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Disable Glitter Kitty and Ambivalent for the NG

Jun 28, 2002, 3:48am
hey we restrained it to the relevant group and we are not the only posters
on the thread ... why block one side you don't like ... not very fair :( ...
my wish is people would respect that others have the right to voice an

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Disable Glitter Kitty and Ambivalent for the NG

Jun 28, 2002, 8:20am
Because you've brought this out of the other group I feel I best explain
what I did for those who dont read the other group

When Alpha anounced the committee members list I thought it was
inappropriate that Insanity be included considering his most recent
defrauding of a community member. I simply asked that Alpha reconsider his
participation in the hope that it not smear the cyawards. This was not a
private "war" but a genuine concern for the community ... when people
defended the guys actions it was only reasonable I explain why I thought
what I thought ... the thread then evolved. This is not a war ... its due

Do you also feel that people are not entitled to an opinion if it disagrees
with yours? Gee I'm sorry if you find that annoying but that's life ... get
used to it ... it'd be a damn boring place if we all agreed on everything.

I do not understand what you mean by "give it an own thread" ... that's
precisely what it had AND in the relevant forum. This forum is not
appropriate for this discussion and I'd ask you to take it back there for
your comments. If you say something about a person, expect they have the
right to reply. Other than that there's not much else I can say.


(on holiday and posting via dial up(yuk) so cant reply as quick as before)

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Disable Glitter Kitty and Ambivalent for the NG

Jun 28, 2002, 1:34pm
please take this back to the appropriate forum ... it does not belong here


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Jun 13, 2002, 8:38am
"Does your world have oceans?"
"Yes, beautiful blue rolling oceans"
"Can't stand oceans"
"Do you have trouble getting on with other robots?"
"Hate them"

.... or something like that :)

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It's the mens turn to struggle!!!

Jun 16, 2002, 3:29pm
hehehe I built a worm avatar because worms are hermaphrodites (both or
neither sex as you see fit to interpret) ... maybe I should make that my
defaut avatar as it will make both genders happy ... unless you have
something against bisexual hermaphrodites?? LOL


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Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 23, 2002, 1:51am
I'm curious ... considering the recent questions surrounding Insanity's
credibility/integrity, is it appropriate that he be on the committe? I'm not
arguing for or against, but I would find that those who felt against him
would feel less inclined to participate in the Awards ... and there were an
awful lot of people really upset with him ... hence his presence on the
commitee at the moment would be damaging to a fair awards process. Just a
little politics thought, not trying to drag anything up again. Perhaps he
would demonstrate his integrity and step down from the commitee?



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Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 23, 2002, 10:38am
I certainly don't feel happy to nominate the people I wish to nominate
because I _KNOW_ beyond any doubt that they will not be considered fairly by
at least one of the judges. Whether you can justify the commitee or not is
irrelevant to the fact that _MANY_ people here will feel uncomfortable by
their presence (Insanity is the one I refer to in principle) ... people do
not forget as easily as you seem to .. or at least move forward so soon. If
I am the only one who feels this way then everything is just peachy ... it's
plainly obvious by recent events that I am not. In fact the Insanity
debarcle was undoubtedly the biggest issue the "community" has responded to
in here for a very long time. If you do not address this issue then you will
always mark this years awards as questionable.

> From this post forward I ask that this topic not continue in thread,
> we respect and show appreciation to a group of Activeworlds Citizens who
> will be investing a ton of their personal time to represent your Community
> in thier votes.

I accept without question that you are working very hard and I am grateful
for that. However I ask, as a member of the community you claim to
represent, you address this issue and not just sweep it under the carpet.
Please recognise that some of us feel strongly on this issue, and while it
is past, it still is not forgotten.

Consider for the moment a politician. If he is found to be corrupt or
particularly offensive to a large group then he is typically stood aside
until everyone is happy again or the problem is resolved. Imagine for a
moment how we questioned the french and russian skating judges at the winter
olympics ... if they had been allowed to continue then every points award
from then on would lack credibility and we'd all never really know who was
really the best. This is the same sort of thing.

Let's say I wanted to nominate the lovely Ambivalent for example. Are you
telling me that Insanity would fairly judge her contributions? Of course he
wouldn't. Please ask him to demonstrate some credibility and step down.

Anyone in favour of Insanity being removed from the commitee please say Aye!


Glitter Kitty

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 23, 2002, 11:30am
> The Cys will not "take sides" in a dispute.

When the judges are on one side and the nominees are on the other then
whether you believe it or not then there ARE sides and they have been taken

> "However I ask, as a member of the community you claim to
> represent, you address this issue and not just sweep it under the carpet."
> Nothing regarding the Cys is simply "swept under the carpet" sweetie:)

Please do not patronise me with your overtones ... I don't appreciate it
"sweetie" ... if you fail to address the issue with anything other than
complete ignorance then it is being swept under the carpet whether you
believe it or not.

> "some".....majority votes prevail.

As far as I understand (though I could be wrong) nominations for comittee
closed before this issue ... so the past majority is no longer

> "Consider for the moment a politician. If he is found to be corrupt or
> particularly offensive to a large group then he is typically stood aside
> until everyone is happy again or the problem is resolved. Imagine for a
> moment how we questioned the french and russian skating judges at the
> olympics ... if they had been allowed to continue then every points award
> from then on would lack credibility and we'd all never really know who was
> really the best. This is the same sort of thing."
> is in no way similar.

It most certainly is ... do you think the average community member would
consider Insanity could fairly judge Ambivalent? Considering his very recent
treatment of her since this debarcle (not for me to provide details
unfortunately) it is very clear he is going out of his way to cause even
more harm still ... but I doubt you are privvy to that information or I
wouldnt be having this conversation with you.

> "Please ask him to demonstrate some credibility and step down."
> We will NOT do that based on a scenario that the Cys are not involved in.

They are having their credibility damaged ... that makes them involved ...
again whether you believe it or not

> Anyone in favour of Insanity being removed from the commitee please say
> Attempting to do a fair voting process with only the use of this newsgroup
> to get the word out, is totally unfair and ridiculous.

Why is it unfair ... are we suddenly not entitled to express our opinion?
Perhaps if the community you claim to represent voiced similar opinions then
you might listen a little more ... I am but one voice speaking quietly.
Perhaps its true one person cannot make a difference. I however believe they
can ... or I wouldnt be asking Insanity/Filmkr to step down. I do notice hat
he has so far not made a response.

> As I mentioned before, the Selection team was chosen by the Community
> thru a fair voting and nominating process.

So were the russian and french judges ... until they were shown to be
biased. Do you think Insanity has such an unbiased credible reputation? I
certainly don't. But hey they are your awards ... not the community's

> That attempt to have him removed will not even be considered.

As I said.... your choice to sweep it under the carpet is your choice.

> From this point forward I will not reply to your concerns regarding this
> matter.

I thought only emus hid their head in the sand? Sorry Alphabit but I am not
a sheep that can be herded into the corner and trampled into silence. God
gave me a voice and the right to use it.


Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 24, 2002, 2:23am
> Obviously, the majority felt it either wasn't important, or didn't
> have anything to do with nomination selections. Whatever the reasons, he
> got on the committee via democratic process, fair and square, deal with

That's probably more the point ... only a very small percentage of ppl
actually voted for ppl to be nominated ... thats why as democratic as it is,
it still is very misrepresentative. It's important for Insanity to sit on
the committee because he uses that as leverage to convince people that his
rip off company is trustworthy by the community when it clearly isnt. He
doesnt sit on this for helping the committee .... he sits to further his own
selfish cause. Did ambilvalent ever get her refund that he said in here that
his company would give? Or did he lie yet again to line his own pockets?
Remember that a committe is only as credible as its members ... its this the
credibility of the Cyawads? I was hoping it would be a little more upfront,
rather than trying to sweep it under the carpet so quickly ... while I hate
to even suggest it, I'm starting to wonder what Alpha is getting from
Insanity to let him get away with this? It's probably innocent and above
board but to me it smells fishy ... maybe I'm just paranoid but you cant
help think it.

> So there you have it. Insanity's in the committee and I'm sure this will
> make the nomination process interesting, to say the least. However, I'm
> sure that AlphaBit, along with the rest of the committee, can recognize
> bias when they see it, and act accordingly. Only time will tell if
> Insanity can truly put aside his differences and work for the greater
> good...

This is just the point again ... Alpha only seems to see what she wants to
see ... she will never see bias because she cant accept that it might be
possible or has some other incentive to ignore it. These awards, as you
highlightled, will be the opinions of just a few people and forever after
the results will be tainted ... it wont make the process interesting ... jus
t very much abandoned by a disillusioned bunch of people who once believed
Alpha had the integrity to make the community stuff balanced


Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 24, 2002, 2:50am
Something interesting on the Cyawards is that it is sponsered by Goober's
news site and that another sponser ( carries
Insanity's advertising on it ... not trying to accuse anyone of anything,
only highlighting some associations. You know it makes me wonder how
insanity got those past CYawards ... kinda like the US govt ... best
decisions money can buy!


Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 24, 2002, 3:02am
You never ever requested me not to gram you ... it seems you are a liar as
well? You did say you would block me after I asked you a question and you
did ... while continuing to send me threatening telegrams ... I don't
understand why you would do such a thing if there was no problem as far as
you were concerned. Why are you so massively defensive about this? What are
you hiding?

Your quote is only a partial quote and out of context also .... I said that
my problem was not with insanity but in how his presence affected the
appearance of the cyawards in its entirity ... i believe all my posts to
date have reinforced this.

You also said you had filtered out my address from newsgroups and that you
no longer wanted to see any of my posts ... other than being very very
childish you are shown to be lying yet again as you continue to read my
posts ... well I assume you read them because you said the issue was closed
as here you are responding again! What is the matter with you? You are
proving to be more of a liar than Insanity!! This is such a pity ... I used
to hold you in such a high regard ... all I wanted was that you reconsider
the appointment of someone who may compromise the validity of the awards ...
had you just said "hmmm I'll consider it" then later said "no" I would have
been happy. Seems Insanity's bias is not the only thing in question anymore

..... so how much is he paying you to get a vote?


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Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 24, 2002, 9:34am
> Insanity has further, just this past week, given away one of the custom
> I bought from him for exclusive use in my world.
> Not only have I been subjected to his theft, fraud, and license
> but he continues to barrage me with abusive and threatening emails.
> The man is among the worst of what humanity can sink to.

.... and this is the man whom Alpha thinks is appropirate to judge the
standards of the community

As they say ... you spend enought time around sh*t and you start to smell
like it. ;-|


Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 25, 2002, 1:05am
> Now I'm starting to wonder about *your* sanity level, Glitter. Grasping
> at straws, are we? Well, to put your paranoid mind at rest, I'll have

Well when that's all a person gives you to explain something which has such
obvious repercussions on the community and they so obviously push an issue
under the carpet you MUST ask why? That's not grasping at straws ... that's
searching for an answer to a question those who owe an answer to refuse to
answer. Something they teach you in politics is NEVER EVER ignore an issue
and try to keep it quiet ... you must adress the issue in a reasonable
manner or the situation will (and always does) snowball and leave everyone
looking bad.

My concern this whole time is the credibility of the awards. It is now clear
beyond any question the awards are biased. Insanity as both you and Alpha
have agreed is a person of bad judgment ... yet you both support him in the
role of a judge.... and you question my sanity??? I believe I have a right
to question the credibitility of those involved.


Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 25, 2002, 9:43am
filmkr as far as I understand YOU ARE insanity (the same person to those who
didnt know).... why do you speak about yourself in the third person ... and
why are you so cold faced lying about how you defrauded ambivalent???

And I know more about you than you think ....

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Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 25, 2002, 9:46am
Now you see, ambilvalent, why I question the integrity of those who support
Insanity as an impartial and fair person to represent the entire community
.... this individual has acted in more than just a fraudulent way ... he has
acted unethically and immorally ... and Alpha thinks that makes him a
credible and suitable judge of the community .... call my view dramatic if
you like, but reality is this guy isnt fit to judge what colour the sky is.


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Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 25, 2002, 9:49am
> I nor my partners appreciate the trash mouthing a few of you are doing
> Before you go off speaking about what you do not know, try and remember
> there are laws in the United States.

Yes there are laws against fraudulent business practices ... perhaps you
might want to check them out.

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 25, 2002, 10:56am
if, for example, I believed that insanity was really a nice guy and that his
influence on the cyawards was nil then continuing in this way would easily
be considered flaming. However I do not believe this ... I consider that the
inclusion of this fellow seriously undermines the integrity of the awards
and as a community member I consider it somewhat essential to ask all the
questions/raise the topic etc.

if I'd been involved in fraudulent business activity and was trying to
present myself as a nice guy too then it would be a case of the pot/kettle
.... I'm retired ... and if you have any evidence of any fraudulent business
activity on my behalf then please present it :-). I believe plenty evidence
of Insanities fraudulence, arrogance, nastieness, etc has been demonstrated
in the last few weeks ...


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Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 25, 2002, 10:58am
> because they're not getting their way
> Only fight the battles you can win .. all other struggles are futile and
> a waste of energy :)

Not so ... you must always stand up for what you believe in. The USA for
example is standing up against terrorism ... while they can sure put a big
dent in terrorist activities (and I hope they do) they will never beat it
(based on historical evidence of terrorism) ... while this may be
politically incorrect to state, I'm sure most appreciate the reality. By
your arguement the USA should just let terrorists do whatever they want ...
not so ... you must always do the best you can even if you cant win a single
battle ... how does it go ... "who cares if you lose the battle as long as
you win the war" ... or "evil prospers while good men do nothing" ...


Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 25, 2002, 11:58am
for starters ... go back over the last few weeks threads regarding this
issue .... there is ample proof in all the logs and from all the individuals
involved ... if you dont wish to see that then I'm afraid nothing will help
you see reality

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Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 26, 2002, 2:02am
There is absolutely every reason to boycott something you don't believe is
credible. Why would a person support something they believed was being
influenced by dishonesty unless they has some personal agenda invested. Most
people like to see things involving the community run with credibility and
integrity ... the whole reason I raised this issue in the first place ...
the last several days of posts indicate to me that the CYawards committee is
standing by someone they know to be astoundingly dishonest and fraudulent
.... I do not only believe in boycotting such a process but encouraging
others to do exactly the same until the dishonesty is removed/fixed. It
occurs in every other public forum in the world ... why should it not apply


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Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 26, 2002, 2:08am
I can't see why he should even bring up that he went to hospital in the
first place unless he's trying to get sympathy to soften the backlash
against his fraudulent business practices. I know one person involved in
this debate in the last few days who did it from hospital but I dont see
them trying to use it to win sympathy. I believe it was filmkr that said
insanity was in hospital and we should all feel sorry for him ... seeing as
they are the same person its obvious he intends to lie about one thing ...
so why not the other ... as I keep saying, this is a credibility issue. The
Cyawards no longer have credibility in the eyes of many ... I desperately
hope Alpha does something to restore this credibility ... but somehow I
doubt she will.


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Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 26, 2002, 2:14am
I never said he was "let in" by association ... I even specifically
mentioned the vote may be skewed or misrepresentative, but I recognised it
was a vote nonetheless in my response to Goober King. Please get your facts
straight. I have repeatedly claimed that he lakes credibility and integrity
and should be removed .... I have questioned why, seval times, such an
individual gets to stay in ... judging by all the bad stuff this guy has
done "it leads you to wonder" what's in it for Alpha ... I don't know much
about you YP so I cant comment on your talent ... I know an enormous amount
about Insanity ... and while I dont question his right to be a member of the
community, I do question his right to judge it fairly ... that's it plain
and simple.


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Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 26, 2002, 2:30am
[View Quote] hehe I actually enjoyed that ... first intelligent thing thats been said for
a while ;-)

> I'm not even going to bother arguing this sillyness anymore, but I will
> say this: You are wading into very dangerous territory the more
> prolonged and far-fetched you make this. The longer you drag this out,
> the more *your* credibility gets damaged, not Insanity's or AlphaBit's.
> Just ask Chucks Party and JFK2 and see if you can find *their*
> credibility. :P

Hey I don't care how much my integrity or credibility is questioned. I've
been in every line of fire politically speaking in all my years and one
thing I've learned is that for me it doesnt really matter (really) what
people think. I don't nominate myself for anything, I dont want any awards
(sure I'd like to compete in the avvy awards cos I like making avs, but it
doesnt matter in the least if I dont), I really dont care how others
percieve me at all ... I'm happy with me and will continue on my merry way
doing whatever I believe to be right ... you could say I have nothing to
lose ... well thats probably true ... I don't ... I've come to pretty much
the end of my career life and done very well thankyou. About the worst you
could do would be take away my citizenship (oh no panic panic) ... I'll just
buy another one if I feel that way inclined.

> But hey, keep it up. It'll give me more fodder for the next round of the
> Newbie Guide! ;D

Oh no ... anything but that. LOL!! Had someone come into my world the other
day and commented "why do you give away free avs? GK said in that post you
never helped anyone" ... I said you were just having fun and they happily
downloaded the av and hung out for a while ... the truth always prevails
Goober ... even beyond humour.


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Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 26, 2002, 12:54pm
yes in one post .. and there are three posts from filmkr which state this
also ... read them all before you start correcting ppl.

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Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 26, 2002, 2:31pm
[View Quote] read them yourself ... one was from the co-workewr ... if you even believe
that however you need your head examined ... just look how many other times
insanity posts as other ppl and uses those names to support himself ... get
a life and see the nose on your face.

> send the message.... wow give it a rest... your doing no good here for
> anyone....including the "community".... hell, about the only thing this
> type of attitude does is keep people from posting in these groups in the
> first place.... afraid of being ganged up on......

I asked a question which to date has not been resolved as far as I'm
concerned ... did I suddenly lose the right to free speech?? About the only
ganging up here is people who seem to support someone who's ethics (to say
the least) are extremely questionable ... if you don't like the issue
brought up then get used to disappointment. If people are afraid to speak
then I dare say its because they fear all you guys might gang up on them
.... it seems you don't like ppl who are strong enough to express an opinion
which disagrees with yours!! Sorry but that's life ... get used to it ...
not everyone is going to backdown because you dont like what they have to
say :-)

ok so you all made
> your point why continue with the insults and accusations? and with no
> proof yet as to any wrong doing. If he broke the law so many
> times(suggested fraud), then how come he's still in business... logic
> rulez :)

There has been plenty of proof ... if you dont want to read it then thats
entirely up to you. If you truely cared about the community you would want
to make sure that newbies who come along stay as far away from people like
insanty as they possibly can ... of course if you want them to get ripped
off then you just keep sticking up for the creep. Your right too ... but I
cant help wonder why.


Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 27, 2002, 1:11am
YP doesnt see that as stealing because it was not her who he stole from ...
you will always find people who will support a 'friend' no matter how evil
their actions have been to other people ... they just dont want to believe
their 'friend' could have stooped so low ... and yes, ambivalent, what he
did was stealing ... he is required, by law, to deliver on the contract paid
for if he doesnt wish to give you a refund ... We've all seen the way he
treated Paul in your chat room ... I wouldn't hold your breath for that

YP is confusing the hosting with the sale of products ... two seperate rip
off events YP ... read the story before you defend the criminal.

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Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 27, 2002, 1:45am
Is it worth sending someone to court for $160? Practically speaking it
usually isnt. The US justice dept did a survey on this a few years back
(sorry I dont have a URL for it) whereby they discovered that almost 50% of
the population had at some stage in the 10 year sample period been defrauded
of up to $500 and failed to prosecute because of the difficulty involved ...
it simply wasnt worth it. So YP, just because fraud isnt challenged doesnt
mean it didnt happen ... 1 in 2 people here (statistically speaking) with be
defrauded just like ambivalent. The catch (wait for it) was that most of the
sample surveyed stated they had found their 'revenge' by other means, most
typically advertising the fraud in the community some how .... isnt it funny
how some things never change!! Gotta love how the USA works.


Glitter in Australia

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Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 27, 2002, 1:46am
Politics has been a part of AW since the beginning by litterally thousands
of ppl ... didnt destroy it yet... AWC does itself more harm with bizarre
business practicess that dont make sense to normal ppl than a few ppl do in
a single NG thread ... dont worry ... your community is quite safe :-).

Voting is a political process ... how can we talking about the integrity of
a voting process without being political (per se).

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Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 27, 2002, 5:34am

Now for a lesson in law: At the end of the day you promised to deliver a
product, you failed to deliver that product (note technically the 30 days
haven't started until ALL the products and services have been delivered ...
plenty of US case law precedents to establish this). You did however accept
payment in advance for the delivery of service (creation/supply of avatars).
You did not supply them (irrespective of the cancellation), hence your very
own policy (under which she purchased the services) requires that you refund
the monies. There was no printed exclusions to this effect and from what I
gather none were offered verbatum. You played on an interpretation of your
policy not supported by law in order to retain monies for services not
delivered (remember that you cannot create a contract unsupported by law and
if you do it reverts to legal trade practice regulations (yes I have
extensive legal experience)). I hate to be the one to tell you this but
LEGALLY that is FRAUD. Now if you claim that as slander please do go ahead
and try to prosecute. I have stated my case clearly and openly and I do so
under the belief and benefit (US slander exclusion) that provision of
information is in the public interest and may serve as a protection until
verification of actions by a court (plently of case precedents and
exclusions exist to protect my rights under these circumstances within the
US and overseas ... I reside in Australia, the news server is private
property and resides in the USA).

The above is not heresay or hate or anything else ... my purpose is and was
not to discredit you for any personal gain or destruction of your business.
I have clearly maintained the grounds of my primary concern and not deviated
from that. As such your claims are baseless. This is no hate crime or
terrorism as you so dramatically exagerate. A hate crime (criminally
speaking) is something like racism, bigotry or other negative
discrimination. Terrorism is the use of force to create fear preventing an
individual or group from exercising their human rights (US state dept
definition). Last time I looked there were more arguing your side of the

Other circumstances regarding your business practices have been withheld
from this forum as they are not relevant to my primary concern which was the
integrity of the Cyawards process. Had I brought those issues up then you'd
most certainly have grounds for your claims ... which is why I have not
done. No doubt however for the harm this has done to your business and
credibility you'd have been financially better off just giving ambivalent
her money back.

Any other legal technicalities you'd like to ask me?

Anyhow I've had enough of this bickering which could have been ended by
Alpha on the very first post ... as far as I'm concerened there is a
distinct bias going on in this awards process which moves to undermine its
credibility and I intend to encourage others to boycott it or vote for
people they believe have no chance of winning so as to skew the results. I
guess at least you will agree that's my democratic right!!

nuff said


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Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 27, 2002, 5:40am
YP you seem to forget that both ambi and insanity agree that the monies were
taken and the avs not delivered ... there is no heresay .... they both agree
.... why cant you see that. Insanity, however, says thats his right under his
policy. The law does not agree with his interpretation. Its quite simple and
extremely tested in law ... no heresay or opinion ... plain and simple
business law. Virtually any business law book you pick up will be able to
verify this if you have the time and are truely interested in understanding
the reality of business practice. There is no presumption of inocence
required. His own admission of process is outside that of law ... he just
wishes to contest that ... unfortunately its well documented as not
contestable and he wouldnt be able to defend it. So yes quite clearly you
are standing up for someone who has broken the law (whether knowingly or
not). I would ask that you take the time to read up on the basic aspects of
contract law so you understand how I am entitled to make these statements.


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