Cy Nominations Officially Open! (General Discussion)

Cy Nominations Officially Open! // General Discussion

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Jun 27, 2002, 10:00pm
[View Quote] > 2. Never refused delivery of avatars.
yup you did. if you didn't, where are my avatars?

> libelous comments
libel involves lying. i haven't lied.

the person has seen
> the avatars she had ordered and approved of their texturing and added
now that is an outrageous lie. i never saw any added features. you told me
you were trying to tack curls on their heads, and couldn't get it right.
you made references to 'improvements' of the fairies, but other than the
curls, never even told me what those other features were. then you told me
you had 'lost' the fairy files, and would have to start over again. you
never again told me you were doing any work on the fairies of any kind.

> with exception of one avatar . She claims nothing was ever done.
uh yeah. i claim nothing was ever done on it cause you those were the words
out of your very mouth -- that you had not done any work on the scorpion
king avatar, but you 'thought you were getting your thoughts together'.

> is that the person sends such vulgar e-mails, no one would care to read
the> trash.
oh yeah. gosh. what was it again? let me look it up. ah. here. you
must mean when i said you could take all the newsgroup posts you told me you
have been collecting and shove them up your... oh. that's it. i used the
heinie word. gosh. i'm sowwy.

if I > recall, stated she would never even accept them if sent to her.
yeah i'll accept them. so long as they are completed as ordered, discussed,
and agreed to. here -- i'll even go you one better -- i'll even take $160
worth of non-custom avatars of my choice. just say the word. i'll pick em.
you send em. i'll send you a statement that i am satisfied.

allow us a counter> suit for all the slander and libel as well as the
intentional interference with> business relations of our customers among
other things.
oh dear god. slander and libel are based on LIES that cause damage. TRUTH
that causes damage is not prosecutable in any way shape or form. so because
it is the truth, and i can prove it, i can freely say, verbally or in
writing, that you defrauded me out of $160. doesn't matter if it gets your
panties in a wad. doesn't matter if you lose every customer you have.
because it is the truth, and i can prove it,

> the person has violated licensing rights by sharing the avatars with
other> worlds. Therefore we are owed licensing fees for those avatars she
distributed> unlawfully.
blatant lie. i sent one avatar to one person for 10 minutes to test it.
that is not 'sharing with other worlds'. that's a 10 minute test. you said
it was fine. i have the chat log. he deleted the avatar after the test. i
sent you confirmation. i have that recorded too.
the other avatar i sent to someone is the one i bought from you specifically
for the purpose of giving it for a gift. you said that was fine. in fact,
you said that was kind. i have that recorded too.
now an example of a license violation is that you sent one of my custom avs
to someone as a gift to use in their world. not to test. not with my
permission. THAT's a license violation. now you understand the difference?
luckily, the person recognized what was happening, and deleted the av from
her world.

young phalpha

Jun 27, 2002, 10:02pm
I can read quite clearly without your capitalized words, no need for them. I have realized the
contract for avatars didn't exist; however if you'd read a few posts above, you'd find out she
would still be out of her money because she cancelled when the work on the avatars was almost
done, I was wrong, but my point still stands that it was her fault she lost her money.

- YP

[View Quote] JB

[View Quote]


Jun 27, 2002, 10:04pm
[View Quote] well that's great insanity. glad you posted for all your existing and
potential customers to see, that your business policy, your business ethic,
is that if you give your customer 51% of what they pay for -- everything's
okay!! hey -- why don't you make up a logo with that on it?

but, no. i didn't even receive the majority of my order (not that it would
be okay with me to receive only 51% or even 99.9% of my order)
- out of the 12 months of world and OP hosting i paid for in advance, i
received only 2 months. do the math.
- out of second avatar order, for five avatars, i received ZERO. do the

young phalpha

Jun 27, 2002, 10:07pm
There is hundreds, possibly thousands of hospitals and health centers in the US, two hospitals I
know of only let you know that information over the phone if you have proof you are a relative
or friend. Also, not every hospital has a cardiac care unit, you should know that, so possibly
calling all hospitals in the area might not have had him, where I live the closest hospital with
a CC unit is Silver Spring or DC, which is about over an hour drive from Frederick.

- YP

[View Quote] You may choose to disbelieve, that's your right and priviledge, but I'm saying it's true....


johnny b

Jun 27, 2002, 10:08pm
Gosh... now AW is discriminating against you TOO ?? :''''O( I shed a poignant tear for you

Perhaps it's because even THEY don't believe your "version" of what you've done...... OR perhaps
they've SEEN You in action and think you need a little "education" so to speak.....
( HOW MANY worlds needing PW's reset to be reclaimed from YOU ? )

but that wouldn't have even occurred to one so arrogant, now would it ?

young phalpha

Jun 27, 2002, 10:11pm

[View Quote] - YP

[View Quote] lmao. i can see why insanity wants you for a friend. lmao. how much has
he bilked you out of? convinced you that you had to pay him, without giving
you any goods, or 'his business would lose money'? or 'take his time'?
ROFLMAO. i bet you're his favorite customer. oh my god my stomach hurts
from laughing. thanks, YP. i needed that.

[View Quote]

young phalpha

Jun 27, 2002, 10:13pm
Your almost finished avatars are located on his harddrive because you had cancelled delivery,
remember? :)

- YP

[View Quote] > 2. Never refused delivery of avatars.
yup you did. if you didn't, where are my avatars?

> libelous comments
libel involves lying. i haven't lied.

the person has seen
> the avatars she had ordered and approved of their texturing and added
now that is an outrageous lie. i never saw any added features. you told me
you were trying to tack curls on their heads, and couldn't get it right.
you made references to 'improvements' of the fairies, but other than the
curls, never even told me what those other features were. then you told me
you had 'lost' the fairy files, and would have to start over again. you
never again told me you were doing any work on the fairies of any kind.

> with exception of one avatar . She claims nothing was ever done.
uh yeah. i claim nothing was ever done on it cause you those were the words
out of your very mouth -- that you had not done any work on the scorpion
king avatar, but you 'thought you were getting your thoughts together'.

> is that the person sends such vulgar e-mails, no one would care to read
the> trash.
oh yeah. gosh. what was it again? let me look it up. ah. here. you
must mean when i said you could take all the newsgroup posts you told me you
have been collecting and shove them up your... oh. that's it. i used the
heinie word. gosh. i'm sowwy.

if I > recall, stated she would never even accept them if sent to her.
yeah i'll accept them. so long as they are completed as ordered, discussed,
and agreed to. here -- i'll even go you one better -- i'll even take $160
worth of non-custom avatars of my choice. just say the word. i'll pick em.
you send em. i'll send you a statement that i am satisfied.

allow us a counter> suit for all the slander and libel as well as the
intentional interference with> business relations of our customers among
other things.
oh dear god. slander and libel are based on LIES that cause damage. TRUTH
that causes damage is not prosecutable in any way shape or form. so because
it is the truth, and i can prove it, i can freely say, verbally or in
writing, that you defrauded me out of $160. doesn't matter if it gets your
panties in a wad. doesn't matter if you lose every customer you have.
because it is the truth, and i can prove it,

> the person has violated licensing rights by sharing the avatars with
other> worlds. Therefore we are owed licensing fees for those avatars she
distributed> unlawfully.
blatant lie. i sent one avatar to one person for 10 minutes to test it.
that is not 'sharing with other worlds'. that's a 10 minute test. you said
it was fine. i have the chat log. he deleted the avatar after the test. i
sent you confirmation. i have that recorded too.
the other avatar i sent to someone is the one i bought from you specifically
for the purpose of giving it for a gift. you said that was fine. in fact,
you said that was kind. i have that recorded too.
now an example of a license violation is that you sent one of my custom avs
to someone as a gift to use in their world. not to test. not with my
permission. THAT's a license violation. now you understand the difference?
luckily, the person recognized what was happening, and deleted the av from
her world.


Jun 27, 2002, 10:13pm
i have told him several times, and posted in here several times, that i
would accept the avatars as ordered, discussed, and agreed to. i in no way
at this point believe for one second that you have not seen my posts. you
obviously read them. therefore you know i've said that, and you are
deliberately pretending that i haven't.

and you are dead wrong -- he MUST legally give me one or the other. you can
not say you'll deliver goods in one week after payment, 5 weeks later refuse
to give a delivery date and instead offer a refund, not send the refund, 6
weeks after the order the customer cancels, and then almost 12 weeks after
the order is paid for, suddenly say you have a 30 day refund policy, not
posted anywhere, not on any order form, simply made up, and say that fake
refund policy is the reason you're not refunding.

how can you possibly think that is legal? have you never shopped?

johnny b

Jun 27, 2002, 10:14pm
I would agree with you YP, except for ONE point...... Ambivalent has EMAILS and TELEGRAMS from him
clearly stating that he wasnt going to deliver the av's OR the refund...... see MY point ? I do
believe ANY judge would find him guilty..... Either way this is not for you or me to argue

there can be no debating what the law IS.... and laws do NOT vary that much from state to

johnny b

Jun 27, 2002, 10:24pm
YP....... defination of "hearsay" as follows...

hear·say Pronunciation Key (hîrs)
Unverified information heard or received from another; rumor.
Law. Evidence based on the reports of others rather than the personal knowledge of a witness and
therefore generally not admissible as testimony.

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


adj : heard through another rather than directly; "hearsay information" n : gossip (usually a
mixture of truth and untruth) passed around by word of mouth [syn: rumor, rumour]
Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University

Therefore what ambivalent says is NOT "hearsay" plain and simple...... as you're hearing this FROM
"the personal knowledge of a witness" and directly from the party involved...... i.e. ambivalent
( THE person who was involved in the situation ) She is making a statement of facts, from her point
of view..... or you may call it an accusation...... but it just is not hearsay.....



Jun 27, 2002, 10:31pm
Most major hospitals will have a coronary unit. If you call to see if the
person is present, they will tell you. It's public information.


[View Quote]

young phalpha

Jun 27, 2002, 10:54pm
Whoa, really? my god, I never knew that, my context of that word was "Evidence based on the
reports of others", stop insulting my intelligence, you will get nowhere, and get nothing, and
like it

- YP

[View Quote] hear·say Pronunciation Key (hîrs)
Unverified information heard or received from another; rumor.
Law. Evidence based on the reports of others rather than the personal knowledge of a witness and
therefore generally not admissible as testimony.

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


adj : heard through another rather than directly; "hearsay information" n : gossip (usually a
mixture of truth and untruth) passed around by word of mouth [syn: rumor, rumour]
Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University

Therefore what ambivalent says is NOT "hearsay" plain and simple...... as you're hearing this
"the personal knowledge of a witness" and directly from the party involved...... i.e.
( THE person who was involved in the situation ) She is making a statement of facts, from her
of view..... or you may call it an accusation...... but it just is not hearsay.....


johnny b

Jun 27, 2002, 10:57pm
YP.... in my example, the part you so clearly missed, is the fact that I had claimed to have "
purchased equipment, done the necessary planning and hardware research " If you owned a business,
you'd realize that these are VERY billable services on their own..... ask any consultant or

Anyway, You have to realize that there are people here with REAL business experience... we're not
all teenagers....... maybe once, but that was a long time ago ;O)

young phalpha

Jun 27, 2002, 10:58pm
Well, mine didn't. I think your wrong on that, a hospital telling whether you are there or not
to a stranger would seem very unlikely.

- YP

[View Quote] --Bowen--

[View Quote]


Jun 27, 2002, 11:01pm
Unless you're under 18, there's no reason not to tell. You can go to the
desk and get the very same information.


[View Quote]

johnny b

Jun 27, 2002, 11:08pm
No attempt to insult....... just pointing out that your use of the word was incorrect..... you
stated that ambivalent was posting "hearsay" which IS incorrect, as it was not "the reports of
others" it was the report of HER..... a first person account........

My replies aren't meant to be insulting, just statements....... I'm sorry if you felt insulted, it
wasn't intended........ and my use of capital letters is targeted to put emphasis on a particular
word...... much as you'd emphasize certain words when you speak....... in real life.......


young phalpha

Jun 27, 2002, 11:14pm
Where in your example did you say that? There's a big difference of consultant/engineer to a 3d
modeler. Knowledge and experience are rather equivalent, knowledge is gained by research,
experience is gained by action. Experience of course I can't get on my own yet, but knowledge I
can. Don't give me that age shit, you have no more of a degree in business law than I do.

- YP

[View Quote] Anyway, You have to realize that there are people here with REAL business experience... we're
all teenagers....... maybe once, but that was a long time ago ;O)

young phalpha

Jun 27, 2002, 11:16pm
They also look at your drivers license and ask your relation, if you say your some person
wanting to see if he's really there to see if he's faking being in the hospital, you know as
well as I do they would raise some eyebrows.

- YP

[View Quote] --Bowen--

[View Quote]


Jun 27, 2002, 11:19pm
That doesn't mean they won't tell you they're there.. They won't ask for it
unless the person is there, just to let you go see them. But to find out if
they're actually there, it's perfectly fine.


[View Quote]

young phalpha

Jun 27, 2002, 11:22pm
When all you have is first person account and a chatlog, "hearsay" would seem a right word
regardless of it meant to not be first person usage.

- YP

[View Quote] My replies aren't meant to be insulting, just statements....... I'm sorry if you felt insulted,
wasn't intended........ and my use of capital letters is targeted to put emphasis on a
word...... much as you'd emphasize certain words when you speak....... in real life.......


young phalpha

Jun 27, 2002, 11:28pm
Well, unless you have any proof that a law exists to find out the location of someone is public,
show me, my hospital would simply say "are you on a need to know basis?". Of course they would
be more willing to tell you his presence if you asked at the lobby entrance than over the phone.

- YP

[View Quote] --Bowen--

[View Quote]

johnny b

Jun 27, 2002, 11:37pm
YP, what do you think they have in a court of law ?? one's word against another's
thats called testimony, not hearsay....... hearsay would be if " I " for example posted :

"Bowen told me, Ambivalent was ripped off"

That IS clearly hearsay, as it did not come straight FROM Ambivalent, understand ?

And YOU just stated below " when all you have is a first person account"

There it is.... "first person account" your interpretation of the word is incorrect... a first
person account is NOT hearsay..... what you think it would "seem" to be, is irrelevant... we're
talking about the correct useage of the term, not your opinion on what YOU think sounds right.....

Anyways.... Enough of the debate over a word.... we're getting a TAD off topic here


[View Quote]


Jun 27, 2002, 11:42pm
Then you could say, "I recently purchased products from the present company
and he's yet to deliver (which is the case). I'm just checking to see if
he's alright."

Your hospitals are a tad bit paranoid. There isn't going to be hitmen
coming around just to kill people at the hospital. These is just common
practice, you're not giving anything more than their name and possibly what
they're in for.


[View Quote]


Jun 27, 2002, 11:45pm
Excuse my poor spelling, I'm completely exhausted .. These would be this


[View Quote]

johnny b

Jun 27, 2002, 11:45pm
reread my post..... i said i'd finished all the "necessary planning and hardware research"

and I never said anything about a law degree..... nor any "age shit" just plainly stated that
perhaps there were a few people in here with a little more business experience than you, who might
be a bit more knowledgeable...... I personally DO own my own business..... and have been doing this
for a number of years now..... I install telecom systems for my current employer and also as a side
endeavour....... I'm also a licensed electrician and one of the senior employees of my company.....
does that NOT give me more experience in business ?

You're taking this a bit too personally....... I'm not trying to insult you, just explaining my
points of view...... which COME from experience......


johnny b

Jun 27, 2002, 11:49pm
Just not true..... if you were in the hospital and I knew your real name, I could just call and ask
the information desk your room # ( under the guise of perhaps, wanting to send a card or flowers )
and they'd give it to me....... simple as that.......

I speak from experience...... Thats what I saw every day for three years

young phalpha

Jun 27, 2002, 11:59pm
An installation is different a product. Laws protect business and consumers, not just the
consumer. If you lose money in any way, something was not done right. If the consumer loses
money because he does not wish to have your product or service after you vested money in it, you
could give them a refund minus the planning and hardware research funds. Most laws don't go that
specific, that's why they have judges and courts.

- YP

[View Quote] and I never said anything about a law degree..... nor any "age shit" just plainly stated that
perhaps there were a few people in here with a little more business experience than you, who
be a bit more knowledgeable...... I personally DO own my own business..... and have been doing
for a number of years now..... I install telecom systems for my current employer and also as a
endeavour....... I'm also a licensed electrician and one of the senior employees of my
does that NOT give me more experience in business ?

You're taking this a bit too personally....... I'm not trying to insult you, just explaining my
points of view...... which COME from experience......


young phalpha

Jun 28, 2002, 12:03am
Then again, you never worked at every hospital and health center, or have you?

- YP

[View Quote] I speak from experience...... Thats what I saw every day for three years


Jun 28, 2002, 12:08am
Noting from your "EXPERIENCE" of buying into GOSSIP and BS as well as you being a person posting HATE
messages... well... I personally would not trust a single word from your mouth... You sure speak about
everything you know nothing about and were never any part of...

As for FACTS... In the United States of America, when you check into any private hospital there is a
form they immediately offer you to sign asking if you would like your hospital stay to remain
confidential. They explain that signing the form would even prohibit your own family from finding out
you were there. Privacy is still an option in the U.S. Why you may ask? To keep idiot slime balls
from bothering patients could be one reason *S*

Again... might I suggest an education??

Stop wasting everyone's time filling this news group with your false tales and continuing HATE CRIME
based gossip attacks.

GET A LIFE DUDE!!! Your credibility is as worthless as your lacking intellect as you have shown well
throughout four news groups now.

[View Quote] > Just not true..... if you were in the hospital and I knew your real name, I could just call and ask
> the information desk your room # ( under the guise of perhaps, wanting to send a card or flowers )
> and they'd give it to me....... simple as that.......
> I speak from experience...... Thats what I saw every day for three years

johnny b

Jun 28, 2002, 12:11am
Nope... certainly havent...... just saying that i'd bet most WOULD tell you the room # of someone
if you know their real name...... also, just because you know the room # doesnt mean they're going
to let you in to SEE the person.... so, really, there's no particular reason they wouldn't tell
you.... unless, like I said, they were in for Psychiatric treatment..... in which case their privacy
is considered utmost over all other concerns


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