
New Weather script for xelagot (Bots)

New Weather script for xelagot // Bots

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Jan 20, 2004, 12:23pm
Over the past few days I have been working on a weather script for the
xelagot to run the weather in my world, AAWR. What's the big deal about a
weather script for a bot? This one uses weather info from the National
Weather Service (the data is public domain just in case your wondering) to
set the worlds weather. I am still working on improving the script and I may
release it for others to use when I am done. I have it running in my world
and it is set to use current weather data for Boise, ID, where I live.
Here's a list of what it does do far.

The first layer of clouds in the worlds represents the wind. It moves in the
direction and at the relative speed that is stated in the weather report
The clouds change opacity depending on the current cloud.
When the temperature drops below freezing the worlds water changes to an ice
texture and freezes.
The sun position changes every half hour and is set on sun position data for
march 21, 2004, the equinox.
The moon position is also set using data for that date but its been changed
so that the moon is up at night. In reality on that day the moon will be up
during the day. Oh and of course the skybox changes to match the time of
The fog is set by the RL visibility in the weather report. so if the
visibility is 9 miles in RL the visibility in the world will be 9 miles <<
not meters, miles.

If any one has any suggestions of additional ways I could have the script
interpret the RL weather reports feel free to post them and I may add them
to the script. In the meantime come to AAWR and check it out but let me say
that during the winter in Boise, ID its almost always either overcast or we
are in an inversion so it will look a little grey.


Jan 20, 2004, 12:25pm
I forgot to add that the script can be changed to use weather data for any
of the locations that the National Weather Service has data for.

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lady nighthawk

Jan 20, 2004, 6:27pm
ooooooooooo so where does one get this script?


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c p

Jan 20, 2004, 7:03pm
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jacob the m hero

Jan 21, 2004, 9:05pm
Very good Panther! that is hard work :)
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Jan 22, 2004, 1:53am
i dont think aw can even see anything (even terrain) for nine miles,
since 9 miles is aprox. 1448 coordinates

[View Quote] > Over the past few days I have been working on a weather script for the
> xelagot to run the weather in my world, AAWR. What's the big deal about a
> weather script for a bot? This one uses weather info from the National
> Weather Service (the data is public domain just in case your wondering) to
> set the worlds weather. I am still working on improving the script and I may
> release it for others to use when I am done. I have it running in my world
> and it is set to use current weather data for Boise, ID, where I live.
> Here's a list of what it does do far.
> The first layer of clouds in the worlds represents the wind. It moves in the
> direction and at the relative speed that is stated in the weather report
> The clouds change opacity depending on the current cloud.
> When the temperature drops below freezing the worlds water changes to an ice
> texture and freezes.
> The sun position changes every half hour and is set on sun position data for
> march 21, 2004, the equinox.
> The moon position is also set using data for that date but its been changed
> so that the moon is up at night. In reality on that day the moon will be up
> during the day. Oh and of course the skybox changes to match the time of
> day.
> The fog is set by the RL visibility in the weather report. so if the
> visibility is 9 miles in RL the visibility in the world will be 9 miles <<
> not meters, miles.
> If any one has any suggestions of additional ways I could have the script
> interpret the RL weather reports feel free to post them and I may add them
> to the script. In the meantime come to AAWR and check it out but let me say
> that during the winter in Boise, ID its almost always either overcast or we
> are in an inversion so it will look a little grey.


Jan 22, 2004, 3:45am
does it change backdrop/skybox? i didnt read that in there

[View Quote] > Over the past few days I have been working on a weather script for the
> xelagot to run the weather in my world, AAWR. What's the big deal about a
> weather script for a bot? This one uses weather info from the National
> Weather Service (the data is public domain just in case your wondering) to
> set the worlds weather. I am still working on improving the script and I may
> release it for others to use when I am done. I have it running in my world
> and it is set to use current weather data for Boise, ID, where I live.
> Here's a list of what it does do far.
> The first layer of clouds in the worlds represents the wind. It moves in the
> direction and at the relative speed that is stated in the weather report
> The clouds change opacity depending on the current cloud.
> When the temperature drops below freezing the worlds water changes to an ice
> texture and freezes.
> The sun position changes every half hour and is set on sun position data for
> march 21, 2004, the equinox.
> The moon position is also set using data for that date but its been changed
> so that the moon is up at night. In reality on that day the moon will be up
> during the day. Oh and of course the skybox changes to match the time of
> day.
> The fog is set by the RL visibility in the weather report. so if the
> visibility is 9 miles in RL the visibility in the world will be 9 miles <<
> not meters, miles.
> If any one has any suggestions of additional ways I could have the script
> interpret the RL weather reports feel free to post them and I may add them
> to the script. In the meantime come to AAWR and check it out but let me say
> that during the winter in Boise, ID its almost always either overcast or we
> are in an inversion so it will look a little grey.


Jan 22, 2004, 9:39am
"Oh and of course the skybox changes to match the time of
> day."

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Jan 22, 2004, 10:18am
I may release it when I am finished. first I have to fix it so it gets the
right data from the weather report when it rains because when that happens
there is an extra line in the report that throws the rest of the script way

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Jan 22, 2004, 11:40am
yes i know it doesn't but it sure as hell looks good the way its working now

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Jan 23, 2004, 10:45pm
i need to take reading courses in college, lol

[View Quote] > "Oh and of course the skybox changes to match the time of
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