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automatic built-in chat censoring

Dec 29, 2003, 2:27am
whatever way.. if it could happen, then it should be done :)

[View Quote] > I don't see how you can have the world server try to detect or
> prevent cracked browsers from bypassing a form of security
> that is implemented in the browser itself. To do that, they would
> need to actually do the same thing the browsers were doing
> anyway, and there would be no point in having the browser
> do it at all.
> But I also don't see why the browser couldn't filter all incoming
> chat according to a file that is retreived from the object path
> that has the filtering rules in effect in that world.
> The browser could also merge a local filter file that a parent
> could set up to provide more filtering than the world servers
> rules dictate.
> People who don't want any filtering could disable it. People who
> want more filtering could have stronger filters.
> If you think about it, it's up to each individual what is
> objectionable language or not, and that is the issue at the
> heart of all of the arguments about language, ejections, GK's
> etc.
> I have already been given a personal 'mute' button.
> If language filtering is added to any part of AW, it should
> be completely under the control of the individual user.
> There are also valid technical reasons to have filtering done
> in the recipients browser.
> For one thing, I would not like to see the world servers I
> lease from AWI slow down because people who also lease
> them start using them to perform a lot of complex filtering
> on every word of every chat line in every world.
> For another thing, the changes neccessary to have the world
> server maintain a list of banned words of arbitrary length for
> each world, and to load this list, and compare each word of
> chat text with each word in the list before sending it would
> be a very significant change to it's current behaviour.
> In contrast, having the world server transmit a filename to
> the browser that represents a file with banned words to load
> from the object path is not much of a change in the world
> server itself.
> Getting the browser to load this list and use it to filter the
> incoming chat would be no harder certainly than what you
> proposed, and would certainly be less risky than the kinds
> of changes needed for the world servers to do it.
[View Quote]

automatic built-in chat censoring

Dec 29, 2003, 6:03pm
how about an option to set it on or off, and it be off by default then.

[View Quote]

Activate options

Jan 4, 2004, 8:50pm
see what happens when you dont completly explain something. people dont
seem to know that most people would know that common sence bullshit, but
yet they still tell it to you like it is a solution.. makes it seems
like your a newbie and it gets very annoying

[View Quote]

Activate options

Jan 5, 2004, 9:04pm
its not just you. it applied to other people, even me sometimes. some
pleople just take a super fast glance and reply with something, and
after you have to explain to them again.

im not saying you did this.. i just stating it is happening often in the
AW ngs. i think it is becuase of the idiotic junk or the flames that we
have to scan past that make us reply quick and not take our time and
think things over.

and i do the same thing sometimes

and i know none of what i just said is spacific to any post in
paticular. just a general thaught. thats it and nobody is pointing any

[View Quote] > excuuuuuse me for trying to help. Will make note that you are not interested
> in any ideas I may have and are only able to respond in a rude
> manner....Your loss....maybe one day I may actually know something you wish
> for. Think I would let you in on it? Heh....Think again, Bud.
> sweets

Activate options

Jan 5, 2004, 9:05pm
i did not understand that at all.. but i think my other replys explain
what i was thinking.

[View Quote] > Ahhhh, yes. I see your point clearly, Alex, and I feel your angst. However,
> I'm not sure you fully took into consideration the following conundrum...
> I know you think you thought what you heard, she meant - but - I'm not sure
> you realize what she said isn't what you thought.
> Or visa versa.
> o_O
> Tart Sugar
> I used to be Snow White, but I drifted.
[View Quote]

Activate options

Jan 6, 2004, 3:24am
[View Quote] > You tacked that rude note to MY response, therefore
> insulting me directly.

i replied to C P.

Activate options

Jan 6, 2004, 9:48pm
i was just pissed off that day, ok.. now lets end this.

[View Quote] > your response to him:
> most people would know that common sence bullshit, but
> ok you replied to him....and although your letter made absolutely no sense,
> I did take this statement as being in reference to myself (or others like me
> as you stated - in general)....and most people do NOT know that 'common
> sense bullshit' but still have the right to comment or ask questions here in
> ng without being made to feel like an idiot. This is 'wish' and working
> together with patience and understanding we can make our wishes come
> true....snub your nose at people you do not think smart enough and you may
> just miss out on a 'solution' to a fantastic wish because they thought of
> something nobody else did. Make people afraid of speaking up because they
> are not in your tech class closes the door on many of our wishes come true.
> sweets

More way cool objects for Alpha World

Jan 4, 2004, 8:59pm
who says you have to buy a world to build with cool objects? alphaworld
is not the only public build world, TheBeans is great and full of great
objects with the higest maximum cell space and full of the best builders
from Alphaworld building there.

but yes i do agree alphaworld needs better objects, i would like to see
some urban objects (the new roads are a nice start, but there should be
more, and nobody want a city full of similar shaped houses, lol) maybe
some vehicles like airplanes and helicopters and cars?

actually new avatars would be awesome

[View Quote] > For those amoung us who can't afford to buy a world, it would be nice to
> have some of the cooler building objects for Alpha World.
> Yes, the kitchen and bath pieces are nice, but what if we don't want to
> build a house?
> I would dearly love some better plants to landscape with. Maybe some veggies
> for a garden. How about some round objects, like a tube or a giant ball? I
> don't want to have to piece together 2 or 3 objects to get the desired
> effect. Other universes have these things to build with, without buying a
> world. : /
> I totally understand why the better building objects are only available on
> the Mega path. To get ppl to buy a world. But if more Cits could build with
> more *toys* like the Mega path has, maybe more Cits would be content to stay
> in AW, and not migrate to other places?
> For 70 bucks a year, I would think AWI could throw us "poor" Cits a bone now
> and then. : )
> Tart Sugar
> The older I get, the better I used to be.

AW Mapper

Jan 5, 2004, 8:56pm
maybe release the code of how its done so we can get some more reliable
people in the community to update it on their owns site, and then maybe
even have it for other huge worlds like awteen :)

[View Quote]

AW Mapper

Jan 7, 2004, 9:23pm
i know.. but you cant zoom in on that one

[View Quote]

up-to-date listing of AW related 3rd Party Products/Sites

Jan 5, 2004, 9:24pm
Immigration Officer: Welcome to the Active Worlds Universe! :) All users
please note, due to an increase in stolen accounts Activeworlds Inc.
strongly suggests that users do NOT install third party applications
unless they are from a reputable source.

What certifies a website as a reputable source? does that mean if its a
geocitis site it is not a reputable source but if it is a domain like a it is a reputable source? there can be viruses on a .com site too

and how would a nebie know if the Xelagot, for example, program is from
a reputable source? there is not like a "Certified Virus-Free" seal for
websites, and if there was anybody can forge it.

so maybe Activeworlds should put a page on their site listing all the
3rd-party activeworlds related programs that are "Certified virus-free"
by activeworlds themself. i think this would be great! (i know there is
a listing of 3rd Party Products on but that list is so
not up to date, heck Xelagot, Demeter, and many others are not on it!)

i know there is a list of bots on the page, but no newbies know
the url to that site and it havent been updated in ages i think. I just
would perfer it on the Active Worlds website.

NelXaga Entertainment

Jan 6, 2004, 3:16am
[View Quote] > non normal poster...posting about something stupid, cross posts to all ngs.
> Containing a zip file...which contains and .exe. Needless to say...dont open
> it..

very stupid of him.. a radio station only needs a .pls or a server name.
and a tv station only needs a .jpg or .php. i find it EXTREMLY stupid
that a .zip is needed

NelXaga Entertainment

Jan 6, 2004, 9:46pm
"newsgroup server responded:no such article number in this group

Perhaps the article has expired"

just to note that error is on a diffrent news reader.. im just quoting it

[View Quote] > for the people that didnt get the attachment
> i guess the powers at be deleted it.
> i still see the attachment in the bot newsgroups
> but not in the others.
> heres a link to a screen shot of it :
> 25kb

Shadows AGAIN !

Jan 7, 2004, 9:27pm
oo.. and mirrors/reflections would be nice too, but i know its already
been wished, but we need them.

[View Quote] > Widen your experience Scuz.
> Check out Deus Ex II...
> Light bulbs swinging from the ceiling.. shadows moving along with it..
> and if you knock things over the shadows do 'the right thing'.
> These are definitely not 'baked' textures. These are made to order, while
> you wait... and you don't wait long at all.
[View Quote]

Shadows AGAIN !

Jan 10, 2004, 6:06pm
yeah, anyone who plays video games would notice many cool games use
RenderWare in a more advanced way then AW, like Grand Theft Auto 3/Vice
City for example... now imagine if AW looked like that.

[View Quote]

Shadows AGAIN !

Jan 11, 2004, 8:28pm
YEAH! and i would also like to be able to run over avatars :P

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Quit Smoking

Jan 7, 2004, 9:30pm
didnt durring the time U.S. outlawed alcohol, people used to strap
containors under their clothes or something?

[View Quote] > Alcohol (in anything more than a small amount) and tobacco are vices
> that will continue despite illegalization; look at what happened during
> Prohibition in the U.S. While I agree that it should be illegal, it
> won't stop those who are unfortunate enough to become addicted.
> Illegalization and a strong anti-alcohol/anti-tobacco sentiment in
> society would reduce the problem.
> I think the best solution is to illegalize mass production of products
> whose sole purpose is detrimental to human health. At least then there
> would not be businesses making profits off of products that kill people.
> As for the actual usage of tobacco and alcohol at home, this should not
> be illegal as it cannot be enforced reasonably.
> Ryan
> Anti-tobacco and anti-alcohol activist :)
[View Quote]

text-to-speach for AW chat

Jan 13, 2004, 3:58am

text-to-speach for AW chat

Jan 13, 2004, 3:58am

[View Quote] > :)

text-to-speach for AW chat

Jan 22, 2004, 1:34am
thanx, but i was asking for it be added to browser. i already used
chat-to-speach long ago. if i wanted the program i would have posted in
community/bots and not wishlist, but since there could have been a
chance i posted this and did not know of the program, then i guess you
didnt do anything wrong. and if i did not know of this, then this would
have been a huge help

my god am i still talking? lol

[View Quote] > I posted the file, my name in the newsgroups didn't update though heh. Yes
> it's safe, I downloaded it a while ago and can't remember where from, but
> it's what was asked for. Found it when I was looking for something else on
> my computer o_O
> -Z
[View Quote]

text-to-speach for AW chat

Jan 22, 2004, 1:42am
yeah i opened the 'speech' settings in control pannel, but all i saw was
settings and a little testing area. but how do you use this? is there
something i have to do, or does this only mean that win xp is
*capapble* of doing t-t-s, but the program (say, aw for example) need to
have it programed in or something? or can i do something to make any
program work with tts?

[View Quote] > Yes, that was always one thing I really likes about PowWow was the ability to participare in a discussion without having to keep your eyes glued to the chat text window. Windows XP has TTS support built-in, but I haven't tested it with AW.
> TechnoZeus
[View Quote]

gravity on button

Jan 17, 2004, 12:21am
yeah, and it would help getting to an exact position easier if you are
in the air.. becuase if you teleport to coords in the air then you
automaticly fall, but if this button was set with gravity off, then when
you teleport you would be in the right altitude

[View Quote] > Excellent suggestion. It should make it very easy to add a button then...
> all it needs to do is exactly this.
[View Quote]


Jan 17, 2004, 12:18am
i think the name "wishlist" is not a correct one, it should be
"feature.discussion" or something. and yes, the point of this ng is to
share yiur ideas, and if nobody give you a reason why its bad, or
explain to you how it already can be done, then finally you can send it
to AWI via (but i think
i heard that this never gets checked by awi ir something) or you can
directly email them

[View Quote]

a 'looking level' added to the end of coordinates

Jan 17, 2004, 12:32am
exactly what i said, a 'looking level' added to the end of coordinates.
this way you can set the looking level on a teleport. so if you teleport
was in the air above something, then you can add -180 (negitive be
looking down) to the end and this way when they teleport they will face
directly down.

some letter can be at the end of it so it wont be confused with facing

so what do you think, is this possible to add, or would it require a
complte wewrite of some of the coding?

i would say it is just adding some extra coding to the browser, but then
i do not know what the teleportation programing is like.

the ability to seed without bots

Jan 19, 2004, 6:17pm
just click a button.. and boom! there is a walk001h.rwx right under your
feet! and now you can start your little house, or maybe even a future
town :)

[View Quote] > I think AWI could just spend some time and money tweaking what we already
> have, rather than wasting OUR resources (read as MONEY) on new "toys".
> I am not "computer savvy". I don't even know what you guys are talking about
> half the time. LoL!!!
> Just give me better building objects and nicer, updated textures and I'll be
> happy.
> Tart Sugar
[View Quote]

the ability to seed without bots

Jan 22, 2004, 1:28am
oh great, just make the browser have a 3rd mose (first is beginners,
then you click 'advanced mode', and then you would have to click 'Expert
mode' becuase most people dont want that junk on the browser)

[View Quote] > holy freak this is a bit weird, and ironic as you seem to be saying allot. I
> have come to the understanding aw should be able to do everything a bot can
> and more. AW should'nt NEED outside resources not programmed by awi in any
> way shape or form to do jobs in aw. aw needs to be all inclusive. not just
> ok here's the program, now go find 6-10 more programs and use them to make
> your world fun and giggly.
[View Quote]

the 4th dimention

Jan 19, 2004, 7:13am
there is a 4th dimention, and it is not time. if we were avatars in AW
then aw would be our 3rd dimention, but the people living outise aw (or
in real life) are in the 4th dimention. so a person in 4th dimention
could see us in a 3rd person view, which we as humans cant, becuase we
live in the 3rd dimention.

the 4th dimention

Jan 19, 2004, 7:19am
i ment for this to go in annother ng, whatever

[View Quote] > there is a 4th dimention, and it is not time. if we were avatars in AW
> then aw would be our 3rd dimention, but the people living outise aw (or
> in real life) are in the 4th dimention. so a person in 4th dimention
> could see us in a 3rd person view, which we as humans cant, becuase we
> live in the 3rd dimention.

the 4th dimention

Jan 19, 2004, 6:12pm
i know, this was only my attempt to explain it using ActiveWorlds

i could explain it better.. but i think the best explaination is here

by the way.. this is what happens when you get extremly bored on a
weekend night, you research things about your brain or reality.

a week ago i was researching Lucid Dreaming, knowing you are dreaming in
your dreams in order to try to control what happens.

[View Quote] [View Quote]

the 4th dimention

Jan 22, 2004, 1:14am
i know.. i cant spell, and it is not even in the right NG, LOL

[View Quote] > the topic was spelled wrong O_O supposed to be "dimension"

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