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Building inspector....):

Aug 6, 1998, 1:14am
Not sure how well I can answer this one, but I'll try.

Building Inspector is not a person. Simply a part of the program designed
to give a more "human" feel to the delivery of information about if or in
some cases even why an attempt to build something may not have gone quite
acording to your plan. Each time you place or edit an object, the browser
and world server cooperate to attempt to actuate your efforts within certain
sets of rules. If anything goes wrong, the Building Inspector notifies you
so that you can try again, or take a different approach.


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Top 10 wishes for aw3

Feb 29, 2000, 6:50am
Sounds nice. Now, this is probably a stupid question but I'll ask
anyway... what's DX (in this context)?


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exosted bingo player >:o)

Feb 13, 2000, 4:35am
This does bring up an interesting thought. How about this idea....
Under the Privace tab in the Settings dialog, there could be a check box for
"Not available to be whispered to" that would keep the people who check it
out of the whisper list completely.
Not sure if it's a good idea... but it's an interesting one. :)


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fullworld status

Feb 26, 2000, 7:05am
Yes, I don't particularly like it either... in fact, I asked to have it
fixed the first time it happened to me. On the other hand though... at
least it's consistant.


P.S. That's why I've been puting my name at the bottom of each message I
post in here lately... so that it's at least spelled right someplace. :·)
Anyway, I'm getting used to doing it.

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Citizen Blocking From a World

Feb 25, 2000, 2:23am
Yep... It's been mentioned. :) Just thought you might like to know the
answer to that.

Here's an excerp from a message by Scotty Miller, back in October of 1998,
giving another way of handling the same basic concept...

{Begin excerp}

Ok, here is an idea:

You now have an INclusion list were you have to place citizen numbers for
you want IN the world. How about an EXclusion list for citizen numbers of
you want to keep OUT of the world. Of course you would only be able to use
list at time.

Inclusion list Exclusion list
1234 (Princess Tia) 0 (tourist)
2345 (ScottyDM) 9876 (rude to PT)
3456 (another PT friend) 8765 (cheated PT out of $)
4567 (PT friend #3) 7654 (telegram bombs PT)
5678 (etc, etc) 6543 (etc, etc)

This way you could MOSTLY open up your world. Perhaps the "immigration
could send a special message to someone on the exclusion list as "IO" shows
the way out.


{End excerp} which someone going by "CDM" commented that he had been requesting
that for two years.

I know it's also been mentioned that a negative numbers in fields could mean
exclusion of those numbers, although I am not sure when that was mentioned,
or by whom, or how many times.


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Citizen Blocking From a World

Feb 26, 2000, 7:09am
I like that idea... being able to leave instructions or a special message
for those not allowed into a world. This could have many uses.


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Answer to some people's wish

Apr 19, 2000, 3:13pm
If you've been wishing for new objects in Alpha World, or a better list of what objects are available in Alpah World (and worlds that use the Alpha World objects) you should find this quite interesting. The attached zip file contains 14 html files, listing not only all of the objects currently in Alpha World, but also some new objects that were designed for Alpha World and are now simply waiting to be uploaded.

If you don't have a program to unzip the attached file with, and would like me to attach them in an unzipped format to a reply, please let me know.



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Suggested enhancements for the move and rotate commands

Jan 30, 2001, 3:54am
I wanted to suggest the following enhancements to the move and rotate

For the rotate command, add a parameter to allow a choice between rotation
around the present origin of the object being rotated, around the origin
where the object being rotated was "built", around the present origin of the
object sending the command to rotate, or around the origin where the object
giving the command was built. This would allow rotation of entire multipart
structures, and even moving structures, in addition to the current
possibilities. A sinple syntax would be something like [origin=0|1|2|3]
but I will leave that up to whoever impliments it. I'm just making a

For the move command, add a parameter to allow a choice between the
specified X,Y,and Z, values to move being relative to the world's coordinate
system, or the object's current orientation. This would allow a combination
of move and rotate commands to move objects around smooth curves such as an
elipse or a spiral.


Donald A. Kronos, PhD
TechnoZeus at

(3.1) Move/Rotate Command enhancement (With examples)

Apr 3, 2003, 5:23pm
Actually, the enhancements I have suggested for the move and rotate commands would cover almost all of those possibilities exactly as I have outlined them, and I'm pretty sure they would be much easier to implement. The only thing you've mentioned which my proposed enhancements wouldn't cover is the idea of being able to see the object's current shared position even if you entered the world out of visibility range and had not moved into visibility range of where the object was originally placed. A small modification could cover that possibility as well, by periodically updating a temporary object entry in the world object database, as outlined in my earlier suggestion for temporary objects. Also, the enhancements I have suggested would allow a choice between shared or unique experience with the same command, and using the same types of objects, rather than having to force a person to use one or the other.

One small correction to your example of how the move command currently works. If the move command moves an object out of visibility range, you still see the object and the command attached to it is still in effect. It's only if you move out of visibility range of the object's origin that the object is removed from the scene. I have also outlined suggestions to improve this situation.


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(3.1) Move/Rotate Command enhancement (With examples)

Apr 3, 2003, 9:49pm
With the suggestions I've given for enhancing the commands, neither of the two choices you mentioned would be needed. On the other hand, if either of them were to be added it would make sense to me not to choose one or the other but rather to choose implement scripting, and then give both builders and SDK developers access to it.


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(3.1) Move/Rotate Command enhancement (With examples)

Apr 4, 2003, 1:27am
The way KF was recommending (through SDK commands) would not add anything at all for builders directly in any world, but would instead allow bot designers to produce bots which would control such things. Technically, that could be done now with a bot, but would require a more complex bot program than if special SDK enhancements were made. Of course, those SDK enhancements would also require programming to add, so one way or another it's a lot of programming. In short, the answer is no... adding such commands to the SDK would add nothing to public building worlds for builders to take advantage of, and they would not directly add anything to private worlds either, nor would they add anything even indirectly to any worlds at all unless someone wrote a bot to indirectly add functionality and that particular world's caretaker allowed someone to run that bot in that world, and the additional functionality would only be available while the bot is running.

Of course, if the same functionality were to be added in commands designed to work from inside of an object's Action line, many existing bots could take advantage of them without having to modify the bot at all, and newer bots could still be written specifically to take advantage of the new functionality.


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(3.1) Move/Rotate Command enhancement (With examples)

Apr 4, 2003, 11:26pm
Exactly. That's why I recommended something that would benefit everyone who can build, whether they use a bot to do their building or not.


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coronas should decrease their size with increasing distance

Nov 16, 2002, 4:28am
Yes, generally they fade as the light source fades with distance or obscurity (through fog, for example). I don't think this should be forced, but having it as an option would be great. Also, I have thought for quite some time that it would be great to have the option of making coronas with or without the "glow" effect, and with or without change in size according to distance. This would allow such things as using a corona to simulate an ActiveWorlds 2.x style sprite.

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coronas should decrease their size with increasing distance

Nov 16, 2002, 4:39am
Actually, the "real" sun does decrease it's visual angle (aparent size) as you back away from it, but the effect is too minute to be noticed due to the sun's huge size and extreme distance from Earth. If you could double your distance from the sun, the width of it's image in your visual field would be cut in half. This, however, is not true of a lense flare effect which in cameras or eyes is a function of the optics more than of the light source.


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coronas should decrease their size with increasing distance

Nov 16, 2002, 10:29am
You're quite welcome. I hope my input may also be helpful in some way.


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coronas should decrease their size with increasing distance

Nov 16, 2002, 10:35am
I also posted a reply to the related message by IHNK dated August 12th of 2002 and titled "coronas" where I want into the math a little bit.


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Slant to Terrain (First Person)

Nov 16, 2002, 4:42am
Perhaps instead of an option (meaning on/off, in this context) it may be better to add a slider bar where all the way to one end is totally manual tilting, and at the other end is totally automatic tilting. Then a little math could work out your avatar's actual tilt based on a weighted average between your personally selected viewing angle, and the automatically selected viewing angle.


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Oh ay!

Nov 16, 2002, 5:07am
Some sort of wide angle lense effect could possibly be used to present the illusion of curvature, and perhaps the amount of it could be settable for each world, but the wrap-around effect can be done quite easily using an analog of a 4D hyper-torus. The mathematics and implementation are quite simple.


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Another idea.. read.. its kewl!

Nov 16, 2002, 5:12am
I've made many similar suggestions over the years. There are quite a few ways that such a thing could be done. For example, one way would be to add the word "shared" as a pre-trigger keyword. This would allow simple changes like...

activate visible off
shared activate visible off

to make their shared expreience counterpart. Of course, there are many possible complications with such an implementation also, such as what happens when someone else's AW browser communicates to your AW browser that they have just clicked on an object which is not currently in your view?


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User Only Rights

Nov 16, 2002, 6:55am
I like that suggestion.
How about this: +0 means allow citizen #0, but not people using #0's privs. (Yes, I know citizen #0 doesn't have privs, but I'm just using the number as a generic example); -0 means disallow citizen #0 and anyone using citizen #0's privs; 0 means allow citizen #0 and anyone using citizen #0's privs; -+ means disallow citizen #0 but not other people who are using citizen #0's privs, and +-0 would mean to disallow people using citizen #0's privs except for citizen #0. (In this context, bots count as people using someone's privs.)

Disallowing prefixes, would of course be used "after" any wildcard such as * that has been specified, in order to make exceptions for specific citizens.

For example....

*, +-155965, -+1

in the Enter list would specify that anyone may enter except for citizen number 1 or anyone using citizen number 155965's privileges who is not actually citizen number 155965.

Of course, this makes 5 different possible conditions for each number in the list which means more processing for the world server to do, but it's a thought anyway.


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Nov 16, 2002, 7:12am
Actually, the it's not the size that's a problem. If you want them to behave as a real lense flare, their opacity should be multiplied by the inverse square of the distance. In other words, at four times as far away should look half as bright, and nine times as far away they should look one third as bright, and at 25 times as far away they should look one fifth as bright. That way, a far away light corona wouldn't look so blinding, but would instead look more accurately realistic..


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MSolid On: Brilliant idea!

Nov 16, 2002, 7:31am
Okay, how about this method of having an object apear to carry you...

Make a new command called "ride" which would have the exact same syntax and effect as warp, with one exception... the object would move relative to it's starting position along with the movement of the avatar being warped to it's new location. In other words, if your avatar is sent 30 meters north, then the object would move 30 meters north along with it. The math for this shouldn't be difficult, and most of the coding could be copied right out of the coding for the warp command.

Here is an example:

on one object...
create name obj1; bump ride +9 -7

on an object using the same rwx model, at the first object's destination...
create visible off, solid off; bump visible on, solid on, visible obj1 off, solid obj1 off, ride +13 +2

Say you walk off a ledge and land on the first object. That object would then move with youto a position 90 meters north and 70 meters east of the starting point, where you would bump into the second object. After bumping into the second object, the first object would turn invisible and non-solid while the second object would turn solid and visible, and would move with you to a place 130 meters north and 20 meters west from there. Now, of course there are a few things that could be done in more than one way, such as weather to have the object return to where it started or not. My recommendation would be that it should defailt to jumping back to it's original position as soon as you and the object complete the trip. If someone wants the apearance of the object staying at the destination, an identical looking object could be waiting there for them to land on or at. This would avoid certain possible problems with the bump trigger.


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Yet MORE Coronas

Nov 16, 2002, 10:44am
It would also be nice to be able to offset the corona's origin from the source object's origin. Just a thought.


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Telegram bombing

Nov 16, 2002, 10:55am
How about this slight variation on that idea... make it so that instead of only having telegrams "blocked" or "not blocked" we could choose to set our own personal limit of how many telegrams we would be accepted from a person within a specific time period before an automatic message would be sent to them saying no more telegrams beyond the last one they sent will go through until a specified abount of time has elapsed. That way, the person doesn't get their telegram rejected without warning after they took the time to type it.


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Telegram bombing

Nov 17, 2002, 6:38pm


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Allow default objects for black triangles

Nov 16, 2002, 10:59am
Yes, it used to be possible.


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look up look down bug

Nov 16, 2002, 11:05am
Yeah, I'm not sure what version that changed in. I think it was around 2.2 that the change happened. It used to be possible to click all the way as far up or down as it could go and then use the Page Up or Page Down key to get back to level. I do recall that the change happened at the same time as it became possible to look straight up or straight down. Before that you always looked somewhat forward.


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Object Properties Dialog Window

Nov 17, 2002, 7:00pm
How about a single drop-bos added to (or near) the tool-bar, listing such things as Object, Description, Action, Owner, Location, Size, and Orientation, with a text field, or set of text fields that would change contents as you select different things from the menu? That would allow the Object Properties dialog to be made smaller again.


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3.4 dialog

Nov 17, 2002, 7:04pm
Actually, I find it quite easy to use, and better than a tabbed dialog box, because you can choose what information to display in it and have not just one category of information at a time, but as many as you like. It works quite well with the tree view. The only thing I really dislike about it is the lack of keyboard controls for the tree. Seems you have to use the mouse weather you like it or not.


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Nov 17, 2002, 7:23pm
PowWow used to use something like that... as have several other programs. I'm not sure how it's done exactly to set it up so that you can click a link like that in your web browser, but yes I think it would be great. I've always kindof figured aw: rather than tp: but hey... I'm not that picky. :) Of course, I would think that making links like that work from within the AW browser would be even easier than making them work from within a web browser.. not sure which you meant, but I figure probably both.

Also, it could be made flexible enough that you could leave out parts that you're willing to accept the default on.

For example...

would teleport in whatever world you are already in (or your home world if AW has to be started first) to ground level facing north at the coordinates 10n 20e

would teleport to ground zero of awgate world facing north.

would teleport 100 meters (10 dekameters) north of where you were before you clicked the link.

would teleport to 97 meters above ground zero in Alpha World (aw world) facing north.

would teleport to ground level in mars world at 879s 777e facing west.

One more thing that could be done for the sake of simplicity would be to have it act as a teleport command whenever it teleports you to a world you were not in, and like a warp command whenever the destination location is in the same world you're starting from. That way, it would be a little less disorienting for newbies on short trips.


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