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Grand Opening!

Apr 1, 2002, 6:21am
You sure you want opinions? I've noticed most world owners don't appreciate
any technical criticism, no matter how objectively and professionally


Me: "Oh, lovely world, but you seem to have a rather nasty overlap right
here. And there seems to be a few triangles under here, missing objects on
your path?"

World Owner: "If U DON"T lIlike my buildin gyou can GET OUT!!!! WHY DON"T

That's usually been my experience in giving opinion or technical criticism.

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Grand Opening!

Apr 1, 2002, 6:47pm
Only been there a couple times, didn't really like it.

But I'm no so stupid as to point out flaws in it, since I'm sure he alrdy
knows them.

Then again he was in my world pointing out double sided polys here and
there. So it would only be fair to point out his poorly planned layout and
ugly (subjective) retextured aw objects. Not to mention huge amount of

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I apologize...

Apr 1, 2002, 8:05pm
Lovely. I have even less sympathy now. Not only is he an idiotic
disruptive script kiddie, but an idiotic disruptive script kiddie with teen
angst and emotional turmoil.

"boo hoo wahh wahh I'm not bad I didn't know what I was doing." Give me a
break and grow up.

It's not like he lost control and hit someone during an argument, he did
something that takes time and thought. And for that there is NO excuse.

If he's honestly sorry, the best would to just leave aw without a word.
But I have a feeling in months or even weeks he'll be doing some similar
script kiddie because no one forgave him and he has even less friends and
needs to lash out again to prove he's such a smarty and an amazing haxor.
Then he'll loose more friends and get no respect for his brilliant "haxing"
and get all sobby and "oh I'm sorry.. I didn't mean that.. I wasn't
thinking" then repeat over and over. I've seen kids like this start this
pattern at 14-15 and never stop till they end up totally friendless and even
in prison.

It's nice that he's sorry, but actions speak louder than words. Can he
really hold down his teen angst and need for attention and not do this
again? That will be the true measure to see if he is sorry for what he did,
or simply sorry his plan didn't work.

I apologize...

Apr 1, 2002, 9:00pm
That's true. I just worry that with lots of people hating him he'll just
get angry and do something like this again. Leaving would remove the
temptation to do something like this again.

Unless he really is going to change. Then it's all good, and I wish him

RWX Report

Apr 2, 2002, 4:01am
I'm going to cut you.

Guys AW is sinking. :(!!!!!

Apr 2, 2002, 7:51pm
It's because Tom hasn't been in the office as much. He must have been the
mastermind of any good things in AW.

looking for citizens

Apr 6, 2002, 6:27pm
Hello there, some of you know the world AVATAR but most do not. The current
version of the world has been around for over a year now and has a small
handful of citizens. In the last few weeks we've really started building up
the citizen community in Avatar and have come to a point where more citizens
would be welcome.

This world isn't for everyone, it has strict theme and realism guidelines
and build is only given to people who are interested in the community.
Also, this a world for people who are a little sick of the aw path or just
want to try something new. There is not a single aw object or texture in
this world. If there is a wall size, texture, or feature that a citizen
would like for their project, it is more often than not promptly created
for the citizen. We don't believe in restricting people's creativity with a
rigid (or disgusting and tacky) object path.

Included in a reply to this are a couple screen shots to perhaps peek your


looking for citizens

Apr 7, 2002, 8:18am
Actually AW's answer to new yorks' world trade centre was the Red Towers in
my world. Two big identical towers. But I accidentally deleted a chunk out
of both of them causing them to fall down (ie be too much work to replace)
and they were laggy so I got rid of them and replaced with one big tower.

Was on the night of September 10th. No joke.

*queue twilight zone music*

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looking for citizens

Apr 7, 2002, 9:45pm
Thanks for all the positive feedback on the shots, but I haven't gotten
anyone even visiting with a vauge citizen shaped desire in their brain yet

looking for citizens

Apr 11, 2002, 11:46pm
oops, I set it to 1 when I'm modeling, then forget to reset it. And I'll
move the mp3's out of the sound folder so AW doesn't brutaly force you to
download them every time.

New Cy Pages!!!!!

Apr 26, 2002, 4:25am
Yours has animated buttons, frivolous! Web pages should only have images
that are 100% necessary and or help with navigation. Could be worse, could
have had Java or flash.. or.. or pop ups! You kids and your fancy graphics!

How's about plain text black and white with no images.

Heck how about simple randomly generated webpages that display random award
"winners" ? Would solve many steps.

New Cy Pages!!!!!

Apr 26, 2002, 4:34am
ooo I take back that last mico-paragraph about random winners... although it
begs the question, who will be on this alleged so called "selection

New Cy Pages!!!!!

Apr 26, 2002, 4:58pm
Who's on this "selection committee" ?

New Cy Pages!!!!!

Apr 26, 2002, 5:40pm
uh oh. That could be make it just as problematic as voting for the winners.
You'll have the same popularity contests have before, but this time groups
of friends all submitting a person from their group not on the grounds of
their skilled and objective judgeing, but on the grounds of their friends
chosings the winners.

New Cy Pages!!!!!

Apr 26, 2002, 11:26pm
How well the results for the CY awards were in the past is a matter of
opinion, and I won't argue my opinions here.

Where is the May Newsletter?

May 3, 2002, 4:09pm
What are you talking about? Lately it hasn't come out till practicaly the
middle or end of the month. Someone needs to snap a whip over there. And
get me a sandwich.

Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 4, 2002, 8:45pm
I hate registries. Only in huge massive worlds are they needed. Otherwise
they are just a massive pain to build with.

May Newsletter is out but..........

May 7, 2002, 2:44am
AWCommunity Register's Monthly Community Article.. why is that even still
part of the newsletter?

Re: Control key has no effect on turning speed

May 18, 2002, 4:58pm
I look at it this way. In most cars the faster you go, the tighter your
steering gets. When you're going 120kmph down a highway, you need faster
response to turn and such. And so has been the way in AW for. well.. ever.
When in AW you are walking, you turn at a very slow rate (about 4.5 seconds
to turn around, totally frustrating, I and everyone I know holds down ctrl
to turn), and when you're running you get to turn at a normal human speed of
about 1.5-2 seconds just like IRL. But I'm thinking for some people with
very poor co-ordination this turning speed was too much for their brains to
react to. I ask ,"then why go fast if you can't handle it?" to the people
that think you turn too fast... but no, rather this happened. Now when we
are running, we will turn too slow to be able to avoid objects, and when
building or standing around we will have to turn like some old cripple in a
wheel chair with low batteries. Luckily 3.3 is in beta, but with a very
small test group. Hopefully when the beta testing is expanded to a more
useful number of people for feature testing rather than just technical/bug
issues there will be a massive outcry against this. All we can do till then
is just sit and wait to become beta testers and have a voice. Although as
we are not beta testers, we have to right to bother Roland about this.

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Re: Control key has no effect on turning speed

May 18, 2002, 8:17pm
That's a real shame. In the last few beta's public feedback has been very
important. But this beta they seem to be keeping to a small group of
technical only testers. Guess they realised with some of the uber-idiotic
changes (like slow turning, wall around the world, and I'm sure many other
things we'll have to wait for it to be public to find out about) they didn't
want any pesky citizens finding out about them when there is still time to
fix them.

Once aw runs out of money with all these amazingly tactical and usefull
mergers a competent company with more business skill like.. I don't know..
enron or something, can step in and put a few cents into advertising and
finaly grow the communtiy rather than just putting up more and more bars
around it.

Neverwinter Nights Toolset

May 21, 2002, 12:02am
Oh christ, it's on file planet. File planet should be taken out to the
country, given a shovel to dig a grave, then shot in the back of the head
into the grave. Unfortunatly it's a file download system (well file waiting
around to download if you can manage to login and such) and not a person so
that won't be happening any time soon.

Let me know if the beta toolkit is put somewhere where you don't have to pay
or set up some sort of spam account to use.

Neverwinter Nights Toolset

May 21, 2002, 4:42pm
The public servers are useless. I've never seen a wait time less than 30
min. Any other download site you click, and download. No weird waiting in

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building contest

May 25, 2002, 4:45am
I'd like to announce a building contest that will be held in the world
Avatar2. This contest is a bit unique in that it uses an object path with
NO aw objects, and no objects ever used in public building. This puts
everyone on a totally level playing field. The prize is TBA. I'd be most
happy if people would spread the word. Just contact me (Baro) to apply!


Slide Detection

May 26, 2002, 7:51pm
Slide detection at its best is super usefull and makes moving around much
easier and natural, at its worse.. it's just kinda fun.

CobToRwx problems.

May 28, 2002, 7:27am
just drag the cob file onto the exe, works for me.

Don't Look Now! It's...

Jun 11, 2002, 7:17am
Oh I know why I don't get a lot of visitors. Too good for the tasteless
masses am I eh? *grumble grumble disgruntle* (insert sarcasm here)

AW@War Open...But Closed

Jun 18, 2002, 7:03pm
how come this paintball or war or what ever the kids are calling it these
days too SO much longer than most? Seems every kid and his dog and his
dog's last meal has started some paintball world or what not. Does this one
just use nicer objects than usual? Overly complex bot?

scam email

Jun 20, 2002, 7:16am
I have to agree with you goob. Warnings and protection can only go so far
in our society, anyone falling for this is simply hopeless.

What in the blue hell is this?

Jul 15, 2002, 4:58pm
Man I love annoying chain letters, specially the even better variety of
chain letters, the chain warming.

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What in the blue hell is this?

Jul 15, 2002, 10:58pm
That's what I do when I get a chain anything from anyone. If they are a
good friend i give them a warning, and say if I ever get anything chain
mail like from them, they are on my ignore list. If it's someone I don't
really know, I just ignore em after a nasty msg.

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