
how do i convert time to VRT? (Sdk)

how do i convert time to VRT? // Sdk

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Mar 22, 2002, 3:57am
hey how do i convert the time to VRT in vb? and how can i put the VRT time
in a status bar panel?


Mar 22, 2002, 10:47am
depends on what timezone u wanna convert it from...
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Mar 22, 2002, 11:42am
On most Windows systems, they ask for your timezone. I'm sure that a VB
program could get that information on what timezone that person lives in. I
know that VRT is +3 from EST timezone. That would mean it's -2 from the UK
timezone. If you can find out the information on the person's timezone that
is running the program, you will need to find out what timezone they're in
and change the time according to that. Check out some Visual Basic sites.
Infact, I'm sure microsoft has a whole library full of those commands and
you could just search up timezone :-P

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Mar 22, 2002, 11:49am

There's a better way there. You can just simply tell it you want the
timezone -2 from GMT (i think it's -2....) and that'll automatically figure
the scale for you ;-)

Any extra info can be found pretty easily at
They have a nice library of VB stuff for developers. Just put your things in
the search ;-)

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Mar 22, 2002, 6:28pm
Although the local timezone is clearly important since that's the time you
have available, windows gives you a mechanism to find out what you need to
know. VRT is GMT - 2 (the middle of the Atlantic somewhere), which you can
get from Windows very easily using the GetTimeZoneInformation windows API

The SDK only gets one notification of the current VRT ... in the
AW_EVENT_UNIVERSE_ATTRIBUTES event. Because of this, you have to maintain
the VRT value yourself. each time you want to update the display. There are
three stages to handling VRT ...

(1) When you receive the AW_EVENT_UNIVERSE_ATTRIBUTES event (after a
successful login), calculate and store the difference between the value in
supplied in the AW_UNIVERSE_TIME attribute and the local time on the client
machine at that point. Note that the VRT value is the number of seconds
since midnight on 1st Jan 1970 and so you need bear this in mind. You can
get a relative date/time by using VB's DateAdd function:

datetimeVRT = DateAdd("s", awSDK.AwUniverseTime, "1 Jan 1970 00:00:00")

HOWEVER, this will be based on midnight 1st Jan 1970 IN YOUR TIMEZONE and
will result in a date/time close to the current date/time IN YOUR TIMEZONE.

(2) Immediately after performing (1) ... i.e. still in the event handler ...
calculate the difference between the current date/time on your machine and
the value caluclated in (1). This will be the difference between the
relative VRT and your local time and should be a number of seconds.

offsetVRT = DateDiff("s", datetimeVRT, Now())

the value in offsetVRT will need to be available later.

(3) Each time you want to display the current VRT you will need to apply two
offsets to your local date/time ... the minor difference between the two
clocks (offsetVRT above) and the GMT - 2 adjustment. The first is simple
using VB's DateAdd function again, but the GMT value is where the Windows
API call comes in. I'm not going to go into it here, but I've attached a
small project that shows VRT on a form after logging in. The module
modTimeZoneSupport is taken from code I found in a vbCity forum, but
basically the GetUTCTime function will return GMT. Then you just need to
apply a -2 hour time difference with DateAdd (yet again) and Robert's your
father's brother ... VRT.

Don't expect to match the AW Browser VRT display ... it won't happen through
design, purely by coincidence.

Hope this helps.



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