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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 16, 2006, 7:39pm
I've been working on a game for ages, finally finding a programmer who
will actually do the work, I've now been told he won't work on the
project because it's just too much of a pain to program it without being
able to debug things.

Looks like another project down the drain.


Mar 31, 2002, 9:13pm
Yay my world isn't in the list, that means it's a-ok ?

I've never really had any security problems. Someone takes a texture I ask
them not to, and as soon as the option of taking it to awcom comes up they
always just do the right thing. Then later I just tell them if they want
something ask, and then they get it.

I guess I'm just living in happy peace bunny friendship land...


What is up with M A T T and his obsession with AW?

Jul 3, 2003, 12:40am
Wow right after you posted this the aw welcome msg changed to a warning
about changing your email addy. I wonder who is off changing the welcome
msg at 10pm at night awi time.

What is up with M A T T and his obsession with AW?

Jul 3, 2003, 2:25am
Diabolical. You've bested me this time Mountain Myst, but now I know your
game, and the jig is up. Mark my words, this isn't over.

[View Quote]

How Syntax Got "Lost"....

Jul 3, 2003, 9:34pm
Don't you people have teleports remembered?

Fake Immigration Officer Message???

Jul 15, 2003, 1:38am
Rick wants to eat you in a sandwich, it is a trick!

To All Things... An Ending

Aug 15, 2003, 4:15am
I've always said the reason so many "old timers" are jaded to AW because
they are no longer 'playing' aw, they become so wrapped up in so many
little groups, comitties, event teams and so forth that they have no time or
energy to do what aw is ment for. Building.. chatting.. exploring. Yeah
it's nice to spend a bit of time now and then helping put together a fun
little event, or maybe writing a little news paper now and again, but when
you become SO wrapped up in such things AW loses its charm.

I've been here since ooo about late 95 or so, can't remember, not one of
those people who uses years in AW as an answer to arguments, and every now
and then I'll lose interest for a month or two, maybe even short of year,
but I've never had this feeling of impending doom, of death. When I came to
AW I built in alpha, quickly moving onto one of the first batches of
private worlds I was in awe of what could be done when not limited by a
static path. I then gave world owning a shot, learnt modeling and have
been refining that for the last 2 years. I always have a feeling there is
something new to do, something new to build or model, some new level I can
take my skills of creative impression.

Never stop creating, its what AW is for. I've noticed the people out there
trying new stuff and growing are the ones optimistic about AW, and the ones
wrapped up in silly organisations or have refused to move on from alpha
world since they first became a citizen are often the nay sayers. I know
I'm often quite negative and snarky in AW, but ever day when I come in here
I always feel like I'm just scratching the surface, like I'm still exploring
something new.

My advise to anyone feeling like goob is, or just bored with aw in general,
do the following.

If you've been building mainly only in Alpha for more than a year or two.
Move onto a new public build world, and even if they are available, try not
to use any of the alpha world objects you are familiar with. Learn a whole
new path! I'd recomend the Beans, an excelent public build world that
doesn't look like flat shit.

If you've been mainly building in a public build world other than alpha,
try moving onto a private build world. There are SO many new creative
opportunities when the owner will upload new things for your request and you
don't have to worry about object registries and the building inspector.

If you've done that, get your own world. But do NOT use the alpha world
path, megapath at the least, or if you can get your own. Once again, move
away from objects you are familiar with. Learn something new.

If you've got quite a few building sets under your belt and your own world.
Learn to model. It takes some time, I strongly recomend knowing how to
atleast make the basics in notepad, then if you want use a modeling
program.. but know what is going on "under the hood". Make some of your own
objects to add to your path.

Once you've got enough experiance, this is when AW gets REALLY creative.
Wipe your path, and make your own pretty much from scratch. Borrow here
and there from fellow modelers, the odd free site, but try to avoid any
public or common objects. Do something new, creative.

Then what? Do it again! Wipe your path, use your experiance and make an
even better one! Now maybe learn how to program bots and such. Perhaps
undertake a small game. Do something creative, not just another
"paintball" or bland fantasy rpg.

Next? Keep going! Find something you don't know how to do and refine it!

Many people I know in AW that have been here for 4-5+ years are still stuck
on the first step. They complain AW is boring.. dying.. not as exciting as
they used to be, but if anyone sugests they move on from alpha? They freak
out saying you can be just as creative in alpha as any other world blagh
blagh denial BS. No one in Active worlds has the right to nay say and rant
about how there's nothing to do and it's boring untill they've been up down
the lader atleast twice. I'm barely at the 2nd from last stage on the list
and every time I log in I'm overwealmed with a feeling of freeshness,
growth, energy. Maybe so many of you people's problem isn't with AW but
with doing the same damn thing too long, or being wrapped up in so much
useless comitee garbage you can't even do stage one!!

If you are reading this, you have more patience that me.

To All Things... An Ending

Aug 15, 2003, 3:36pm
One of these days. I know a bit of the ol VB, I tried learning ita couple
years ago. When I went back I didn't remember a thing. If I had bots under
my belt (or even knew how to make anything other than a preston LOGIN) look
out aw!

[View Quote]

Great new UNI

Aug 27, 2003, 11:53pm
Isn't "there" really goofy and cartoony and doesn't let you create your own
worlds and costs / will cost a ridiculous amount?

Halloween event?

Sep 14, 2003, 7:52pm
It's an event in Spiral Matrix or Imagine? It's in the world Imagine...
then what is Spiral Matrix?

Halloween event?

Sep 14, 2003, 9:37pm
Oh sorry, I thought this was, I must be on

Where do the textures in AW come from?

Nov 21, 2003, 8:13am
I usualy don't give a rats ass about alpha world "history", but in this
case I'm a bit interested. Where DID those early textures come from? Were
they made? Found? Bought? Is anyone still around that could tell us this

Went and did it

Feb 24, 2002, 7:56pm
Did I mange to do it?

HUMOR ALERT - Signs You Live In The Year 2002

Feb 28, 2002, 12:57am
I'm going to cut you.


Feb 28, 2002, 5:02am
Isn't it some sort of club of American world owners of the teen variety?
Seems fairly straight forward.

Word of warning World does port scanning......

Mar 1, 2002, 12:53am
Well my point was more that you arn't worth his time, don't twist what I
said into support for you. I think it was pretty clear that I wasn't saying
I was upset that bud wasn't "not acting his age" or thinking he was "all
that", but rather that he wasted his time on an rude arrogant bot kid. And
following my own advise, this is the last you'll hear of it from me.

Immaturity...SunofSolaris... go hand in hand

Mar 3, 2002, 7:37pm
I haven't seen such NG fun since marcus's anti-porn crusade.

New Game

Mar 3, 2002, 11:56pm
Hey everyone, just announcing a new little game in aw. It's a fairly run of
the mill space empire building game, but it's run more like a pen and paper
rpg. Rather than playing a single character, you would "play" an entire
society. Fairly laid back slow paced game needing only an interesting and
well thought out race, and a weekly set of actions. Although conquest and
combat will happen, the focus of the game is more exploring the galaxy and
developing your race through interactions with other players and some roll

The "character sheet" is at

The very simple game map (will expand as players explore) is in the world

Any other questions just give me a tele (Baro)

This is ground control to Major Tom

Mar 4, 2002, 7:30pm
Tom, I know with the new hours you don't have time to baby-sit the NGs but
could you give this sun a good spanking, spank him right off the NGs if


Mar 5, 2002, 5:38pm
Heh, your quote at the end there sums up my ex pretty well....
"you don't understand/listen to anything I say"
"yes I do.. I just don't agree"


Mar 5, 2002, 7:48pm
Anyone know what was in that update? Nothing new in the help pages.


Mar 12, 2002, 5:56am
Although there was a real bombing a few years ago, this case wasn't a
bombing... although that's pretty nit picky and I can see this thread
spinning out of control so I'll speak no more.


Mar 12, 2002, 8:02pm
Actually the top 5 providers of aid are France, Denmark, Norway, Sweden,

Per capita Europe is in the Over $100 per person aid provided while the US
in the $10-$50 range per person.

The top 5 receivers are Sao Tome & P (where the hell is that?), Cape Verde,
Djibouti, Surinam, and Mauritania.

[View Quote]


Mar 12, 2002, 10:29pm
Then maybe the states needs to see what Europe's doing right in that


Mar 12, 2002, 8:04pm
I think the most suitable would be 5 overlapping pp16's poorly animated to
be dif colours. Would sum up aw pretty well.

olympic abominations

Mar 15, 2002, 5:45pm
Actualy most isp's these days offer free space. A logo is what, 2-5k ?
Has nothing to do with what world it is in. Seems amazingly easy. And with
SO many worlds in aw it would be even easier to just ask a friend to upload
the logo.

Another world gone :(

Mar 18, 2002, 5:52pm
Barsoom, nice world. Has a strong well established serious role playing
community that rivals GOR, but without all the.. well the weird slave sex
"can a girl" shit. I'd recommend it for anyone into some serious role
playing who wants something more than some 15 year old kid's half assed stat
building game.

[View Quote] >

More proof (follow up to last posts)

Mar 22, 2002, 9:43pm
Wow. So 3+ year old useless junk from people that contributed little or
nothing but crap that gets in the way of paying builders have their junk
saved for ever. BUT current people who have put in way more money and time
and continue doing so get their things deleted. I love it, I couldn't have
come up with such an amazingly fair and well though out plan if I had a year
in a time chamber and a magical thinking hat.

Tourist Build DELETED In Hamsterville

Mar 27, 2002, 5:37am
Police station ? Town signs? What are you on about?


Mar 31, 2002, 9:13pm
Yay my world isn't in the list, that means it's a-ok ?

I've never really had any security problems. Someone takes a texture I ask
them not to, and as soon as the option of taking it to awcom comes up they
always just do the right thing. Then later I just tell them if they want
something ask, and then they get it.

I guess I'm just living in happy peace bunny friendship land...


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