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Full screen mode

May 7, 2003, 10:23pm
grr... just copy and pase it!

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fix the news groups

Jun 4, 2003, 8:58pm
but that is a whole browser and stuff.. isn't there a good program out there
just for newsgroups?

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Contact List Notifications in Chat History

Jun 4, 2003, 8:52pm
or have the name in the contact list highlighted, italicized, or turn gray
for a few seconds, kinda like what many Instant Messengers do.. so when
someone signs off all you have to do is see which name is

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create texture url

Jul 25, 2003, 4:47pm
it should also be able to put a mask on it, is that possible..?

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User Status

Jul 26, 2003, 8:04pm
customizable statuses? or triggerd status?.. becuase it would be cool if you
can put an away message like instant messengers like AIM

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Change default font for AW interface

Aug 18, 2003, 5:56am

use verdana or sans-serif, or simular.. those 2 fonts have the I with the
line on top and bottom so it wont be confused with l.. and they are as easy
to read as Arial.... and i agree with Strike.. i would need eye surgery if
they used Times in AW


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Change default font for AW interface

Aug 23, 2003, 12:30am
i was giving examples of fonts that do that.. and yes i am picky about
fonts.. i am a web designer and want my design to have easy-to-read text

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coustom masks

Aug 18, 2003, 5:45am
we need to have a command to add a coustom mask along with a picture

this probably been asked but i am to lazy to scroll

lower the volume of defalit delete sound

Aug 18, 2003, 6:15am
lower the volume of the defalt Delete builing sound!!... it is twice as loud
then the other builings sounds!

lower the volume of defalit delete sound

Aug 18, 2003, 6:16am
oh no i catched crazy pills typo disease

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lower the volume of defalit delete sound

Aug 19, 2003, 1:05am
im not talking about me.. im talking about for new users when the next
version comes out.. it should have the same volume as the other sounds..

i can edit the sound or get a new one myself.. im just saying for the
future.. this is a 'Wishlist' not a 'Help, how do I...'

but thanks for the sounds

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lower the volume of defalit delete sound

Aug 23, 2003, 12:15am
dangit.. i got to use that scroll

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Make part of aw_3d web window transparent

Aug 23, 2003, 12:27am
i want to have a way to make a defined part of the aw_3d browser page (the
one in the 3d window) transparent so you can see the 3D stuff behind it like
a 'window'

this will be good for making a 'border' arround the 3d window so it looks
like you are looking thru the windshield of inside a car :-)

they might be a trick to do it, like a certin color (i know there is a shade
of black that makes videos on a media player be shown thru even if its
behind the page.. i accedenty found that out). if not then aw should create
a way.. even if it involves using a diffrent way of displaying a webpage

- AlexTheMartian

Make part of aw_3d web window transparent

Aug 23, 2003, 2:41am
i do not mean make it semi-transparent, which i know requires win 2k+.. but
i mean make it so part of it you see right thu and see the 3d window behind

or this could be done:
a command to bring up a layer seperate from the browser window that will be
placed on top of the the 3d window the same way and be able to have coustom
picture/texture and a mask that is stretched to the entire width and height
of the 3d window.. it will be nice if it can have alpha edges but i think
that will be way too much CPU usage, so hard edges is ok.

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3d homepage wish

Aug 23, 2003, 4:06am
how about a 3d Homepage of Hobbiton from Lord of the Rings? :-)

3d homepage wish

Aug 26, 2003, 1:52am
some of us did see the new homepage.. i did.. but im not going to brag about
it and let it be a surprise

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3d homepage wish

Aug 26, 2003, 1:53am
actually becuase their are going to be a Matrix one i thaught there also can
be a Hobbit one

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3d homepage wish

Aug 26, 2003, 5:22pm
i been in there and saw it.. how can that be a rumor if it exists..
actually.. if that ppw still work i might be able to still see it right now

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3d homepage wish

Aug 28, 2003, 2:55am
we saw it at AWCamp a few weeks ago.. A FEW WEEKS AGO.. man im talkng
recently.. its there in DirtCity.. but i dont think they mind me saying that
since people who havent see it cant go in anyway

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new window

Aug 26, 2003, 5:27pm
are you talking about the transparency like 90% 50%.. or do you mean the
ones where parts of the window is completly see thu, as in you can even
click thru it.. and the 2nd one dont work in 95 i think and the 1st only
works in 2k+ ... no on all my posts about this topic im talking about that
2nd thing

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new window

Aug 28, 2003, 2:52am
i said that, know that, even the whole reply is explaining that :-/

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new window

Aug 28, 2003, 5:26am
im talking the same thing that causes certin skins to be shapes other then
square.. that can even be done on win98

but in this case it wont be used for skins

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new window

Aug 29, 2003, 9:54pm
i said transparency becuase my brain can not work fast enough to think of
what it reall is.... this thread have been going on enough the point is out

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new window

Aug 30, 2003, 11:48pm
no i mean i cant think fast sometimes

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Aug 29, 2003, 9:56pm
how bout i want my alien grey dude to sit in Alphaworld?

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a sorta elevator

Aug 29, 2003, 10:03pm
i suguest you put [solution] in subject since half of the people who reply
dont understand messages very well.. and in real life i would take the
stairs besides the elevator if i have to walk back in forth for it to work..
at least on stairs i only walk one way.

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Object Zooming effect

Aug 30, 2003, 11:53pm
how bout make an AW binocular? zoom the entire seen.. might be dificulat but
how bout AW takes a temp snapshot and it zooms the snapshoot so it looks
like you are looking thru binoculars?

...just expanding the idea

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For the kids

Aug 31, 2003, 12:20am
what the.. screw that

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For the kids

Sep 2, 2003, 10:11pm
dont forget the teenagers.. who build, chat, and also complain in NGs

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Sep 16, 2003, 9:44pm
i think it was saposed to be "or"

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