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afk gesture?

Apr 19, 2003, 8:39pm
Does afk mode invoke AW_EVENT_AVATAR_CHANGE? And if so is afk considered a
gesture? Or does any sort of call back exist to find out if a user is afk
or not.

afk gesture?

Apr 21, 2003, 1:28pm
well i dont like button clicky things, so i was thinking if you said
something like "/afk" then it could flip your afk state in the
world/universe. but other people like the clicky thing, and there is a
button already there and no need to but one in the gestures list. maybe can
hope for it in future releases of the sdk with more implementation of

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Jun 8, 2003, 2:10am
sweet grimmy's comming back yay =)

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Visual Basic 6 SDK?

Jun 26, 2003, 4:50am
[View Quote] /agree andras


Bot logout/login

Aug 18, 2003, 5:48am
I have been observing my bot in .NET and noticed that it seems to enjoy
appearing to log out of the world fora brief moment and then log itself
back in. When watching the bot it is in the world does the greet people
etc... then while idle it seems to just log out(avatar disappears). After a
random amount of time the bot seems to just log back in (does the greet
people stuff again). I was wondering if anyone had experienced this problem
in .net and what the solution may be. If it wants to log out like that it
is fine if there is a particular sdk event for such an occurance. So my
question is how can this be resolved with or without a sdk event?


Bot logout/login

Aug 18, 2003, 4:41pm
It is, I would think 1 second to call awwait is often enough. I will


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Bot logout/login

Aug 18, 2003, 5:26pm
It seems for strange reason that RC_CONNECTION_LOST seems to be the world
disconnect reason code. Is there much to do to prevent this?


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Bot logout/login

Aug 18, 2003, 8:42pm
Hmmm well I am not on 56k; like the disconnect event: is there an opposite
connect/reconnect event that is called after disconnect? because the bot
auto logs in after a disconnect. I would like to be able to tell the
difference between a connection I first start, and the connection(s) that
are automatically restarted(so to speak), but if it is not possible at this
time oh well =/


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per avatar action disabling

Nov 19, 2003, 7:52pm
This has less to do with the sdk itself and more to do with the avatars.dat,
but agreed some sort of change needs to be made. Maybe a grant system that
can grant and revoke the fly/shift rights. like
aw_avatar_grant(AW_AVATAR_FLY,AW_AVATAR_SESSION); would be more to my
liking, the aw_avatar_set should be seperate of granting rights to that
person. Anyways some change here needs to be made.

What is the eagle got shot out of the sky?

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Terrain Query Issues with VB DLL SDK

Nov 23, 2003, 8:04am
All I have to say is have fun with this... especially in vb.


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problem is aw_address

Mar 3, 2004, 5:12pm
I have been trying to make it so IP's are correctly logged when ever an
event occurs. However when there are multiple people in the world, the IP
that is looked up is reported as the same number as the first IP found on
avatar add events. When chat occurs it displayes the correct IP so does
exiting the world and object / avatar clicks.

I have tried the code in VB (com wrapper), Microsoft Visual c++ and dev c++,
all produce the same results. Maybe i have made a dummy error with
something, but i just cant seem to see why i am getting the same result for
the IP.

this is the psudo code

log (event, sdk.aw_int(aw_avatar_address), msg);

bot grams

Apr 4, 2004, 6:35pm
int aw_botgram_send (void)


Sends a telegram to all BOTS using a specified citizen number.

This looks to me as if it is to send telegrams between bots. More
importantly can you send your bot telegrams as a citizen, and are they
recieved with handle_botgram ? maybe this is the problem <g> Although it
would be nice to send people telegrams when they are ejected, "You were
ejected for language, your ejection will expire in 30 minutes. (insert what
they said here). Anyway bleh.


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RC 88?

May 7, 2004, 3:47am
Was loading a terrian dump with the server administrator and on node 296,
got a RC 88, the terrain dump then stopped. Anyone have any idea what this
is for, other than the software deciding it wants to stop my terrain dump?


rendering bot / source

Jun 18, 2004, 5:10pm
okay i saw this thing like a month ago someone posted s screen shot of their
bot with the ability to render a 3d window. i cant find the post anymore, i
was interested in making a more acurate map making utility with it(by taking
overhead screen shots and meshing them together or rendering the whole world
at once). sorry i cant remember who it was, but i would appreciate if
someone could atleast tell me who or send me the source for it that was
later posted.

i think the post was like "HAHAHA i did it" or something.


sooo.... are we ever gonna get...

Jul 6, 2004, 7:49pm
I would like to point out that AWRPG, Mutation, AD&DRPG, some of the more
populated worlds are populated based on their bot(s). Imagine what would
happen if aw added new features to the browser but mistakenly forgot to
update the sdk (oh wait). Anyway the worlds that a large percentage of
their user base frequents regularly would never be able to improve on the
sdk application(s) that run those worlds to support the new features.

Also I think the issue is that the 3.6 sdk has been made for 3 weeks or more
now just not made available to download. So kudos to that too.


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lost sessions?

Nov 19, 2004, 7:56am
In my bots using the the vb sdk, AwSdk3.dll (build 39), the bot and server
seem to completely lose the fact that a person is in the world randomly.
The bot will not recieve persons chat events, nor any other events. World
server is the Linux build 68.

Is it the server or the sdk?


Oct 26, 2005, 2:40am
I am writing a application with many instances, and am having trouble
logging them in in a timely manner. Like taking 10 minutes or more to log
in around 1k bots. Is there a better way using call backs to avoid the
delay? Or is it just not feasible to log in hundreds of bots


New World - Now Hiring Lead Programmer(s)!

Oct 31, 2005, 3:18pm
$20/hr only comes out to abotu 40k per year, not an amazing salary. You
could make the same money working at McDonalds and Pizza Hut. You would
just have almost no life, and nearly die of sleep deprivation... the more I
think about it, isnt that what programming is all about?

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Feb 19, 2006, 3:49am
Theoretically isnt it possible to get 2 object numbers in the same cell? As
far as I know you could theoretically have 2 identical object numbers, but
they would only need to have different x and z values. I don't think the
server would run an intensive enough query to check the entire cell, but
easily could check if the x,z, and number value is present. It would be
hell on the world server with multiple object selection (well depending on
the amount it has to query).

So why would an object number be bound to a specific cell?

Object numbers change any time the object is modified. If you move the
object, the object number changes. Even changing the description or action
changes the object number. If you wish to track the object numbers, any
time you operate on an object the result is stored in AW_OBJECT_NUMBER. I
would check the sdk documentation on object deletion, and changing objects,
they can help clarify the purpose of object numbers and some other


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Re: Spiraware Productions Open for Business

Feb 18, 2006, 6:26pm
It's not the number of lines of code that matter, it does nothing ot
determine the functionality of your software.

Anything you can write in 20,000 lines, I'm sure I can write find a way to
write in 5,000 lines or less. Software is about functionality, and
performance. More times than not, a program using fewer lines will run
beter than a program using more lines. All that matters in your software
(to the end user), is the functionality, and performance. And for coders if
you should distribute your source, maintainability is another big issue, id
say 5,000 lines is a lot easier to keep track of than 20,000. Counting my
RPG bot's source its just under 6,000 lines without the comments its a
little over 8,000 with comments.


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Increase console message length

Mar 28, 2006, 6:24pm
I'd personally rather aw not automatically format my console messages when a
tab is inserted.

Solution to the character limit:
Just test if the message you are about to send is longer than 100 characters
and if it is break it up and send it in 100 character messages. I made a
DIKU style chat bot which is virtually lag-less coded in VB none the less,
and does that. The chat bot output looks like this when you chat: Soandso
says, "Hello", instead of AW default Soandso:\tHello. It also splits based
on words so that you dont get a word split between lines. And if you think
you are going to outsmart it and make a nice solid 100 letter message like
WWWWWW..., the bot will break it into roughly 100 character segments. Also
includes private/public channels.

Not that this is anything special just pointing out it is a solution I came
up with a while ago, and it could easily be implemented into aw any which
way you want to do chat. Just take a different approach to the problem,
maybe break the message up every 255 characters. Works great if you use the
same or similar function to send information like about an object through
the console when its clicked, because sometimes those messages are well over
280 characters.


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[C++ 60] aw_init RC 518

Jun 3, 2006, 10:12pm
I can not initilize the sdk period with any microsoft compiler i have 6.0 or
..NET. The bot compiles everything is linked just fine. However the call to
aw_init(AW_BUILD); always retruns 518. I have compiled the bot for stand
alone and attempted to run in the ide. Both result in the same error code.
I reported this problem in beta and it is still unfixed. I think that I am
capable of placing liscense.awsdk in the same directory as a program or
project. Hell just to test it was in the project/program dir i spewed the
liscense file text out to the console, why can't the sdk detect it?


[C++ 60] aw_init RC 518

Jun 3, 2006, 10:20pm
also note that the same application with 3.6 sdk build 41 works great.

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[C++ 60] aw_init RC 518

Jun 5, 2006, 8:16pm
I use both. This is a C++ project. I have compiled / test in both .NET and
6.0 microsoft compilers. Even bots such as preston, xelagot, etc... do not
work for me which are already compiled.


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Jun 4, 2006, 7:03am
I don't know if this has even been attempted or if there is even a real
audience for it(or if one exists at present). Since 4.1 isnt being very
cooperative, I have decided to attempt to start an SDK wiki. I have offered
the webspace hopefully it goes to good use. And maybe becomes a resource
for many developers for AW. Because we certainly know that the current sdk
documentation is lacking at best. I think the last documentation update for
it was for like build 37 or 38?

I am basically asking for help in creating this, not only because it's no
small task, but because we as programmers need good resources and
documentation to do our job effectively. If you don't have the right tools,
the job is more difficult than it needs to be. It's like trying to scrub
the kitchen floor clean with a tooth brush, it would take you all day with a
tooth brush, but if you used a mop the job would take only minutes. It's
why we typically use high level languages for large projects and tasks over
assembly or even machine code. (Well not to start a language choice debate
and such it is just an analogy).

In any case there isnt much to see yet but check it out at, hopefully some people will help get some more
content up on it.



Jun 4, 2006, 8:37pm
Wow I am glad some others share the same enthusiasm about this as I do. I
literally just created it at the time of the post (about 4am my time), and I
was totally not expecting so much done already! I don't know much about
wiki formatting myself either, but I have been reading up on the
documentation for it to figure stuff out. Looks like in a week or two we
will have some really nice documentation.

Also like Strike Rapier was saying about the minimum build information
stuff, I thought about adding that as well. We will just have to coordinate
a bit so everything looks semi decent and organized. A lack of
organization could be a bad thing since we want to be able to find things
ourselves. I'm going to do a lot of entries later tonight when I have time,
I am dead tired and must rest. I woke up at 9am this morning, and have been
out running around and shopping all day long.


P.S. If anyone knows stuff about wiki-ing and such and wants to help
administrate the wiki let me know. Or if you need some kind of change done
thats setting based or needs to be done in the php let me know and I will
take care of it. YP mentioned something about the underscores to me, its at
the top of the priority list atm.

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build 60 vb sdk?

Jun 15, 2006, 2:42pm
Is a build 60 of the vb sdk due out any time soon? does anyone know? I
have build 59 from beta, and was hoping an updated version was coming out.


build 60 vb sdk?

Jun 18, 2006, 7:47pm
Well I would like to upgrade to . NET, however I am still using 6.0 for my
main software. I use the COM SDK. Works just fine with 6.0.

I wish I knew how to make one of these COM SDK things so I wouldn't be
complaining. I know a few people do use it. AD&DRPG is a large world and
depends on the software, and users are complaining to me about why the world
isnt open, or the bot isnt up right now. Well I can't help them much right
now, so hopefully something happens.


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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 17, 2006, 12:37am
Speaking of AD&DRPG and 4.1. It is well known VB runs the core bot that
handles everything. Yet there is no workable vb sdk within reasonable time
of the release date. I don't understand how everytime there was a new sdk
in beta there was a vb version available at the same time as well. Why is
it not available now?

There needs to be a build 61 of the SDK asap for both C and VB. And in this
build there needs to be no liscense file location issues, and no logic bombs
for debugging. I refuse to even touch my world or bot without these basic
tools that should be provided. Instead of putting a liscense with the sdk,
why not just bind it to the (insert string of curse words) citizenship,
world, etc...

Another slight rant on the world server. The linux version has some crazy
dependancy on mysql 4.1.9 What is so great about 4.1.9 that 4.0.2 doesnt
do. I have like a million message boards on that database and they are
complaining when i compile and run the new one. So I had to revert back to
the old one so the boards stopped complaining.


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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 17, 2006, 9:56pm
to be technical you may actually want to check on the x,z axis for being
within a radius. well to be on topic as far as the post is concerned. this
is how many games do position checking for being within range of an object.
its sometimes exploitable but usually not. its really just the pythagorean
theorem in this case.


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