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johnny b // User Search
johnny b // User SearchCy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 27, 2002, 9:21pm
Looking at the grammatical content and patterns IN those posts, I'll say I personally do NOT believe
this to be TWO diffferent persons, Bud........ They're just TOO similar to take seriously....... Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 27, 2002, 9:28pm
Well, actually, they DO Bud..... I WORKED in a hospital for three years..... and unless the patient
was in for psychiatric treatment, they WILL tell you if the person is there...... They'll even tell you if that person passed away ...... I know for a fact, NOT speculating here....... they have NO way of knowing who calls, or why.... what if you wanted to send flowers ? You may choose to disbelieve, that's your right and priviledge, but I'm saying it's true.... from experience....... JB Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 27, 2002, 9:31pm
YP, there IS no 30 day contract for AVATARS.... clearly stated on the site..... delivery apon
receipt of payment...... And just because YOU believe something to to be the way YOU see it, does not make it a fact either..... you need to realize that it's your OPINION, and nothing more JB [View Quote] Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 27, 2002, 10:08pm
Gosh... now AW is discriminating against you TOO ?? :''''O( I shed a poignant tear for you
there....... Perhaps it's because even THEY don't believe your "version" of what you've done...... OR perhaps they've SEEN You in action and think you need a little "education" so to speak..... ( HOW MANY worlds needing PW's reset to be reclaimed from YOU ? ) but that wouldn't have even occurred to one so arrogant, now would it ? Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 27, 2002, 10:14pm
I would agree with you YP, except for ONE point...... Ambivalent has EMAILS and TELEGRAMS from him
clearly stating that he wasnt going to deliver the av's OR the refund...... see MY point ? I do believe ANY judge would find him guilty..... Either way this is not for you or me to argue over...... there can be no debating what the law IS.... and laws do NOT vary that much from state to state...... Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 27, 2002, 10:24pm
YP....... defination of "hearsay" as follows...
hear·say Pronunciation Key (hîrs) n. Unverified information heard or received from another; rumor. Law. Evidence based on the reports of others rather than the personal knowledge of a witness and therefore generally not admissible as testimony. Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. hearsay adj : heard through another rather than directly; "hearsay information" n : gossip (usually a mixture of truth and untruth) passed around by word of mouth [syn: rumor, rumour] Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University Therefore what ambivalent says is NOT "hearsay" plain and simple...... as you're hearing this FROM "the personal knowledge of a witness" and directly from the party involved...... i.e. ambivalent ( THE person who was involved in the situation ) She is making a statement of facts, from her point of view..... or you may call it an accusation...... but it just is not hearsay..... JB Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 27, 2002, 10:57pm
YP.... in my example, the part you so clearly missed, is the fact that I had claimed to have "
purchased equipment, done the necessary planning and hardware research " If you owned a business, you'd realize that these are VERY billable services on their own..... ask any consultant or engineer... Anyway, You have to realize that there are people here with REAL business experience... we're not all teenagers....... maybe once, but that was a long time ago ;O) Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 27, 2002, 11:08pm
No attempt to insult....... just pointing out that your use of the word was incorrect..... you
stated that ambivalent was posting "hearsay" which IS incorrect, as it was not "the reports of others" it was the report of HER..... a first person account........ My replies aren't meant to be insulting, just statements....... I'm sorry if you felt insulted, it wasn't intended........ and my use of capital letters is targeted to put emphasis on a particular word...... much as you'd emphasize certain words when you speak....... in real life....... JB Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 27, 2002, 11:37pm
YP, what do you think they have in a court of law ?? one's word against another's
thats called testimony, not hearsay....... hearsay would be if " I " for example posted : "Bowen told me, Ambivalent was ripped off" That IS clearly hearsay, as it did not come straight FROM Ambivalent, understand ? And YOU just stated below " when all you have is a first person account" There it is.... "first person account" your interpretation of the word is incorrect... a first person account is NOT hearsay..... what you think it would "seem" to be, is irrelevant... we're talking about the correct useage of the term, not your opinion on what YOU think sounds right..... Anyways.... Enough of the debate over a word.... we're getting a TAD off topic here JB [View Quote] Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 27, 2002, 11:45pm
reread my post..... i said i'd finished all the "necessary planning and hardware research"
and I never said anything about a law degree..... nor any "age shit" just plainly stated that perhaps there were a few people in here with a little more business experience than you, who might be a bit more knowledgeable...... I personally DO own my own business..... and have been doing this for a number of years now..... I install telecom systems for my current employer and also as a side endeavour....... I'm also a licensed electrician and one of the senior employees of my company..... does that NOT give me more experience in business ? You're taking this a bit too personally....... I'm not trying to insult you, just explaining my points of view...... which COME from experience...... JB Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 27, 2002, 11:49pm
Just not true..... if you were in the hospital and I knew your real name, I could just call and ask
the information desk your room # ( under the guise of perhaps, wanting to send a card or flowers ) and they'd give it to me....... simple as that....... I speak from experience...... Thats what I saw every day for three years Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 28, 2002, 12:11am
Nope... certainly havent...... just saying that i'd bet most WOULD tell you the room # of someone
if you know their real name...... also, just because you know the room # doesnt mean they're going to let you in to SEE the person.... so, really, there's no particular reason they wouldn't tell you.... unless, like I said, they were in for Psychiatric treatment..... in which case their privacy is considered utmost over all other concerns JB Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 28, 2002, 12:24am
No YP, it's not different...... Any work I might perform, in any capacity, in regards to said
contract, is considered a "product or service" in the eyes of the law. I can be sitting here right now, looking up equipment specs. comparing them to determine the best one for the application and any time I spend, IS billable as a part of the work contracted............ and yes, the laws DO go that specific.... there are numerous laws involving what may or may not be termed a "service" or "product" and many legal precidents have been set due to lawsuits and the judge's decisions handed forth thereof.... Anyways, I really dont want to drag this on anymore..... you have your opinions, regardless what facts I attempt to present you...... And you have every right TO your opinions...... Thats the great part of a free society :O) JB Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 28, 2002, 12:35am
Hey Lars...... in case you hadnt noticed...... I've got EVERY right to state my opinion here......
dont like it ? filter me..... Btw.... already GOT an education..... and obviously one that taught me manners and self restraint..... attributes you obviously haven't mastered yet....... Ohh yeah... keep tossing those words "HATE CRIME" around.... Seems to me, I havent ever used any racially inflammatory words or insults.... nor any horrendous statements regarding your religious beliefs, Killed you cause I dont like white people, spray painted any swastikas on your door, or burned your church down...... ( in case YOU need an education, THOSE are "hate crimes", you know SOOO much about the law, or so you claim..... go look it up) I'm just stating my opinion here.... If I dont happen to like you, so be it..... last time I looked, there WAS no law that said i couldn't Filter me any time you so desire, if I'm so insignificant........ Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jul 1, 2002, 8:31pm
Find an instance of me slewing "hate" towards ANYONE in here, other than perhaps you......... I make
no bones about it Lars...... I DON'T like you, and you know what ? That's my god given RIGHT..... along with my god given right to EXPRESS my opinions......... Show me where it says I have to believe what YOU say or think....... I personally think you are a liar....... plain and simple...... wanna call that a "hate crime" be my guest...... regardless what your narrow minded views are or what you seem to think you know so much about, I still don't have to like you...... And again....... go ahead..... find some post where I've "slewn hate" to any other person in AW, I'm curious to see what you come up with.... Though I'm most assuredly confident you wont find a thing....... again, you're blowing smoke...... You're not going to shift attention away from your misdeeds by attempting to make me a pariah, my friend...... give it up Broken suggestion boxJun 23, 2002, 1:42pm
HAHAHA :OD kinda "ironic" dontcha think ?
You try emailing them ? they might not even know.... JB Broken suggestion boxJun 24, 2002, 10:58pm
Just Goofin ;O) Kellie / Myst is quite Legit..... and quite nice also :O)
She used to run and host the old Juno Dome ( may still ) way back...... no sneaky stuff here :O) JB WitchHunts... Answering the allegationsJun 27, 2002, 9:42pm
Then care to explain HOW you ( or one summer) took posession of an avatar that was MADE specifically
FOR the world Y2000 and used it in the world "BluPearl" This Avatar WAS in the world and also as an object I as well as many others had SEEN it there....... considering it was made ONLY for that world, I'm curious as to your explanations....... Hmm...... got something that doesn't belong to you....... smells of dishonesty to ME WitchHunts... Answering the allegationsJun 27, 2002, 9:46pm
And I happen to be quite privy TO those , shall we say, "colorful" telegrams you sent to Posh of
Y2000...... Worded quite menacingly, I'd say... Cant do the time, don't do the crime....... Oh yeah...... BTW....... you cant register copyrights AFTER the fact...... It doesn't work that way...... research, my friend.... research WitchHunts... Answering the allegationsJun 27, 2002, 10:01pm
Also, interesting that you bring this up NOW ( curious coincidence - Y2000 has been nominated for
multiple CY awards ) ... as opposed to MONTHS ago when it actually HAPPENED..... Trying to smear people's opinion there a little bit, maybe ?? zip problemsJul 8, 2002, 8:28am
Isnt Stuffit for MAC's ?? If so.....explains it right there........
Try this, MUCH better for here JB zip problemsJul 8, 2002, 11:36pm
Give Multizip a try :O) it's a great program........
Good Luck. JB agreeing with the GK's is badApr 27, 2003, 2:06pm
Haven't posted much here in some time, but I'd have to agree with KAH..... Bud / Leo's posts in this thread support exactly what
KAH is saying about generalizing and being negative towards the younger crowd here. Unfortunately this is far from the first time I've seen this here. Being one of the "older" crowd here myself, I'll say I've met more young people who are far more enthusiastic, helpful, and eager than most of the adults I see in here on a regular basis........ so this immature kiddie attitude Bud has is quite out of line and downright disrespectful...... These crappy, holier than thou attitudes just don't get anyone anywhere....... > > I don't have a habit of pissing in people's cornflakes :-P > > Anyway, I'm just fed up with BB's attitude that older people are much wiser > and generally better than young people. He's shown this several times in > different contexts, and it's just plain ridiculous. So I let him have a bit > of his own medicine, I didn't feel like reiterating my arguments yet > another time, he's heard them before and couldn't care less. > > KAH AW 3.4 Build 482 Water BugMay 2, 2003, 2:03am
AW 3.4 Build 482 Water BugMay 2, 2003, 9:02pm
COMMUNITY WARNINGOct 12, 2003, 2:55pm
Hmmm....... yeah, you're sure better than the 'kids' here....
Real mature there Bud....... *shakes head* -- *** All outgoing mail scanned by Ontrack System Suite Anti-virus *** [View Quote] |