Cy Nominations Officially Open! (General Discussion)

Cy Nominations Officially Open! // General Discussion

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Jun 25, 2002, 7:39pm
Bowen was not saying that heart operations weren't serious. I really have no idea where you got that from. I'm sure that having a
family member undergo a serious procedure can be difficult, but overreacting like you did doesn't help anyone.

Anyway, someone who fakes having to go to the hospital and blames it on a newsgroup argument is not trustworthy in my opinion.


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young phalpha

Jun 25, 2002, 7:46pm
Bowen was stating is it a bad PR move to insult someone by saying "Might I suggest you get an
education child?", the reason Filmkr said that was simply because the lack of common sense
Johnny B had, yet Bowen was "boycotting the Cy's" simply because of what Filmkr said, yet
looking for a reason as that is a very stupid reason to boycott the Cy's.

- YP

[View Quote] Anyway, someone who fakes having to go to the hospital and blames it on a newsgroup argument is
not trustworthy in my opinion.


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johnny b

Jun 25, 2002, 8:24pm
Funny..... I don't seem to remember spilling forth any "ill will"..... just stating my opinion on
your repeated altercations with people here...... seems to me, there've been WAY too many in the
past year and a half that I've been posting here..... You talk about morals, decency, blah blah
blah...... might be time to PRACTICE that which you preach so adamantly, my friend..... taking
people's money and not delivering that which was PAID for, sure doesn't qualify as ANY of these
attributes in MY book..... Nor many other's I'd dare say.....

I also seem to remember inquiring as to your health, as I'm not a sadistic person and don't wish
anyone ill health..... I also asked you to back up your claims of this "serious cardiac surgery"
with some manner of proof.... As, Honestly, You've quite a track record of half and untruths
here...... Hell, I even offered to not make another post AND post an apology, had you proven you
were ACTUALLY ill..... I wish no ill on ANY person.... But alas, you never responded to
THAT...... perhaps there was no way you COULD....... BTW, I dont give a hoot about the Vice
Secretary, Dick Cheney....... HE is a man with impeccable credentials and DEMONSTRATED morals and
maturity........ you on the other hand...... well, lets just count all the dollars that people
have lost involving you....

Also........ Hate is a pretty harsh word there Lars...... I never alluded to "hating" you........ I
just think you're a crook....... ( allegedly, of course)

Oh yes...... almost forgot....... I'm not a kid, genius...... in case you forgot from the LAST
bunch of nastiness you posted here..... (might wanna read back some and refresh your failing memory)
I'm 33 years old, and an electrician / datacom systems installer..... but I suppose my MANY YEARS
of schooling don't count as an education, huh ?? Maybe if I work real hard I can host worlds and
make gor sequences and be an actor sometimes.....

Save your presumptuous egotistical crap for someone here who MIGHT be impressed...... or just
blinded by your smoke screens, attention shifting antics, and generally outrageous self

And If you WERE ill....... I sincerely hope you're feeling better...... I'd assume you were,
since you can write posts like that.....

johnny b

Jun 25, 2002, 8:26pm
Precisely MY point...... Glad there's a few in here that can see through the smoke..


Jun 25, 2002, 8:27pm
I don't even know what you're talking about right now. You took what I said
far out of context as Agent1 said. If johnnyb doesn't have the same
perforated morals you do, sorry, but it's still common sense to him to do
what he does. Not everyone shares similar upbrinngings, some of us are more
apt to voice our opinions and say what we think than others.

If you don't like my reason for boycotting it, so be it. It's not your
decision to make. Maybe I think your fighting me on this just to fight is a
stupid reason? It's all relative. I really don't care what you think of me
or why you think it, despite what I say or do, you'll still think that way.


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young phalpha

Jun 25, 2002, 8:35pm
I'm trying to convince you not to boycott it, its stupid to boycott something just because
Filmkr said someone needed an education to realize something so simple and logical, I don't care
what upbringing you have, you should be able to realize what Filmkr stated without thought

- YP

[View Quote] If you don't like my reason for boycotting it, so be it. It's not your
decision to make. Maybe I think your fighting me on this just to fight is a
stupid reason? It's all relative. I really don't care what you think of me
or why you think it, despite what I say or do, you'll still think that way.


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young phalpha

Jun 25, 2002, 8:37pm
I don't think he faked going to the hospital, unless you have proof that he did, add an "I think
someone who fakes...", notice the "I think", that means your stating opinion, not fact...

- YP

[View Quote] Anyway, someone who fakes having to go to the hospital and blames it on a newsgroup argument is
not trustworthy in my opinion.


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young phalpha

Jun 25, 2002, 8:39pm
Just because he had a 2 day rest in the hospital after a coronary surgery is very possible, so
unless you still believed he faked going to the hospital, tell me what the "smoke" is that needs
to be seen through

- YP

[View Quote]

johnny b

Jun 25, 2002, 8:50pm

Thats quite respectable from someone your age...... I'm impressed ..... I'd think, seeing how you
will "stand up for your beliefs" You, perhaps, would understand why we stand up for OURS...... and
the "age" statement just now was NOT meant in any derogatory way..... Just, I'm probably twice your
age and see so few teenagers with any type of maturity level worth mentioning these days.....
apparently you arent one of them, and thats a good thing.....

You see, " I " believe that if someone TRUSTS you and gives you their MONEY for a service or
product, you have a responsibility to DELIVER said goods...... if not, return the money and part
ways......when you abuse that trust, you undermine any good that might have ever been associated
with you in the past...... You see, If I took my customers' money and then never finished the job
and refused to return the witheld amount, I'd end my butt up in court..... needless to say, I'd
pretty much destroy my and my business' future and reputation.... AND the respect my customers and
peers have in me, understand ?

What it boils down to, is this...... I have no respect for ANYONE who bilks people out of their
hard earned money..... period....... And I WILL voice my opinion when I see such occuring........
people come to AW, to make new friends and have fun.....not to be ripped off and have their
enjoyment trampled on like so much garbage by self righteous arrogant thugs.....

Hopefully you can understand MY point of view...... I do have a right to express it after all.....



Jun 25, 2002, 8:57pm
Filmkr has quite a reputation for making outrageous claims and extravagant posts. I do not believe he actually had to go to the

As far as adding "I think" to my sentence: No. It's already implied that "I think" what I said because I said it.


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young phalpha

Jun 25, 2002, 9:03pm
Well, business is a place where everything is agreed to on paper, sorry, but if you encounter a
hoster problem after 30 days and you can't get your refund, only thing you can do is contact the
better business bureau, if that was done we could truly know his credibility, but going by fact,
he's a good man who is not prejudice towards people. My post was about how Glitter Kitty was
accusing Filmkr by being "let in" by association, not being voted in (although my personal
example was her letting me in by my personal talents and will to work with a community
organization, not by being voted in, but nonetheless to show integrity of the organization
itself) as it had happened.

- YP

[View Quote] Thats quite respectable from someone your age...... I'm impressed ..... I'd think, seeing how
will "stand up for your beliefs" You, perhaps, would understand why we stand up for OURS......
the "age" statement just now was NOT meant in any derogatory way..... Just, I'm probably twice
age and see so few teenagers with any type of maturity level worth mentioning these days.....
apparently you arent one of them, and thats a good thing.....

You see, " I " believe that if someone TRUSTS you and gives you their MONEY for a service or
product, you have a responsibility to DELIVER said goods...... if not, return the money and
ways......when you abuse that trust, you undermine any good that might have ever been associated
with you in the past...... You see, If I took my customers' money and then never finished the
and refused to return the witheld amount, I'd end my butt up in court..... needless to say,
pretty much destroy my and my business' future and reputation.... AND the respect my customers
peers have in me, understand ?

What it boils down to, is this...... I have no respect for ANYONE who bilks people out of their
hard earned money..... period....... And I WILL voice my opinion when I see such
people come to AW, to make new friends and have fun.....not to be ripped off and have their
enjoyment trampled on like so much garbage by self righteous arrogant thugs.....

Hopefully you can understand MY point of view...... I do have a right to express it after



Jun 25, 2002, 9:03pm
I'm not boycotting it based on that, ask ambivalent. I told her I was
boycotting the event because of filmkr long before he posted that comment.
She asked me to model, and that's what I responded with.


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Jun 25, 2002, 9:05pm
Ambivalent called all the hostpitals in the area.. none had a Lars Wyka
admitted to their coronary unit.


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young phalpha

Jun 25, 2002, 9:09pm
Well, if he has such this bad reputation, why was he voted in by the community? For the "I
think" part I reread your post and read that you had "in my opinion" on the end...

- YP

[View Quote] As far as adding "I think" to my sentence: No. It's already implied that "I think" what I said
because I said it.


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Jun 25, 2002, 9:15pm
*sigh* Quick English lesson. The "in my opinion" applied to the part of the sentence describing him as not being trustworthy.


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young phalpha

Jun 25, 2002, 9:21pm
then what was the point in announcing you were boycotting the Cy Awards in the first place? What
real reason are you boycotting him and what he deals with? Is that reason based off of what you
heard or what you know, or a fact? If it is not something you know, saw, or is a fact, then
there is no reason in boycotting it. I know it is your decision to boycott it and all, but like
I said, I can convincing you not to...

- YP

[View Quote] --Bowen--

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young phalpha

Jun 25, 2002, 9:23pm
Exactly, thats why I told you a reread it and realized you did say it in opinion

- YP

[View Quote] -Agent1

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young phalpha

Jun 25, 2002, 9:24pm
doh, next to the end "I can convincing" is meant to be "I am convincing" [trying to]

[View Quote] - YP

[View Quote] --Bowen--

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johnny b

Jun 25, 2002, 10:00pm
should read Vice PRESIDENT, not secretary... was on the phone too, bit of a typo there....


Jun 25, 2002, 10:20pm
[View Quote] yes tis true


Jun 25, 2002, 10:37pm
Because of everything he's said, and it's been brought to my attention that
he was part of the committee. I made it clear to myself, that I would not
participate in anything that he was (special circumstances forthcoming).
The CY's do not fall into any special circumstances. I've never even
particpated in them before, and this has put me off even more on the idea.
The point of announcing it so others would know. Perhaps it will help them
realize he has some major faults, perhaps not. Only time will tell.


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goober king

Jun 25, 2002, 10:42pm
*sigh* Ok, I give up. I'll admit everything! It was all a big cover-up!
Insanity gave AlphaBit a nice fat check.rwx in order to get on the CY
Awards Selection Committee just so he could screw over Ambivalent some
more if she ever got nominated. Alpha then contacted me and BinaryBud
and told us to help her deal with the "riff-raff" in the NGs and try and
keep things quiet. But obviously, your superior ranting and nearly blind
stubbornness has warded off all of our attempts. We bow to the power of
your Almighty Rant!

I'm not even going to bother arguing this sillyness anymore, but I will
say this: You are wading into very dangerous territory the more
prolonged and far-fetched you make this. The longer you drag this out,
the more *your* credibility gets damaged, not Insanity's or AlphaBit's.
Just ask Chucks Party and JFK2 and see if you can find *their*
credibility. :P

But hey, keep it up. It'll give me more fodder for the next round of the
Newbie Guide! ;D

[View Quote] >
> Well when that's all a person gives you to explain something which has such
> obvious repercussions on the community and they so obviously push an issue
> under the carpet you MUST ask why? That's not grasping at straws ... that's
> searching for an answer to a question those who owe an answer to refuse to
> answer. Something they teach you in politics is NEVER EVER ignore an issue
> and try to keep it quiet ... you must adress the issue in a reasonable
> manner or the situation will (and always does) snowball and leave everyone
> looking bad.
> My concern this whole time is the credibility of the awards. It is now clear
> beyond any question the awards are biased. Insanity as both you and Alpha
> have agreed is a person of bad judgment ... yet you both support him in the
> role of a judge.... and you question my sanity??? I believe I have a right
> to question the credibitility of those involved.
> Glitter

Goober King
You just can't make this stuff up!
rar1 at

young phalpha

Jun 26, 2002, 12:20am
What has he said that is so bad?

- YP

[View Quote] --Bowen--

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glitter kitty

Jun 26, 2002, 2:02am
There is absolutely every reason to boycott something you don't believe is
credible. Why would a person support something they believed was being
influenced by dishonesty unless they has some personal agenda invested. Most
people like to see things involving the community run with credibility and
integrity ... the whole reason I raised this issue in the first place ...
the last several days of posts indicate to me that the CYawards committee is
standing by someone they know to be astoundingly dishonest and fraudulent
.... I do not only believe in boycotting such a process but encouraging
others to do exactly the same until the dishonesty is removed/fixed. It
occurs in every other public forum in the world ... why should it not apply


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glitter kitty

Jun 26, 2002, 2:08am
I can't see why he should even bring up that he went to hospital in the
first place unless he's trying to get sympathy to soften the backlash
against his fraudulent business practices. I know one person involved in
this debate in the last few days who did it from hospital but I dont see
them trying to use it to win sympathy. I believe it was filmkr that said
insanity was in hospital and we should all feel sorry for him ... seeing as
they are the same person its obvious he intends to lie about one thing ...
so why not the other ... as I keep saying, this is a credibility issue. The
Cyawards no longer have credibility in the eyes of many ... I desperately
hope Alpha does something to restore this credibility ... but somehow I
doubt she will.


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glitter kitty

Jun 26, 2002, 2:14am
I never said he was "let in" by association ... I even specifically
mentioned the vote may be skewed or misrepresentative, but I recognised it
was a vote nonetheless in my response to Goober King. Please get your facts
straight. I have repeatedly claimed that he lakes credibility and integrity
and should be removed .... I have questioned why, seval times, such an
individual gets to stay in ... judging by all the bad stuff this guy has
done "it leads you to wonder" what's in it for Alpha ... I don't know much
about you YP so I cant comment on your talent ... I know an enormous amount
about Insanity ... and while I dont question his right to be a member of the
community, I do question his right to judge it fairly ... that's it plain
and simple.


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glitter kitty

Jun 26, 2002, 2:30am
[View Quote] hehe I actually enjoyed that ... first intelligent thing thats been said for
a while ;-)

> I'm not even going to bother arguing this sillyness anymore, but I will
> say this: You are wading into very dangerous territory the more
> prolonged and far-fetched you make this. The longer you drag this out,
> the more *your* credibility gets damaged, not Insanity's or AlphaBit's.
> Just ask Chucks Party and JFK2 and see if you can find *their*
> credibility. :P

Hey I don't care how much my integrity or credibility is questioned. I've
been in every line of fire politically speaking in all my years and one
thing I've learned is that for me it doesnt really matter (really) what
people think. I don't nominate myself for anything, I dont want any awards
(sure I'd like to compete in the avvy awards cos I like making avs, but it
doesnt matter in the least if I dont), I really dont care how others
percieve me at all ... I'm happy with me and will continue on my merry way
doing whatever I believe to be right ... you could say I have nothing to
lose ... well thats probably true ... I don't ... I've come to pretty much
the end of my career life and done very well thankyou. About the worst you
could do would be take away my citizenship (oh no panic panic) ... I'll just
buy another one if I feel that way inclined.

> But hey, keep it up. It'll give me more fodder for the next round of the
> Newbie Guide! ;D

Oh no ... anything but that. LOL!! Had someone come into my world the other
day and commented "why do you give away free avs? GK said in that post you
never helped anyone" ... I said you were just having fun and they happily
downloaded the av and hung out for a while ... the truth always prevails
Goober ... even beyond humour.


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Jun 26, 2002, 11:28am
Your wrong..... we were told that he was in the hospital by a co-worker of
his that was using his account to send the message. you guys are on a
mission to discredit this man hands down.... quite obvious from my point of

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Jun 26, 2002, 11:29am
lol yea like they routinely give out that information....NOT

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glitter kitty

Jun 26, 2002, 12:54pm
yes in one post .. and there are three posts from filmkr which state this
also ... read them all before you start correcting ppl.

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