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Requests for AWI to comment on this...

Feb 7, 2006, 6:24pm
The thread you cite is posted on August 03, 2005, 04:19:34 AM

Little late in responding to a forum post arent you?


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Browser problem d/l stuff...

Feb 18, 2006, 6:26pm
It's not the number of lines of code that matter, it does nothing ot
determine the functionality of your software.

Anything you can write in 20,000 lines, I'm sure I can write find a way to
write in 5,000 lines or less. Software is about functionality, and
performance. More times than not, a program using fewer lines will run
beter than a program using more lines. All that matters in your software
(to the end user), is the functionality, and performance. And for coders if
you should distribute your source, maintainability is another big issue, id
say 5,000 lines is a lot easier to keep track of than 20,000. Counting my
RPG bot's source its just under 6,000 lines without the comments its a
little over 8,000 with comments.


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AWEC's incompetence is simply unacceptable

Mar 2, 2006, 5:52pm
it would seem a php calendar would be more efficient. you wouldnt even have
to edit the web page to change anything. most modern php calendars have
recurring event options so that something can occur hourly, daily, weekly,
or monthly. oh yeah they have a 1 click button to change the background


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Apr 12, 2006, 2:50am
the texture would be npath1.jpg you are looking for.


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DotSoul/My first experiences with 4.1 Building

Apr 25, 2006, 4:25am
bleh whats the universe address / port downloading like 50 browsers to view
each universe is annoying.


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May 4, 2006, 2:12pm
1. A friend told me about it, so I tried it out.

2. At first I registered because $20 per year wasnt much to pay for the
extra features, and the software looked like fun, so i figured I would
atleast support it. $20 was only 2 months of a premium online game
subscription after all. I miss GameStorm. Some of the most fun games I have
ever played were on that service: Fierce Harmony, Silent Death Online, Mage
Storm, and Godzilla Online. Too bad they are gone now =(

3. I have been a citizen since October 1999.

4. I particularly like the sdk. It allows you to make aw more than just
another chat software.

5. I created the bots that run ad&drpg. I have made a few builds in there.
Most of the building credit these days should go to the talented and loyal
staff. Although back when I first had the world I built almost everything.
Unfortunately there are no historical builds there, only lore from previous

6. Mostly I just hang out in ad&drpg, and maintain the world and bot. Its
great being omnipitent in a game environment.


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I like the new contact list feature

Jun 18, 2006, 12:02pm
i've gotten on occasion 50 or more telegrams within a 24 period of not being
online. none of which are on my ocntact list. but i don't block them.
i've actually had telegrams failed to be delivered to me. people telegram
sometimes asking did i get their last one. its kind of nuts.


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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 17, 2006, 12:37am
Speaking of AD&DRPG and 4.1. It is well known VB runs the core bot that
handles everything. Yet there is no workable vb sdk within reasonable time
of the release date. I don't understand how everytime there was a new sdk
in beta there was a vb version available at the same time as well. Why is
it not available now?

There needs to be a build 61 of the SDK asap for both C and VB. And in this
build there needs to be no liscense file location issues, and no logic bombs
for debugging. I refuse to even touch my world or bot without these basic
tools that should be provided. Instead of putting a liscense with the sdk,
why not just bind it to the (insert string of curse words) citizenship,
world, etc...

Another slight rant on the world server. The linux version has some crazy
dependancy on mysql 4.1.9 What is so great about 4.1.9 that 4.0.2 doesnt
do. I have like a million message boards on that database and they are
complaining when i compile and run the new one. So I had to revert back to
the old one so the boards stopped complaining.


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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 17, 2006, 9:56pm
to be technical you may actually want to check on the x,z axis for being
within a radius. well to be on topic as far as the post is concerned. this
is how many games do position checking for being within range of an object.
its sometimes exploitable but usually not. its really just the pythagorean
theorem in this case.


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ras viewer

Jul 16, 2006, 4:53am
You can prevent potential thieves.

However you can not stop them.

If a thief wants it, they will get it no matter what security emasures you
put in place.


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Harold & Activeworlds

Jul 19, 2006, 11:28pm
a little silly. keep up the good work.


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Final Answer.... Please!!

Jul 23, 2006, 12:36pm
I wish the admin tool would just come zipped. though simple solution is
just makea backup of the ini files.


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