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Re: American Support

Mar 12, 2003, 8:05pm
There are not enough inspectors to cover the size of Iraq. At least
according to one of the senior inspectors in Baghdad. Sorry, I forget his
name, but he did tell FOX news that and I suspect other networks as well.

And the United Nations has even admitted that the Inspections only work if
there are troops on Iraq's border threatening to invade.


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Re: American Support (incredibly long post)

Mar 12, 2003, 8:07pm
Oh lay off. He called my bluff. I'm sorry Joker for underestimating you
and calling you "kiddo". It was wrong.

SW Chris

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Re: UK!?!?!? Re: This is nothing but an excuse to give America the shaft up the *#!$@!

Mar 12, 2003, 8:08pm
How do you get the sniper into Baghdad? How do you extract him out after
Saddam is dead?


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Re: UK!?!?!? Re: This is nothing but an excuse to give America the shaft up the *#!$@!

Mar 12, 2003, 8:09pm
The war didn't start yet. I thought that was a stupid move too, turning
away Iraqi surrenders. But then again, you got to think of those soldier's
families and what would happen to them when that patrol is found missing and


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Re: American Support

Mar 12, 2003, 8:13pm
Chris: "Iraq was never a threat until after September 11, which happened SIX
MONTHS after Bush took office"
If this do not mean you are blaming Iraque for what happened Septemper 11th,
then I do not know what would.

Let me clarify then.

1. The War on Terrorism started after September 11.
2. The War on Terrorism's purpose is NOT to target ONLY the people
responsible for September 11.
3. Al Qaeda is responsible for September 11.
4. Iraq supports terror. It is a target.

Conclusion: Iraq has nothing to do with September 11. But it has something
to do with terrorism. Terrorism and Sept 11 are not the same thing.

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Re: American Support (incredibly long post)

Mar 13, 2003, 1:58am
I don't listen to CNN. Think I'm a Nazi? Ask my friend. He's Jewish.


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Re: This is nothing but [a happy-fun word-making adventure!] of doom (long but hopefully amusing)

Mar 13, 2003, 2:09am
You are well intentioned as well. I'm glad to see that. We probably
disagree on almost everything, but I'm happy that we can move beyond that.

If you have ever seen the film Patch Adams, there is a scene where Patch and
his friend conduct an experiment on just the type of standardized greetings
you are referring to. They try to give greetings that are not the norm and
judge people's reaction time. It is one of my favorites in any film ever.
If you havent' seen it, I don't want to spoil you. But that kind of
interaction is refreshing.

SW Chris
"Rump rackers! Meat packers! Lend me your steers!"

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Re: American Support

Mar 13, 2003, 2:10am
You should journey over here and see just how blind we're following him! :)
Eyai-yai-yai. You've never seen such demonstration.


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Re: American Support

Mar 13, 2003, 2:18am
If the qualification of that question is needing to be a lawyer specializing
in international law, then none of us should be talking.


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Re: American Support

Mar 13, 2003, 2:22am
Oh perhaps, if all other variables were held constant. :)

Just closing up loose ends. This is the last one! I don't suspect I'll be
replying to any more posts in this thread.


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Re: American Support

Mar 13, 2003, 2:24am
You assume I have a one-track mind. :) Every situation requires a
different kind of action.

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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 17, 2003, 9:03pm
Finland. He hasn't known a day of oppression in his life, and he doesn't
want anyone to screw that up for him. :)


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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 17, 2003, 9:03pm
Considering the source of that comment (Libyan press), I'll ignore that. :P

SW Chris

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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 18, 2003, 2:49am
As far as I know, the UN has not passed any resolutions disallowing the use
of force in Iraq, but plenty to the contrary.

You are allowed your dissent as we all are. I didn't mean to say that you
can't dissent if you don't know any oppression. I apologize because that
was a bad generalization on my part.

Look, guys, if you think Bush's diplomacy sucks, just say it. Because I
agree with you. But that and Saddam are two separate issues, both of which I
am not about to begin debating here. This is all I'll say, because I really
don't want to turn this thread into another 100-reply long discussion. :)

SW Chris

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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 18, 2003, 2:52am
If you choose to believe a state-run press of a dictatorial government and
not the free press of the United States (whose correspondents don't even get
invited to the White House Christmas party if they report too much
negativity about the administration, and who are also the correspondants I
prefer to listen to), then that's your perogative, not mine. :)

SW Chris

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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 19, 2003, 1:12am
Alright... enough of this.


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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 19, 2003, 1:16am
He's referring to the useless Kyoto treaty and the other one about
international pollution prevention where China and India, both signatories,
were excluded from having to prevent any of their pollution output. We
pulled out of Kyoto because it was outdated and Congress voted unanimously
against entering into the pollution prevention treaty because not all
countries had to follow the rules. He's also referring to Bush's judicious
use of the word "expect" which implies that he doesn't think any country is
the USA's equal. He's got a point. Our diplomacy sucks. :)

SW Chris

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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 19, 2003, 1:18am
Slow down guys! Don't even bother replying to this. It will just lead down
a road we've already been.


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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 19, 2003, 1:20am
What's with this International Court thing? Where did the US go against its


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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 19, 2003, 1:23am
Blah. Pakistan has nukes. India has nukes. Israel has nukes. Russia's
still got its nukes. They may be missing some, but they still got nukes.

Yes folks, I'm being facetious.


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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 19, 2003, 1:23am
Well there you go. We agree on something. :)


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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 19, 2003, 1:24am
Because CNN is a liberal's paradise and everyone knows it. :P


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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 19, 2003, 1:42am
Well this kind of response is expected. When one nation begins to amass too
much power to themselves, even if they intend to use it wisely and for the
good of the human population, others will begin to see it as an enemy. To
the others' credit though, all nations who have had this kind of power have
said this. But to the USA's credit, this time the fundamental difference is
that its leader is not seeking world domination. He's going to be gone at
the latest in 5 to 6 years.

The possible solution to this mess is for the USA to withdraw into its own
borders. But this isn't a good idea for the US to do, since now with the
proliferation of nuclear and chemical weapons, the USA's enemies will be
able to attack it and hide from it from anywhere in the world. Which is why
the USA sees the need to go out into the world and find these people.

The other solution is the solution of the past problems like this. Wipe the
USA's military forces and thus economic force out. The USA will cease to be
the only superpower and will leave the European Union to rise in its place.
But even though Gaulists would appreciate this move, it wouldn't ideal to
the international community in the short run, since much of the world
economy and therefore profit is generated by US interests. However in the
long run the economy will pick up again once industry finds the time to
shift its operations from America over to Europe. Businessmen won't like
this because it means loss of profit. They can't gain the profit back
during the time of change. France and China are ideal candidates to
initiate this type of change.

The only other solution that I can think of is for all countries to be
consolodated into one global state. Nice for those of us who are fans of
Emperor Palpatine, but not a good solution in general.

The most ideal solution for a world of greed and jealously and most
importantly impatience would then be to see the demise of the United States
superpower. Or you could just wait out the next few years and solidify
dipolomatic ties with President Hillary. When she gets into the oval
office, you may actually have to worry about global domination. But at
least the war on terror will be history. Patience is the key.

Drippingly yours,
Professor Chris, P.h. D.
Department of International Mockery and Sarcasm

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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 19, 2003, 1:45am
Oil smoil. Investigate France and Russia. They're the ones with the oil
for food contracts.


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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 19, 2003, 1:55am
I believe you 100% joker ss. But you dodged the question. :)


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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 19, 2003, 1:56am
It would be prudent and wise in my opinion for everyone to not throw insults
like this back and forth.

Just let their actions speak for themselves.


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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 19, 2003, 2:00am
But in what cases? I think it has gone with the courts on several
occasions. I recall something being mentioned about agriculture production
in one of my economics classes but I'm not sure.


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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 20, 2003, 3:59am
When? That's too general.


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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 20, 2003, 4:03am
Attend a government class and maybe you'll understand. :)

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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 20, 2003, 4:16am
Thank you for finally bringing some sense to this... discussion...
debate... thing. I'm glad that we can finally hear personally from someone
who's been though it. Experience, however unfortunate that word is in this
case, is the key to understanding situations like this. I'm glad that you
were able to survive.


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