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Hobbit Hills fro sale

Aug 1, 2003, 2:10am
That might be fun. I'll try to drop by sometime. Telegram me if I forget.

SW Chris

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Why does everyoen hate me!

Aug 14, 2003, 2:18am
Eh, you realize your son does read this forum, right?


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Why does everyoen hate me!

Aug 14, 2003, 2:18am
True, AS. :)

And CP, I never said I didn't like you. And I'd like to think I'm somewhat
important *puffs up chest*



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SW City Radio Show Debuts

Aug 14, 2003, 2:18am
What happens when SW City denizens can actually talk to each other? Chaos,
insanity, and hopefully a darn good show! Each one hour show is packed with
our opinions and analysis on Active Worlds and it's community, not just SW
City. Each show presented in stunning radio-quality MP3 format, compressed
to under ten megabytes in size for your downloading convenience. Sit back,
relax, and enjoy. COB knows this place needs it...


To All Things... An Ending

Aug 17, 2003, 4:16am
"can be just as creative in alpha as any other world blagh blagh denial BS"

Creativity is ideas, not what you're given to work with. :) If people want
to do something other than AW, more power to em, but I find that I can be
just as creative in AW as well as in any other world. The only difference
is just what you're given to work with and the type of creativity involved.
You can make your own creativity by building your own world, and that would
be the next step above AW in my humble opinion. And I think that's what
you're ultimately trying to say. Bravo.


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To All Things... An Ending

Aug 17, 2003, 4:24am
Looking forward to actually seeing you "in world" now. :)


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I love you

Aug 20, 2003, 3:06pm
We love ya too, kellee. :) Come back when you can.


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Neal Stephenson Interview

Aug 25, 2003, 4:39pm
Don't suppose you know where we can find it online?


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Everythings changed and should work but 1 minor problem that I need help with please:)

Aug 28, 2003, 2:34am
Oh you people are no help.

Bits, either you will need to take the voodoo card out and install the video
drivers that came with your motherboard CD, or you will have to go into the
BIOS and change a setting so that the Voodoo card will work.

This is how to do the latter:

On startup, press F2, Del, or CNTL+ALT+S. It's usually Delete that gets you
into the BIOS, but if that doesn't work, try one of the other two. You
should see an option in one of the sub menus to disable onboard VGA or to
set the default VGA to either PCI or AGP as opposed to on-board. I'm afraid
I dont' know which menu it is, but it's only a level deep. You should find
it no sweat. After that's done install your voodoo card drivers.

One of those two *should* work. If not, well... post here and maybe we'll
find another solution.

SW Chris

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3.4 Users?

Oct 6, 2003, 11:44pm
I wouldn't worry about it, Bits. Judging from Andras's stats, most people
are on 3.4. In my humble opinion, you should use the features that are
available in the version that most people use unless there's another way to
do it so those with previous versions can experience the same thing.


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Virus/Trojan Etc. Alert

Oct 9, 2003, 4:38pm
It was there. I downloaded it but did not run the program.


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Eject happy again

Oct 18, 2003, 10:27pm
Then you're both in agreement. So there. :)


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SW City Radio Episode 2 - The Death of Community

Oct 21, 2003, 2:02am
SW Chris (sort of), Syntax, Captain MAD Mike, Goober King, and Archergirl
RyAr discuss the addition of tourist access and Z axis rotation in
Alphaworld, the death of the community, and Pineriver's most recent AW
Video. Today's Tech Report is on how to keep your citizenship safe.

Download it now! http://radio.swcity.net/

SW City Radio Episode 2 - The Death of Community

Oct 22, 2003, 1:26am
I like "Where the talk is cheap and so is the budget" :P That was
Archergirl's contribution.


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Hugs and for Every Woman in AW

Oct 28, 2003, 12:20am

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Posting in the newsgroup

Oct 3, 2002, 5:05pm
Welcome to the world that is capitalism. Ironic that you are calling it
"China". :) The last time I checked, AW was not a democracy.

SW Chris

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Shred's Censorship article on awnews.com

Jan 9, 2001, 5:34pm
Community Discussion time!

What do you think about Shred's article about censorship at

Here are my thoughts:

He's got a good idea about giving the AW browser a filter that can
optionally turned on and off, but the abolition of the Peacekeepers and
Gatekeepers and all forms of censorship in AW is outrageous. Here are my

1) The peacekeepers do a lot more than tell people to back off with the
vulgarity. They have helped me and my friends out numerous times when
settling domestic disputes over land and what should be put on it or be
taken off of it.

2) The Gatekeepers also do more than stand around the gateway of a world
and eject people who annoy them. They help out the tourists and get them
oriented with using AW. Think of what would happen if a bunch of tourists
ransacked you with tons of questions because you just happened to be at the
AW GZ at just the right time!!! It's annoying, and you wouldn't be able to
eject them.

3) If censorship in all its forms were to be banned, the porn industry
would move right in to "aw." Some of us don't want that trash littering our
streets. For those of you who are saying that "aw" is big enough for
everyone, I would just like to remind you that there is a reason that worlds
are rated G through NC-17.

4) "Most people are ejected for saying an innocent cuss word, not
harrassment." There is no such thing as an innocent cuss word. Usually
when someone says a cuss word, they mean to say it. And there are children
around here, you know. The language should be kept toned down around Ground
Zero's at least. If that optional filter Shred talked about was actually
put into AW, I doubt a first-time user would know how to turn it on.
Believe me, I work at a computer store, and you don't know how computer
illiterate some of the smartest people I've ever met can be.

5) AW is not the ACLU. ACLU says that they are not "anti anything."
That's absolutely true. Anyone remember that NAMBLA fiasco? For AW to
succeed, it needs limits, or it will alienate part of its user base (in
which case this means the kids who have parents monitoring their Internet
usage.) Alienation = less profits.

So in conclusion, Shred has it all turned around. The reason for Active
Worlds doing so poorly is not because of censorship, it's because the idea,
while good, was not implemented correctly. Protagonist has more to say
about that at awnews.com.


Shred's Censorship article on awnews.com

Jan 9, 2001, 7:41pm
I suppose a good rule to go by is that there should only be limits when not
having them hurts someone else. This includes child porn, defamation,
libel, and obstruction/destruction of property. And of course this is a
serious ethics issue. Where do you know when to stop limiting? And what
about the opposite? Where do you know when to start limiting?

The rule above can also be applied to swear words in the case of children.
Swear words are taboo in mainstream society, but are becoming so even less
and less. People are constantly breaking through the taboo barrier. Anyone
remember the feminist and gay movements? Even those are still
controversial. Now it's starting all over again with one of the Univeristy
of California schools that offers a class to educate people on the use of
sex toys.

Then there is the point Goober brought up about a person should decide what
and what he/she does not want to know about. This brings up ethical issues
as well. Quote from Goober:

"It has always been my belief that there is only one person who knows what's
good and bad for you, and that's yourself."

Tell that to Elian, Mr. Goober. He wanted to stay in Florida because his
relatives allegedly brainwashed him. :) That six year old child is not
smart enough to properly evaluate the situation he was in. So what tells me
adults are any smarter? There's a reason why Jay Leno's Jay Walking segment
is so popular. :P Some people just can't learn or never even bothered.

So the question is this: How do people know what should be censored and
what should not?

These are some questions for you guys to think about. There really are no
right or wrong answers here as far as this discussion goes.

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Shred's Censorship article on awnews.com

Jan 10, 2001, 12:56am
Very good points there. Also, I never assumed anything about you. Those
were just some questions to liven up the thread. :)

SW Chris
Staff Officer, SW City
Governor Secretariat, James River; a subcommunity of SW City

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About My Capitals

Feb 26, 2002, 10:38pm
Don't be so quick to judge, you. Jbell made a simple mistake. There was
nothing idiotic about it.

SW Chris

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About My Capitals

Feb 27, 2002, 4:54pm
True, but still not justifiable. :)

SW Chris

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Formal Complaint Lodged To Flagg Against Broadway World & 2 of It's Owners

Feb 3, 2001, 7:16pm
Bah. The whole thing stinks of a communication breakdown and people in
certain positions of power unwilling to compromise and move the build to
another location. Come to SW City, Chuck. :) You can build your dance club

SW Chris

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Listen up

Feb 3, 2001, 7:10pm
Lay off, friend. His primary language obviously isn't English.


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a solution to encroachment?

Feb 2, 2001, 4:23pm
Eh what's the point of a rotate command that won't rotate automatically?
There are some projects I'm working on that I'd like some objects in them to
rotate once they're loaded and not have a person have to click on it to get
it to rotate. The majority of visitor's wouldn't click on it anyways.

What exactly happens when you have a rotate/move command that encroaches?
Does the browser crash? Or does the Inspection Officer flood the chat? If
its the latter, simply have the IO automatically delete the contents of the
action box.

SW Chris

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a solution to encroachment?

Feb 3, 2001, 7:06pm
Correct. But if there is a way to make it automatic, we should look for it.
Could Roland modify the code so that it was checked each step? That's what
he should have done in the first place.

SW Chris
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New Virus!!!No Known Cure

Feb 3, 2001, 7:34pm
hehe... I bet you if you scanned your hard drive for a virus right now
you'd find one.... :)

It is considered bad luck to call yourself immune to viruses without any

SW Chris
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Random Thought of the Week #1

Feb 3, 2001, 7:39pm
Here's a random thought:

You know if AW is just not good enough for you guys, why don't you make your
own 3-d universe and engine?

I would have started on such a venture several months ago, but alas, I can't
program yet. :)

Everyone here knows enough about AW and its shortcomings that an AW 2.0
could be created using all new code that would have everything AW didn't.


SW Chris

Random Thought of the Week #1

Feb 3, 2001, 11:31pm
It is interesting. But what I'm talking about is a system like AW, that can
be adapted for anything. Worldforge is designed for RPG games in mind.

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Random Thought of the Week #1

Feb 5, 2001, 3:57am
Well its very good for ideas if you want to become a future 3d animator,
modeller, or video game maker. It gives you a sense of the spatial
relations between different types of 3 dimensional objects, which is always
important. ^_^

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Random Thought of the Week #1

Feb 5, 2001, 4:01am
Negative thinking, you. Looking at the number of cheap shots going Roland's
way, I would think that there are many programmers here who could and would
out-program Roland if given the chance. The idea wasn't meant for casual
users to take on, but the actual people you speak of, the people who can
afford to "take a huge amount of time" and who have "a good knowledge of

SW Chris
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