
note to bot makers (Bots)

note to bot makers // Bots

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Dec 5, 2004, 11:05pm
i notice almost every bot allows you to enter more characters then the AW
browser allows in ppw dialogs, in the browser, you can only add as much as
12 characters in both the ppw section of Citizen settings, and the Privleges

Now if you create a 15,20,etc length password using a password generator or
some other way, when they enter the password into the bowser's ppw fields,
only the first 12 of the password is entered. Now if you save the long
password you create, and try to use it in a bot, the bot will have the full
length of it on it, and you will not be able to connect due to invalid
password. since the bot is trying to log in using a password longer then the
12 which is what AW has as the cit's ppw.

this is not true when login into the password inside AW, since in the
Privleges dialog only 12 characters are allowed. I suguest that bot makers
limit the amount of characters in the ppw field to only 12, so more people
dont have this issue, since we are at a time when so many people are getting
hacked, or passwords stollen, and many users are creating long ppws, like I
just did >_<.


Dec 6, 2004, 8:22am

The problem with this is that AW has not documented this, as far as I
know, and can change its policy about it any time. It is already
difficult to discover and adapt to changes for fundamental things as
world rating or other backwards incompatible functions.

I think in this case it is reasonable for bots not to limit the length
artificially. The user can see if it works or not, and make the
password shorter. An other example is the length of world names: at
present limited to 8 chars, but there has been talk in the past of
changing this.

A different approach is needed if excessive length can cause problems.
For example, chat strings are limited to 255 chars. Making the string
longer used to cause a world disconnect. So in this case yes, I chop
chat lines at 255 or less, transporting the rest to a new line. My
[Delph] says: If it won't crash me, don't stop me :)

At least you know now the reason why I don't implement your
suggestion, Alex. It's not a bad suggestion, but it makes maintenance
a bit more complicated and is not crucial :)


On 5 Dec 2004 21:05:29 -0400, "alexthemartian"
[View Quote] >i notice almost every bot allows you to enter more characters then the AW
>browser allows in ppw dialogs, in the browser, you can only add as much as
>12 characters in both the ppw section of Citizen settings, and the Privleges
>Now if you create a 15,20,etc length password using a password generator or
>some other way, when they enter the password into the bowser's ppw fields,
>only the first 12 of the password is entered. Now if you save the long
>password you create, and try to use it in a bot, the bot will have the full
>length of it on it, and you will not be able to connect due to invalid
>password. since the bot is trying to log in using a password longer then the
>12 which is what AW has as the cit's ppw.
>this is not true when login into the password inside AW, since in the
>Privleges dialog only 12 characters are allowed. I suguest that bot makers
>limit the amount of characters in the ppw field to only 12, so more people
>dont have this issue, since we are at a time when so many people are getting
>hacked, or passwords stollen, and many users are creating long ppws, like I
>just did >_<.


Dec 7, 2004, 8:58pm
completely understand :-) thanks for explaining that point.

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