
Importing SDK into VB 6 (Sdk)

Importing SDK into VB 6 // Sdk

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mix master ss

Jul 14, 2006, 8:32pm
Okay, so I downloaded the wrapper:

Anytime I try to import the DLL as a component it gives me the error that it
can't import as an activex control. Anyone had any success getting the 4.1
sdk in vb6 that doesnt mind sharing?

I'm a noob, but don't flame me for it.


Jul 14, 2006, 8:38pm
Have a look at how to set up the COM SDK,
in particular the Preparation section. You can also register the DLL using regsvr32.exe
from a command line.


"Mix Master SS" <spam at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:44b81b6e at
> Okay, so I downloaded the wrapper:
> Anytime I try to import the DLL as a component it gives me the error that it can't
> import as an activex control. Anyone had any success getting the 4.1 sdk in vb6 that
> doesnt mind sharing?
> I'm a noob, but don't flame me for it.

mix master ss

Jul 14, 2006, 8:58pm
I tried those instructions originally that is when VB said it couldn't bring
it in as an active X control. I tried registering it with regsvr32 and I
then go the follow error:


A brief glance at the MSKB says this:

If you intend for your COM objects to be consumed by a Microsoft Visual
Basic application, your COM objects must implement the ISupportErrorInfo
interface. However, to make sure that Visual Basic translates your returned
HRESULT values correctly, you must not set the bstrDescription parameter to
any value except NULL.

How should I proceed?

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Jul 14, 2006, 11:51pm
I think something's wrong with the 4.1 COM SDK.

Trying to do regsvr32 on it fails, with a return code of 0x80029c4a,
same error code that Mix Master is getting.

Trying to add it to a .NET project (with its COM interop, etc) also
results in an error message, complaining that it can't recognize the DLL
file as a COM component.

mix master ss

Jul 15, 2006, 5:29pm
Okay so I just installed VStudio 2005 with the .net 2.0 framework. Still
can't get the wrapper to register or import into VB. Will keep trying.

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mix master ss

Jul 15, 2006, 5:49pm
I tried to add it as a COM component in .net, and I got the following error:

The type library C:\whereitslocated\awsdk.tlb cannot be loaded.

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mix master ss

Jul 15, 2006, 6:30pm
Tried to use regasm.exe to create a type lib, but that didnt work either.
Can't load it because it's not a net file

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Jul 15, 2006, 7:46pm
I tried the wrapper in both Visual Basic 6 and Visual C# .NET. No luck in
either of them. I'm getting the same errors as everyone else. I'm guessing
AW has caught on by now.

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dm mercury

Jul 16, 2006, 4:47am
Same errors as everyone else, not working.


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Jul 16, 2006, 7:46pm
Hopefully, we'll get a resolution soon enough.

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sarus tor ss

Jul 16, 2006, 7:50pm
Yeah, as nice and helpful as preston has been lately, I'm finding myself
waay too limited by it's programming capabilities.

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Jul 22, 2006, 3:21am
AWI has updated the wrapper. Problem is, now when you destroy an instance
the sdk causes the compiler to crash.Does anyone know anything about this?

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sarus tor ss

Jul 23, 2006, 7:26pm
*dies when the sdk imports properly*

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Jul 23, 2006, 7:49pm
[View Quote] I never heard the compiler can crash while the application is running.
Oh well - I forgot it is VB :)

"It's MY computer" (tm Steve Gibson)

sarus tor ss

Jul 23, 2006, 10:08pm
I noticed a crash only when I attempted to close the project and it was
still running a test compile.

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sarus tor ss

Jul 23, 2006, 10:08pm
I tied my destroy instance to a logout button, as well as when you unload
the form, no errors for me.

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