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Cy Nominations Officially Open! (General Discussion)
Cy Nominations Officially Open! // General Discussionglitter kittyJun 25, 2002, 1:05am
> Now I'm starting to wonder about *your* sanity level, Glitter. Grasping
> at straws, are we? Well, to put your paranoid mind at rest, I'll have Well when that's all a person gives you to explain something which has such obvious repercussions on the community and they so obviously push an issue under the carpet you MUST ask why? That's not grasping at straws ... that's searching for an answer to a question those who owe an answer to refuse to answer. Something they teach you in politics is NEVER EVER ignore an issue and try to keep it quiet ... you must adress the issue in a reasonable manner or the situation will (and always does) snowball and leave everyone looking bad. My concern this whole time is the credibility of the awards. It is now clear beyond any question the awards are biased. Insanity as both you and Alpha have agreed is a person of bad judgment ... yet you both support him in the role of a judge.... and you question my sanity??? I believe I have a right to question the credibitility of those involved. Glitter just inJun 25, 2002, 1:25am
I couldn't care less what or even if Insanity has done bad (which I
seriously doubt), even assuming the worst of it were true. I have seen his good work and his valuable contributions to community. I believe by his talent alone his is a most worthy addition to the selection committee and I am completely confident that his integrity will be beyond reproach. His addition to the selection committee enhances the team, it does not detract from it. Why are people so quick to eternally condemn others forever because they find one aspect of them disagreeable? What happened to virtues such as forgiveness, respect, and faith in the goodness of others? If you really want to judge a person, judge the good they have done, not the bad. Better still - don't judge people at all - you're bound to get it wrong. Regards, Justin [View Quote] bowenJun 25, 2002, 2:41am
Well, he's done some pretty bad things, and on a number of occasions. I
don't see fit to keep forgiving and forgetting just because we're "supposed" to. Although you may see it as an addition, some of us do not. We're all different. Why're so people quick to judge other people judging because it conflicts with their views? Food for thought. ;) --Bowen-- [View Quote] ncc 72897Jun 25, 2002, 5:11am
AW is full of prejudging ppl and ppl who just like it to put others down for
bad or no reasons at all :\ heres something i got told...."you should consider changing your name because that is possibly a reason why people don't like you" that only one thing and already proves alot....just a corrupt immature society.. *expects more reasonless flames* filmkrJun 25, 2002, 7:23am
For the record.
1. Glitter Kitty, you do not even know me, you never met me in your life. 2. You jump to believing the rants of one person's claims. 3, Evidence has shown that the hysterical party is one who was "Forever Shocked" by the 5 minute ejection of a person off a webmaster's server. That fact in itself should have any intelligent party raising an eyebrow and considering the reliability of the source. Facts: A. ) InSaNiTy has NEVER given away any exclusive use products to anyone other than the person who ordered the exclusive design. 1,000's of exclusive items have been sold and honored exclusive. B.) The ranting is entirely without basis. The avatar being cried "exclusive" is one that has been sold at for many years. The "Satin Dove" which is shown there. Also available in various colors just are the Dragon Flies which also have been advertised for years which can have other colored versions made for a few dollars more. The party who purchased her dove simply paid a few dollars more but in the end with the total order received a discount. The doves have never been sold exclusive. Perhaps the party was confused and misunderstood the fact that license only permitted her to use the dove in "one world owned or operated by the purchaser". In fact, that party has admitted she gave a copy of the dove to another world owner, a direct license violation. I nor my partners appreciate the trash mouthing a few of you are doing here. Before you go off speaking about what you do not know, try and remember that there are laws in the United States. [View Quote] > avs > violations, > > ... and this is the man whom Alpha thinks is appropirate to judge the > standards of the community > > As they say ... you spend enought time around sh*t and you start to smell > like it. ;-| > > Glitter filmkrJun 25, 2002, 7:32am
Might I suggest you get an education child? Hmmm It was nationally televised to the world not too
long ago about how Vice President Dick Cheney underwent Cardiac Surgery. He even had a device implanted and returned to work without hardly a day's lost time. Just because medicine has found faster procedures does not mean they are not serious by any means. My suggestion to you is get a dose of reality and try speaking to some spiritual leader who might teach you some decency and respect. Your words, agenda, the lies you speak... they are vulgar and despicable. You have never even met me yet you spew forth ill will and hate. may some better light pass your way... [View Quote] > Amazing he hasn't had more "SERIOUS CARDIAC SURGERIES" over this ...... Very interesting > indeed........ you'd think all this controversy woulda killed the poor guy by now........ well, > hell, I guess that two day bed rest patched him right up :O/ I need HIS doctor... guy performs > outright MIRACLES.... > > Now he's back to his little intimidation games again, huh ? Figures........ Real tough guy you are > there Insanity....... fighting for your life yet you STILL have plenty of strength a couple days > later to fire off some abusive emails, huh ? will you EVER learn ?? lying and cheating ppl just > ISN'T nice and isn't just forgotten......... > > absolutely disgusting....... ambivalentJun 25, 2002, 9:23am
insanity, you are a liar, as well as a thief and a fraud
[View Quote] liar. you gave away one of my custom avatars. the person you gave it to contacted me. > B.) The ranting is entirely without basis. The avatar being cried "exclusive" > is one that has been sold at for many years. > The "Satin Dove" which is shown there. liar. my dove was custom, for exclusive use in my world. i have the chat logs where you tell me the avatars i bought from you are for exclusive use in my world. > The party who purchased her dove simply paid a few dollars more but in the > end with the total order received a discount. liar. the extra i paid was AFTER the 'discount' was applied. need the emails again? copies of the money orders and checks? In fact, that party has admitted she gave a copy of the dove > to another world owner, a direct license violation. liar. i sent the dove to one person for about 10 minutes to test it because after your screwed up upgrade to my world server, it didn't look right. the dove was deleted about 10 minutes later, and i sent you confirmation that it was deleted. you also had absolutely no problem with my doing this at the time. shall i post the chat logs from this incident? > there are laws in the United States. well, i do know you, insanity. i know that above and beyond your poor service and abuse, you stole $160 from me. flat out fraud. you're right -- there are laws -- against what scum like you do to well-intentioned and honest people. glitter kittyJun 25, 2002, 9:43am
filmkr as far as I understand YOU ARE insanity (the same person to those who
didnt know).... why do you speak about yourself in the third person ... and why are you so cold faced lying about how you defrauded ambivalent??? And I know more about you than you think .... [View Quote] glitter kittyJun 25, 2002, 9:46am
Now you see, ambilvalent, why I question the integrity of those who support
Insanity as an impartial and fair person to represent the entire community .... this individual has acted in more than just a fraudulent way ... he has acted unethically and immorally ... and Alpha thinks that makes him a credible and suitable judge of the community .... call my view dramatic if you like, but reality is this guy isnt fit to judge what colour the sky is. Glitter [View Quote] glitter kittyJun 25, 2002, 9:49am
> I nor my partners appreciate the trash mouthing a few of you are doing
here. > Before you go off speaking about what you do not know, try and remember that > there are laws in the United States. Yes there are laws against fraudulent business practices ... perhaps you might want to check them out. rashalJun 25, 2002, 10:09am
[View Quote]
> Why're so people quick to judge other people judging because it conflicts
> with their views? Food for thought. ;) because they're not getting their way Only fight the battles you can win .. all other struggles are futile and a waste of energy :) rashalJun 25, 2002, 10:24am
I question the integrity of folks who can't stay on topic and have no
better thrill than to continuously and fruitlessly degrade their own integrity by flaming others regardless of the person in question's integrity .. isnt that like the pot calling the kettle black? [View Quote] > Now you see, ambilvalent, why I question the integrity of those who support > Insanity as an impartial and fair person to represent the entire community > ... this individual has acted in more than just a fraudulent way ... he has > acted unethically and immorally ... and Alpha thinks that makes him a > credible and suitable judge of the community .... call my view dramatic if > you like, but reality is this guy isnt fit to judge what colour the sky is. > > Glitter > > [View Quote] glitter kittyJun 25, 2002, 10:56am
if, for example, I believed that insanity was really a nice guy and that his
influence on the cyawards was nil then continuing in this way would easily be considered flaming. However I do not believe this ... I consider that the inclusion of this fellow seriously undermines the integrity of the awards and as a community member I consider it somewhat essential to ask all the questions/raise the topic etc. if I'd been involved in fraudulent business activity and was trying to present myself as a nice guy too then it would be a case of the pot/kettle .... I'm retired ... and if you have any evidence of any fraudulent business activity on my behalf then please present it :-). I believe plenty evidence of Insanities fraudulence, arrogance, nastieness, etc has been demonstrated in the last few weeks ... Glitter [View Quote] glitter kittyJun 25, 2002, 10:58am
> > because they're not getting their way > Only fight the battles you can win .. all other struggles are futile and > a waste of energy :) Not so ... you must always stand up for what you believe in. The USA for example is standing up against terrorism ... while they can sure put a big dent in terrorist activities (and I hope they do) they will never beat it (based on historical evidence of terrorism) ... while this may be politically incorrect to state, I'm sure most appreciate the reality. By your arguement the USA should just let terrorists do whatever they want ... not so ... you must always do the best you can even if you cant win a single battle ... how does it go ... "who cares if you lose the battle as long as you win the war" ... or "evil prospers while good men do nothing" ... Glitter binarybudJun 25, 2002, 11:08am
ok enough is enough...i believe you need to show proof then shut up and let
nature take it's course...your calling someone a liar is just lame...prove what you say...or your just as guilty as you say he is...:) Leo :) [View Quote] binarybudJun 25, 2002, 11:10am
WOW you get that out of just one post by ambivalent......your way to
impressionable.... ya know when you grow up you'll see right through all this "vendeta" crap. Leo :) [View Quote] binarybudJun 25, 2002, 11:12am
that's crap.....your "evidence" is nothing more than what your seeing
here....if you believe all this your nuts!!!! Leo :) [View Quote] binarybudJun 25, 2002, 11:14am
glitter kittyJun 25, 2002, 11:58am
for starters ... go back over the last few weeks threads regarding this
issue .... there is ample proof in all the logs and from all the individuals involved ... if you dont wish to see that then I'm afraid nothing will help you see reality [View Quote] binarybudJun 25, 2002, 12:24pm
i saw no proof I've been reading the NG for years..... i saw some
complaints everyone has them.....i take it all at face value.... when your in business and you have rules and you deal with kids your gonna have some misunderstandings....problem is most kids do not understand the value of letting things go. Life is to short for holding grudges over misunderstandings. move on with your life. Leo :) [View Quote] binarybudJun 25, 2002, 12:57pm
bowenJun 25, 2002, 3:04pm
Well, reading this post has extremely put me off on Insanity/Filmkr. The
fact that you have nothing better to do then to pick on someones mental state and their education level speaks volumes of your ignorance and ill judgement of others. After reading this, I feel the need to tell everyone that I am boycotting the CY awards because of this man alone. I will not nominate, I will not vote, nothing. I'm just sorry it had to come to this. I'm also sorry no one else in the community can hear this but those that read the Newsgroups. --Bowen-- [View Quote] ncc 72897Jun 25, 2002, 4:52pm
u r complaining about sumwun picking on sumwuns education level?
ummmm....remember what YOU did when there was that "time" issue a while ago [View Quote] bowenJun 25, 2002, 5:03pm
Not the same thing, oranges and apples. ;) That was a big joke, you really
think I was picking on ya? Nah, this is serious, from a company owner too. That's a horrible PR blow right there. --Bowen-- [View Quote] rashalJun 25, 2002, 6:19pm
much like this newsgroup. terrorism in a text format .. i can honestly
say there are more people doing attacking in these groups than discussing and the other small percentage (the ones that present reasonable issues and stay on topic) trying to defend themselves against such said attacks.. Look at the subject.. RE: Cy Nomminations Officially Open! .. posted by a respectable individual turned into a terrorist attack against anyone who may have something decent to say. take that any way you like i'm done posting in this thread [View Quote] > conflicts > > > Not so ... you must always stand up for what you believe in. The USA for > example is standing up against terrorism ... while they can sure put a big > dent in terrorist activities (and I hope they do) they will never beat it > (based on historical evidence of terrorism) ... while this may be > politically incorrect to state, I'm sure most appreciate the reality. By > your arguement the USA should just let terrorists do whatever they want ... > not so ... you must always do the best you can even if you cant win a single > battle ... how does it go ... "who cares if you lose the battle as long as > you win the war" ... or "evil prospers while good men do nothing" ... > > Glitter > > > bowenJun 25, 2002, 7:16pm
Terrorist attack? Not likely. Move to Isreal/Palestine... you'll see a
terrorist attack there. This is called stating your opinion, which everyone is free to do. If people want to state how much they hate Insanity/Filmkr, they can do so as much as they can. Unless of course, it becomes a person attack on him. There is a broad distinction between what's happenening here, now, then what a personal attack would be. I'm sorry if you think this is terrorism, but truely, you've been watching too much CNN if you think such is true. --Bowen-- [View Quote] young phalphaJun 25, 2002, 7:19pm
What Filmkr was stating was a medical operation can be serious yet the medical advances for
procedures and recovery can still make it serious, my dad had heart surgery, doesn't sound serious, but the hospital telling us they almost lost him is. Any coronary or heart surgery is serious. Johnny B was rude in saying that, if you wish to boycott the Cy's just because of that, then it appears you were "looking for a reason". You know, talking to you in telegram your alright, but in the NG's you piss me off. - YP [View Quote] --Bowen-- [View Quote] young phalphaJun 25, 2002, 7:36pm
You know, I believe Insanity got in the same way most others got in. I know Bit chooses people
on the committee wisely because of the way I got in, I wanted in almost as soon as I heard of them, well I got hosting from a friend and he hosted my world for a month but because I was still pretty young at the time, I did something stupid (I forget what it was) and talked to ABP and pissed her off too, however I changed my self around, discovered a few talents I had, offered Bit to do a new page with new images and graphics, and did the main page, she saw it, liked it, and I was off in doing the rest of the site, somewhere around the time of starting the main page to finishing it I told Bit who I was, the person who pissed her off, she was happy that I changed and I was on the committee for about another 1 1/2, to 2 years. Yet I haven't been on the committee in a while, I will stand by it and defend its integrity for as long as it persists and my citizenship persists. - YP [View Quote] Something interesting on the Cyawards is that it is sponsered by Goober's news site and that another sponser ( carries Insanity's advertising on it ... not trying to accuse anyone of anything, only highlighting some associations. You know it makes me wonder how insanity got those past CYawards ... kinda like the US govt ... best decisions money can buy! Glitter |