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standalone mode

May 13, 2003, 2:21pm
have variables in cache to stop cheats, like "create boundary X to X" lol

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AW Cam

May 13, 2003, 2:20pm
Calhoun, there is one flaw:

There would need to be a browser or something running at that location....
unless of course aw made a thing on world server to take pic.. lol!

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Wall kick Jumps in active worlds idea!

May 22, 2003, 6:01pm
And get ejected for using "AWHack", lmao!

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Wall kick Jumps in active worlds idea!

May 23, 2003, 7:50pm
Ya, SWE was right :-)

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Wall kick Jumps in active worlds idea!

May 26, 2003, 5:06pm
Ur really thick rn't u? When I said that, I meant that some1 thought I, me,
moi, ich, etc was using AWHack to climb up these things (along with glide)
when I wasn't

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AW 4.0 Wish ( sound & video )

May 25, 2003, 5:53pm
What about having the ability for station owners to limit to certain worlds?

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voice chat would be nice :-)

May 25, 2003, 5:54pm
Would need to do it so that as people move away their voices are less
amplified so that it didn't get too much

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voice chat would be nice :-)

May 26, 2003, 4:57pm
Brock, why don't you talk???


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Best Idea EVER!

May 26, 2003, 5:04pm
It would be if you (and aw) did the following:

Make fly + shift RIGHTS

Rights for fly & shift would be defined by citizen number, while the user is
in the world, they have these rights. If they enter an area marked by two
objects (in a + shape

) which has 0 (or 1) and is built by somebody who has the right according to
the bot, people lose/gain these rights of fly/shift

Might be a long-winded way of doing it but if AW didn't want to implement
something like this they could just do the long-wanted wish of fly & shift
as rights and then someone (e.g. BRANT) could make some kewl bot that allows


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Best Idea EVER!

May 28, 2003, 3:33pm
Crazy, r u dumb or summit?

You cant stop people flying and shifting, how could you!?

Read my reply a lil way up (replied to SWE), that makes much more sense and
would also take a highly-requested wish into account :-)

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Best Idea EVER!

May 28, 2003, 6:25pm

it'd be easy for aw to implement fly & shift as rights which is why I think
its so stupid :-O All they'd need to do is keep FLY & SHIFT values but
make it change upon wheather u have those rights or not

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Best Idea EVER!

Jun 10, 2003, 8:31pm

U got the wrong idea:

AW make it so fly & shift are RIGHTS

when people enter an area where they arent allowed to fly/shift (by a bot),
it removes their fly & shift RIGHTS, when they leave it returns them... this
has already been done in the past for other things like BUILD in the FREEDOM
world of Outerworlds

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Best Idea EVER!

Jun 22, 2003, 1:39pm
Kah, that was never my idea... :-S

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Tourist invitations

May 27, 2003, 7:25pm
Don't question it, DO IT!



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Jun 21, 2003, 2:32pm
Brant, make a file format that can be read by your bot.... e.g. X, Y, Z
(coordinates of terrain), Description & Owner

Then ya bot can just add these things from a file and someone else can make
a convertor.

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Multiple Bot Copies

Jun 22, 2003, 1:33pm
It would be nice if you could run multiple bots (AW RPG) but without the
hassle of needing to up your bot limit, i guess that it could be programmed
to create multiple objects & then have chat displayed above, ex.:

AW_BOT_SAY(COPYno, MSG) along with:

AW_BOT_HEAR (similar to chat message except it supplies the COPY NUMBER as

Multiple Bot Copies

Jun 22, 2003, 7:07pm
huh, wot d'ya mean?

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Jun 25, 2003, 2:23pm
I think this is a brilliant idea on 2 conditions:

2:Automatically RE-ADD upon renew

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Rotating avs around the Z axis

Jun 28, 2003, 1:56pm
it truly is possible, if you look at the 6dx engine ( you
will see that there are reflections

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Rotating avs around the Z axis

Jun 29, 2003, 5:14pm
I think aw should suggest to the creators of Renderware that they add this


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Rotating avs around the Z axis

Jun 29, 2003, 5:15pm
Sounds as messed up as Grand Theft Auto 3 - OMG!!! I just realised thats
Renderware too.. maybe thats something to do with it


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Nowhere World

Jun 29, 2003, 5:12pm
This would be good for multiple reasons: You could load and save propdumps,
atdumps and elevdumps for creation of worlds without needing to own one.


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Nowhere World

Jun 29, 2003, 5:12pm
Who was talking to u?


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Create Sound [URL] Update=[TIME]

Jun 29, 2003, 5:08pm
This would be similar to picture but apply to sound, if the URL no longer
existed it would, of course, go silent.

avatar attachable objects

Jun 30, 2003, 7:54pm
Yes, but AW would need to remember something like that.... and you could
also have it so that they can emmit, for example, light (i.e. a lantern,
torch, candle, etc) or sound (a radio, a personal stereo) and pictures
(portable tvs)


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avatar attachable objects

Jul 1, 2003, 8:55pm
I guess, lol.. or permanant attachments (each time u enter the world)


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Citizen status in contacts list

Jul 2, 2003, 3:30pm
No, if it used tool-tip-text to show a msg when u hover over and a "PA"
(perm away) icon instead of AFK, Hideen, On, --- then you cud leave info
like that - not hard 2 do I shud imagine.


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Citizen status in contacts list

Jul 4, 2003, 10:27pm
That was kinda my idea w/ tool tip text (the thing that shows when u hover
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Jul 12, 2003, 3:46pm
U a bit ACDC, Count Drac?


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Console Messages

Jul 10, 2003, 3:40pm
Or a "highlight console as red" setting so they are red.

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