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Mar 4, 2002, 7:15pm
Yeah ok.. and I'm Superman.


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SunOfSolaris' Street Cred had died.

Mar 4, 2002, 10:27pm
"or when adults are unable to handle something a little different from

Can you handle things different from yourself? Or how about views that are
not positive about you? Negative critiques are far from slander.


SunOfSolaris' Street Cred had died.

Mar 5, 2002, 10:35am
Who cares? I'm a hacker, damn proud of it too. They only insult every word
you say because of the way you act.. you act a little better around people..
you'll get better responses.


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This is ground control to Major Tom

Mar 4, 2002, 10:26pm
Much like that of your idiotic spam?

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This is ground control to Major Tom

Mar 5, 2002, 10:34am
They are discussing, parts of discussion involve negative comments as well
as the positive, an able body adult should be able to handle both. Or how
about you leave since we're such arrogant idiots?

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Dont reply to sunofsolaris

Mar 4, 2002, 11:09pm
LoL yeah, I'm sure he does the same for lots of people :)


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Mar 7, 2002, 8:33pm
Uh, try not to cross-post to newsgroups it doesn't belong too :) such as the
wishlist or sdk.


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The Virtual Olympics are on!

Mar 10, 2002, 12:56am
Truely you must be kidding. They're not going to sue some person for using
it. Even so, I don't see an © next to it anywhere, thus it's not
copyrighted. Is this going to be one of those if I say windows in a
sentence I must say "This trademark is copyright by Microsoft" things? It's
not copyrighted, it was designed by Baron Pierre de Coubertin in 1913 for
use in the olympic games to symbolize the 5 continents that particpated.
Really it's owned by Coubertin and until the IOC gets permission from him to
copyright it, it's fair game to be used anywhere. Are you going to turn him
into the IOC? Do you know what they're going to do? They're going to give
you the blind eye, they have better things to do.

SW Chris, maybe you should put a notice that the Olympic symbols are not
your design and belong to Coubertin? Then all will be well and we can let
people get on with their lives from this drastic event that's caused so much


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The Virtual Olympics are on!

Mar 10, 2002, 1:16am
Oh grow up you troll. I'm arguing it because you're completely wrong, the
IOC does not own the olympic ring symbols. If you knew anything about me
instead of what you "think" about me you wouldn't be an arrogant person.

Oh by the way, you've made my kill-file, good job.


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Mar 12, 2002, 7:48pm
Seems that all the countries that are poor want the US to help them first
before we fix our own problems.. It's not our fault their country is in
shambles. We probably give out the highest amount of money to charities
too.. It's always the US' fault..


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Mar 12, 2002, 8:14pm
> Actually the top 5 providers of aid are France, Denmark, Norway, Sweden,
> Germany.
> Per capita Europe is in the Over $100 per person aid provided while the US
> in the $10-$50 range per person.

Besides the per person.. I meant overall.. it's the amount that means
something in the end. Like if I were to give you $100,000 million and
someone else gives you $10 but that $10 is 100% of their income while that
100 thousand million is only 5% of my income.. which do you think is going
to do you better.. don't say the $10 because it's definately not true if you
were poor. I'm not saying the US contributes the most, but it's certainly a

It's the amount of money they were complaining about.

> The top 5 receivers are Sao Tome & P (where the hell is that?), Cape
> Djibouti, Surinam, and Mauritania.

Sao Tome sounds Asian? The rest sound African.


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Mar 12, 2002, 10:40pm
Not everyone shares the same views.. that's why people attack others.

What's right to the europeans isn't right to us, or what's right to us may
not be right to the Japanese.

If we could just get alone despite the fact we have likes and dislikes.
It's the feeling of prejudice that just because we're from a country that
does these things that we're all bad. Like many Europeans harbor the
feeling that the US is bad and they hate all of them. It's the same
prejudice as the kkk has towards black just because of their skin color, or
the black panthers towards the whites because of their skin color.

The whole point of the Al-queda/Bin laden attacks is that we support free
will and the values that we do. We stand for everything they hate so much.
We didn't attack them because we hate everything they stand for so much.. we
attacked them because of their actions against us and others.. yes against
us, we need to protect our own values. They may not be the same as others,
they may not be what you see as right, but they're right in our eyes.

It's never right to attack someone just because they're different, but it is
perfectly ok, at least in my eyes, to defend yourself against someone who is
attacking you. You can hate everyone you want, but you should never act on
that hate premeditated.

That's what I think is "right."


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Mar 12, 2002, 10:41pm
> If we could just get alone despite the fact we have likes and dislikes.

alone is along.. sorry


Mar 13, 2002, 5:55pm
We don't. We only bomb people who violate rules they agreed to or attack
unprovoked. We gave Afghanistan quite a bit of proof, he was already
charged with attacking the WTC the first time and admitted to doing it. And
they harbor al-queda troops.. they had their warnings. If it wasn't for
America the world would be a less hospitable place.. If you're not going to
reply then don't. ;) Everyone has different views, that doesn't make them
worth any less just because they're from a different country then you.


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Mar 13, 2002, 6:14pm
You don't define the loss of innocent lives as a "real issue?" You are one
morbid individual. You're always complaining that the US doesn't care and
doesn't give enough blah blah blah. Why don't *you* do something about it?
We do help, more then you think.. there may be an alterior motive but that's
life.. I'm sure that all countries that do it have one that they'll get some
sort of exchange out of it. We just display it more being a superpower..
everyone nitpicks our mistakes and doesn't look at all the good we've done.

The attack on the US was unprovoked.. we can't help that people are dying.
Yes, we can send money, but we have our own problems to deal with first. In
case you didn't realize, we're a relatively new country.. compared to the
European countries. They've had more time to work out economic and socials
issues that we haven't yet.

We weren't the only country to lose civilians in that attack. I personally
didn't lose anyone but I feel very sad for everyone died. There was no
point to the attack, and there's no point to tell us that things that happen
in our country are so insignificant. I don't think we ever told the world
they had to make a big deal out of it..

You seem to jump to a lot of conclusions about my country. Tell me
something good your country has done for mine. Can you? Why should we help
you first if you don't want to help us now? I'm sure Libya hasn't sent
money to the disaster relief agency in America.

Another thing.. if you hate the way we act, why are you using our services?
;) Windows, hotmail, outlook, they're all owned by Microsoft which is an
American Company. Or is our society not as bad as you claim?

If I sound peeved, sorry.. I just get worked up when people pinpoint another
person or country and go "hey I'm better." (or "hey my country's better")


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Mar 13, 2002, 6:50pm
this site is just a little of what we're doing :

Yes, it's run by an American owned organization. Just in that page alone
we're donating approx $26.85 million. That's quite a lot of money.. so
tell me how we don't help others in need..



Mar 14, 2002, 8:55pm
Um, I said a *little* of what we're doing.. for one country. You really
don't like it when Americans prove you wrong do you? You said we don't
help, when clearly we do, and quite a lot.. where's the 26 million you're
giving to America for aide to our homeless? Oh right, the world is our

Notice, it's for one country.


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Mar 15, 2002, 10:37am
You can't say we destroy more then we fix by looking at one country, name
another country we're attacking right now. Your original point was that we
don't help though.


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Mar 15, 2002, 5:57pm
:) exactly.. there's no basis.. and even if there is it's something like "oh
you're attacking a country." I don't have any controll over that so why be
prejudice towards me or other Americans?


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Mar 15, 2002, 11:50pm
This is an example of the bigotry in the world.

It's people like you that make us attack "innocent" countries. Tell us
everything we've done wrong in not defending ourselves. We've only attacked
a country to defend ourselves or others. Or to uphold rules that others
have agreed to (such as with Iraq).

You're the one who's "bitching" that we don't do anything to help others,
and we don't care. We really do.. whose country is doing the most AIDS
research.. uh mine. Which continent has the most people with AIDS.. uh
yours. (this is just an example, there's much more we do so don't say it's
the only thing)

I already told you why we bomb any country at all. We've attacked Iraq
because he agreed to let us check his weapons depots for weapons of mass
distruction. We did that for everyone's protection.. when you use a nuke,
it effects everyone. And we have no idea how a bio-weapon will effect the

Do you even know why we're attacking Afghanistan so diligantly? A good
majority of people there hate the Taliban so much.. it's really an evil
gov't power. How would you feal if you had to live in fear of doing
something wrong? Women have it the worse.. if they violate anything or show
their face etc.. they're beaten severly or killed. I may be speaking from
media corruption, but I really don't feel beating women is okay no matter
how you look at it.

Do you really have a reason to hate *every* American? Get a brain, we don't
all like what our gov't does. Why are you using our slang?.. thought you
hated us and our value system since we don't help others and bitch so much.
Apparently your country is the bestest place to live and is the nicest to
every other country.. guess what it's not. I bet you think life is going to
be great and you'll sail through it because you're part of the working
class.. guess what it's not. There's going to be people who act far worse
then your wildest imagination. Ignorance is bliss.. so is prejudice without
a real reason. Just because our government does evil things.. we're all
evil. Some of the nicest people you'll ever meet come from the US, so don't
act like you're all high and mighty compared to us.

No offense but we have no control over what our gov't does. If we tried to
rebel we'd more then likely be squashed like little bugs. Either violently
or politically or even economically. I'm not too proud that my president
wasn't really actually voted in or has to repeat himself every time he

Sorry for the long post, prejudice without a genuine reason, besides that
your parents are like that or it's based on what our gov't does, really
peeves me off. I bet you want to oppose everything we do with military
fighting don't you? What makes you any better then us if you do that?
You're upholding your values just like we are ours. Really, make educated
decisions about others.. don't jump to conclusions on what you think you
know, since you don't really know anything about the US besides what's
presented to you.


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Mar 16, 2002, 11:51am
> just to let u know, if that post was aimed at me(which i think it was) im
> not gonna bother reading it, too long....

Of course it was, the fact that you won't read it because it's too long
means you won't get all the truth. Just what you want to believe. Thus
bigotry is born.



Mar 16, 2002, 6:22pm
I know, but it still makes me mad when people saying "oh this isn't a
tragedy that all those people died.. stop making a big deal about it, it's
not important." Or the likes of something similar to that. My last
paragraphs were truth, how far do you think we'd get if we wanted to change
something about the gov't? If we suggest something to our senators, it gets
lost in the mess of other stuff they have to do and their corruption from
the big industries that pay them all off. Such as the tabacco industry. Oh

The red scare is a such example of opposition being removed btw ;)


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Mar 16, 2002, 9:46pm
> accully thats what i was saying, its not such a big deal compared to other
> things, and yall should stop all the self-pity. then the rest was just
> mis-interpretated, or i was sleepy and writing.

It doesn't matter, it's my country, it was an *attack*. I have every right
to feel remorse and anger. We also have every right to attack afghan for
harboring the fugatives that decided to do this attack.

The rest of the stuff around the world, such as starvation, are no where
near the same thing as an attack. Murder and natural death are two entirely
different things. Yes, starvation is a natural cause of death. (murder
within the same species is not)

No one said you had to feel bad for it, you just don't need to tell the rest
of us to stop feeling sad about it.



Mar 16, 2002, 9:57pm
> "besides that your parents are like that or it's based on what our gov't
> does, really peeves me off"
> go assuming things bout my parents again, ill rip ur balls outta ur mouth!

Then tell me why you don't like us being remorseful about an event that
destroyed more then 3000 innocent lives in one momment? What's so wrong
with people in the US posting about things that happened in the US, for
rememberence? Might I add the newsgroup is also located on a server in the
US.. you're the only one out of place at the moment.

> and now, it seems to me u totally misunderstode my point from the begining

Then be more clear why Americans shouldn't be sad about events that happened
in their country.

> "I bet you think life is going to
> be great and you'll sail through it because you're part of the working
> class"
> had no idea what u ment by that.....

Don't worry about it.



Mar 16, 2002, 11:59pm
Yeah but there's also the sense of duty most of the armed forces has to
serve their country. I really wish we could change some of the stuff
around, you know. There's a lot of things that need to be changed.
Constitution can be amended too :)


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Mar 17, 2002, 5:21pm
Then ignore it. You don't have to read all the posts, it's voluntary. Just
don't tell people they shouldn't care.


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Statistics show problems

Mar 16, 2002, 12:52pm
Maybe it's just me in the US that uses that when I write dates in that
format.. dang.

Either way 13/03/2002 should at least be able to figure out that the month
is second (don't know how he got 2 13's).


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Mar 12, 2002, 6:17pm
Sounds like an idea to me, but there was Olympic games before the United
states/England/etc ever existed, so how can they copyright those words?
It's like me saying, "Hey, I'm going to copyright is.. no one can use it
ever again without my prior permission."


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Mar 12, 2002, 6:55pm
LoL I think triangles would look better :)


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Mar 12, 2002, 7:35pm
Hmm.. that might look a little odd though. I've got two ideas for one.. but
my question is.. basically what are the virtual olympics? (how do you have
games and such?)


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