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On a more constructive note ...

Jun 18, 2006, 10:03pm
Not sure if you saw the post earlier but some folks have put a bit of time
into helping out the sdk wiki. This would be a great topic for the wiki.

Wiki URL:

Also I can host files for download if you let me know and then there will
always be a permanent place for the files to reside. Also can have copy and
paste friendly source code.

I may only be involved in a little niche of the sdk development community at
present but feel free to telegram me, I would love to help with projects
like this.


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18 Seconds

Jun 21, 2006, 5:42pm
Definantly odd. I havent tried build 61 just yet. Possibility it is being
caused by extraneous resources being used at the time of aw_wait. The 4.1
sdk did just get a gender change so to speak, so who knows what weird
problems like this we might encounter over the enxt couple days. It could
be a bug or memory leak.

When the anything active worlds defies logic, check your system resources;
that's my general rule.


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Importing SDK into VB 6

Jul 16, 2006, 4:47am
Same errors as everyone else, not working.


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Jul 21, 2006, 2:21pm
*snickers* We can use callbacks with the SDK!?!?! Wait a darn minute! I do
not think the issue has been addressed in beta.


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Zones in VB

Jul 22, 2006, 6:04am
hmmm will investigate further if i can ge tit to work on vb6


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More weird VBSDK...

Jul 26, 2006, 12:23am
You were probably using the wrong port when you were trying to connect. It
wasnt the sdk.


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Jun 8, 2003, 2:10am
sweet grimmy's comming back yay =)

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Jun 24, 2003, 2:23pm
Function ConsoleMsg (Red as Integer, Green as Integer, Blue as Integer, Bold
as Boolean, Italic as Boolean, Session as Long, Message as String)
sdk.AwConsoleRed = Red
sdk.AwConsoleGreen = Green
sdk.AwConsoleBlue = Blue
sdk.AwConsoleBold = Bold
sdk.AwConsoleItalic = Italic
sdk.AwConsoleMessage = Message
sdk.AwConsoleMessage Session
End Function
com wrapper
Function ConsoleMsg(Red as Integer, Green as Integer, Blue as Integer, Bold
as Boolean, Italic as Boolean, Session as Long, Message as String)
sdk.aw_int_set AW_CONSOLE_RED, Red
sdk.aw_int_set AW_CONSOLE_GREEN, Green
sdk.aw_int_set AW_CONSOLE_BLUE, Blue
sdk.aw_bool_set AW_CONSOLE_BOLD, Bold
sdk.aw_bool_set AW_CONSOLE_ITALICS, Italic
sdk.aw_string_set AW_CONSOLE_MESSAGE, Message
sdk.aw_console_msg Session
End Function

Useage Example: ConsoleMsg 139,10,64,True,False, avSession, "Weclome to my

Niether of these functions are tweaked to handle longer messages. If you
want to send the message to the entire world make sure the Session value you
send is 0. Hope this is what you are looking for, for which ever vb sdk
that you use.


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SpiraRPG Needs Donation through Paypal. Any amount helps

Jan 31, 2006, 2:23am
all i have to say is maybe once you have something people might want to
donate, because you already have put in the work required to do what you

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Demeter 2.0 Alpha Testing

Feb 10, 2006, 7:33pm
I have a vb programmed chat bot that has less than a 1ms delay, from time to
get the info from server process it and relay it back. Even 56k users cant
notice the difference. And the bot is running in the interpreter its not
even a complete compile, AND active worlds is open, along with many other

Little do people know that C++ and VB both compile to the same
"meta-language" before being translated into assembly, and then binary.
This is true of Microsoft compilers with default options.

It is not the language that matters, it is the underlying concepts and
understanding. If you understand the concepts, and how the computer
operates, adopting a new language should not be very difficult, it is just a
matter of syntax. The language is really only an issue when conceptually
the language you are trying to use can not easily accomplish the desired
task. An example would be trying to make true sentient artifical
intelligence in C++.


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Demeter 2.0 Alpha Testing

Feb 11, 2006, 6:57am
nope world server is remote.


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Re: Spiraware Productions Open for Business

Feb 18, 2006, 6:26pm
It's not the number of lines of code that matter, it does nothing ot
determine the functionality of your software.

Anything you can write in 20,000 lines, I'm sure I can write find a way to
write in 5,000 lines or less. Software is about functionality, and
performance. More times than not, a program using fewer lines will run
beter than a program using more lines. All that matters in your software
(to the end user), is the functionality, and performance. And for coders if
you should distribute your source, maintainability is another big issue, id
say 5,000 lines is a lot easier to keep track of than 20,000. Counting my
RPG bot's source its just under 6,000 lines without the comments its a
little over 8,000 with comments.


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Just wondering

Jun 24, 2006, 4:27am
A lot of phones these days are using java. You can pretty much just write
applications for the phone this way. Perhaps you could make a version of
the java sdk that is compatible with such a cell phone; if it already isn't
(i think that is the point of java cross platform oop). I don't know a lot
about java and all the different java quirks in detail, but there is a java
aw sdk for 3.6 out there somewhere. So there will probably be a 4.1 one in
not too long.


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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 17, 2006, 12:37am
Speaking of AD&DRPG and 4.1. It is well known VB runs the core bot that
handles everything. Yet there is no workable vb sdk within reasonable time
of the release date. I don't understand how everytime there was a new sdk
in beta there was a vb version available at the same time as well. Why is
it not available now?

There needs to be a build 61 of the SDK asap for both C and VB. And in this
build there needs to be no liscense file location issues, and no logic bombs
for debugging. I refuse to even touch my world or bot without these basic
tools that should be provided. Instead of putting a liscense with the sdk,
why not just bind it to the (insert string of curse words) citizenship,
world, etc...

Another slight rant on the world server. The linux version has some crazy
dependancy on mysql 4.1.9 What is so great about 4.1.9 that 4.0.2 doesnt
do. I have like a million message boards on that database and they are
complaining when i compile and run the new one. So I had to revert back to
the old one so the boards stopped complaining.


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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 17, 2006, 9:56pm
to be technical you may actually want to check on the x,z axis for being
within a radius. well to be on topic as far as the post is concerned. this
is how many games do position checking for being within range of an object.
its sometimes exploitable but usually not. its really just the pythagorean
theorem in this case.


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50 avatar limit?

Jun 25, 2006, 5:46pm
Why can you only see the 50 closest avatars? Running tests with hundreds of
instances, and there is a slight problem with there being a limit of 50. Is
there any way to change this, client or server side?


50 avatar limit?

Jun 26, 2006, 7:07pm
I have public speaker rights, as well as the bots. also the world is set to
show all avatars reguardless if they have spoken or not.

The bots are also being run as Caretaker.


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50 avatar limit?

Jun 27, 2006, 11:15pm
I mean logging in more than 50 bots at the same time within 10 NSEW.

If you do this you can not see more than 50 of them, reguardless if there
are 100,200, or 1000. Yes I have logged in 1000 bots simultaneously.


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50 avatar limit?

Jun 28, 2006, 9:35pm
i have a large instance limit, its for a project i am working on but
currently there are some limitations, that i cant seem to work around, I was
just wondering if anyone had a solution to this limitaiton.


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Unlimited Object Limit REQUEST

Jun 14, 2003, 7:56am
My world use to have a very high object count in the cells now its much
reduced and frames are in the mid 30 to 40 range from the low single digit
range. But also cell isnt just used for objects, but object actions and
descriptions also. Maybe a nice feature would be to allow specific cells to
exceed the Huge limit that way you can have only the cell(s) that requires a
lot of object interaction in a building such as a tall tower.


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Version Requirement

Jun 20, 2003, 4:37am
I think it would be a great feature if you could require a certain build of
the browser in order to enter a world on the world server level, like a
world feature.


Version Requirement

Jun 20, 2003, 6:43am
that was my point it would be better as a feature


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Per world minimum browser option

Jul 16, 2003, 8:06pm
This is a very much needed feature for the world server. A bot does NOT
accomplish this task efficiently, nor effectively. By world server control
you stop the user from ever entering the world until the appropriate version
is obtained, expecially for viewing purposes. If a bot is made to handle
this task, the user is connected to the server then must be told to be
ejected, and ejection is not the way this task should be handled at all.

When there are 2 or more existing versions of the browser out that are in
use, I know I want my world viewed under the same conditions as they are
built. If the browser doesnt support a particular sdk event I do not even
want them to get to the point of event_avatar_add, the user attempting to
connect should be refused access, not ejected.

A world option to specify minimum browser build is highly needed, it makes
sure everyone is using the same client that is viewing your world; extremely
important for game worlds.


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half question/half wish

Aug 6, 2003, 4:45am
If you made a bot that would not allow objects to be deleted from that
citizen number from the world you have in essence created root for your
builds. This could be done by having a spare citizen account, or your own
(the world owner) and building your "infrastructure" of the world. Unless
the person trying to delete the object that is of the infrastructure is the
correct citizen number, do not allow the object to be deleted; have the bot
re-build it in the same location.


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I wish

Aug 18, 2003, 8:45pm
Means that he/she wants to goto a world such as AW and be downloading the
objects also for Mutation. For 56k users this would be great, AW is already
loaded into cache, and loading does take some time on 56k, so instead of
waiting doing nothing in the world waiting to load (Mutation) you could be
in AW having the world load automatically.


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PPW security

Sep 13, 2003, 11:49pm
Why couldnt ppw's just be for bot logins only and if you want to assign
certain citizen numbers to have equivilant rights to you, you can add them
to a list, that way there is not even a need to give out a privlidge
password in the first place. And then the user that wants to try using the
privlidges of your citizen asks the uniserver if they are on your privlidge
list, that would stop the theft of passwords and control people from using
your privlidges that you do not want using your privlidges.


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per avatar action disabling

Nov 19, 2003, 7:52pm
This has less to do with the sdk itself and more to do with the avatars.dat,
but agreed some sort of change needs to be made. Maybe a grant system that
can grant and revoke the fly/shift rights. like
aw_avatar_grant(AW_AVATAR_FLY,AW_AVATAR_SESSION); would be more to my
liking, the aw_avatar_set should be seperate of granting rights to that
person. Anyways some change here needs to be made.

What is the eagle got shot out of the sky?

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Cell Grid Selection

Nov 23, 2003, 8:07am
Cells dont get full by the number of objects its by the number of bytes....
You can fit a lot more a.rwx in a cell with no action / desctiopition than
you can abcdefghij.rwx with 255 characters of description and action texts.
You need to have this displayed not the number of objects if you want to see
how full something is.


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SpiraRPG Needs Donation through Paypal. Any amount helps

Jan 31, 2006, 2:23am
all i have to say is maybe once you have something people might want to
donate, because you already have put in the work required to do what you

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Static SEQ's

Mar 13, 2006, 7:20am
You could create a SDK bot application to sit indefinantly, or which ever
action(s) you want to hold. You can have bots react to when gestures like
sit, dance, kick, etc... are used. So basically just have it detect if the
"sit" sequence was used, and have it continue to set their gesture
continually as "sit" until they send a "stand" gesture, or attempt to move
which would change the avatar movement type. It's very doable, it just
doesnt serve much purpose.

As far as how SI does it, I have no idea, but this would be a possible


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