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johnny b // User Search
johnny b // User SearchO_OMay 27, 2002, 12:12am
Kids do NOT need to see Gorean stuff..... thats for informed consenting
adults . Crawl back under your bridge and stick to eating billygoats, troll........ O_OMay 27, 2002, 12:56pm
Johnny B happens to be a 33 year old Smart ass...... thank you very much
:O) I have a life....... I dont need to treat women like inferiors just to make up for my own shortcomings and feel like i'm cool......... I can just come in here and look at crap like this, so go back and play with your "slaves" Bet it makes you feel Powerful...... once again, proves arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand. Have a nice day ;O) trueSpace 4 TutorialsJun 4, 2002, 11:23pm
Robbie's right..... I've used both 4.3 and 5.1.... personally I prefer
5.1, but thats only because i knew 4.3 well enough...... 5.1 is substantially different in so far as the menus are concerned. there's an awful lot more tools ( that you'll never use for AW ) and it took a fair amount of RE-learning to get all the needed functions down pat..... For someone starting out, definately learn 4.3 first...... it CAN be a little confusing at first, but it's a good amount simpler than 5.1 and it's also still a damn good program for making AW objects, and more affordable too ! ;O) considering you have the books for 4.3, I'd recommend sticking with 4.3.... at least for now..... there's going to be some things in those books that wont help at all with 5.1 since they did some changing around with the menus...... things you wont even be able to find if you follow instructions for 4.3....... I've read a few of robbie's tutorial pages and he's done a darn good job there :O) helps a lot when you can SEE what the menu buttons and assorted. properties boxes apply to..... being most programs have SOME manner of pull down menus for tools and such, of which TS has FEW,..... seeing this stuff helps a lot ! Good Luck Modelling ! JB p.s. if you want some proof that 4.3 works great, stop into the world JADE and take a look at the wonderful stuff there.... one of my best friends here owns it and she used 4.3 to make it all :O) trueSpace 4 TutorialsJun 5, 2002, 10:54pm
It does ?? interesting..... never knew that.... I'm using outlook, How
would I go about fixing that, do you know ? trueSpace 4 TutorialsJun 7, 2002, 8:26pm
well paul, I'd agree with you, if not for ONE point......
she's spent quite a bit of money already for TS4, and a bunch of manuals and books..... would you have her throw her money away so flippantly ? I think you'll agree that she could make extremely nice things with 4.3..... Lady Murasaki sure doesnt seem to be having any problems.... all she uses is 4.3.... and you sure spend plenty of time in her worlds looking around, studying her work or whatever.... anyone using 4.3 can make very nice things with it..... and save themselves a bit of money in the process :O) JB trueSpace 4 TutorialsJun 7, 2002, 8:32pm
thought you might say that :O)
thing is, it doesnt DO that....... it says it's only posting to whichever NG I'm in .... I've checked everywhere in settings and such..... cant find a thing wrong, or even relating to this.... and...... it doesnt do it every time.. which makes me think it's not my software, you know...... guess it's not the end of the world either way :O) JB trueSpace 4 TutorialsJun 8, 2002, 2:36am
You'll have to decide for yourself barbara... :O)
I think 4.3 is easier to learn than 5.1 considering your reference materials available..... also from my own personal experience with both programs, but of course, thats only my opinion..... Best of luck with whichever you choose :O) JB trueSpace 4 TutorialsJun 8, 2002, 12:52pm
Ha! :O) I've resigned myself to doing whatever my 'PUTER decides I want to
do a long time ago..... I figure somehow I'll get where I'm going...... eventually ;O) question about filtering emailsJun 7, 2002, 12:03am
get ZoneAlarm ...... its a great little firewall that'll protect you from that crap...... AND it's FREE for personal use.... Can't beat that ;O) JB ProtestJun 11, 2002, 9:24pm
Never seen a C3PO av, that'd be a good one to have around :O)
couldnt SELL it legally in the US anyways..... Lucasfilms owns the copyright to him..... they dont take kindly to ppl selling their stuff....... I remember a few years back, there was a big sting operation..... they went after some co. that was importing cheap Star Wars knock-offs.... shut em right down, but I guess that never stops some ppl...... JB ProtestJun 11, 2002, 11:08pm
Ohh, free is fine :O) just cant SELL anything "star warsy" without
purchasing a license from them and paying royalties.... after which you'd be more than broke, I'm sure ;O) JB browser build 418 releasedJun 20, 2002, 1:18am
HA ! :OD they didn't even have TIME to jump all over that one !
JB Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 23, 2002, 4:32am
Agreed Glitter........ there's a FEW judges who wouldn't exactly be impartial in MY eyes
either..... might be time to reconsider some new ones..... make the playing field a bit more level.... can't hardly expect someone who doesn't like you to vote fairly.. Perhaps Alphabit might rethink this a bit...... maybe MORE judges even..... so one or two negative votes wouldnt disqualify a deserving nominee...... if they weren't particularly liked by certain judges.... Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 23, 2002, 11:54am
Again, Glitter put it quite correctly.
Alphabit, we KNOW you work quite dilligently on the CY's ( lord knows this is NO small undertaking ) and I also, can appreciate your devotion and hard work. BUT, you must admit, there ARE quite a few instances in which certain judges ( and I'm not just referring to insanity ) would be "tainted" so to speak. As we all can see in the newsgroups, and perhaps NOT see in the actual day to day "in world" happenings, There've been many more instances than any reasonable person would accept as just your definition of "confrontations" We're not talking about every day disagreements here. We're talking about protracted, continuous, deep seated issues here. How can you expect someone to get a fair shake, when a judge clearly and unequivocally has a demonstrated dislike or prejudice for a nominee ? This is considered a conflict of interest. In the real world any judge who had connections of such sort with a person under scrutiny, would be asked to recuse themselves from such a position. Or, at least, they'd have the foresight and wisdom to do so BEFORE being asked. Though that would require great maturity and moral character. ( but that's why they ARE judges, right ? ) Unfortunately, there are a few in this "community" who lack such blessings..... and this is the reason I must question the validity of some judges and the correctness in leaving them in position despite previous knowledge OF such prejudices and/or conflicts. This is precisely WHY in the real world, we have inquires and confirmation hearings BEFORE a judge is put in a position of power...... and WHY in a juried legal case they also have hearings and interviews as to the credibility or prejudice of the jurors involved. Again, I reiterate, this is NOT a questioning of YOUR devotion and hard work. Rather a concern over a very basic idea that if someone doesn't LIKE you, basically, you're not going to be judged fairly and impartially. I too can think of certain persons I would consider very worthy of nomination for a CY but am quite hesitant do DO so, because of just such reasons...... I am quite sure there are many here with a similar view of this. In my opinion, If you've been elected a judge and you have had any conflicts, serious disagreements, or negatively biased altercations with a nominee, recuse yourself from voting ....... Do the mature and correct thing. Do not taint the credibility of the CY's for personal glory, self-serving aggrandizement, or whatever reason. Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 23, 2002, 12:36pm
My thoughts below.....
> "However I ask, as a member of the community you claim to > represent, you address this issue and not just sweep it under the carpet." > > Nothing regarding the Cys is simply "swept under the carpet" sweetie:) Is this not JUST what you're doing ?? No disrespect intended but when you turn a blind eye to mitigating factors and continue on nonetheless, is this NOT considered "sweeping it under the carpet" ??? I think you'd be hard pressed to prove otherwise... and the "sweetie" comment was wholly unnecessary... can easily be recognised as being patronizing and condescending..... not a nice thing > "Consider for the moment a politician. If he is found to be corrupt or > particularly offensive to a large group then he is typically stood aside > until everyone is happy again or the problem is resolved. Imagine for a > moment how we questioned the french and russian skating judges at the winter > olympics ... if they had been allowed to continue then every points award > from then on would lack credibility and we'd all never really know who was > really the best. This is the same sort of thing." > > is in no way similar. Well, this is EXACTLY the same thing........ this is a credibility issue...... can you not (or won't) see that ?? > > "Please ask him to demonstrate some credibility and step down." > >We will NOT do that based on a scenario that the Cys are not involved in. This is EXACTLY what the CY's are involved in...... this IS the community....... and any situation CONCERNING the community, MUST be addressed, to do otherwise is just plain irresponsible.... Think of it this way...... If say, I was a judge, and I had to vote for say, Eep, in a category... someone who attacks others regularly and visciously, due to my general distaste for his personality and repulsive manners, would you NOT question my fairness in such a vote ?? If you DIDN'T, You'd be hard pressed to maintain YOUR credibility.... see my point ? > > Anyone in favour of Insanity being removed from the commitee please say Aye! I think perhaps a more correct way to resolve this dispute, would be to elect one or more "alternate" judges and have them "stand in" for any judges who have a demonstrated, personal affront to the nominee at hand, for that particular vote, no need to remove them from ALL voting instances...... I feel this a fair and responsible compromise..... > > Attempting to do a fair voting process with only the use of this newsgroup > to get the word out, is totally unfair and ridiculous. > As I mentioned before, the Selection team was chosen by the Community > thru a fair voting and nominating process. > > That attempt to have him removed will not even be considered. > > From this point forward I will not reply to your concerns regarding this > matter. Pretty smug here....... dismissing someone's opinion so arrogantly does not show wisdom and maturity..... Might want to reconsider the way you reply to people..... Glitter has a VALID concern, which she voiced maturely, responsibly and respectably ( without profanity, nastiness or starting a "flame war" ) and you respond with condescension ?? :O/ not nice > > Sincerely, > > AlphaBit Phalpha > > Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 23, 2002, 2:27pm
Sure he isn't having some more "SERIOUS CARDIAC SURGERY" with a curiously short hospital stay there
after ?? :O/ Better take it easy....... don't wanna KILL the guy this time...... he might need ANOTHER name to post with.... and someone who, quite interestingly, writes replies a little TOO similar to him ( while he's supposedly in the hospital ) New Cits are expensive nowadays ;O) JB Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 23, 2002, 11:59pm
Still waiting for a reply...... How can you expect people to take you seriously when you run and
hide if someone brings up points contrary to YOUR opinions.... Guess we know who the CY's are really all about..... :O/ There goes the notion of "Community" ........ Pretty disappointing Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 24, 2002, 9:45am
Amazing he hasn't had more "SERIOUS CARDIAC SURGERIES" over this ...... Very interesting
indeed........ you'd think all this controversy woulda killed the poor guy by now........ well, hell, I guess that two day bed rest patched him right up :O/ I need HIS doctor... guy performs outright MIRACLES.... Now he's back to his little intimidation games again, huh ? Figures........ Real tough guy you are there Insanity....... fighting for your life yet you STILL have plenty of strength a couple days later to fire off some abusive emails, huh ? will you EVER learn ?? lying and cheating ppl just ISN'T nice and isn't just forgotten......... absolutely disgusting....... Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 24, 2002, 8:49pm
Well, it doesn't change my views on the situation but I'd like to thank you for telling the whole story...... had that been done before, this might have followed a different course....... I personally feel that a tainted or prejudiced judge should be removed from the particular vote in question. Especially considering how seriously many in here take the CY's, AVVY's and such....... I mean, if it came down to a 1 vote difference, and there was a question regarding ANY judge having had problems with the nominee, I think you can see my point........ Anyways, as you put so well, there IS no easy solution.......... I just hope those who deserve to win, do....... JB Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 25, 2002, 8:24pm
Funny..... I don't seem to remember spilling forth any "ill will"..... just stating my opinion on
your repeated altercations with people here...... seems to me, there've been WAY too many in the past year and a half that I've been posting here..... You talk about morals, decency, blah blah blah...... might be time to PRACTICE that which you preach so adamantly, my friend..... taking people's money and not delivering that which was PAID for, sure doesn't qualify as ANY of these attributes in MY book..... Nor many other's I'd dare say..... I also seem to remember inquiring as to your health, as I'm not a sadistic person and don't wish anyone ill health..... I also asked you to back up your claims of this "serious cardiac surgery" with some manner of proof.... As, Honestly, You've quite a track record of half and untruths here...... Hell, I even offered to not make another post AND post an apology, had you proven you were ACTUALLY ill..... I wish no ill on ANY person.... But alas, you never responded to THAT...... perhaps there was no way you COULD....... BTW, I dont give a hoot about the Vice Secretary, Dick Cheney....... HE is a man with impeccable credentials and DEMONSTRATED morals and maturity........ you on the other hand...... well, lets just count all the dollars that people have lost involving you.... Also........ Hate is a pretty harsh word there Lars...... I never alluded to "hating" you........ I just think you're a crook....... ( allegedly, of course) Oh yes...... almost forgot....... I'm not a kid, genius...... in case you forgot from the LAST bunch of nastiness you posted here..... (might wanna read back some and refresh your failing memory) I'm 33 years old, and an electrician / datacom systems installer..... but I suppose my MANY YEARS of schooling don't count as an education, huh ?? Maybe if I work real hard I can host worlds and make gor sequences and be an actor sometimes..... Save your presumptuous egotistical crap for someone here who MIGHT be impressed...... or just blinded by your smoke screens, attention shifting antics, and generally outrageous self aggrandizations....... And If you WERE ill....... I sincerely hope you're feeling better...... I'd assume you were, since you can write posts like that..... Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 25, 2002, 8:26pm
Precisely MY point...... Glad there's a few in here that can see through the smoke..
Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 25, 2002, 8:50pm
Thats quite respectable from someone your age...... I'm impressed ..... I'd think, seeing how you will "stand up for your beliefs" You, perhaps, would understand why we stand up for OURS...... and the "age" statement just now was NOT meant in any derogatory way..... Just, I'm probably twice your age and see so few teenagers with any type of maturity level worth mentioning these days..... apparently you arent one of them, and thats a good thing..... You see, " I " believe that if someone TRUSTS you and gives you their MONEY for a service or product, you have a responsibility to DELIVER said goods...... if not, return the money and part ways......when you abuse that trust, you undermine any good that might have ever been associated with you in the past...... You see, If I took my customers' money and then never finished the job and refused to return the witheld amount, I'd end my butt up in court..... needless to say, I'd pretty much destroy my and my business' future and reputation.... AND the respect my customers and peers have in me, understand ? What it boils down to, is this...... I have no respect for ANYONE who bilks people out of their hard earned money..... period....... And I WILL voice my opinion when I see such occuring........ people come to AW, to make new friends and have fun.....not to be ripped off and have their enjoyment trampled on like so much garbage by self righteous arrogant thugs..... Hopefully you can understand MY point of view...... I do have a right to express it after all..... JB Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 25, 2002, 10:00pm
should read Vice PRESIDENT, not secretary... was on the phone too, bit of a typo there....
Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 27, 2002, 8:43pm
YP..... what you're missing here is the fact that the 30 day refund policy begins ON the date of
delivery...... period.... thats the way it WORKS..... No Av's sent..... I.E. no delivery.... plain and simple, as the facts stand and the law recognizes, this IS fraud..... Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 27, 2002, 9:06pm
YP, that may seem sad, but thats the LAW my friend.... you dont deliver and keep the payment, you
BREAK that law.... Think of it like this...... If I was hired to install a computer network for a customer, Took payment from them, then never came back on the day I promised to. They called for months, wondering when I was going to do the installation. finally they informed me that they were cancelling the contract and wanted their money refunded. I call back and say NOPE.... I'm keeping your money, because it's past 30 days ( or whatever ) And I was almost ready to come do the job, I've purchased all the materials, done all the necessary planning and hardware research, etc. etc. . is this NOT fraud ? They never took possession of, or recieved said services or goods. Therefore I AM guilty of fraud... HAD I actually come and began the installation, and they DID recieve services or goods, then things change.. thats where litigation or arbitration comes into play..... you can't say it's not right just because you think that's unfair of the customer or because my business is going to lose money.... It's very simple... I am in business, If I DO this, my rear is going to end up in court...... the reasons some people DON'T pursue legal recourse to being defrauded are generally due to their ignorance of the consumer protection laws, the small amount of money lost, or the exorbitant legal fees amassed during such litigation....... this is where dishonest "providers" many times, get away with such crimes....... just because you dont like it, or think it's not nice, really, honestly doesn't mean a thing..... the law is the law...... that's just the way it is JB [View Quote] Cy Nominations Officially Open!Jun 27, 2002, 9:16pm
----- Original Message -----
From: filmkr Newsgroups: general.discussion Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 1:45 AM Subject: Fact vs Fiction Simply because there are several who continue to try and terrorize others and post lies here to attempt many harm, I will post the facts below. 1. Never refused a refund ever. There are users who have received refunds from us within the 30 days. This disgruntle party here was never refused a refund. They were simply pointed to the 30 day refund policy. Can YOU PROVE that claim ?? certainly you don't expect us to just take your WORD for it.... 2. No one here ever refused to deliver any avatars. The fact is that the disgruntle party sent an e-mail and a telegram stating that she "Canceled" her avatar request and stated she did not want them sent to her. This cancellation was well beyond the 30 day time window and a large amount of work was already performed on the order which she approved of. Again...... PROOF ?? 3. We are not obligated to ever refund anyone's money when irrational hysteria is the basis of the request. Hmm..... I suppose you're a qualified mental health professional TOO now ?? qualified, licensed, and legally recognized to MAKE such a diagnosis ?? Irrational hysteria..... Hmm....... interesting legal precedent there......... Enough said already... Hoping that people will find some peace, health & healing ... Tip for the day... go get some sun light... Filmkr & InSaNiTy One and the Same, as it's always been stated throughout history... Now THAT'S the biggest crock I've seen you print in here YET ! Rest assured, nobody here has forgotten (though YOU apparently have) your "interesting" habit of pretending to be someone else and speaking of yourself in the third person...... NOT a clear cut attempt to confuse and befuddle ?, Hmmm.... You're truly a piece of work.... |