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Apr 1, 2002, 1:17am
In the grand scheme of things here..... considering how many decent ppl
would be hurt by this, I do believe most would agree with me in saying that
what you..... ONE person believes, is irrelevant.....

I for one am glad he posted this info..... tho I think it was unwise to post
the list of ACTUAL passwords..... that wasn't necessary.... and could
potentially harm some who OWN those OP paths, and may have not seen this yet

And, Yes.... I can also confirm this is not a hoax...... as one of the
worlds listed belongs to a close friend and the PW was correct..... :O(
fortunately it was changed quite some time ago......

Thank you Strike...... Hope You contacted those world owners..


Apr 1, 2002, 9:51am
Wings, I can only speak for myself, but Andras has also confirmed this is
NOT a hoax I'd have to say that I do believe he is probably one of the
single most trusted and respected individuals IN activeworlds..... And also
a very thorough man.... he would not say so unless it was a true and proven
fact :O(

One of the worlds on that list belongs to a very close friend and the
listed PW was indeed the correct one....... Fortunately she had changed the
PW months ago after a discussion we had concerning a totally unrelated
matter, so apparently whomever is doing or had done this, has been at it
for some time :O( as the PW on the list is months old.......

I'd suggest if you have any custom Av's or objects on your path, you
reconsider your decision and repassword them..... It truly is a bit of an
undertaking for someone with a large OP, but are the alternatives acceptable
?? Also is it fair to the modelers who may have made any of the customs,
for their work to remain unprotected, for any rotten bag of garbage to help
themselves to ? :O(

Best I can offer is that Andras' MultiZip program will rezip and PW files in
HUGE batches.... I've used it and it works well...... Truly a saving grace in this

Best of luck,


Apr 1, 2002, 10:00am
Do you realize that by being so aloof and disbelieving of this situation in
a public post, You may well be inviting this louse, just to satisfy his own
sadistic immoral urges, to crack YOUR pw now, just to be a Prick ?? Pardon
my language....

Sometimes best to just quietly go about your business and not draw attention
to yourself........

of course, only my opinion


Apr 1, 2002, 1:17am
In the grand scheme of things here..... considering how many decent ppl
would be hurt by this, I do believe most would agree with me in saying that
what you..... ONE person believes, is irrelevant.....

I for one am glad he posted this info..... tho I think it was unwise to post
the list of ACTUAL passwords..... that wasn't necessary.... and could
potentially harm some who OWN those OP paths, and may have not seen this yet

And, Yes.... I can also confirm this is not a hoax...... as one of the
worlds listed belongs to a close friend and the PW was correct..... :O(
fortunately it was changed quite some time ago......

Thank you Strike...... Hope You contacted those world owners..


Apr 1, 2002, 9:51am
Wings, I can only speak for myself, but Andras has also confirmed this is
NOT a hoax I'd have to say that I do believe he is probably one of the
single most trusted and respected individuals IN activeworlds..... And also
a very thorough man.... he would not say so unless it was a true and proven
fact :O(

One of the worlds on that list belongs to a very close friend and the
listed PW was indeed the correct one....... Fortunately she had changed the
PW months ago after a discussion we had concerning a totally unrelated
matter, so apparently whomever is doing or had done this, has been at it
for some time :O( as the PW on the list is months old.......

I'd suggest if you have any custom Av's or objects on your path, you
reconsider your decision and repassword them..... It truly is a bit of an
undertaking for someone with a large OP, but are the alternatives acceptable
?? Also is it fair to the modelers who may have made any of the customs,
for their work to remain unprotected, for any rotten bag of garbage to help
themselves to ? :O(

Best I can offer is that Andras' MultiZip program will rezip and PW files in
HUGE batches.... I've used it and it works well...... Truly a saving grace in this

Best of luck,


Apr 1, 2002, 10:00am
Do you realize that by being so aloof and disbelieving of this situation in
a public post, You may well be inviting this louse, just to satisfy his own
sadistic immoral urges, to crack YOUR pw now, just to be a Prick ?? Pardon
my language....

Sometimes best to just quietly go about your business and not draw attention
to yourself........

of course, only my opinion

FWD: AASwamp

May 4, 2002, 12:57am
Sheesh Carl, Let it die gracefully b4 you jump right in and pick the bones

[View Quote]

FWD: AASwamp

May 4, 2002, 1:08am
Yes..... Die..... the WORLD..... Hal9000 was awful kind to be generous
enough TO give away the path and all that stuff...... He doesn't HAVE to,
after all...

at least be polite enough to WAIT until he's ready to....

[View Quote]

FWD: AASwamp

May 4, 2002, 1:37am
Sorry, My goof........ still....... give the guy a chance...


Apr 1, 2002, 1:17am
In the grand scheme of things here..... considering how many decent ppl
would be hurt by this, I do believe most would agree with me in saying that
what you..... ONE person believes, is irrelevant.....

I for one am glad he posted this info..... tho I think it was unwise to post
the list of ACTUAL passwords..... that wasn't necessary.... and could
potentially harm some who OWN those OP paths, and may have not seen this yet

And, Yes.... I can also confirm this is not a hoax...... as one of the
worlds listed belongs to a close friend and the PW was correct..... :O(
fortunately it was changed quite some time ago......

Thank you Strike...... Hope You contacted those world owners..


Apr 1, 2002, 9:51am
Wings, I can only speak for myself, but Andras has also confirmed this is
NOT a hoax I'd have to say that I do believe he is probably one of the
single most trusted and respected individuals IN activeworlds..... And also
a very thorough man.... he would not say so unless it was a true and proven
fact :O(

One of the worlds on that list belongs to a very close friend and the
listed PW was indeed the correct one....... Fortunately she had changed the
PW months ago after a discussion we had concerning a totally unrelated
matter, so apparently whomever is doing or had done this, has been at it
for some time :O( as the PW on the list is months old.......

I'd suggest if you have any custom Av's or objects on your path, you
reconsider your decision and repassword them..... It truly is a bit of an
undertaking for someone with a large OP, but are the alternatives acceptable
?? Also is it fair to the modelers who may have made any of the customs,
for their work to remain unprotected, for any rotten bag of garbage to help
themselves to ? :O(

Best I can offer is that Andras' MultiZip program will rezip and PW files in
HUGE batches.... I've used it and it works well...... Truly a saving grace in this

Best of luck,


Apr 1, 2002, 10:00am
Do you realize that by being so aloof and disbelieving of this situation in
a public post, You may well be inviting this louse, just to satisfy his own
sadistic immoral urges, to crack YOUR pw now, just to be a Prick ?? Pardon
my language....

Sometimes best to just quietly go about your business and not draw attention
to yourself........

of course, only my opinion

A Test-- Sort Of!

Apr 30, 2002, 12:57am
I have all of em :O) IF you like, I've made two much better sets of
textures for them too..... one, grass and mud, the other is a winter /
light snow set... You're welcome to em, if you want em.....

JB :O)

Re: From Eep - 3D Analyzer

Jun 14, 2002, 8:46am
He obviously don't know Eep......

anyone know about quake .bsp files ?

Feb 10, 2002, 12:31am
Hey People :O)

ok.... here's a good one..... WAY off topic ;O)
anyone out there do any map building for the Quake series of games ?? What
i'm wondering is, is there an EASY way to extract the textures and the .MAP
file from the .BSP file ?? I've been toying with the stuff lately and none
of the programs I've come across have been able to... Granted, I'm
certainly no expert on this stuff, but it looks like fun and I wanna play,
but I'm too dumb still ;O)

Any help would be wonderful..... thanks :O)

anyone know about quake .bsp files ?

Feb 11, 2002, 11:17pm
Yeah, i know :O( and like i said, i'm a serious beginner at this......
just thought some old-timer here might be able to pass along a tip or two,
figured there must be some ppl here who play with game mapping and that.....

oh well ......

anyone know about quake .bsp files ?

Feb 12, 2002, 9:41am
Thanks :O) just wanna look at the free stuff ppl put up on places like
Planet Quake that you can download....... Interested to see how these things
are made and such....
(always got one too many irons in the fire) :O)


anyone know about quake .bsp files ?

Feb 14, 2002, 9:30pm
Moria..... thanks for the lead, it worked for Q3 .bsp files, but it only
extracts the .map file...... not the textures... which is what i was
interested in seeing..... i wanted to try my hand at retexturing a map......
seems everything i try either only does the map, or wont work on Q3
files...... :O/

Thanks again


Apr 1, 2002, 1:17am
In the grand scheme of things here..... considering how many decent ppl
would be hurt by this, I do believe most would agree with me in saying that
what you..... ONE person believes, is irrelevant.....

I for one am glad he posted this info..... tho I think it was unwise to post
the list of ACTUAL passwords..... that wasn't necessary.... and could
potentially harm some who OWN those OP paths, and may have not seen this yet

And, Yes.... I can also confirm this is not a hoax...... as one of the
worlds listed belongs to a close friend and the PW was correct..... :O(
fortunately it was changed quite some time ago......

Thank you Strike...... Hope You contacted those world owners..


Apr 1, 2002, 9:51am
Wings, I can only speak for myself, but Andras has also confirmed this is
NOT a hoax I'd have to say that I do believe he is probably one of the
single most trusted and respected individuals IN activeworlds..... And also
a very thorough man.... he would not say so unless it was a true and proven
fact :O(

One of the worlds on that list belongs to a very close friend and the
listed PW was indeed the correct one....... Fortunately she had changed the
PW months ago after a discussion we had concerning a totally unrelated
matter, so apparently whomever is doing or had done this, has been at it
for some time :O( as the PW on the list is months old.......

I'd suggest if you have any custom Av's or objects on your path, you
reconsider your decision and repassword them..... It truly is a bit of an
undertaking for someone with a large OP, but are the alternatives acceptable
?? Also is it fair to the modelers who may have made any of the customs,
for their work to remain unprotected, for any rotten bag of garbage to help
themselves to ? :O(

Best I can offer is that Andras' MultiZip program will rezip and PW files in
HUGE batches.... I've used it and it works well...... Truly a saving grace in this

Best of luck,


Apr 1, 2002, 10:00am
Do you realize that by being so aloof and disbelieving of this situation in
a public post, You may well be inviting this louse, just to satisfy his own
sadistic immoral urges, to crack YOUR pw now, just to be a Prick ?? Pardon
my language....

Sometimes best to just quietly go about your business and not draw attention
to yourself........

of course, only my opinion

If You Miss Eep...

Apr 5, 2002, 8:19pm
He's still here... spitting out the yuck in Andras' newsgroups from time to
time :O)

Bet he's glad you all miss him ;O)

A Test-- Sort Of!

Apr 30, 2002, 12:57am
I have all of em :O) IF you like, I've made two much better sets of
textures for them too..... one, grass and mud, the other is a winter /
light snow set... You're welcome to em, if you want em.....

JB :O)

Free yourselfs

May 16, 2002, 7:16pm
Amen to THAT ! :O) let this thread die ppl........ please

Free yourselfs

May 17, 2002, 9:10am
Bless you....... get any on yourself ?

DirectX 8.1

May 17, 2002, 7:58pm
wasted your time ;O) on the microsoft D/L page, it says dont bother
installing it for XP, it already comes with it.


DirectX 8.1

May 18, 2002, 3:43pm
Good point, it's always good to check, b4 installing new drivers, etc....
especially if you've got an old puter :O) as, apparently PC Hamster found

Something i noticed about scale in AW

May 18, 2002, 1:27pm
Ha ! :OD good one !

Something i noticed about scale in AW

May 18, 2002, 1:28pm
twas a joke ;O)


May 24, 2002, 8:08pm
Yeah, That stuff aint too appropriate for here where there's kids.......


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