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deltaphc // User Search
deltaphc // User Searchaw_query_5x5Aug 28, 2005, 8:32pm
I ran into this very same problem.
The correct code: void handle_cell_begin(void) { int sector_x = aw_sector_from_cell(aw_int(AW_CELL_X)) - query_x; int sector_z = aw_sector_from_cell(aw_int(AW_CELL_Z)) - query_z; sequence[sector_z+2][sector_x+2] = aw_int(AW_CELL_SEQUENCE); } Should work. [View Quote] aw_query_5x5Aug 28, 2005, 8:36pm
Also, that code won't work for 3x3 query, like how the 3x3 query code
won't work for 5x5. So you should set a variable or something indicating whether you're doing a 3x3 or 5x5 query, then add the necessary if statement, etc. [View Quote] COM wrapper for 4.1 SDK and beyond?Nov 12, 2005, 1:17am
Just a simple question. Will the COM wrapper for the AW SDK be available
for 4.1 and beyond? I know I should be using the C/C++ version, but I'm comfortable with .NET for now, and there's no .NET SDK. -DeltaPHC Citizen 355508 Possible to teleport or warp a bot?Nov 18, 2005, 8:49pm
I'm pretty sure aw_session() returns the session number of the current
bot instance. As for teleporting the bot, you don't even need a session number. Just set the AW_MY_X, AW_MY_Y, and AW_MY_Z attributes to where you want to teleport to, then call aw_state_change() If teleporting to another world, call aw_enter() before setting the above attributes. [View Quote] Possible to teleport or warp a bot?Nov 18, 2005, 10:06pm
It's both.
This method isn't limited in distance. You can use it whether you want to move 1 meter or 300,000 meters from the current posiiton. When you call aw_state_change() after setting those attributes, you're moved to that position instantly. The bot doesn't "walk" there. [View Quote] Possible to teleport or warp a bot?Nov 18, 2005, 10:10pm
For example:
aw_int_set(AW_MY_X, -942000); aw_int_set(AW_MY_Y, 0); aw_int_set(AW_MY_Z, -946000); aw_state_change(); Those lines would teleport the bot to 946S 942E 0a in whatever world it's in. [View Quote] Possible to teleport or warp a bot?Nov 18, 2005, 10:28pm
I don't have in-depth knowledge of the inner-workings of the AW browser,
so anyone who does can correct me if I'm wrong. As far as the world server is concerned, using aw_state_change() changes the position instantly. It only appears as if the bot is walking in the AW browser because it interpolates between positions as avatars/bots move. Bot is in position #1, moves to position #2 which is far away, AW browser fills the space between, thus appearing as if the bot is running really really fast, when in fact, it was at position #2 the whole time. So I think it's just a "flaw" in the AW browser, not in the method of teleport. [View Quote] Possible to teleport or warp a bot?Nov 18, 2005, 10:49pm
I think one way to improve upon this would be for the AW browser to only
interpolate movement for short distances. If the distance between the old and new position is above a certain length, it'll render the avatar at the new position instantly, rather than fill in the gap. Not sure if it'll work in all cases, though. [View Quote] VB.NET(2005) Working SDK Code.Nov 25, 2005, 4:52am
You made a .NET wrapper for the AW SDK?
If so, I wanna see. -- - DeltaPHC Cit 355508 [View Quote] VB.NET(2005) Working SDK Code.Nov 25, 2005, 7:42pm
[View Quote]
I prefer to do it all in code myself.
Public WithEvents sdk As New AwSdk41 sdk.whatever() Also, a bot that I've been working on for months on and off is written in VB.NET 2005. I posted about it in the bots newsgroup, but no one seems to be noticing it that much. =P -- - DeltaPHC Cit 355508 SDK Wrapper for .NET 2.0Mar 17, 2006, 10:37pm!stuff/dapps/
Basically, a .NET 2.0 wrapper I made for the SDK, wrapping Aw.dll. So why use this instead of the COM wrapper? So that you don't have to mess with messy COM interop. No need to worry about regsvr'ing either. Just make sure the wrapper DLL and Aw.dll (straight from the C/C++ SDK) are both in the same folder as the program EXE. More details in the included Readme.txt. The wrapper DLL itself requires .NET Framework 2.0. It should be usable in any .NET language (VB.NET, C#, etc). I hope someone finds it useful. :) -- - DeltaPHC Cit 355508 Importing SDK into VB 6Jul 14, 2006, 11:51pm
I think something's wrong with the 4.1 COM SDK.
Trying to do regsvr32 on it fails, with a return code of 0x80029c4a, same error code that Mix Master is getting. Trying to add it to a .NET project (with its COM interop, etc) also results in an error message, complaining that it can't recognize the DLL file as a COM component. A New Bot is in TownNov 11, 2005, 1:58am
And it's called DeltaleX.
Yes, it's a lame name. Delta (my name) + Xela (backwards). But I've been using that name since I began development, and it sorta stuck. =P This is a bot that I've been working on since around October 2004. It's had 3 public releases so far, but I've not advertised any of them, mostly because I thought that they wern't ready for widespread consumption. Not usable enough. But I've come a long way since the previous release, and I think I've come to something that I can at least share. Basically, I want you guys to test my bot, give me feedback, etc. This is my very first AW bot, so I know I could do some things better.!stuff/dapps/DeltaleX/ You can get the current beta build there. Unzip to any folder. If running DeltaleX.exe doesn't work, you may have to do regsvr32 on AwSdk41.dll. It requires you to have .NET Framework 2.0 installed, which can be found here: The focus of my bot isn't so much on having 99999 features, but more on simplicity, so that more people can use it. I don't really intend to compete with bots like XelaGot and whatnot, mostly because I can't. I just noticed the complex interfaces of most AW bots and decided that bots didn't need a complex GUI to have useful features. So I made DeltaleX. It's programmed using the .NET Framework 2.0, VB.NET, and the AW SDK COM wrapper. I didn't have much practical experience with C++, so that wasn't an option for me. And frankly, I think there should be a .NET version of the AW SDK, but somehow, I don't think it'll happen. =P So... yeah. I want feedback on this. I don't even know if it works on computers other than mine. Any suggestions to make it better are appreciated. Thanks. - DeltaPHC Citizen 355508 A New Bot is in TownNov 15, 2005, 9:34pm
It's basically a general-purpose, multifunction, personal bot.
Features: - Property Query Queue allows you to do a 3x3 or 5x5 query for a set of locations, then back up the property. All automatically. - The Radar is similar to XelgaGot's avatar map, except it can show objects too, once you've done a property query. You can save the Radar image in PNG, JPG, or BMP format. - Property Wipe allows you to quickly remove an entire build once you've queried it. - Property Backup allows you to... backup property. Query it, then select a folder to backup to. It will save multiple files within the selected folder. This feature ties into the Query Queue, where the query+backup step is done automatically, for multiple locations. - Property Search allows you to search through thousands of objects from a query and get results instantly. You can search through the object Model, Description, Action, or Owner. - Other minor features like a single button push to remove all objects/terrain within the world if you're a Caretaker, Eject people for 5 minutes, things like that. For future versions: - Scripting. Still in planning stages as to how it'll hook into everything, and what kind of scripting language to use. - Writing whisper, console, and botgram messages. Should've had this already, but better late than never. - Maybe 4.1 features once I get my hands on the new SDK. - Better property backup format. Instead of using multiple files, I'm planning a simpler XML format, in a single file. So it'll be more convenient. - Terrain? I haven't played much with the SDK functions for terrain, but I suppose I could figure it out. Some known bugs/issues, fixable or not: - If viewing the Radar during a property query, you may get freezes. It runs normally as soon as the query is done. - Possibly some code holes when the bot loses its connection to the world/universe (receives the world/universe disconnect events). - Property Wipe was recently reworked, but is untested. Use with caution (and report bugs please =P). - Radar still uses CPU % even when "idle" (nothing around the bot is changing) - Others? I think that's all. =P [View Quote] SDK Wrapper for .NET 2.0Mar 17, 2006, 10:37pm!stuff/dapps/
Basically, a .NET 2.0 wrapper I made for the SDK, wrapping Aw.dll. So why use this instead of the COM wrapper? So that you don't have to mess with messy COM interop. No need to worry about regsvr'ing either. Just make sure the wrapper DLL and Aw.dll (straight from the C/C++ SDK) are both in the same folder as the program EXE. More details in the included Readme.txt. The wrapper DLL itself requires .NET Framework 2.0. It should be usable in any .NET language (VB.NET, C#, etc). I hope someone finds it useful. :) -- - DeltaPHC Cit 355508 4.1 and Mapper UpdateNov 17, 2005, 10:57pm
We actually just might get 4.1 before the end of the year. Top question (at this time of writing): GSK Asks: "Will there be an open beta in November for 4.1?" Goshenta Asks: "Has an exact beta release date and version of 4.x been released yet?" AWI Answers: "Open beta any day now. Full release, after the open beta ;-)" So "any day" now, however long that is... [View Quote] 4.1 and Mapper UpdateNov 21, 2005, 12:32am
Are things so bad that it'll make more people leave AW?
Any improvement over 3.6 is welcome. It's hard to make a good judgement though, since I don't have 4.1 in my hands yet. But is it any worse than 3.6? [View Quote] "Lock Particle Yaw"Jun 11, 2006, 11:00pm
I'm not Mauz, but I just wanted to say that this is what the Preset
feature in 4.1 is for. You didn't need to type all of that info out. Just need to type a name in the Preset field then click Save Preset, then post the file from the Presets folder here. ;P "Lock Av Pos" needs to be checkmarked on Default.Jun 22, 2006, 5:49pm
Actually, you can still ride without that checked. You just need to be
standing on/colliding with the vehicle first before clicking it. While checking "Lock Av Pos" means you can just click to drive, passengers won't be able to walk around while they're on the mover, if it's built for that. When using Camera's Zoom feature, be able to download the objects from far away.Jun 29, 2006, 6:35pm
Actually, if it were a digital zoom type thing, the image would get
pixellated as you zoom in. Since that doesn't happen, it is in fact akin to "optical" zoom, because you can see more detail when you zoom in (more detail of objects within vis range). The issue here is with the visibility setting, not how zoom works. Ability to seperate global and local commands in the same objectJun 30, 2006, 4:20am
Global Events is a really nice feature. It works well enough for me at
least, but in my use of it, I've come across a somewhat minor limitation. Because of the fact that putting one 'global' in the Action field makes all of the commands global, there seems to be no way to say... bump/activate an object and only have SOME commands be sent globally and others locally. I've tried using multiple astart/astop timers to see if I could separate the commands, but it seems that global doesn't work with the adone trigger. So unless there actually is some way to separate global from local in the same object, it would be a nice thing to have. editable location parametersJul 2, 2006, 1:48am
According to the 4.1 help documentation, you CAN edit the location directly, but only caretakers can do so. But I do think this is something a regular user should be able to do. It could be very useful. TRUE industry standard mouselook would be awesome :)Jul 2, 2006, 3:48am
I'm not sure I understand your idea. Personally, I don't have a problem
with mouselook as it is. I have my controls redefined to WASD-style, and use my mouse for both turning/steering and looking up/down. E and C are fly up and down. It's worked great for me so far. TRUE industry standard mouselook would be awesome :)Jul 2, 2006, 3:50am
[View Quote]
And Q for pass-through, Shift as run, Space as jump. Forgot to mention
those. But you get what I mean :P TRUE industry standard mouselook would be awesome :)Jul 2, 2006, 3:59am
Well, I could easily say that my way is "natural", "second-nature", and
"industry standard" as well. In fact, most first-person games these days (at least the ones I've played) used the WASD combo as the default. But anyways... your way might be nice as an option, but only that. [View Quote] Working, yet undocumented action command: CursorJun 2, 2005, 11:22pm
While looking around aworld.exe (build 567) in a hex editor, I noticed a
section of plain text containing the names of all of the action triggers and commands (create, activate, move, rotate, etc). They all looked pretty normal, except for one. The word "cursor" was among them, so naturally, I decided to play around with that. I found out that the Cursor command turns on/off your mousr cursor. For example, I made an object with "activate cursor on" in the Action field. When in mouse move mode, I clicked it, and it took me out of mouse mode. But this doesn't seem to work the other way around. "activate cursor off" does not put you into mouse mode if you're not in it. ....and while I'm at it, I found a couple other interesting things. I saw the words "seq" and "sdone" among the block of triggers and actions. Any AWI programmers care to elaborate on those? They seem to have no effect. =) - DeltaPHC Citizen 355508 Working, yet undocumented action command: CursorJun 3, 2005, 1:38am
Yeah, I was just looking around in the EXE. I don't really know anything
about actual EXE hacking/cracking anyways. I'm just curious =P [View Quote] What Do You Like to Build?Jul 16, 2005, 12:36am
1. Futuristic/round-ish/stylish, sometimes realistic type builds
2. Landscaping? Not really. AW seems a little too limited IMO for decent landscaping. 3. 1343.60S 1253.68E 0a 270 4. See #1 5. Anything that looks cool. 6. Probably an indoor elevator structure, found somewhat near the coordinates mentioned above. 7. See #5 8. Sure... can't remember who's builds off the top of my head though. 9. Some real life buildings that I think looks nice, and is technically/practically possible with the object path of the world I build in. 10. Pretty much since I got into AW back in 2003. 11. An online friend taught me. 12. Said friend, AW's (somewhat limited) building tools. 13. Ctrl+Insert is a godsend. If only it worked vertically... 14. I <3 pp16crv's 15. Here's a list: a. Something similar to Ctrl+Ins, except going vertical b. Being able to change the object model, action, and/or description of multiple objects in one fell swoop. c. A Scale action command. That would be the most awesomest feature ever d. A full-blown scripting language (like that'll ever happen =P) 16. Another list: a. Something that fits nicely in the corner of two pp16crv's perpendicular to each other (like how roofc07 fits the corner of two roof07's). b. A version of pp16crv1b that's texturable. c. pp16flr's that are made of glass d. pp00m. Currently, only pp00 and pp00l exist. e. w1/w2/w3/s1/s2/s3 versions of objects other than pp01, pp16, and walk26. f. Can't think of any more right now, but I'm sure there's more... =P [View Quote] What Do You Like to Build?Jul 16, 2005, 12:53am
Whoops, forgot to mention the world for #3. Let's try again:
3. AWTeen 1343.60S 1253.68E 0a 270 Active Worlds 4.1Jul 29, 2005, 8:56pm
Erm... does this have anything to do at all with the 'beta' newsgroup
having 3 new posts today, and being locked out for normal users? ;P [View Quote] |