john // User Search

john // User Search

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Mar 30, 2003, 6:29pm
Something like that techonozeus :-)

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More Precise Coords

Mar 30, 2003, 7:42pm
Why not just have "favourite locations" on the browser... each having an id
and you just put at id-location-4 and that is location 4 its AUTOMATICALLY
replaced with before sending to world server.

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persistant variables

Mar 31, 2003, 8:14pm
What if each object was:

Create name OBJX

(i.e. all in the world) and somebody put: create persist name=objx


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ED Function

Apr 3, 2003, 6:40pm
Maybe ED-Created objects that control OTHERS could possibly have ed=1 or
something to toggle it so that they can control other people's?

Euro Descriptions

Apr 4, 2003, 1:36pm
When a world server loads descriptions (propdump) there is an Euro sign
where there should be a new line? Please fix this!


Euro Descriptions

Apr 6, 2003, 8:21am
All aw gotta do is delete it :-S

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AW BUG FIX - They really missed this!

Apr 5, 2003, 2:59pm
If entry point is say 10n 10e 1a and local teleports are off, if you then
try to teleprot to 0n 0e 0a, it LETS you. This is a bug!

3.4 vb sdk

Apr 16, 2003, 9:37pm

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3.4 vb sdk

Apr 17, 2003, 2:43pm
That about 2 mil pplz including myself have asked now :-)

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3.4 vb sdk

Apr 18, 2003, 2:03pm

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Proposal: AW2

Apr 21, 2003, 10:50am
AW would NEVER considor this... I hate to be negative..... but they dont
like adding small functions.... think of a whole new browser.. .loL!

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Expandable avatar list

Apr 22, 2003, 3:15pm
Even better idea, avatars.dat in main avatars folder contains:

either like a normal avs.dat or the HEADINGS and their RESPECTIVE FOLDERS,
and then each folder has an avs.dat


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Forward telegrams to E-mail

Apr 25, 2003, 4:52pm
Aw should do this:

telegrams at

subject = citizen to send to (name or #number)

telegram received sends out the same way :-)

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Forward telegrams to E-mail

Apr 25, 2003, 5:59pm
lol, maybe have it so u can only send 1 gram like that every 2 min

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A lil indicator called 'Join Pending'

Apr 27, 2003, 9:53am
Specially for epileptics

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Terrain Eraser!

Apr 26, 2003, 4:59pm
Dion: keep a elevdump of flat terrain :-)

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Apr 27, 2003, 6:27pm
What about:

If Winsock produces an error on trying to send a message to the client then
disconnect it?

Simple :-D

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Apr 28, 2003, 3:27pm
Swe, are you dumb?

This works just fine!!! lol! why dont people lose loads of packets going
to aw? it only produces an error if they rn't connected

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Apr 29, 2003, 4:36pm
Why wud client get an error?

*looks puzzled*

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New Objects on Mars!

May 6, 2003, 2:37pm
Indeed he did *runs* lol!

PS: Whats bad about him finding the newsgroups?

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May 4, 2003, 8:02pm
On aw you can have "create picture", which shows that JPG but
in an animated form but they run at 4FPS, would it be possible to let users
specifiy "fps=1" so that it slows down by 4x?

Altitude & ".XX" (TITLE BAR WISH)

May 6, 2003, 2:35pm
I wish that the titlebar showed coordinates like: 0.01n 4.57e 0.53a

(including ALTITUDE)

this would make it easy when making teleports.. even better let people
customize it!

Altitude & ".XX" (TITLE BAR WISH)

May 6, 2003, 5:39pm
Ya... or some1 cud make an external prog w/ it... loL!

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Altitude & ".XX" (TITLE BAR WISH)

May 7, 2003, 4:24pm
DLP Anne, what is the point of posting this? Although it is helpful for
people who dont know, most peole do.... what I want is so that peoples
external progs etc could read the location as well as making it easier for

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Altitude & ".XX" (TITLE BAR WISH)

May 8, 2003, 6:40am
Ya, loads of people want it - why waste your bot limit when an external
program can nick it from the title bar and aw can program it just like
*CLICK* that?

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Privilege Passwords

May 9, 2003, 2:34pm
I think allow custom management for each person:

ABC on my ppw
Share CT in Tintagel
Share Build,Special objects in Oblivion
Share Bots


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Privilege Passwords

May 10, 2003, 7:33am
WTF r u on about? Go to community?

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bring back the create light color=black

May 9, 2003, 6:56am
DLP, lighting came with 3.3 :-O

you have never been able to do create light color=black to my knowlege.

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bring back the create light color=black

May 9, 2003, 1:51pm
OK! Im just dumb :-o... sadly tho i never knew about LIGHTING until 3.3

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May 13, 2003, 2:22pm
I wan, I wan!
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