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Jul 22, 1998, 2:07am
Sorry Eep². Guess I wasn't too clear. I was not meaning to suggest that
as an addition or change to the program, or even as a solution. I was
simply stating what I presently use to get around the problem. It's
actually not very complicated, but as you said, folders (or some form or
grouping) would be very helpful, and much better than the method I'm
presently using.


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Jun 17, 1998, 8:48am
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Commands for Opacity and Color have been mentioned. (See the thread =
entitled "A few old ideas"). However, I don't think I've seen the idea =
for a Surface command come up before.

By the way, if you want a basic colors texture set, let me know.

[View Quote] ------=_NextPart_000_00AC_01BD99BB.E7830760
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<META content=3Dtext/html;charset=3Diso-8859-1 =
http-equiv=3DContent-Type><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD W3 =
<META content=3D'"MSHTML 4.72.2106.6"' name=3DGENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Commands for Opacity and Color have =
mentioned.&nbsp; (See the thread entitled &quot;A few old =
However, I don't think I've seen the idea for a Surface command come up=20
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>By the way, if you want a basic colors texture set, =
let me=20
<DIV><FONT size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>TechnoZeus</FONT></DIV>
style=3D"BORDER-LEFT: #000000 solid 2px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: =
[View Quote] ------=_NextPart_000_00AC_01BD99BB.E7830760--

Who want to make friend with me

Jun 18, 1998, 4:03am
Hi Ho.

Some of your messages that you posted in the newsgroups might get deleted
because those newsgroups are intended for specific purposes. Please do not
think that it means people in Active Worlds are not friendly. I'm sure you
will meet very many friendly people in Active Worlds.

Now... Just to be sure this "reply" does not get deleted, I better make sure
it fits the wishlist newsgroup, so... I wish you luck in finding new
friends in Active Worlds.

Does that count? I tried.


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Jun 18, 1998, 4:08am
That was the way I understood it too. I wonder if it would be possible,
with a modification, for AW to determine the user's ISP and their login on
that ISP, or something of that nature.


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Jun 18, 1998, 10:22pm
Perhaps when a new installation logs onto the uniserver, a number could be
randomly generated, attached to the end of the user's current IP adderss (at
the time the number is generated) and stored redundantly in a few places,
such as the cache, the system registry (which as far as I know is not
presently used to store any AW information, and I personally like it that
way), and the aworld.ini file. Then is one of these is missing when AW
starts, it would be restored from one of the others, and if the one in the
registry does not match the others, they could all be checked to see if they
had been ejected. Just a thought... probably not practical.


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Reality is too boring

Jun 18, 1998, 10:43pm
I know how much some people would like to see virtual reality mimic
"reality" as accurately and realisticly as possible, but... I, for one, am
up for a bit of science fiction... or better yet, "virtual science" in my
cyberspace experiences.

This message thread is intended for ideas that are a bit or the futuristic
side, or that outright defy the laws of nature in the physical world we
experience every day.

I'm going to post a few messages as replies to this one, so that the
interesting ones (if any) can start subthreads. This saves display space on
some news readers, and will hopefully help to form a list of ideas with a
similar theme.

Feel free to respond to this post with ideas that you feel are too far off
in the future to otherwise even think about, or that could make AW more
interesting but may tend to make it less like the familliar surroundings of


Reality is too boring

Jun 19, 1998, 10:29pm
This idea could be modified to work with point gravity or probably any other
kind of gravity that may some day be available in Active Worlds (or any
similay VR environment) but the way I plan to present it here is based on
the linear gravity presently used in Active Worlds.

A command could be added that would allow the vertical column belonging to
an object to have gravity that would pull up or down toward a specified
altitude in place of the "always down" gravity in place in the rest of the
world. This would allow people to build upside down houses where gravity
pulls you up to the floor, and all sorts of other "unrealistic" things. I
think it could be very interesting.

The command could be as simple as something like...
gravplane -1.2
to pull the person above or below that object toward an altitude of 12

Additionally, a world option could be added to set the default gravity plane
for the world, and possibly a separate altitude setting for the ground
object to go along with it.

Please give feedback or suggestions about this idea if it interests you.


Reality is too boring

Jun 19, 1998, 10:35pm
It would be interesting some day, to see something like the ability to
assign mass (or weight) to avatars. This could be particularly interesting
in a space station type setting, where the microgravity of the world is
trivial in comparison to the tiny attraction of one avatar to another. If
done acording to actual gravity formulas, it would even be possible to stage
solar system simulations and other interesting cooperative efforts, where
avatars actually establish orbit around each other in complex patterns.

Please give feedback or suggestions about this idea if it interests you.


Reality is too boring

Jun 19, 1998, 10:44pm
It would be interesting to be able to make some kind of viewport into
another location. Todays computers are probably not ready for it, but the
basic idea would be to render an entire scene into a bitmap of some type,
and display that bitmap as a picture or texture on an object. Even if it
was very infrequently updated, it could be very interesting, but it would be
ideal if it could some day be done with no real loss of frame rate, and
could keep up with the frame rate of the rest of the display. As I said in
the basenote of this thread (or at least had intended to, as I realize now
that I missed a few words), "This message thread is intended for ideas that
are a bit unrealistic or are noteably on the futuristic side." I think this
one qualifies as futuristic... and the next one I'm planning probably even
more so. I hope other people will have a few to add also.

Please give feedback or suggestions about this idea if it interests you.


Reality is too boring

Jun 19, 1998, 10:55pm
This idea is related to the viewport idea I just posted, but has a couple of
key differences. To impliment a stargate command (as I'm envisioning it)
the idea would be to allow a single set of coordinates to act as both
teleport coordinates and viewport coordinates, but unlike the warp and
teleport commands we have now, it would be important to allow an absolute
losation with a relative direction, so that the person approching the
stargate would be able to look through it in 3D as if the actula location it
will take them to is on the other side. Once the location is established,
the startgate could be turned on or off. It might also be nice to allow the
builder to specify bump or activate for the teleporting action while
displaying the view of the intended destination on create. This one needs
some work... but that's okay since it's probably way off in the future

As always, please give feedback or suggestions about this idea if it
interests you.


Reality is too boring

Jun 19, 1998, 11:08pm
The only reason I'm including this idea in this thread is because it might
be considered unrealistic by some people since our present Earth technology
has no counterpart to it, however it's propably not all that far fetched,
and could probably be added to Active Worlds if CoF believes it's wanted bad
enough... at least that's what I think.

Here's the idea... To add a simple command to turn gravity on or off.
Although it's probably possible to set locations where it's on and other
locations where it's off, my idea here is to simply add a way to set it on
or off for the person who triggered the command. In other words, a way to
get a person into or out of flying mode. This could be very useful in many
ways. Just to give one example, let's say a world was set to have gravity
off by default (which presently can't be done if I'm not mistaken, but also
wouldn't be that hard to add) and the person was teleported in at a high
altitude. They could hover at that altitude while the initial loading took
place, and the a
create gravity on
command on some object could cause them to fall into a fully (or almost
fully) loaded area.

Again, please give feedback or suggestions about this idea if it interests
Think I've said that enough times? I'm sure you get the idea. :·)


Reality is too boring

Jun 19, 1998, 11:19pm
Here's one that sounds simple, but could be done in many different ways, and
could turn out to be pretty complicated, depending on how it's done.
Imagine if the world owner (or even the browser operator) could set how long
it took to teleport from one place to another.... Not a delay, but a time
durring which you would be in two places at once... or partly in one place,
and partly in another place.

For example, let's say you have your browser set to pick up the chat from
the nearest 30 people, and your teleport fade time is set to one minute.
So, you teleport out of one area (or world) and into another...
every two seconds, there would be one less person allowed to chat with you
where you "were" and one more where you are going to. Also, the display
would either fade from one location to the other, or a simpler way to make
the visual change would be to just treat it like the "stuff" around you had
suddenly changed, and let the changes load as usual... right in front of you
while you watch. There would be many other possible variations on this,
but again, I'm hoping to get other people's views so I'll leave at what I
have there for now.

I just want to see some really interesting things brought up. Stuff that
might get left out if we only go with what we expect to be easily
implimented and easily accepted. I hope I've given that direction a good


Reality is too boring

Jun 20, 1998, 4:27am
Perfect. Just the kind of stuff I was hoping for. Not stupid at all in
my opinion. Needs a lot of work, and doesn't match the way AW "presently"
operates, but that's okay... Anybody's guess what might develop out of such


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Reality is too boring

Jun 22, 1998, 6:32am
My intention was not to keep people from posting ideas that can make AW more
realistic. My intention was to provide a small mintibranched thread from
which some brainstorming can take place. One thing you "never" want to do
in a crainstorming session, is to hold back an idea because it's too far
fetched. Let the ideas flow, and watch them evolve into realistic, useable
ideas. Meanwhile, the "out of this world" ideas will be sitting there
waiting as hardware and software technology slowly catch up.


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Reality is too boring

Jun 22, 1998, 6:37am
Cool. I like it. Presently, to get another person's view, I first join
that person, then join myself, then change to their avatar if I want it to
be "exact"... but this method only allows me to see something they held
still for, and not a moving real-time rendering of their view. It would be
nice to have a way to share what you are seeing. Thanks.


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Reality is too boring

Jun 22, 1998, 6:48am
One way to facilitate the "flash" part would be to have a world setting
added that would display a specific object for a specific duration when and
where a person teleports to a location. To make the flash you mentioned,
the object would be a sprite with a filmstrip animation... although this
method may not work perfectly since the load and display time for the
animation may vary. Another possible method would be to simply be able to
specify a texture set name and a number of frames... similar to the animate
command. For example, if the warp texture was set to "flash" and warp
texture frame count was set to 10 then every 5th of a second (or maybe this
could be set too) it would change frames, cycling once through all of the
textures from flash1 to flash10 showing up "covered" by the avatar, so it
would only stick out on the edges.


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Reality is too boring

Jun 23, 1998, 3:49am
Would be nice though to see the ability to rotate things around another
axis. That's been mentioned before, but I know it's not all that easy to
add. I've written programs to polytopes in spaces of 4 or more dimensions
so I know how much more complicated it gets when you get outside of the 2D
limitations of rotation and on top of that, most of the AW objects have
their origin at the center of the bottom rather than at the 3D center, so to
rotate them arounf a 3D center would mean first moving the object up half
it's height (along it's own Y axis) and then rotating and then moving it
back down (along it's Y axis) into place. Then there's the extra data it
would take.... lots of work. Still, I say go for it... some day at least.

Another possibility would be to allow simple mirroring of the object in
either of two directions. Not sure how (or if) RenderWare would support
that, but the math should be simpler anyway... maybe a good start, and
would work nicely with the gravplane.


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Reality is too boring

Jun 23, 1998, 3:56am
Actually, I would like to point to this very example to stress one reason
why we need the discussion of things that would normally not be said.
Notice that Marvin mentioned the need to be able to hand someone an object.
Notice also that he posted that in response to my response to Byte Me
posting about a way to pick up an object. If you are going to hand someone
an object, it would be good to be able to pick an object up. Remember...
Fiction is always based on reality, and reality is usually stranger than
fiction. :·)


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Reality is too boring

Jun 25, 1998, 7:51am
The avatar animations only cause the avatars to "move" and not to actually
display anything new. An avatar animation couldn't create a flash like that
unless the avatar was specially designed with the flash graphic hidden in
small peices inside of it, and hinged in such a way that the pieces could be
swung into place. This would require redesigning of the avatars and would
be very inefficient. Still, that was a neat thought and if the animations
worked that way it would have been a nice solution. Thanks for the input.


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Reality is too boring

Jul 22, 1998, 2:09am
Yep, a real processor hog. That's why I put it in this thread... for
refinement by helpful and insightful people, or distant future


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Tutoring, Flash Cards, Quizzes, etc.

Jun 19, 1998, 11:31pm
Actually, it's already in the sign command's syntax. Try this: On one
Create name sgn1, sign "This will change."
(with the Description field holding whatever you want to show up when the
user points at it)
and on another object...
Activate sign "This is the change." name=sgn1


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Tutoring, Flash Cards, Quizzes, etc.

Jun 20, 1998, 12:09am
Get in contact with me. I'll show you how. Not a problem.


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Tutoring, Flash Cards, Quizzes, etc.

Jun 20, 1998, 4:20am
I just threw together a working demonstration in beta world at 49.5n 70w
which you may feel free to look over also as long as it doesn't get deleted
or destroyed.
Any questions?


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our slim population

Jun 21, 1998, 2:07am
Great idea. Hey, I can get them a bit of a discount to help out. :·)


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our slim population

Jun 22, 1998, 6:25am
I can do animation on your shirt, if you can afford it.... but you'll have
to move slowly so I can keep in in focus. :)


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The wish that I submitted to Protagonist over a year and a half ago.

Jun 19, 1998, 11:37pm
Rain and snow can be "built" but night and day are a bit more tricky...
although if you have your own world it's not really that far fetched.
Still, it would be nice to see features that would add such things or assist
in the creation of them.


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The wish that I submitted to Protagonist over a year and a half ago.

Jun 20, 1998, 4:31am
Hehehe... There are ways. :·)
Now to make it newbie friendly.


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The wish that I submitted to Protagonist over a year and a half ago.

Jun 21, 1998, 1:40am
Looks like a pretty good combination. By the way Byte, I'm going backward
through this newsgroup right now, so I saw your new thread entitled
"Night/Day" just before I got to this one. The old picture you posted is
in the thread entitled "Day / Night / Alternating Options (small thing)" in
case you (or anyone else) might need it for some reason. Btw, I've already
replied to your new thread, so if you're going through this newsgroup
forward, you should see me reply soon. :·)


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Jun 21, 1998, 1:32am
This looks very similar to your post in the thread entitled "Day / Night /
Alternating Options (small thing)" which it seams to me was also about this
subject, but not the first one about it. Anyway, just thought I would
point out that in the graphic image attached to this one you gave Night and
World Rating the same hot key and you gave Day and Eminent Domain the same
hotkey. Also, in the similar graphic image attached to the older one you
gave Night Backdrop and World Rating the same hot key and you gave Day
Backdrop and Eminent Domain the same hotkey. I know it's trivial since
they're not actually working dialog boxes, but I thought you might like to


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Join Enhancement Needed!

Jun 23, 1998, 4:22am
Different people have different ideas of antisocial. Personally, I would
feel rather offended if someone joined me simply because I was the only
person on their contact list who had not set AW to keep people from joining
them. I almost always leave it set to ask my permission before a join, but
I rarely decline a request when I am alone and not "very" busy. If a
friend "just" needs someone to talk to, I would preffer they tell me so
rather than pretending that they actually wanted to talk to "me" in
particular, and they can easily do that by telegram. As for someone I
barely know "just" looking for "someone" to talk to, I don't mind the idea,
but since I'm usually helping people, I would rather let them find someone
else how also "just" want's someone to talk to. There are plenty of people
who fit that description at any given time. Yes, it would be nice to be
able to "tell" Active Worlds that you are available to talk to "anyone" when
that is the case, but that's not the same as just being willing to accept
join requests from friends or telegrams with a purpose. I have nothing
against wanting to find someone to talk to when you're lonely. I get lonely
too, and I'm not afraid to admit it, but although I do understand some
people's need to talk to "anyone" when they get lonely, that's not the way
we all work. Personally, I would rather send a message to a good friend
saying that I need someone to talk to and would appreciate them contacting
me when they have the time... or if I want to talk to someone specific, I
simply tell them so. It may seem crude, and you may consider it
antisocial, but that's all a matter of opinion.

As for enhancements to the join request, it would be nice to see a few, but
I'm sure there are many opinions about which ones are best, and which ones
would actually be "bad" to have. The best thing we can do for now is just
what we're doing here. Give our thoughts and opinions to each other, and
see what evolves.


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