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3.5 Effect for Enter and exit teleport

Jan 23, 2004, 10:21pm
how about, star trek style? beam me up... :)

[View Quote] > That will be cool...If you want it add in aw
> Here a Picture

3.5 Effect for Enter and exit teleport

Jan 24, 2004, 3:10am
yes, of course :)

[View Quote] > But Voyager style, not that crappy TOS style.
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Personal Chat Balloons

Jan 24, 2004, 2:51am
yes, this is the reason i dont use them, becuase they always disapear...
and if the reason is to prevent lagging, then what about us people that
have computers that can handle it?

[View Quote]

about fearture ideas that "will cause lag"

Jan 24, 2004, 3:03am
maybe AW should create a version of the browser for high-end computers,
and keep a version for general computers? becuase there are hundreds of
features that i see ruled out becuase it would be laggy, but i know that
many computers can handle this stuff perfectly well or with very minimal
lag, they just dont add it becuase it will lag low-end computers.

this can be kinda like having two downloads on the aw site, one for
Standard edition (for general computers), and one for the Pro edition
(high-end computers/videocards). and it is under the users decesion
which version will be best for their computer by the listed minimum and
recomended requirements.

most programs do this, why not aw. and its not very dificult thing to
do, just make an exact copy of the program and add the extra features
then release it as 'Active Worlds 3.5 Pro' :)

one-click 'disable/enable all sounds' button

Jan 24, 2004, 3:09am
there should be a one-click disable/enable all sounds button on toolbar
or something, so we dont have to go to settings and click the
checkmarks. it will come in handy when you are at a place with a bunch
of midis/mp3s and you want to listen to your own music collection
instead or you want to listen to AW Radio :)


Jan 28, 2004, 10:12pm
if aw adds this, and someone makes the objects, awteen will be one of
the first public build world to have it, just like it was with the
terrain, etc.. i will make sure it happens! lol

[View Quote]

local: URL's

Jan 30, 2004, 9:46pm
umm.. do you mean have the mp3 already in the uni folder so you can
click an object to hear it without having to download it?

like "activate sound local:welcome.mp3" ??

[View Quote] > Yes.. I know that it works with a website.
[View Quote]

Streaming audio

Feb 5, 2004, 9:01pm
YES! it will liven the community becuase AWRadio/AWVR can hold parties
and dances thruout the univere.. that'll be soooooo cool :)

[View Quote]

New option for teleport coords

Feb 9, 2004, 7:25am
i requested this too before.. so i guess ill give my "i agree" :)

[View Quote] > I would like to see teleports be able to determine how far you are looking
> up or down. It could be useful for making roller coasters in AlphaWorld.

wish for wishlinst

Feb 9, 2004, 7:27am
i wish someone can go and devote part of their time to sending these
requests to awi since most of us are too lazy to so we just post here
and never send it to awi, or is that just me :P

message with invitations / location of invitation

Feb 21, 2004, 8:51am
the new invitations needs a messege to be sent along with it. cuz i dont
want to be invited to something i dont know of, and when i arrive there
i find it is some stupid thing. it will work just like invitations to
join aim chat rooms or whatever, but the sending of it will look just
like the telegram dialog (but smaller). and since this thing to enter a
message will pop up, you will not have to worry about accedently
inviting someone. but this message can be left completly blank and then
when you press OK it will work just like the invitations do now, with no
message. so this message is completly optional..

annother thing that is not really important, but it might be helpful, is
having the coordinates of the invitation location to be displayed in the
invitation itself. there is no secuity issue with this since you will
see the location anyways once you arrive there.

Fix VRT Clock

Mar 10, 2004, 12:02am
*points to the AM and PM*

[View Quote] > Yea, everyone should be seeing 24 hour time.
> Otherwise you might appear at a meeting 12 hours too early or 12 hours too
> late.
[View Quote]


Mar 12, 2004, 1:51am
download the "Television PHP Script " from

[View Quote] > Can anyone tell me how to get a php script for like tv stations?

looking level

Mar 21, 2004, 2:58am
shouldnt the middle looking level be greyed out when you are looking
level, or straight? i think that it should so you can tell when you look

non-breaking space on signs

Mar 26, 2004, 1:01am
aw should find a way to have non-breaking spaces on signs, so that you
can have a name or something that has a space in it and it all be in one
line. so if i had a name of "Alex The Martian" (which i dont obviously,
lol) it wont end up being
Alex The
or something. and sometimes you just dont want to add spaces above and
bellow :P or you dont want to have to put it in quotes in the action.

non-breaking space on signs

Mar 26, 2004, 10:31pm
did you read my entire post? "sometimes you just dont want to add spaces
above and bellow :P or you dont want to have to put it in quotes in the

you just repeated this back to me O.o

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non-breaking space on signs

Mar 27, 2004, 11:42pm
you know how html can do   ? something like that

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non-breaking space on signs

Mar 27, 2004, 11:43pm
im not asking anything!.. im just saying that this should be built in to
aw browser

[View Quote] > you know how html can do   ? something like that
[View Quote]

non-breaking space on signs

Mar 28, 2004, 5:16am

[View Quote] > Try using ALT+0160 (numpad) for a non-breaking space.
[View Quote]


Mar 27, 2004, 11:44pm

[View Quote] > I want an option to dissable you.... Ctrl+Insert is the only way people can
> accuratly align objects with any consistancy that is ecconomical in time...
> would you rather people used automated keyboard events instead....
> - MR
[View Quote]

Organizing Contact List

Apr 11, 2004, 11:10pm
ooooo.. and group telegraming, like if you have a folder of citizens in
your town, or other organizations, you can send a tgram to every member
very easily.. like to nitify about meetings

actually.. i think it should look like an instant messenger buddy list :D

[View Quote]

Organizing Contact List

Apr 11, 2004, 11:11pm
whao.. i just got confused.. somewhere this thread went from teleports
to contacts O_O LOL

[View Quote] > ooooo.. and group telegraming, like if you have a folder of citizens in
> your town, or other organizations, you can send a tgram to every member
> very easily.. like to nitify about meetings
> actually.. i think it should look like an instant messenger buddy list :D
[View Quote]


Apr 21, 2004, 3:12am
ok, create a new word for us to use in place that consists of the same
or fairly close to the same ammount of letters and i would be very happy
to use it instead.

doesnt all these computer-game communities/groups have a simple word to
use in place of frame rate drop?

[View Quote] > It's internet terminology.
> It specifically refers to slow internet speeds, sometimes due to a server
> problem, but more frequently due to a connection between client and server.
> "Low Frame Rate" is not a correct use of the internet terminology "lag."
> Just because it happens to be used that way Active Worlds does not mean that
> it is being used correctly. It's a bad word to describe low frame rate,
> since the frames don't "lag" behind. they just get less frequent and more
> spaced apart. True "lag" in low frame rates would be someone with lower
> frame rates going slower through the 3d world's "time" than someone with a
> faster frame rate.

Tourist Worlds

Apr 17, 2004, 7:16pm
cp, compare the free space in AWTeen to the free space in Alphaworld,
then you see it is crowded ;P

[View Quote] > CROWDED AWTeen? nope not crowded one bit, just no open land at perfect cords
[View Quote]

ability to group names on objects

Apr 23, 2004, 10:13pm
ok there is a way to do this already (see bellow), but if you are
requesting a way to do this without putting the move command twice, like
to save cell space, then ignore what i have bellow

how about you name half of them object1 and others object2. one button
will move object1, annother button will move object2, but the third
button has "activate move 0 10 0 name=object1,move 0 10 0
name=object2"... wont that 3rd button move them all at same time, and
the first 2 buttons move only a part at a time?? if needed you can add a
sync to make sure they all move together i think

[View Quote]

ability to group names on objects

Apr 25, 2004, 4:30am
no, you siad by naming them all object1, well that is impossible to move
half of them if you do that

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A browser that remembers it's location

May 5, 2004, 8:42pm
i can just see every part of the browser being detached one by one and
then i can make aw fullscreen :-D

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I wish

Jun 4, 2004, 2:35am
i completely aggree

[View Quote] > Why in first place block grams? *shrug*
> Once a person asked for an object; obviously he had the setting to block all
> not given permission to gram.
> I wrote a fairly long and nice gram telling I had now found what he wanted.
> When I tried to send it, it said I cannot. I just thought WTF, not my lost.
> I guess I have not quite understood ever why peple come to a chat just to
> hide; a bit like moving to Greenland because one hate snow.
> Drac
> "linn" <ironhead at> kirjoitti viestiss
> news:40ba2999$1 at

I wish aw would follow some of their own promises :-)

Jun 16, 2004, 9:37pm
i think they do that so once you expire someone differnt wont steal your
name.. i think you can contact AWI for them to let you use your old name.

[View Quote] > Well I recently found out if your cit expires, and you have to get a new cit
> (not related to me, but happened to someone I know) then you get a new name,
> you can't use your old name from your old cit apparently ... even tho the
> old cit expired you can't use that cit's name. Weird eh? I mean if you are
> that cit but now have another number then you should be able to use your cit
> name since we are known by our names not our cits. This person for whom I
> speak now has to have a no space in a name that she would prefer to have a
> space in. And, I lost track of her and was sending her grams to the old cit
> name not knowing she had a new similar name. Whatz with that? If I pay aw
> for a cit/name I should be able to keep both or at least keep my preferred
> name intact. Just my two cents...

I wish aw would follow some of their own promises :-)

Jun 17, 2004, 2:56am
yeah.. but a tourists can take my name and be "AlexTheMartian" and run
arround saying "i am AlexTheMartian.. my cit expired and im now a
tourist".. but it is actually just some tourist with my name... and i
realize that this could really happen to me.. then i will be
"AlexTheMartian"... i dont know what can be done.

[View Quote]

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