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sw chris // User Search
Apr 27, 2003, 1:02am
Wing... I never got around to asking... but are these Wingian thinkers...
are they right or left? :P
[View Quote]"wing" <wing at transedge.com> wrote in message
news:3ea9cacb at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> [Going crazy off-topic here, but this is general.discussion]
> One day there will be no reason to worry. WingCorp will have risen, crime,
> discrimination, hatred and lemmingism crushed with unstoppable force
> Military action commanded directly by the great Wingian thinkers), the
> united under a single flag, selective education - those not recieving a C
> better average in a modification of the current all-around education will
> forced into the "grunt" labor force, those above a C will choose the field
> that they wish to work in and be trained in it for the remainder of their
> education, and those with a failing average in the all-around portion of
> their education will be... Disposed of.
> New diseases that aren't immediately treatable will result in the
> extermination of anyone who's infected as soon as it's known that they're
> infected (Except a few research specimens) until a cure is developed.
> such as HIV that cause mass contamination of the population will also,
> unfortunately, be dealt with in the same manner, as it is much simpler to
> eradicate it than to contain it, especially with human beings being so
> stupid.
> Under the Wingian government, social order and the sciences will be
> stressed - and the public given full freedom to do whatever they want so
> long as they do not A) Disrupt the scientific process in any way or B)
> another human being in harm's way. The lengthy process of justice will be
> shortened to just a few quick snaps. Regrettably, this will from time to
> time result in the execution of an innocent, but ultimately NO criminal
> walk.
> The world's communication lines will be restructured and
governmentalized -
> private corperations simply cannot handle the Internet effectively, and
> failed miserably at integrating today's competing standards.
> At birth, every person will be issued three things: An IP address (WingIP
> protocol, which calls for a far more secure system based around human
> you have to lick your computer to log on), a WingIP enabled personal
> computer (Periodic computer upgrades will be issued for free by the
> government, and "Performance" upgrades made purchaseable at a low cost,
> although the very upper tier of hardware will be reserved for government
> employees and systems), and a voiceprint-activated 9mm handgun (As well as
> government-installed child-proofed security cabinet and firearms training
> a part of the school curriculum). All gun calibers larger than 9mm will be
> restricted to government employees and organizations, as will will all
> automatic rifles and "other" firearms, and 1-2 shot hunting rifles and
> shotguns will be license only. Materials key to making explosives will be
> outlawed, except to government institutions. Entertainment will be
> regulated - but not for censorship reasons - in fact, anti-Wingian
> entertainment will be eligible for government funding (Hollywood always
> comes up with novel ways of doing things, and as such, we may find a hole
> the system by watching a movie). The purpose of entertainment regulation
> to prevent a resurgence in lemmingism - shows like "Entertainment Tonight"
> will be shut down, entertainment companies will not be allowed to
> musical groups and actors, and entertainment media must be provided
> affordably.
> Taxation will not exist, as the government will gain money like any
> corperation - except that it will possess every scientific industry and a
> large number of production and service industries exclusively.
> Money, as we know it will be abolished. Every citizen's universal ID card
> will be tagged with a unique code which will correspond to an entry in the
> WingCorp databases. Companies will purchase 3 types of credit from the
> government to issue to their employees, and minimum purchases will be
> established based upon the number of employees - serving as a form of
> minimum wage. These credits are for life necessities (food, shelter),
> entertainment and licensing (The two are grouped together) and material
> possessions (Cars, more than the standard government issue computer, etc.
> These credits will then be spent at independent companies or government
> institutions, and then the companies will be allowed to either cash them
> or return them to the government for credit. Copmany credit will serve two
> purposes - to provide for inter-business commerce and to provide a gauge
> a company's success. It can also be used to purchase services from the
> government, as well as the credits to be paid to their employees.
> And that's only the tip of the iceburg...
> --
> Wing
> Future Dictator of the World
> "maki" <maki at awgate.com> wrote in message
> news:3ea990a7$3 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> by
Apr 27, 2003, 1:05am
Oh God... That's frighteningly horrid. You know what's even more scary?
That you took the time to think of it.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"wing" <wing at transedge.com> wrote in message
news:3ea9cacb at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> [Going crazy off-topic here, but this is general.discussion]
> One day there will be no reason to worry. WingCorp will have risen, crime,
> discrimination, hatred and lemmingism crushed with unstoppable force
> Military action commanded directly by the great Wingian thinkers), the
> united under a single flag, selective education - those not recieving a C
> better average in a modification of the current all-around education will
> forced into the "grunt" labor force, those above a C will choose the field
> that they wish to work in and be trained in it for the remainder of their
> education, and those with a failing average in the all-around portion of
> their education will be... Disposed of.
> New diseases that aren't immediately treatable will result in the
> extermination of anyone who's infected as soon as it's known that they're
> infected (Except a few research specimens) until a cure is developed.
> such as HIV that cause mass contamination of the population will also,
> unfortunately, be dealt with in the same manner, as it is much simpler to
> eradicate it than to contain it, especially with human beings being so
> stupid.
> Under the Wingian government, social order and the sciences will be
> stressed - and the public given full freedom to do whatever they want so
> long as they do not A) Disrupt the scientific process in any way or B)
> another human being in harm's way. The lengthy process of justice will be
> shortened to just a few quick snaps. Regrettably, this will from time to
> time result in the execution of an innocent, but ultimately NO criminal
> walk.
> The world's communication lines will be restructured and
governmentalized -
> private corperations simply cannot handle the Internet effectively, and
> failed miserably at integrating today's competing standards.
> At birth, every person will be issued three things: An IP address (WingIP
> protocol, which calls for a far more secure system based around human
> you have to lick your computer to log on), a WingIP enabled personal
> computer (Periodic computer upgrades will be issued for free by the
> government, and "Performance" upgrades made purchaseable at a low cost,
> although the very upper tier of hardware will be reserved for government
> employees and systems), and a voiceprint-activated 9mm handgun (As well as
> government-installed child-proofed security cabinet and firearms training
> a part of the school curriculum). All gun calibers larger than 9mm will be
> restricted to government employees and organizations, as will will all
> automatic rifles and "other" firearms, and 1-2 shot hunting rifles and
> shotguns will be license only. Materials key to making explosives will be
> outlawed, except to government institutions. Entertainment will be
> regulated - but not for censorship reasons - in fact, anti-Wingian
> entertainment will be eligible for government funding (Hollywood always
> comes up with novel ways of doing things, and as such, we may find a hole
> the system by watching a movie). The purpose of entertainment regulation
> to prevent a resurgence in lemmingism - shows like "Entertainment Tonight"
> will be shut down, entertainment companies will not be allowed to
> musical groups and actors, and entertainment media must be provided
> affordably.
> Taxation will not exist, as the government will gain money like any
> corperation - except that it will possess every scientific industry and a
> large number of production and service industries exclusively.
> Money, as we know it will be abolished. Every citizen's universal ID card
> will be tagged with a unique code which will correspond to an entry in the
> WingCorp databases. Companies will purchase 3 types of credit from the
> government to issue to their employees, and minimum purchases will be
> established based upon the number of employees - serving as a form of
> minimum wage. These credits are for life necessities (food, shelter),
> entertainment and licensing (The two are grouped together) and material
> possessions (Cars, more than the standard government issue computer, etc.
> These credits will then be spent at independent companies or government
> institutions, and then the companies will be allowed to either cash them
> or return them to the government for credit. Copmany credit will serve two
> purposes - to provide for inter-business commerce and to provide a gauge
> a company's success. It can also be used to purchase services from the
> government, as well as the credits to be paid to their employees.
> And that's only the tip of the iceburg...
> --
> Wing
> Future Dictator of the World
> "maki" <maki at awgate.com> wrote in message
> news:3ea990a7$3 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> by
Apr 27, 2003, 1:09am
> AWTeen has the most
> citizen participation of any world I've seen so far
Another reason for SW City to have moved to AWTeen. :)
[View Quote]"bowen" <thisguyrules at 7k2.4mg.com.ANTISPAM> wrote in message
news:3ea9d82c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "rossyboy" <rossyboy at swcity.net> wrote in message
> news:Xns936910544308BRo1124 at
> What's your proof KAH isn't older? Just because people are older does not
mean they
> have any more sophistication... in fact the chances of someone younger
being more
> mature than someone older is pretty high. Compare AWTeen to A!CT or
whatever it's
> called, or let's compare AWTeen to any world at this moment; AWTeen has
the most
> citizen participation of any world I've seen so far.
> --Bowen--
Apr 24, 2003, 8:09pm
It's a bit more moderated than WildAW.
SW City'll do some stuff I bet. :D
[View Quote]"goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:3EA85B98.6010909 at utn.cjb.net...
> Wasn't that what WildAW was supposed to be for? :P
> alphabit phalpha wrote:
suggestions to
> --
> Goober King
> Wasting worlds
> gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Apr 25, 2003, 6:28pm
Maze would be good. So would several Wacky Races courses. Checkers and
Chess. A java arcade...
etc. :) Maybe even a fishing game if one can be rigged up with a bot.
[View Quote]"alphabit phalpha" <alphabit at swbell.net> wrote in message
news:3ea9518a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Well I was thinking more along the idea of what all would be at a party
> but an outdoors look?
> Lemonade stand?
> Keep em coming!:)
> btw if we do this maybe certain areas could be personalized with
> low load objects like Binary Bud's Fruit Juice Bar?...lol
> "binarybud" <leo at realPANTStourvision.com> wrote in message
> news:3ea946de$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> news:3ea945b8 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> What
> area
> on
> the
> limit
> and
> work
> some
> a
> want
> up
> the
> giving.
> folks
> become a
> 3
> in
> hosts
Apr 25, 2003, 6:29pm
Go? They're already gone... far out into the reaches of outer space.
[View Quote]"goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:3EA920CA.40805 at utn.cjb.net...
> *smacks forehead* Here we go again...
> whitestar wrote:
# is
out a
going to
> --
> Goober King
> Round and round and round we go
> gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Apr 30, 2003, 6:36am
Why are you upset about this revelation? Is it because you think PK's are
powerhungry, or because you haven't been told before, or what?
[View Quote]"77" <n0zoa at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3eaf5d0d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> but would they still be willing to do it if they didnt have the perks?
> "brock" <Brock at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3eaf33ea$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Apr 30, 2003, 6:36am
You're such a sheep. :P
[View Quote]"carlbanks" <CarLBanks at insight.rr.com> wrote in message
news:3eaf25c4 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> PowerHungryKeepers, WatchPowerHungryKeepers, Power Hungry Teachers, and
> rest of the Power Hungry people.
> "the joker ss" <the_joker_ss at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3eaf1cef at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Apr 30, 2003, 5:32pm
Lemmings do things mindlessly. I've known Carl long enough to know that
he'll do things his own way if he wants. Most people are sheep. If ya
don't believe me, look at the war protests. :) But that would invite the
comments of others around here. :p
[View Quote]"wing" <wing at transedge.com> wrote in message
news:3eafa7e1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> No, he's a lemming.
> Wing
> "sw chris" <chrisw10 at skywalkeronline.net> wrote in message
> news:3eaf8b1c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Apr 30, 2003, 5:34pm
This thread is here only because people are looking for more rotten tomatos
to throw. I think your post proves this, Mauz.
[View Quote]"mauz" <mauz at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3eafea39$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "77" <n0zoa at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3eaf0c21$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> <..>
> "Community Service Rewards" include a 25% (not 50) discount on purchases
> of products such as world servers, and certain months of citizenship
> for a certain amount of months served in a community organization (I think
6 - 6).
> To meet the requirements you must make at least one 2-hour shift every
> and you must provide shift reports and logs if necessary to prove that.
> I don't think these perks are a reason for people to become Gatekeepers,
> because they usually do not know about them before starting in the
> I myself started gatekeeping back in 1997 when we did not have discounts,
> extensions nor eject powers, so yes I would still be a GK even without
> I've won enough citizenship extensions in different contests to last me a
virtual lifetime,
> and I don't bother using the server discount either because it must be
requested beforehand.
> --
> Mauz
> http://mauz.info
Apr 30, 2003, 5:34pm
er... I just realized my comment could be taken the wrong way. That's a
good thing. Mauz said what I would have were I a GK.
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at skywalkeronline.net> wrote in message
news:3eb02530$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> This thread is here only because people are looking for more rotten
> to throw. I think your post proves this, Mauz.
> Chris
> "mauz" <mauz at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3eafea39$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> news:3eaf0c21$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> would
> their
> revoked
> extension
> 6 - 6).
> week,
> program.
> them.
> virtual lifetime,
> requested beforehand.
May 1, 2003, 4:49pm
Why don't you answer my question, now? I think you skipped over it.
Why are you upset about this revelation? Is it because you think PK's are
powerhungry, or because you haven't been told before, or what?
[View Quote]"77" <n0zoa at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3eb05051$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> you are wrong you do get something and that is the 25% off and the cit
> extensions. and me as a citizen have to put up with the same people you do
> and i have helped newbies and get them started on the basic building
> techniques without the perks that you have. You being nitpicky as to
> complain about someones typo i dont know weather that is a good trait for
> teacher to have is it?
> "elyk" <kfoerst at sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
> news:3eb04974$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> to
> doesn't
> go
> don't
> a
> of
> and
May 1, 2003, 4:50pm
How is it good?
[View Quote]"77" <n0zoa at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3eb050d5$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> and that is good because you do it without having the perks so why cant
> rest of them do it without the perks if they truly wanted to help people
> just to be helpful instead of because they get their cits extended
> "ryan" <ryan_jacob at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3eb038e7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> short
May 1, 2003, 4:52pm
Answer my question first.
Why are you upset about this revelation? Is it because you think PK's are
powerhungry, or because you haven't been told before, or what?
SW Chris
[View Quote]"77" <n0zoa at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3eb051f5$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> OK then give me the definition of voluntary service at least that is what
> is supposed to be and if you do get something in return for voluntary
> service it isnt voluntary is it.
> "swe" <swe at swe-e.com> wrote in message
> news:3eb03232 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> to
( I
> gate
> ones
> their
> that
May 1, 2003, 4:53pm
MY QUESTION! You skipped it! :P On purpose, methinks. Tomato throwers
don't like to answer tough questions.
Why are you upset about this revelation? Is it because you think PK's are
powerhungry, or because you haven't been told before, or what?
SW Chris
[View Quote]"77" <n0zoa at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3eb0262b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> OK good for you. So since you have been around for such a long time why
> they have to implement these perks? was it to recruit more people or what.
> applaud you because at least you volunteered to be one before they even
> the perks but I wonder what would happen if they stopped doing the perks
> made all of the volunteers pay for their cits like everyone else does.
> "mauz" <mauz at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3eafea39$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> news:3eaf0c21$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> would
> their
> revoked
> extension
> 6 - 6).
> week,
> program.
> them.
> virtual lifetime,
> requested beforehand.
May 1, 2003, 4:55pm
And on their first post at that. Sheesh.
[View Quote]"goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:3EB1675D.3040900 at utn.cjb.net...
> Actually, I do; especially when they come in here and talk down to the
> community in the first place. :P
> linn wrote:
> --
> Goober King
> A tall face in the crowd
> gooberking at utn.cjb.net
May 1, 2003, 4:56pm
What does that have to do with your arguement of GK's getting compensated
for their troubles? Now answer my question!
Why are you upset about this revelation? Is it because you think PK's are
powerhungry, or because you haven't been told before, or what?
[View Quote]"77" <n0zoa at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3eb0535c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> i also have witnessed numerouse times where the job wasnt getting done
> because the GK that was suppose to be there wasnt there. Your refrence to
> the receptionist, i dont think i would tell them that because most
> receptionists do get paid.
> "swe" <swe at swe-e.com> wrote in message
> news:3eb03232 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> to
( I
> gate
> ones
> their
> that
May 2, 2003, 5:52pm
Actually we learned in Stats class that if you disseminate the data
correctly, anything over a sample of 30 is representative of the entire
population. You will just have a higher standard error than if the sample
were larger.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:3EB1A2EF.7020008 at utn.cjb.net...
> Since some people in here have decided to take up the Tourist crusade
> again, AWNews' Monthly Poll for May is also concerning tourist
> Now, last time we ran an announced poll, we only had 36 votes, which
> isn't very representative of the entire AW population. Subsequently,
> ENZO discarded the results. So this time around, I'm insisting that you
> tell everyone you know about this poll so we can not only get a true
> representation of what AW thinks about this issue, but also so ENZO will
> actually consider the results! :P
> Remember, when you tell other people about the poll, remind them that
> they have to have an AWNews account in order to vote. Signing up for an
> account is painless, fast, and I will personally guarantee you won't
> wind up on any spam lists or whatnot because of it.
> So, if you people REALLY want to affect change, VOTE! Or, we can just
> keep arguing about it here in the NGs and watch nothing get done. :P
> It's up to you.
> --
> Goober King
> Fight for your right
> gooberking at utn.cjb.net
May 2, 2003, 7:22pm
The reason I don't do my pages in valid html is because making the html
valid messes my tables up. :P I expect that it's the same way with a lot
of other people too.
[View Quote]"goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:3EB2BC7B.6090009 at utn.cjb.net...
> If you're talking about all the /> errors, that's standard PHP behavior.
> Not that I know why it's necessary, but I see it in PHP code all over
> the place. :P
> bowen wrote:
news:3EB2080A.26486CD0 at oct31.de...
ones I make
> --
> Goober King
> Is that like /.?
> gooberking at utn.cjb.net
May 7, 2003, 6:57pm
What? John stop dragging this off-topic. :P
[View Quote]"john" <john at 3d-reality.com> wrote in message
news:3eb82c40 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> EEK... BingoHost not Bingo Host... soz!
> "bingo host" <bingo at a1ct.com> wrote in message
> news:3eb82c17 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> be
> "you
Jun 6, 2003, 2:13am
Crazy pills may be rude, but his actions don't warrant getting kicked out of
here. Especially if you think back to the JFK2 days. Should he be held
responsible for his actions? Yes. Does that mean we should all shun him?
Not at this point. Admonish, but do so in a loving spirit.
Anticipates the incoming e-mail... ;)
[View Quote]"goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:3EDFCB28.5010903 at utn.cjb.net...
> Incorrect.
> Just because rude people exist in real life doesn't mean we should also
> put up with it in AW. For one thing, if you can't control your rudeness
> in a text-based environment like AW, where you can actually take the
> time to think out your responses carefully, then maybe you shouldn't be
> socializing in the first place.
> So, in order to control the morons who can't seem to control their
> fingers, we kick people out who are being exceedingly rude, whether it's
> their first offense or their 100th offense. Don't like it? Feel free to
> take your business elsewhere.
> As for the real life rude people, you don't have to live with them,
> either. You can always punch them in the face! :)
> .duo. wrote:
> --
> Goober King
> Free Speech does not equal Free Stupidity
> gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Jul 23, 2003, 1:47am
Ooo.... does she need feedback readers? :)
[View Quote]"weebo" <weebo at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3f1c0ca3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Wings0nite is writing a book right now, can't wait to read it :)
> Weebo
> "builderz" <builderz at vastnexus.com> wrote in message
> news:3F1B695D.B6E91D35 at vastnexus.com...
> little
> talking
Jul 23, 2003, 9:53pm
I like you both. But you two are just being silly.
"USENET is antiquated." -Me
[View Quote]"bowen" <Bowen at andras.net> wrote in message
news:3f1ee2c4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> bowen wrote:
> I take that back, you most certainly don't think so as long as you're
> the one doing it.
> --
> --Bowen--
> No of SETI units returned: 41
> Processing time: 31 days, 9 hours.
> (Total hours: 753)
> www.setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu
Jul 23, 2003, 9:55pm
If it's the Startrek objects, it's the moron who's selling them that's in
copyright infringement. Not the person who bought them. So as long as
Bruce isn't making you pay to use those objects, then he's perfectly legal
in his use until Paramount sends a Cease and Desist order his way.
[View Quote]"kol" <Fatsnail65 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3f1f0d17$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I never meant it as a threat... I dont see it as a threat... how could "I
> will report you :))" be a threat? example:
> Guy1: I'm going to sue you
> MrBruce: AHH!!! OMFG THATS A THREAT!!!! AHH!HHAHAJKH!& at #(#*&$# *melts*
> Guy1: Whoa buddy....
Jul 23, 2003, 9:56pm
So if he is charging for the object path... well watch out Mr. Bruce. :)
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at skywalkeronline.net> wrote in message
news:3f1f207e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> If it's the Startrek objects, it's the moron who's selling them that's in
> copyright infringement. Not the person who bought them. So as long as
> Bruce isn't making you pay to use those objects, then he's perfectly legal
> in his use until Paramount sends a Cease and Desist order his way.
> Chris
> "kol" <Fatsnail65 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3f1f0d17$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 23, 2003, 11:05pm
Do ya think Accutrans would convert another file format better? If so,
convert the 3DS to that format and then use Accutrans.
[View Quote]"swe" <swe at swe-e.com> wrote in message
news:3f1ed0f2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> anyone know any good converters from 3ds files (made on 3ds max r5) to
> accutrans downsnt convert right, messes up the object and all.
> -SWE
Jul 30, 2003, 3:34am
The plot thickens...
[View Quote]"kol" <Fatsnail65 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3f25b82a$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> this is really messed up... Lee Roberts is evil... I was trying to get
> his cracked universe so I could save chatlogs of who was there but noo...
> someone in AW Inc told him that P r D o was onto him... this is the most
> twisted story ever:
> Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message
> conversation.
> KoL says:
> hey
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> hi
> KoL says:
> do you have 3.1 browser? I need it to run my uni
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> no
> KoL says:
> dammn
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> i have one, but calpantera told me to never use it...
> KoL says:
> plz give me it ;/
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> no
> KoL says:
> some friend you are
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> really
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> you prdo will never learn >.<
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> i was told today by someone who works for AW
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> that a customs aide bot picked up
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> that u was either going to find my friends
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> and act like your my friend ?
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> ehhh. some prdo
> KoL says:
> ?
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> You heard me kol, someone who works for AWI told me that you was spying on
> me
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> and pretending to be my friend
> KoL says:
> wtf
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> to TRY to get me banned
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> heck, you should not chat in AW worlds
> KoL says:
> who told you this
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> you'll never know that someone is spying whahaha btw
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> Da Real Mike does have a cit
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> Customs Aide bot in Alpha world
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> and trust me, trust me kol, we wont go easy on you now
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> So kol, still want that cracked browser??? cos i might just tell
> KoL says:
> yes
> KoL says:
> give me it
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> no
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> you should not be spying on me
> KoL says:
> damn awik
> KoL says:
> awi*
> KoL says:
> working agansit us
> KoL says:
> wtt
> KoL says:
> wtf*
> KoL says:
> well AW Inc is gonna get a ear full cuz of this
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> ha
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> why would they, you work for them or something?
> KoL says:
> we give them information about cracked unis and aw hackers... people like
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> hahahahah
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> dont make me laugh
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> You just asked for the browser
> KoL says:
> yes so I can enter the cracked universe
> KoL says:
> your cracked unis
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> my cracked unis?? wtf?
> KoL says:
> yes
> KoL says:
> not that stupid
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> i'm gonna consider reporting you...
> KoL says:
> go ahead I didn't do anything
> KoL says:
> I told awi that I have universe tools you gave me
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> haha
> KoL says:
> they wanted it... to check it out
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> why accept then? fool
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> jeez you don't give up do you.... especially WHEN many people are ON your
> case
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> and if i find my cit gets disabled by you.. a kid
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> i will sue you
> KoL says:
> KoL says:
> for what? finding out you host cracked unis?
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> ha, why does AW keep my cit active
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> KoL says:
> Im looking up IPs for da-genius.sytes.net
> KoL says:
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> have fun with that, i consider that illegal
> KoL says:
> nope.. its purely legal
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> your not aloud to search for ips through a HOST.
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> no,
> KoL says:
> want a bet?
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> Especially when all that has been changed
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> so fools like u dont find it
> KoL says:
> watch me
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> go ahead
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> Search for it
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> then we will gain access to YOUR ip
> KoL says:
> then Im reporting them to their IP =O
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> Good heavens what will happen you then
> KoL says:
> KoL says:
> I dont care if you hack me
> KoL says:
> cuz I have everything saved
> KoL says:
> =D
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> no, i wont, i think matt wants you
> KoL says:
> matt is my friend actually
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> you wish
> KoL says:
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> Do you know prdo?
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> well
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> theres a insider
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> giving "us"
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> the evidence we need
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> against u, and to destroy u
> KoL says:
> hmm?
> KoL says:
> lol
> KoL says:
> threating me eh
> KoL says:
> you cant hack
> KoL says:
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> no course not
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> i would NEVER dream of hacking...
> KoL says:
> it would be a very bad idea to hack me
> KoL says:
> I would have you report you =O
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> why WOULD i want to hack a kid?
> KoL says:
> lol im nearly as old as you
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> when i could easyly GET a kid banned from AW
> KoL says:
> lol
> KoL says:
> you cannot
> KoL says:
> get
> KoL says:
> me
> KoL says:
> banned
> KoL says:
> you are dumb? you have NO reason
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> hehe i was thinking EXACTLY the same as that
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> why am i not banned then
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> you still have NOT explained to me
> KoL says:
> you explain to me how you'll get me banned
> KoL says:
> you cannot
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> Simple
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> i got your account disabled before
> KoL says:
> lol
> KoL says:
> how was that?
> KoL says:
> hacking?
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> GET your facts right, i thought you said I CANT hack
> KoL says:
> I was kidding
> KoL says:
> being sacastic
> KoL says:
> sarcastic
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> SORRY you can not be "Sarcastic on msn"
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> i've been watching you...
> KoL says:
> lol
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> you are too dumb.. to be in prdo... sorry man
> KoL says:
> Ive been watching you too
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> HAHAH not likely
> KoL says:
> ive already entered your universe
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> even if yuo have, u wont get any evidence, since a few insiders tell me
> everything
> KoL says:
> thanks to a amyonous tipper
> KoL says:
> lol their is 3 witnesses
> KoL says:
> saved chatlogs
> KoL says:
> you bite me I'll bite back
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> on msn? rofllmao
> KoL says:
> in the cracked unniverse
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> HAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> dont make me cry
> KoL says:
> =O
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> I have no idea how you find this out ? i have not run a uni for over 5
> months
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> Fake Rumours i see.... im popular i know... but... thats not the point
> KoL says:
> lol
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> these rumours wil pay the price
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> and you, well your fucking with everyone
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> including Xeroer
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> oh btw, mike is a cit
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> whahahah
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> you might wanna check your prdo entrance for BOTS LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
> KoL says:
> hmm
> KoL says:
> bots aren't enabled in that world
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> they arent?? lmfao
> KoL says:
> KoL says:
> you dont scare me... read newsgroups for a story about Lee Roberts
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> hahahah made me even more popular
> KoL says:
> just kidding
> KoL says:
> but seriously... I wanteed to be your friend.. but now you think im spying
> on you
> KoL says:
> if I wanted to get you id have others working on making you say shit
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> hahah i don't think so
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> i trust no one except the ATA themselfs *wink* *wink*
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> woah at usefull info lmao
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> looks like PRDO will be dead in no time wooohoooo
> KoL says:
> trying to hack me?
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> nah
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> thats low
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> i only do that TO protect my hosts like da-genius for alarm purposes, that
> has been closed down by me, and now there is a new host, you really should
> not tell me this use ful info
> KoL says:
> why will P r D o be dead eh?
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> cos i think most of the people help us, but you don't know it
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> lmfao
> KoL says:
> lol
> KoL says:
> who is in P r D o then?
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> ahh that would be telling
> KoL says:
> KoL says:
> you dont have a clue
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> < has more than one cit, of course, i might be in it
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> lets see *checks logs*
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> You said, Da Real Mike does not have a citizen anymore
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> You said
> KoL says:
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> KoL: dont ask them directly.. try and get along with them.. be their
> so to speak... then like 3 days later ask them if they know any cracked
> universes
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> whaha loser
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> we have more than 2 people in there sooo... byebye prdo
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> KoL: ask the following people: Hunt, Lee R, and Da real mike about cracked
> universes
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> jeez
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> thats just low man
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> KoL says:
> your low
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> no im high
> KoL says:
> I thought mr visualbasic was some friend
> KoL says:
> KoL says:
> thats fucked up
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> whos mrvb?
> KoL says:
> = at
> KoL says:
> how else could of you known
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> GiantsFan86:
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> whahaha
> KoL says:
> O.O
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> like i say
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> we have more than one person
> KoL says:
> jeezus
> KoL says:
> hes fake too??
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> wtf, you think im going to say ?
> KoL says:
> omfg
> KoL says:
> your pissing me off well
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> what is KOL going to do? beat me up lmfao
> KoL says:
> no
> KoL says:
> im placing a lawsuit now
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> KoL says:
> I need your isp tho
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> ha not likely
> KoL says:
> ugh ;/
> ²ºº³ `Lee Roberts ` ²ºº³ says:
> whats my real name then ? lmfao
Aug 1, 2003, 2:10am
And all you do is complain about kilobytes. If you're going to complain, do
it to the spammers who are a far larger problem in terms of your bandwidth
invoice than anyone here will ever be. It's a question of weight ratios.
Who's the bigger threat?
In the future I shall attempt to trim my posts. But in my two years of
posting here this is the first complaint I've gotten about this. So lighten
up will ya? Coulda been a bit nicer. I don't damn anyone when I have a
beef. Only soufflé you verbally. :)
[View Quote]"bowen" <Bowen at andras.net> wrote in message
news:3f28013e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> andras wrote:
> He's a top poster, of course not. ;)
> --
> --Bowen--
> No of SETI units returned: 55
> Processing time: 47 days, 9 hours.
> (Total hours: 1137)
> www.setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu
Aug 1, 2003, 9:59pm
I recently came into possession of a 17" monitor. The expanded screen
resolution helps me see farther down the post. :P
But seriously, I should have made myself more clear. If you post at the
bottom of one of those one or two-page long posts, then that's when I don't
scroll down. If I have to scroll down a little, well that's really a minor
[View Quote]"bowen" <Bowen at andras.net> wrote in message
news:3f2a2a22$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> sw chris wrote:
complain, do
> Thought you didn't read my posts anymore? ;) Tee hee.
> --
> --Bowen--
> No of SETI units returned: 57
> Processing time: 48 days, 5 hours.
> (Total hours: 1157)
> www.setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu
Aug 1, 2003, 9:59pm
Thanks Andras. I knew you were alright. Cheers.