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Cy Nominations Officially Open! (General Discussion)
Cy Nominations Officially Open! // General Discussionalphabit phalphaJun 22, 2002, 7:30pm
Hi Everyone:)
Yep it's that time again! Nominations have officially opened and you can place your nominations at then click on the nominations link. You may nominate as many people or places as you wish, but please only nominate once for each person you wish to be a Nominee in each category. Please make sure you peruse the rules and procedures page also at the Cy home page. There have been some additions. Nominations will close next weekend, the 29th, so please don'r miss the deadline. After Nominations close, The Selection Committee (whom you voted for) will view and place their votes during the next month. You will then come back and vote on the top 5 selected in each category. And now.....Your Cy Selection Committee Members!:) Baro Bille BinaryBud Daphne Eric Gamecube Insanity Nornny Modred Thank you for your tremendous support of your Cy Awards and good luck to everyone! Sincerely, The Cy Team CY's are CommunitY:) glitter kittyJun 23, 2002, 1:51am
I'm curious ... considering the recent questions surrounding Insanity's
credibility/integrity, is it appropriate that he be on the committe? I'm not arguing for or against, but I would find that those who felt against him would feel less inclined to participate in the Awards ... and there were an awful lot of people really upset with him ... hence his presence on the commitee at the moment would be damaging to a fair awards process. Just a little politics thought, not trying to drag anything up again. Perhaps he would demonstrate his integrity and step down from the commitee? regards Glitter [View Quote] johnny bJun 23, 2002, 4:32am
Agreed Glitter........ there's a FEW judges who wouldn't exactly be impartial in MY eyes
either..... might be time to reconsider some new ones..... make the playing field a bit more level.... can't hardly expect someone who doesn't like you to vote fairly.. Perhaps Alphabit might rethink this a bit...... maybe MORE judges even..... so one or two negative votes wouldnt disqualify a deserving nominee...... if they weren't particularly liked by certain judges.... alphabit phalphaJun 23, 2002, 9:39am
To those whom feel partial about any members in the Selection team for the
Cy Awards, First of all, the Selection Team was decided by Community voting (your voting). There are very few people residing in Activeworlds that have not had a confrontation with at least one person in their time spent here. We all are human. If the Cys were to take a majority vote and say "Oh no, this person is wrong for this award", we would be totally disregarding the voting process, YOUR votes. There are 9 respected judges representing the Community in their selections. Had we taken any of the judges off the list based on confrontations with others, then we would be stating who was right and who was wrong in each scenario we see in the newsgroups. The Cys are non biased and take no sides. The Selection Team ranges from highly experianced AW Members in technology and design, to people who are still learning. This range will allow for a fair voting. The eyes of the experianced, and that of the fresh new ones also. From this post forward I ask that this topic not continue in thread, and we respect and show appreciation to a group of Activeworlds Citizens who will be investing a ton of their personal time to represent your Community in thier votes. Sincerely, AlphaBit Phalpha ambivalentJun 23, 2002, 9:56am
I swear just yesterday I saw the list of people on the Selection Committee
on the Cy Awards web site, and now I can't find it anywhere. Anybody have the link? thanks - ambi [View Quote] glitter kittyJun 23, 2002, 10:38am
I certainly don't feel happy to nominate the people I wish to nominate
because I _KNOW_ beyond any doubt that they will not be considered fairly by at least one of the judges. Whether you can justify the commitee or not is irrelevant to the fact that _MANY_ people here will feel uncomfortable by their presence (Insanity is the one I refer to in principle) ... people do not forget as easily as you seem to .. or at least move forward so soon. If I am the only one who feels this way then everything is just peachy ... it's plainly obvious by recent events that I am not. In fact the Insanity debarcle was undoubtedly the biggest issue the "community" has responded to in here for a very long time. If you do not address this issue then you will always mark this years awards as questionable. > From this post forward I ask that this topic not continue in thread, and > we respect and show appreciation to a group of Activeworlds Citizens who > will be investing a ton of their personal time to represent your Community > in thier votes. I accept without question that you are working very hard and I am grateful for that. However I ask, as a member of the community you claim to represent, you address this issue and not just sweep it under the carpet. Please recognise that some of us feel strongly on this issue, and while it is past, it still is not forgotten. Consider for the moment a politician. If he is found to be corrupt or particularly offensive to a large group then he is typically stood aside until everyone is happy again or the problem is resolved. Imagine for a moment how we questioned the french and russian skating judges at the winter olympics ... if they had been allowed to continue then every points award from then on would lack credibility and we'd all never really know who was really the best. This is the same sort of thing. Let's say I wanted to nominate the lovely Ambivalent for example. Are you telling me that Insanity would fairly judge her contributions? Of course he wouldn't. Please ask him to demonstrate some credibility and step down. Anyone in favour of Insanity being removed from the commitee please say Aye! regards Glitter Kitty alphabit phalphaJun 23, 2002, 10:44am
The Selection Committee Members will be added today. They have not been
placed on the Cy pages as of yet, due to time facters and getting the nominations pages prepared and available. [View Quote] thanks - ambi [View Quote] alphabit phalphaJun 23, 2002, 11:03am
glitter kitty,
"If you do not address this issue then you will always mark this years awards as questionable." The Cys will not "take sides" in a dispute. "I accept without question that you are working very hard and I am grateful for that." My comment was that the Selection Team will be working very hard giving thier time to vote fairly. "However I ask, as a member of the community you claim to represent, you address this issue and not just sweep it under the carpet." Nothing regarding the Cys is simply "swept under the carpet" sweetie:) "Please recognise that some of us feel strongly on this issue, and while it is past, it still is not forgotten." "some".....majority votes prevail. "Consider for the moment a politician. If he is found to be corrupt or particularly offensive to a large group then he is typically stood aside until everyone is happy again or the problem is resolved. Imagine for a moment how we questioned the french and russian skating judges at the winter olympics ... if they had been allowed to continue then every points award from then on would lack credibility and we'd all never really know who was really the best. This is the same sort of thing." is in no way similar. "Please ask him to demonstrate some credibility and step down." We will NOT do that based on a scenario that the Cys are not involved in. Anyone in favour of Insanity being removed from the commitee please say Aye! Attempting to do a fair voting process with only the use of this newsgroup to get the word out, is totally unfair and ridiculous. As I mentioned before, the Selection team was chosen by the Community thru a fair voting and nominating process. That attempt to have him removed will not even be considered. From this point forward I will not reply to your concerns regarding this matter. Sincerely, AlphaBit Phalpha glitter kittyJun 23, 2002, 11:30am
> The Cys will not "take sides" in a dispute.
When the judges are on one side and the nominees are on the other then whether you believe it or not then there ARE sides and they have been taken > "However I ask, as a member of the community you claim to > represent, you address this issue and not just sweep it under the carpet." > > Nothing regarding the Cys is simply "swept under the carpet" sweetie:) Please do not patronise me with your overtones ... I don't appreciate it "sweetie" ... if you fail to address the issue with anything other than complete ignorance then it is being swept under the carpet whether you believe it or not. > "some".....majority votes prevail. As far as I understand (though I could be wrong) nominations for comittee closed before this issue ... so the past majority is no longer representative. > > "Consider for the moment a politician. If he is found to be corrupt or > particularly offensive to a large group then he is typically stood aside > until everyone is happy again or the problem is resolved. Imagine for a > moment how we questioned the french and russian skating judges at the winter > olympics ... if they had been allowed to continue then every points award > from then on would lack credibility and we'd all never really know who was > really the best. This is the same sort of thing." > > is in no way similar. It most certainly is ... do you think the average community member would consider Insanity could fairly judge Ambivalent? Considering his very recent treatment of her since this debarcle (not for me to provide details unfortunately) it is very clear he is going out of his way to cause even more harm still ... but I doubt you are privvy to that information or I wouldnt be having this conversation with you. > > "Please ask him to demonstrate some credibility and step down." > > We will NOT do that based on a scenario that the Cys are not involved in. They are having their credibility damaged ... that makes them involved ... again whether you believe it or not > Anyone in favour of Insanity being removed from the commitee please say Aye! > > Attempting to do a fair voting process with only the use of this newsgroup > to get the word out, is totally unfair and ridiculous. Why is it unfair ... are we suddenly not entitled to express our opinion? Perhaps if the community you claim to represent voiced similar opinions then you might listen a little more ... I am but one voice speaking quietly. Perhaps its true one person cannot make a difference. I however believe they can ... or I wouldnt be asking Insanity/Filmkr to step down. I do notice hat he has so far not made a response. > As I mentioned before, the Selection team was chosen by the Community > thru a fair voting and nominating process. So were the russian and french judges ... until they were shown to be biased. Do you think Insanity has such an unbiased credible reputation? I certainly don't. But hey they are your awards ... not the community's anymore. > > That attempt to have him removed will not even be considered. As I said.... your choice to sweep it under the carpet is your choice. > From this point forward I will not reply to your concerns regarding this > matter. I thought only emus hid their head in the sand? Sorry Alphabit but I am not a sheep that can be herded into the corner and trampled into silence. God gave me a voice and the right to use it. Glitter johnny bJun 23, 2002, 11:54am
Again, Glitter put it quite correctly.
Alphabit, we KNOW you work quite dilligently on the CY's ( lord knows this is NO small undertaking ) and I also, can appreciate your devotion and hard work. BUT, you must admit, there ARE quite a few instances in which certain judges ( and I'm not just referring to insanity ) would be "tainted" so to speak. As we all can see in the newsgroups, and perhaps NOT see in the actual day to day "in world" happenings, There've been many more instances than any reasonable person would accept as just your definition of "confrontations" We're not talking about every day disagreements here. We're talking about protracted, continuous, deep seated issues here. How can you expect someone to get a fair shake, when a judge clearly and unequivocally has a demonstrated dislike or prejudice for a nominee ? This is considered a conflict of interest. In the real world any judge who had connections of such sort with a person under scrutiny, would be asked to recuse themselves from such a position. Or, at least, they'd have the foresight and wisdom to do so BEFORE being asked. Though that would require great maturity and moral character. ( but that's why they ARE judges, right ? ) Unfortunately, there are a few in this "community" who lack such blessings..... and this is the reason I must question the validity of some judges and the correctness in leaving them in position despite previous knowledge OF such prejudices and/or conflicts. This is precisely WHY in the real world, we have inquires and confirmation hearings BEFORE a judge is put in a position of power...... and WHY in a juried legal case they also have hearings and interviews as to the credibility or prejudice of the jurors involved. Again, I reiterate, this is NOT a questioning of YOUR devotion and hard work. Rather a concern over a very basic idea that if someone doesn't LIKE you, basically, you're not going to be judged fairly and impartially. I too can think of certain persons I would consider very worthy of nomination for a CY but am quite hesitant do DO so, because of just such reasons...... I am quite sure there are many here with a similar view of this. In my opinion, If you've been elected a judge and you have had any conflicts, serious disagreements, or negatively biased altercations with a nominee, recuse yourself from voting ....... Do the mature and correct thing. Do not taint the credibility of the CY's for personal glory, self-serving aggrandizement, or whatever reason. johnny bJun 23, 2002, 12:36pm
My thoughts below.....
> "However I ask, as a member of the community you claim to > represent, you address this issue and not just sweep it under the carpet." > > Nothing regarding the Cys is simply "swept under the carpet" sweetie:) Is this not JUST what you're doing ?? No disrespect intended but when you turn a blind eye to mitigating factors and continue on nonetheless, is this NOT considered "sweeping it under the carpet" ??? I think you'd be hard pressed to prove otherwise... and the "sweetie" comment was wholly unnecessary... can easily be recognised as being patronizing and condescending..... not a nice thing > "Consider for the moment a politician. If he is found to be corrupt or > particularly offensive to a large group then he is typically stood aside > until everyone is happy again or the problem is resolved. Imagine for a > moment how we questioned the french and russian skating judges at the winter > olympics ... if they had been allowed to continue then every points award > from then on would lack credibility and we'd all never really know who was > really the best. This is the same sort of thing." > > is in no way similar. Well, this is EXACTLY the same thing........ this is a credibility issue...... can you not (or won't) see that ?? > > "Please ask him to demonstrate some credibility and step down." > >We will NOT do that based on a scenario that the Cys are not involved in. This is EXACTLY what the CY's are involved in...... this IS the community....... and any situation CONCERNING the community, MUST be addressed, to do otherwise is just plain irresponsible.... Think of it this way...... If say, I was a judge, and I had to vote for say, Eep, in a category... someone who attacks others regularly and visciously, due to my general distaste for his personality and repulsive manners, would you NOT question my fairness in such a vote ?? If you DIDN'T, You'd be hard pressed to maintain YOUR credibility.... see my point ? > > Anyone in favour of Insanity being removed from the commitee please say Aye! I think perhaps a more correct way to resolve this dispute, would be to elect one or more "alternate" judges and have them "stand in" for any judges who have a demonstrated, personal affront to the nominee at hand, for that particular vote, no need to remove them from ALL voting instances...... I feel this a fair and responsible compromise..... > > Attempting to do a fair voting process with only the use of this newsgroup > to get the word out, is totally unfair and ridiculous. > As I mentioned before, the Selection team was chosen by the Community > thru a fair voting and nominating process. > > That attempt to have him removed will not even be considered. > > From this point forward I will not reply to your concerns regarding this > matter. Pretty smug here....... dismissing someone's opinion so arrogantly does not show wisdom and maturity..... Might want to reconsider the way you reply to people..... Glitter has a VALID concern, which she voiced maturely, responsibly and respectably ( without profanity, nastiness or starting a "flame war" ) and you respond with condescension ?? :O/ not nice > > Sincerely, > > AlphaBit Phalpha > > bowenJun 23, 2002, 2:07pm
I agree with GK, in my opinion, Filmkr/Insanity wouldn't be unbiased. I
have also heard what he's been doing to ambivalent. *expects a chime in soon from our new friendly neighborhood troll* --Bowen-- [View Quote] ambivalentJun 23, 2002, 2:08pm
Here's the real rub for me. There are people in AW who are extremely
talented and hard working, and very much deserving of community-wide recognition for that talent and hard work. Many of these people are friends of mine, and/or have supported me throughout Insanity's recent harrassment etc of me. Insanity knows that many of these people are my friends/supporters. He's shown himself to be unethical, hostile, and seemingly unable to separate paranoid fantasies from reality. I say this not as an insult, but most sincerely as a serious fact to be considered. This is certainly strong evidence that he will likewise be unable to separate his same problems from his responsibilities as a member of the selection committee. Insanity was voted by the community onto the selection committee. But, unfortunately, voting took place (June 1) before people became aware of the incidents taking place with me (I didn't post till June 5). Posts that occurred during the voting period were only for a few days at the end of voting, so people probably voted before they knew what was happening. Posts were only to the worldbuilders newsgroup, so the community at large (the majority) probably to this day don't know what Insanity did (and continues to do) to me. So you have people voting completely unaware of his immoral character. Then you have people who voted while aware of the situation, but before enough information was made available that they could make an informed decision. Based on all that, in retrospect, I would think that a sizable number of people, quite possibly the majority, would at this point vote differently. I'm not pleading for myself -- I neither need nor want an award -- but for the hardworking, talented artists and technologists in AW, who deserve community-wide recognition. They deserve a fair chance at the recognition they've earned. I plead for a re-vote on the selection committee. I'm sorry, Johnny, but I don't think alternates would work, because there really is no way to know who Insanity knows, let alone who he thinks in his paranoiac fantasies, is a friend/supporter of mine. If the CY awards are governed by the community, let the community speak, be heard, and decide. johnny bJun 23, 2002, 2:27pm
Sure he isn't having some more "SERIOUS CARDIAC SURGERY" with a curiously short hospital stay there
after ?? :O/ Better take it easy....... don't wanna KILL the guy this time...... he might need ANOTHER name to post with.... and someone who, quite interestingly, writes replies a little TOO similar to him ( while he's supposedly in the hospital ) New Cits are expensive nowadays ;O) JB johnny bJun 23, 2002, 11:59pm
Still waiting for a reply...... How can you expect people to take you seriously when you run and
hide if someone brings up points contrary to YOUR opinions.... Guess we know who the CY's are really all about..... :O/ There goes the notion of "Community" ........ Pretty disappointing goober kingJun 24, 2002, 2:02am
Rather than reply to everyone individually, I'll post to the original
thread... Whatever Insanity did to Ambivalent (I'm not a subscriber to the worldbuilders NG) obviously ruffled a few feathers. And given Insanity's past track record regarding such things, (to which I have personally been witness) I would be inclined to agree that Insanity cannot be trusted for an unbiased opinion. However, it's precisely *because* of Insanity's past track record that I feel I must side with Alphabit on this one. I think it's safe to say that Insanity's methods of dealing with his customers and with other people is no secret. Yet despite his long, well-documented history, he still managed to get enough of the popular vote to get on the committee. Obviously, the majority felt it either wasn't important, or didn't have anything to do with nomination selections. Whatever the reasons, he got on the committee via democratic process, fair and square, deal with it. You people talk about alternate judges and such and comparing this to a court judge, but you have to remember three things: 1) This is the CY Awards, not a trial. The decision Insanity hands down on a nomination is not life or death, 2) It's all subjective anyway and, 3) there are *eight* other judges that assist in making the nomination decisions. They could all easily vote against what Insanity decides and the person will get nominated anyway. And while Insanity may not be above trying to sway the opinions of other members, I sincerely doubt he has enough pull to sway the majority of the committee. So there you have it. Insanity's in the committee and I'm sure this will make the nomination process interesting, to say the least. However, I'm sure that AlphaBit, along with the rest of the committee, can recognize bias when they see it, and act accordingly. Only time will tell if Insanity can truly put aside his differences and work for the greater good... [View Quote] > Hi Everyone:) > Yep it's that time again! > Nominations have officially opened and you can place your nominations at > then click on the nominations link. > You may nominate as many people or places as you wish, but please only > nominate once for each person you wish to be a Nominee in each category. > Please make sure you peruse the rules and procedures page also at the Cy > home page. There have been some additions. > Nominations will close next weekend, the 29th, so please don'r miss the > deadline. > After Nominations close, The Selection Committee (whom you voted for) will > view and place their votes during the next month. > You will then come back and vote on the top 5 selected in each category. > And now.....Your Cy Selection Committee Members!:) > > Baro > Bille > BinaryBud > Daphne > Eric > Gamecube > Insanity > Nornny > Modred > > Thank you for your tremendous support of your Cy Awards and good luck to > everyone! > > Sincerely, > > The Cy Team > > CY's are CommunitY:) > > > -- Goober King Leave it to a Goober to be the voice of reason... rar1 at glitter kittyJun 24, 2002, 2:23am
> Obviously, the majority felt it either wasn't important, or didn't
> have anything to do with nomination selections. Whatever the reasons, he > got on the committee via democratic process, fair and square, deal with it. That's probably more the point ... only a very small percentage of ppl actually voted for ppl to be nominated ... thats why as democratic as it is, it still is very misrepresentative. It's important for Insanity to sit on the committee because he uses that as leverage to convince people that his rip off company is trustworthy by the community when it clearly isnt. He doesnt sit on this for helping the committee .... he sits to further his own selfish cause. Did ambilvalent ever get her refund that he said in here that his company would give? Or did he lie yet again to line his own pockets? Remember that a committe is only as credible as its members ... its this the credibility of the Cyawads? I was hoping it would be a little more upfront, rather than trying to sweep it under the carpet so quickly ... while I hate to even suggest it, I'm starting to wonder what Alpha is getting from Insanity to let him get away with this? It's probably innocent and above board but to me it smells fishy ... maybe I'm just paranoid but you cant help think it. > So there you have it. Insanity's in the committee and I'm sure this will > make the nomination process interesting, to say the least. However, I'm > sure that AlphaBit, along with the rest of the committee, can recognize > bias when they see it, and act accordingly. Only time will tell if > Insanity can truly put aside his differences and work for the greater > good... This is just the point again ... Alpha only seems to see what she wants to see ... she will never see bias because she cant accept that it might be possible or has some other incentive to ignore it. These awards, as you highlightled, will be the opinions of just a few people and forever after the results will be tainted ... it wont make the process interesting ... jus t very much abandoned by a disillusioned bunch of people who once believed Alpha had the integrity to make the community stuff balanced Glitter alphabit phalphaJun 24, 2002, 2:46am
Ok glitter kitty,
You continued to gram me even after I requested you don't and warned you I would block your grams, which I did:) Dang I love that feature! very important gram I would like to copy and paste in here to prove my point. Actually I only need to quote you on 6 words in that gram. "I have no fight with insanity" After the above post, I rest my case:) glitter kittyJun 24, 2002, 2:50am
Something interesting on the Cyawards is that it is sponsered by Goober's
news site and that another sponser ( carries Insanity's advertising on it ... not trying to accuse anyone of anything, only highlighting some associations. You know it makes me wonder how insanity got those past CYawards ... kinda like the US govt ... best decisions money can buy! Glitter glitter kittyJun 24, 2002, 3:02am
You never ever requested me not to gram you ... it seems you are a liar as
well? You did say you would block me after I asked you a question and you did ... while continuing to send me threatening telegrams ... I don't understand why you would do such a thing if there was no problem as far as you were concerned. Why are you so massively defensive about this? What are you hiding? Your quote is only a partial quote and out of context also .... I said that my problem was not with insanity but in how his presence affected the appearance of the cyawards in its entirity ... i believe all my posts to date have reinforced this. You also said you had filtered out my address from newsgroups and that you no longer wanted to see any of my posts ... other than being very very childish you are shown to be lying yet again as you continue to read my posts ... well I assume you read them because you said the issue was closed as here you are responding again! What is the matter with you? You are proving to be more of a liar than Insanity!! This is such a pity ... I used to hold you in such a high regard ... all I wanted was that you reconsider the appointment of someone who may compromise the validity of the awards ... had you just said "hmmm I'll consider it" then later said "no" I would have been happy. Seems Insanity's bias is not the only thing in question anymore .... ..... so how much is he paying you to get a vote? Glitter [View Quote] ericJun 24, 2002, 9:10am
I don't get all this paranoia, but I just want you to rest assured that I,
(and I think I speak for everyone when I say) as well as the other members of the committee (i know a few of them), are in nobody's pocket. I for one will vote based on which entries I find most deserving by my standards and by the standards set by the cy awards.. _not_ because someone whom I don't know starts trying to get me to dislike people. I would greatly appreciate it if you could, please, sum up this discussion because it seems that everything there is to be said has already been said, and anything further would just be flaming. No offense intended, Eric [View Quote] ambivalentJun 24, 2002, 9:11am
> selfish cause. Did ambilvalent ever get her refund that he said in here
that > his company would give? Or did he lie yet again to line his own pockets? No, Kitty, Insanity has emailed me more than once to state emphatically that not only will will he not refund my money for hosting services, but that he also will neither refund the $160 I paid him for avatars, nor will he deliver the avatars. I'm sure most of you know that taking money in return for goods, and then not delivering those goods, is fraud. Insanity has further, just this past week, given away one of the custom avs I bought from him for exclusive use in my world. Not only have I been subjected to his theft, fraud, and license violations, but he continues to barrage me with abusive and threatening emails. The man is among the worst of what humanity can sink to. glitter kittyJun 24, 2002, 9:34am
> Insanity has further, just this past week, given away one of the custom
avs > I bought from him for exclusive use in my world. > > Not only have I been subjected to his theft, fraud, and license violations, > but he continues to barrage me with abusive and threatening emails. > > The man is among the worst of what humanity can sink to. .... and this is the man whom Alpha thinks is appropirate to judge the standards of the community As they say ... you spend enought time around sh*t and you start to smell like it. ;-| Glitter johnny bJun 24, 2002, 9:45am
Amazing he hasn't had more "SERIOUS CARDIAC SURGERIES" over this ...... Very interesting
indeed........ you'd think all this controversy woulda killed the poor guy by now........ well, hell, I guess that two day bed rest patched him right up :O/ I need HIS doctor... guy performs outright MIRACLES.... Now he's back to his little intimidation games again, huh ? Figures........ Real tough guy you are there Insanity....... fighting for your life yet you STILL have plenty of strength a couple days later to fire off some abusive emails, huh ? will you EVER learn ?? lying and cheating ppl just ISN'T nice and isn't just forgotten......... absolutely disgusting....... alphabit phalphaJun 24, 2002, 10:16am
Hi Eric:)
Sorry this whole mess had to involve you. Thank you for statements in your post here. They are true , however there is no way to convince closed minds. It seems the bitterness that exists in this scenario will just continue, while attempting to pull the Cy Awards in with it. Once again, we will not let that happen. As much as I "personally" would love to have a go at this thread, since I represent the Cy Awards, I will have to bite my lip....ouch!:) I will ask that this thread have no effect on the upcoming voting process, when the Community places their votes. I don't think people realize that negativity like this effects ALL involved. Thanks again:) Bit:) bowenJun 24, 2002, 1:16pm
I don't remember seeing a voting option or being told I could vote on these
people.. prehaps that might've chaned the outcome just a tad. --Bowen-- [View Quote] ananasJun 24, 2002, 2:57pm
It has been there for about a week, on a link "Voting" that
went to Maybe not the best name for this link, because it could be easily confused with the voting for nominated entries. I think it would be a good idea for the next time, to split the links list to the left into sections, like Current Awards ============== Calendar Sponsors Procedures Rules Forum Contact Committee ========= Nominations Voting Members Entries ======= Nominations Voting Results Past Awards =========== History Receipients Album [View Quote] bitmasterJun 24, 2002, 8:26pm
Hi Glitter Kitty and those concerned,
I have been silent up until now. Your ranting of conspiracy is far from the truth and therefore makes me wonder who should be in question here. I have heard many things and I will not defend nor will I push out what has already been done and knowing more about backgrounds than you can ever imagine, I do believe you are stepping out of bounds. I am however truly sorry that people cannot trust in those that are willing to NOT take sides on personal issues that should NOT concern them as a whole. We cannot play judge in a matter of personal dispute until the person in question directly shows the Cy Committee that they are not qualified upon their actions on the Committee. So far I have only seen a few people that have been directly involved posting in protest against an individual for reasons that I cannot base a persons expectations in a position that has already been voted in by the community by those that have been keeping up with it. If we were to respond to every protest that one individual or small party has against another individual, we would probably run out of candidates really quick. I do appreciate your concerns in this matter and am truly sorry that you have conflict with one of the judge members, but we cannot base a handful of people as being the representatives of an entire community. I wish there is something I could do to make this easier for all parties concerned, but I cannot find anything in my pocket to remedy this. I know I have not said anything to change your thoughts, but I do hope that you understand that I do trust in AlphaBit even if at times she might get a bit frustrated and respond on a personal level.. I guess she's human too.. Now here is something I wasn't going to share with you and the rest, but thought it only fair to you and AlphaBit that I did. She DID ask me for my thoughts on this subject for she was concerned for the very reasons that has happened here in the NG's. I basically said, "Oh well. We'll see what happens. It should be interesting. " With that statement, I merely meant, what is done is done and we can't let the personal feelings of a few interfere with the outcome. This doesn't mean we won't keep a watchful eye though. ;) Thank you for reading. Bits [View Quote] goober kingJun 24, 2002, 8:47pm
Now I'm starting to wonder about *your* sanity level, Glitter. Grasping
at straws, are we? Well, to put your paranoid mind at rest, I'll have you know that I've been at odds with APB just as often as I've supported her. Not only that, but, if I recall correctly, she's been at odds with Insanity before as well. I'm sure she knows full well what she's dealing with and can handle it. And as for all this talk about "sweeping it under the rug", the only reason she doesn't want to talk about is because you people have already said your piece. She has heard your arguments, considered them, and said "No, Insanity's staying." Since these NGs are not a real-time communication system, she's had plenty of time to consider your arguments before replying to your post. It would seem that it is *you* who are having the problem with dealing with that decision. If you want to have some silly boycott or whatever of the CYs because of this, fine, that's your business. But to somehow imply that she is not only trying to cover-up some sort of conspiracy (as well as implicating others in this "cover-up"), but also taking bribes/kickbacks/whatever from Insanity, is not only false, but borders on libel and slander, which easily puts you in the same camp as Insanity. I don't think you'd want that, now would you? [View Quote] > Something interesting on the Cyawards is that it is sponsered by Goober's > news site and that another sponser ( carries > Insanity's advertising on it ... not trying to accuse anyone of anything, > only highlighting some associations. You know it makes me wonder how > insanity got those past CYawards ... kinda like the US govt ... best > decisions money can buy! > > Glitter > > > -- Goober King He's rolling in the irony right now... rar1 at johnny bJun 24, 2002, 8:49pm
Well, it doesn't change my views on the situation but I'd like to thank you for telling the whole story...... had that been done before, this might have followed a different course....... I personally feel that a tainted or prejudiced judge should be removed from the particular vote in question. Especially considering how seriously many in here take the CY's, AVVY's and such....... I mean, if it came down to a 1 vote difference, and there was a question regarding ANY judge having had problems with the nominee, I think you can see my point........ Anyways, as you put so well, there IS no easy solution.......... I just hope those who deserve to win, do....... JB |