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Declaration of Independance (The Lady)

Jul 20, 2003, 11:43pm
I will join your rag-tag group of rebels, and fight for our independance
from The Lady and her tyrany. No one person should have that much control
over so much idiocy.

Declaration of Independance (The Lady)

Jul 21, 2003, 5:22am
LOL !!!!11111oneoneone

AV proposal

Jul 22, 2003, 8:08pm
Why doesn't someone just find where he lives, and go into his house and
give him a *trojan, and by that I mean brutal vicious anal rape?
A lot of these people feel "safe" that they are just on a computer acting
like an idiot, I'm sure someone lives near enough to him to dispence some
vigilante justice.
Quite frankly I think most hackers and spammers and such need some RL gang
justice to perhaps jump-start their journy of growing up past the mentality
of a 2 year old.

*When brutaly sodomising a hax0r wannabie, always use protection.

Yellow Community Leader!

Jul 23, 2003, 4:44pm
I absolutely couldn't stand Yellow. Horrible looking world, terrible gz,
heck it was so poorly designed you started half way in the fireplace. One
of those anceint building disasters that was cherished simply for being
ancient. But that's not the point.

I remember a ton of my non-north american time zone friends would hang out
there. The main difference was that Yellow has CONVERSATION rather than the
banal might as well be a bot "chatting" you see at awgate like:

Has anyone seen my tourist friend?
Hey everyone!! :)
Hi so and so!
*Hugs* so and so :))))
How is everyone?
Has anyone seen my tourist friend?
How do I fly?
My kitty is cute :p
ur so funny!
Nice to see you again so and so! :)
ROFL YOU!!! :)) :P
Welcome to active worlds, here is a copied and pasted blurb which gives you
no real information or help.
ENZO IS GAY!!!!!11
Has anyone seen my tourist friend?
SHut Uup u faget!!
Hey guys, be nice :(

Seriously, 75% of the people at awgate and such could be replaced by a bot
most of the time.

and it seems the PK's and such HATED anything beyond such non-conversations.
I remember them complaining that they were ejected or threatened to be
ejected or just agressively told to change them topic if they ever had a
polite political or economic discussion. Basicaly from what they complained
to me, any time they went beyond saying hello and smilies, PK's would come
in and tell them to get back to mindless "chat", while everyone came there
to ESCAPE such things and actualy convey ideas. Sometimes they had orderly
debates, or really deep discussions, but as soon as anything got too good,
many times the PK would come in to "break it up"

Now Yellow is dead. I say good riddance to the world, but I really miss
having a place where there was a group of people who had the mental capacity
to say more than hello or talk about their kitty. I've always wanted to
build my world (Avatar) into a place like that (a place for fairly
unrestricted exchanges of ideas, not horrid objects textures and building
from the 4th layer of hell) but it's just so hard to get the "critical mass"
of a community together. ... and the fact that it shuts down when I go to
bed since I can't find a reliable free host....

Wow, that turned out not only long but stupid. Sorry.

memorial world

Jul 23, 2003, 10:18pm
a memorial to deleted builds?


Aug 1, 2003, 10:26pm
What's a robut?

AW Voting

Aug 4, 2003, 8:30pm
To block someone in Outlook express just open the mesage, go to message,
block sender. Easy as that.

So everyone, either block the lady or ignore her. Replying to her makes no
sense at all. It's like arguing with a bot.. or a wall, or a small bearcat
of some sort. Maybe she sometimes pretends to have the mental processes to
understand language and communication, but I think by now she's proven she
that below the surface she is nothing but a swirling vortex of lunacy, a
black hole of reason and thought.

I've had her on block for quite some time now. I thought it would decrese
the amount of junk posts on the NG's, but now I'm simply reading everyone's
replies. How many months or years have we been telling her to shut up? She
won't, she won't even make a reasonable reply to anything you say to her.
So give it up. Block her or ignore her, but stop embarasing your selves
trying to reason with her or threaten her, her brain doesn't work on such a
level to understand the general ideas you are trying to communicate to her.
You all look like a bunch of people aruging with some graffiti on a wall.
Yes maybe the graffiti is inflamatory or incorect, but will talking to it
really help?

The Lady fund

Aug 5, 2003, 4:55pm
Don't talk about her, don't talk to her, don't reply to her.

The Lady fund

Aug 5, 2003, 9:05pm
Open message, click on message in the menue, block sender. It's free.

[View Quote]


Aug 12, 2003, 5:35pm
Welcome to the wonders of my block sender list Jacob. Fucking spyware
pushing little troll.
Guys, no one can be that stupid. He's obviously doing this to stir shit
up. He probably gets a cut from the spyware company, one of those referal

I refuse to beleive anyone can achieve this level of fucktarditude.

Good Gravy

Aug 14, 2003, 5:01am
I say fellows! Good word this chap here knows nothing about these modern
times we live in. When we in the civilized age say a pint on special, I do
not mean a thick glassed heavy cup. We in the community can not stand for
such backwards thinking. Now I know all the good fellows down at the Hose
know what I speak of, but many of you do not. Simply put this practice can
not increase in size, rather I believe it should diminish. There are other
issues at stake here, and as such I use language fit for the general
consumption, but mark my words something should be done about these 4
liters currently digested and assaulting the good liver within. Livers
everywhere, we must not stand for this any longer. So I say, sally forth
good chaps, and let us never forget horsey.

Good Gravy

Aug 14, 2003, 5:06am

To All Things... An Ending

Aug 15, 2003, 4:15am
I've always said the reason so many "old timers" are jaded to AW because
they are no longer 'playing' aw, they become so wrapped up in so many
little groups, comitties, event teams and so forth that they have no time or
energy to do what aw is ment for. Building.. chatting.. exploring. Yeah
it's nice to spend a bit of time now and then helping put together a fun
little event, or maybe writing a little news paper now and again, but when
you become SO wrapped up in such things AW loses its charm.

I've been here since ooo about late 95 or so, can't remember, not one of
those people who uses years in AW as an answer to arguments, and every now
and then I'll lose interest for a month or two, maybe even short of year,
but I've never had this feeling of impending doom, of death. When I came to
AW I built in alpha, quickly moving onto one of the first batches of
private worlds I was in awe of what could be done when not limited by a
static path. I then gave world owning a shot, learnt modeling and have
been refining that for the last 2 years. I always have a feeling there is
something new to do, something new to build or model, some new level I can
take my skills of creative impression.

Never stop creating, its what AW is for. I've noticed the people out there
trying new stuff and growing are the ones optimistic about AW, and the ones
wrapped up in silly organisations or have refused to move on from alpha
world since they first became a citizen are often the nay sayers. I know
I'm often quite negative and snarky in AW, but ever day when I come in here
I always feel like I'm just scratching the surface, like I'm still exploring
something new.

My advise to anyone feeling like goob is, or just bored with aw in general,
do the following.

If you've been building mainly only in Alpha for more than a year or two.
Move onto a new public build world, and even if they are available, try not
to use any of the alpha world objects you are familiar with. Learn a whole
new path! I'd recomend the Beans, an excelent public build world that
doesn't look like flat shit.

If you've been mainly building in a public build world other than alpha,
try moving onto a private build world. There are SO many new creative
opportunities when the owner will upload new things for your request and you
don't have to worry about object registries and the building inspector.

If you've done that, get your own world. But do NOT use the alpha world
path, megapath at the least, or if you can get your own. Once again, move
away from objects you are familiar with. Learn something new.

If you've got quite a few building sets under your belt and your own world.
Learn to model. It takes some time, I strongly recomend knowing how to
atleast make the basics in notepad, then if you want use a modeling
program.. but know what is going on "under the hood". Make some of your own
objects to add to your path.

Once you've got enough experiance, this is when AW gets REALLY creative.
Wipe your path, and make your own pretty much from scratch. Borrow here
and there from fellow modelers, the odd free site, but try to avoid any
public or common objects. Do something new, creative.

Then what? Do it again! Wipe your path, use your experiance and make an
even better one! Now maybe learn how to program bots and such. Perhaps
undertake a small game. Do something creative, not just another
"paintball" or bland fantasy rpg.

Next? Keep going! Find something you don't know how to do and refine it!

Many people I know in AW that have been here for 4-5+ years are still stuck
on the first step. They complain AW is boring.. dying.. not as exciting as
they used to be, but if anyone sugests they move on from alpha? They freak
out saying you can be just as creative in alpha as any other world blagh
blagh denial BS. No one in Active worlds has the right to nay say and rant
about how there's nothing to do and it's boring untill they've been up down
the lader atleast twice. I'm barely at the 2nd from last stage on the list
and every time I log in I'm overwealmed with a feeling of freeshness,
growth, energy. Maybe so many of you people's problem isn't with AW but
with doing the same damn thing too long, or being wrapped up in so much
useless comitee garbage you can't even do stage one!!

If you are reading this, you have more patience that me.

To All Things... An Ending

Aug 15, 2003, 3:36pm
One of these days. I know a bit of the ol VB, I tried learning ita couple
years ago. When I went back I didn't remember a thing. If I had bots under
my belt (or even knew how to make anything other than a preston LOGIN) look
out aw!

[View Quote]

Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 21, 2003, 5:00pm
Open the message, click message, block sender. it's as easy as muting in


Aug 21, 2003, 12:19am
I've stopped bothering telling people this. I have the lady on my block
list, but the fucktards she duped into replying to her are starting to
become just as bad if not worse. Are these people so stupid, bored, or of
such low self-esteme that they have nothing better to do than try to prove
to them selves that they are smarter than the lady.

here is how you handle the lady.

If you really don't agree with her but don't mind her posts, don't reply.
If you really don't agree with her AND hate seeing her posts, block

Aruging with The Lady is like aruging with one of those old "ai" programs
from the 80's where you'd say something and you'd get a seemingly human
responce back. After 5-10 min with the thing it's fairly easy to tell it
can't understand your concepts. So what sort of fucking idiot keeps wasting
NG space trying to prove they are smarter than such a thing? Shut the fuck
up, the lot of you.

I'm going to start blocking sender on some of The Ladies little todies that
can't help them selves but to bite at every bit of troll bait she throws

ENZO please love me.

Aug 22, 2003, 5:50am
Haven't you ever been to COFmeta?

The proof dear chap, is in the pudding. I say!

Someone, ANYONE who can, please delete these giant flame wars!

Aug 23, 2003, 8:04pm
I'd love to see flame wars and pointless personal debates banned from the
NG's, or atleast religated to general.

Would be so nice to have some person come in here every day and just move or
delete 99% of the useless 12 year old in a chat room flame war debates about
who is more mature or less egotistical etc etc than who. The only people
who read these massive threats are the flamers that post to them. And NO
"self defence" is not a valid reason to reply to a flame thread. Deal with
it in private.

I remember when Tom used to sort of moderate things here, it was a little
better, but since I've come back and he's left it's the worst I've ever seen

I'm just about ready to unsubscribe from the communtiy forum and stick to
the worldbuilders. Bots is nothing but teens arguing stupid technical
points with the same zeel and idiocy as some argue politics, and community
is nothing but a "Flames, personal attacks, and grudges" chat room.

Rick, I do believe it's time you look lively. LOOK LIVELY!

Great new UNI

Aug 27, 2003, 11:53pm
Isn't "there" really goofy and cartoony and doesn't let you create your own
worlds and costs / will cost a ridiculous amount?

Armys of flying monkeys...

Sep 2, 2003, 5:00pm
Here's the most importat question about your game, as the gameplay sounds
very thought out.

Is the world and object path as thought out as the project, or like so many
high-concept projects in AW, everyone is too busy with the "important
stuff" like the bot, so use horrible aw path style buildings and world


Sep 4, 2003, 4:38pm
If awcom is too busy to do the newsletter, I offer up my self in that
regard. Seriously, I'll do it all from top the bottom. Maybe it won't
look so nice, and maybe it will be 300% more surly and full of swearing
here and there, but by god I'd have the thing in on time every month.

[View Quote]

new public bot world

Sep 10, 2003, 4:45am
What's a robut?

City Building

Sep 10, 2003, 6:24pm
I prefer realistic rather than just a copy of real life. I mean anyone can
just copy stuff to make it look real, and anyone can build random garbage
and call it their imagination, but it takes technical skill AND imagination
to build something that looks like a real place, but isn't.

But then again I would repsect a replica of amsterdam, say over some
"creative" pp16 overlapping nightmare.

But then again no one cares what I repsect.

Cy Awards Cancellation

Sep 11, 2003, 4:38pm
Don't cry popular vote, popular votes don't cry. You might rust.

Community Vote

Sep 10, 2003, 7:11pm
it's your event, I think we trust you enough to pick a temporary manager.

Pissing contests

Sep 12, 2003, 11:19pm
IT's been getting worse and worse, those two are bad, but there are many
others almost are idiotic. I'm so sick of checking the ng's every day just
to have to "mark as read" most all the threats more than a few posts old
since they almost always turn into 2-3 people aruging about who's dad can
beat up the other guy's dad. I might just start blocking all these people.

Halloween event?

Sep 14, 2003, 7:52pm
It's an event in Spiral Matrix or Imagine? It's in the world Imagine...
then what is Spiral Matrix?

Halloween event?

Sep 14, 2003, 9:37pm
Oh sorry, I thought this was, I must be on

America is now open to building

Sep 22, 2003, 10:54pm
You're so buff you direct people to contact you or your abs? I didn't know
you were so pumped...

[View Quote]

AWRPG Expansion Release Date

Oct 1, 2003, 11:24pm
Sounds like AW is another step closer to haveing a game of a quality worth
playing enough to draw new citizens.

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