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jfk2 builder // User SearchCOMMUNITY WARNINGSep 13, 2001, 10:20am
Goober.... I'm in the Dreamland Park Universe and i see a few new
worlds start comming on line that were not there before and i go to their worlds and i see their home pages filled with warrnings about this bug or worm in AW [Active Worlds] and so i'm just mentioning that some of these people are jumping off AW and sending their worlds into Dreamland Park Universe to excape what is happening here most likely BUT dreamland Park Universe dosen't need or want that type of help to make that universe grow. If it's growing by people being that mean to others in another universe then we in Dreamland Park Universe don't want that. WE Want people who really WANT to be there not FORCED OFF by crooked means at the hands of some sick person deleting their AW Worlds. [I'm known as JFK2 In Dreamland Park Universe] "goober king" <rar1 at> wrote in news:3B9DF61B.1030507 at > Umm... no one ever said anything about Dreamland Park. Stop talking > about things that have no relevance to the topic at hand. > [View Quote] Re: HTML posts (was Re: Object Yard)Sep 11, 2001, 4:33am
well i guess i have to say i'm guilty of doing a few little posts in
html. But my little posts in html was in response to someone in here saying that they could do a gtml post smaller than most other can or something like that. <html><title>Tiny Post In Html</title><body><pre> And i did this just to be a little funny. lol </pre></body></html> "wing." <wing at> wrote in news:3b9d127a at > At one point there was a 50k post in an attempt to show how HTML > could be abused, made by myself. Unfortunately, it seems to have > given people Tyrell a justification to post more. As far as websites > being smaller than some HTML posts, has an > average HTML return, after the server processes your request based on > our PHP and databases, of only 5kb. Considering the fact that all our > graphics are consistant, once you get past the front page, you have > everything cached that you'll ever need for the site, except for a > few quick downloads for other images. "nova" <n at> wrote in > message news:3b94e3eb$1 at Terrorist attacksSep 11, 2001, 9:34pm
On the AW Community part of this newsgroups & on i've
started a thread about what never happens in VR Universes & Worlds but happens in the Real Universe and the Real World called EARTH. And in these times i do not stand behind a screen name... I prefer to stand with my Real STREET NAME Gerald Kieffer "wing." <wing at> wrote in news:3b9e8b81 at > Give 'em hell. > [View Quote] Memerial World to open shortlySep 14, 2001, 4:23pm
In Dreamland Park Universe on the Dreamlan World I have set up a nice
spot where you can leave your messages and cards regarding what has transpired the last several days. This is a place for anyone that wants to visit Dreamland Park Universe an opportunity to express their feelings. This is a place where TOURISTS & CITIZENS alike may express themselves The UNIVERSE IS = Dreanland Park Universe = browser WORLD = Dreamlan World 69s 3w 0.01a 180 "just in" <justefyde at> wrote in news:3ba18ef7 at > Many people wish to express their feelings and leave a message for a > loved one lost or make their feelings known. The memorial world is a > response to the feelings of the general people. This surely is what > aw is about.... people talking about their feelings and talking with > others. An area where this can be viewed and where people can leave > their mark at this time is what is being constructed...Thank you..... Memerial World to open shortlySep 14, 2001, 8:09pm
I'm going to do a follow to my post here BUT at the Dreamland Park
Universe gate world it's sure a tearful site to see all the worlds flags at half mast. INCLUDING the Dreamland Park Universe one is at half mast. And on the gate world it's a tearful sigit to see many of the staff's cards and messages and a special memorial built for all people to see and weap. And if you need to express yourselves i have created this spot on Dreamlan World 69s 3w 0.01a 180 for those that want to may place messages and cards and small builds there... "jfk2 builder" <jfk2 at> wrote in news:Xns911C90E8B7F38jfk2jfkmusiccom at > In Dreamland Park Universe on the Dreamlan World I have set up a nice > spot where you can leave your messages and cards regarding what has > transpired the last several days. This is a place for anyone that > wants to visit Dreamland Park Universe an opportunity to express > their feelings. > > This is a place where TOURISTS & CITIZENS alike may express > themselves > > The UNIVERSE IS = Dreanland Park Universe > = browser > WORLD = Dreamlan World > 69s 3w 0.01a 180 > > "just in" <justefyde at> wrote in > news:3ba18ef7 at > Memerial World to open shortlySep 14, 2001, 9:55pm
OK... I did my thing early yesterday and i should have obtained
permission first before i did my little thing on Dreamland Park Universe on the Dreamlan World 69s 3w 0.01a 180 I did it out of something i wanted [NEEDED} to do as that attack against the USA was also an attack against my home state. I only live 300 miles [482 km] from New York City and to me it was like it happening in my own back yard. SO tonight all the caretakers have approved of my doings there and it's ok for anyone Tourists as well as Citizens alike to leave your messages and a card or other small build there. Dreamland Park Universe = The free browser Dreamlan World 69s 3w 0.01a 180 [Looking South] you will see 3 huge Red and White and Blue signs and that is the location and beyond to leave your thoughts and feelings be known. The reason why i'm announcing this news in AW is not all of us have access to OR want to have access to that AW special world and may want another place to let their wishes and thoughts be known. AND because of me you now have one and it's a FREE BUILD AREA on Dreamlan World in Dreamland Park Universe 69s 3w 0.01a 180 [looking South] "just in" <justefyde at> wrote in news:3ba1ec37 at > Its open. A world hosted by AWC > > Come in, leave a small sign, or make a small or large build, or just > chat > > Regards, Justin > > PS: thanks goes to OneSummer, The Observer, phalaphe, IHNK, HamFon > and Mountain Myst for their help and time > > [View Quote] Memerial World to open shortlySep 15, 2001, 6:55am
Also i have established a Memorial Park in Outerworlds Universe on the
Citizens World 0n 5w 0.01a 90 where people can go and leave a message or card [NO BUILDS AS IT's SHORT ON SPACE] regarding your feelings over the past several days. = FREE Browser. the Citizens World is for CITIZENS Only There is another spot i have created in Outerworlds for TOURISTS BUILD ONLY WORLD That would is called Tourists World 0n 7w 0.01a 90 [I had to become a tourist to create it SO PLEASE DO NOT DELETE IT] All the locations are to leave your messages and cards and your thought and feelings of the past several days in a memorial type of thing for those that use more than one VR Program. Outerworlds has 2 of them AND I created the one at Dreamland Park Universe as well BUT that one can be used by both TOURISTS & CITIZENS and that is on Dreamlan 69s 3w 0.01a 180 The one in Dreamlannd Park Universe is big enough to hold small builds as well as messages and cards It's a quite a tearful sight to see in Dreamland Park Universe to see all the nations of flags at half mast and flowers at GZ each with a message on them... So for awhile DLPGate [GZ when you enter that universe] has been transformed into a huge memorial. "just in" <justefyde at> wrote in news:3ba18ef7 at > Many people wish to express their feelings and leave a message for a > loved one lost or make their feelings known. The memorial world is a > response to the feelings of the general people. This surely is what > aw is about.... people talking about their feelings and talking with > others. An area where this can be viewed and where people can leave > their mark at this time is what is being constructed...Thank you..... Memerial World to open shortlySep 15, 2001, 9:42am
I see someone else got my idea here in Outerworlds Universe and has
started a world called FREEDOM = A Memorial World To The Events Of The WAR ON THE USA = A WAR ON US ALL This is a world where tourists & citizens may leave a message or card or small build. To find out the objects to use in this special world it is They are using this path for the models, textures, sounds, avatars seqs and it makes for a nice thing here in FREEDOM world. I've allready posted my thoughts and while i may sound nice in some respects. In something else in a way I'm not nice. Let Us Pray For All Of The Living For They Morn The Lost create sign bcolor=red color=white Let Us Pray For The World Leaders For What They Must Now Do create sign bcolor=white color=b Let Us NOT Pray For The TERRORISTS For They Surely Will Burn In HELL create sign bcolor=blue color=white Yes i'm MEAN... But i'm only MEAN to the terrorists and no one else. -------------------------------------- PLUS my other 2 spots in Outerworlds Universe you may leave a message or card Citizens World 0n 5w 0.01a 90 AND Tourists World 0n 7w 0.01a 90 = FREE Browser -------------------------------------- AND my spot on Dreamland Park Universe in Dreamlan World 69s 3w 0.01a 180 Just look for the 3 HUGE RED, WHITE, BLUE signs to leave your messages & cards or a small build. = FREE Browser "just in" <justefyde at> wrote in news:3ba18ef7 at > Many people wish to express their feelings and leave a message for a > loved one lost or make their feelings known. The memorial world is a > response to the feelings of the general people. This surely is what > aw is about.... people talking about their feelings and talking with > others. An area where this can be viewed and where people can leave > their mark at this time is what is being constructed...Thank > you..... Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!Sep 15, 2001, 5:09pm
I'm going to post this with Chucks Party that they Just In AND
OneSummer [I had good reason and inside source before my last boot from AW that OneSummer is NOT satying for much longer in Broadway World] WILL DELETE things for no good reasons. Just ask Princess Esther if she could ever find her build in Broadway world again... You'll find the build in NewYork World faster than in Broadway world. Just In & OneSummer delete more builds in Broadway world that it's smarter and wiser just to go into some other world or universe and do your messages & cards & small builds in these other universes than put up with AW and Just In and OneSummer. BUT that said there several other places that you can leave a message regarding your feelings for the past several days and all of them EXCEPT ONE are sites I have created in these smaller universes. = Download the FREE Browser [Uses AW Technology] Then head to the 2 sites i have started. TOURISTS World = this world only tourists may build there so please do not delete these things here. 0n 7w 0.01a 90 CITIZENS World = Only those who have paid their $19.95 per year may build here 0n 5w 0.01a 90 At all of my 2 locations you may leave a message or card or small build THIS other world someone set up for this. FREEDOM World anyone my build or leave a message or card. ------------------------------------------------------------- = download the FREE Browser. This again uses AW Technology. Head to DREAMLAN World 69s 3w 0.01a 180 and anyone TOURISTS & CITIZENS may leave a message or card or small build there. [At Dreamland Park Universe I did my build WITHOUT ASKING FOR PERMISSION... On AW i would have had PK 67 & PK 14 asking me a ton of stupid questions. ALL i did was tell Anne & Mrs. Jazz to please forgive me for what i have done. They each saw what i did and congratulated me and support what i did. The differences of AW and a smaller universe i guess.] ------------------------------------------------------------- But these are the alternate places that either I have set up OR someoene else has for this occasion. AND at all the other places you will not have to put up with Just In's or OneSummer's ideals or beliefs. "chucks party" <Chucks_Party at> wrote in news:3ba384e8 at > Well guess what, you all can go to hell, I don't give a good shit > anymore, but I will be telling all I know about this to everyone I > know. We will see how far they are allowed to get away with this BS. > If all those dead people knew half as much as I do about those 2 they > would not let them have any part of this so called Memorial World, > it's a joke. You couldn't pay me to build anything for those 2 on any > world they have anything to do with, I have already had one build I > made on a world they had something to do with deleted, I won't let it > happen again. They are wolves in sheeps clothing and I will be > launching a full protest against them. Just say no to Memorial > World. Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!Sep 15, 2001, 6:02pm
I agree with Chucks Party...
That is why i have been EJECTED FROM AW AGAIN [Permantly this time and i couldn't attend CP's Party because of that EJECTION FROM AW.] Liost of people that DISLIKE or HATE both Just In and OneSummer 1 - Chucks Party 2 - Myself [JFK2, JFK2 Helper, JFK2 Builder] 3 - PeteHetherington [and his wife] 4 - Princess Esther 5 - Eratheus 6 - FriendPA 7 - Danny 2k 8 - XTC 9 - Lord Christopher 10 - Capt. Akula [now it's Admiral Akula] 11 - Rose 12 - Borgs4Ever 13 - Twigs 14 - OX64 15 - Fender Strait [Yk2000 won the CY Awards and he is the entertainment there] 16 - Big T [he had a build in Broadway BUT it's deleted] 17 - Padfoot 18 - Anduin Lathario 19 - Ryan [n a y R] 20 - Etc... Etc... and i can't remember some more of my friends but they all either DISLIKE Just In & OneSummer or downright HATE Just In AND OneSummer. and that is within 1 year... I sure hope that Broadway World is NOT around for another year. and if it is that would NOT be OKAY. "chucks party" <Chucks_Party at> wrote in news:3ba30247 at > You couldn't pay me to go in that world if Just In and OneSummer have > anything to do with it. It has always been a big popularity contest > for them and Just In trying to find ways of scamming people for > money. I only see this as one more attempt by them to make everyone > believe they actually care about people. They aren't fooling anyone > in AW and I have a memory like an elephant. I have also spoke to > enough people now to know these 2 have been up to no good for a very > very long time. They are an insult to the human race and I refuse to > have anything to do with them. They are disliked by more people than > I care to count or remember at this point. OneSummer actually had the > nerve to come to my birthday party that she was not invited to and > when I told her she was not welcome here, she stayed and welcomed and > ((((((((HUGS)))))))) and all that fake crap she does to try and get > people to like her anyway. My friends do not associate with her or > Just In and she purposely stayed at my party just to piss me off. If > anyone needs to be ejected it's those 2, permanently. > > [View Quote] Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!Sep 15, 2001, 6:09pm
and this is the thing that Just In got so teed off with me for BOT
COPYING his build at AW 500s 400w about. He was PISSED off at me. YET he for some perverted reason thinks it's ok for him to BOT COPY everyone elses builds BUT he gets PISSED off when i BOT COPY his Build in AW 500s 400w. So you can see how Just In's mind works... LIKE A MENTAL NUT JOB if you ask me. Princess Esther when she was leaving there mentioned that about OneSummer and Just In that they BOTH are MENTAL "chucks party" <Chucks_Party at> wrote in news:3ba36439 at > Yes and now I find out they copied everyones builds from Myssie's > build site where many people built things on Alpha, they bot copied > everyones builds to make this new memorial world, sheesh don't they > ever stop. I'm glad I didn't build there now because if they had > copied my build from Alpha to their memorial world, I would be more > than pissed off. I can't believe AW allows these 2 to get away with > rules we all are suppose to adhere to, stealing builds from people is > against AW's rules. > > [View Quote] Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!Sep 15, 2001, 6:18pm
I'll be happy to send Just In some MONEY....
I'll print up some FUNNY MONEY with a picture of my foot heading straight for Just In's BUTT!!!! [EVIL SMILING GRIN!!!] What is your address so i can send all $50,000 in ONES [Funny Money JI's BUTT-Ones] Chuck.... Maybe with a little luck i can tweak that info from Kellee as to where JI lives so i can send him all of these JI's BUTT-ones Funny Money. "just in" <justefyde at> wrote in news:3ba36b40 at > Memorial world is owned by AWC The world was created by them, and if > you have a problem with the bot copy take it to Hamfon as he did that > before Summer was asked to help out. Personally I've heard no > complaints. > > And as for the rest of the rhetoric, does this mean you won't send me > any money Chucks? *smile* > > Regards, Justin > > [View Quote] Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!Sep 15, 2001, 6:51pm
The only way that Just In and OneSummer know of any PAIN is when it
hits them directly. ALL others pains they know nothing about. BUT how can 2 people that are so MENTALLY DISTURBED know of pain? [Princess Esthers grams to me & her friends Grams to me of the entire event of them having the last huge fight with OneSummer and BOTH Princess Esther and Eratheus calling Just in and OneSummer MENTALLY SICK]... That means that OneSummer and Just In would not have any way to realize that their MENTAL sickness is affecting all of the others on AW. I found out their mental sickness is to DELETE all of those people like me who are very vocal and do what i do to RID AW of these very sick 2 people. If anyone needs a MENTAL HOSPITAL really extreamly bad it's Just In and OneSummer. Those two need a MENTAL Hospital. And since i know that most mental SICK people may not be fully aware that they are doing naughty then maybe all of AW should get together and raise some $$ for the best MENTAL hospital for Just In and OneSummer to attend. "chucks party" <Chucks_Party at> wrote in news:3ba39c3e at > In addition all the builds at this location have been bot copied > without the consent of the builders who made them to create Memorial > World. Telegram from Myssie, sent Tue Sep 11, 2001 7:14 PM: > Hi all. I have started a memorial in aw 8954.2N 3040.1W 0.0a 2 for > the victims of this attack. Please stop by and leave something and > pass this on. I have 4x4, 5x5 and 6x6 lots. The site is still under > construction so please bare with me as I build. TY > Just people trying to make some kind of gain off of other people once > again. I am so sick of AW allowing people like this to do whatever > the hell they want with other people's builds and then suffer no > consequences from it but only get the credit for something they had > nothing to do with by people that never built anything there in that > world, this whole thing sickens me and you all should be ashamed of > yourselves taking advantage of people that are in such pain already. > > [View Quote] Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!Sep 15, 2001, 6:58pm
Maybe one reason why you bother Just In is because YOU actyually read
that html site BUT so far no one else in these NGS has... You know but NOT even CP knows... So with what you know may that is why you even bother. "just in" <justefyde at> wrote in news:3ba3afc6 at > sheesh - why do I bother? > > The ONLY builds EVER deleted in Broadway World by myself and > OneSummer are those built in either our own accounts or those built > in the "BW Helper" account, and almost always they are things we > ourselves created, with an occasional build by someone else in the BW > Helper that we wanted to improve upon. > > Princess Esther is free to build or delete her builds in Broadway as > she likes, as is every other person. > > OneSummer is an owner of Broadway and is staying that way. Broadway > is a public building world and will stay that way. > > Regards, Justin > > > [View Quote] Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!Sep 15, 2001, 7:13pm
Chuck... That is why all the members of AW and those that read this NGS
should just for once pop into Outerworlds Universe and pop into this world there called CITIZENS World. [If you are NOT a citizen and you build there it will be deleted pretty fast.] Tourists have their own world to build in though. BUT everyone should look at this simple little build there on CITIZENS World.... The theme of the build is "Oops... I Missed My Turn" and right click on the WHO BUILT it will shock most people in AW... Only a few people know who built it for sure and one of them is RYAN [n a y R] But i'm glad it shocks no one in Outerworlds Universe as they all know me there. But it does send a very strong message to certain people that if they were to see this build they will laugh for one thing... BUT on the other hand they will see my feelings on a certain subject matter. = FREE 3.1 Browser. "chucks party" <Chucks_Party at> wrote in news:3ba3bd39 at > Yes I know JFK and AW supports their actions and condemns yours, they > are just as guilty as you are. I for the life of me will never > understand it. They continue to let certain people do harm to this > community and it must be stopped at all costs. > > [View Quote] Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!Sep 15, 2001, 10:41pm
It's a little late to tell me where it's located... It's going to be a
little hard for me to pop in there right now... The only way for me to actually see that will be a file transfer of someones dir where it's located in... [IP BLOCKED} is why it's a tiny bit hard for me now. "just in" <justefyde at> wrote in news:3ba3cc6d at > Hamfon brought in the bot copy whilst working with Midnight Madness - > both of AW Corp. It was there way before I knew about the existance > of Memorial World. Summer was asked by Midnight Madness for help to > build (new) the GZ area and guide people where they could build. I > came later to help. > > I have never bot copied anyone's build other than my own, with the > only exception being assisting to move AWUniv Contest first prize > winning entries to their new permanent location in AWUniv, at the > request of and to assist that world's caretaker. They can be found > in AWUniv in the contest section built under AWUniv account. > > Regards, Justin > [View Quote] Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!Sep 16, 2001, 1:35pm
Actually any world that involves Just In sickens me.
BUT it has become the focos of so much hate in AW that Just In should pack his PEDOPHILE BAGS and head for the hills [SLANG FOR GET OUT OF TOWN and AW alltogether. He has stated many times that there are 3d things he could get involved with and maybe his talents would be better served there than on AW and stiring much hate with people and anything he touches with his PEDOPHILE ways and it just plain dirties it a little. For those of you that choose NOT to be involved in AW and it's memorial because of it being in the wrong hands [Just In and/OR OneSummer] or AW period... You may send all your messages or cards or small builds at = FREE AW like browser Outerworlds Universe FREEDOM World [you can use the entire world there] 2nd spot is in CITIZENS World 0n 5w 0.01a 90 3rd spot is in TOURISTS World 0n 7w 0.01a 90 = FREE AW like browser Dreamlan World 69s 3w 0.01a 180 and look for the 3 HUGE RED, WHITE, BLUE signs I have started and place your messages, cards or small builds there. BUT in all of these other places you will not have to put up with Just In's PEDOPHILE Ways and his ideals or his PEDOPHILE Beliefs. RE Pete And wife... Pete's wife was shot out of Broadway World for the only reason that Pete is my friend. While Pete my not have any AX to grind with Just In & or OneSummer... His wife certanily does. [I HAVE THEIR CHAT LOGS THEY SENT ME RE THE INCIDENT] RE FriendPA = she may not HATE Just In... BUT she does hate him enough where she has stated many times that she wished he would NEVER EVER ENTER NewYork World EVER AGAIN and him being a PEDOPHILE is her main reason why she could never give into his STUPID IDIOTIC DEMANDS. She often has mentioned that every time he did step his PEDOPHILE feet into NEW York World he dirtied it for her and he just about drove FriendPA into a STROKE &/or HEART ATTACK. As it was it was a severe STRESS ATTACK. Those are sad facts of Just In's life i guess... BUT i can see that AW loves PEDOPHILES and the way they show they LOVE PEDOPHILES is to allow them to be a caretaker of a Memorial World. [[[[[ FOR ALL OTHERS... Please forgive me for my outrage BUT this does deserve some outrage. If this is a FLAME war then let the flames continue on as that NGS has a section for flames and take it off of AW's... Thanks ]]]]] "wings0nite" <Irene at> wrote in news:MPG.160debc814cb365598968a at > Oh man :( In view of this past week this thread sickens me. I just > want > to return to some form of my life before the tragedy in my country. I > want to know that my life is safe once again and more importantly I > want to be able to escape to my virtual world for solstice. Memorial > World is a world that AWCOM created so the AW community could come > together and mourn and could leave a build if they wished. It is my > understanding that One Summer was asked by AWCOM to get this world > put together (ground zero, lots, everything) so it could be open this > weekend for folks to come in and leave something (anything) that > would help them cope and perhaps give them something to do -- a way > of dealing with the horror. I went into Memorial last night (Friday > night my time USA West Coast) to find a very tired frantic One Summer > trying to keep things going there. She had not slept the night before > as she was awake most of the night laying land and trying to make the > world right for the AW citizens. I understand what deadlines are like > so I volunteered to help out. She put me on greeting patrol :-) It > was very rewarding as I don't live near the disaster sites to be able > to offer my help in the real world. Just In was there as well. I > don't know him that well and I greeted him and he helped me get > started. I told him when we ran out of lots for the people to build > on and he went and made some new lots while I was greeting. > > My opinion of One Summer and Just In is that they seem to be very > nice folks and community minded. Enuf said about them except that > they were not responsible for the "bot copied" builds. An AW employee > bot copied those builds and a sign has been erected at GZ Memorial to > the people whose builds they copied that if the builders object, > their builds will be removed. One of the builds copied was a good > friend of mine (Myssie) and if I were she I would be flattered that > my build was that good. Heck, I WISH they had copied my build. > Copying my build? That is a high form of flattery in my mind. Lara of > the AW object yard offers teleports to all her builds so that people > can use her ideas, and copy her... > > Chuck's Party is a really good friend of mine and hopefully that will > not change after this post. I love Chuck's need to "make the > community aware of any wrong doing" and I respect that in his mind he > is trying to help the community at large. Chuck was one of the best > assistants I ever had on Nova where he still has eminent domain. I do > not fear that this post will make Chuck angry at me enough to destroy > Nova because basically Chuck is a very nice person and wants the > world to be the way he views it should be. He would not stoop that > low to punish me for saying something nice about One Summer and Just > In by destroying my world. Chuck is too nice for that but I know > sometimes it is hard to understand where a person is coming from by > just reading his/her posts here. Chuck needs to step back a bit > though on this one and think about the real reason for the Memorial > world. Memorial world helped me and my husband. We both spent many > hours watching our country attacked. We cried together, day after day > --- last week was a horror! In addition, on Friday I learned that my > boss has terminal cancer. Last night I came online and saw that AW > had created Memorial. I went in there and created a small build and > my husband helped me although he doesn't frequent AW. So Memorial did > what it was supposed to do. It became a place for folks to go to talk > about the horror, to leave a message in the form of a build ... > > In closing I am hoping we can end this ugly post and flame war. JFK > made a list of people hating One Summer and Just In and added another > friend of mine PeteHetherington [and his wife] and I know for a fact > that this is not true. Pete and his wife have no ax to grind with OS > or JI. He also added FriendPA who is a sweetheart and I doubt hates > anyone. He also added Fender Strait whom I know and seriously doubt > hates anyone (maybe he is one that dislikes them) but I doubt it. JFK > seems to invent things as he needs to and that is scary. I wish that > JFK could find the peace that he so desperately needs because I'm > sure in his heart he is a good person. > > As far as the original posts about New York (owned by FriendPA) and > Broadway (owned by One Summer) my thinking was that Just In should > not have done what he did with his objects. Making a mirror world was > wrong as we can see from the aftermath ... maybe a world called Los > Angeles would have been a better move but it is far too late to go > there especially now that there is no longer a World Trade Center in > New York... > > Peace and Love to all of you. I rarely post here because Eep usually > tries to make me look foolish and makes himself look so instead, but > I needed to say this. I continue to read the ngs however... > > I would like to say something written by a voice of my generation (I > graduated from High School in 1969) > > ALL WE ARE SAYING > IS GIVE PEACE A CHANCE > > Wings0nite > Owner Nova and Implode Co-Owner of Healing w/ Myssie Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!Sep 16, 2001, 1:39pm
Ohhh.... I'm going to mention it here...
If any of you would like to launch your own PROTEST about AW's Memorial World being in the wrong hands... HERE is the URL you can read and write your protest to... ENJOY... All of you who read this NGS please read it and make your LOUD PROTESTING MINDS & HEARTS BE KNOWN "wings0nite" <Irene at> wrote in news:MPG.160debc814cb365598968a at > Oh man :( In view of this past week this thread sickens me. I just > want > to return to some form of my life before the tragedy in my country. I > want to know that my life is safe once again and more importantly I > want to be able to escape to my virtual world for solstice. Memorial > World is a world that AWCOM created so the AW community could come > together and mourn and could leave a build if they wished. It is my > understanding that One Summer was asked by AWCOM to get this world > put together (ground zero, lots, everything) so it could be open this > weekend for folks to come in and leave something (anything) that > would help them cope and perhaps give them something to do -- a way > of dealing with the horror. I went into Memorial last night (Friday > night my time USA West Coast) to find a very tired frantic One Summer > trying to keep things going there. She had not slept the night before > as she was awake most of the night laying land and trying to make the > world right for the AW citizens. I understand what deadlines are like > so I volunteered to help out. She put me on greeting patrol :-) It > was very rewarding as I don't live near the disaster sites to be able > to offer my help in the real world. Just In was there as well. I > don't know him that well and I greeted him and he helped me get > started. I told him when we ran out of lots for the people to build > on and he went and made some new lots while I was greeting. > > My opinion of One Summer and Just In is that they seem to be very > nice folks and community minded. Enuf said about them except that > they were not responsible for the "bot copied" builds. An AW employee > bot copied those builds and a sign has been erected at GZ Memorial to > the people whose builds they copied that if the builders object, > their builds will be removed. One of the builds copied was a good > friend of mine (Myssie) and if I were she I would be flattered that > my build was that good. Heck, I WISH they had copied my build. > Copying my build? That is a high form of flattery in my mind. Lara of > the AW object yard offers teleports to all her builds so that people > can use her ideas, and copy her... > > Chuck's Party is a really good friend of mine and hopefully that will > not change after this post. I love Chuck's need to "make the > community aware of any wrong doing" and I respect that in his mind he > is trying to help the community at large. Chuck was one of the best > assistants I ever had on Nova where he still has eminent domain. I do > not fear that this post will make Chuck angry at me enough to destroy > Nova because basically Chuck is a very nice person and wants the > world to be the way he views it should be. He would not stoop that > low to punish me for saying something nice about One Summer and Just > In by destroying my world. Chuck is too nice for that but I know > sometimes it is hard to understand where a person is coming from by > just reading his/her posts here. Chuck needs to step back a bit > though on this one and think about the real reason for the Memorial > world. Memorial world helped me and my husband. We both spent many > hours watching our country attacked. We cried together, day after day > --- last week was a horror! In addition, on Friday I learned that my > boss has terminal cancer. Last night I came online and saw that AW > had created Memorial. I went in there and created a small build and > my husband helped me although he doesn't frequent AW. So Memorial did > what it was supposed to do. It became a place for folks to go to talk > about the horror, to leave a message in the form of a build ... > > In closing I am hoping we can end this ugly post and flame war. JFK > made a list of people hating One Summer and Just In and added another > friend of mine PeteHetherington [and his wife] and I know for a fact > that this is not true. Pete and his wife have no ax to grind with OS > or JI. He also added FriendPA who is a sweetheart and I doubt hates > anyone. He also added Fender Strait whom I know and seriously doubt > hates anyone (maybe he is one that dislikes them) but I doubt it. JFK > seems to invent things as he needs to and that is scary. I wish that > JFK could find the peace that he so desperately needs because I'm > sure in his heart he is a good person. > > As far as the original posts about New York (owned by FriendPA) and > Broadway (owned by One Summer) my thinking was that Just In should > not have done what he did with his objects. Making a mirror world was > wrong as we can see from the aftermath ... maybe a world called Los > Angeles would have been a better move but it is far too late to go > there especially now that there is no longer a World Trade Center in > New York... > > Peace and Love to all of you. I rarely post here because Eep usually > tries to make me look foolish and makes himself look so instead, but > I needed to say this. I continue to read the ngs however... > > I would like to say something written by a voice of my generation (I > graduated from High School in 1969) > > ALL WE ARE SAYING > IS GIVE PEACE A CHANCE > > Wings0nite > Owner Nova and Implode Co-Owner of Healing w/ Myssie Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!Sep 16, 2001, 2:09pm
It's a little hard to forgive that DUMB ASS
PEDOPHILE Just In when HE and his friend KELLEE with her top AW connections gets you run out of town.... So that is why i'm going to be a little BITTER... Just In's idea of a RESOLVE A FIGHT is to get you barred so he can keep right on doing what he wants with no disruption to his PEDOPHILE ways. He and his friend KELLEE can run everyone into the hole. But they can't touch Outerworlds OR Dreamland Park Universe... That i'm glad. NOR can they touch City4All, Cybernet Universe, Flatland,, Cyberworlds Universe, Bloxim Worlds, Galaxy Worlds Universe. and i'm either a cit at most of them or a tourist at some of them. [And right now as far as i know... NEITHER have a CIT in either universe EXCEPT for AW] "bodhi" <Certainty at> wrote in news:3ba42015$1 at > I don't get why ppl are so mean to each other... > > Chuck, I own and manage worlds in AW and OW > and I reserve the right as owner to delete anything > I like in worlds I PAY for. If you don't like it don't > build in world where I have authority. > > Just In can be a dumb ass but he IS one of us, > we can't expect America to heal if we can't put > our little grievances aside and FORGIVE each > other... > > I'm friends with everyone tho I, lol, have many > disagreements all the time and I'm often times > completely wrong... > > That's what ppl do, but hey man - bitterness and > anger at Ppl will only end in more and more pain > for YOU - give it up mate! It's not worth it! > > [View Quote] Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!Sep 16, 2001, 3:14pm
My only wrong was trying to engage a little war with Just In...
BUT as allways Just In has to go run to Kellee who has TOP AW SUPPORT and that gets me poofed. [Vanished]... But Just In can roam very freely now... That is why i strongly support all good decent people to start a universe of their own and let AW go burning into whatever along with all of it's fools and Just In and Kellee and OneSummer... Most of you don't realize it.... But teaching how to build in the other universes is much more rewarding than it is in AWSchool... If you happen to see this tourist in Outerworlds Universe by the name of "ODDYSEE" you can ask him who was the nice kind person who tought him how to build... He might be hanging around TOURIST World there. You don't have BACK STABBING Kellee, Just In, OneSummer and that can be very happy indeed. That is one of the reasons why i would continue my CIT in Outerworlds Universe... I see someone in TOURIST World and i pop in there to see if they need any help and about 30% - 50% of the time they do need some help and that is very rewarding and very pleasurable. YES... Outerworlds has it's share of teachers... But it's alot disorganized and the best way is to hang around and have fun BUT keep an eye on TOURIST WORLD. If you see someone in there pop in and look and if they seem to be having trouble ask and if needed lend a hand or two. "kah" <kah at> wrote in news:3ba4d2d7 at > well, you obviously have been a "bad boy" to get banned from the > universe, heh? > > KAH > [View Quote] Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!Sep 16, 2001, 3:18pm
Just In is completely innocent of being a PEDOPHILE?
Then how do you explain his arrest and conviction and hanging around with The Wonnderland Internet Pedophile Gang and they all got arrested. BUT i do think that all of thise should continue on to so no one gets AW's NGS Boot. "kah" <kah at> wrote in news:3ba4d444 at > oh, get off it! it was proved that Just In was completely innocent, > and that Chuck's Party had been having fun faking stuff just to frame > Just In! YOU have got a bunch of abuse reports on your neck as well, > you don't wanna get even more... > > KAH > PS. we haven't heard from M a r c us for a while... maybe all those > reports got him cut off, hmm? who wants to take a bet on who'll be > first of Chuck's Party and JFK2? > [View Quote] Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!Sep 16, 2001, 6:37pm
I'm NOT trying tio sell you on some other universe.
All i'm trying to say is If you want to leave a message or card or small build and do so on something BETTER than AW and something being controlled by Just In & OneSummer then you can go here... = FREE AW like browser FREEDOM WORLD = You can use all of this world OR these 2 locations I HAVE SET UP CITIZENS World 0n 5w 0.01a 90 = Cit People Only TOURISTS World 0n 7w 0.01a 90 = Tourists Build Only OR = FREE AW like browser DREAMLAN World 69s 3w 1.01a 180 My beautiful BIG set up here for ANYONE to leave a message or card or small build. But at all of these other places you won't have to put up with places controlled by AWCOM OR Just In &/or OneSummer. "wing." <wing at> wrote in news:3ba50add at > WOULD YOU STOP TRYING TO SELL US ON ANOTHER UNIVERSE YOU FUCKING > FOOL? > [View Quote] Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!Sep 17, 2001, 8:11pm
When i posted that it did work.
But you will notice that this is CP's second one by WEB SITE... When i did my little thing on JI and OS a few months ago... I didn't use a website.... I used a WORLD. RPG to be exact and i had the bot set to boot PK 67 & PK 14 and JI & OS & Kellee for 2 days and on the last 3rd day i opened up the world so anyone can see it... JI saw it and so did OS..... But it didn't get the rath of AW as you like to dish out on CP.... Poor CP..... i feel for him.... "andras" <andras at> wrote in news:3BA6575B.93ADECDF at > The page you are attempting to access has > been removed > because it violated > Angelfire's Terms of Service. > > Click here to read > our Terms of Service > > To report a violation of our > Terms of Service, click here > > > It worked :) > [View Quote] Terrorism in AWSep 16, 2001, 1:46pm
I'm all for that idea...
BUT as you go on with that idea... Here are some sample universes you might like to look at first. = FREE AW like browser fairly big universe with a total of 80+ worlds = FREE AW like browser the next big sized universe with about 30 total worlds. the beauty of this universe is that you can purchase the worlds and you can host or get them to host or anyone else to host. You can do what you do in AW. The worlds cost about the exact same price almost as AW's... AND it is small enough that almost anything is a new and fresh idea there. EVEN if you were to BOT COPY something it is a still new and untried thing there. That universe is founded on Family Values, Entertainment, FUN, Music and is why it's one of my favorites to be in next to Outerworlds Universe. "griffin page" <metallicat827 at> wrote in news:3BA40E9D.EFE9CD13 at > Hello All > > It seems that Active Worlds has been under attack by terrorism as > well as the world. Some of us remember 1998, known as the summer of > vandalism. Eternal Drifter roamed AW, and until he was finally > ridden of AW was a scary unsafe place. Nowadays, its true that > things have gotten better, but terrorism and vandalism still affects > Active Worlds as we speak. Radon is the big one right now, and he > should be ridden of as soon as possible. Its funny, because i used > to know him, in fact i literally grew up in his old world Utopia. AW > needs to melt together like America has. People need to stop > fighting and bickering, and a group of some kind needs to be > supported by AWCorp to rid of terrorists/vandals of AW. If AWCorp > cannot do this, we need to resort to new leadership (program > ownership), or someone needs to create a universe independent of AW > with a supportive leadership. This is the dream of Active Worlds, > and we need to bring it about! Let Active Worlds unite as one and > create a virtual Utopia for all. Just an idea, a base on which > Active Worlds should become. > > -ReyemNiffirg > Also known as Sir Gwydion. Terrorism in AWSep 16, 2001, 1:54pm
AW could do more than it does. BUT all it does do is to listen to a
CORRUPT PK [cops] SYSTEM to oust good people while the PEDOPHILES[Just In] roam freely. They are bent on getting others out while they allow for RADON to delete things. AW is only bent on $$$ 19.95 per year for a CIT and how much more to own a world or buy a GALAXY or buy a UNIVERSE. That is about all AW is concerned with. But when it comes to it's people... Those in POWER = PEDOPHILES[Just in], RADON have full control and they know it and they know that AW will do nothing to OUST them. So it's unfortunite that all the good people are left with the options of starting their own UNIVERSE or GALAXY to continue with life and let AW go into blissful PEDOPHILE [Just In] and RADON HELL. "sw chris" <chrisw10 at> wrote in news:3ba44e4e at > I apologize in advance if this post seems somewhat cryptic. It's late > at night. > > If the definition of the word terrorism in Active Worlds is anything > that involves destruction of property, then I concur. AW needs to > unite. But calling for new leadership isn't going to accomplish > that. All they do is oversee the software. They contribute to the > community, but as far as I know the community itself is unmanaged (or > unmanagable ;)). There's not much any community leader can do to > prevent terrorism, seeing as there is no leader. But there's always > the programmers that can help that to some extent. > > SW Chris > [View Quote] world surver problemSep 16, 2001, 3:28pm
I don't know about AW but the other night when i was setting up that
Memorial To The Events from the last week in DREAMLAN World 69s 3w 0.01a 180... Anne, Thundercloud, JFK2 and many others were there at DLPGate and Dreamland was connecting & disconnecting about once every 5 - 10 min like clockwork. It was very distracting and i couldn't quite finish my thing i was doing in DREAMLAN World because of it. But i don't know if that has any ties to AW or not. It reminded me of what one of my recent friends told me was happening to Broadway World where it would lose connections umpteen times. and that was what was happening the other night to Dreamland Park Universe. "data21" <dbmiller at> wrote in news:3ba4db7c at > Is anyone having problems with the world surver not reconnecting when > you loose your internet connection? > Its the newest version available to the public that's doing this. > Here is what's going on. > When my internet connection gives me the boot, the world surver will > try to reconnect to the universe. > When it dose this it opens a ton of dial up connections instead of > using the 1st one it brought up. > Then it performs an illegal operation then shuts down, never > reconnecting. Sence there is no "BUG" news group I just posted it > here. So if anyone here is having the same problem and have found a > way to fix it, please let me know. > Thanks :-) > > PS. This only happens on dial up connections. > I had someone test it with a cable and a DSL connection manually > disconnecting to see what happens. > Seems only dial up gives this problem. > > Also bots will use the 1st connection and reconnect, so will the AW > browser, this seems to be a bug in the world surver. > I gess the people at AW don't check things over a dial up connection. > I think they should as many of us still have a dial up and STILL > can't get anything better. > DSL and cable internet is NOT in my area yet. Why you ask? Well here > it is, the stupid phone company is to cheap and lazy to install the > new lines into my town. :-( fear & anger!!!Sep 16, 2001, 4:41pm
When i shall see the day that JI takes a long hike out of AW...
THEN and only then will my anger subside in JI. Until then it is like you trying to be nice to a WOLF in SHEEPS clothing only to be BACKSTABBED at every turn. So i have had to get into the mindset [because of Just In] that the only way for me to ever let go of my anger is to see JI hike out of AW for good. CP would tend to agree with that as well. BUT for me... You should actually see me in Outerworlds Universe and Dreamland Park Universe... I have so much love and {{HUGS}} there you would think that i'm the OneSummer of those 2 places. lol Just let me know what your OW name is and/or your DLP name is and you can see me in action. I can get more building accomplished there than i could ever have done with Just In & OneSummer to have to put up with. Those two are thankfully NOT on OW or DLP. If you have any worlds in OW or DLP let me know and i'll be happy to visit it. "bodhi" <Certainty at> wrote in news:3ba4e359$1 at > You have a great deal of fear & anger in you > jfk2 builder, I am not able to support you open > attacks on others ppl who are cits in AW - > > I enjoy a bit of controversy but outright attacks > are another matter entirely... > > I don't even mind ppl getting colorful in their > descriptions of each other when the want to > make their point (I don't think it helps but I'm > not a prude either). > > Ok YOU feel the need to attack - So use your own > experiences - I am not at all happy that you have > implied that I agree with you in anyway by putting > my name in your web page at: > > > STATEMENT FOR THE RECORD: > > 1. Just In and I (Bodhi) are good friends. > > 2. That he (Just In) ejected me does not constitute > an irreparable infringement of our friendship. > (I'll get him back lol) > > 3. We (Just In and I) have spoken on several > occasions since the eviction in Memorial World. > > 4. I in no way support the views as they are laid > out in the document at: > > > 5. I in no way support any acts (statements) of hatred and > attacks upon any citizen of Active Worlds. > > 6. The infighting and controversy that occur in > the NGs need never be more than a bit of good fun. > > If you want to get serious about it leave me out. > > Bodhi Evans Re: WONDERFUL IDEA FOR THIS HOT FLAMESep 17, 2001, 8:03pm
I hope i don't have to post what a dear friend told me about JI.....
But if all of you were to ever see it.... You would have a different opinion of JI.... And my friend would have no reason NOT to tell the truth. But for the sake of this NGS and AW i won't go that far to post it here.... BUT if anyone would like to read it I'll be most happy to send it to you and all the other info i have about JI so you can form your own opinion of wheather i am all there OR is JI all there... And you will quickly see that it's JI that is not all there. "wing." <wing at> wrote in news:3ba64e9c$1 at > I too ASKED the same QUESTION and recieved NO RESPONSE. > > EXCEPT for one from GOOBER KING stating that JFK ISN'T ALL THERE! > > [View Quote] Everyone BEWAREAug 15, 2001, 6:44pm
You want Some proof?
Well.... I've had RPG world since 11/2000 and it's allread the middle of 08/2001 and it expires 11/21/2001 With my other friend i have hers too... Petzcity I picked up here 04/17/2001 and it won't expire until 04/17/2003 YES... I'm FREE world hosting. YES... I' running all of these on my personel computer. YES... I've been hosting for friends. I was doing Elysium from 02/24/2001 up until the world owner decided to take it himself 07/15/2001 and he has it since. SO yes... I've been doing it for over a few months. For a year... To be honest. NO. I hope to... But for right now... NO And that is being as honest i can be. I'm running through Time Warner [AOL] Cable RoadRunner service in Central New York State. They have no problems with any of us running servers PAID or otherwise on their services. I'm the type of person that saves all of my worlds files way back to when i first started to host it. So if the world owner says one day... You remember how this looked back in 02/2001? YUP... Do you have a file for this world that far back? YUP Please use that. OK Do i get PAID for this? NOPE. Well... In a way i do... It helps create friends. And when they see you can be trusted with something like running their world... Helps farther down the road someday... Maybe. "honest man" <nospamtome at> wrote in news:3B774821.B2ED3B0A at > Hello everyone. Today I have seen the bottom of the scams within > Active Worlds. I post this so that other users will not get hurt and > so that AW itself can be made aware of this sick thing. I am sure I > will be flamed but I am also aware that many read these words who do > not post. I am sure it will help many. I just want people kept aware > and safe. > > AWBingo started out as a great game. It still is except a huge scam > has corrupted it's fairness. The scam also works outside of AWbingo > as well. On the bingo part, I hope AW fixes the problem. On the part > outside of that game, only you the users can stop it. > > Now I will explain. King Brian K, KBK, and his friends and family > have quite an operation going. They seem to have a way of winning > more than 30% of the world prizes there. What they don't win > themselves they get from other players who win and give them the > worlds. Quite a racket because they use these worlds to take your > money. I am sure AW did not intend for this corruption to take place. > > King Brian K says he will give you the bingo won world if you pay him > to host it. So he lures you inside to give him money for a free > prize. The problem is that the user gets burned as they pay him and > he is hardly computer literate or a host. Ask the hurt people he has > already burned and won't give the money back to. It is sad to see > users loose their property content because he uses a 100mhz broken > machine. He won't allow you to mail money. Maybe this is because he > knows the Postal Service will investigate for mail fraud? Hopefully > Paypal will stop allowing him use there. > > If you want a world, buy it from AW or accept an honest bingo prize > for free from a friend. Don't fall for this lure. also ask AW to make > bingo fair by limiting prizes to one per IP address to avoid these > type scams from beginning. > > If you seek a hosting company look for one who has been around a few > years. Ask for references of happy users. There are several honest > hosts around that have been in AW for years. Remember the age old > words of being 'too good to be true' > > AW is a place to have fun. Be aware of the scams so your fun is not > stolen by them. > > If you wish to use a host that is new, be sure to check that they > really have the tools and knowledge to operate properly. JBELL had > tried to do hosting but found that his ISP shut him down for it. It > is normally not allowed on home isp services. I am sure he was being > honest in his efforts and he admitted he could not do it in honesty. > I respect JBELL for that honesty on his part. > > Beware of the cheapest price as well. In the history of Active Worlds > it appears there have been many new fly by nights who offered free > or cheap hosting. Problem has been they either can't afford to keep > it going or they loose interest in doing so. If I am wrong then > please show me a free world host that has been successfully operating > for over a few months time? Are there any over a year old? 4 years in > AW and I know of none. > > This has been a long post but this is a community and a community has > an obligation to keep it's streets clean so to speak. Now if this > service I spoke of had been honest and trying to really help people I > would not have mentioned their user name, well the few I knew of that > is. I respect anyone who honestly tries. I will never respect one who > starts out with a dishonest approach as King Brian K has. > > If there have been any young people hurt by this scam, please speak > to your parents or teachers about it. If adults have been hurt, > please write to AW about it. If the man is honest then I hope he does > the right thing and gets a legitimate service before he takes > people's hard earned money or hurts their builds because of > inexperience and crashes. And for AWBingo players, maybe you could > write AW and ask if this is what they had in mind when they spent the > time making the great game and offering the great prizes. I don't > think it was. My opinion that is. > > Be careful out there in VR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone BEWAREAug 15, 2001, 7:34pm
I'm running WIN98se...
Yes... I do admit that sometimes i do lock up... And i have to REBOOT... But let me tell you what i'm doing.... 1 - Run 2 worlds now [ALL FOR FREE] 2 - 4 open windows to my drives. [2 of them are general windows, 1 is the games window & that points to the other universes that i'm a member of & one is the utility window menu] 3 - My Notetab Light [FREEWARE - Thank You Kellee for suggesting this to me] 4 - My E-Mail PREVIEW program [any Stupid JUNK mail i can delete off the host server WITHOUT ever downloading it first. It's great for a FIRST FILTER as i don't ever download the junk & only download what I want] [FREEWARE] 5 - 2 Preston v33 bots for midi playing at some locations i have [FREEWARE] 5a - Sometimes either my xylgot bot for World Backups in worlds i do not own or host [IE, Beta World, Someone elses world...etc] OR my chatbot and that is used for CIT # lookups, And object seeds in a baren land OR my BUILD BOT... [After i BOT COPY someones build OR someones world and i want to re-create it in another world] [FREEWARE] 6 - Xnews = That is what i use to make this reply with. [FREEWARE] 7 - Sometimes my FOX E-Mail program [FREEWARE] 8 - AW [Can't forget about that can I... 9 - From 1 - 4 open IE websites 10 - Sometimes i try to run my WinAmp and either listen to WWW.AWRADIO.COM = Danny 2K show OR Playing many of the new MP3's that either I or my friend nextdoor got for me & are now on CD's [FREEWARE] 10a - OR I'm BROADCASTING on WWW.LIVE365.COM [JFKMusic Radio] [FREEWARE] 11 - And whatever else i can think of... NOW you must realize that i have a very powerful system here... P2 366 mhz on 128 megs of RAM with 5 HD's running WIN98se... Now you can see why i LOCK-UP sometimes... and even i have to REBOOT. But when i reboot... SCANDISK.EXE has 5 Hard Drives it chacks before i can even get back on the internet. BUT yes... I can run for the most part 24/7 the worlds that i do run... And i run them extreamly well. So far i haven't had any complaints. YES... WIN98se is a stupid OS... But then WIN2000 dosen't allow me to run my MS-Dos games too well... Not to mention my QBASIC games & i have about 1 GIG of those. And it dosen't allow me to have my old BBS On-Line Doors running for friends to play either... So I'm still waiting for a better OS to come out that will be CONSUMER and Not BUSINESS friendly. "lanezeri" <Lanezeri at> wrote in news:3b77fe83$1 at > King Brian K's hosting services suck, he runs on Windows 98 (SE which > is totally fucked compared to the first edition) therefore a UNstable > OS.. then his service blinks all the damn time (see below). He has > nothing for hosting.. I went in as a person whom wanted my world > hosted and asked what all he had to offer and it was all crap.. he > had crap to offer.. so the point of this post is to tell the people > who have him host their world that they are idiot.. > > > Blink - When the ISP (somewhat) stops for a very short period of > time. > > [View Quote] |