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need help with saving/loading ini and chat box...

Mar 18, 2002, 6:41am
im wondering if someone can tell me how i can make my bot i made in visual
basic save log-in and other configurations to a .ini and how to load it

also can someone tell me how to make a chat box with green CA messages,
grey tourist messages, and bold CT messages...


need help with saving/loading ini and chat box...

Mar 19, 2002, 4:21am
ok thanks for ini thing.. and i am and been using a richtext box. so if
anyone knows how to have diffrent colors for diffrent text please let me


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how do i convert time to VRT?

Mar 22, 2002, 3:57am
hey how do i convert the time to VRT in vb? and how can i put the VRT time
in a status bar panel?

god bot

Nov 1, 2003, 3:50am
Immigration Officer: Sorry, you are not allowed to enter "t-1"

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NelXaga Entertainment

Jan 6, 2004, 3:16am
[View Quote] > non normal poster...posting about something stupid, cross posts to all ngs.
> Containing a zip file...which contains and .exe. Needless to say...dont open
> it..

very stupid of him.. a radio station only needs a .pls or a server name.
and a tv station only needs a .jpg or .php. i find it EXTREMLY stupid
that a .zip is needed

NelXaga Entertainment

Jan 6, 2004, 9:46pm
"newsgroup server responded:no such article number in this group

Perhaps the article has expired"

just to note that error is on a diffrent news reader.. im just quoting it

[View Quote] > for the people that didnt get the attachment
> i guess the powers at be deleted it.
> i still see the attachment in the bot newsgroups
> but not in the others.
> heres a link to a screen shot of it :
> 25kb

Xelagot 3.305 now available

Jul 2, 2002, 10:57pm
maki deserves it NOBODY MESSES WITH XELAG...

[View Quote]

Chazbot new build

Aug 23, 2003, 1:03am
how do i unistall chazbot?.. this is what readme said (latest version of
chazbot): "To delete the bot from the registry, just run deletebot.exe,
after that you can just delete the installation directory." deletebot.exe
does not exist on my computer.. either it is missing (either from my
computer or somehow not part of the installation of chazbot) or the readme
needs to be changed.. now can someone tell me what i do to unistall it? do i
just delete the directory?

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Megabot Beta v1.001 Released

Aug 29, 2003, 10:10pm
plz not annother 10 meg bot.. but if it is 10 meg at least have all the
features chazbot have.. which i think is too much to even have in one
program. i think people should make these "mega" bots into 4 or 5 seperate
programs and people can download the one(s) they want, and also offer a
package (for example: ms office or macromedia studio, etc.) that contain all
the programs in one download.

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Megabot Beta v1.001 Released

Aug 31, 2003, 12:06am
chazbot is cool how it is.. just think we only need one chazbot and not a
2nd simular thing.

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Megabot Beta v1.001 Released

Aug 31, 2003, 12:12am
well then take the link off the site.. nobody will bother scrolling all the
way down the thread to read that

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Megabot Beta v1.001 Released

Aug 31, 2003, 12:14am
and i know megabot has diffrent features.. but im talking about we dont need
annother massive all-in-one bot

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Megabot Beta v1.001 Released

Aug 31, 2003, 12:17am
buy some very cheap cds.. put the bot on those.. and of course the cd with
the program will be more then the blank cd (i call it a burning fee :-P) and
with that you get some profit and you can buy more cds and wala.. you will
end up making more money then what you spend on cds..

... of course i dont mind doing it to other people but i hate people who do
it for something i want.. thats why there is kazaa lite

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Megabot Beta v1.001 Released

Aug 31, 2003, 12:18am
btw.. im kidding

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Help Needed!

Sep 13, 2003, 4:53am
yes.. i would like to teach a subject but i am way to busy in school

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Announcing T2V Version 3

Dec 20, 2003, 3:03am
the gui looks like crap

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NelXaga Entertainment

Jan 6, 2004, 3:16am
[View Quote] > non normal poster...posting about something stupid, cross posts to all ngs.
> Containing a zip file...which contains and .exe. Needless to say...dont open
> it..

very stupid of him.. a radio station only needs a .pls or a server name.
and a tv station only needs a .jpg or .php. i find it EXTREMLY stupid
that a .zip is needed

NelXaga Entertainment

Jan 6, 2004, 9:46pm
"newsgroup server responded:no such article number in this group

Perhaps the article has expired"

just to note that error is on a diffrent news reader.. im just quoting it

[View Quote] > for the people that didnt get the attachment
> i guess the powers at be deleted it.
> i still see the attachment in the bot newsgroups
> but not in the others.
> heres a link to a screen shot of it :
> 25kb

New Weather script for xelagot

Jan 22, 2004, 1:53am
i dont think aw can even see anything (even terrain) for nine miles,
since 9 miles is aprox. 1448 coordinates

[View Quote] > Over the past few days I have been working on a weather script for the
> xelagot to run the weather in my world, AAWR. What's the big deal about a
> weather script for a bot? This one uses weather info from the National
> Weather Service (the data is public domain just in case your wondering) to
> set the worlds weather. I am still working on improving the script and I may
> release it for others to use when I am done. I have it running in my world
> and it is set to use current weather data for Boise, ID, where I live.
> Here's a list of what it does do far.
> The first layer of clouds in the worlds represents the wind. It moves in the
> direction and at the relative speed that is stated in the weather report
> The clouds change opacity depending on the current cloud.
> When the temperature drops below freezing the worlds water changes to an ice
> texture and freezes.
> The sun position changes every half hour and is set on sun position data for
> march 21, 2004, the equinox.
> The moon position is also set using data for that date but its been changed
> so that the moon is up at night. In reality on that day the moon will be up
> during the day. Oh and of course the skybox changes to match the time of
> day.
> The fog is set by the RL visibility in the weather report. so if the
> visibility is 9 miles in RL the visibility in the world will be 9 miles <<
> not meters, miles.
> If any one has any suggestions of additional ways I could have the script
> interpret the RL weather reports feel free to post them and I may add them
> to the script. In the meantime come to AAWR and check it out but let me say
> that during the winter in Boise, ID its almost always either overcast or we
> are in an inversion so it will look a little grey.

New Weather script for xelagot

Jan 22, 2004, 3:45am
does it change backdrop/skybox? i didnt read that in there

[View Quote] > Over the past few days I have been working on a weather script for the
> xelagot to run the weather in my world, AAWR. What's the big deal about a
> weather script for a bot? This one uses weather info from the National
> Weather Service (the data is public domain just in case your wondering) to
> set the worlds weather. I am still working on improving the script and I may
> release it for others to use when I am done. I have it running in my world
> and it is set to use current weather data for Boise, ID, where I live.
> Here's a list of what it does do far.
> The first layer of clouds in the worlds represents the wind. It moves in the
> direction and at the relative speed that is stated in the weather report
> The clouds change opacity depending on the current cloud.
> When the temperature drops below freezing the worlds water changes to an ice
> texture and freezes.
> The sun position changes every half hour and is set on sun position data for
> march 21, 2004, the equinox.
> The moon position is also set using data for that date but its been changed
> so that the moon is up at night. In reality on that day the moon will be up
> during the day. Oh and of course the skybox changes to match the time of
> day.
> The fog is set by the RL visibility in the weather report. so if the
> visibility is 9 miles in RL the visibility in the world will be 9 miles <<
> not meters, miles.
> If any one has any suggestions of additional ways I could have the script
> interpret the RL weather reports feel free to post them and I may add them
> to the script. In the meantime come to AAWR and check it out but let me say
> that during the winter in Boise, ID its almost always either overcast or we
> are in an inversion so it will look a little grey.

New Weather script for xelagot

Jan 23, 2004, 10:45pm
i need to take reading courses in college, lol

[View Quote] > "Oh and of course the skybox changes to match the time of
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May 14, 2004, 9:03pm
you need a skybox or sky background, lol

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note to bot makers

Dec 5, 2004, 11:05pm
i notice almost every bot allows you to enter more characters then the AW
browser allows in ppw dialogs, in the browser, you can only add as much as
12 characters in both the ppw section of Citizen settings, and the Privleges

Now if you create a 15,20,etc length password using a password generator or
some other way, when they enter the password into the bowser's ppw fields,
only the first 12 of the password is entered. Now if you save the long
password you create, and try to use it in a bot, the bot will have the full
length of it on it, and you will not be able to connect due to invalid
password. since the bot is trying to log in using a password longer then the
12 which is what AW has as the cit's ppw.

this is not true when login into the password inside AW, since in the
Privleges dialog only 12 characters are allowed. I suguest that bot makers
limit the amount of characters in the ppw field to only 12, so more people
dont have this issue, since we are at a time when so many people are getting
hacked, or passwords stollen, and many users are creating long ppws, like I
just did >_<.

note to bot makers

Dec 7, 2004, 8:58pm
completely understand :-) thanks for explaining that point.

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contact list groups

Sep 7, 2002, 7:35pm
i am not sure if this is stated already becuase i havent checked this ng in
a while and havent had the time to read it all.. but..

i think there should be 'groups' in the contact lists. just like AOL Instant
Messesnger (AIM) buddy list is, or other instant messenger buddy lists. this
will be so great if you, for example, are mayor of a town and would like to
telegram all the people in you town, all you would have to do is put all of
your town contacts in one group with the name of your town and you do not
need to search for all of them within your 100s of contacts all together,
you can expand and collapse the groups like AIM buddy list.

this will make keeping tract of people MUCH easier :-)

alex at


Apr 22, 2004, 10:56pm
yeah.. mine says 4/11/2004 2:20 PM for the very first post, and my first
post does not have a RE: in front, so i know that that was the first one

[View Quote] > You sure? im being shown in outlook 4/11/04
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Apr 22, 2004, 11:00pm
lord tech?? the very first post in the thread i see is from Ryan, and it

I wish for the ability to increase the visibility over 200 ...this would
be useful in areas where I have lots and lots of claimed land and I want
to be able to see farther out...

maybe those of you that see it as '03, your newsreaders are putting a
new thread that is titled Visibility as a reply to a very old thread
named Visibility as well, instead of making it a new thread?

Full screen mode

May 7, 2003, 10:20pm
they can make it like The Sims Online (screenshot example:
where you got a small control area at the bottom left-hand side of the
screen and it can be minimized to a little icon. and stuff like world list,
contacts, and telegrams can pop up to little windows (like on that screen
shot with those people dancing) when you click on a button in the control
area. and they can make the gestures accessable from the control area and
leave the toolbar with the buttons still on top.

no need to take up 50% of the screen by making the tabed area always

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Full screen mode

May 7, 2003, 10:23pm
heres the screenshot url again:

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Full screen mode

May 7, 2003, 10:23pm

[View Quote]

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