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AWI- AlphaWorld Feature Vote, come on.

Jun 17, 2003, 4:47am
How am I supposed to know what you're doing or what towns or what not you're
building? All I hear are some people complaining about features that are
avail in other worlds. I'm just saying that people shouldn't be so afraid
to move out of alpha world. Would be nice if they added more features, but
I think there's some wierd registry or cell issues with 3 axis rotation and
it would cause some trouble in AW if they enabled it.

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AWI- AlphaWorld Feature Vote, come on.

Jun 17, 2003, 11:40pm
Eh, I'm just a big advocate of people moving on from alpha world, so thats
my solution for just about every alpha world related issue.

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AWI- AlphaWorld Feature Vote, come on.

Jun 19, 2003, 7:11pm
That IS true. If the people of awteen are mature enough to handle 3 axis
rotation, I think AW is. All you have to do ismake sure you have a small
"buffer" of covered land around your build and you'll be fine.

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Hangout world?

Jun 18, 2003, 4:23pm
What world was hangout world?

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Perpetual Events Committee

Jun 18, 2003, 4:23pm
Please reply to the thread you are asking about, no need to create a new
one please.

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To the builders of A!!CT world

Jun 19, 2003, 7:16pm
The exact reason I don't build in public build worlds. After time, they
become bloated and choked with the corpses of dead and rotting builds.
While in many private building worlds I don't think an entire wipe is
needed, many of those worlds that refuse to delete old abandoned piles of
garbage simply stagnate and die. It becomes so hard to find active builds,
active people amongst the debris many call history. Some fantastic
structure from a now innactive builder is worth saving, some pp16 cube
house full of overlaps is not. But really it's up to the owners, have to
balance the feeling of security and history of people's builds with
continued growth of the world.

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Welcome 3.4

Jun 20, 2003, 6:38am
I can't tell the difference between Precise movement or not.

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AW Picture

Jun 23, 2003, 4:34am
123k? For gods sake when posting atleast use compression, no need a
picture that size to ever be over 20k

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Jun 23, 2003, 6:37pm
I just selected everything and marked it as read. What's the worst that
could happen, I'd miss one of the Lady's important issues?

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Still isn't right 14.6KB

Jun 23, 2003, 10:12pm
I've had enough, I'm just blocking the lady. She doesn't listen or respond
to reason. I sugest everyone else do the same rather than feed the fire by
replying to her. She might as well be a bot, and there' snothing more
silly than aruging with a bot.

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Jun 25, 2003, 4:29pm
Wow, after so many years of stagnation, America is going to be re-started
fresh? Will it be the same old objects and simple grid of untextured
streets with "plots" in the middle, or doing something new?

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Special opportunity

Jun 26, 2003, 4:30pm
I've got a totaly awesome 12 gig HD. YEAH!!! X-treme storage power to the

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Another Special Opportunity

Jun 25, 2003, 5:29pm
In the spirit of spam and advertisements (something I don't rarely like to
do) I just thought I'd get this out there to anyone who might be interested

Avatar is now open for members, but please be warned and read the above link
before thinking of joining. I've had far too many people join only to quit
within the week due to the rules not being what the expected.

Another Special Opportunity

Jun 25, 2003, 10:55pm
Announcing a new community on the community NG isn't useful, but deals on
hardware is?

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A!!CT's Proposal results so far

Jun 28, 2003, 5:16pm
Jeeze and I thought _I_ was bitter and negitive. Someone needs a sunshine

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I crossed the line

Jun 30, 2003, 9:22pm
Shut yer fester'in gobs, ya tits.

For christ sake am I crossing the line to ask to keep your ridiculously
banal arguments off the NG's? Your thread reads like telegrams between two
people. Could you maybe move it to telegrams? This goes for everyone. If
you want to point out some insanely nit picky spelling or technical error in
someone's arugment, or endlessly debate some tiny detail that matters to no
one, perhaps you could telegram the person instead.

I thik awi needs to create a "pointless unproductive whining and
one-upsmanship" forum for this shit.

Uhg I give up, this is my last pointless "stop pointless arguments" post.

What is up with M A T T and his obsession with AW?

Jul 3, 2003, 12:10am
Anyone stupid enough to do what he says deserves everything they get. Yeah
he's an ass for trying it, but anyone who acceps deserved what they get.

What is up with M A T T and his obsession with AW?

Jul 3, 2003, 12:40am
Wow right after you posted this the aw welcome msg changed to a warning
about changing your email addy. I wonder who is off changing the welcome
msg at 10pm at night awi time.

What is up with M A T T and his obsession with AW?

Jul 3, 2003, 2:25am
Diabolical. You've bested me this time Mountain Myst, but now I know your
game, and the jig is up. Mark my words, this isn't over.

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How Syntax Got "Lost"....

Jul 3, 2003, 9:34pm
Don't you people have teleports remembered?

Okay you can kill me now...

Jul 4, 2003, 3:41pm
They should 100% let tourists into AW.

I think their view is that alphaworld is so big, tourists can find a spot
to build without feat of being deleted. This puts them in a sitution where
other than a contact list and more avatar selection, there's no reason for
them to join as they are happy as a clam builing in alpha world.

This would probably be too complex, but perhaps something where tourists
can function just as citizens in alpha world, but perhaps their builds only
last a week or so, after that they decay. This would let them try out
building, but would make them need to put in their fair share if they want
their builds to last.

That, or AWI needs to set up some sort of tourist world, where tourists
can build and experiance what aw really has to offer. There would be
trained GK type people that would help teach and guide new people, and give
them a reason to become a citizen. I'm sure there are many citizens in AW
that would jump at the chance of running and staffing such a world.

I'm so sick of seeing tourists at awgate asking what they can do here and
such, and at most getting a GK recycling some copied and pasted blurb on aw.
Currently they make AW out to be some 3d chat program that maybe you can
make your own environments but not sure.

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Another M A T T joke [198 kb]

Jul 5, 2003, 4:32pm
(Screaming and swearing at you for posting this in html rather than a link)
x 50

Welcome to my filter list

Alpha Test New Game

Jul 8, 2003, 8:33pm
Hello there, I'm looking for a few interested people to help alpha test a
new strategy rpg game. Currently only about 25% of the features and objects
are done, we're doing a small limited feature test to see if the basic
combat and such works.

If you like games such as Civilization or Risk, you might enjoy this game,
along with its rpg elements. Just contact me (baro) if you're interested.
Testers will probably have a small head start when the final game is ready.

Alpha Test New Game

Jul 8, 2003, 10:39pm
I've opened up Avatar2 to public, it ain't pretty, but it's a start.

Fake Immigration Officer Message???

Jul 15, 2003, 1:38am
Rick wants to eat you in a sandwich, it is a trick!

Xelagot 3.420 available

Jul 15, 2003, 4:45pm
What's a robut?

Who turned out the lights?

Jul 19, 2003, 7:12pm
The true question is, who let the dogs ou?

Decleration of Independence (AW)

Jul 20, 2003, 6:15pm
That site seems to have declared independance from the internet, won't

Decleration of Independence (AW)

Jul 20, 2003, 6:41pm
Maybe you could post it here? Nothing I do will get it to load. Just sits
and sits and sits.

Decleration of Independence (AW)

Jul 20, 2003, 6:49pm
I got someone to send me the text, other people are having trouble too.

"AW's Declaration of Independence

The first thing that needs to be done is setting up a Declaration of
Independence. Everyone needs to work on this. Don't be shy. This will
state why we should be allowed to make our own decisions and govern
ourselves, instead of being ruled by the existing system. Be aware that
this might cause conflict or some type of online war, although, I truly hope
that can be avoided and things can be worked out peacefully. It is
imperative that our Declaration of Independence be logical and based on
statements that AW Citizens would agree with.

Our Declaration should state why we should be able to govern ourselves,
problems with the current system, how our system will work better, be signed
by as many citizens as we can.

It should exclude saying things should be different just because they are
not fair (within reason), saying things that are against the law, saying
things that would destroy or hurt the AW environment.

After that, we can work on the constitution.

In order to do all of this, we need to get the word out to as many folks as
we can to work on 1) writing their declaration, 2) submitting and/or sharing
it at the meeting. The current system is absolutely is atrocious, and is
hurting the AW environment. Send this information to as many citizens and
former citizens as you can. Try to get former citizens to renew their
citizenship in order to bring about positive change to AW. I'll send
notices for a meeting to draft our Declaration. I am in great hopes that AW
leaders will step up and give us input when the meeting time is called,
especially the older citizens. You know who you are. I can't think of a
more meaningful contribution, older citizens, than you helping us make our
first Independence document and being there when you are called to aid AW."

Wow, this is pretty much the tops of idiocy I've yet seen in AW. No I mean
it's a great idea!! Let's all declare independance from AW. heck, let's
also write to our ISP's and declare independance too, wich will mean FREE
INTERNET FOR ALL!!! Then I'll declare independance from the hydro company,
which means I'll have free electricity!! Because it's not like AW, ISP,
power company will just ignore our declaration and cut us off, no no, it
will be just like the US rebellion from England. Online services and
software are just like countries.. aparently. Hmmm I want a better version
of windows on my computer, I'll write microsoft and tell them I've declared
independance from windows, which means they'll have to make me a better
version just for me!!

I must applaud you TheLady or who ever wrote this, it's one of the most
batshit insane things I've read in a while.

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