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everything is bad

Feb 24, 2002, 10:57am
Oh grand pubah, you misspelt something! It's asinine, not "assinine."
Looks like someone's hypocritical.


"about reporting AW and MrGrimm to the FBI etc....Please, thats just

everything is bad

Feb 24, 2002, 5:44pm
Why not? :) Have to have some fun since I'm a hormonal teenager.


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What's wrong with you?

Feb 24, 2002, 3:45pm
Well.. again this is the same ignorance that bodhitah played onto. The fact
that everyone but themselves is immature. Watch out, this is bound to have
more snap backs. But I have a question, if you don't know that answers to
those questions below, does that make you innocent and immature as well?


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Feb 25, 2002, 6:45pm
Not if your world is open to everyone it doesn't. I tested it in my world.


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Law In "RL" vs Law In Computers

Feb 26, 2002, 3:55pm
> Okay, one more time.
> Point I:
> a) In the parlance of the Enlightenment, our civilization is a Social
> Contract. We agree to terms of how to relate to each other, what to expect
> of our government, etc.
> b) CyberSpace is absolutely not a Social Contract, and I am highly
> suspicious of any social engineering to make it so.


> Point II:
> In CyberSpace,
> a) If I am able to do something, I have the right to do it.
> (If I can type 20 lines of jibberish into a chat window in a public
> place, I have the right to do so.)

Just because you can do something doesn't mean you have the right to do it.
If I can burn down your house in real life does that make it right or legal,
just because I can? Same thing goes for the Internet, you have to follow
your local laws, and I'm pretty sure those of whom you offend or violate.
If you copy and sell games online (assuming they're copyrighted), and
someone finds out and reports it to the company, you're going to have a
lawsuit on your hands. You don't have a right to crack into someone's
computer either, but you can do it, it's not legal either unless you get

> b) If I am not able to do something, I do not have the right to do it.
> (Typing "::scratches chin::" is an unacceptable substitute for my
> scratching its chin.)

No, the internet is not an "alternative reality where laws do not exist."
Rules are rules (laws are laws), you have to follow them no matter what you


Word of warning World does port scanning......

Mar 1, 2002, 12:18am
There is a couple little programs that can record outgoing telegram
transmission. I suggest you get one of them in case you're asked for that
info again :). They're good for proving your point as well.


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Word of warning World does port scanning......

Mar 1, 2002, 12:51am
I'm pretty sure the uniserver doesn't log telegram data sent through it.
Even if it did they wouldn't be giving the PK's access to that data :).
That's why most of them ask you for the telegrams you recieved.


Word of warning World does port scanning......

Mar 1, 2002, 1:28am
Really? Can I see some of the proof you have it? No offense, I'm just
skeptical about that.


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Word of warning World does port scanning......

Mar 1, 2002, 1:43am
Well, I just asked Caring about that, she said no they do not have access.

Telegram from Caring, sent just now:
no...PKs don't have access to server telegram logs....but if we need to know
who ejected whom or who said something in chat...that kind of thing, then
AWCOM usually works with us

Although AW might, I still doubt that the server actually logs telegram


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Word of warning World does port scanning......

Mar 1, 2002, 1:50am
Oh, then again, may I see your proof? The pk's clearly have no access to
such a thing as you stated earlier. I just asked Caring if she knew if the
uniserver makes telegram logs.. she said:

Telegram from Caring, sent just now:
not to my knowledge

Telegram from Caring, sent just now:
I don't believe they can log telegrams....I have never heard of
it...however, anything is possible....but PKs are not privie to it even if
they do

If you can show me clear proof of this, I can believe you. Until then..
it's still a great chance that the server doesn't. It would still take a
long time to cyphon through all the telegram data too.


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Word of warning World does port scanning......

Mar 1, 2002, 1:51am
I'd just like some proof, it's not about winning. Just curious about what
the server is doing ;)


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Word of warning World does port scanning......

Mar 1, 2002, 1:55am
Ah, then it doesn't actually "log" them. It would just store them
temporarily. I didn't think about that log on part.. must've just slipped
my mind.


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Word of warning World does port scanning......

Mar 1, 2002, 2:08am
Yeah but in her later gram says she doesn't think tgram logs exist. Yeah,
they user their own form of a database.. might be compatible with SQL
though. But even then.. you'll get a lot of telegrams.. everyone in the
users history. Unless you know the exact date of which the offending stuff
was sent :).


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Word of warning World does port scanning......

Mar 1, 2002, 6:05pm
Jeez :) even my flames aren't this bad.


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Word of warning World does port scanning......

Mar 1, 2002, 6:11pm
That's in the eyes of the beholder :). But I really don't see what bin.
bud's main problem is.


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Port Scanning FYI

Mar 1, 2002, 9:21pm
None-the-less, name stealing is a very childish action. Even if it was his
friend that means he's trying to build a mob.. again another very childish
attitude.. "run away and get friends so you can fight the single guy."


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Just a thought

Mar 1, 2002, 6:14pm
Move it to wishlist then ;). It's really a wish.. I don't see it happening


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The Truth of Leo Mauk/BinaryBud

Mar 3, 2002, 3:43pm
You didn't have to go in his world. Port scanning isn't a harmful activity,
although it's associated with hacking it doesn't always mean that the person
is going to hack you.


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Mar 3, 2002, 6:18pm
> p.s. if that was suppost to be sarcasm at my expense, well only needs to
> said that Bud's english and grammar is MILES from elementary school level
> But i wasnt going to mention that, language use being proported to content
> value, in my opinion, is a little patethetic and childish.

;) Capitalize your I's and use periods! Couldn't help myself. :)
"Pathetic," you mean right?



Mar 3, 2002, 6:45pm
> Yes "pathetic" i meant, with a lower case P as a matter of fact.

It was capitalized because it was the beginning of a sentence.

> I am guessing here but "Capitalize" is actually spelt with "Capitalise" in
> an English dictionary :) However, if you are claiming that my american
> pseudo-english is possibly a litte on the flaky side, well i would incline
> to agree with you. I prefer to speak my native language, English, being
> that i am English.

American English is not fake, it's very much real. There's almost no
difference in the "actual" language, besides some spelling differences. I'm
not talking about the slang either, like petro being gas and the rest. I is
still "capitalised." Each country that speaks English has it's own
variations on your "nonpseudo-English."

> What do you mean use "Periods" ? You want me to get some girl's monthly
> discharges and do something with them ???? Hmmmmm, let me think. How
> about i creatively photograph them and post them to this group ?

No, that is slang. Periods are a punctuation mark denoting an ending.

> Sorry if the poor american pseudo-english offends along with a few
> puntuation mistakes, but i must say it is difficult in keeping up with the
> amount of bs that is going on with in this group.

I never said that it was violating American English, but periods and
capitlizing your I's is in violation of both.

> One last thing man, if you really do proport language use to content
> which i dont think you do, but if you do then i have an apology to make
> also. I'm sorry for mistaking you for intelligent. I hope you will
> accept this apology, if of course, it is required.

This was never meant as an attack, just pointing out that your grammar isn't
the best either. Please don't blame me for your mistakes, at least I
realize that your grammar wasn't the best when you pointed out that binary
bud's wasn't. Don't attempt to think that my logic was flawed in that
assumption, or that I'm less intelligent than I really am. This was
originally meant as a joke, but seeing as you're taking it out of context,
say whatever you wish.



Mar 3, 2002, 6:51pm
I think flagg is sick with the flu :\


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Mar 3, 2002, 7:34pm
> "is a little pathetic ", how on earth is that the beggining of a sentance
> ???

Reread my post, when I corrected your spelling, it was the beginning of a

> I'm
> is
> Not saying that Pseudo American English isnt real, and please get the
> context perfect on the phrase "pseudo american english" before responding
> this. All i was saying is, that you all claim you speak good "english",
> you dont, you speak good "pseudo american english".

Pseudo means false. My English is fine. My grammar and spelling are
oriented around American English. American English and UK English are two
different entities along the lines of dialect. Don't call my language
false, your language is "pseudo German," if we're going to base it on it's
origins then.

> Not in the English langauge, perhaps so in American Psuedo English ;)

I thought you were speaking your native English? Period is slang for a
woman's menstrual cycle. Even in UK English.

> sorry if you read it that way, who said any thing about violation ? Its
> apology if the misuse of **ENGLISH** offended.

Then you agree all forms of English are equally important in their basis of
grammar? Offend and violation are near synonymous. Your use of English
might offend me, just like binary's offends you. Sorry if mine offends you
so much that you need to call me less inteligent for it.

> isn't
> read what i said in my initial response, i claimed it to be pathetic(ok i
> spelt it "patathetic" in my original post) to proport language use to
> content worth. Which kind of implies, i accept that i may spell
> incorrectly now and again, and use poor punctuation, how ever i feel the
> content of your words, so long as it is legible, counts so much more.
> Which i had pointed out before your post and already accepted the point.

Now and again would be putting it lightly. Even so, claiming I'm less
intelligent because I pointed out your spelling and grammar mistakes has no
value, nor should you have included it inside your post. If you didn't want
a critique, then you shouldn't have pointed out that binary's English wasn't
the best either.



Mar 3, 2002, 8:07pm
> i think u need to be looking up the use of quotes ;)
> no justification for capitalisation with in quotes, unless it is the
> beginning of a sentance which you are quoting. You are quoting and
> correcting my spelling, therefore no capital, unless its not my words that
> you are correcting. If you want the capital, then drop the quotes if
> my words to which you are referring ;)

What the hell are you rambling about now? When I capitalized inside my
quotes it was the beginning of a new sentence in my post. I was quoting it
because it was from your original documentation, but not meant to cite you.
I used it to point out something, which is a legal use of the quotation

> Yes and Pseudo is what your english is, its an american version of the
> English language, and there for not the TRUE english language. If you
> wanted to be real piccy you could correct me and claim you speak Pseudo
> English, as strictly speaking Pseudo American English would be invalid.
> American English = Pseudo English.

There is no "true" English. It's a matter of dialect and formation of new
dialects. German was the original English with some Latin mixed in. Thus
your language is a pseudo German. It's picky, not piccy. UK English =
pseudo German.

> No, period, is not slang.

Period is slang. It's accepted but is a deviant of the true definition of a

> I agree that all forms of language are important in *communication*, how
> ever i feel it a little petty and childish to point out when some one
> doesn't strictly adhere to all rules of a specific language, when, the
> communication is equally as intelligible as if it had been written
> perfectly.

If it's petty and childish, why did you do it? Or why are you continuing
with this thread. The way you used it wasn't intelligible, if you had done
it in an English class, either American or in the UK, you would've been
failed. It's acceptable on the internet, not in the real world.

> I didnt point out you were not intelligent, i pointed out that i believe
> to be unintelligent, if you really beleive that the value of the content
> a piece of literature is directly proportional to the level of adhering to
> language rules. A little expanded there, but just to me precise.

I'm sorry I hold English standards in high regards and you do not. If there
was a book wrote that did not follow the conforms of standard written
English, do you think the publisher would publish it? No, you must follow
all grammatical rules when writing. Although it's accepted on the net to
not do that.

May I ask why you are continiously arguing an unambigious point? If you
don't like what I have to say hit the little - and don't hit the plus and
you'll never have to read it again. If you can't handle my critique of your
writing abilities, why did you point out that binary bud's was poor? If
you're going to dish out, you better be able to handle it being dished back



Mar 3, 2002, 8:41pm
> but u were quoting my mistake, if you hadnt used the quotes you would be
> correct. And yes a legal use of quotations, so long as you leave the
> you quote inside with in their context, i.e; the middle of a sentance

No, I was highlighting a word. Not to be confused with citing it, which is
what you're claiming.

> You TOTAL moron, i am ENGLISH, i live in and was born in ENGLAND, making
> ENGLISH, the language i speak is ENGLISH, TRUE ENGLISH, the fvkkin
> was named after my nation you spastik

No, try again, the "fvkkin" language you speak was named after the Angles,
which was one of the Germanic tribes that settled in future England after
the collapse of the Roman Empire. Anglish - > Inglish - > English. Which
progressed from German (Anglish) -> Old English (Inglish) - > Middle English
(Inglish) - > Present day English (English).

> Period is american english for full stop. Period is also another term
> used for "on the rag" or the *period* with in each month that a female
> bleeds her womb lining out of her cunt.

No a period is a set of time, not a full stop, nor have I ever seen or heard
it's use as a full stop. Period is slang for the menstral cycle, as you
just pointed out. Please watch your language. Go read webster and you'll
see what I mean. It'll state period is slang for the female menstral cycle.

> I do see it as petty and childish as i first said when i returned a
> to some one pointing it out. I also seem it pretty stupid to argue my
> language that i have been speaking for the last 30 years, in comparison to
> your own which is a psuedo form of english.

No you've been speaking a pseudo form of German. You don't seem very good
at following the standard written English rules. Perhaps you should go back
to school until you can learn that and argue a feasible point that way? If
you're going to tell me my English is wrong, at least learn to
type/read/speak/spell yours.

> "? If you don't like what I have to say hit the little - and don't hit
> plus and you'll never have to read it again. " - oh that is sad , lowering
> your self to the levels of BinaryBud, *trying* to use my own words against
> me, go read the posts again ;) I am quite happy to read and respond to
> your posts, do you see me whining any place telling you u shouldnt be
> posting ? You may see me disagreeing, but not telling you not to post
> because i dont want to read it. So really my words that you try to,
> 'cleverly', use against me, bear little value in this context.

Well if you're going to say them, why be a hypocrit and not follow them? I
see you whining that my language is a false form of yours. A bear is an
animal. If you're going to claim someone else has a poor grammar then you
better have some pretty good grammar yourself.

> you people truly are the most sorry sad bunch of retarded morons i have
> had the sad misfortune of ever encountering.

Then don't come here and read, just leave like you planed on doing. It's
your own misfortune for staying here, not ours. If we apphaul you so much,
leave the NG and never return. I'm not to heartbroken by it.


Gavroche has died.

Mar 4, 2002, 10:28pm
How about telling someone it'd be better for them to die? That sounds like
a morbid thing to say. You're lucky you didn't land in a court for that.


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Gavroche has died.

Mar 5, 2002, 10:38am
Then grow up and don't post garbage like this :

"go be depressed some where else, take your whining some else, i dont want
hear it
god, do you have to bring the newsgroup down with informing us how depressed
you are ?
do us all a favour, lol and yourself for that matter, n go kill your self :)
wouldnt have to listen to your boring incessant whining then :)"

If you're going to tell someone they're worthless you better expect a
message back at you. Maybe if you take your own advice and be pissy
elsewhere, you won't bring the newsgroup down.


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Gavroche has died.

Mar 5, 2002, 10:40am
Says all of us against you. 1 against the good majority of the newgroups.
I live in a democratic society and that pretty much means we win, you lose,
too bad, so sad. (and AWCom is in that society).


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Gavroche has died.

Mar 5, 2002, 8:28pm
Yeah, flagg's my hero!


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Gavroche has died.

Mar 6, 2002, 11:24pm
LoL it's probably non existant after we're all done with it ;)


ATTN: All those who are here for a NG, and not a circus

Mar 4, 2002, 2:24am
LOL that would be great, $50 on Eep.


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