill
Lioness e: soemone's having fun playing with our minds i think
Lioness e: i also layed a tree on its side by a fallen
Lioness e: and i put two boulders on the flagpole hill (Nornny's note: Okay
okay, I'll admit that the boulders got deleted, rocks don't count as trees.
They were deleted, next time, I won't be so nice as to tell. hehe)
Lioness e: they're all gone too
maki: idiots
maki: we need to talk to the rest of the tribe, lol
Lioness e: yeah i know....but they're not on when we're on
maki: lets be evil and hide the sleeping bags and keep them for ourselves,
7:52:01 Lioness e: LMAO
maki: lets delete their things
Lioness e: no no no....i can't be like that
Lioness e: hahahhahaha

Ooh, now this is getting good. So let's recap, Lioness and maki have been
building and conspiring together while the rest of the tribe idly messes up
camp for them to fix some more. Ambient Spirit and Gandalf seem to have also
striked a small bond, revealing to each other neither ar ethe culprits in
Ambient's missing floors. Meanwhile, JerMe, Shorah, and pixelot have yet to
show ANY appearence in this game, and everyone else is equally invisible.
Okay, so that's the story so far. Let's get to Nebewi's Tribal Council.

pixelot is scared that the rest of the tribe is gunning him, but he
mysteriously reveals he has something planned. The tribe wonders if JerMe
was eaten by a pack of wolves when they weren't looking, or a pack of hyenas
(they're not quite sure what continent they're on). Newsflash, Ambient still
doesn't know who deleted her floors. Maka is mad at the lack of
participation from the rest of the tribe. Joeman still believes, like an old
retired army general, that his tribe won the challenge, and that they're
still Comits in AW. ;) Everyone else, who really cares.

So, this is the first time EITHER tribe will know how Nebewi voted. I've
collected most of your votes (enough, at least), and I'll go tally the
results. Remember, the person with the most votes from the tribe will be the
first person kicked off the game. I'll go tally the votes...

First vote...JerMe...

Second vote...pixelot...

Third vote...pixelot...Two votes pixelot, one vote JerMe.

Fourth vote...Shorah...

Fifth vote...pixelot....3 votes pixelot, 1 vote Shorah and JerMe. One more
vote for pixelot and you'll be voted off the tribe.


The first person voted off NG Survivor 2.....

.....pixelot. *tense council music climax*

pixelot, please hand me your torch. I'm very sorry, but the tribe has
spoken. *extinguishes flame*

Okay, pixelot, please reply with your Final Words. :) Just
give us a paragraph or two on the game and anything else you want to talk
about regarding it, how you played, messages for your remaining castmates,
whatever. Unfortunately, I'd also post a little transcript on the
post-council interview if we had a live one this week, but maybe we'll start
it next week. :))

Survivors, write away in your diaries. :) I'll be in the mood to update
tommorow. :)

Up for this week, FLAMES, FLAMES, AND MORE FLAMES! :) And a very important
secret message.

So let's just get straight to the flames.

EVERYONE, from now on, every week, there will be a weekly web challenge.
Viewers of the first season will know what this is, but for those who don't,
a weekly web challenge is pretty much self explanatory. I give everyone an
url to a free online game and whoever wants to plays it for the week, trying
to get the highest score possible. When you get the highest score you can
get, or when you're just plain bored, take a printscreen or snapshot of your
score, and send the picture to me at nornny1 at The highest scorer
out of EVERYONE that plays will get a free AW tee-shirt. ::)) You don't have
to be a contestant to play, you just have to be willing to play it. :)

Survivors, however, are playing for more than that. This time around, each
web challenge will give the winning tribe more objects for their camp.

To the winning tribe this week, the camp will receive 6 pots, 1 flame, and 1
firewood. Okay, onto the game.

Log onto
me_1 and play the Toon Marooned: Protect the Fire. :) The highest scorer out
of everyone that plays will receive an AW tee shirt, AND get to pick which
tribe will get the prizes. If a contestant wins, the prizes go to his/her
tribe. :)

You have until THURSDAY to send me your screenshot. :) You can ONLY submit
ONE SCREENSHOT to me. If you send in more, I will only take your first score
that you submitted. Good luck survivors and non-survivors. :) And go protect
those flames!

The website will be updated with all the diaries up til this point, the
council results, this update, and much much more! So keep an eye out on it
within the next few hours. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[NG Survivor 2] 1st to go.../2nd week challenge

Jul 11, 2002, 12:03pm
Don't forget guys that the scores are due by the end of today if you want to
be in the running for that teeshirt. All you have to do is email me at
nornny1 at with a screenshot of your highest score you got. :)

[NG Survivor 2] 1st to go.../2nd week challenge

Jul 12, 2002, 11:22am
I was considering it, because the game was going to turn out much smaller
than expected (might've gone UK and started with only 12 players and such),
but thanks to Flagg, the game got a boost with his hopes of more community
involvement. :) So, it seemed fitting that community would be the bombing
area again of all these posts. lol. There seems to be more posters here,
more understanding (because I already did this once), and everyone keeps me
in check from posting every other day.

Plus, I will never forget one of my favorite flames by Eep. He said
something like, At least NG Survivor has a little bit to do with community
involvement, yours has nothing to do with it, twit. Words that I'll never
forget (even though I already did).

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

AWLD independent director vote results?

Jul 12, 2002, 11:13pm
Well, which way?

What is this, 5 down (*counts with fingers* Luc, Roland, Hammy, Rick, JP*)
If Flagg and Mountain Myst goes, it's a crowd.

I don't understand the full story at all, I hope to one day though. It's
like widdling the staff away. Why is everyone leaving, business-wise? I
think there's a lot of questions the SEC fails to answer. And can anyone
tell me who Judson and the other guy is? Judson sounds familiar, but do we
have any information or history on both of them? Maybe then we can find the
answer to where AW's going.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]


Jul 15, 2002, 10:10am
Well, paying AWI more would be nice, I guess. You're comparing David to
Goliath, really.

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to have all those features too, but if it's
going to happen, it's going to progress at a slow rate, and become outdated
again, I think. NWN probably has a million dollar budget, we're working with
a few hundred thousand? Purchasing licensing and new Renderware and stuff
don't come cheap, so I'm told. Also, we only have a handful of developers
and programmers at AWI, they have a whole company of them. Those two are
really working on two different bases too, NWN is a game that was released
after 5 or 10 year development. AW has been open since the begining, and
constantly updates itself, where as NWN can only go as far as add-ons that
cost more money. I say, give it time and money, and AW will be up there,

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote] >
> What can we, as paying users, do to get the folks in charge to CATCH A
> CLUE??? There's so much better value out there and it's so frustrating
> because I want to take us all on *THAT* merry-go-round.... I just hate
> feeling like I've put a ton of effort into something that's inevitably
> to be left in the dust... Aren't you all building worlds to have people
> visit your creation, to acknowledge that you've done an awesome job in
> giving them an experience that's special and meaningful and surprising
> they can't get anywhere else??
> Or am I just crazy here???

[NG Survivor 2] Recaplet.

Jul 20, 2002, 6:39pm
Hey guys, as you know, I've been away this week at a writing program at
Choate Rosemary Hall. Unfortunately, I haven't yet the time to set up the
newsgroup and go play along with the game. My laptop is so archaic, it can't
run AW (not enough memory and such). So for now, you're going to see me this
weekend, and not hear from me for another week. Yay!

Survivors, if you're going to start a diary thread, YOU MUST PUT THE [NG
SURVIVOR 2] HEADER on so that anyone who has NGS2 threads filtered don't see
it. Please keep it to one a week.

Now, I'm going to make a HUGE update on the website when I get back next
week, or at least start on it this weekend. The problem is, I have a matter
of 24 hours left before i head back to Choate. Here's a small recaplet on
what's going on, for everyone, survivors and all. A REAL BIG one will be on
the website next week.

First, just to update you on the schedule.

1) IF an immunity challenge, it will be at the last minute, and sometime
between now and tommorow afternoon VRT. It probably WON'T happen because I
have yet to do a reward challenge. :) There will NOT be a tribal council
either. This is the begining of your third week, starting now. The third
week will end sometime next weekend, with a Tribal Council.

Okay here's the shortest recap ever! Remember, you all are stupid, evil, and
entertaining, at least in the context of this game. :)

The tribes trash talk each other, badly. Even the innocent girls get into
the battle. Then, there's immunity challenge chaos, in which Robego wins
again in a chain message relay (sort of like interactive telephone game).
Nebewi gets mad and challenge the decision, Mongo is especially angry at his
stupidity. As the Nebewi tribe falls apart over another lost challenge,
Robego also have huge arguments on the layout of their camp. The next day,
Robego camp loses MANY valuable objects, and the camp is also vandalized.
The assumption is that the other camp had done the travesty. Mod gets
angered, and seeks revenge by doing the same childish thing to the other
side. At a live Tribal Council, 5 of the tribe's 7 appear to cast their vote
(Gandalf, Ambient, Mongo, Maka, JerMe). Shorah and Joeman are absent. The
tribe unanimously vote out Shorah, for his inactiveness ingame. The tribe
has spoken and Shorah's flame is extinguished. Nebewi gets much needed light
from their council flames also for attending council. Then, I left for
vacation and missed out on any more details. :) The OP is in the proccess of
being changed too, apparently. I'll catch up on that once I have more time.

I AM going to leave you with a reward challenge this week. This is NG
Survivor, so anything inworld is extra. :) It's going to be all about the
newsgroup for this week. Being three
weeks into this ordeal, you survivors and newsgroup readers have obviously
gotten very hungry. Well, this week, I have a treat for you all, Mancala
Snails! :) Yes, that's right, you're all going to eat Mancala Snails, and
the tribe that eats the most will win a reward. This week, you'll get some
much needed signs. I'll explain the prize later.

Anyone, as usual, is welcome to play. :) Log onto and find the Mancala Snails game. Play the
game on Regular mode, and make sure you win. Not only do you have to win,
you have to try to get the most snails in your jar. Whoever can get the most
snails in their jar (up to 25) will win a prize. If there's a tie, whoever
sends me their screenshot (to nornny1 at first will win. Remember,
everyone is playing for a teeshirt. Lioness e won the last challenge, you
could be next (or Lioness could win two)

For the contestants in the game, you will play it regular television
Survivor style, one-on-one. Each of you will be paired up against someone
against the other tribe randomly. You must compete against each other to try
to "eat" as much snails as possible. The winner will get a point for the
tribe. The tribe with the most point will win the reward challenge. Whoever
cares NOT to participate will hurt the tribe, just remember. If there's a
tie score, neither opponents will get a point. If there's a tied overall
score, the tribe with the most number of snails eaten will win. :) Here's
who you're competing against. Two of Nebewi's score will be counted twice,
since there are two extra members on Robego.

Maka vs Maki
Lioness vs Ambient
BinaryBud vs JerMe
Mod vs Gandalf
Gamecube vs Mongo
Joeman vs Dan
Eric vs Maka
Builderz vs Mongo

There we go, good luck tribes. :) I'll see you next week, behave now. :) The
website will be updated little by little over these 24 hours, but this norn
has to party. ;) Play wisely and smart now, the game's about to get more
intense than it already is by the end of week 3. Gain your trusts, secure
your alliances, and plan your backstabbing. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[NG Survivor 2] So much news, so little time...

Jul 28, 2002, 5:49pm

Well, I'm back from summer camp, if you call it that, and it's time to get
back into the fold of Survivor. The month of August is going to be some of
the most intense Survivor gameplay, so be prepared, everyone. :)

Now, just for good karma, I'm going to do things in a weird order. Let's
start off with production notes. Over the course of this week, the website
will be humongously updated with news and such. Some diary entires might
possibly be lost or not put up if written between the two weeks that I was
gone. Expect the Tribal Council results, and updated Survivor profiles as
well as this huge summary. I am also begining very early the official
Survivor movie, which would be the opening theme. It will be finished after
the game is over (maybe a few weeks earlier, I don't know). If any of you
survivors want to send in random candid shots of yourself in NGS2002, please
feel free to email me. I can also take avi, mpeg, and other movies you make
with Camtasia or Snagit also, so feel free to get out those programs if you
have them. I'm not a good cameraman, and my computer isn't a good camera.
lol. For those who want to relive Season 1, I'll scrounge up the original
movie and upload it also. :) NGS2002 has also been sorta updated with a new
OP. You'll notice the textures on the ground are now different, we're still
working on that and getting NGS objects and avatars back in there. :) Bear
with us, the building crew only consists of one norn and a coffee mug the
size of Alaska. And the norn has been taking a lot of lunch breaks lately.

Done with production meeting, let's get to recapping.

For those who have lost track of NG Survivor timetable, we are in the middle
of Week 3 still. :) I COULD give you a giant recap with discriminating chat
logs that I don't have right now, but I'll leave a lot of it to the
contestants to write about. For once, I'll let them use their own summaries
to their advantage. But first, let's finish Week Two.

As you know, Robego tribe, still eight members strong, controversially won
the Relay Telephone Challenge. Mongo was mad, Eric was blamed. Robego
rejoices, Nebewi falls apart, torn by anger and sensitivity. Threats of camp
sabotage spill out almost immediately as a war of words ensues shortly after
my verdict. I blame this sort of on my awful production skills, but hey, if
the first cast lived, why not this one? Nebewi learns a new lesson on
cheating, while Robego members question the dirty play they are accused of
doing. Even more trivial, camp problems arrive shortly after Robego's
victory. Lioness and maki get mad at the fact the the contestants are not
living under one roof, but eight. After a heated debate, the camp gets
joined together and now Robego members sleep side by smelly-avatar side.
Whatever works, I guess.

Nebewi thinks of their actions, and leave to their usual post-losing
solitude, as they ponder who to go next. Gandalf is set on who he wants to
go, the others express little concern also. So it's up to tribal council
plateau, live. :) Mongo, JerMe, Gandalf, Ambient, and Maka were online to
make the trip. Joeman and Shorah are absent. Since they didn't submit a
vote, if a majority is not reached between the five, their votes will be

When asked how the tribe is doing, Ambient feels that everyone's getting
along fine, but it's a pity some members are not as active as others. JerMe
doesn't feel his first week's absence affected his standing in the tribe
much. When asked if there was any alliances, Gandalf admits "That's between
me and my alliances."
Now, let's tally the votes.

First vote Shorah...


Shorah...3 votes Shorah


Shorah, if you'll hand me your torch. The tribe has spoken. *extinguishes
fire as tense council music climaxes* Please exit off the cliff and leave us
with your FINAL WORDS!!! PLEASE!!! :) I'm still waiting on pixelot's too

The next day, Robego's night of campbuilding is for nothing when they wake
up to missing objects and porn on their flag. Mod is especially angered and
sets a new level of rivalry, also vandalizing Nebewi camp. To my knowledge,
all this object tossing has been going on constantly while I was gone,
although I don't have the chat logs to prove it. However, rest assured that
this is not a production stunt, the objects and their destruction have only
been caused by the remaining 14 contestants.

Next up on the list, the Reward Challenge. :) Survivors are playing for a
special package of signs and pict objects for communication. And here are
the results of the Snail Eating Contest. I am counting how many snails you
got IN THE JAR. gross...

Maka ate 25 snails while maki ate 26. maki wins, 1 point Robego.

Ambient ate 27 snails while Lioness refused to eat any. Ambie wins, 1 point

BinaryBud ate 28, JerMe ate none. Binary wins, 2 points Robego.

Mod and Gandalf both ate no snails. No points awarded. It's still 2-1

Gamecube ate NO snails also, but Mongo ate 24. Mongo wins, the score is

Joeman ate a whopping 29 snails, while D a n ate no snails. 3 points Nebewi.

Eric ate no snails, Maka ate 25. 4 points Nebewi.

Finally, Builderz ate 25 snails, while Mongo ate 24. Builderz win and get a
point for Robego.

Unfortunately, Robego still loses the reward challenge, and Nebewi finally
wins their first web challenge. :) Yay!! You will be receiving your signs
soon. Also, Joeman submitted the highest score, and also wins a free AW
Tee-shirt. :) I'll talk to you later about that, Joe. :)

Okay, just as victory is announced, another surprise occurs for Nebewi, and
a tragic one at that. Maka has resigned from the game, and from AW. Maka,
you're welcome to share one last diary, but here are Maka's Final Words:

"Well, it was a good, fights, sabotage...heck it was all ina days
work for Nornny ;O)...but both Tribes, watch for Joeman...he's trying to
double time both me"

What will these new revelations and quiet exit mean for Nebewi AND Robego?
Will tribes fall apart in distrust or fall apart in extreme discomfort? Will
new alliances have to form as the game moves ahead one week faster?We'll
see. For the contestants in the game, 5 from Nebewi (Ambient Spirit, Joeman,
Gandalf, JerMe, and Mongo) and 8 in Robego (BinaryBud, Mod, Eric, D a n,
Lioness, maki, Builderz, and Gamecube), chances of winning The Million
Dollar Prize has gone from 1 in 14 to 1 in 13.

And a new Immunity Challenge awaits all survivors on Wednesday, time TBA. :)
On the 1st of August at 5pm VRT (tenative), Tribal Council will occur for
one unfortunate tribe. And then, on Week 4, a twist, and don't think you're
going to find out what it is by watching Seasons 3 and 4 of CBS' Survivor.
:) Will Nebewi finally pull through and take out a Robego member? If so,
which one of the 8 will it be? Or will Robego bounce back into their streak
and shrink Nebewi into 4? Is Joeman in danger now? Are the AWTeeners getting
too lazy? In two and a half weeks of gameplay, a lot has already happened,
but there's PLENTY more to come as August heats up your newsgroup reader.
Stay tuned.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[NG Survivor 2] We're still alive, at least 12 of us are..

Aug 4, 2002, 6:04pm

Yes, it's time for another weekend update to the happenings of NG Survivor

Things were pretty quiet around camp as we finished off a VERY LONG third
week. Both tribes were barely noticeable on the World map, as campsites
looked more like devastated pieces of nothing, and this is AFTER we got the
OP 80% back. :) The diminishing Nebewi tribe all but vanished except for one
fragile Ambient Spirit still hoping to get a 3dtree to grow from the piles
of salted dirt given to her. Lioness and maki have random discussions on how
they've given up on the game. Mod flies around like a vulture looking for
any piece of dead avatar carcus to feed his tribe of cranky eight. But in
actuality, D a n, Gamecube, and Eric have barely made cameo appearences
inworld. Could he young'uns be so confident in their place in the game that
they don't even have to show up? Or are they just lazy teenagers? What

But somewhere in the midst of it all, an Immunity Challenge came up. And boy
were these survivors enthusiastic. :) It's partially my fault since it was
last minute, and thanks to that, a record number of 2 contestants showed up
for my best challenge yet. :) Here's a recap:

The challenge was called Tribal Feud. It's pretty much a simplified version
of Family Feud. For Robego's maki and Nebewi's Ambient Spirit, who didn't
know what Family Feud was, I explained to them the rules. A survey question
was given to 200 people, and Ambie and maki were supposed to guess the top 6
answers. The team (or in this case, contestant) that gets the last answer
wins the game. You keep on guessing until you get a wrong guess. In which
case, you get a Strike, and the other team gets to answer. Three strikes and
you lose. The question was "What do people chew on when they get nervous?"
Ambient clicked the cup first and got to guess first. She correctly guessed
one of the six answers, and chose to go again instead of pass her turn to
maki. Remember, it's not who gets the most answers, it's who gets the last
answer, kinda like Pool. Ambient continued, and finally struck out once.
maki guessed two more answers until he struck out. maki nearly lost it for
Robego when he was pressured to forfeit because he had to go afk. But, being
a team player, he continued on for Robego. Ambient again struck out, and
then maki. Ambient had only one chance to get the last two answers, she
could not guess incorrectly or else would've lost the challenge. And that's
exactly what she did, losing Tribal Feud and sending Nebewi off to their
third Tribal Council. :( maki wins for Robego.

So let's fast forward to Tribal Council night. With only five left in
Nebewi, this Council was going to get heated. A four-member alliance seemed
to be forming, and Joeman looked like he was up in the chopping block.
Joeman has managed to not submit his votes for the last two Tribal Council,
and voted against this supposed alliance in the first week. His day looks
outnumbered. However, he gave his Nebewi tribe a much needed boost by
helping win the tribe's first reward challenge. Will that be enough?

However, Ambient Spirit is the big player this week, as her appearence at
this week's Immunity Challenge gives her a double-edged sword. Will she be
the first to break the alliance and vote against equally inactive members
Gandalf, JerMe and Mongo? The three boys equally have close ties to each
other. Only Gandalf and Mongo have shown any public comradery towards Ambie.
However, they also can equally stab Ambient in the back for her loss.

And what about JerMe? He missed quite a first week, and would be next up on
the scale of inactivity. Are first impressions stronger than current
impressions? Are they the same thing to the tribe? JerMe missed out on the
recent reward challenge also.

And so has that magical wizard Gandalf, who overall, is just as lazy as the
tribemates before him. Is he just a pawn ready to be wasted? The other
members seem more valuable at this point, and this inactive AWTeener might
just be ready to be booted from his pack.

Well, I'll tally the votes...

First vote...Joeman.


Third vote, Joeman. I do not read the rest of the votes, Joeman, will you
please hand me your torch. I'm sorry, but the tribe has spoken.
*extinguishes flame* *climax tribal council music* Joeman, if you'll please
reply to this thread with your Final Words, I will psot them on your
survivor profile. And there you have it, another shocking loss, and a
clear-cut voting alliance is formed.

Now, onto next week's events. On Wednesday, a twist of a lifetime is going
to occur in this game, leaving camps, tribes, and contestants in a rush to
re-strategize. Yes, it's going to be a switch, but it's none like you've
ever seen in Survivors past. You'll have to watch and see. Will the Nebewi
Alliance stay strong, or be broken apart? And what about invincible Robego?
Will this switch end their winning streak? WIll in-fighting lead to a
surprise castoff? Stay tuned.

And make sure you keep checking the website, Let us hear your opinion on the
weekly NGS poll! See how the tribe got to casting off their own. Read the
survivor profiles and rate their popularity each week. And most importantly,
keep tuned as a myriad of Survivor twists are going to occur in the month of
August. Things are just heating up. 12 castaways, 12 weeks, 1 Ultimate
Survivor. Outwit, Outflame, and outlast, folks. :))

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[NG Survivor 2] We're still alive, at least 12 of us are..

Aug 6, 2002, 2:30pm
Here's a mini-clip of the chat log that I manipulated that fact from. :)

15:54:36 Lioness1: ticks me off
15:54:36 maki: like usual *sigh* I dont really care because this game is a
load of shit ;)) I'm sickof all the crap people are doing and I'm sick of
trying to figure out who's doing what when and's stupid
15:54:46 Lioness1: i agree

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

Another AW employee gone!

Aug 5, 2002, 10:29pm
lol, don't jinx it.

Is it just to torture and belittle us even more, or did Eep just not see
this fuming hotbed of flames to contribute his kind words to?

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] It's a flaming hotbed out there...

Aug 7, 2002, 9:51pm
I told you things would heat up in the newsgroup. ;) And for our 12 Survivor
contestants, they're being burnt to a crisp! So, take some time out from
flaming all the stupid people out there (including yourself) for a maelstrom
of Survivor surprises. The game has changed, and so have our castaways.

First, let's recap the first month in NG Survivor, with never-before-seen
footage. :) The game started off with QUITE a bang. The players congregrated
on the "Landing Pad" of the tropically barren world of NGS2002. Few knew
each other really well, most were complete strangers to each other, some
were even past enemies in flame wars. Others were quiet lurkers, who knew
the big posters in and out, at least in the newsgroup. There were AW oldies
and AW newbies. And with this distinctively different and overly eclectic
cast of 16, they would have to build together, commune together, and then
backstab each other to get to the top. As the discs changed colored, and the
six people on each tribe were determined, four were left out in the open. D
a n didn't hesitate to take maki under Robego's wings. The girls were left
to be last pickings. Was it because of their supposed weakness or supposed
strengths? Joeman from Nebewi was left with the final decision, and chose a
bright-eyed Ambient Spirit as opposed to an absent Lioness.

The game was officially underway, and the tribes at first got along well.
The girls made their strengths known in the tribe, and things were slow, but
cheery. A small pact turned into a full blown alliance between Ambient
Spirit, Gandalf, Maka, and Mongo in the darkest depths of night. And then
came the first challenge, the traditional Light The Torch. It took one unlit
torch to send Nebewi to unlight another one of their torches at Tribal
Council. It would set off a string of visits to come that would end three
lives to the Nebewi Alliance. Quiet and vanished pixelot was the first to

And it was the second week that the game blew up. Robego came to dominate
all challenges, reward or immunity. A confusing, tense, and laggy relay race
took all the energy out of the survivors, and things got desperate. Eric
from Robego, and Mongo from Nebewi were neck and neck, when Mongo flew up
too far, too forward. Eric wasted no time in getting his message, but
deleted the sign Mongo needed to see, leaving Nebewi helpless, incapable of
winning the race. maki climbed up to the waterfall and won Robego's third
consecutive challenge.

Eruption soon followed, as Nebewi tried to deal with the harsh reality of NG
Survivor, that cheating is neccessary to survive. An angry Mongo exclaimed
he was finished with the game, and begged his tribe to vote against him.
Robego fared well through all of Nebewi's insults, but they couldn't hold
together back at camp. Disputes started on how camp should be laid out.
Things looked bleak for both tribes, but the five Nebewi alliance members,
including Mongo, held their heads high and marched up to a live Tribal
Council. Gandalf admitted an alliance had formed, Ambient explained it was
the absent she would gun for, and in the end, pixelot's pick back at the
discs, Shorah, would join pixelot in the castoff circle.

At the break of day, Robego was aghast at their campsite. It was destroyed,
items deleted, and things moved around and changed. A just renovated
campsite the night before had become a dump. And Nebewi was the prime
suspect. Nebewi came back later that day of hunting and gardening to an
equally destroyed camp, and the game was on. This war of objects benefited
no one, but continued on through the week, until both camps were barren, and
the few personal belongings tribes had left, were hidden and scattered

Maka, tired with his tribe, the game, and Activeworlds, resigned suddenly
from the game. Morale in Nebewi dropped of the cliff of Council Plateau.

With survivors already exhausted on the third week, an almost worthless
immunity challenge came up, and Ambient and maki were there to represent
their tribes. maki took another lucky and close win for Robego, and Nebewi
made the familiar steps to vote off another member. Joeman was dealt a cruel
blow, after winning Nebewi's first challenge just a few days before was
voted off unanimously. Even Ambient Spirit, who owed her position in the
tribe to Joeman picking her the first day couldn't vote against the

With that said, 12 survivors remained. Robego's tribe of 8 continued to have
major problems, camp-wise. BinaryBud, thoroughly frustrated, said "well i
quit building cause everyone was in charge and deleteing everything i built
so i just said screw it......i am in here most every day in the daytime and
no one is here....but yet when they show up they take over and make it what
they want" Lioness and maki continued to be the harshest subjects of my
updates, while the other 5 members were barely present for me to make fun

Nebewi, as it grows smaller, began to grow stronger. The four strongest and
most active players remained in the game.

But, all of that changed, as my scheduled Twist shook the tribes apart. It
was a switch like none others. The survivors gathered all back to where they
first landed a month before. They were instructed that they would have two
minutes to gather any belongings back at camp and drag them over to gz. A
small Nebewi, with only two members (mongo and ambi), brought back two
torches and a tent. A larger Robego also brought back torches, a crate, a
pot, and Builderz hard drive among others. Everything else at camp would be
deleted. Mod and Ambient panicked when they realized they would lose their
luxury items that they had hidden underground and weren't able to salvage
because of no flying or shifting. But, in my niceness, I offered to save
anything underground. This is because after the switch, the campsites would
be moved to different areas inworld. Why you ask? Read on.

The tribe was asked to select one person to stay on their mats. maki
selfishly chose himself to stay. Ambient and Mongo came to the conclusion
that Mongo would stay. Both would remain in their tribe. At the Landing Area
is a man-made room, with 10 doors. The remaining 10 contestants each picked
a door and entered.

maki was asked to pick three numbers between one and ten. He picked 1, 3,
and 6. Those numbers corresponded to the numbered doors inside the room.
Doors 1, 3, and 6 opened and out came Builderz, Binary, and JerMe. Robego,
once a tribe of 8, whittled down to 4, and got one new member, JerMe. Is
JerMe odd man out? Was he safe in Nebewi in the first place? Whether this is
good for JerMe is still unknown. Does Builderz, Binary, and maki have much
in common? maki is most likely the one changing Binary's builds, and
Builderz only shows up to challenges, and contributes little then. Can
Robego last until the merge?

And then there were 7. Mongo was asked to pick 3 more numbers. He chose 2,
4, and 8, and out came Eric, Mod, and Lioness. This is the new Nebewi Tribe,
still the same in numbers, just different personalities. Mongo is also
automatically outcasted as the only original Nebewi member in the new
Nebewi. Lioness is also separated from her confidante and closest Survivor
friend, maki. Will Mod and Eric, the two AWTeeners pick out Mongo and
Lioness? Or will Mongo and Lioness join together and fight back? Who will
win this power struggle? Will there even be a power struggle?

Once again, Ambient is discouraged she is last to be picked. Gandalf,
Gamecube, and D a n also are left behind. But this time, they're not going
to get picked. The doors opened from behind and they stepped onto a grey
mat. I told them they would form a third tribe, Tiveac. The tribe is named
after the word Active, since I ran out of degrading tribal names. It's
represented by a crazy loose guy who can't dance, much like Rick or JP. :)
Their camp will be the future merger camp, and comes pre-equipped with many
camp supplies, since they lost all their belongings. Robego and Nebewi will
only get the handful of items that the old tribe managed to salvage in two
minutes to bring with them. Nebewi gets a pack of signs and pictures that
they won in last week's reward challenge. Mod is happy he didn't have to do
anything to get those. Everyone else is quite disappointed, especially
Ambient, who worked hard to help Nebewi win. However, she hopes her new
Tiveac camp objects will make up for it.

And so, until the merge (which won't occur at 10), these three tribes will
live isolated from their opponents, and compete for ONE immunity. For the
tribe that finishes first, they are safe for one more week. For the tribe
that comes in last, they will face a Tribal Council to diminish their
already tiny tribe. What about the second place tribe? They don't get away
scotch free. They'll have to log onto the website and fill out one of my
nasty surveys. :) Questions range from "Who do you hate the most" to "Who
are you in an alliance with". Although survivors don't have to answer
honestly, they HAVE to answer. :) Those answers will be published in future
overly long newsgroup updates. :))

But there's something more devastating in my nasty survey. The last question
will always be "Who would you vote for right now to leave the tribe?"
Whoever the castaways pick, the victim will receive a vote. Although no one
on the tribe will leave the game from this, at future Tribal Councils, the
votes they receive from the surveys count as previous votes cast toward them
and could ultimately seal their fate later on.


While everyone is getting acquanted, let's throw in a reward challenge and
see how these three tribes handle the new pressure. With only 4 members
each, participation is crucial to win much needed supplies and least
importantly, a tee-shirt. :)

But to get the supplies, they'll have to cross Survivor River and make it
there alive. How? Log onto and get
to the Games section. :) When you're there, find River Cross, and as usual,
get the highest score possible and email it to me as an attachment or url.
Scores are due by Saturday, and you only get one chance, remember. :) The
tribe with the highest cumulative score will win supplies for camp. And what
are these supplies? Well, the winning tribe gets to pick. :) They'll be
given 30, that's right, 30 items, and they can choose whatever they want in
the OP. If they choose right, they'll have a huge advantage over the other
tribes, if not, they'll have diddlysquat. So get into those Object Yards. :)
Anyone can play, btw, not just the contestants, and the highest scorer
submitted to me at nornny1 at will receive a free AW tee-shirt,
compliments of Flagg and the fine folks at AWI. :)

Exciting eh? Well, you'll have to keep a lookout on these newsgroups then,
because the flames of NG Survivor 2 never die down. :) There's more twists
around the corner for August, especially in the merger, so keep a lookout.
And let's see what these Survivors have to say now as I foil their plans
once again. This game doesn't let up, does it?

Check the website in the coming days for updates, new contestant pages, and
so forth. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[NG Survivor 2] Mid Week Update

Aug 13, 2002, 5:00pm

Sorry for the high frequency of posts this week, timing has been off lately.
But I'm sure you all have been up in airs about our surviving posters
lately. ;)

It's been quite a re-energizing week for our survivors as the Switch brings
some new life and new chances for the contestants. One of those
oppurtunities has been building up a new camp. For many of our remaining
survivors, camp has been the lifeblood of their game; an oppurtunity to live
like Swiss Family Robinson, a chance to manipulate the other tribemates, or
a chance to sabotage.

After the tribal wars of last month, our survivors now seem to have settled
unspokenly that deletions don't benefit anyone, especially themselves. But
that doesn't mean past mistakes will be forgotten, because in this harsh
newsgroup, they rarely ever are. For Robego and Nebewi camps, personal
belongings are rare. Robego's camp is equipped with 2 or 3 objects salvaged
before the switch. Nebewi also has scarce objects, except for a handful of
signs and pictures won in the last Reward Challenge. The lucky or
not-so-lucky four on Tiveac has a myriad of fresh new supplies for camp,
including tents, sleeping bags, crates, poles, and floors for each of the
tribemates. However, they must keep a good handle on their objects, as it
must last until the end of the game. The merged tribe later on in the game
will call Tiveac's campsite home, and those objects must feed the remaining
dwndling survivors. No new objects will be given out after the merge
(without a price).

Our ever-so-sunshiny gardener, Ambient, wasted no time in replanting her
flowers and decorating Tiveac. She's even experimenting with new plants and
flora found throughout the world for better effect.

Lioness too, has tried to become a happy gardener, finding that her location
near Council Plateau provides good shade and shelter for Nebewi.

The boys have been busy in the newsgroup, battling it out for top scores for
the Reward Challenge. So let's talk about that. :)

The reward challenge asked the survivors to cross the dangerous Newsgroup
River, and collect as many points as possible along the way. The tribe that
can collect the most points will receive an ever important supply of 30
objects, their choice. For Nebewi and Robego, this means taking their
stripped down camp and tranforming into what could be an oasis, if they
choose right.

The game started out slow and low, with only 1000-2000 points between the
first few submitters. But as the newsgroup posts got going, so did the
scores. Lioness' proud 5,000 points in only two levels proved to be quite a
spark for some to go better and beyond, and a hopeless feat for others. Many
survivors were afraid to cross the river, and didn't participate. How will
this affect the tribes? At a time when participation on web challenges are
of UTTERMOST importance, will this lack of even scrounging up a hundred
points hurt a contestant at Tribal Council? Or have the alliances dealt
their cards already? Let's see the scores, in order that I received them.

Builderz and BinaryBud started the challenge off by earning 2230 and 2033
points respectively for Robego. JerMe pressed in an even more impressive
4650 points for the tribe, securing his strength and dedication to his new

Hours in front of the garden didn't benefit Ambie much, as she raked in a
low 1385 points for Tiveac. But with all the objects Tiveac has, do they
need to try?

Lioness started Nebewi's scores by putting in a really high 5328. Mongo
added a whopping 4143 points also, putting Nebewi and Robego neck and neck.

maki, feeling the pressure, bravely put out 7534 points for Robego. Eric
countered with an equally high 7304 points for Nebewi.

And finally, Gandalf added an unimpressive 2210 points to Tiveac's
almost-empty point box.

Gamecube and D a n, maybe out of laziness, or out of confidence, did not
cross the river. Do the former-Robego members have something that the
former-Nebewi members of Tiveac don't so they don't have to do challenges?
Was this sabotage or strategy? A vacationing Mod also didn't participate.
Could his untimely vacation plans cost Nebewi a challenge? Can Nebewi take
two reward challenges in a row? Or will Robego add one of their most
important victories to their list of wins? I'll tally the score.

In third place...

Obviously, Tiveac, with 3595 points total.

In second place, with only 328 points separating the victor and foiled...


....It's close folks, or else, I wouldn't be having such a large dramatic

Second place goes to Robego.

What a shocker! Unfortunately, BinaryBud and Builderz were quick to start
the punching and couldn't collectively rack up what could've been an easy
victory with a lazy third tribe and only a three-active-members tribe. So,
the newly formed Nebewi tribe wins 30 objects of their choice, so long as
its in the OP. :)

Nebewi members, I want a reply to this post by one of you four with a list
of the 30 objects you'd like. You can have 30 unique objects, or have more
than one object. But EVERY object counts as one, you don't get more than 30.
Please reply to this list by Friday, or else you give up your prizes. :)

However, maki wins a tee-shirt this week! :) I'll be telegramming you soon
maki for more information. :)

That's all for today. :) Join us on Thursday, in the world NGS2002, for the
first Immunity Challenge under these new tribes at 10pm VRT (time subject to
change). Which tribes will fall apart? Which one will pull off another
Robego and dominate until the merge? WHO will be the Ultimate Survivor?
We'll answer two of these questions by the end of the week. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[NG Survivor 2] Mid Week Update

Aug 14, 2002, 12:56am
Ahh! Oopsy daisy. lol. When I say to email me the url, it usually means that
I've forgotten to check my tgrams. lol. In which case, let me re-calculate
the scores. Sorry bout that Mod. My master plan is foiled again!

Mod received a score of 9559, giving Nebewi a HUGE win as opposed to a close
one. lol.

What this does change is who will recieve a tee-shirt, which will obviously
be Mod. :) I'll send you more information soon. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] Drawing the lines...

Aug 19, 2002, 10:42am

Ahh, the sweet smell of NGS2002 on a hazy, muggy summer's/winter's day.

Our survivors are suffering along in tremendous strides. As the switched
tribes are slowly settling in, things are going back to the regular
annoying, angry, fighty, flame-filled fun we all know and love. So, let's
recap the week's events. Unfortunately, our contestants are getting much
much sneakier when discussing politics now inworld, so there's not a LOT of
material. Gamecube and D a n would be facing the repurcussions of losing the
Reward Challenge for Tiveac, which would've given the tribe more than enough
supplies for camp, if they were ever inworld.

Nebewi put their heads together and came up with a variety of objects for
camp from the 3d object homepages. Such things include a giant tent to fit
all 4 tribemates, a well, fireplace, baskets, jugs, a lean-to, water
supplies, and even a cabin. They seem to have wasted many of their objects
on plants, which they were already allowed to use in the first place. Of
course, out of the 30 possible objects they could've had, they only used 16.
Was this intentional and if so, a smart move? Either way, this puts Nebewi
almost at equal camp supplies as Tiveac, and puts the two tribes WAY ahead
of a deserted Robego.

As I'm at a lost for a segue, let's go to Immunity Challenge night. I turned
the lights off, brought up the moon, and lit some torches. The first
Immunity is always very important, and it was mandatory that at least one
survivor from each of the three tribes attend, or else an absent tribe will
automatically face Tribal Council. Ambient was ready to stay up past 3 in
the morning her time to fight for survival, but a illness caught in the
harsh and humid jungles kept her sleeping through the night. For this first
time, Ambie depended on her other tribemates, Gamecube and D a n. Gandalf
wasn't also about to wake up in 3 in the morning for a challenge (what a
lack of commitment). Unfortunately, Gamecube and D a n pulled a second
no-show for the week, and Tiveac forfeits the game and heads towards council
before the challenge even begins. Ambie and Gandalf just can't catch a break
these days when it comes to winning challenges.

Four people did show up for one of my best planned and constructed
challenges yet (I say this every week, but for now, i mean it, read on).
maki and Builderz showed up for Robego, Mongo and Mod showed up for Nebewi.
Flying, shifting, ED, and teleporting had been turned off. Avatar collision
had been enabled. I walked the survivors up to Tribal Council Plateau, to a
high cliff hanging above a giant waterfall and the NGS2002 rapids. In front
of the survivors was a twisted, rigid, poorly put-together course of wooden
poles. A wacky race in other words for those AWTeeners. Each tribe had their
own course, exactly the same amount of turns, dips, rises, and poles, but
not identical to their competitors. At the end, past the river, over the
valley to the other side of the hills, was the tribe's platform with a torch
that the contestant must click to finalize they've reached it. The course
was barely visible in the dark of night, only a few torches provided light
along the way. If a contestant fell walking on the skinny poles, they would
be warped back to the begining and have to start all over. The course was
also filled with booby traps, invisible poles, and intersections with the
other tribe's course. There are also buttons along the course in which
contestants can click for a bot to announce to everyone their position on
the race. This can be used to psyche out opponets and make then walk faster
then they should and such. When both contestants from a tribe reached the
platform, only then will that tribe be granted immunity. It's a challenge of
wits, patience, balance, and speed. The losing tribe
will face Tribal Reckoning (I'll explain later down).

The race was on, and falls were a plenty. It took our four competitors a few

dozen tries before they could even get past the first few legs of their
course. However, Mod, an AWTeener and experienced Wacky Racer, soon pulled
straight out of the pack and ran straight to his platform in record time.
Nebewi had taken the lead. However, he left a left-handed first-timer, Mongo
behind him. Mongo continually struggled, and moved at a snail's pace at
fastest. He screamed for help in locating the invisible poles in one part of
the race, but Mod was of no help. Mongo continually fell and fell. Builderz
and maki, meanwhile, followed each other, and even fell with sychronization.
Builderz, however, reached the last leg of the race, at one point, but fell
off only meters away from his platform. Mod, meanwhile, clicked on the
closest button and flooded the chat to distract the increasingly approaching
Robego tribe. The race got close, then far, then close again, with too many
shifts of leads to describe. Eventually, maki had reached his platform,
leaving Builderz and Mongo in a race for the finish line. Builderz at first
had fallen, while Mongo was halfway through the course taking his time. But
with Builderz quick speed, he eventually caught up, and Mongo quickly
matched his pace. The race went neck and neck and both maki and Mod were
very tense. It came to the last stretch, a straight line of dips and rises
that looks easy enough, but can cost our contestants a deadly mistake if
they run too fast. It was Builderz who took a daring chance and pulled ahead
of Mongo and joined maki in the Robego platform first, leaving Robego still
defeatless. Nebewi faces Tribal Reckoning.

So, let's talk about Reckoning. :) For the unfortunate tribe that loses, the
members must go to the NG Survivor site and fill out a survey form. It's
really quite simple, it's the questions that are difficult to answer. Those
answers are then sent in to me, and then I give YOU, the loyal reader (all 2
of you), all the juicy details. This is the time for you all to see how the
tribe wants you to believe they're doing. Survivors are welcome to lie and
whatever, as long as they answer the questions correctly and fully. Can you
spot the sneakiest of the bunch, the next Ultimate Survivor in the making,
the one about to be picked off? The Reckoning is very valuable. Also, the
last question to each survey is who the contestant would vote off the tribe
right now if they were at Council. Those votes will not cast off anyone, but
it WILL count as previous votes toward a survivor if there's a tie at a real
Tribal Council. If a contestant does not fill out a form and manages to
dodge my constant berading, the answer to the last question will
automatically be casted against the absentee.

So, this week, Nebewi are our second place winners, and they are forced to
spill their guts. Let's start off with the first question.

Nebewi was asked to describe their other three tribemates in any fashion.
Mod tells us Eric is a "good long time friend, have worked with him for
about a year now." This seems to insinuate an AWTeen alliance. Eric was not
so friendly, saying about Mod, "He's okay, kinda crazy though." Mongo, the
only former and present Nebewi member, said that Mod "spends WAY too much
time practicing useless feats in the AW browser. I think I remember someone
saying he's surgically attached to his puter." Take that ANY way you want.

How about Mod's "friend" Eric? Mongo isn't happy. "I KNOW this guy sabotaged
one of my immunity challenges. I don't know if I can trust him. : ) " Oooh,
this should be interesting.

And what do we all think of our favorite femme-fatale, Lioness? "A real
saucy dish, I'd really like to -- err, nevermind," said Mongo. Is there a
chance for hookup? Not likely, we're talking to a Mrs. Lioness here. :) But
kudos for having the right frame of mind. Eric said "Great help and fun
tribemate." Mod has more useful words on the Lion. "Very Hard worker, good
to get along with, sometimes tries a bit too hard though" Is that a hint of
annoyance I'm sensing?

And lastly, our good Nebewi friend, Mongo. "Please forgive me? =/" was what
an apologetic Eric said. "never really got to know mongo, seems nice.
Terrible at wacky races," Mod said. Could Mongo's poor performance be his
downfall, or just that he's against 3 ex-Robego?

How's the tribe as a whole? "I believe that Newbei is a strong tribe with
Active members and will go far," Mod said typo-ingly. Apparently, he thinks
second place is far enough. ;) All Mongo could say was "We have a good
crew." Eric admitted "I'm impartial really."

Now here's the good part. Who's the weakest and strongest person on the
tribe? Eric said himself. He also said he was the strongest member. What
effort. Mongo agrees that Eric is the weakest, he feels he is the strongest.
A bit conceited, are we? I like. Mod feels Mongo is in fact the weakest one,
and his pal, Lioness is the strongest. Well, at least someone makes sense.

So let's talk pacts and alliances. Were there any that were broken with the
switch? Three of the four were in fact in an eight-strong tribe. But were
they prepared should they lose? Was Mongo in the Nebewi alliance? Mod
answered candidly, admitting a pact was made between himself and maki. Is
Mod odd man out now without his partner in crime, or was Lioness and Eric in
it too? Mongo chose not to answer this question, naughty. Eric said he was
in an alliance with only himself. Ouch, I should unlight his torch to save
the trouble.

And where do pacts stand now in this new tribe? No one answered this one
with any avail, either saying all four are part of an alliance (stupid
stupid) or they have no alliances (equally stupid).

Now, if we were at Tribal Council, how would Nebewi vote? Eric votes for
himself. Mongo votes for Eric. Mod votes for Mongo. Because
Lioness did not fill out the form, she also votes for

That's 2 votes Eric, 1 vote Mongo, 1 vote Lioness. Keep track of your votes,
Nebewi! You'll most likely need them in the future.

Now, speaking of a REAL Tribal Council, let's head over to Tribal Council
Plateau and join Tiveac. The third tribe formed from the leftovers now must
face a tough Council. With only four members, the tribe MUST choose
carefully, and the odds of being out is bigger than ever. Something unique
with Tiveac is that it holds two ex-nebewi, and two ex-Robego. Could former
tribal lines still be in effect? Or will new pacts and thoughts leave
someone out in the cold? Ambient and Gandalf have a close relationship, but
not one of the closest. Gamecube and D a n have always been associated
together as the Absentees of most events. Maybe they share a bond while not
doing challenges? :) Because D a n had to leave for a week, votes were done
through telegram.

Ambient said "I hate doing this :( My vote goes to...for no other reason
cept he is the only member I do not know yet ;("

The hygenic Gandalf said "...because he smells"

So, I'll go tally the votes.

Remember, the decision is final, the person will be kicked off a cliff and
have NO chance of winning the world.

1st vote...

D a n.

Second vote. D a n. That's two votes D a n.

Third vote....


Gamecube. That's two for D a n, one for Gamecube.

Last vote...

D a n.

*tribal music climaxes* I'm sorry D a n, but the tribe has spoken.
*extinguishes flame* Please leave the game, and reply to this thread with
your Final Words. You can write about anything, to anyone. Make it good.

And like that, it's over for our good man, D a n. I'll leave you all to
ponder this hard decision and if it was the best one. Check the website for
this update, featuring tons of pics from the Immunity Challenge, and how
Tiveac voted D a n to his doom.

Anyways, while we're running with the bulls, let's get to our next Reward
Challenge. Remember folks, anyone can play! :) And people DO play, so don't
be shy, submit a score with your name, you might even be mentioned in the
next update post (I tend to mention everything anyways).

Anyways, you survivors look like you're living on skin and bones here.
Luckily, I've unleashed a herd of wild deer into the universe for you to
shoot at. ;) Oh, but this IS NG Survivor, and you won't be able to eat them.
HAHA, and you thought I had a moment of niceness there.

Okay, here's the lowdown. Log onto, I'm sure you've
all heard of it. Navigate around the games section until you find Deer Hunt.
!!!!When you get into the game, you MUST be in the Colorado level and you
can only be using a bow. !!!!! What? You'd think I'd give you a shotgun when
I'm working with sticks here? I don't have that high of a budget.

And what are you playing for? Something EXTREMELY important. For the past
5-6 weeks, you've all considered and attempted to "raid" an opposing camp.
This time, it's for real, and this time, you get to raid two. hehehe. You're
not only playing for the survival of your own shelter, you are playing for a
chance to take anything and everything that's in someone else's camp. Those
objects will change their name tags and become ownership of the winning

How do you win this challenge? The BEST hunter out of each tribe (the one
with the most trophies), will be the only ones considered. The hunter from
each tribe that gets the most trophies will win this handsome reward for
his/her tribe. It's a game of keeping a sharp eye and plenty of patience.
But also, this is a challenge of communication and risks, contestants. Make
sure you know your own tribemates' score, so you can go one step higher, or
make someone else do it. It all depends on the best hunter only. All other
scores will not count, this is not cumulative.

And remember now, ANYONE can play. :) The highest scorer will of course win
a tee-shirt. Don't let these survivors win more than one. :)) SCORES MUST BE
notice, but our survivors have a VERY important and special Immunity
Challenge this week. ;)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[NG Survivor 2] Drawing the lines...

Aug 20, 2002, 12:25am
Well, here's a small change in events. Lioness did submit her Reckoning
form, albeit a bit late, but noenetheless, I'm willing to share it and null
her vote casted for herself. :) Although, I'm still considering keeping the
vote for herself for replying without snipping! lol. 14 kilobytes, down the
drain! You survivors have got to learn how to conserve.

She said "Mongo is a great guy, has great ideas,and is often logged on when
I am." To Mod, she said "Mod is a great guy, has great ideas and is
sometimes logged in when I am." About Eric, she said "Eric is a great guy,
has great ideas and is rarely logged in when I am." Good use of repetition.

As the whole tribe? "I will have a difficult time choosing someone from my
tribe to vote against should the time come. I have no favorites. Everyone so
far is willing to work together as a team, even though we all have
conflicting schedules in real life." What a diplomat. :))

Lioness also feels she is the weakest member, while Mongo is the strongest.
Apparently, she wasn't there for the Immunity Challenge. ;) She was in a
previous pact with Gamecube. Hey, Mr. Invisible does have tricks up his

She is in no alliances with anyone except all her tribemates. Do I need to
explain the game to this tribe or something?

Who would she vote off? Surprisingly, Mod. Is Mongo playing her for his
previous tribal ties? Or is Lioness ready for the new, out with the old?
What does this spell for Mod (maybe c-a-s-t-o-f-f)?

So, we'll rechange Nebewi's vote count.

2 votes have been made towards Eric, 1 vote against Mongo, and now 1 vote
against Mod. Lioness is scotch free now.

Did Robego's 8-member friction all switched into Nebewi? Is there other
original Robego flubs and fights we're missing? Who knows, watch and see.
Apparently, no one is safe. We'll have to see at the next Tribal Councils
and Reckonings.

[NG Survivor 2] Drawing the lines...

Aug 21, 2002, 12:56am
In an effort to conserve bandwith (HA!), I just assume everyone knows after
one a third seasons that all the losers get pushed off a giant cliff that is
the newsgroup to their untimely death. If not, well, after each castoff, I
take crack my knuckles, and push those avatarian bodies down to their doom,
or at least to Syntax and SW Chris, who will get an oppurtunity to interview
them if we ever get live Tribal Councils going. I find the latter fate
extremely gruesome.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] Drawing the lines...

Aug 21, 2002, 11:51am
You guys just don't like it because it requires some thought and a good eye.
;) It's definately the hardest challenge you'll have, but there's a lot at
stake obviously.

This isn't your simple river cross.

Here's a tip, however, if you could consider it that. There ARE deer there,
almost everywhere, but they're still close to invisible with even the
binoculars on. Just don't shoot into the air and scare them off right away.

Personally, I never killed any of those darn deers myself. Here's hoping one
or three of you can. :)
From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

Bad News! :-(

Aug 24, 2002, 11:58am
Yeah, it's nice that you all are wishing him to get well and all, but I
think some of you are doing it with the wrong intentions that by curing his
diabetic foot, it will make him less twisted. Which leads some people to
assume that diabetes make you crazy, when really, it doesn't folks. Just
wanted to clear that up. ;)

Personally, I never want to see the guy in the newsgroup ever ever ever
again. But good luck with the foot though.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] Public Participation

Aug 24, 2002, 1:26pm
--Not that anyone listens, but as the usual disclaimer, SNIP GODDARNIT when
reply to this post--

Well, community, let's just get to the point. I'm quite disappointed in your
participation. So, I'm letting you decide the fate of the next Tribal
Council, sorta. :) We're giving you a vote! And we'll continue to give you
one at every 3rd Tribal Council. This was supposed to be started at the
first 3rd Tribal Council, but Maka resigned, so we've moved it to the 6th.
Anyways, all you have to do is log onto and pick who you want to cast off
from Robego. Want to know how Robego is up for Tribal Council this week? You
can vote as many times as you want. The contestant with the most votes will
have a vote cast against him/her. Well, read on. :)

It was a quiet and mildy unpleasent day as our survivors pulled out their
hairs trying to find an illustrious deer. The sneakier ones used those hairs
to throw other contestants off the trail. Unfortunately, our survivors have
been mildly blind since they day I rounded them up (I must've pulled the
blindfolds too tight) and could barely spot a deer. For the few that had,
their unsharpened arrows did nothing but send a pack of angry elks after
them a minute later. Oh when will the torture end?

Well, no one, not even a non-participant, could wrangle back a dead deer, so
no one gets any prizes. Robego's oppurtunity to steal the camps and equalize
their camp supplies were futile. Nebewi's and Tiveac's oppurtunity to get
the object advantage didn't work either. And unfortunately, no one gets the
tee-shirt. Which is bad for our survivors, but good for you! Because if you
attend the taping of the Finale, you'll be automatically entered in a raffle
to win that tee-shirt, just out of my appreciation. More details in 10
weeks. :)

Now, the reason why this Reward Challenge was extremely difficult was
because an important Immunity Challenge was at stake. All the objects these
contestants had been working to save, destroy, or otherwise all culminated
in this week's IC. Their task? Build an SOS signal and ironically save
themselves by staying put. I'm sure you don't get that.

They were given little more than 24 hours to build something out of the
supplies they had. They could use plants and trees, but could not retexture
or alter them in any way. Robego was clearly at a disadvantage for this.
Once a tribe with endless objects, even after some inter-tribal devastation,
they managed to bring a handful of objects with them. Unlike the Nebewi
tribe, they didn't manage to win any Reward Challenges and claim some much
needed objects. But, with what they got, they used their sf-wires as a focal
point, with some fire to light the way. Add a giant corona and some Survivor
music, and Robego's ingenuity might score them enough points to stay out of

Nebewi, fresh with plenty of signs and hand-picked objects, seemed to be a
shoe-in to win. They used their various signs to create the large letters,
SOS. They painted their cabins bright red and also threw in a corona of
their own. Many of their objects that they won went to waste in this
challenge, as they laid scattered in their tiny camp area.

Tiveac, a fairly inactive tribe, had a good amount of objects, and also
managed "SOS" in bright red lettering by using their various beams and
crates. They put it under neon green floors, and lit the sign a bit. Other
than that, they didn't do much else.

Well, the flyby day has arrived, and I brought along my two trusted judges
along for the helicopter tour. On it was Robbie and Alphabit Phalpha, two
players that almost mastered the game of NG Survivor 1. Robbie made it to
the Final Three, Alphabit to the Final Five. Pretty impressive. :)) Among
knowing how to survive with only *gasp* Alphaworld objects in the newsgroup
environment, they also are great builders and worldowners outside the game.
So, with that said and a few hundred AWoleans, they gladly joined in to
judge the competition.

The first flyby was to Robego's camp.

AlphaBit Phalpha: Looks more to me like a celebration?
Robbie: i cant compare till I've see nthe other
Robbie: but it dosent spell "SOS" to me :)

The second flyby was to Nebewi's camp.

Robbie: thats a little more SOSesque :)
Robbie: i dont like the trees by the flag
AlphaBit Phalpha: I like the fact that they were limited on objects to make
an sos symbol...yet managed it

Nornny11: would you save this tribe?
Robbie: for a small fee ;)
AlphaBit Phalpha: definately

And the last flyby was to Tiveac's.

Robbie: resourceful, heh
Robbie: i tihn kthe SOS isnt as clear
AlphaBit Phalpha: oh...definately a sign that attracts the eye!
AlphaBit Phalpha: I would chose this one cause they look more desperate and
in need not only cause what they have in thier site but also this sign
screams "help":)

Nornny11: Out of these three camps, which one deserves immunity?
Robbie: i'll go for this one (the new tribe)
AlphaBit Phalpha: Agreed

Nornny11: now to pick a loser.
Robbie: hmmm...shall we say first bit?
AlphaBit Phalpha: The worse was the first

And there you have it, right out of the judges' mouths. It came down to not
the SOS, but what was around it. Nebewi's lavish campsite hurt them compared
to Robego's and Tiveac's bare neccessities. And therefore, I dropped the
Immunity Idol down into Tiveac. Their fortunes have just been reversed, from
the losing tribe to the winning tribe. Nebewi manages another second place
finish and face a tough Tribal Reckoning, but again, they will be 4 members

Robego, for the first time ever, will have to face Tribal Council. Their
perfect record finally has a stain as the tribes near the merge. How will
Robego handle their council? Let's break it down. :)

Builderz, BinaryBud, and maki were all Robego members from the start. It's
the first time they'll be facing Council. JerMe is a seasoned pro, having
been forced to Council because of his once-enemies.

JerMe is clearly an outcast. Compared to the other three, he's the one
that's online the least, and the person the tribe knows least about. But
what they do know is danger. JerMe, even after a weak first week, managed to
get himself in an alliance, and survived four councils with only one vote
cast against him. Overall, he's a good introspective guy with a lot of
strengths, connection-wise. However, he rarely shows up for challenges. he
does, however, prove strong in Reward Challenges.

BinaryBud could also be a Robego target. He's seldom online the same as his
tribemates, and he's extremely disgruntled. Everything he builds gets
changed around, he's always the scapegoat for much of camp troubles, and
this Willy is getting fed up. Is he bringing down the tribe's morale? Binary
also seldomly attends challenges, but also does well in Reward Challenges.
Lately however, Robego have not been strong finishers in rewards, as
apparent in their small camp.

maki is the clear threat. There's no one who's been overall strong than
maki, and that's dangerous. maki attends, participates, and wins almost all
the challenges. He's been savior to Robego many a times, taking much of the
slack of the lazy others. Unfortunately, that also leads to angry
tribemates, who sees his excellent performance as a threat and annoyance. If
he's continually able to perform such stupid challenges, it means Nornny
will continue to have them. Plus, as time draws closer to the merge, does
anyone want that strong of a performer to compete against? Shall they ditch
him early and quick before his true strengths come out? Who knows.

Someone who's been clearly under the radar has been Builderz. He comes to
enough challenges to have a standing in the tribe. He's very to himself when
it comes to camp, and works almost perfectly with his other tribemates. But
Builderz has yet to reveal what he's capable of, and if he continues to be
ignored, he's eventually cut a few throats off and poof, he's in the Final
Two. Who would want that? Builderz maybe, but isn't it time to point the gun
away from the obvious and towards the strategic? The guy is loyal, and
persistent. He won't go down without a long fight. Maybe it's time to start
hacking away.

And then there's you, the public. Vote against your worst, to keep your
favorites. Maybe JerMe DOES have an ally in this tribe? Or maybe the public
are pro-Robego. Who will the public vote off? It's definately a swing vote
that will be sure to rock the game.

There can only be 10 survivors next week. For once, you have the chance to
pick who out of Robego has to Robe-GOGO. And you'll continue to do so every
3rd Tribal Council, so happy pickings. :) In this crucial and trasitional
stage in the game, anything can happen. Tribal Council is tenatively to be
held live on Sunday, 5pm VRT! Be there, as we see one survivor get casted

Tune in next week for some surprising news that will keep our survivors
desperately trying to stay in the game! And find out who's been voted off
and the new Reward Challenge. If you think you have NG Survivor figured out,
you best think again, we're playing by Nornny's rules!

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[NG Survivor 2] Public Participation

Aug 24, 2002, 5:05pm
hehehe, someone feeling threatened?? :)

Hey, the public vote was a STAPLE in the first season of NG Survivor, you're
lucky I paired the public down to every 3 weeks. This is a community game
after all. :) They are the 17th survivor and they're my favorite of them
all. The point of having a public vote is to keep you guys in check. This
isn't just a game played in ActiveWorlds, it's called Newsgroup Survivor,
and all your actions in the newsgroup are just as closely monitored here.
One bad flame war, or otherwise, will equally hurt you. ;) Also, it's a way
to make sure you guys keep writing those funny diary entries, and that they
actually have some substance to them. You're right, the public don't know
who you are and how you're playing except for the degrading information I
feed them. :) Diaries are your only means of defending yourself.

If I were anyone up for Tribal Council, I'd log onto the website, and vote
for the other survivors as much as possible to save your butt too. And I'd
get your friends to do it also. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] 16 to 10

Aug 29, 2002, 6:42pm
=============PLEASE SNIP WHEN REPLYING==============

Well, sorry guys for a late update. :) I just received the last of the
Tribal Council votes this morning, right before the first day of school
here. Rather than leave early, I thought I'd write out this post and let my
white blood cells fight my senioritus. It doesn't seem to be working, but ah

Okay, we're going to high tail this game, we're sorta running behind
schedule. By Labor Day folks, someone else WILL be voted off and a merge
will occur late at night. That's all the information I can give y'all, but
you are still three separate entities at this point. Sorry. :(

Now, let's go to Council and Reckoning. Eeni meeni mini's off to
Reckoning we go. Well, for a second time, we're going to examine our lovely
Nebewi tribe, still with all four members intact, sorta.

First question, how has the tribe individually performed this week?

Eric -

Lioness said: Eric helped to improve our campsite with our new objects.
Mod said: Is he still on the tribe?
Mongo said: my views on him have mellowed slightly from last week. You don't
need to avoid me, tribesmate - :)And I gotta vote for someone as the
weakest - don't take it personally.

Obviously, views on Eric is mixed. Is his mysterious way part of the
strategy or coincidence?

Mongo said: Haven't seen too much of him, although someone followed up
behind and did some work on the challange. Might have been him
Eric said:Mod was sly as ever while I was away.
Lioness said Mod helped improve our campsite with our new objects.
Mod is keeping a good relationship with Lioness, but jeopordizing his
relationship with the other two.

Lioness said: Mongo helped to improve our camp with our new objects and
helped me build our SOS.
Eric said: Mongo.. I have no idea.
Mongo said: I don't know if he helped out with the challange...

Mongo's reviews are mixed.


Mod said: very well, shows effort
Mongo said: we worked together on the SOS - fine worker, good team spirit.
Eric said: Lioness was good I assume, I was gone.

Lioness seems to be the strongest member of this tribe.

How about their own position intribe?

Eric said: The bunnies is coming. No, don't say it, I already know.
Mongo said: We're working together pretty well, and holding up fine.
Lioness said: Not sure what my position is in the tribe right now. I try to
be present for challenges, but it's difficult when we receive last minute
notification and I'm physically still at work in real life, not able to get
home in time. I try to participate in the "game" challenges to the best of
my ability. I also consider myself a terrific cook and give great backrubs.
Mod said: Personally. I think I am safe. I helped with the immunity
challange, which I still think was rigged

Who's the weakest member?

Mod said Eric. Lioness said Mod. Mongo said Eric. Eric said Mod. It's pretty
much a split. The AWTeeners are poorly performing.

What'd they think of the immunity challenge?

Mod said: I think we shouldve won, I mean come on Glowing coronas and bright
red objects with a HUGE sos signal would catch someones eye more then a
little sos signal
Lioness said: I think our tribe did the best we could despite the fact that
we couldn't use any plants or trees. If I could have foreseen the
expectations of this challenge, I would have chosen more posts or some
columns from the mega path when we won last week's reward challenge. Oh
well. ;-"D
Mongo said: We did well with what we had.
Eric said: I wasnt there, but if I was, I would have done excellent until
the bunnies showed up.

Wackos...Anywho, the merge is coming up, so let's see how our survivors have
planned up their sleeves.

Eric: Make sure the bunnies don't get me.
Lioness: Formulate a plan and drink more caffeine.
Mod: Same thing I am doing now...
Mongo: Get along well, form new alliances, get more creative - who knows?

These guys are flying by the seat of their coffee, it seems. :)

Here's a good question, once everyone is merged, who will our players place
their loyalties to? We like to call this Tribal Lines.

Mod and Eric are sticking to their surviving Robego members (so far, it's
Lioness, Builderz, BinaryBud, maki, and Gamecube). This means they places no
special loyalties to Lioness, she's still equal target.

Lioness is breaking out of both her tribes and is hoping to make new
alliances with other tribemates (JerMe, Ambient Spirit, Gandalf). How will
her tribemates feel about this, and is it a good move to move to the
minority? Will anyone join her?

Mongo, meanwhile, seems to want to leave his old Nebewi Alliance for his new
Nebewi tribe (Lioness, Mod, Eric). Is he safe with three ex-Robego? Will
they accept him, or will they part ways and go free-for-all?

And lastly, the dreaded unofficial vote. Let's see how the tribe voted.

Mongo voted for Eric.
Eric voted for Mod.
Mod voted for Mongo.
Lioness voted for all three, meaning she actually voted for herself for not
picking one. :/

And added to last week's tally, Mongo has 2 votes, Eric has 3 votes, Lioness
has 2, and Mod has 1.

And speaking of voting, let's head on over to Tribal Council, where our
Robego members are on hands and knees in fright. This council was actually
live, with maki and JerMe showing up, but they do not know the full results
until now. Let's get straight to the vote. Remember, the public also had a
vote in this. The person with the most public votes in the poll would have a
vote casted against him.

first vote...BinaryBud.

second vote...JerMe.


BinaryBud. That's two and two.




The 6th person voted off NG Survivor 2...

JerMe. Please hand me your torch. *extinguishes flame* The tribe has spoken.
Please grace us with your Final Words on the game. You can talk about your
tribe, other tribes, the game, it doesn't matter. :)) Say whatever you want.

And there you have it. It's now down to 10 people. How will one more week
affect the tribes? Are there new lines? New alliances? Old problems? We'll
all have to see. Please come to this exciting week. :)

Reward Challenge: Reward challenges now are solely for bragging rights, as
it's almost useless to have more objects now. :) There's no more immunity
challenges that involve it. However, this week's last reward challenge has a
GREAT reward, or so I think. MUAHAHA. Here's a clue, survival. :)

Anyways, this week, the monkey's are at it again. And i don't mean the
survivors. Log onto and try to
catch as many bananas and coconuts as possible with your monkeys. Email me a
screenshot of your highest score. :) In each tribe, i will only accept the
highest and lowest scorers. I will subtract the highest from the lowest, and
whichever tribe that has the least difference ABOVE 0 between their two
mates will win the Reward Challenge. Highest scorer in general will receive
a tee-shirt. This is a game of teamwork, and you might not know it, getting
a really high score will hurt you if your tribemates cannot equal your
score, or worse, not do the challenge. The scores must be submitted by
Saturday August 31st! :)) Also on August 31st at 3pm VRT (tenative) will be
an Immunity Challenge for all those who can make it. Tribal Council will be
on Sunday, and then on US Labor Day (Monday the 2nd), the merging ceremony
will take place. So it's a jam packed week, with little notice. So be
prepared! :)

And if you think this is easy for me, let me tell YOU! I just started my
last year of high school today, and am a total mess with work. lol. The
website will be updated by the weekend, hopefully.

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[NG Survivor 2] 16 to 10

Sep 1, 2002, 3:25pm
Trust me, they didn't. MUAHAHA! Glad to have you back, great story. :)

From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:

"Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult you
and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
nothing! What a talent!"

[View Quote]

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