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Increase console message length

Mar 28, 2006, 6:24pm
I'd personally rather aw not automatically format my console messages when a
tab is inserted.

Solution to the character limit:
Just test if the message you are about to send is longer than 100 characters
and if it is break it up and send it in 100 character messages. I made a
DIKU style chat bot which is virtually lag-less coded in VB none the less,
and does that. The chat bot output looks like this when you chat: Soandso
says, "Hello", instead of AW default Soandso:\tHello. It also splits based
on words so that you dont get a word split between lines. And if you think
you are going to outsmart it and make a nice solid 100 letter message like
WWWWWW..., the bot will break it into roughly 100 character segments. Also
includes private/public channels.

Not that this is anything special just pointing out it is a solution I came
up with a while ago, and it could easily be implemented into aw any which
way you want to do chat. Just take a different approach to the problem,
maybe break the message up every 255 characters. Works great if you use the
same or similar function to send information like about an object through
the console when its clicked, because sometimes those messages are well over
280 characters.


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Visual mute - hoping its included in 4.1

May 1, 2006, 8:25pm
Likely there will atleast be a world option to allow or not allow a citizen
use of personal avatars. Hopefully there is a mute or an option to not
display personal avatars all together in the browser settings.


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Transparent Chat Screen

May 26, 2006, 5:24pm
should just make customizeable / skinnable ui.


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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 17, 2006, 12:37am
Speaking of AD&DRPG and 4.1. It is well known VB runs the core bot that
handles everything. Yet there is no workable vb sdk within reasonable time
of the release date. I don't understand how everytime there was a new sdk
in beta there was a vb version available at the same time as well. Why is
it not available now?

There needs to be a build 61 of the SDK asap for both C and VB. And in this
build there needs to be no liscense file location issues, and no logic bombs
for debugging. I refuse to even touch my world or bot without these basic
tools that should be provided. Instead of putting a liscense with the sdk,
why not just bind it to the (insert string of curse words) citizenship,
world, etc...

Another slight rant on the world server. The linux version has some crazy
dependancy on mysql 4.1.9 What is so great about 4.1.9 that 4.0.2 doesnt
do. I have like a million message boards on that database and they are
complaining when i compile and run the new one. So I had to revert back to
the old one so the boards stopped complaining.


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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 17, 2006, 9:56pm
to be technical you may actually want to check on the x,z axis for being
within a radius. well to be on topic as far as the post is concerned. this
is how many games do position checking for being within range of an object.
its sometimes exploitable but usually not. its really just the pythagorean
theorem in this case.


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Zone able to block top world water texture.

Jul 2, 2006, 9:29pm
Use a water top that isnt visible from the "bottom"?


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Mister Potatoe Head avs

Jul 2, 2006, 9:27pm
Any world owner can do this with the help of a bot. Though the problem with
SI is this. There are a finite number of avatars on the list. What SI does
is generates an avatar for you and adds it to the list. This is why if you
stay there long enough (or use to when a lot of people were going there at a
time). And you are idle a while, people will see your avatar differently
than you do.

A better solution would have been to create a list full of all possible
combinations and just use a hash to determin the avatar id. Though you are
limmited by the number of choices you can make, too bad we cant have
unlimmited avatars.


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kool aid

Apr 17, 2003, 1:30am
Why does sugar free kool aid taste better than regular sugar filled kool
aid? Why oh Why?

Better than all of AW put together...

Jul 12, 2003, 6:13am
Haha that was great 36,804 points on the first try lol.


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Break the Encryption

Aug 18, 2003, 5:53am
Looks like md5 encryption, you will have a hard time decrytiong without the
original encryption tables that created the encrypted string.


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It's out there!

Aug 23, 2003, 5:53am
Because when it goes into beta the same page will be used, and I really dont
think it matters what the page says since they will just be recycling the
notes page when 3.5 goes beta anyways. The information is still there to
whom it concerns.


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Sep 5, 2003, 12:28am
Lotto has no bounds male or female, I would know... *omits chat logs* he is
just a sicko, so avoid talking to him.


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Things you hear in AW

Sep 5, 2003, 7:13pm
> * Male version is... "I'm 6'0, great tan, and buffed from working out."

I am very pale and thin. The last time i saw the sun was in 2nd grade
during recess. I am 6'2" tall and weight a little under 150. I have a
slight monitor tan that is starting to wear off from when I use to have CRT.
Ive downloaded pictures of agent scully and seven of nine naked, because
they are hot!! I think having a good time is playing table top role playing
games, and making fun of those who have less computer knowledge than me/us.

Thats what I would tell any prospective female, that would be oddly
intrested in me, please email me I am very lonely and sheltered!!


People Who I have met

Sep 25, 2003, 6:27pm
[View Quote] Conversation with the Immigration officer....

Immigration Officer: Welcome to the Active Worlds Universe! The September
edition of the AWNewsletter is now online at
Immigration Officer: Welcome to AWGate. Much of the content in Active
Worlds is user generated & may not be appropriate for all users. Setting
your browser rating level can improve your enjoyment of AW by reducing your
exposure to offensive content. Enjou your stay :)
DM Mercury: Why thank you immigration officer.
(moments later)
DM Mercury: So Mr. Immigration Officer, or do you prefer Mrs, or IO? What
do you do all day?
DM Mercury: IO what do you think about ActiveWorlds?
Immigration Officer: Attention ActiveWorlds citizens AWBingo4 is now open
come win cool prizes!!
DM Mercury: Intresting IO, tell me more!
Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from AWGate
Immigration Officer: Welcome to nowhere
DM Mercury: Why did you do that IO? I thought we was friends.
(was lonely just me and IO so i tried to go back to gate)
Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from AWGate
DM Mercury: Thank you very much IO I will talk again with you some other


What is this for??

Dec 1, 2003, 6:54am
Its an inside joke for the early alpha testers of 3.5.


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Feb 27, 2002, 8:35pm
AD&DRPG will be reopening on March 1, 2002

AW Forum?

Jun 15, 2003, 9:55pm
Maybe by forum he meant like one of those local access shows that people
call in and they discuss issues about things like battle star galactica on
the air, and the person on the tv then makes fun of you and says sheesh
whats your problem dont you know what your talking about! then slams the
phone down on you and then proceeds to laugh some more. then the show host
says next caller please and presses the line 2 button.


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Free Citizens and 2 worlds

Aug 15, 2003, 4:49am
I already have a world, and citizenships, but Lotto has been a problem in my
world aswell it got to the point where he was flat out not allowed to play
in AD&DRPG anymore. I dont even want to get into details it was so bad.


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Virtual Terrorism?

Nov 24, 2003, 4:09am
Normally i would not reply to such a thread, but this thread really crosses
the line with you, so here is some more fuel to your fire.

Stop being such a lamer. Your story shows your ignorance. How retarded do
you have to be to write this piece of crap story. This is like the 100th
time I have seen this stupid post now shut your hole about it.

You want hosting? cheap? You apparently do not read the worldbuilders NG;
all you do is post useless crap. If you had read it, you would know that
Builderz has If you took time to research other web hosting
solutions from andras or hertfall: you would know these services are not
over priced.

Your story is so slanted and show horrible use of persuasive writing. What
kind of shit are you trying to start? Your post is the least bit relevant
to the community. This story only concerns YOU. Why write in third person;
do you not care about your self worth enough to write your personal
narrative in first person? You are not a virtual terrorist in AW you are a
terorrist on these news groups.

Let's see some rebuttle: a huge ass flame to me. Bring it dirty whore, I
can't wait.


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Virtual Terrorism?

Nov 24, 2003, 7:50pm
Hell if hosting is a problem I dont officially have a hosting company but
you talk with me if you are really in a bind and I will work out a
reasonable price for you. Telegram or email, with what you want and what
you want to pay each month, or each year. Its linux hosting. Im not trying
to profit out of this just a gesture for some world owners who are in
similar situations as I am.


P.S. If you want it free, don't bother asking.

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Stupid Kid Email

Nov 25, 2003, 6:08am
He's nothing but a lamer. This is one stupid douche. He goes to reads a tutorial on some sploit and then tried to fix his
emotional problems by causing other people trouble. You know people do the
same thing on video games, especially the online variety; it takes a true
mastermind to break the code yourself, any half-wit can goto
Anyways maybe one day he will realize targetting AW is pointless, there are
very few targets, and in targetting AW you gain absolutely nothing. Now if
you want to go cause some mischief why not get your lame ass onto an irc
server and start snooping. I guarantee you're hacking attmepts will be a
lot more beneficial, and if you are in the right channel you might get some
nice pictures of your dad. But why hack some other lamer on irc? Why
wouldnt you just look up some nice federal governement servers, steal a few
identities and numbers, and you are set for life, you would gain something
tangible belongings atleast, and with all that money you might find a
girlfriend, who undoubtedly will steal your money for a couple quick hand

It is pointless to attack AW; if you do you are a fucking moron, they ain't
got no money. So you unleash your attack and you realize how stupid it was,
and how little it really mattered. Some spam attack eh lame. You want to
see some hacking, maybe you should read up on your history of hacking, you
might learn a thing or two.

I am saying YOU are lame. Do your dirty little dance you sexy slut. Your
threat email turns me on, if you were leagal you would be fucked.


P.S. I know where you live. But who am I to judge.

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Stupid Kid Email

Nov 25, 2003, 1:05pm
Well see I have this simply philosophy fuck em. Who cares? If they want to
be a band of douches fuck em. The principle key of this philosophy is to
not care about the douches, and say fuck em. If they steal objects fuck em.
Wipe the world fuck em. Ever figure out what my password is fuck em.
Hmmmm, I'm hungry for chinese FuKim anyone?

DM (fucks em)

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Stupid Kid Email

Nov 26, 2003, 3:01pm
> Everyone, lets all give this poor lad a group hug. It's what he is
> crying for....

Are you sure he wants a hug? Just giving him a hug would only be half the
job. And I do not like to leave jobs unfinished, especially with little
boys. THERE AIN'T NOTHING WRONG WITH IT! There sure ain't.

Well sexy bitch keep a tight ass for me good buddy, I'll come back for you
and play a little buttcock with ya because you are asking for it hard and


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OK, I feel this is necessary to avoid mass hysteria among fools

Nov 30, 2003, 7:51am
I would liek to say first off Bill has more of an education that the morons
who wrote the spoofed letter. If you are even half competant in the English
language you would see that the sentences are poorly contstructed. Anyways
if you are going to spoof someone make sure you know how to write in their
native tounge.


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Dec 1, 2003, 6:50am
<this part of post is semi to MrBruce>
I am tired of hearing this (for lack of nicer words) crap. You're terrorist
is all in your head. If you took stronger measures to protect yourself, you
would not have any of these problems. Go ahead flame my world, my bot, me,
or what ever i don't care: I know I can not be perfect. I will not respond
in some egotistical matter that just fuels the fire like you have done for
the past 2 years. You have only lead to your own downfall. Now you are
trying to bring more down with you, and SpiralMatrix is your target.
SpiralMatrix is not the cause nor the culprit in this whole fiasco.

<this part is for whoever>
The best way to apprehend a criminal is through decisive action not make a
publicity stunt about the situation. Going into a public forum and whining
about it is not the way to solve your problem. However for people like Matt,
they want you to rant and rave about the trouble he/she may have caused.
Obviously people are very slow to learn, and it takes several repetitions in
order for you to grasp the main idea. So let me give it to you in English:
Matt is a douche. Not just any douche, but a douche with serious social and
emotional problems. I mean for christ sakes this kid almost committed
suicide over not getting rights in certain worlds; then shunned as he
started making comotion in those worlds. At about this time he has built up
a little h8 for aw. Well he gets so emotionally hurt by this that he makes
a few attacks, and then tells people to say he died. This was probably the
ingenious of the whole operation, but Matt my friend you screwed up. You
brought some more people into the game. These are liabilities. And besides
you have no real skillz, all you got is a couple programs and docs on I like your statement a few days ago "I am learning Vb" (no
comment other than that). Anyways so Matt rises form the dead makes some
lame attacks figures out what he does wrong, then threatens you, and you
have been attacked by him before. You obviously did not take security
measures as a world owner to prevent his attacks from ocurring again. Dont
give me bull shit "I shouldn't have to". Fuck you its your world, your
"property", do something about it dip shit. Stop talking about the douche,
treat him as a threat but deal with it yourself on a case by case basis. If
you can not deal with him tell AWI, don't accuse a third party of being
involved when clearly there are no third parties between you and Matt. I
have never had a problem stopping Matt's "attacks" against my worlds or
servers. So I have basically told you nothing and everything, be smart fill
in the gaps and flame away because I just posted the biggest piece of ass


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Dec 1, 2003, 2:48pm
The owner has very good reason to ban you from his universe, because your
sole purpose to be in that universe is to troll around. Not to mention you
defame him on several threads including this one. I would have taken
similar action to anyone in my world. If you are smart you will keep quiet;
you are as guilty as any party here. You just have horrible security and do
not keep that information which is private, private enough. Echo is your
scapegoat, and the only real target since you are too gimp to go after Matt
who has no money. So stop the hate, Echo is in no way related to this, you
have been banned because you are a lamer. See the problem with people when
they get punished is they really never see the latter side of the punishment
and why they might have been banned; they can only formulate a bias opinion
as to why they were punished. If you could look at things indifferently,
which by history is impossible for you, you might see that Echo has
absolutely nothing to do with this.

Am I defending Echo? No. Echo is simply not involved in this and it is
wrong to scapegoat anyone for something that someone else did. I simply
state the facts.


P.S. The grounds in which you present your case against Echo are leagally
false. Therefore before you get to the court room the case will be
dismissed. Argue all you like, but simply put Echo is not involved in
anything that hapenned to you, or your property.

P.S.S. Class action lawsuit against Matt. Hahahaha.

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OK, what have we learned this weekend?

Dec 1, 2003, 3:03pm
You should get admin bot by andras. Great tool for keeping your world
backed up, especially with your hosting situation. Just start it everytime
you start AW. You can specify how often to back up. If you want a backup
every 5 seconds (on property), it can be done. Reasonably put: you as a
world owner did not take proper precautions to secure data. The AW software
does not guarantee that your data is secure, it is your responsibility as a
world owner to backup your data.

I will admit to not manually making a backup every day. But The world
server software has built in the ability to automatically backup data every
how many ever seconds (so you could keep backups every minute, hour, day,
etc...) When configured properly the world server does the work for you, so
this is what I do, I have it set for weekly backups, because the files are
large, and varry in how much changes, so 1 week works for me... should
something occur within the week where all my property would be lost, simply
propdump the last known good save and viola world is back to an acceptable
state, the users of the world will be much more willing to cope with data
being corrupt, or someone stealing your ppw, than not having any backups and
starting from scratch.

Not trying to attack you bruce, but lots of your posts are very off key and
need some facts put into the mix. Here is the url to setup automatic backup
for the world server.


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Dec 2, 2003, 2:30pm
Wise chief once say:

One time I hired a monkey to take notes for me in class. I would just sit
there with my mind a complete blank while the monkey scribbled on little
pieces of paper!
At the end of the week the teacher said "Class, I want you to write a paper
using your notes..."

So I wrote a paper that said:

Hello my name is Bingo!
I like to climb on things.
Can I have a banana?
Eek! Eek!

I got an F. When I told my mom about it, she said "I told you never trust a


SpiraRPG Needs Donation through Paypal. Any amount helps

Jan 31, 2006, 2:23am
all i have to say is maybe once you have something people might want to
donate, because you already have put in the work required to do what you

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Missing: AW's only Wiki

Feb 7, 2006, 6:29pm
I attempted to start a wiki for my world since there is an unreal amount of
item information there.

But no one really cared to update it often.


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